Sub Ed Caught Cheating

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 13, 2022


Dear Readers: My apologies. Arithmetic was never my best "language," and I misnumbered the chapters. There is no chapter 2. With this correction, all will go back to order.

So the invitation to dinner between Joel and ed, and Jason and matthew, hadn't happened. Anyone who's tried to coordinate schedules on even the simplest level knows how that happens. ed went to rugby where he saw Jason. There was "something" between them that was less than flirting, but more than friendship. Joel didn't see any of it: since ed wasn't around on practice and match days, he went into the office. matthew had a job that kept him working on weekends, so it was just ed and Jason and only on the weekends.

Until... It was Tuesday or Wednesday - it hardly matters. Joel had kissed ed and played with his nipples just a little bit before he got up and prepped to go into his office. Their deal was that Joel had carte blanche to finish up first, since he had to get out of the house. ed would get ready after Joel was gone, because he was in charge of making sure that breakfast was on the table. It was never anything fancier than coffee, juice and English muffins, except on weekends, but that was how they "rolled." A typical suburban couple. The day that it happened, ed was looking at rehab jobs he knew about, and figuring out which ones to bid on, and at what price. He was deeply engaged in numbers - the MBA came in handy here, when he heard the doorbell ring. It surprised him: they weren't expecting anyone, and the leftover coffee had cooked down to sludge. He was dressed very casually (he'd dress for dinner later), but his t shirt showed very clearly that he worked out. He went to the door and peeked out their hole. Jason was standing there, sticking out his tongue.

"Jason?" ed was smiling as he saw the man in front of him. "What a surprise. I didn't expect you." "Yeah, I know. I shoulda called, but... well, I knew you'd be home, and uniforms came in so... I wanted to deliver yours personally." "The rugby team was switching to two different uniforms: a lighter one for warmer weather, and a heavier weight one. The lighter ones would be new). "Oh, well, that wasn't necessary, Jason. I could've picked the kit up at practice but... thank you." ed looked at the pile in the bag Jason was carrying. "Sure looks like a lot of stuff for a lighter uniform," he laughed. "Well, I took a liberty. I know what sizes you registered for but... sometimes these things run really big, so I took the size just smaller than the one you said you needed, so you could try them both." Jason was smiling: the smile he used when he and ed were somewhere between friendship and flirting. "Jason, I'm being rude, I'm sorry. Would you like to come in for a minute?" "Oh, not if you're busy. I don't want to interrupt your day." ed laughed. "It's fine. The estimates will wait. Come on in. I'll make coffee because the stuff from this morning? Probably tar by now." "I'd like that. Thank you." "Come on in," as he said it, ed felt tingly: he hadn't felt that way since high school when he asked a girl to the prom. "GEE. You built a nice house, ed. I know you did most of it." ed laughed a little "Well, Joel and I say that it's his money and my sweat, so... I guess that's fair." Jason walked around slowly, while ed made the coffee. He felt, correctly, that Jason was watching him. When he made the coffee and brought it to the table, Jason thanked him and ed felt his fingers grazed as he took his cup. "I'm trying to remember. How long have the two of you been together, ed?" "Five years. Just about." "You met at school, didn't you?" "Oh yes. And that's a tale." While Jason listened, ed told him the whole story of his "conquest and seduction" adding "and it WAS in that order." "Hmmm. I never would've thought that Joel could've taken a guy your size down." Now ed laughed. "That was my thinking too, but ya know, Joel was so used to being discounted because of his