Study Bud

By Ryan

Published on Nov 14, 2006



Being an outspoken and proud gay man...I have many sexual adventures to share. However, most recently I had an extremely erotic experience with a guy that I had class with. First off, I'm in school to be a nurse and part of the curriculum is taking the required science classes. Since I skipped out on most of these in high school and avoided them as an undergrade in college...I'm not stuck taking them. But things happen for a reason.

So over the summer I decided to get the micro class out of the way so I could focus more on the core classes during the regular school year. I wasn't happy about giving up my summer vacation...but I figured that it would all even out at some point. The first day of class I noticed this totally hot kid sitting at the next table over. I say "kid" because he looked not a day over 16. I'm 27 and usually not into guys that much younger than me. But something about this guy drove me wild. He had longer, shaggy brown hair and wore tye dye shirts and khaki shorts. He was about 5'7'' or so, this build was on the thicker side and he was fucking hairy. I could see this chest hair crawling up out of his collar. Not to mention he had the juiciest lips I'd ever seen. All this was wrapped up a nice kiddie beard and deep brown eyes. By the end of class I'd been rocking a boner thinking about him.

Anyway, as luck who have it he sat across from during the lab portion of class. I took the chance to introduce myself to him. He seemed nice enough and offered up his name; Zack and is 19. So with that...I took every chance I could to talk to him. Zack's voice was clear and deep and he smiled a lot. Nice teeth behind those hot lips. Class continued and Zack mentioned that he was gonna miss a class because he got busted for open container. He asked if I could get the notes and labwork for him. I readily agreed--I was hooked. It was then I noticed something very subtle in him. He seemed to linger a bit...and on the way out of class he dropped his car keys. As he bent over he gave me a great view of his ass--damn it look great in this shorts.

So like the good guy I am I got the notes and lab protocols for him. When he returned to class he mentioned his mom took away his driver license because of his recent unlawful behavior. He also mentioned he was having a hard time with the material for the class and was worried that if he failed out...his mom would really flip out. So a few of us in the class invited him to our study group. One of the other girls lived in the same town as him and offered to give him a ride to the bookstore where we would meet up. I was a little pissy cause I wanted to give me a ride myself. He was too freakin' cute.

As the class rolled on he came to the group and sure enough I got to know him a little better. He was a good kid, just outta high school and trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. He really wanted to take physics...but the class was full for the summer so he opted for micro instead. Cool for me right? Well one night as the group was packing up he asked me for a ride home. It was a little bit outta my way but I'd figured "what the hell". This kid is so cute how could I say no.

The ride out to this house was pretty uneventful and we chatted about this that or the other. Very casually Zack mentions maybe picking up something to drink. Just a few beers or something. He knows a place where we can go and drink a few. I question if this is the same place he got busted for open container--he says yes and I quickly point out it probably isn't the best idea to revisit the scene of the crime. Very smartly he replies that he would just prefer to not to home for a bit and kick it with me. He was saying all the right words. I quickly pulled over, got a six pack and started following his directions.

Zack lived with his mom about 20 miles from the bookstore on this little lake...more like a pond if you ask me. I pulled into a dense wooded area. We drank the beers and I decided to get going before we look suspicious. To my dismay nothing happens. I dropprd Zack off at home, got a handshake and headed home. Oh well.

The next day in school he mentions that he needs another ride home. I agree to take him and we head out after class. During the car ride he mentions that he had a nice time last night, but was a little nervous, and hopes I didn't take it personally. I thought that this was a strange thing to say--so I asked him what on earth did he mean by it! He then said that it was weird to be hanging out with a gay guy (I never hide it from anyone) but was totally cool with it. Zack stated he felt a little weird about it but I'm a cool guy and he likes hanging out. I joke that maybe it's the beers he likes hanging out with and not the gay guy. We laugh a bit...then some more silence. I tell him it's okay, not to worry, and I'm not offended.

