Stuffing the Turkey

Published on Apr 26, 2020



Stuffing the Turkey

Stuffing the Turkey – Aaron Steel Diaries, LLC

At 5:30 Thanksgiving morning my brother in-law and sister in-law, Jim and Amy pulled into our drive. They carried in a crockpot of Amy's homemade noodles and a couple of pumpkin pies. It was good to see them as they live a couple of hours away. My wife, Kari and Jim's wife Amy, are sisters. We four are the only family left, so the holidays and a couple of special occasions during the year are about the only time we get to see one other.

Jim and I planned to hit the woods to do some hunting while Kari and Amy fired up the kitchen to get Thanksgiving dinner going. They come from a family that really knows how to cook and put a spread on the table.

We kissed our wives goodbye. Kari and I had a little romp in the hay much earlier this morning and it still had me craving for more. She and I lost awareness of our surroundings and just about started at it again. Around that time, Amy cleared her throat with a little sarcasm,

"Hey you two".

Kari gave me a look as if to say, Later tonight!

I turned and followed Jim out the front door. I noticed he wasn't in his usual mood- all jolly and kidding around. He and I piled into his truck with a thermos of coffee. I had a pocket full of peanuts to shell and munch on while sitting out there.

It was only going to get up to 21 degrees by noon today so we both donned our camo coveralls and hats to stay as warm as possible.

I was pretty relaxed and excited about the whole day. I shelled peanuts while I talked non-stop. "Hey! Did you watch the game last night?" Jim didn't say much except a grunt, "Nah".

I continued rambling on.

"It was pretty good after half time but I kept flipping over to the race so much I lost track of the score".

Jim never said much back. I continued shelling the peanuts while glancing over at him periodically. I noticed he definitely seemed a little upset at something or someone. I didn't pay much attention to it and continued running my mouth while sputtering peanuts.

We arrived at our destination, which was a small opening into a field, just off the township road. It was not even six o'clock and still dark. Jim and I dragged our asses out of the warm cab and into the chill of the air.

"Fuck! It's cold as hell out", I exclaimed.

Jim grabbed his gun out of the back of the truck and said nothing. As I slung my peanut shells out on the ground and pulled my gun out of the back, I peered through the cab at Jim. He slammed the driver's door shut. I grabbed the thermos of coffee and gathered up my things. By the time I got around to Jim's side, he was already a good clip out into the field.

"Hey! Are you going to sprint to the woods?"

Jim looked back over his shoulder in my direction but never offered to slow up.

"You okay buddy?" I asked.

"Yeah", he mumbled back. I didn't push the conversation. I just tried to keep up with his long, wide strides.

We made our way up into the area of the woods where the farmer always allows us to hunt. We picked a large black oak tree that was freaking huge. It had to be over a 100 years old. We sat there with our backs up against the tree - Jim on one side and me on the other.

It was pretty quiet as the sun began to peer over the horizon and light up the area.

"Hey Andy", Jim said in a hushed voice.

"Yeah?" I replied.

A couple seconds passed while I waited on him to say something.

"How are things with you and Kari?"

I thought it was an odd conversation to have while in the woods.

"Okay I guess. Just working our asses off these days to make the house payment and..."

"Nah, not that", Jim said in a scolding tone.

I hesitated for a minute and cleared my throat. "Okay... my last checkup with the doctor was good", I said with a chuckle.

"You dumb shit", Jim zinged back.

I tossed my shoulders up in the air and figured it was the mood he was in. Things were quiet for a few minutes. I twisted around and looked over my shoulder to see if he was still there.

Then Jim spoke up, "I mean how are things in the sack".

I sat there for a couple seconds, re-running Jim's question around the court.

"Oh. Well, uh... pretty good I guess. Why? What's up with that?"

"That good huh?" Jim asked.

"Well, I've never compared my performance with another guy but I guess anytime is as good as this", I said with a slight laugh.

"How often?" Jim asked.

"Well, I uh... I wouldn't say I was Johnny Lucky or anything, but... maybe a couple times a week".

I heard Jim make a begrudging huff. "You fucking little asshole", Jim barked.

"What? I mean, I'm not being exact but that's close. Besides, what's up with this topic? We've never compared notes before".

Another few seconds passed and then the suspense of this quiz show was getting to me.

"What about you and Amy?" I asked.

Jim just laughed under his breath in a very sarcastic way. He didn't offer much beyond that.

"That good huh?" I asked sarcastically.

About another ten minutes passed. The wind had picked up and it wasn't getting any warmer. I popped the plug out of the thermos and poured a cup of coffee.

"Cup of coffee, Jim?"

I waited for a second or two.

"Hey! Cup o' Joe bud?"

Still nothing. Then I heard Jim scuffling around in the leaves.

"I've got to take a piss", he said.

I didn't say anything, but I soon realized he hadn't walked too far from the tree. A cloud of steam passed by from around the tree like a horse was taking a piss.

"Damn bro! You're going to take the curl out of my hair over here!"

