Sub Hunting Season

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Oct 2, 2021


Move in day for kevin. Bentz was as excited as a kid on Christmas: he had wanted a live in sub for years and now, he was going to get two. He snickered when he thought about what the reaction was going to be when kevin and billy found out they were sharing a room - and a bed. They did not "have" to share a bed though. Bentz had thought this through. What he planned was to let them have an "alpha/beta" competition. The one who was the victor, would then determine the order of joining Bentz in HIS bed: they would alternate, unless Bentz decided he wanted both of them, or neither of them. They would share a bed only if he wanted alone time. He didn't see that happening much in the future. He laughed even harder when he thought about the reaction they would be having to the competition. And to the plans for the immediate future. For billy, that involved the humbler: he had not experienced it yet. kevin, on the other hand, had. He wanted something new for his big, blond bitch. With that in mind, he scanned some of the domination sites he knew. "There are some brilliant, dominant minds out there" he thought after he had come out of a "wormhole" of videos. He knew EXACTLY what he was going to subject kevin to: he couldn't wait.

kevin's instructions were to text Bentz when he was ready to move, and to be ready no later than 11a.m. Bentz got the text at 10:30. "All set Sir. All packed, and set." "Are you locked up?" Bentz referenced kevin's cage. The answer came back quickly "yes sir." "Show me." At his place, kevin sighed as he took a photo of his caged cock and sent it off to Bentz. "Excellent. I will send assistance for your bags." "Thank you Sir but there's no need. Your instructions on what i could bring were clear. i can handle two suitcases." Bentz had learned about emojis, and sent a thumbs up. It was true: both kevin and billy had been given very explicit instructions on how many of each item (shirts, pants, jeans, etc), they could bring. Again, he laughed about a question that billy had asked, which caused Bentz to make addition plans. The question: "Sir, is it alright if i bring my harness too?" Bentz' answer was clear "wear it on moving day. Under your shirt. That way you don't have to pack it." "Yes sir" came back with a smile emoji. That exchange caused Bentz to realize that the chances of kevin having a harness were slim to none. They would have to do some shopping. He closed his eyes and imagined attending Professor Jacobs' party in a month, the three of them in harnesses, him holding two leashes , each of which was attached to one of his subs' collars. Bentz had disciplined himself enough to control his erections. He had plans to dump a load into kevin that afternoon, so he called upon his mental exercises, and put those thoughts aside... for now.

kevin was learning. He showed up at the manse, 10 minutes before 11. He had put on a heavy style, white button down shirt and jeans. Bentz had to use more of his training to keep himself under control as he opened the door. "Thank you for inviting me Sir. I hope I don't disappoint you," was what kevin said as he dropped his bags and bowed his head. "I also hope you will not disappoint me slave kevin. " Bentz picked up one of the suitcases. "Let me show you to your room. " kevin looked around the room. It was huge, in a section of the manse he hadn't been before. He saw two closets, two dressers, two of everything, even separate bathrooms. And one large bed. "Your quick mind will come to the conclusion , kevin. I never said you and billy would have separate rooms. You will share a room. And a bed. But we will work out those details once billy is here as well. For now... you may use one closet and one dresser to unpack your things. When you are finished, I require a text. We have another afternoon and evening together, and we will be using it. "Yes sir." kevin answered as Bentz turned and walked out. kevin shook his head: this was NOT what he expected. Part of the reason Bentz was able to keep him under control, he realized, was how he always kept him off balance. There was always an angle he hadn't thought of. "His exams must be a terror," kevin thought, as he went about his unpacking. When he was finished, he sent the text and received an answer: "strip completely. I will be there to continue our day together." kevin felt a frisson go through his body. He had no idea what Bentz would be doing to him, although he fully expected that it would include a thorough fucking. kevin heard Bentz' footsteps approaching, so he made sure that his legs were spread, his chest was out , his hands were behind his back, and his head bowed. There was a jingling sound that accompanied Bentz, and kevin was able to see a set of clamps in Bentz' hand, and the smile on Bentz' face that indicated, always, a "test" or "game" was about to begin. kevin saw the coils of red rope over the elbow crook of Bentz' free hand. "Welcome to the manse, kevin. It's high time you were here. Now, let me examine you: do you already need a shave?" kevin moved his feet further apart, and pumped out his chest. The hairs WERE coming back, but he thought they were probably still too short, even for Bentz. He felt his Master's hand slowly move back and forth over his chest, and he felt that shiver again. "Not quite yet. How about these..." Bentz was fingering his balls. He smiled when kevin winced as his finger touched kevin's butt. "Oh, the fun we're going to have kevin. Even without a shaving. " Bentz disappeared behind kevin, and then kevin felt those ropes encircling his wrists. He felt them tighten. Then, he felt an end of the rope moving up and looping around his neck. It wasn't tight, but it was there. "To get you used to the feeling of being collared kevin. You WILL be collared, stud." "Yes sir. Understood." Then, kevin felt Bentz' hands on his balls. He felt them pulled back until he just began to wince. THAT's when the diabolical end of Bentz' game was revealed. He felt several coils of the rope go around his balls, slide through his ass crack and finish up tied to his cage. kevin was still standing up as Bentz moved in front of him. He showed him a tube. kevin had heard of the stuff: some of the rugby players used it when they felt sore. "Icy-hot." "A bit of this on your balls, will cause, shall we say, rather an excess of twitching. And of course, pulling, which... I'm sure, will test you mightily my fine prize. Let's get you to the bed. Forcing you to do this standing up would be much too much of a test for the first day." Bentz helped kevin to the bed. Once he was lying on his side, Bentz tied kevin's ankles together. kevin could see the small amount of the gel Bentz put on his finger, before he rubbed it gently on kevin's balls. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SHIT." slipped out of kevin's mouth. He grimaced

