Sub Ed Caught Cheating

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 9, 2022


Joel and ed played "uniform night" one night a week (or twice a week, if Joel were particularly into it). Joel liked it so much that as ed got buffer, he'd examine each of his old marine corps uniforms. It rarely happened, but if a uniform got so tight on ed that Joel didn't like it anymore, he'd replace it with one, and if the sizing was too big to suit him, he and ed would make a trip to the gay tailor Joel used for his suits. He was more than happy to make sure that all of ed's uniforms were skin tight. Recently, Joel had done some legal work for a guy named Adam, who was taking his company public. Adam saw the picture of ed on Joel's desk, and they started chatting. He showed Joel pictures of his sub bruce. Some of them were of bruce in his old trooper uniform (he didn't work as a trooper anymore. bruce had been promoted and was now part of what he called the "suit and tie" brigade. Adam, like Joel, had a thing for uniforms but he also liked bruce's preppy look and he alternated when he played with bruce).

"ed would look good in a trooper uniform" Joel said when he and Adam were talking and Adam shook his head. "I think most guys look good in them. Sort of begging a challenge. ed's so big and so buff... it'd be hot." "Where can I get one?" Adam gave him the information, and a trooper uniform joined the marine corps outfits, the tuxedo, and the various preppy combinations Joel had for ed. And the Aquaman "costume," which was really just a pair of orange speedos and beach sandals. Now, though, he had a new one to think about: ed had his rugby kit and Joel was intrigued. He was still thinking about the cologne he smelled on ed after he came back from practice. He had an idea.

"How does it look, Sir?" ed was all smiles in his broad stripe rugby shirt, his red shorts, the long socks. He DID look hot. "I just wanted you to see it. I'll get into the khaki uniform in a minute, Sir." It WAS uniform night, and Joel had picked the short sleeve shirt, the thin pants, and he was planning a captured military man scene. Joel looked at ed and smiled. "Good and bad. Shorts show your legs, and I like that, but your nips don't point out in the shirt. Too heavy." "There's a lighter weight one Sir, we just haven't gotten it yet." "Well... I think instead of captured military man, we're gonna do kidnapped rugby star, kept hostage until after the big game." Joel took out one of his toys: it was a leather collar, attached by an adjustable strap, to arm restraints. He could collar ed, tie his wrists, and then pull them up as far as he wanted. "Resist me, and I'll cut holes in that shirt and use the clamps, marineboy" Joel told ed, who surrendered right away, putting his hands behind his back and grunting as Joel adjusted the straps so that his arms were just slightly uncomfortable. He couldn't move them, because if he did, they'd pull on his collar and he'd gag. The contraption was big enough that ed knew he was going on his belly. In turn, that meant Joel had something in mind besides nipple work. He didn't know what that was.