Jim was still grunting like an old man, oblivious to my questions.

"Feel better now?" I asked.

In an odd tone, Jim replied, "Yeah".

"You okay around there?" I asked. Jim never said anything. He continued to wrestle around and created a stir in the dry leaves. I twisted around again, looking over my right shoulder as best I could. This time I noticed Jim's legs were spread wide and it appeared as if he was fussing with something. I just figured he got his shirt hung up in his coverall zipper again. I leaned around a little more to get a better view and then noticed Jim had his dick out and was going to town on it.

"Bro! What the hell!"

I spun back around to my side of the tree and faced forward. My face lit up so red that it felt like a summer breeze was crossing over me. I gathered my thoughts and tried to wrap my head around what I had just seen. I then cleared my throat.

"You didn't have to invite me out here to witness that".

Jim sounded as if he stopped and it was quiet for a minute.

"Sorry Andy. I'm just so damn horny that I'm about to go fucking nuts!"

I didn't make out too much of what was in his hand but he was doing some serious cranking on that thing.

"Eh, all's good. Been there myself. You'd best be careful over there. You know old man Layman scouts out his fields and woods with binoculars. He caught you taking a piss a couple years ago. Remember?"

Jim didn't respond, although I heard him sniffing and breathing heavy.

"Is this where all the questions about my performance in bed come from?" I asked.

"Fuck Andy. Just seeing you and Kari going at it back at the house, set me off. It's that fucking bad bro".

I felt bad as every man knows after a certain time, the call of nature comes to polish one off, whether it's with someone or alone.

"You go ahead and take care of things over there and I'll keep an eye out and make sure no one runs off with the trees".

Jim continued grunting and panting around on the other side of the tree. I quickly found myself zoned in to his activity and all the heavy breathing he was doing. I'm sure the smell of his testosterone in the air wasn't helping matters. My own dick swelled up about double its size.

"Bro you're making my boy over here jealous. Hurry up and jizz that nut so we can get on with our day".

My heart was pounding in my chest while every male fiber in me was tightening up. While Jim stroked, he began to talk and ask me questions.

"Is she hot in bed?" he asked. I laid my head back against the tree and rolled my eyes in frustration.

"Bro!" I shot back at him, "You want to know about me and my wife in bed?"

It was quiet for a couple seconds and I was getting a little annoyed at this point.

"Buddy, help a brother out here. I need something to work with", he said.

"Uh, I'm not going to give you any mental content about Amy and I so you can jack off. And I'm not coming around to that side of the tree until you're zipped up and ready to move on down the path".

It got quiet as I couldn't hear Jim's overalls rustling against the tree.

"Are we all happy and zipped up?" I asked.

About that time, I heard more grunting and movement as Jim walked around and leaned against the tree. I tilted my head back, looking up at him from my position on the ground. I noticed he was standing there with his overalls unzipped and rolled down between his legs, all the while massaging his dick.

"What the fuck!" I jumped up to my feet and stepped back. "Bro! Give a buddy a break here. I really don't want to see how you take care of your frustration".

Jim didn't flinch at my outburst. He looked straight ahead, out through the woods in a glazed-over stare. His face was kind of messed up from being really flushed and sweaty. The clear seminal fluid was streaming out of his dick and down to the ground like a dog drooling over a ham bone. The front of his coveralls was covered in dirt and leaves where he was slinging man juice all over the place.

"Andy. It's been almost six months since Amy put out", Jim said.

It made me feel bad for Jim. I glanced over only long enough to see his manhood still stiff as ever and drooling. I snapped my head back and looked in the opposite direction. I really didn't know what to do or how to act. I felt sorry for him but trapped in a very bad situation that could end our friendship. I swallowed hard and decided to try and be supportive.

"Bro I'm sorry to hear that. That has to be frustrating as all hell". I didn't know what else to say, but knew this was too freaking weird being out here in the woods with my brother-in-law, while he masturbated.

"You know that young couple that moved in across the street from us?" Jim asked.

"Yeah? You think she's a looker? I think she's a little too..."

Then Jim interrupted. "I don't know about her but he's built", Jim said. My eyes popped and I about choked on myself. I turned and looked in his direction, only to see he was still going at his dick. I turned back in the other direction.

"Are you fucking kidding?" I laughed.

Jim leaned against the tree with one hand, while continuing to keep a rhythm going. "Does it look like I'm kidding?" I looked back over at him and then down at his dick. I had to admit, it was one hell of a dick that was well proportioned to his build and height.

"You mean you've been jacking off and watching him?" I asked.

"Hell yeah... does that make me a fag because I think about men? Why don't I think about another woman?" Jim asked.

I shrugged a little and found myself watching him go at it from my peripheral vision, while I thought for a minute.

"No. No, I don't think it does. I mean, if you can't get it from your own wife and you respect and love her, you don't want to hurt her by screwing another woman. So, I guess you would probably tend to look at a guy".

