Stupid Jerk

By K

Published on Nov 1, 2005


Disclaimer: Don't read and be on sites you're not of age to be on. However, if you are, don't get caught. It took me a while but I've finally decided to make this post two parts. So this is Confusion: part 1. Thanks to piscesgemini (sic) for your wonderful emails, aeserver (sic) for the idea, and T it's a given. Leave me some type of feedback at I thank you in advanced. Enjoy! Disfrutala! -K

Stupid Jerk: Confusion (Part 1)

As I lay there, all I could think to myself was: Is this right? "Es bien, esto?"

Earlier that week. "Ahem! Gentlemen?" Mrs. Stanton called out to us with a laugh at the edge of her voice.

Tom and I disentangled ourselves from each other and began straightening our clothes, both of us looking nervous. We didn't say a word to each other. I couldn't even bring myself to look at him. I kept my eyes trained on Mrs. Stanton . . . and Mr. Diodoro who stood next to her, shaking his head disapprovingly. "Gentlemen," he began, "that is not proper behavior within the school." He walked back into the office suite.

Mrs. Stanton gave him a scathing look but smiled at us, "Well, Francisco would you join me? And Mr. Sistrunk is it? Please go to Mr. Diodoro's office for that appointment." Neither Tom nor I moved, "Oh come now gentlemen. Nothing to be embarrassed about. I've been a high school principal for almost a decade now. I've seen, heard, and been through it all." That seemed to wake us up. We both looked at each other at the same time. In Tom's eyes, I saw . . . lust. Pure, unadulterated lust, and after stunning me for a moment, that look made my heart flutter. He smiled triumphantly and strutted into the office suite. I stood there confused for a moment. I followed Mrs. Stanton into her office.

Rae was already there, drawing a woman on her arm. She was in a dancing pose wearing a kimono. Rae looked at me, smiled, and answered my question just as I thought it, "Tattoo idea." Mrs. Stanton looked at it and nodded her approval. She motioned for me to sit in the seat next to Rae before sitting behind her desk in her tall backed chair. She folded her hands, scooting the large chair towards the desk.

She rested her chin on her folded hands and began, "Well, as you know, we couldn't pick just one of your mural ideas because each was so good. After seeing yours, we knew we'd seen the best and we were totally stuck on which to pick..."

I stopped paying attention to what Mrs. Stanton said. I don't know which word of hers it was, but that made me think of what just happened in the hallway. I mean this time was different than what happened with Darryl. Sure, Darryl kissed me and told me that he liked me, but Tom he... I mean, do I have a sign etched across my forehead that just beckons gay guys to me? Was there something about me? Granted, this hasn't happened before. But come on now, twice within the past three months? How can I just ignore that? But before I continue, is Tom gay? Or is he bi? Or just whatever? Is it just me? I've seen Tom drool over cheerleaders and other girls. I don't think I've seen him behave the same way about guys, but maybe it's just me, or I just never noticed.

iAh, pero el agarrar era magico! I wasn't expecting the kiss. Not in the least. I showed him the picture; then we begin wrestling which was fun. I may not be a huge sports fan, but I do love to wrestle. He got my pad from me, and that's when his demeanor changed. At first I thought he was . . . I don't know. I couldn't read him; so I asked him to say something. And say something he did!

The kiss. It was calculated. I knew it when he began because it was soft and tentative and then it escalated. Kissing a guy is just different. The lips are soft, but then you have that rub and scratching from stubble which made it better. I let that kiss happen. I gave into it, and when his tongue traced across my top lip, I knew he wanted to do. El quiso agarrarme. His tongue was long, powerful, and demanding. I reached around him and pulled him closer and felt all the muscles in his back. His hands somehow found their way into the back of my pants, and we made out. How long? I don't know. It was until Mrs. Stanton and Mr. Diodoro interrupted us, and shockingly I wanted it to continue. I hadn't ever given a guy a second look before, but now I'm already declaring that I wanted to keep making out with Tom. I didn't know what to make of that.

"Francisco?" Mrs. Stanton tapped her desk, "Where you listening? Did you hear anything I've been saying?"

"Perdon?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked down at my lap. Dammit! There was a wet spot on my jeans.

Mrs. Stanton smiled knowingly, "Well, let me just make this short, huh? We wanted to know if you and Rae would rather put your murals side to side, or because of hers which is quite simple, we combine them." She turned her computer monitor around, showing me a close up photo of Rae's painting. A large raven flew into the sunlight, flying towards it - the vanishing point. The dark bird was framed by the bright light around it, and at the bottom of the painting was written: Ravens Victorious.

I looked over to Rae, "Nice."

"Thanks," she smiled. "Yours was way cooler, though."

Before I could respond, Mrs. Stanton tapped a key on her keyboard and our two paintings were blended into each others. Rae's capped mine and below mine were her words: Ravens Victorious. "That's the combination! So which do you prefer?"

"The combo," Rae and I answered in unison. We looked at each other and laughed softly.

"Well then," Mrs. Stanton began, "that's done. Here're your cash prizes!" She reached in her desk bring out some bills. Rae and I looked on in delighted surprise as she counted out two piles, $500 each.

"iNosotros ambos obtienen quinientos dolares?!" I asked her.