Once ed was flat on the bed, Joel bound his ankles and knocked off his sneakers. "He's gonna tickle me," ed thought. "FUCK. I shoulda peed first." But Joel didn't pull off ed's socks. Instead, he would more rope around the middle of ed's calves, and then his thighs, so his legs were totally immobile. This was something he had never done. "So, edmund.... I have a sneaking suspicion that you're being a bit more than friendly with someone at rugby." Joel began rubbing ed's earlobes and ed began getting roused. "No Sir. Absolutely not. " "You sure about that edmund?" Before ed could answer, he felt Joel's finger trace a line behind his knee. He tried to jump, and then the ropes around his legs made sense. He WAS getting tickled, just in a spot he hadn't been tickled in before: a spot he didn't even know was ticklish. He tried not to laugh, but Joel was relentless. One knee and then the other. "You SURE you're telling me the truth?" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAAHAHA. SIR I AM. I PROMISE. I PROMISE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" "I think you're lying to me edmund, and I think we're gonna have to go to a fail proof way of getting the truth." ed felt his socks being pulled off. "NO. NO. NOT MY FEET SIR PLEASE." "Fine. All you have to do is tell me the truth." "I did SIR. I did. OH SHIT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAAHAAHAHa." Joel was using his tongue, not his fingers. If he got ed's feet wet and then used his hands, ed really WOULD pee himself. Joel didn't say anything. He reached for something and ed heard the buzz of the electric toothbrush Joel used to torture his armpits. Now, they went to the knee pits. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. NOTHING SIR NOTHING. I SWEAR NOTHING. NOT A KISS, NOT ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA ANYTHING." "That right, big guy?" Joel had flipped ed on his side and now, he COULD get to ed's nipples. The rough cloth of the rugby shirt gave ed a new sensation, and his cock, caged, was bulging from arousal and the need to pee. Joel teasing his tits wasn't helping. "Because you know, ed, I have a VERY sensitive sense of smell. And the last time you came back from practice, I smelled cologne on you." He gave ed a look. "If you tell me you're trying a new one, you're gonna get the clamps, the hitachi, AND the toothbrush before I fuck you nice and hard." "Shit, Sir. I swear, I don't know. I don't know. I mean, there are hugs at the end of practice but... nothing more than that. NOTHING. I SWEAR. " "Well, I'm not sure I believe you. I'm coming to the next game and... if I learn anything that makes me think you're not following my rules." "I SWEAR SIR. I SWEAR." The last time Joel had caught ed looking at another man, he had to wear a butt plug for the entire weekend, and didn't get Joel's cock at all. Then the cage stayed on for a week. It was also the week Joel introduced ed to weighted ball separators. ed remembered. He wasn't lying. "Sir, I'll introduce you to anyone you want to know. If they tell the truth, NO ONE will say we fooled around." "We'll see. Now roll onto your belly, rugybitch." "Yes sir. " ed heard the clip of scissors as Joel cut the ropes. He pulled ed's red rugby shorts down, and then his supporter. "SPREAD EM RUGBYBOY. " ed split his legs as far as he could. He felt one, then two of Joel's fingers going inside of him, finding his prostate. "OH SHIT. HE KNOWS I GOTTA PEE. FUCK....." Joel whispered "you don't wanna be known as a bed wetter eddie boy, do you?" "No. NO SIR. No.................." He breathed a sigh of relief when Joel let go of his prostate. "Nice and sensitized. Ready for a good, solid fucking. " Sometimes, Joel took ed from the top: he'd position himself above ed's ass and plunge in vertically. Tonight, it was a horizontal fuck: straight on: the kind that got in further, and when Joel began smacking ed's ass cheeks, getting grunts from the big man, Joel's cock just felt more and more stimulating. He was using long, slow strokes to fuck ed, who was moaning like a 2 dollar whore (an expression ed never understood. In his straight days he had been with his share of whores, but he had never paid as little as 2 bucks. Not even for a mediocre blow job. That thought went through his head as he wondered what people would pay for one of HIS blowjobs). He felt Joel's hands grip his shoulders. For a small guy, Joel was very strong, and ed felt his fingers dig in. Could ed take him in a strength contest? Probably. But Joel knew every one of ed's weaknesses, and ed, even after these years, only knew one of Joel's: he melted when ed wore pink and light khaki. Inevitably it meant ed was on his back with Joel's deceptively large and deceptively talented cock in him. Still, ed used it when Joel didn't order him to dress a certain way. The long, slow strokes were getting shorter, and faster, as Joel pummeled ed's ass. "Who has access to this butt, rugby boy?" "You do Sir." "Who else?" "No one Sir. NO ONE." "It's MINE. " "Yes sir. " "You surrendered it to me." "Yes sir. " "I'M the one who decides if anyone else gets it. NOT YOU, BITCH." "Understood Sir. Understood. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH" He felt one final thrust and then he felt the wads of Joel's cum filling his ass. He wanted to ask to be uncaged and given permission to cum. He knew it would be denied. He'd have to make due with the kisses that followed: all over his ears, his lips, his eyes. ed whispered. "Please Sir, I'm begging. I really need to pee." Joel began to laugh. "I'll take the restraints off when you're done." Three guesses whom ed dreamed of that night. Here's a hint: it wasn't Joel.