Jim turned and looked at me with a dead stare. "Exactly!" Jim reached up and began to unbutton his flannel shirt while his flag pole swayed in the breeze. He opened it up revealing those furry pecs and the nice tight stomach. I've seen Jim bare chested numerous times but him standing there almost nude, was killing me. It made me go nuts as I could smell the seminal fluid very distinctively. I caught myself reaching down to tug at my own crotch.

Jim caught my actions and looked down to where my hand was at. I quickly snapped back into focus pulling my hand away.

"It's okay buddy. We're both men here. If you want to pull it out and take care of things I won't get in your way."

I know I blushed like a virgin school girl.

"Nah, I'm good. I guess it's just the talking going on here". There were a few seconds of silence between us.

"Did Amy ever say why she's holding out?" I asked.

Jim spat in his hand and went back at it. "She says she's not in the mood or some other shit", he said.

"Looking at that monster, I'm sure a little goes a long way. That thing is thick!" I said.

He looked down at it and then said, "I can get a little carried away and open her up pretty good".

That comment made me swallow hard and my nips popped.

Nothing more was said for a few minutes. I didn't want to stare but I couldn't help but look over to check Jim's progress. The shaft was popping with veins and a deep purple-red. The head was large and massive, glistening with the glaze of seminal fluid he kept wiping up and using for lube.

Once again, I came to my senses and found my hand squeezing the head on my own dick through my pants. I looked up and Jim was locked on what my hand was doing. He looked at me with approval.

"Take it out", Jim said.

My face was flushed with embarrassment. "What?" I asked with a slight laugh of disbelief.

"Come on... take it out and get it going. We're bro's here and a little bromance isn't going to fuck us up".

Testosterone was surging in his blood. I looked up at his dick while he twisted and pumped it. I decided to let my guard down a bit and go with the flow. I worked up a good chubby through my pants while slowly massaging my boy.

After a couple of minutes, I decided to go further. "Hell, I guess there's no reason I shouldn't. We're men here and nothing goes beyond that".

Jim watched me unzip my coveralls. I reached in and unzipped my jeans. I hesitated for a few seconds thinking to myself, He's never seen me naked, let alone my dick. I let out a deep sigh and pulled my cock out over the top of my briefs. I nervously began to stroke it, while looking over at Jim from the corners of my eyes. I could tell he was watching every move I made. I don't sport a dick as big as his, but I won't belittle mine as it is a decent length and thickness. At least Kari has no issues with it.

I'm not a spitter so I had nothing to use for lube. My hands were frozen and blood red from the air. The head of my dick was beginning to sting. Rather than stroke, I was squeezing and cupping my junk to get some blood-flow going.

After a couple of minutes watching me, Jim took a couple steps toward me and reached over toward my dick.

I put my hand out against his chest to stop him. "Whoa bro. Let's not do something stupid", I said. Jim looked up at me, dead serious, while leaning into me with the weight of his body. I continued to push resistance against him, while giving him a cross look. "What the fuck!" I grunted.

We locked into a stare-off for what seemed to be about five minutes. I let go of my manhood and took a step back from Jim. His dead-eye gaze had a blast of determination behind it.

"Jim! What the fuck! Come on man! I didn't come out here to have sex with you".

He kept his place and looked down at my junk that I had cupped once again and was about to put away. "Come on Andy. I'm not talking about sex. Let's bust a nut out here and we'll both feel better."

I wasn't too happy or friendly now. The friendship and closeness that Jim and I had developed over the years was about the only thing that kept me from cussing him and walking back to the truck.

"I was just going to offer you a little of my lube to help out".

I looked back over at him with great frustration. He had me as horned up as any other man would be after inhaling so much male-pheromones as he had dumped in the air from his sweat and cum. However, this wasn't something I wanted to try or get started with him.

A grin came across Jim's face as he looked at me. "What?" I asked sharply.

"Come on buddy. Just relax. I'm not going to make you a fag". I looked back in the opposite direction and couldn't believe how this day had started. The thought of turning to kick him in the balls and walking off crossed my mind, but then my heart couldn't let that thought linger too long.

I finally let go of my dick. I turned toward Jim and looked away feeling slightly humiliated by his gesture and unsure what he had in mind. He took my dick in his hand for just a minute. He began squeezing and pulling on it. He reached back over and squeezed his hard member, extracting some seminal fluid, then reached back over and wiped it around the shaft of mine.

I closed my eyes unsure how I should be processing this. His touch was cold at first and I flinched from the sensation. I continued to focus on his fondling and massaging my cock and nuts.

"There's some lube for ya. Spit on it if it starts to get dry", he said.

Jim stepped back and continued to look at my dick. I reached down and took hold of it, feeling the slime Jim had smeared on it. It was cold but I didn't hesitate to squeeze tight and begin stroking. The thought that he had shared his own lube with me by applying it was titillating, and speaking of tits, mine were hard as rocks and so tight they scratched the fabric of my shirt.

