Stupid Jerk

By K

Published on Aug 7, 2005


Disclaimer: If you aren't legally supposed to be reading this, then don't, but I'm not gonna stop you. If you feel uncomfortable reading works about gay, bi, or whatever teens, then why are you reading this? If ever you want to use any of this story, ask me. The answer should be yes.


Stupid Jerk: Thomas Sistrunk

It's funny how things change so quickly. It had only been a week since Thomas Sistrunk strode into Ms. Place's English class, his mane of hair wafting around his head. It had only been a week since we first started to see that trademark smile, but you wouldn't think that. Tom fell in with me, Darryl, and Deirdre pretty easily and quickly. We had already gone to his house and met his family.

He lived across the street Deirdre. (How she didn't notice the new neighbors moving in I don't know.) We met his parents. His mom was cool. She was a really nice businesswoman who constantly took phone calls and was always talking to some woman named Claire. You could see that she really wanted to be more involved with her children. It wasn't like she wasn't involved with them; it was that you could see the desire that she wanted more. Then there was his dad, an older version of Tom. His name was Fred, and he too had a mane of hair, but his was in nice, small dreads. Though there were a plethora of those. Tom had two older sisters who were twins, yi que linda! They were hot. He also had two younger brothers whom we hadn't seen much of.

Our trio had become a foursome. Now, when you saw us, Tom was just a part of the picture. He was in all of my classes, which was a reliever for him as he still hadn't gotten used to the layout of Hirsshorn and continually confused the different "streets".

Lucky for him it was still preseason, and he was extremely good for Tom had gained himself a place on the coveted ranks of the football team. Cue the bright lights and hallowing, angelic voices. I knew that Darryl played something like Fullback or Halfback, or maybe it was Halffront. De veras, no se. Tom had achieved for himself the position of Tight End. I wanna know who came up with that name. When he told me and Deirdre the position he got, she turned him around, bent down a little looking at his ass, "Yeah, you're a tight end," she joked.

We all sat in Ms. Place's class, while she was telling us something about The Witches' spell. I quickly drew each witch. One was tall and skinny, totally based on Deirdre. I handed it to her. "Now you can't say that I haven't drawn you."

She looked at it, "Oh? So when you draw me, I have to look like a hag?"

"She ain't a hag! She's standing tall and menacing and beautiful, like you," Tom came to my defense, causing an agog Deirdre to blush, highlighting the freckles on her face. Me and Darryl gave him an incredulous look. He quickly tried to cover, "Paco don't ever draw nothing' ugly."

"Bueno, your use of the negative doble," I laughed.

"Okay..." Darryl began, "Um... are we goin' to Sam's party tomorrow night?"

"What's he having' a party for?" Deirdre asked.

"It's supposed to be a start-of-the-football-season party," Darryl explained.

I chuckled, "He just wants an excuse for having a party." I looked over at him. He was throwing things at an unobservant Ms. Place. Looking so smug. Just knowing that he ruled this school. Sometimes you really loathe a person....

"True," Tom agreed, "But from what I heard, his parties are tight as shit."

"Ooo, this my shit! This my shit!" Deirdre and I softly sang together and broke out in laughter. We both shouted at each other, "Get outta my head." We doubled over in laughter even more. That cause d the class to grow quiet, and Ms. Place to glower as well as she could (which wasn't well at all) at us.

"Yoouu twoo know that I do noot tolerate such outrageousss behaviooorrr," she droned, "Now, I'm not that strict a teacherrr, but please, there is to be nooo shoouuuttting in claasss. Okaayyy, Ms. Foxalll and Mr. Sselva-Chevere.

"Ookay, First Witch's part of the spellll. Round about the cauldron goooo...."

The class got quiet after that but only for a moment. We then resumed our usual behavior. The bell rang and the four of us were now off to lunch.

"Here's an idea," Deirdre chimed, "Why'on't we sit outside for lunch today?"

"Esto esta bien. Plus, the lights better," I answered. Darryl and Thomas just shrugged their agreements. We stood in line to get our food. I looked at the meager prepackaged selection and settled for one of Ms. Stacia's tight ass sandwiches. As usual, she delivered. I had her tomato-mozzarella sandwich, and thoroughly enjoyed it. A fact which Tom decided to make known, "iAy, calmate, Paco! The sandwich isn't going anywhere."

Deirdre and Darryl laughed, as I responded, mouth full of the deliciousness, "Oo, guwt aw."

"Swallow man," Darryl laughed.

I swallowed and then gulped down some soda. "I said," I paused letting out a gigantic belch which Deirdre screwed up her face about, "You, shut up." I glared jokingly at Tom.

"What'd I say?" came a nice baritone voice from behind.

We all looked up, meeting The Golden Boy himself, Sam Carrington, in the eye. He came and sat down at the table. My first thought, `¿Te invitamos?' Deirdre immediately shot me a look that said, "He invited himself." I marveled at how well we could read each other.

