Study Hall Gossip

By A B

Published on Aug 12, 2005



The following story is fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual activities between teenage boys, girls, and siblings. If you are not over 18 years of age, you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please do not read it.

Study Hall Gossip

Chapter One

I lay on my bed fully erect, massaging my dick. Above me knelt Kevin, who like myself was naked. His penis throbbed as he slowly came down on my own dick. Taking my entire length in his mouth he sucked up and down. Oh, that felt so good. I raised my legs up as he slowly felt my anus.

After several minutes of his licking I could no longer stand his hot breath and long on my head and around my shaft. With a silent moan I orgasmed. I shot my load into the toilet paper I had prepared. I got up and went to the bathroom to clean myself off. The image of Kevin sucking me disappeared as I left. If only he would really do that to me, I thought.

As I sat on my toilet, wiping away my cum, I knew that no matter how much I thought of Kevin while masturbating he would never come around. There was no chance that he'd be gay or even bisexual, but I would love to have him--he was so cute. Well, I thought, maybe he's one of those conservatives who hate gays just to turn out to be one. Longingly I thought of that possibility as I turned on the shower to wash myself off.

I fell asleep thinking of what I could do to him and what he could do to me.

The next day, when I went to school, I gave no thought to my passions. At lunch Kevin sat down at my table so I got the chance to look him over once again. If only we had to take showers during gym. I would love to have a look at him; would he be uncut or cut like my self. I somehow knew that he was not circumcised, and I realized that I liked that thought.

After lunch I had a study hall, and to my luck it was one of the ones with Kevin. The only problem was that I did not like some of the people at the table he normally sits at, so I sat by myself as I normally do. But to my shock, Kevin and a freshman named Mike walked over to my table.

"Mind if we sit down, David," Kevin asked, "I need to get some work done."

Kevin's work did not stop him from talking.

Soon the talk turned to girls. Kevin and Mike talked about a hot freshman in Mike's class. I did not know whom they were talking about so they pointed out the shapely figure of possibly the hottest girl in the school. Oh, she was nice, not as cute as Kevin or a few other boys in the school but I would not mind having her.

Even though I did enjoy talking about the busty brunette that they had just shown me, the talk just reassured me that there was no chance that Kevin would ever caress me. If only he would just say he had something he wanted me to know.

Dreaming of Kevin pulling me aside during one of these study halls and telling m of his true feelings I hardly heard what they were saying.

"I can't believe he's so open about that with his parents."

I suddenly awoke from my fantasy. This sounded like juicy gossip.

"Whom are you talking about?" I asked.

"Matt," who was a sophomore like Kevin and myself. "He and his parents are very open about sex."

"What?" I was taken aback by what Kevin had said but when I thought about it I was not surprised. He seemed like he'd be open about that to anyone.

Mike started talking again, apparently about Matt. "...after what he did in the spa over the weekend. He just started kissing a guy."

What? I thought. Did I here that right? No, I wasn't paying attention and misheard him saying that Matt was kissing some girl.

"I'm not surprised he's bi. He seems like one of those guys. But still, I don't think I look at him the same way again."

I was right, Matt had been kissing a guy--he was bisexual. I suddenly started to get a boner at the thought. Matt was not the best looking guy in the grade, he was not like Kevin, but I would not mind having some fun with him. I used to imagine him as well as Kevin as I pleasured myself but in the last few years I have stopped imagining Matt as much as I once did.

I wanted to find out more but did not know what to ask--I did not want them to know my feelings. Dumbly I asked: "Who was he kissing?"

"I don't know," said Mike.

"Do you know if he was kissing someone from school?"

Kevin thought and then answered: "Yeah, I thought I heard that he was."

Suddenly I became disappointed; they had not see Matt kissing a guy, just heard about it. What if Matt was straight and this was just a rumor. Even as I thought that this might not be true, I felt a stirring in my loins. I wanted to go to the bathroom and jack off but I had never done so in school and did not want to start now even with my boner craving me to massage it; instead I made sure it was under the table and waited for it to go away.

That night I stripped around twelve. I locked the door and put on a pair of socks. I picked up another sock to use to jack off and brought over some toilet paper to catch my cum. I laid down upon my bed in my usual position and stock the sock over my phallus. I wished it were longer, but at the very least it was an average size.