After a few more minutes passed, I found myself thoroughly enjoying this time stroking with Jim standing in front of me watching. It was like two buddies shooting pool and enjoying a beer. He continued to stroke hard and then paused to pull hard on the shaft.

"You're going to pop the head off that thing", I said.

Jim let go of it and waved me on. "Stroke it for me", he said.

I looked at him in disbelief. "Dude! Are you on something? I don't know about that. It feels okay doing this, but this is getting weird". Jim stepped forward again and took hold of my dick. I rolled my eyes and looked up out of the way. I knew it had been a while, and he was confused and frustrated.

He was like a brother in every sense of the word so I was just going along with it, but wasn't feeling too comfortable. Jim slid his hand in between the buttons of my shirt and began touching my chest. I'm a smooth guy so there's no fur to keep his cold hands off my skin.

He pinched and pulled my left nipple hard until I was standing up on my toes. I put my hand up and grabbed his. "Damn. Easy with it".

He took my hand and pulled it away while he continued to play with the nipple. He then took my hand and pulled it down to where I could feel his dick in close proximity, with the heat emanating from it.

"Take it bro and help me". I looked at him but he couldn't look at me any longer. He stared off into the woods while his hand was wrapped around my wrist in a clinched tight hold.

I kept a resistant-pull from his grip. "Jim, come on. I know we're two guys high on hormones here but let's think about this shit first. My god, man! You're like a brother to me".

I could tell his emotions and guilt were getting to him but he wasn't backing off. I gave in by relaxing my resistance. I reached over and took his dick. He let go of my hand and let out a deep, sorrowful sigh. "It's been so long", he said.

I looked at his face and a tear was streaming down his cheek while he bit his lower lip. "Amy hasn't as much as touched you sexually that long?" I asked. He said nothing while keeping his face turned away from me.

I decided to let my wall down and help him out. I knew I could trust him with my life. I began to massage and pull on his dick like I would my own. He put his hand in my shirt again, massaging my chest, which is one definite way to get this boy as hot as hell. My hand was a slimy mess from Jim's continuous stream of seminal drool.

"Go down on it for me bro", he said. I came to a stop and looked down at the massive dick in my hand. Jim took it and wiped it clean with the tail of his shirt_. "Come on boy",_ he said. I swallowed hard and thought for a minute. I had only sucked a guy's dick once when I was in high school. I was on a lame-ass camping trip with Charlie Foster. We both did more drinking than fishing and ended up giving each other blow jobs.

I dropped down to my knees and wrapped my hand around Jim's dick. It already had a large bead of fluid building up at the slit of the head. I must admit, Kari has a kinky side to her and many times fed me my own precum. That was okay, but another man's jizz?

About that time, the blob of jizz dripped out of his dick and landed on the leaves between my knees. I knew there was more where that came from. Jim put his hand on the back of my ball cap and applied a slight bit of pressure, pulling my face closer.

I wrapped my mouth around it and began sucking. At first, I could barely get the head of his cock in my mouth without gagging. It was very odd, yet fucking hot at the same time. I was putting forth my best effort, stopping now and then, gagging, sputtering, and spitting out a mouthful of his bro-juice.

"Get up!" He demanded in a rough, graveling voice. I looked up at him, not sure what his change of tone was all about.

I slowly rose up in a humble manner while looking at him and wiping my mouth. I was trying to figure him out. He grabbed my coveralls and pulled them down off my shoulders like a very angry man. He jerked and tugged until he had them below my waist, which in turn pulled my jeans down below my butt. I reached and grabbed his shoulders to keep from falling on my ass. "Hey! What the fuck are you doing?" I cussed.

"These damn things are in the way", he grumbled. I didn't say anything until he started to pull off my shirt. "Hey it's fucking cold out here bro", I yelled, very cross. I could tell by the look in his eyes that his mind's rational state was under control by the insane charge and hype of adrenaline. I didn't say any more until he had me almost stripped to my knees. Jim then grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down to the ground again. I hesitated, and looked up at him to see if I could reason some sense from his eyes.

I continued sucking his dick while the skin on my back and chest began to sting from the cold air. I tried to cup my pecs and nipples as the burning became intense.

After a few more minutes, he began running his cold hands down my back. I arched my back and raised up, yelling, "Whoa! This is just too fucking cold, bro". He pushed me back down with a force on my shoulders.

Jim knelt in front of me while I leaned away from him, still struggling with my balance. He pushed me back and onto the cold ground. This aggressive swing in our activity put me into defense-mode. I began fighting and resisting him like I was in a schoolyard brawl. I didn't really want to fight him, yet natural instincts had taken over.

"Jim! Stop it!" I continued to combat him while he had his hand around my throat and maneuvered himself between my legs. I kept kicking and swatting at his arms and against his chest. However, he was invincible. My bare back had already worn a bare spot in the leaves. I knew either of two things would happen. 1) He would kill me in his mad rage, or 2) he would come to his senses and release me.

I felt the exhaustion begin to take its toll on me. The rapid breathing of the cold, damp air had my lungs burning. I finally relaxed and chose not to fight. My chances would be the same- fight or surrender. With my lack of resistance, Jim took note and lessened his grip.