"My apologies Sir.. It..." "It earned you a second dose, boy. " Bentz applied more of it. "Imagine if I put this ON your cage before I locked it stud. Keep that in mind. And of course..." He slid the clamps down his hand and opened them on kevin's nipples. "I will get these more and more sensitive. And you will learn to love it. "NNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" the icy hot was activating more and more. It was like a spray of cayenne pepper : once, years ago, kevin had eaten something with hot sauce on a dare. It was SERIOUS hot sauce and he had wanted to pull out his own tongue. His balls felt like that now. He wanted to plead with Bentz to cut them off. Squirming did no good, and Bentz was clearly enjoying watching his struggles. "Ah, it's like a movie, seeing my captured warrior endure his torment.. Would you like more kevin?" "AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. No Sir. " Bentz smiled and squeezed a bit more on his finger. "You still have much to learn, sub boy. The correct answer was 'that is my Master's call." The first dose's impact was subsiding as kevin took the second one. He whimpered. When Bentz lifted the chain of the clamps to kevin's mouth and made him pull, it was almost more than the man could endure. "Does my boy like getting fucked?" Bentz whispered in kevin's ear, and got a whimpered 'yes sir," with a meek shake of the head. "Does my boy WANT to get fucked now?" The answer was the same. "Very well. We will wait until the gel has expired and then... we will celebrate you moving into your new home. DO NOT drop the chain until you are told to do so." It was about half an hour before kevin felt the last stab of the icy hot on his balls. As his squirming and wriggling ended, Bentz released the ropes, and took the clamps off of kevin's nipples. "Spread out on the bed. I'm taking you face up, fucktoi." kevin's big legs went up. "Please don't let there be any of that stuff on my ass," kevin thought to himself, as he felt the head of the cock that owned him begin penetrating him. He felt no heat on the head, and breathed a sigh of relief. Bentz chuckled. "You thought I was filling you with that stuff, didn't you blondie?" "Yes sir. I did." "Not this time." Bentz actually had no intention of doing that. It was too risky. And he didn't want to burn HIS cock. As he slid into kevin, he spoke. "I WAS going to use the humbler, but you've already had that. I wanted something new. Tomorrow, when billy is here, YOU will introduce him to that lovely treat. For now..." Bentz stopped talking and began thrusting into kevin. His bottom had recovered from the screwing earlier in the week, but he knew, from the first thrust, he was gonna be sore again. The tingling from the icy hot was gone, but his balls still felt warm, and as Bentz probed him, kevin felt his cock swelling again. He HATED this chastity cage, but he knew that if he complained, it would stay on longer. His mind wandered as Bentz continued his thrusts. What would it be like sharing a bed with billy, if they ever did? He thought about what he was going to be doing the next day: he remembered when Bentz had used the humbler on him: billy DESERVED it: he was a cocky bastard. "PAY ATTENTION FUCKTOI. IN THE MOMENT." Bentz grabbed kevin's hair and pulled his head back as he pushed even further. "OOOOOOOOOOOH. YES SIR. SORRY SIR. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" He could feel Bentz getting harder and the pumps getting faster. It was almost over, and then.... he felt Bentz' hand cover his mouth and pull his head back as the cum spilled into him. Bentz seemed especially energized today, and kevin felt proud: it was working HIM over that had brought him to this. He thought that he was going to actually enjoy being another man's "pet."

Next day, Bentz got a text from billy. "Sir, I'm sorry. I'm running late. Can i have an extra half hour?" Bentz looked at the text: Two capital "I's" and he's late. That meant an adjustment with the humbler. "You'll have to pay for it billy. You know that." "Yes sir" "If you're more than half hour late, the penalty triples." "Yes sir. i understand. Sorry Sir." At that moment, Bentz had kevin tied up in a chair. The hitachi rod was buzzing, at a very low speed, right above his cage. Moans were coming out of kevin's gagged mouth. He was grateful that Bentz hadn't done what he said he was going to do, which was to use one of the larger butt plugs before he tied kevin up." "This may 'inspire you' kevin. billy is going to be late. Sooooooooooo...., I'm afraid you'll have to stay, just like that, until he's in the house. "mmmmmmmmmmmmph" kevin made an unhappy sound, which resulted in a SMACK to his crotch from Bentz. "You boys still don't seem to have learned your place," he said very calmly. "I think that we're going to have to be going to some daily punishments that are somewhat more, ahem, 'severe' than you've been getting. I'll have to think about it." "mmmmmmmsrymmmmmmmmmsir" kevin tried to get out of the gag. Bentz knew exactly what he was trying to say, and didn't respond. Instead, he took kevin's nipples in his fingers (kevin was wearing jeans, and no shirt), and twisted them. "Maybe I'll kick up the hitachi before I go to pick up billy. You want that stud muffin?" kevin was about to shake his head no, and he thought better of it. How long could they be gone? Slowly, he nodded yes. "GOOD! We're only at level one. You can handle level 3." Bentz kicked it up. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!" "Oh, maybe I'll stop for coffee. You never know, ha ha ha." A resigned groan came out of kevin, as Bentz left the house.