As I rubbed my shaft I began to think of what to do with Matt. Maybe if I went golfing with him we would start talking. Maybe if we started to play truth or dare--I know, cliché but still a fun idea. I would ask him if he really was bi and then dare him to play strip poker.


I came. Instead of sticking toilet paper to keep from making a mess, I pointed my penis right at my face. The warm liquid shot at my cheek; the next on my lips. I had tasted my precum before but never my actual juices. As I finished shooting at my stomach I licked my lips and tasted my own cum. It was not as nice as my precum but I did not mind it--I could not wait until I could suck Matt dry.

But I knew what to do. I would have to ask Matt to go golfing and then find out if he was bi. Until he told me I could not tell him who I really was.

The next morning I watched Matt sit down at a bench before school. He was with some girls so I decided to wait. At break he was alone when I walked into the dinning hall commons. I sat down next to him.

"I heard you had a good game last night," I said.

"Yeah, it was the first lacrosse shutout I've had."

"I remember the time in middle school, when I was still on the team, you would have had a shutout if the referee had not given him a penalty with a minute left."


"Oh well," I tried to get on subject. "How has golfing been?"

"Not well. I don't have much time with lacrosse practice each night. How about you?"

"I haven't found a place to golf around here."

"Oh well."

It was not going well. How do I get him to invite me over?

"I was thinking of joining your country club."

"Oh yeah?" Matt said.

"Yeah. I liked it when we went golfing last year."

"It's nice," he responded. "Hey, my dad is going away on business over the weekend so I would have play by myself. Would you like to come over on Saturday?"

Yes! Don't screw this up; don't screw this up, I kept thinking.

"Yeah, sure. I have piano lessons in the morning but I'm free in the afternoon."

"Sure I'll set up a tee-time for one o'clock," Matt said as he walked off when some friends entered the room.

"That'll be fine," I trailed off as he left.

Ha-ha! I thought as if yelling it in my ear. Three days and I get to be alone with Matt for a few hours.

At night I masturbated to the thought of what Matt and I could do together. I just hoped that he was really bisexual like myself.

I stuck my golf bag into the back of my SUV and hopped in next to my dad. I drove into the next town, where Matt lived. His house was in a development that was built together with the country club. I pulled into the driveway with a clear view of the eleventh hole. Removing my bag from the car I told my dad that I would call when I was ready and walked over to the door.

As soon as I had rung the doorbell, Matt opened the door. He, too, was dressed in a polo shirt and khakis. Matt ushered me in and told me to set my bag to the side.

"How are you doing?" he asked.


"My mom is going to take us over to the club house--she has to go shopping."

At quarter of I climb into the car parked in Matt's driveway. A minute latter we pulled up to the clubhouse and Matt and I took our bags inside as his mother and sister drove off. We got ready in the locker room with its rich wood lockers. Finally at about five of we went outside to tee off.

Living on a golf course, Matt was a good golfer. I, however, sucked and almost had twice the score as Matt by the sixth hole.

"I suck," I had decided to create some small talk in hope of finding out whether Kevin's gossip was true.

"You just need to practice more. You're good; you just are inconsistent."

"Hence: not good."

"You know what I mean." He turned to take a shot with a wedge. "You like, golfing? I mean you don't get board staying out here for a few hours?"

"No. Do you?"

"Well, sometimes on the back nine it gets boring when you're alone. It would be better if I talk or play a game with someone else."

Interesting, I thought. Cynically I said, "One game isn't enough for you then?"

After stepping back from a put he turned to me: "Something to keep talking. Sometimes I'll play one where we have to say something we never did but think our opponent has done before. I we are right they get a point. After ten points you are eliminated and the last standing wins."

"I think I've played that before."

"Truth or dare is good also. Dare are a little restricted on a golf course though."

Both would be go ways to find out about Matt's sexuality. "Those sound good. My only problem is that I never no what ask for those types of games."

"Oh, come on," Matt prompted as we arrived at the seventh tee. Once again Matt stepped up first with his driver.

As I came up to tee off I finally capitulated: "Sure. Which one do you want to play?"

"Truth or dare."

Hmm... I though, I little cliché, but there must be some reason this scenario is used so often, there must be a good chance of success.

"Okay," said Matt, "let's play. Truth or dare?"