I laid my head back on the ground. My ball cap was laying a few feet to my left as it had gotten knocked off in the struggle. My back was on fire from the abrasion and cold. Looking up at him, naked from the ankles up, he knelt there, dripping sweat on my legs.

We both reeled with exhaustion and were panting like two boys that had raced down the street on foot. "Now what?" I asked Jim.

He had a look of satisfaction on his face while he gazed over my body. I felt totally vulnerable and invaded in my naked state, exposed to him like that. But I was not in a place to care now. I ran my hands over my abs and chest to try and get some warmth flowing.

I could see my package hanging below. My dick was so shriveled, it looked only two inches long and my bag was non-existent.

Jim reached down and put his hand on my abs. I wasn't quite sure just what would happen next. He leaned into me with one hand supporting him to my side. He put his mouth to my left nipple and began to nurse it gently. Out of reflex, my right knee contracted and slammed into his balls. He stuttered and let out a quick utterance of pain. He never took his mouth off my nipple. He just froze for a minute.

"Sorry." I said in a sympathetic tone. In a second or two, he continued sucking. He was gentle and passionate. I attempted to raise my head, but he quickly pinned me by the throat with a confirmed pressure that said I was not to do that again.

The thought suddenly came to me, What if he was seeing me as Amy and this was a few moments with her?

The grip around my neck was beginning to cause some discomfort. I raised my hand that was under him and felt the warmth from his belly. I hesitated as I thought, I love this guy like my brother. Why is it so hard to maybe just help him?

I slowly placed my hand up against his chest and held it there for a second or two. Then slowly, I caressed him. I ran the back of my hand over his belly and then to his pecs. Jim began to softly weep as his chest contracted from the emotions. I continued to comfort him with my hand.

I managed to free my other hand from where it was pinned by his leg. I reached up into his shirt and began to caress his chest as well. My thumbs found his nipples. Circling them and then across the ridged points, they grew tighter. Jim's breathing calmed for a minute and he released the suction from my nipple. He raised up and looked down at me with a blank, empty stare. I looked at his eyes trying to see if he was going to speak.

Jim then grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up. "Get on your knees, bitch!" He demanded. I slowly managed to get turned over onto my knees, with Jim hovering close. My legs were so cold, the muscles felt atrophied. The only thing that felt warm and lifelike was the pectoral and nipple Jim had been sucking.

Jim maneuvered me into place and then put this hand around my neck. Pulling my face down, he once again made his demands. "Suck it, bitch!"

Jim's cock was even more swollen than it had been earlier. Precum strands, like spider silk were flowing down and swaying in the chilled breeze. I hesitated only for a second and then reached forward, took his cock in the palm of my hand and sucked it into my mouth. I began sucking and slurping like a calf nursing its mother out of milk. Jim placed his cold, rough hands on my back, which made me arch and squirm from the blistering sensation. My ass was literally burning from the cold air. I kept my buttocks clinched so hard, they felt as if they had tightened into two large muscular knots.

Within a few seconds, Jim's reach extended down to the top of my crack. I let the first couple of passes go but on the next one, I stopped sucking and looked up at him. "I don't know what you're thinking bro but you're not putting anything up there. Only the little woman's finger has been in there and we're keeping it that way."

I held my stern glare at him but he never flinched. I went back to sucking, but with more focus on where Jim's hands were at. A couple more times and his finger extended down in the crack. I was on guard but said nothing.

"I need to fuck you, bro", Jim said out of the blue.

I sprung up to my feet in a rapid surge, pushing him away from me. I began spitting and wiping my mouth from his messed-up dick. "Bro it ain't happening... at least not with that monster. You'd rip my ass up", I said. I was getting pissed that things had gone this far.

Jim walked up to me, leaning into my chest and glaring into my face. I could feel the fur on his chest like a wild animal. The aroma of musk and sweat was swirling up from his arm pits like bellows of smoke. It was strong and pungent and it bit my libido like a rattle snake. I felt the whole aggressive action from Jim to be both exciting and arousing.

His hard dick was tangled in the coarse hair around my dick. It pulled and ripped the hair from my pubic bone as I struggled.

"Don't Jim. Just walk over there and beat it off and then I'm ready to get the hell back to the house."

He wrapped one arm around my neck with his hand behind my head and pulled me in closer against him. I fought him with both hands, trying to get him away from me. However, I was no match for his strength.

Jim pulled me through and under his left arm and pinned me tight. His other hand slid down my back and began caressing my ass.

"Jim! Come on. Think about what you're asking for here". I kept thinking to myself, you may think of him as a brother and good friend, but you need to get aggressive and fight.

His hand made one more circle around my buns and then he ran a finger down my crack and stopped when he reached the opening of my ass.

My body tightened up with a spasm of fear. I tried to push away but his grip was definitely saying he meant business. The thought of just cussing him out until he came to his senses crossed my mind a few times, but if he didn't come to his senses, he might possibly become even more unpredictable.

