Studying Chemistry

By Patrick Louis

Published on Feb 11, 2000



This story involves sexual activity between two males. If you are under age or do not wish to view such material I highly recommend you leave immediately. This story is completely fictional; therefore any resemblance to everyday life is completely coincidental and unintended. _______________________________________________________________________________

Yet another day I had trudged off to class wearing the latest apparel on the market and looking very hot to trot, I couldn't stand it anymore. Spending my afternoons in Boston purchasing the newest fashions on the market sure paid off because I was getting tons of attention, especially from this one boy in my language class.

Dave was 6' 2" by my calculations and considerably gifted in certain areas. A pair of tight-fitting Diesel jeans did not leave much to the imagination. His sense of fashion is what caught my eye at first but other things soon followed. I'd spent many days of the semester staring at this angel in the front row, sometimes distracted from my own work.

"Alexander, question 2 please!" my professor grumbled staring at me. I was absolutely dumbfounded; I didn't even have my book open to the page. Just then he looked at me and smiled. I was having so much trouble over the course of the semester, just making a C average. Every single exam brought a frown on my face and the fact that the final exam was worth 60% of the final grade certainly didn't make matters better.

After class Dave walked over to me and said, "You know if you need any help, I'd be more than willing to oblige. I live in the dorm across the street from the Faculty Club, here's my number call me anytime." "Thanks, I'd really appreciate that." "Don't worry about it, call me."

I decided to head to the gym for a 3-hour workout and there he was again. "Hey, it's seems were bumping into each other quite often." "Yeah, it seems so," I said wanted to jump on him like a vice. I was sweating to death, smelling outright egregious and there he was just standing in front of me with massive pecs, an abdomen to die for and the quads of a saint!

"Want to go for coffee after this?" he asked putting the largest smile on his face. I couldn't wait to agree. We walked to the nearest coffee shop and chatted for the better portion of an hour about the life of the average New Yorker, debating whether the world's best designer was Gucci, Tom of Finland or Prada, and what the like. When he decided it was time he checked in for a shower and got started on some assignments. I thought it was a good idea so we made plans to meet up at his place about 1 hour later, he said I should just walk in as he never locks his door.

My roommate was out thank goodness. And there was the BCBG shirt that I just picked up downtown that was to die for! I took a hot shower, sprayed myself with Christian Dior and put on a pair of Theory pants and Gucci shoes... I was going all out that night. Well I somehow managed to do all that in 30 minutes, I wonder why? Hmm... and ran off to Dave's dorm.

The shower was still going on so I guess he was still in the middle of his shower. I was about to walk out to the kitchen when the angel walked out to the bathroom. He was as hot as hell!! I wanted to faint, pant, scream, yell - but alas my inhibitions held me back.

"Hey, where are you off to? Since your hear and I've wanted to try something on... I hope you don't mind."

"Oh no! Go ahead."

He turned around in just a towel giving me total view of that chess that I had spent numerous nights contemplating while "taking care of business" to get a pair of new underwear out of a shopping bag and on went a pair of tightly clad underwear display the most enormous piece of man-meat my eyes had ever seen.

"What do you think?" he asked.

"It does you well."

"Thanks. Well I think we should get to the Chemistry assignment don't you?"

"The what? Oh yeah Chemistry"

He walked over to me, leaned in and kissed me fully on the lips. The heat in my body was rising to a temperature I absolutely couldn't control. I was on fire. He caressed my chest and with his knee lightly rubbed my cock still clad in my jeans. My hand reached for his manhood only to find it full of life and energy. I then started to moan as I experienced a pleasure that I hadn't enjoyed in a long time.

I pulled his underwear down and wrapped my tongue around his manhood and slowly worked it until he screamed.

"UGGHHH! Argghhh!!! Yes! YES YES! That feels so good!!"

He could hardly control himself as rivers of love juice flowed down my throat rewarding me for a job well done. Dave fainted on his couch and couldn't move for 15 minutes.

"How did you learn to do that?"

"It just comes naturally," I answered.

"Well this comes naturally too."

Dave mounted me, rubbing the entry to my manhole with a load of K-Y jelly. He pointed his 9" cock into my ass and entered me, penetrating me for the first time. First he began slowly taking me and then he moved in faster, faster and faster! Until at one point he was fucking my ass so hard I thought I'd cease to exist. After 40 minutes we were covered in his sweat and my pre-cum until he filled me with the load of my life. Spurts of semen filled me and poured all over the sheets and I erupted for the second time.

If you enjoyed this story and would like to see more like it, or even if you have a simple comment please feel free to email me. My address is or whichever floats your boat. :)

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