Sub Hunting Season

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Sep 17, 2021


"You did very well today, billy. Master Bentz must be very proud of you." billy turned around and saw a distinguished looking man, smiling at him. He looked around: Bentz had gone off to get them drinks and had been detained by friends, who wanted to talk, or who wanted to show off their new property. billy gulped: he didn't know what to do. Bentz had told him that he should address other owners respectfully, so he stammered out.

"Uh... thank you Sir." The gentleman laughed. "Don't worry billy. I know the rules myself, and I know Brian very well. My name is Master Paul. Paul Jones." He didn't put out his hand for billy to shake: it was forbidden for a Master to touch another Master's property without permission. billy knew that too, and breathed a sigh of relief. "Pleased to meet you Sir. I guess you know my name already." "Ha ha. Very well, billy. Very well." "Can I ask why Sir?" "Of course you can. When this year's hunt was imminent, I was having a friendly lunch with your Owner. We were talking about the hunt - of course you know it was Master Bentz' first. " "I do." "Well, I asked him if he had any targets and he told me about kevin, and you." At that, Master Paul smiled. When he told me, and asked about MY plans, I lied. You were on my list. I was going to hunt you myself: but since Brian told me before I could tell him, I felt obligated to leave the field. " "So you didn't hunt this year, Sir?" "No. " Master Paul sighed. "I'll just have to be happy with my sub . He's over there. His name is milton." billy looked up and he saw a HUGE mountain of a man, bursting out of his maroon, short sleeve shirt. He had a shaved head, and wore glasses. He also wore a collar and the red band. billy couldn't help his mouth dropping. "Yes, he gets that kind of response, my milton. We have an interesting story. You'll have to get it from him because." billy felt a hand on his shoulder. He recognized it as Bentz, and put his hands behind his back. "Yes, you'll have to get it from milton, billy, because subs are always more honest with other subs. Don't take the words of this jack of all lies seriously." Paul laughed. "Seriously billy, you can tell who's who here. Go hang out with some of your fellow subs . I'm gonna chat with Master Paul for a little while. I'll come and get you when I'm ready to leave. "Yes sir." billy kept his hands behind him and bowed his head. "Pleasure to meet you Sir Paul." "No, the pleasure was all mine billy. All mine," and Master Paul smiled again.