Jim put pressure against my anus and slowly began to slide his finger in. The pain wasn't pleasant and every muscle in my buttocks and legs that weren't frozen, contracted.

"God damn it, Jim! Come on! I'm not doing this, you sick, fucked-up ass!"

It was as if I cussed a tree. Not one word broke Jim's focus.

"Andy, tell me I can have it so it won't be rape, please. I can't stop myself". He pulled me even tighter under his arm and his finger began to pump my ass. I continued to keep a push against his hold but held my peace while he was exploring my ass.

Suddenly, I was becoming more confused. My dick was beginning to throb and swell with the man-to-man scuffle, yet the thought of bending over for Jim wasn't exciting. I knew he needed help. I was even willing to suck him off but this was beyond my degree of logic.

"Jim, I don't know. That would be like the final thing left to do and like going all the way here and..."

Keeping his finger buried in my ass, he released me then reached down and grabbed my face. I stood up, catching my breath. My eyes were tearing and running from all the struggle and fighting. Before I could see what was coming, Jim planned a deep wet kiss on my lips. I tried to push away quick but he had me pretty tight in his grip.

I was thrashing around trying to free myself. His tongue slid in between my sealed lips and rubbed against my clinched teeth. He then let me go but grabbed my dick. He quickly dropped to his knees and swallowed it, as soft as it was.

I couldn't believe he would do that. I could tell he had no idea how to suck one but he was doing the best he could. The vacuum he put on the head of my dick brought me up to my toes. I had both hands on his shoulders to balance myself. All I could do was gasp and inhale from the erotic and sensitive surge that ran deep into my belly.

The action continued for a minute or two. Out of instinct, I wrapped around Jim's head and began to slowly face fuck him. Jim choked and gagged as I got very intense in driving my cock deeper into his mouth. I immediately focused on face fucking Kari to keep it hard. The gagging sounded just like her. I totally lost myself and went hard at it.

Jim pulled off and stood up, facing down at me from his tall stature. "Come on buddy. Please, tell me I can have it. I promise not to take long", Jim begged.

"Dude it's going to hurt like hell and fucking burn. You are a fucking bull!" I shot at him. "Besides I don't have a rubber - not clear out here in the woods".

As I finished that sentence, Jim pulled his hand out of his pocket and presented me with a condom. I looked down in disbelief with my mouth wide open.

"You keep a rubber in the pocket of your coveralls? Oh my god, man!" Then the thought crossed my mind, maybe he planned this. I looked back up at him and then a grin came across my face as it did on his.

"You fucking ass! You had this planned out before you even got to the house!" I shot at him.

Jim snickered under his breath, "Yeah. I'm guilty".

I looked down at the condom again and then back up at him. He winked at me. "Come bro. Take one for the team and help a buddy out. I fucking need this". I sighed and took a deep breath while taking the condom out of his hand.

I held it up and shook it in his face. "You mother fucker better not make me bleed or tear up my ass. Brother-in-law or not, I'll have my pocket knife out and cut your nuts off before you even feel the blade". I held a stern look, eye to eye with Jim. He reached out and took hold of my soft dick and pulled me back into him again.

"You have my promise. I will not hurt you, but I will say it's going to be a rough ride once I get started. So please tell me I can have it. I don't want it to be rape".

I could smell my own jizz on his breath while he continued to massage the head of my dick. We stood there, once again staring into each other's eyes like two prom sweethearts. I was running all possibilities through my mind and the only one that kept coming back as total logic was - this can't end good!

I took a deep breath and then let it out, while my lips flapped. I looked up at him again and couldn't help but laugh through the mental struggle I was feeling. Jim never cracked a smile or a grin.

I leaned forward and gave him a mouthful of tongue. I was ready to take one for the team and knowing I could end up in the same situation, I wanted to make it good. I built up a mouthful of spit while kissing him and turned the kiss into a total fucking mess. It fired him up good as his hands reached around and grabbed both cheeks, pulling them apart. I reached up and began twisting both of his nipples. He shot a mouthful of spit back into mine.

I began arching my back and moaning as he had two fingers in my ass trying to stretch me out. I wrapped my arms around his neck while I ripped open the condom. I pulled away and took a step back to see his cock, deep purple and throbbing. I took hold of it and it twitched in my grip. I fumbled to get it on his dick. I reached down and squeezed the tip of his dick to get more jizz then slimed up his shaft which made the rubber go on easier.

Jim leaned me back with a forceful push, exposing my chest and took a sharp bite of my right nipple, holding it between his teeth. The pain was strong but seemed to redirect the tension away from my ass. I got the feeling that was planned as well. Maybe he was being honest about caring not to hurt me, so he tried to help.

I couldn't stand the bite any longer. I gently smacked him on the side of the face. Jim released his bite and stepped back. I reached up and covered the nipple as it stung like hell. I doubled over at the waist. "My god, man! Bite it off, why don't you?" The frigid air wasn't helping matters. "You fucking asshole. Damn, that hurt".

