Study Buddy

By David S

Published on Jun 28, 2000



Study Buddy

A story by David S

This story contains sex between consenting adult males of consenting age if you are under the age of 18 or your country or state does not allow this sort of literature to be read please leave now if you are offended by sex between men again please leave now if not enjoy the story and if you like send me an e mail and let me know what you think of it

And remember these characters are purely fictional

If you have any comments or suggestions don't hesitate to e-mail me at

Well were do I begin my name is Danny but all my friends just call me Dan I am 18yrs old I am staying in halls for a year until I can find a place of my own I am learning to be a sports therapist. You know injuries and such. I am about 6ft tall dark brown hair and hazel eyes I am a bit of a sports fanatic so I am very fit I do like extreme sports I have done a bungee jump and lived to talk about it I have a few girlfriends but I like most of you guys well prefer other guys I have an average size dick 7" but I know how to use it ok well that's not really true I had one experience with a friend when I was 15 but I don't think that counted but who knows perhaps I will find someone I like here in college.

Sitting in a lecture taking notes about calf muscles when this young guy came in and started talking to the professor and he pointed to a seat near me the kid was about my age a bit shorter around 5'8 good looking nice fair hair floppy style but kind of cute he sat about 4 places from me And the professor asked if anyone was willing to go over the last 3 weeks notes with Josh and he looked around the class and the nobody came forward so I said well it is ok with me and Josh nodded.

The lecture lasted another hour but I could not really concentrate on anything but Josh And the professor thanked me for helping a fellow student and I told him it was a pleasure it might help me focus on the term a bit more and he agreed. Leaving the room Josh came over and said "Thank you man I am grateful for the offer" and I replied "its ok when do you wish to start" I asked "how about the weekend I am staying at my brothers place about ten minutes out of town I could pick you up" he said but its my weekend off but how could I refuse him he is cute as hell "yeh ok" I replied " what time do you want me to pick you up" he asked "about 10am" I replied he agreed and I gave him directions to the dorm entrance and told him I would be standing outside the door.

The morning came and it was hot as hell must have been 90 at least god knows how hot it will be by afternoon. On time Josh arrived by the entrance and I climbed in "Hi Josh" "Morning Dan waiting long" he asked " no just came down as you arrived" I replied a bit hot isn't it " sorry about your weekend Dan " "No problem glad to help out" I replied with a smile on my face. " when we get finished we can use my brothers pool they are away on holiday so the place is all mine for the week" he said " Great" I replied this may be ok after all but I don't have a bather with me he might have a spare besides his brother must have one well he must its his pool after all.

Three hours passed and we agreed to call it a day until tomorrow and he said do I want to go for a swim I told him I don't have a bathing suit and he just laughed "look Dan we are two guys no chicks nobody around nobody can see into the pool so who needs a costume anyway" and he smiled while telling me so what the fuck he stood not ten foot from me and began to strip " come on slow coach " he shouted and into the pool he dove stark bollick naked so I just stripped a bit self conscious of my nakedness and as he did just jumped in we swam and dive-bombed each other for about an hour

Then he said he was going to catch some of those rays so he climbed out got on a sun lounger and lay down on his stomach with his tight ass just staring at me so I got out of the pool and like he did lay on my stomach "rub some oil on my back will you bud" he asked well could I bare to touch him his skin is so smooth and soft god help me please "its just beside you on the table" he said "ok" I replied so I got up grabbed the bottle of oil and kneeled down beside him and sprayed some oil on his back and started to rub it into his back he moaned and said "that feels great" well I am training to be a sports therapist and the massage will be good practise for me I done his arms and back and now I was on his legs he opened his legs a bit wider and I could see his perfect balls just laying there for all the world to see I got to the top of his legs and stopped he looked up and said do you mind rubbing the oil in to my ass as I cant reach So he lay back down and I rubbed the oil slowly into his nice firm tight ass god this is great then in one motion he turned over and asked if I would do the rest of him coz he looked down and seen I was sporting a very nice full blown hardon as you seem to be enjoying yourself.

So I got the oil and started to rub the oil into his perfect body his cock was also beginning to stir he must have been 9" and I was getting very uncomfortable he looked at me and said don't be nervous about getting turned on by other guys we all do sometimes and he stroked my cock and then rubbed my balls god if he didn't stop I was going to cum right there and then I got bold and started to stroke his cock and he responded by asking me if I had ever sucked a cock before well to be honest I had not even been with another guy "do you want to suck mine" he asked I just nodded and he stood up and said just open your mouth and take it in a bit at a time so I did it felt funny in my mouth tasted a bit salty but not unpleasant he then said suck on it and use your tongue to work then head he said. The look on his face was that of a person experiencing sheer pleasure and I was pleased with myself for giving this guy what he asked me for and for what I could see I was not doing a bad job he then pulled out and dropped to his knees and proceeded to suck on my very hard cock and boy did his mouth feel good he sucked on my cock and then took both of my balls in his mouth and worked on them he then started to tease my ass hole with his finger and it felt great he then inserted a second finger and worked my ass for all it was worth and I was about to blow my wad down his throat so I told him I was almost there but he didn't care he just started sucking even harder and then "aaaaahhhhhhh" "yyyyyeeeeessssss" "oooohhhhhyyyyyyeeeeessssssssss" I screamed "aaaaahhhhh" I yelled out loud and with that I could see his mouth full of my boy juice pouring from then sides and he just closed his mouth and swallowed it all he then just licked his lips and he had a wicked smile on his face and he said "ok did you like that" he asked "fuck did I ever that was awesome" I replied "good now its my turn to get off I want to fuck you" "eemm ive never been fucked before I don't know if I can do it" I know you have not had sex that's why I want to be the first" he said "I wont hurt you I swear" I don't know Josh I do like you but I don't know" "look if I hurt you I will stop honest" so with a bit more coaxing I agreed

I sucked his cock to a full boner and he rubbed some suntan lotion on his cock and some on my ass hole he got behind me and eased "oooooowwwwwww that hurt like hell you bastard stop please" I begged " you promised me you would stop" "Dan just relax for a moment I will wait a bit it will stop hurting soon" he said reassuring me and soon it did so he eased a bit more in it still hurt a bit but the pain was slowly being replaced by shots of sheer pleasure and god it felt good his hard cock pumping and pumping my ass oh don't stop please don't stop ride my ass "ooohhhh yyyyeeesss please dddddooooooonnnnntttttttt sssssssttttttoooopppppp" I pleaded with him and he just kept on banging his hard rampant cock in to my ass I was in heaven with this hot fucking stud just relentlessly fucking my ass I could feel this guy in every pour of my body he just wasn't fucking my ass he was fucking my sole as well "oooohhhhhh" I yelled out coz my whole body was convulsing I was going to faint with pleasure then He started to moan loudly he was not far off blowing his load " Stop I want you in my mouth" I begged and he pulled out and I started to suck him and he almost went weak at the knees then "oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh yyyyyyeeeeeeeeehhhhhhh" he screamed as the first jet hit the back of my throat "oooooooooohhhhhhhhh ddddddaaaaaammmnnnn yyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeesssssss" as the second and third hit my face

He leaned over and kissed me and licked what was left off my face and thanked me for a great afternoon " that's ok perhaps we could repeat it again sometime" I asked And he smiled and said he could always use a good study buddy who could suck a cock and take a good fucking like I could and I just laughed and we collapsed in a heap.

The End.

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