Sub Hunting Season

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 23, 2021


kevin got to Bentz' manse at ten minutes to four. He knew by now not to be late: the humiliation in front of his rugby team stayed with him, in part because the coach routinely stressed the importantce of being on time, ending every lecture with "RIGHT MCTINE? MCTINE UNDERSTANDS THE IMPORTANCE OF AN ORDER!" It was usually followed by some snickering by the players who had been there.

Bentz opened the door, smiling. He took in what kevin was wearing: nice, but the man was going to need some wardrobe lessons: too much time in the lab and not enough time learning about how to dress. "Get in here kevin. We've got a lot to take care of." "Yes sir, " kevin answered, wondering what else was on the agenda: Bentz had told him that the coupling petition was on it, but he didn't know what else. He knew that Bentz had been away with billy that weekend, and he wanted to ask about that too, but he figured that it would be better to ask billy than Bentz himself.

"Chair. Bondage position." "yes sir," kevin responded, sitting down and putting his hands behind his back so that Bentz could get a rope around his wrists. kevin winced when he felt the rope tighten: it had been a while since Bentz had tied him up. He felt his cock get stiffer in his cage. He HAD gotten hard when Bentz called him, then went flaccid. Now, it was starting up again. kevin sensed his Master putting his chin on his neck, and he began whispering "You have the most amazing nipples kevin. " Bentz slipped his hand inside kevin's shirt, opening a button as he went. He began twisting kevin's left nipple. "How sensitive are they?" "Pretty sensitive Sir. I didn't know until. mmmmmmph" He felt Bentz' other hand cover his mouth. "It was a simple question and you answered it . No more editorializing..." Bentz' beard scraped across kevin's neck. "GOT IT?" kevin nodded. The twisting was getting his cock even harder. He heard Bentz whisper "You're gonna be teaching with a hickey this week, stud. Got to be reminded by a mark: I own you." kevin didn't answer. The stimulation from the scruffing and the nipple work, after the longest period of NO sex play in a few days, was getting to him. Every time he thought he couldn't be more aroused, Bentz kicked up the tit play and/or the scruffing. And then he stopped. He moved to the front and pulled up a chair across from kevin. Bentz raised his left foot, and rested it on kevin's crotch. "So, I have an interesting evening planned for you kevin, with a new toy I'm dying to try. In fact , two of them. But before we get to that." He rubbed his foot on kevin's crotch. "I wanna know why you filed this petition. Are you in love, studmuffin?" kevin blushed. He didn't want to tell Bentz the truth but he knew... Bentz would find out. And his answer embarrassed him. "No Sir." "GOOD" Bentz smiled and dropped his foot. "No love involved, which makes this whole petition thing kind of stinky. So, " he began to lift his foot again. "Why did you file it?" Bentz slipped a toe into the space where kevin's crotch touched the chair. "Jealousy Sir. " "JEALOUSY? Jealous of billy? Why are you jealous of him?" "I don't know Sir. Just... just a reaction. I.. I don't like to lose." "But you lost to me. " "I did Sir. I should clarify. I don't like losing to someone I don't feel is superior" Bentz smiled. NOW they were getting somewhere. "OH. And you think billy is inferior to you?" kevin hesitated. He began to see the trap he had fallen into. "Sir, science is harder than English. I have tenure, he doesn't. He's slight, I'm husky. I gave you a better fight than he did. So, yeah, I think he is." Bentz smiled more broadly. "But you know that, now that I've captured both of you, in the eyes of the law, you are equals." kevin took a breath. "Yes sir." "And I can do anything I want to either one of you." kevin pulled at the ropes, but they weren't moving. "Yes sir." "So...., big studly kevin..." Bentz got up and stepped behind kevin again. He pressed his fingers into kevin's shoulders. "If I said you bottom for billy, and I'll top him, you'd have to do it." Bentz felt the stiffening under his hands, and he got stiff himself. He truly enjoyed mind fucking kevin. "I guess.... I guess that's true Sir." "It is. " Bentz paused. "Now, tell me something, you big handsome blonde. What do I stand to gain from coupling with you ?" "I don't know Sir." Bentz' hand dropped down and gently smacked kevin's crotch. "Not one DAMN thing, rugby bitch. In fact, I lose: I lose billy. Any idea to whom I'd give him?" "I... I didn't think that out Sir." "Well, you don't have to. Because I'm not giving up billy, anymore than I'm giving up you. So, tomorrow, you're going to withdraw the petition, aren't you?" kevin sighed. "Yes Sir. I will." Bentz laughed. "Incidentally, IF I ever choose someone with whom to couple, understand that my domination will NOT decrease. It will only increase. If that was in the back of your mind, then you were mistaken." "I guess I was Sir. I should have checked more carefully." "I guess you should have, stud. But we have that taken care of. Now, for the new toys. Something I helped develop in the interrogation department, and something I saw and bought for us. " Bentz' hand was on kevin's neck. "Let's go. Bedroom."