"So, guys," Sam began clapping Darryl and Tom on the shoulders, "What's the buzz?"

"Nothin' much, Sam. Just lunchin' as usual," Darryl answered.

I chuckled and his double pun.

"Yeah," Tom threw in, "What's goin' on with you?"

"We'd all like to know," Deirdre said, partly looking for gossip and partly coaxing on Sam's already-too-large ego.

Sam smiled at her lecherously. That bitch had nerve to blush. He wiggled his eyebrows and continued, "Well, I just wanted y'all to know, that you're invited to my party." He looked at Darryl and Tom. Then to me and Deirdre, "You guys know you're invited, too. Neighborhood default, right?" He laughed.

What happened to the cool slightly richer kid who lived across the street from me? I don't know where he went once that school bell rung. I was about to say something smart, but Darryl interrupted me, "Well, we'd already heard about it and were already gettin' our shit together for it."

"Oh, well then good," Sam smiled. "I guess, I'll see y'all then?"

We all nodded our heads and replied our agreements. Before he got up, he looked at Darryl, Tom, then me, "Don't you three studs take up all the ladies." He joked.

"Why should you care?" I asked, "I though you were with Kara."

He looked taken aback for a fleeting moment, his eyes connecting with mine. In that moment, all of Sam Carrington was revealed, and if Darryl denied his being gay or bi or whatever, again, I'd kick him in the forehead. Sam, however, quickly and smoothly moved back into his usual big man on campus demeanor. "Of course I'm with Kara. I've just got a rep. You know." He winked quickly. "Catch ya'll later." He went over to some other table.

We sat in silence as Darryl glared at me, and Tom just looked uncomfortable. Deirdre patted my hand, "I thought you were over, Kara."

I shifted nervously, "Pues, I thought I was. No, I am. I don't know. I'm okay with her.... Ho before and ho after."

"Kara's the one from Swanson's class that calls you Siskey, right?" Tom asked. I nodded. He just leaned back, thinking.

"Well, on that note, me and Darryl gotta go," Deirdre announced.

"For what?" I asked.

"Taggerty has us doing some extra assignment as a punishment. We were being `too disruptive a class' yesterday. The assignment was due today. So we gotta go finish it," Darryl answered. "See ya," he called over his shoulder as they walked away. Deirdre waved.

Tom moved around the table scooting next to me, "So, Paquito, que dibujas tu para mi?"

"No se. ¿Que quieres? ¿Alguno escandaloso?" I asked him if he wanted something scandalous. I flicked him a mirror image of his usual smile.

He got a serious expression on his face and raised a brow, "Por que no?"

Why not?!? I wasn't expecting that response. It was my time to be flustered, "Pues... well, I uh...."

He threw an arm around my shoulder, "Mudo? Don't worry about it. I was just messin'." He laughed and then grew serious, "Though, that would be something." He gave me that smile and began standing up. "Well, vayanos. We have to get to Swanson's."

In Mr. Swanson's class, he gave some lecture about the New England Colonies. I really didn't pay that much attention and just doodled all over my note book. I drew faces and weird, non-existent things, people walking, dancing, and waving. Then I took out my sketch pad and started with the outline of a guy reclining in a chair. I sketched slowly leaning heavily towards the desk so as to make sure that I didn't mess up any detail of the sketch. Mr. Swanson kept repeating something, but I was so into the sketch that all I heard was a muffled comment.

Tap. Tap.

I looked up. Mr. Swanson stood next to me, his tall lanky frame looming over me. He stared down at me through his bifocals that were precariously balanced on a nose that resembled something close to an eagle's beak. His lips -- or lack thereof -- were pursed, and he was turning that all too familiar "I'm an angry Mr. Swanson" purple. He leaned down some more which put him at a normal height but made him loom even more. "Would you like to show the class what you find oh-so-interesting on your desk, Francisco?" he oozed, haughtily.

I looked at my sketch, my eyes flying open in shock, "No thank you, Mr. Swanson."

"Are you sure, Francisco? For whatever you are doing seems to have your attention much more than these essential notes that you shall need for your upcoming test. So why not show the class what's entertaining you, so?" he challenged.

"Mira. I'm sorry, Swa -- Mr. Swanson for not paying attention," I began putting my sketch pad in my book bag.

"Well, that's all that was needed, Francisco. And in the future, it shall be detention for your egregious behavior," I threatened and then continued with his lecture.

Tom leaned over, "Egregious? Wasn't that a bit strong?"

I laughed, "Yeah." Swanson glared in our direction and continued on with his boring lecture. I took out my pad and continued the sketch I had started before Swanson interrupted. I smiled at it but was still shocked by it. Tom saw me drawing again and chuckled to himself. He leaned over and his chuckling stopped cold. He slowly looked me in the eye. I playfully winked and continued drawing as if it was nothing.

That's all for this chapter. I know, you're probably wondering what was drawn. Well, that will be later revealed. The next chapter will be posted soon. El proximo capitulo se anunciara pronto.


Next: Chapter 3

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