Which would be better? "Dare."

"Hit the next shot left handed."

"I think you'll win even if I continue playing right handed," I said as I stepped up to the opposite side of the ball and held my club with the tip against the ground and the bottom sticking away from me. I swung. My club hit the ball. My ball flew off to the side. "Having fun with this?"

"Yep. I'll take a dare as well."

"Use your putter to hit your next shot."

Matt complied and his ball soared past mine but not by much.

"This might take some time if we keep taking dares," I said, "so I'll take a truth."

"Whom do you like most in our grade."

I did not want him to be aware that I was bisexual yet but I did not want to lie. "If you mean the hottest then I would say Jackie is the hottest girl in the grade."

Walking over to the green Matt decided on which he would take next, "Why don't you give me a truth too?"

"Alright, give me a sec." I thought of what might lead the conversation in a productive way. "How many people have you kissed?" I asked him hoping that this would not be too personal for the moment.

"I don't know the total number, but I have French kissed five people," Matt made it a point to say people. "Truth or dare?"


It seemed like Matt was still thinking my question over when he prompted me: "Now that you've told me who you think the sexiest girl is," he hit off the eighth tee, "who is the hottest guy?"

Taken aback, I did not answer. "Well, I don't know... I guess I would say Kevin," trying not to let on my true feelings.

We continued for a little bit until the ninth hole started. Luckily, because of a few dares, I had won the eighth hole. As I stepped up to the tee I called over my shoulder, "Truth."

"What," he hesitated, "was the most resent gossip you've heard."

I swung as he finished. I had hit better left-handed.

This was my chance. What if he says no, I thought.

"Uh... well, I heard you were kissing a guy at a party." This did not surprise Matt apparently. It sounded like he kissed the guy in the open so there was no reason so shock.

"So," I continued, "is that true?"

"I never said I'd take a truth. Did I?"

"Alright. Truth or dare?"


Shit. He was not going to answer. I collected myself and thought. "I dare your... to take truth next time."

I had Matt on that one. Maybe he could have argued that it was illegal to do in truth or dare but he did not say anything.

I smiled to myself as I said, "Truth."

Matt needed no time to think so as soon as I put myself on the green he asked me, "Why do you want to know if I was kissing a guy."

Did he sound hostile? I thought. No, I don't think so. Well here it goes: "I want to know if you're bi."


I smiled at him and told him succinctly to wait his turn. As we brought our putters onto the green I decided to change my question from whether he kissed a guy to: "Are you bisexual or gay?"

Even though Matt was aware of what the question would be he had missed his putt. Was that a good or bad sign?

"I am bisexual. But I would like to ask you something so is it okay if you take truth?" I nodded my affirmation.

"Why do you want to know if I'm bi?"

"I uh...." Should I tell him? "The truth is--"

"Are you bisexual," he clearly broke the rules of the game.

I took a breath, "Yes, I am bi. And, well... I didn't know of anyone else in the school would were gay or bisexual. And, well--"

A golf ball landing a dozen feet from us interrupted my explanation. I quickly putted my ball into the hole, as did Matt. We finished as a second ball landed on the green. Matt stooped down to pick up the angry golfer's ball. As they came over the hill to see where their balls had landed and whether we had left, Matt threw the ball into a nearby water hazard. The now furious golfers ran down at as, and all thought of my answer was forgotten for the moment.

Once we finally got onto the tenth hole's fairway we began to walk. We decided that nine holes were enough, especially with those assholes behind us.

As we neared Matt's back door he asked me why I wanted to know whether he was bi again. I struggled for an answer as he unlocked the French doors and ushered me in.

He started to smile as I labored to explain myself. "Do you want to play some Halo?" he asked.

I agreed, glad to be off the hook. But nonetheless I knew that he was aware of my intentions.

We walked into a small room with a television and Xbox in it. I sat down on the floor with a controller. After starting up the video game, Matt sat down between my legs and laid back against my chest so that I could see the screen. I fought to keep from having an erection but to no avail. Matt obviously felt my boner against his ass as he turned around and smiled.

We started up a game of Slayer. Last time I played Matt at Halo I had never heard of the game before, but now I was quite experienced and won the game. The next two times Matt won. Finally on the fourth game, once my boner had subsided, I quickly ambushed Matt and won the game. In disappointment he collapsed onto me. His body touched every part of my own so that my boner returned.