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"Now, we developed the first model of these in the interrogation department, and interestingly enough, the program was based on an old movie with a very erotic torture scene." Bentz was pointing to an array of long, skinny needles at the side of the bed. kevin was restrained at his wrists, but not his ankles, and Bentz had opened his shirt completely. "In the movie, a drug lord has a very hunky spy - not all that different from you, muffin - tied down - again, just like you, and his scientists begins inserting these very long needles to "scrape the bone," in his words. The pain, it seemed, was excruciating. " "SHIT. Is that what he's planning to use on me? " kevin wanted to beg for mercy but he was gagged. "So we developed the 'big boy' version to interrogate prisoners during the conflict and it was quite... effective." From the look on Bentz' face, kevin knew he had been the one who had carried out the interrogations. "But for now, the interrogations are not necessary and so... my colleagues have developed a version used for.. pleasure. At least for the Master." Bentz opened up an anatomy text book in front of kevin. "I realize that you are chemist, and more knowledgeable about things like neurotransmitters, and that kind of thing, but you can recognize the nerve network of the pectoral region, can you not?" "mmmmmmmmmmmph," came out of kevin's mouth , as he tried to say yes. "The reports are that these needles are ... extremely effective in stimulating impulses. Shall we find out, studpup?" "nnnnnngggggggggggggggggg" kevin was nervous. What would happen? He saw Bentz pick up a long, silver needle. He held it parallel to kevin's right pec, and very slowly and firmly began pushing it under kevin's skin. There was no blood, and then.. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Bentz laughed. "Well, kevin, I guess we found a nerve. Shall we look for another one, on the other side?" He chose another needle and inserted it in kevin's left pec. kevin's reaction was the same. "I have to say, this is rather enjoyable, kevin. Let me show you." Bentz opened his slacks and his cock popped out. "So, my fine blond bitch, you may not be coupled with me, but soon, you will be 'joined' to me, at least temporarily." There was a ring of five needles surrounding each of kevin's nipples. There was enough space for Bentz to place a thumb on each one, and kevin nearly broke out of the restraints. "My my. We'll have to get better ones. And that suggests an intriguing thought to me, kevin.. There are plenty of needles left. Should we try... your testicles. "mmmmmmphnpmppppppppppppphhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" kevin was shaking his head violently NO. Bentz laughed again. "Not for tonight, but... just keep in mind, we'll be using them in the future." Bentz began opening kevin's jeans, and sliding them off. As he did, he commented "I'll bet we're going to find a pool of pre-cum all around that cage of yours. Am I wrong, kevin?" kevin shook his head no. "Hard being locked up, with no release, for DAYS, right?" This time, kevin shook his head yes. "Keep that in mind, stud, because... see, you're going to be moving into the manse. billy too." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" kevin pushed up from the bed. Bentz twisted one of the needles and he fell back down again. "Do not make me try the testicle needles, muffin, am I clear?" A weak mmmmmmmmmph came out of kevin. Beaten again. "At the end of our session tonight, I will flip a coin. One of you will be moved in on Saturday, and the other on Sunday. You will live here thereafter. The plus side for you, is that if I have a watch over you, I am more comfortable leaving you uncaged. And of course... having you available to me on a regular basis is more than appealing. " He grinned and kevin saw Bentz' cock grow harder. "And the GAMES I can devise between the two of you. But I digress. Now, for our other toy. It looked more than intriguing. It was billed as something called a "fucksall." I presume you've never heard of it?" kevin shook his head no, and he began to get worried. With a name like that... Bentz picked up a device that looked like a rifle, but there was a pole at the end of it, with what looked like a dildo. "It slides into the bottom and then by control knobs, it can be inserted, retracted, sped up, slowed down... just like so many of your lab gadgets kevin. And it will prepare you... For me." kevin felt the rubbery tip at his ass, and then he heard the thing turn on. Slowly, the rod came out and began penetrating him. "mmmmmmmmmmph. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." Bentz turned it off. "I think I'd like to HEAR your reaction." He removed kevin's gag before he turned the fucksall on again. kevin was moaning in less than ten seconds. "AH. And we're only at the first speed. EXCELLENT. A WISE investment. " Bentz held the machine steady. "I'll have to see if I can find any discussion of self use. Watching you fuck yourself with it may be a wonderful time. Or you fucking billy. Or billy fucking you. OH, it shall be SPLENDID having roomies. BOTTOM roomies." He began inserting the rod further into kevin and kevin began to sweat. He might have been able to handle this without the pectoral needles, but he wasn't given a chance. "FUCK ME SIR. PLEASE. FUCK ME. DON'T USE THE MACHINE. IT'S FAKE. GIVE ME THE REAL THING. PLEASE SIR. PLEASE. PLOW ME. PLOW YOUR BITCH." Bentz smiled. "As a man of science, I think you would agree that this was a successful experiment." He turned off the machine and began removing the needles. They barely left a mark. "Incidentally, my furry beast, your hair has grown back much faster than I thought it would. We will have to schedule a shaving this weekend. But for now." Bentz dropped his pants. He grabbed kevin's meaty ankles and hauled up his legs. kevin's ass, opened by the fucksall, was an easy port for Bentz, who slid his cock in, smiling. "OH, I've missed my Paul Bunyan's ass. So warm, so generous, so... YIELDING." He screamed as he shoved his cock all the way into his bound bottom. kevin's ass began to pulse in a way it hadn't with the gun. "FUCK ME SIR. FUCK ME. FILL ME. FILL ME WITH YOU................"

Bentz realized that, during the time away, kevin must have been watching films. He approved of this, and the thought of a lonely, horny kevin watching porn, got him even harder.

"YOU. ARE. MY. BITCH." Bentz thrust one last time, and kevin felt the jizz filling him. Bentz had grabbed his sensitized nipples at the end, and kevin went off into bliss. Bentz got up from the bed. He had a silver dollar in his hand. "Call it kevin. Heads or tails." "Tails Sir." "Ha ha. Figures. I bet billy would've picked tails too." He looked at the coin and showed it to kevin , who smiled. "Indeed, tails it is. You will be moved in first. I will let billy know the news. "

And while Bentz was having his way with his boy kevin, his other boy billy was going through his stuff, packing what he thought would be necessary. He wondered who'd have the room closer to Bentz, not thinking for a minute that he and kevin would be SHARING a room.... and a bed.


Next: Chapter 12

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