billy wandered off, he was looking for milton when he heard a musical voice behind him. "Hey! Why are you flirting with my Daddy?" billy blushed as he turned around and saw milton smiling. "I uh. I uh." "Heh heh. No worries. I've belong to him for nearly 3 years now. I know how he is. I'm milton." "Yes, he told me that. billy here." Subs COULD touch each other and billy and milton shook hands. "So YOU'RE the guy he was gonna go after this year. Might have been nice to have a bud. He's bloody VORACIOUS. My ass is always sore." billy laughed. "You must know that Master Bentz has a second sub. Doesn't seem to matter. I'm constantly sore. Sometimes for days AFTER he's taken me." "HA! Bentz has always had that reputation. When he was using the call boy network, that was always what the guys said when they came back from assignment." "Oh, so you were a call boy?" "I was. That's how I met Sir Paul. It went sorta like this. I marketed as a top man. Exclusively." billy could see why: milton was twice as muscular as kevin, and he had a narrow waist and a big chest. billy knew from experience that milton was caged, but even so: his bulge was substantial. Anyhow, Master Paul -hell I'm gonna just call him Paul - hired me. I came over and got ready to split him open. That's when he surprised me. He's quick. I had a tranq dart in my neck before you could say "fuck me," and then I was tied to his bed, and MY legs were in the air. " "GEEZ. What did you do when he was finished." milton smiled. "You know, it had been about two years since I had had a cock in me, and it felt good. REALLY REALLY good. I wasn't sure I wanted to give up what I was doing, but WOW. Paul was a superb top - still is. It was a while until the sub season opened, and he hired me a lot during that year: always as a bottom. And I took him. I began to market as "versatile." As sub hunting season got closer, one time, he said to me. "I don't want you topping anymore. And I don't want you bottoming for anyone but me." I laughed, and I said to him "well if you want THAT to happen, you're just gonna have to collar me, cause I'm not doing it any other way." "So it was that year?" "No, not that one, but it was close. He caught me on the LAST DAY of the season. Just before the chimes were going off. He had me, billy. He had me helpless, and he had tied my ankles. He was about to tie my wrists, when the chimes went off. He was PISSED. You know the rules: he had to let me go, and all he said was "next year, my pretty, next year.' He didn't hire me again." "So, what happened?" "Well , next sub hunting season came up in a year, and I got the notice that I had been designated. It didn't surprise me. I figured Paul would be after me, and there were three others too. So I started taking extra care. "But he got you?" "He did. I was at the gym. In the sauna. That's why, I guess I didn't hear the alarm for everyone to get out immediately. When I came out, I did notice that folks had left, but I didn't think much of it and started to get dressed. That's when I felt the choke hold, and then the sleeper: yeah he knows how to use them. I began blacking out. Last thing I heard was Paul whispering "sweet milton, you are going to be my BITCH". When I woke up, I was in the back of his car, lying down. All I had on was my jock, and I was tied up and gagged. I could tell there was a red tagging rope on my wrist. He brought me into the house, registered me as 'captured' right there, and then he fucked me. He fucked me harder than he ever had. " "But... that's not the end of it is it. Did you submit?" "I did. Not at that fucking but... " he paused. "Bentz has never told you about Paul?" "No. Never." "Bentz and Paul were numbers 1 and 2 at the military academy. All the way. Paul was a better researcher, Bentz was a better strategist. Paul joined the government and not the military, and he had access to ALL KINDS of information and information techniques. It didn't take him too long to find out: my nipples. Grab them and... I'll drop to my knees and do what you want. And.... " milton lowered his voice. "My pits. Some people are ticklish. I am RIDICULOUSLY TICKLISH. He outfitted the bed with super strong restraints, and after he chewed on my tits for about half an hour, started tickling me. He didn't even ASK me to surrender until he had tickled me off and on for about an hour. " He paused, and smiled. "And here I am. Not a callboy, not a top, but a sub bottom, just like you." "No one is just like billy, milton." billy felt the hand on his shoulder again. "No, Master Bentz. I just meant the roles we play." "Ha ha. Oh, I know. I'm just jibbing you. " He put his hand on billy's neck. "You'll excuse us milton? I'd like to take billy home. It was his first hunt and..." "YES SIR. By the way billy, congratulations. Good first start." As they walked out, Bentz massaged the back of billy's neck. "Just so you know, milton finished third today." "THIRD? He never said anything." "Doesn't surprise me. Master Paul doesn't think pride suits him. If he found out he did... those armpits would be getting a GOOD workout in about an hour. Not unlike the one your ass is gonna get."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bentz had a plan for when he got billy home. He had a new toy: something he had spent a nice piece of change on, called the "fucksall." It looked like a cross between a rifle, and a vibrator. That wasn't far from the truth: you aimed the thing at your bottom's ass, and then you turned one or both of two switches. One slid the dildo back and forth, deep or not so deep, and the other put it on rotation, at different speeds. Bentz was going to try it out on billy, but... the way Paul had nearly DROOLED over his prize had made him very eager to make clear: billy was HIS. That's how billy found himself tied down on the bed, his shirt opened, and the top button of his jeans loosened. Bentz had put a bone gag in the mouth "because you're my DOG BITCH billy." He had pulled it tight, and when billy saw Bentz' cock, he got nervous. Bentz was HUGE. It was fat, long, and it was dripping. billy thought his jeans didn't stand a chance, but ever methodical, Bentz got off billy's shoes, then his jeans, and then he got to work. His thumb pressed against billy's hole, and billy moaned. And kept moaning. "Any doubt who you belong to billy? " billy shook his head no and yelled out a "NO SIR" as best as he could. "You wanna spend time with Master Paul? He'd LOVE to have you" "NO SIR" again with headshakes. "Here's a tougher question: how about guiding milton back to topping . Want milton to FUCK you?" THIS one was harder for billy. Generally, he preferred latinos and men of color, and milton was latino. And those muscles. That smile. He closed his eyes. And then he shook his head "NO" and forced out a "no sir." billy reasoned that if Bentz wanted billy fucked by milton, it would happen. He didn't have to antagonize this man "GOOD. Cause it ain't happening, cunt. Only thing that's gonna happen is... you're gonna be my FUCKTOI." billy howled as all of Bentz entered him at once. He saw his Master smiling and, deep in his mind, billy was glad he was pleasing this man. Still, thoughts of milton were running through his head. It wasn't just Bentz' cock that was driving his own hard on, securely locked in the cage. He was glad he was gagged. If he yelled "FUCK ME MILTON" he knew there'd be trouble. It never crossed billy's mind that the strategist Bentz had left him gagged during his fucking for that very reason. It didn't even cross billy's mind as he slept, tightly wound in Bentz' arms that night, his ass even more sore than it was the day before.