Matt flipped over and smiled at me. "So, your bi too."

This was not new information to him so I figured that he must have been hitting on me.

"Yeah, I am," I said.

"You're still sweaty from earlier. You should probably take a shower."

"I don't have a change of clothes though."

"Oh, you won't need any."

Okay, this had to be a good sign. He definitely implied that I would not need clothes.

He walked me over to his room, which had a bathroom at one side. He ushered me in and closed the door even though no one would be home for a while from what he said.

"I'll go get a towel for you, why don't you go take your shower now."

Matt walked out of the room.

"What the hell," I said and started to take off my clothes.

I stepped into the bathroom and locked the door--I would not want Matt walking in right now. As I waited for the water to heat up, I quickly took a shit.

By the time I was ready, the water was nice and hot. I soaped myself up to remove all the sweat before I leaned over to clean off my anus. With a soapy finger I penetrated myself made sure everything would be clean.

As I finished, Matt attempted to open the door. He apparently had not thought that I would lock the door.

After I turned off the water I walked over to the door and opened it up just a crack. "Pass me the towel," I told him.

"One problem, I only brought one towel with me."

I looked out to see him naked except to the towel he had rapped around his waist.

Stunned, I let go of the door, which he promptly pushed in.

"Are you done already?" he asked. Matt went over to the shower and turned the water back on.

Even though I knew what his implications were earlier, I was still surprised at what he was doing. I suddenly realized that I was naked in front of him.

"Could I have that towel?" I asked.

"Why don't you wait until we finish?" Matt said as he hung the white towel on a rack.

He stepped into the water but did not close the door.

"Are you coming?"

What the hell, I thought. I stepped into the shower and closed the door.

As he lathered himself up I noticed his penis. He was uncut and partially rigid. By then my own dick was fully erect. He cleaned off all of his body from his hairless back to his fluffy pubic hair. All of it was blond like the unkempt mat above his head.

I moved close and pressed up against his body. Our hard-ons rubbed against each other. I began rubbing him as he did the same to me. Suddenly he bent over exposing his anus. I was taken aback by how cute it was. I rubbed a bar of soap over my fingers, getting the well lubed. Then I placed the bar between his cheeks and slowly lowered it onto his anus. I took a finger and began relaxing his sphincter with gentle stokes. Matt gave a moan and pushed his muscles out so that my finger shot into his rectum.

After a minute of massaging his rectum and prostate I pulled out. Matt stood up and turned off the water. He walked out of the shower and wiped himself off. Then he gave me the towel and I dried off.

Matt walked me over to his bed. Its sheets were still a mess from the night before. He sat down on the side and I followed him. We both laid back and looked at each other.

"Well, this has been interesting so far," I said but only got a grin in return. I never had had sex before and had only imagined what I might do. "Have you ever done this before?"

"Some of it I have done. Last week after I was kissing that guy you heard about, we went inside for a little fun. We didn't do any anal play, we just sucked each other off."

"Whom were you kissing at the party?"

"I don't kiss and tell. Maybe I'll say later."

Matt leaned over and started kissing me. Soon he had rolled on top of my stomach and told me to move back onto the bed. Matt took by hard-on into his mouth and began sucking it, slowly moving his tongue around my head. Soon my precum began to leak out.

I had imagined blowjobs before but I never realized how wonderful they really are. Matt's hot breath blowing over my dick was too much to bear.

He started fondling my scrotum with one hand as he used his other to enhance the blowjob. Before my orgasm began, Matt took his mouth from my hard-on and started sucking my balls. I began to moan. Finally he began to suck my dick again. Matt's work soon came to fruition.

"I'm about to cum," I yelled.

He grasped my hard-on with his lips so he would not loose any of my semen. That set me over the edge. I shot several loads into his mouth. After half a dozen shots he licked my penis clean. Matt moved up to my head (actual head, not penis) and began kissing me. When our mouths made contact I tasted some of the gooey liquid I had just shot.