Now comes the interesting part...after a moment of silence he says "wanna see it"? More silence. I'm not stupid...but I say "see what"? He shifts a bit, rubs his plams over his chest (a nice chest at that) and says "you wanna see my dick"? I'm floored and completey turned on...and still driving! I'm 6'3'' 210 lbs, bearish and gay...and here is the hot, young stud in my car wanting to whip it out. So what do I do? I tell him "sure, let's see it". I'm staring ahead on the hot from what is going on. Quietly Zack unzips his pants, reaches in, and pulls out his cock. I'm totally turned on.

Zack's cock was short and thick (much like him). I could see dense, dark pubs peaking out of the fly. His dick head is thick and dark. Delicious. It was nice and I tell him that. He thinks it's a bit small. I point out that even soft I can tell it's thicker than hell. He laughs and kinda twists it towards me. I'm dying. I ask him the next logical questions..."do you wanna see mine"? I tell him that I'm hard and if he doesn't wanna see it that's cool too. He agrees and with the skill of a driving road head champion I drag my cock out. I've got a pretty average sized cock...just over 7'' and normal width. I'm not full hard...but pretty damn close at this point. Zack quickly points that he never thought he'd be in a car showing off dicks with another man. I undo more of my shorts to really let it all hang out pulling my balls out to get some light too. I grab my cock and give it a few tugs. "Have you felt another cock before" I ask? Zacks says no and I then offer mine to him. I've still got one eye on the road and the other on his cock. It's still soft but Zack is quietly pulling his balls out. I suggest maybe he just take off this pants and sit his bare ass on the seat. He looks a little unsure but then quickly pulls his pants away. "Like that" he says rubbing above this cock. I am happy to see a deep mass of pubs. He seems a little nervous but begins to touch himself.

"This is crazy" he says and reaches out for my cock. I moan (I love moaning) as he lightly jerks it off. I notice his cock is now getting harder and with that I take my chances and reach over and fondle his balls. I tell him his cock is gorgeous and is balls are amazing, his breathing is quickening. And truth be told...his dick was gorgeous. It was thicker than hell and curved ever so slightly. His head was swelling and he began thrusting his hips a bit. "Zack", I said "I'm really tempted to suck you off". He didn't say anything at first then said "'member how to get there?".

I pulled into the wooded area and turned off the engine. His hand was still on my dick so I let him stroke it a bit more. "Ready" I asked, he nodded and I leaned over and brought his cock to my mouth. God, it was so thick...and in my mouth it grew more. I couldn't believe I had this gorgeous kids fat dick in my mouth. Thankfully Zack was happy about it and reclined the chair so he could enjoy himself more. I took a break from sucking and removed the rest of my clothes and pulled his shirt up. He chest was young and hairty. He must have worked out a little bit, but drinking beer and smoking pot left a thin layer of fat over his muscle--very hot. I took my chance and kisses him...he seemed to like it and kissed back. This was fucking amazing.

I continued suck his cock like a pro. I was using all my tricks on the kid, but he seemed to like his taint rubbed while I suck on the head of his cock. I tasted his pre-cum and knew he was getting close. Which was good...but this fat dick was giving my jaw a work out. His thrusting quicken and I heard him say "I'm coming" and then he filled my mouth with cum. I had to swallow it--it was just too good too pass up. He said something like "whoa dude" and just lay there for a minute. I could tell his head was spinning from just getting head from a guy. I put my clothes back on and he brought this seat upright. I asked if he was okay and he said he was. He mentioned that yesterday he was tempted to whip it out for me--but chickened out. He also mentioned he "might" be bi and frequently checks out gay porn to get off. At this point I suggest that he might wanna get dressed and I'd drop him off at home...however, I'd see him tomorrow and if he ever needed another ride (even w/out blowjobs) I'd be his cabby. He smiled and laughed at me--I dropped him off at home and he said, "See tomorrow bud".

"I was so blind I could not see...your paradise is not for me"

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