billy woke up to the smell of what were pancakes. Bentz had packed the makings of breakfast, including oranges, which were now juice, and coffee for the coffee maker that hadn't been used in about a year. It was, shall we say, strong coffee. "Good morning Sir." billy said through a yawn as he walked into the kitchen. The floor was a bit on the cold side but he dealt with it. He had pulled on shorts, and he took the bold step of putting his arms around Bentz' middle and kissing him on the neck. "Sir, that was an AWESOME fuck last night." He kissed Bentz' ear. "I don't think anyone has ever plowed me the way you do." Bentz laughed. "The cage is NOT coming off, william. Not yet. Not until next week." billy gulped. Had he been that transparent. "But I'm gonna take you at your word about the fuck. And trust me, boy, I'm MUCH better at topping than milton is." billy blushed even redder. Bentz signaled to the table as he put the food down. "It's ok to imagine 'what if' billy, as long as you keep 'what is' in your head. 'What is' , is that I captured you, you surrendered, and you belong to me." "Yes sir. I know." "Also know you could be in a lot worse hands." He paused for a minute. "milton didn't tell you about the whip marks on his ass, did he? " billy looked up. "No Sir. He didn't." "Uh huh. He's embarrassed by it. Master Paul is quite a fan of corporal punishment, so milton can tell you about the tickling and the tit play and the bondage, but he doesn't want to let you know about the spankings, the whippings, or anything else." At "spankings," billy felt his cock stir. Bentz had spanked him. He wished he'd do it again. "billy, let me be very, VERY clear to you. If I EVER do anything to you that hurts you, or that you didn't want me to do, you need to tell me IMMEDIATELY. Understand?" billy bowed his head. "Yes sir. I do. I have no complaints, only..." "Only what billy?" "I dont get fucked enough Sir. I mean... " He looked up and Bentz was surprised by the fire in his eyes. "DAMN IT SIR. You captured me, you're training me, but... I'm a young man and I'm horny. I need more sex. LOTS more sex." Bentz smiled. "Lots more sex?" "Yes sir." "Hmmmm. Well, we have a few possibilities. You want kevin to have sex with you?" "NO SIR." "ha hahahahahaha. I'm sure he'd be thrilled to hear that. So... you want me to go hunting for another top, someone who can keep you busy when I'm busy with something else?" There was a pause. "Sir. I want you to move me in with you. I want to live with you. I want to know that if you're horny, if you want sex, my being in another building isn't gonna be the reason you don't take me to bed." Bentz raised his eyes. He had a feeling. He just had a feeling. "billy, did you file a request to couple with me?" "yes sir." "And it was refused because there was another one pending." billy sighed. "yes sir." Now Bentz sighed. "Ok, let me again tell you how things are. I'm going to talk to kevin today . I'm not coupling with him. I'm not coupling with you. I'm not coupling, WITH ANYONE. If I couple with you, I have to give up kevin. If I couple with kevin, I have to give up you. I'm not doing either. Having two bitches has been my dream. Now I have them. That's not changing." "I see Sir." "But... if you want to move in , there's space. I could do that, but.... " "You'd move in kevin too." "That's right. Fair's fair, billy. How'd you like it if I moved in kevin and not you." billy's voice was low. "I'm surprised you haven't done that Sir." Bentz thought for a minute. Ok, talking to people was like having a cold. It spread, no matter what you tried to do. "Listen up billy. I understand that. I thought - I'll be honest, I thought - that kevin was going to be my main squeeze and you'd fill in the gaps. It hasn't worked out that way. I didn't leave kevin home to punish him. I brought YOU to reward you." billy looked up. "You did Sir?" "Yeah, I did. Again, don't take this the wrong way. kevin was always high on my list, and he's stayed there. Youw weren't, but... you are now." billy looked up a little. "Thank you Sir." Bentz got out of his chair and went over to billy. "Put your hands behind your back boy. And take this tongue the way a bitch should." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" billy purred while Bentz dug deep down in his throat. He could feel the pressure of the cage on his cock, and he heard Bentz whisper "No. " Bentz went back to his seat. "Well, you got me hard again, and I don't wanna damage that ass of yours, so... get on your knees boy. SUCK ME DRY." "YES SIR!" billy responded, and pulled down Bentz' shorts. The pancakes were getting cold, but they didn't care. billy slurped the cock like it was breakfast. He licked Bentz' tip and then his shaft, then he deep throated it as much as he could. His short hair stopped Bentz from really pushing billy's head forward, but he held it on his cock. He held it there as billy's tongue licked and sought after spaces in Bentz' shaft. billy felt Bentz stiffening. He heard him yell FUCK YEAH, " as a dribble of jizz went down billy's throat. When he was done, Bentz looked at him. "How could I turn down a boy who's such an expert cocksucker? This week. I'll send you the information, we'll move you in. kevin too. You'll have adjoining rooms, and you'll both be available to me, 24/7. Understood?" "Understood Sir." "Good. Now help me clean up this shit. We gotta get packing."

billy slept most of the way back home. Bentz looked at him when he could and smiled. He thought "broken. 100% Mine. " He drove to billy's place first, and helped him with his bags. He kissed him. "Start going through your shit. Wait for my text or call. Thursday. We'll move one of you over on Saturday, the other on Sunday. I'll flip a coin. Assume no favoritism in the order." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." Bentz drove the car back to his manse. Once he was settled, he picked up the phone and called McTine. "Yes sir?" kevin answered. "Your cage on?" "Yes sir. I hope you enjoyed your weekend." "I did. YOU. Get your ass over here no later than 4 this afternoon. And pack three days of clothes. And make sure you pack shit I like. Because if you don't, then we'll go and get it, and I'll teach you NOT to fuck with my taste." He could almost hear the joy in kevin's voice. "YES SIR." "kevin. We're gonna discuss your coupling petition tonight too."

Next: Chapter 11

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