That Sunday, ed's Tornados were playing The Storm. ed was on the sideline, stretching, when Jason came over. He teased him. "A top man doesn't need to spread his legs like that ed. Leave that to the bottoms." ed blushed. "I don't see you spreading, Jason." "Nothing gets by you does it stud? I guess that comes from the MBA you got. Hey, we gotta keep our eyes open. The word is that Storm has a new Winger and he's really hot." Jason looked up and pointed. "Yup. There he is. Coming onto the field now." russ was exchanging fist bumps with the other members of his team, and hugging darien. "Cute, I guess. I got my own." "I figured that." Jason answered. "All the good ones get taken." "Awe, that's sweet. You paired off J?" "I am. Wonderful guy but, ya know...someone once said to me that if I had to eat a burger every night for the rest of my life, I'd slit my throat." ed didn't know what he meant until Jason got a bit bolder. "Do you and your guy have an open relationship? Any playing around with anyone else because, well...." "Uh, that's something you'd have to discuss with Joel. He's supposed to be at the match a little later. He's finishing up a project and then doing shopping but he promised he'd come." In fact, he had. Joel wanted to investigate whomever was leaving cologne on his man. "Well, let's just chat afterward. You know..." Jason smiled. "Now you got two topmen who's name begins with J in your life. How lucky can you be?"

ed saw Joel show up toward the first part of the second period. There had been traffic, and shopping had been challenging. ed bulking up was a good thing: it made Joel want him even more, but it meant that clothes that were snug now didn't fit at all, and finding what he thought would look hot on ed took some time, because he thought EVERYTHING looked hot on ed. The weather was getting colder too, so he was shopping for hot and sexy clothes for a big guy in a department store. Later, he stopped at one of the adult stores to get a few more things, including two small hitachis. On one of his business trips, Joel had rented an adult film where a guy had had two of those vibrators applied to his balls, one to each. It wasn't a bondage film, it wasn't even a gay film, but Joel was creative. He knew what he would do. The hot winger russ scored the winning try right at the end of the second period. It left the Tornado disappointed, but as Jason said as he was walking off with ed "don't have to worry about dirty play if it's not The Cyclone. If we lost, we lost fair and square." From the sidelines, Joel saw Jason walk off with ed. "He's the one" he thought. "Not bad looking." ed smiled as he saw Joel. He was always confused as to how he should address Joel in groups, and he was even more confused, He thought "better not to piss off Joel, and also let everyone know." He gave Joel a big smile. "Hey Sir. Glad you could make the game." Joel embraced him and kissed him, making sure they were in Jason's line of sight. "You played well. As far as I know." He laughed and looked at Jason. "I'm Joel, ed's husband." "Nice to meet you. I'm Jason. I wish my husband coulda made it so I could introduce you all. Can I just show you his picture?" "Hey, we're never gonna pass up looking at a man's photo." Joel laughed. "Got nudes?" "Ha ha. I do but... let's save those." He brought up a picture of Matthew. "OOH. You like big men too," Joel said, because Matthew WAS big. Jason smiled. "Yeah, I lucked out. I was hoping for...." he paused. "Excuse me for sounding like a pig, but Matthew has an identical twin. Coaches wrestling, named Owen. But... let's just say Owen and I have compatibility issues. He's over there, see?" They looked up to see Owen hugging the hot winger from the Storm. "Yeah, it's a new relationship from what I hear. That's what Matthew tells me. He and his brother talk once a week and Owen's head over heels." He dropped his voice. "But I understand that russ is heels over head." "YOU ARE A PIG. I LOVE IT." Joel started laughing. "I want to ask you something personal Jason. I can smell a very distinct cologne but..I don't know which one it is." Jason smiled. "It's a blend that I had someone make for me. That's why. I can introduce you to him if you're interested in scents." "I'm not really. I just smelled something like it once before and.. I couldn't place it." "Hmmm. Interesting. I'll have to ask Paul if someone else buys the same blend." "It's nice chatting, Jason, but if you'll excuse us I need to bring the incredible hulk home, get him cleaned up, fed, and then... he has a new wardrobe in the car and there'll be a fashion show." "AND I'M NOT INVITED. DAMN." Jason laughed. Joel faked a smile. "Hey, Joel, maybe the four of us could get together for dinner sometime. Nothing fancy just, you know, get to know each other better." ed felt his cock ping. "That sounds good. ed has your number, right? One of us will call the other and... we'll set it up." Jason smiled. "Maybe we'll invite russ and Owen over too? I mean, in some ways, Owen and Matthew are very similar but in others, not so much." "How could I turn down a night with all these beefy sexy men, one of whom is my husband?" Joel asked. "Really good to meet you." "Likewise. ed, I'll see you at practice during the week." "You betcha." He put his hands behind his back as Joel squeezed his shoulder. As they walked off, Jason was thinking "Ok. Now I understand."