size that he learned how to defend himself and..." he blushed "to get what he wants." "He was lucky to get you as a roommate ed." "I think we were both lucky." "So, you were a Marine before you went back to school?" "Yeah I was. Followed in dad's footsteps. Almost followed all the way: engaged to a high school sweetheart, yadda yadda." "And you and ed found each other." ed smiled. "He's kind of high powered, isn't he?" Jason asked. ed laughed some more. "Oh, you have no idea. Driven? Obsessed? All of the above. And the first person who'd say that he was , is Joel." There was a minute of silence and when their eyes locked, ed looked away. "Can I show you the rest of the house? There's not much to see. I'm afraid there's no dungeon downstairs or anything like that. Just storage. " "I'd love to see the place. Lead on." "He's checking out my ass," ed thought, because Jason followed him, first up to the attic, and then the second floor, until they got back to the first floor and now, ed was bringing him down to the basement. "I swear. There's nothing interesting here. Just storage, but... nickel tour includes everything." As they got downstairs, Jason remarked on the beautiful workmanship on the closet. "Yeah, we did a big one because Joel has more suits than you can imagine, and then there's my side. I gotta be honest: I shouldn't keep them but.. my marine uniforms are all over here. Still fit, thanks to the gym." Jason walked over and looked at them. "Here. Let me show you the dress whites. " When ed turned to take them out of the closet, he felt Jason's hand on his shoulder. This time, it was more of a tingle. He was caged, but his cock let him know he was getting excited. Jason's voice was low. "I don't think I've ever had sex with a Marine before. I know I've never had it with one wearing a uniform." Then there was silence: the kind of silence before a rainstorm. ed began to feel nervous. He didn't know why he said it, but he did. "Do you want me to change clothes Jason?" "Yes. Change in front of me. I want to see you naked too." "Ok. I'd like that." ed stripped down and put on the khakis that Joel liked so much. "You look SO hot. SO FUCKING HOT " Jason came closer. He looked at ed. "What should I touch?" "My nips. Please." He sucked in his breath when Jason did, and an animal like moan came out of him. "OHHHHHHHHHH. I wondered what your touch was like." "Kiss me sailor." Jason put out his lips and ed took his tongue. It tasted sweet: like the coffee Jason had just drank. "I'm gonna have to settle today ed. I'd love to fuck you. Just throw you on the floor and fuck you." He saw the look of confusion in ed's face. "But no, it's not right. Still, I wouldn't say no to a blow job. " "Would you pull my necktie while I suck you, Jason? It gets me... more excited." "Get on your knees sailor. And get to work." "Yes sir," came out of ed's mouth, and Jason got harder. The last thing ed wanted was for a stain to be in the basement: Joel would see it when he came down to get one of his suits, so he sucked every drop out of Jason, who smiled like a happy cat the whole while. "We gotta do more of this ed. Us two, or the four of us. I'm gonna start pushing again for that dinner." He told ed this while they were sitting on a ratty sofa down in the basement, Jason's arm around ed, who was lying on Jason's crotch. ed's phone rang. "Hold on. It's Joel." "Hi Sir. What's up Mr. Man?" Jason watched as ed smiled, put his hand down to his crotch and spoke to Joel. "Understood Sir. I'll make sure dinner's ready and I'll be ready " He looked up at Jason. Jason smiled. "It's ok. You've got work to do, you've got a husband coming home. We'll take this up again." He kissed ed's forehead. "Superb blowjob sailor. Don't get many of those these days. " "Thank you Sir." "Let me know when you have time for another caper. Same type, or one more... interesting." He smiled, as he left the house and walked to his car. "I will Sir. Thank you." He stared off, feeling more than a little guilty, as Jason drove off.