I could see my sharp scolding was killing the moment.

"But this bitch likes it", I said in a playful tone. He grinned at me.

I refocused back to all seriousness and looked at him. "Yeah bro. It's yours, but treat it like you own it and don't wreck it to hell".

I turned around facing the trunk of a large white pine, directly behind me. I put both hands against it and planted one foot firmly ahead to brace myself.

A stiff sharp breeze came through and across my bare chest and body, "Fuck! Come on bro, let's get this party started. My nuts are getting frost bite".

Jim stepped up against me and pulled my hands back. "Hug the tree bro. Don't lean against it", he said.

"What?" I asked in all confusion.

He pushed me up closer to the tree and laid his shirt over my right shoulder. "Put your shoulder in against the tree like you're about to break the line of offense and wrap your arms around the trunk".

I assumed the position and while doing so, Jim reached between my legs and began milking me like a cow. "What the fuck bro, it's about to snow out here. Get your dirty deed done!"

"I don't have lube and I don't want to use my juice, so I'll use yours."

He inserted a couple fingers in my ass and began massaging my prostate while pulling down on my dick. In less than a minute, he had a nice blob of jizz in the palm of his hand from the end of my dick. He worked it into my ass with his fingers. He reached around and put his hand over my mouth. I pulled my face away. "No fucking way! Don't smother me", I said.

"I'm not smothering you. Take my finger in your mouth. The more it hurts, the more you bite".

I didn't turn that offer down but wasn't real crazy about sucking on another guy's finger. I opened my mouth and took his index finger and then heard him say, "Buddy this is going to hurt at first", and then he quickly slid his massive manhood in my ass.

My body jerked and locked up stiff and solid from the pain that just exploded in my rectum. My eyes flooded with tears that rolled down my face. I couldn't bite his finger. I had to open my mouth and cried out with the biggest expression of anguish and pain I've ever experienced. Anyone in the next county could hear me.

Jim held it in place for a minute while squeezing my shoulder with his other hand. "Bite my finger hard now and tell me how bad it feels", he demanded. I knew this was his way of offering a way to put the hurt back onto him. My ass was screaming for revenge in the worst way. What Amy was doing to him was not right and I truly believed it was motivated by pure spite. Both girls had a mean streak in them when they felt like it, and Amy should be the one taking this up her ass.

I panted and breathed so heavily, I began to see stars. Instead of biting, I began sucking on his finger and running my tongue around it like I was sucking his dick. I could hear his breathing becoming labored and then he was panting like a predator ready to take the first bite.

He began with slow and deep thrusts, over and over. Eventually, I relaxed as I began to get an erection. He was hitting that sweet-spot that Kari knew just where to touch. I continued to tease the tip of his finger with my tongue and he massaged and stroked the inside of my mouth. I looked back as best I could to get a sense of how close he was getting.

His head was laid back while he was twisting both nipples. I was hoping that was getting us closer. I began yelling back, "Fuck me bro. Use my ass like you would her pussy. Fuck me hard and good". It was all I could do to even talk. I felt like my gut was about to liquefy and fall out of my ass.

It didn't take any more to persuade Jim. His thrusts became more intense and strong. At one point, I got my head too close to the tree and with a swift power plunge, he rammed in. My face side-swiped the bark, scuffing my cheek up pretty good. That didn't actually bother me too badly as I was beginning to enjoy what Jim was doing back there.

After some time had passed, my hole was becoming almost numb to the repeated thrusts he was giving me. "Come on bro. Are we about there yet? This tree is cold and my tits have got frost bite, not to mention my boys hanging down there".

Jim didn't say much other than to give a breathy grunt. "Close." He reached around and cupped my boys and held them in his one hand to keep them warm while his other hand began to rub my chest to warm it up.

"Damn! Now that's some talent. Now, just pat my tummy and the man gets a doughnut and coffee", I said while bearing down on one of his volleys.

Jim stopped thrusting and shook my jewels while he busted out laughing. "You dumb shit. Shut the fuck up and let me finish". Then he started pounding me again.

"Go for it. No argument here", I cheered. He gave my jewels a nasty squeeze, which brought a sharp pain. I knew he was close and didn't want to be bothered.

In less than a couple of minutes, he pulled out so fast I felt like my guts were being sucked out. He then grabbed me by the arm, pulled me around and then with one swift and powerful shove, pushed me to the ground. I landed on my ass and elbow.

"What the fuck!" I cussed. Jim raised his right foot with the massive tread on his boots and planted it right in my basket. I knew I had tread marks on my dick, but I was more relieved he didn't crush my balls. He applied enough pressure to show he meant business and it wasn't a rough house play.

"Don't move and lean forward, I want your chest". The look in his eye said I had no other option.