Matt flipped over onto his back awaiting my first attempt of a blowjob. Without hesitation I moved onto him. Starting with his mouth I began to kiss him each time lower than the last. I stopped at one of his nipples and sucked on that for I while before continuing. I passed his bellybutton (an "inny") and ended at his pubic hair. All the time I cradled his balls in my hand. By then Matt was thoroughly aroused so I started playing around with my tongue. I wanted to deep throat him so bad by then that I took as much of his dick as I could in my mouth. However, I did not really know how to deep throat so I just sucked what I could of his hard-on and pleasured the rest of his shaft with my hand.

His precum was seeping out of his urethra. Its salty freshness was so wonderful. Slowly, I pulled my left hand from Matt's balls and moved it down to his anus. Matt lifted his legs up to allow access to his ass. My finger slipped into his rectum again. I found his enlarged prostate easily enough and began to stroke it.


What a wonderful feeling! His hard-on suddenly became more rigid as he shot his load into my mouth. I savored his fluids in my mouth. It tasted wonderful. Before I had my fill he shot again, filling my mouth full of his semen. I'll have to remember to swallow quickly next time, I thought. Quickly, I swallowed what I could as he came again and again. Each time less cum came out until it stopped completely. I licked his head clean before pulling off; however I kept my finger up his ass.

"Oh, Fuck," Matt moaned.

Smiling at my new fuck buddy, I asked, "Truth or dare?"

"Let's wait a minute before we give a dare. Truth."

This might be even more fun, I thought.

"Who has given you a blowjob?"

Matt listed a few girls in our grade before saying, "I've also sucked you and some other boy."

"You have to say his name."

"I'll tell you later. I just want you to think of me for a time."

"Alright," I submitted. "Truth."

Matt put his hand on my chest, "Which are you do you think: top, bottom, or versatile?"

"I guess versatile but I think I really would like bottom."

"Same with me. Definitely I like bottom but I wouldn't mind fucking you if you want."

My libido wanted me to fuck Matt right now but before I could ask for some lube he said, "Dare."

"Interesting. Why don't you get us some lube?"

Matt walked into his bathroom showing me his tight ass. I really wanted to fuck him now. He walked back with a jar of Vaseline with his penis bobbing up and down.

"Dare," I said coyly.

"Fuck me," was his only response before he placed the towel we had used earlier on his bed and kneeled down.

I walked around behind him and kneeled with my penis on his ass. Matt got down on his elbows, his face in a pillow. His ass was so great. I had never thought of rimming before, I always thought it was disgusting, but at that moment I just wanted to eat out his ass.

My tongue slipped around his anus. I could barely hear Matt's moans with all the pleasure I was feeling by using my tongue. After some time I was horny enough to try to stick my tongue in his rectum. My first few tries did not penetrate him but finally Matt was aware of what I wanted to do and relaxed his sphincter for me--not that I was not relaxing it myself. What a feeling to have your tongue up someone's ass. Eventually I got to horny to continue to only pleasure Matt so I pulled out my tongue and brought over the jar of Vaseline.

Matt's ass was pretty lubed up already with my saliva but I started to slather the jelly on my hard-on. Placing a glob on Matt's anus I began to stick my dick in him. With his help I got it in.

After a moment Matt adjusted to the piece of meat in his ass and told me to fuck him. I began to slowly slide my dick in and out, trying to rub his prostate as I did so. I went faster and faster until I could barely hold my cum in. Matt was moaning into his pillow when his sphincter tightened. He shot some cum onto the towel. That was just too wonderful. His next contraction sent me over the edge. I poured loads of cum into his rectum. Finally, once we had both finished I laid down over his back.

"That was wonderful," he said.

"Yeah." I took my flaccid dick out of my friend and laid down on the towel, Matt did the same. "I'd love to have you fuck me, but maybe we should wait."

"That was wonderful," he repeated. "It feels so strange to have cum up your ass."

I laughed at him.

"I just came twice so why don't he rest for a while so that I can give you as much as possible."

Though I wanted to be fucked, I was satisfied to wait if it would allow us to have more fun.

"Maybe you'd like to sleep over tonight?" he asked longingly.

"I've never had a sleepover before--though I doubt that we would sleep of course." Matt smiled and I continued, "Alright. I'll call my parents and tell them that I'm going to stay here tonight."

We both got up and wiped off the cum we had just laid in using the backside of the towel. Matt handed me a phone. I told my parents what was going on--well not all of it. Then we went naked back to the Xbox and continued our games of Halo.

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