ed was putting the finishing touches on the pot roast recipe that HIS mother had given him when he heard Joel at the door. Joel liked to come up from behind him, so ed didn't go to the door. He heard the noise of Joel's arrival, and then he felt his arms go around ed's middle. His nose nuzzled into ed's neck. "How's my big blond rugby hunk?" He nipped at ed's ear. ed began to laugh. "Sir, you're tickling me. " Then Joel moved his hands up to ed's nipples. "Can dinner wait?" "You want dessert first, Sir?" "No. Maybe YOU do sailor." ("Please God, don't let him want a blow job tonight" ed was worrying.). When Joel whispered "I want that ass, and I want it NOW" ed breathed a sigh of relief. "Sir, do you want me to.." "NOW bottom boy. Into the bedroom. NOW." "Yes sir..." ed was going to change into the tighter rugby uniform but Joel had other ideas. He practically leapt on top of ed. "MMMM. Know what I was thinking about all day, stud muffin? I was thinking about splitting a melon and filling it with some nice thick cream." "I. OH, yes sir..." Joel had pushed ed's t shirt up and he was playing with his nipple piercing, licking it, pulling it, teasing ed.

And he smelled that cologne again. He pinned ed's wrists down at his side. "Tell me the truth, ed. Were you whoring around today?" ed hoped he wasn't blushing too much when he answered "No Sir." "Because I smell Jason all over you." ed smiled. "Oh, Sir, nothing to worry about. I wanted to show you but.... he brought over the warm weather rugby uniforms. I was going to model for you." "Hmmm. I thought you could pick them up at practice." "He did Sir, but what he told me was that he wanted my DOM to see me in it as soon as it was possible." Joel was skeptical, but he liked the story. "Jason understands . I'm sure you look wickedly hot in it but now... I think what would be even more wickedly hot, is hearing you moan as I spear you, sweet cakes." Scream he did. Joel was almost always horny at the end of the day, and today he was especially so. His long, straight dick went right through ed. He didn't grab ed's prostate because he wanted his ass so bad. He did grab ed's nipples, playing them until ed yelled louder. "YES SIR YES SIR. MAKE ME KNOW WHO'S BOSS. YES YES YES." "You like your cage boy?" "It makes you happy so, YES SIR" "Know what else makes me happy edward?" "Tell me Sir. " Squirting my jizz all over you. ALL THE FUCK OVER YOU." He pulled out and jerked all over ed's body. He caught ed's lips and snarled "LICK IT. CLEAN YOUR FACE YOU PIG." ed was all too happy to do so. "MMMMM. So rich and creamy. SO THICK. MMMM" "I'm thinking of letting you loose tonight edmund. I'm THINKING of it. Maybe before bed. We'll see." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." He kissed ed. "Now let's go eat ed's famous pot roast."

They were talking at dinner "So, sir, I put in an order for uniforms in my playing size, but Jason thought I might want to try on a size smaller." "Isn't that kind of him?" Joel answered, nearly gagging on a carrot. ed looked at him. "NO SIR. I know what you're thinking but... NO, I didn't try them on. " "Did he want you to?" "If he did he didn't say so Sir. He told me you should be the first one to see me in them." "Well, he's right about that. Let's have a look. You can get the dishes later." ed jumped up and got the snugger kit. He stripped in front of Joel and put on each item, including the dark blue jock that was worn underneath the red shorts. The shorts were EXTREMELY tight. He would never be able to play in them but.. the way Joel was circling him, and cooing over "those bright red melons," he knew that Joel liked them. "And this shirt. My my. It shows that this sub is a MUSCLE sub. It hugs your arms. And look at the outline of those little nipples. It even shows your ring." Then he snickered. "Your cage shows too. No, you can't wear these to play in but.... I wonder.... maybe we'll have a rugger party here, and you can wear this one.. " Then Joel added. "Of course, I'll have more competition than Jason, but I can handle it. "Sir, you have no competition . Not Jason, no one else. I promise. Yeah, we tease, we flirt but...." "Make sure of that stud. Remember how I used to get when you pissed me off?" "OH YEAH SIR." "Or the time you snuck out and screwed a woman?" "GOD. My ass was sore for two weeks." "It won't just be your ass that's sore if I catch you fucking around with Jason. Unless... hmmm. We STILL have that party to think about." "I think you earned your right to jizz tonight ed. Let me just go and take care of my suit for tomorrow. Then we'll release you." ed moved back into the kitchen and forgot that he hadn't put his uniforms back in the closet. When Joel got to the basement, he saw the uniforms out and about. "Hmmm. He must have been fantasizing today." He started picking the stuff up and... he smelled the cologne again. Then he saw the slight stain on ed's uniform shirt. Joel sighed. "Did he learn NOTHING about stains and clothes from the impeachment?" Joel shook his head. "Ok. He's not gonna tell me but.. Let me give this some thought." He pretended he didn't notice anything when he came back upstairs with his suit for the next day. "OK edward. Time for you to see if you can break your old record." When Joel gave him permission to play with himself until he came, ed stood at a point in the living room, and then shot his jizz across the room. They had a small stool at the point where the furthest arc of ed's splooch had landed. "Going for a record tonight, edmund?" "Yes sir. ALWAYS." He closed his eyes and began playing. "Please Sir. Tell me about the first time you fucked me." Joel began telling the story. It was a good choice. It got HIM excited too to think about the time he had first taken this big hunky blond marine. ed had started by thinking about that, but halfway through, his brain switched to Jason: first the blowjob in the afternoon, and then fantasizing about what else he and Jason could do together. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH FUCK!" ed's cum sailed through the air, and landed a good four inches beyond the former record. "YOU DID break a record. GEEZ, what were you thinking boy?" "I was thinking about how you're gonna hogtie me in that new uniform, tickle me and then fuck me silly." ed forgot that his earlobes got pinker when he lied. They pinked up now. "Indeed. Let's make a date of that tonight, stud. We can work it into the star rugby player kidnapped and held for ranson. And the kidnapper gets bored." And Joel began thinking about how he should play this one. He knew the day would come when ed would cheat. He just didn't prepare for it happening this soon.

Next: Chapter 4

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