His hand was wrapped around his dick in a death grip. His jaws were clinched tight and he was bearing his teeth like a mad dog. At that very minute a hot blast of jizz shot out of the head of his dick. It landed right in the middle of my chest. Within seconds he began spraying me with multiple streams of jizz, coating me. The muscles in his arms and legs were ready to pop. His pecs appeared to have grown two inches bigger. Jet after jet of watery milk covered me.

Soon he was finished and I lay there caught in no man's land, unsure of what I wanted to do. My ass was so wide open you could park a limo in it sideways. My dick was rock hard from the incredible sensations of everything that would have been an extreme violation of my body, except that it was all for my buddy, Jim.

I laid back on the cold ground and pulled my jeans and coveralls down to my ankles.

"What are you doing? Don't you want to get off that ground and get cleaned up?" Jim said.

"Fuck no!" I said. "You got this shit started. Now get your sorry ass down here. You're going to clean it up with your tongue while you help me get off".

Jim grinned and got down beside me. As I stroked he leaned over my chest and began licking up his own jizz, while teasing my nipples. His other hand gently massaged my balls, pulling on the sack, which he had no clue was what I liked.

Soon, I could feel my ass tighten up and a load beginning to erupt in my dick.

"God damn! I'm going to bust a fucking nut".

Jim slid down lower beside me and took my dick out of my hand and then began to suck it hard and fast while he fingered my ass. My back arched as I wanted everything he had to give me.

I shot load after load in his mouth. He continued stroking and sucking. I finished and relaxed in the leaves on the ground. Jim turned and swallowed the mouthful then stood up. He reached down and locked hands with me, pulling me up.

I looked him in the eye and said in all seriousness, "I think we had a pretty good day out here in the woods. The coffee was good, the wind sharp but refreshing. The conversation about the best way to remodel the kitchen really helped me get some ideas".

I stretched out my hand for a shake. He looked down at my hand and then took it and we shook. Without warning, I gave it a swift jerk, pulling him into my arms. I took his face with my hand and turned it towards mine. I planted my wind-chapped lips on his and gave him a deep, tongued kiss. He met it with his own effort and passion. I then wrapped my arms around him and gave him a big bear hug while grabbing his ass. He began laughing and things loosened up.

Looking at him with our faces still close, "You know, even though that was technically called rape, I still love you and would do it again if it would help".

Tears filled Jim's eyes while he looked at me as if he didn't believe what he had just heard.

"You mean you put up with all that shit just to help me out?"

"Yeah, you fucker. And like I said, I love ya so much, I'll do it again. You just have to let me know when. But preferably not out in the cold like this", I snickered and poked him in the belly.

"You turkey!" Jim jabbed back as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and we stood there looking out into the woods.

"You okay, buddy?" Jim asked me. He put his hand against my belly and gave me a pat.

"Yeah. I'm damn good". Then I winked at him.

We began wiping our cocks and hands on shirt tails and whatever else we had in our pockets. Not another word was said. The air carried the smell of our manly seed in circles. I could smell mine, then Jim's and back around again. We gathered our guns and other items and began a long and silent pace back to Jim's truck.

The ride back to the house was totally off subject as we discussed everything from cars to ball games. Jim was very humorous in his dialogue and jokes. A couple of times he reached over and punched me in the arm while giving me a tough time.

Jim was himself now. I believe we broke through the barrier that had him tormented and almost insane. As he was rambling on about this and that, I looked over and watched the grin on his face along with the glint in his eyes. He was like a school boy that had just found another person to call a friend.

We pulled into the driveway and I reached over and smacked his thigh. In all seriousness, "If you ever need to go hunting again, give me a call. I'll be ready to help". He knew what I meant and nodded.

"Thanks buddy". Then he tried to pinch my nipple.

He sighed and relaxed back in the seat for a minute, and then rolled his head over towards me. "We're good?" he asked.

"Yep, we're good, bro", I assured him.

"Everything on the down low?" He asked.

"As down and low as your sagging ass", I said.

Jim laughed. "You little fucker. My ass doesn't sag".

I think it did me more good to just see Jim smiling, laughing and able to talk about what happened out there.

We grabbed our shit out of the truck and headed to the house. Kari made it to the front door before I could get to the porch.

"Well, you two are just in time!" She said.

"Hello to you. What do ya mean?" I asked.

"The power went off about five minutes after you guys drove off and it just came back on when you pulled in. Amy and I couldn't do anything except make coleslaw and ice tea".

"You're kidding me. We're starved to death. We worked up an appetite out there", I said in a whining tone.

"Well, it's going to be at least two hours. So, you two get cleaned up and ready to help".

I looked over my shoulder to Jim and winked as we filed in the house. He turned a couple of shades of red and said under his breath, "Get in there, fucker!"

We began kicking off our boots and pulling our coveralls off.

"Which one of you is good at stuffing a turkey?" Amy asked.

Jim and I just stopped in our tracks and looked at each other.

"What's up with that?" Amy asked in a curious tone.

I couldn't resist. I turned and looked at Jim while holding my composure. "Jim's pretty good at it".

He turned almost purple with embarrassment.

"You dumb shit!" he said with a chuckle.

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