Rae exclaimed the same in Japanese.

Mrs. Stanton smiled, "Yes, we did say that the prize was five hundred dollars-"

"But there're two of us!" Rae exclaimed.

"Yeah, we just figured that-"

Mrs. Stanton interrupted me, "The prize money would be divided. And believe me some of the committee wanted me to do that. But I made a promise that the prize would be five hundred dolares. So yes, Francisco, you both receive the cash prize in full! Now that that's all taken care of, I bid you farewell, and Francisco could you wait a moment?"

"Si," I answered as Rae got her money, said goodbye and left the office.

Mrs. Stanton stood up. "Now to get this mural done we're going to be working together a lot, and I just wanted to say," she came around the desk and sat across from me, "I don't care about who you have fun with, but try to be a little more . . . let's say careful. They too many open minds around here, even though this school is quite diverse. Ah, but best wishes to you both! Young love! And I do think he's waiting for you!"

I got my money, told her goodbye and left the office. As I walked past Ms. Roberts, she stopped talking on the phone to say, "Oh, see ya later, Paco." She did her best attempt at a nice smile. How miserably she failed.

I had fun with her, "Adios, mierda." I told her goodbye and called her shit in the sexiest voice I could pull off. She blushed and waved. I walked out the suite door and was immediately thrown against the wall.

Tom reached up and attacked my face with a ferocious kiss that left me breathless. He smiled at me. That beautiful smile. Did I just call his smile beautiful?! "Tengo practica," he told me he had practice. Did I mention how easily he was breathing?

I still took deep breaths, "Well . . . I'll see you en mi casa, no?"

"How are you getting there?" he asked, pulling me forward. He ever-so-lightly ground against me and kissed my neck.

"Como haces esto a mi??" I asked him still breathless. He just smiled, and that didn't answer my question. No one had ever made me do this. Well, at least not this strongly. I couldn't think clearly. I was confused, breathless, and increasingly horny. Sure, this happened with my exes, but never like this.

"How do I do this to you?" he smiled, repeating my question. "Cos I'm sexy," he took one of my hands in his, ran it down his body and placed it onto his erection, "And you know that this is for you." At that moment my dick spasmed, and I saw stars. He bit my lower lip and pulled on it slowly, "We'll talk tonight at your house, okay?" All I could do was nod. With that he kissed me again and ran off to practice.

I stood there leaning against the wall, trying to get my breath. I felt wetness in my pants and looked down. A large wet spot was plastered to the right of my zipper. "P, man, you're lucky I just got out of practice. Still here?" George came up to me all smiles, wrapping me up in a tight hug. I nodded as she stepped back, looked at my pants and smiled at me. "I'm not even gonna ask. You're a hot guy; I'm not surprised. Care to tell me who the lucky gal is?"

I smiled at her, "I thought you weren't gonna ask."

"Cute," she grinned. "C'mon. I'll give you a ride."

We walked to her car, and she kept giving me these mischievous smiles. Once we got in and were on the road for a while she turned to me, "So, really, who made you do that?"

I looked out of the window, "I ain't ready to talk about it yet."

"Why not? Someone I know?" she smiled.

"Maybe. Maybe not," I retorted.

"Tom?" she grinned, stopping at the light.

I turned to her quickly, "How you know?!"

Her eyes grew big, "Oh my God! I was just throwing a name out there! I didn't know Tom flowed that way. I never thought you flowed that way."

"Iono if I do either," I mumbled, looking back out the window.

"So you liked other guys before then?" she asked.

I shook my head, "No. Never. I was just showing Tom the sketch I did of him - oh yeah, I started yours - and long story short, he saw it and kissed me which led to us making out. Then Mrs. Stanton and Mr. Diodoro found us."

"Where were you?!" she asked, her eyes gleaming.

"Outside the principal office suite. Mrs. Stanton didn't say shit about it, but Mr. Diodoro was all disgusted and shit," I explained.

"That's so fuckin' wild! You and Tom. Y'all'll be a hot couple," she nodded her head.

"Who said we're a couple? No se what we are."

She punched my shoulder, "You'll be okay." We turned onto the street that led to our neighborhood. We passed by a group of guys playing basketball at the park. Some were shirtless. George slowed the car down, "Now that's what I'm talkin' about." I looked at the guys, noticing sweat, muscles, skin, and dammit, sexiness. I shook my head. "Seeing them different than before?" she asked me.

"I ain't that transparent, am I?" I asked her.

"No, it's not that obvious unless you're bi like me," she answered, paused, and continued, "Don't act like you didn't at least suspect it."

I laughed, "Admito que I did think so. You are oddly tomboyish yet girly. It's weird. Almost like two different personalities."

"Well, take it from me. At first you don't really know, but talk to Tom. You'll figure things out. And your secret's safe with me," she smiled and pulled up in front of my house. "See ya later, P."

"Hasta luego," I bade her goodbye and went into my house.

Yes, I have decided to delve into the world of .html. So now, this can finally be seen how it is originally written. Part 2 of Confusion shall be here soon. Parte 2 de Confusion estara aqui pronto. All comments -- good or bad -- to Thank you for reading! -K

Next: Chapter 9

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