"He's handsome, that's for sure," Joel said as they drove. He kept his eyes on the road. ed said nothing. "Is he the one edward?" "The one, Sir?" "The one who you want to fuck you?" "Sir.... I don't know. I just don't know. " He was looking at Joel and he saw the tight little smile. "Sounded like a 'dinner' invitation might be an invitation to an orgy. So let me be clear edward. I'm considering this. It might be fucking hot to see someone else pounding you. It'd be even hotter if he were pounding you while I was getting sucked off, and then we changed places. Having his husband in the mix... yeah, I'd fuck that. But none of this happens unless I say it can. Am I clear?" "Yes sir. VERY clear." "As of now, and until further notice, the ONLY man that gets access to your ass, is me." "I understand Sir." "And I'm getting access to it when we get home. After...." He smiled. "After we try a new game with some new toys I bought today." "New ones Sir?" "You'll find out. Shower first, then dinner, then.... I think tonight, I want you in nothing but the Aquaman speedos."

ed showered, washed his hair, and tried to make sure all of the match was washed off of him - including any of Jason's scent, because he figured out that that's what had provoked Joel's suspicions. In the shower, he began to think about the possibilities of an orgy: Jason was handsome, but his husband was HOT. And he had a twin. Rather than a three way with Jason and Joel, ed would have preferred being poked by the twins, or poking one while getting poked by the other, while his husband and Jason spit roasted russ, cause he was cute too. He didn't think that would happen: russ was smaller than he was, and smaller than Matthew. Not the type of either Joel or Jason. He laughed to himself. MEN hadn't been HIS type before Joel and now, well, when female clients came onto him, he felt nothing. "GET A MOVE ON MARINE BOY." Joel called from the living room. "Gonna feed you, tease you and fuck you." "YES SIR. Three of my favorite things."

Joel had finally learned how to make his mother's brisket, and that was dinner, with vegetables. ed was a big eater, and he was an especially big eater after matches. Joel insisted that he leave half until after the "evening activities" as he put it. And they began. ed stripped down and sat in the bondage chair. After ed had secured him tightly, he took out the two, small hitachis. They both had a velcro strip on the side. "They run for an hour without needing a recharge edward. One for your left ball." ed felt the velcro attach to his thigh. "And one for your right. OH, and let's see if they can make you cum." Joel unlocked the cock cage. "If you cum, I'll probably keep the cage on an extra day."

He turned on the vibrators. At first, ed was totally fine, but after twenty minutes, he began to pass into agony. "PLEASE SIR CAN I SURRENDER OR SOMETHING?" Joel grinned. "Actually, you can just be quiet." He shoved a gag in ed's mouth and went back to reading his book. He looked up when he heard the high pitched sound ed always made when he shot, and he saw the second pulse go into the air. Joel hurried over and grabbed ed's cock. He ran his fingers up the knob at the top and that made ed howl. When the shooting stopped, Joel looked at him and began squeezing ed's nipples, "I'm already hard ed. But I'm getting harder as I do this." Then suddenly he stopped. He looked at ed. "You know I love you, don't you ed?" ed, gagged, could just look at Joel. He was confused. OF COURSE he knew Joel loved him. "I hope you love me back. You're not planning on leaving me for Jason are you?" ed shook his head NO, vigorously. "I want you so bad, edward ross. I want you MY way, but I want you. " He looked at ed. "No cheating with Jason. Or anyone else. OK?" ed shook his head yes this time. Joel smiled and pushed down his shorts. "You want this?" "MMMMHMMMMMM" ed's eyes got big. "Then let's get you to the bedroom. I need to find a place to put it and I think I know where it goes." He took out the gag, but led ed into the bedroom, bound. He thought about taking him from behind, but then changed his mind, untied ed, and flipped him face up. ed had a hickey the next morning from the foreplay, but he didn't care. He thought about the thorough, long fuck he had received from Joel, and how Joel had gone back to something he used to do all the time, and kept his hand on ed's pec and played with it all night long. And while that was happening, Matthew found himself wondering why his husband was so hard and so dominant that night.

Next: Chapter 3

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