"BILLY. I said TWO suitcases, not three." "I know Sir, I know. I just... I couldn't make decisions." "And that's why you're late?" billy blushed. "Uh, no Sir. I... I...." "IS YOUR CAGE ON?" Bentz was beginning to get more than a little pissed off." "no Sir," billy almost whispered. "I ... I thought about what was about to happen and... I got too excited." Bentz stood nose to nose with billy. The red band on billy's wrist signified to anyone else to "stay away," and Bentz half whispered, half spat out. "You're forgetting your place, mancunt. Trust me. After today, you will NOT forget your place." "No Sir. Sorry. I need discipline." "ha ha ha. NO. What you need is PUNISHMENT. You're acting like a little boy, and I know JUST the punishment for you." Bentz picked up the heaviest of the suit cases. "Get the other two. We'll reduce what you've got when we get to the manse."

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" . The sound of kevin moaning from the hitachi greeted them as they got into the house. "Get your bags into that room. Down that hall. DO NOT UNPACK. GET NAKED AND COME BACK." "Yes sir." Now, billy had to grab all three bags and he clumsily made his way to the room. He, like kevin, saw two of everything except the bed. "I thought... I thought...." billy pondered. "No. He didn't say we'd have separate rooms. FUCK!" He got undressed and went to the room where Bentz was untying kevin. "Did you bring your cage?" "No Sir. You didn't say..." "GET YOUR FUCKING CAGE. NOW." "Yes sir." billy nearly tripped as he ran to the room and back. Bentz could hear his balls flapping and he smiled. billy would learn. When he got back and handed Bentz the cage, Bentz spoke to kevin first. "On the sofa. NOW." "Yes sir. " kevin sat. "MORE TO THE MIDDLE." "Yes sir." Then he turned to billy. "YOU. Your punishment starts now. Lie across kevin's lap. " billy gulped. He was about to say something. "I SAID GET ACROSS KEVIN'S LAP YOUR CUR." "yes sir," the answer came meekly. billy moved as he was told. Bentz handed kevin a paddle. "Twenty five. Don't be easy on him, don't be hard. For each one you give that I think is too hard, you'll get 3. For everyone you give that I think is too easy... you'll get 5." "yes sir." kevin brought down the paddle, and billy yelped. "WHAT DO YOU SAY WHEN A TOP PADDLES YOU." "ttttttthank you Sir. May I have another?" "WHACK. " kevin was getting into it. Bentz was pleased. Competition was bringing out an animal side in him. Meanwhile, billy was trying desperately not to show weakness to kevin as his pain increased. When kevin was finished, Bentz ordered billy to stand, in submissive position. When he did, Bentz tossed the cage to kevin. "Lock it up on your roomie." "Yes sir." If looks could kill, billy would have murdered kevin right then. kevin handed Bentz the key and Bentz smiled. "No. I was gonna have a competition to see who would be alpha slave and who would be beta slave this week, but billy's behavior has made that unnecessary. kevin, YOU are the alpha slave for the week, and you will determine when billy's cock is free." "yes sir. Thank you Sir." Being in charge of billy was bringing something out in kevin. "Don't start to gloat blondie. Next week, it's billy's turn. I'm sure he'll remember. Now, go and get the humbler." billy had never worn a humbler. When it came out, he began to sweat. "Lock it on his balls. It'll be clumsy, with the cage, but it'll work. Then lock his ankles into it." Two chains hung down from where you locked the balls, and they ended in restraints. billy had to kneel on the floor for the device to be put on. "Originally, this would be an hour for you, tennis bitch. Now, it's three. And every half hour, you'll be getting this.. for ten minutes. We'll start at one, and work our way up to 6." Bentz showed billy a large vibrator. "I will go first. After that, your alpha buddy will take over. I'll set the timer, and I warn you billy: give me trouble, and I'll have NO trouble taking over." "Yes sir. I understand." Bentz lubricated the vibrator, and put it into billy's ass. The moan that came out of his second sub let him know: the plan was working. Bentz slid the vibrator back and forth to show kevin how to do it. "Let's get this bitch to your room. You can explain the sleeping arrangements kevin. I'll be back after the three hours. " "Yes sir. " When he turned from Bentz, he smiled. How long did Bentz say to use it? Was it fifteen minutes, or was it twenty? "This could be me next week" kevin thought. "Better keep it to fifteen."


Next: Chapter 13

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