Studs of Eastenders

By Scott Dera

Published on Jun 18, 2015


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story involving gay sex between consenting adults. I am in no way suggesting that the characters involved, or the actors who play them, are gay. I have no idea of their sexuality. It is not intended to imply the true sexuality of the celebrities involved or any personal knowledge of their private lives. The characters involved are copyrighted by the BBC/Eastenders.

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Studs of Eastenders Part 3

The cogs were turning. Ever since Max caught Jay, the boyfriend of his daughter, being fucked by Mick Carter in the basement of The Queen Vic a couple of days ago, he'd been thinking of ways he could approach the situation, get his own fill of the young lad. Max wasn't gay by any means, sex was just sex for him, whomever it was with, and he didn't find Jay all that attractive but there was just something about getting it on with his daughter's boyfriend that turned him on wildly.

He turned off the tap from his evening shower and stepped out of the bath, but it was he did he heard voices downstairs, those specifically of his daughter Abbie and her boyfriend Jay, the lad on his mind. He wrapped a towl around his undried body as crept onto the landing to hear the conversation, something about dinner being burnt, just trivial. But then he heard Abbie shout that she was going to get a takeaway from town and would be gone a while, and as she left the house Max thought up a quick plan of action, knowing his approach needed to be now or never.

He casually walked down the stairs in his towel, this being his house and all he could do what wanted, Jay was only a guest why should he make Max feel uncomfortable? His body still had beads of water running down his body as he opened the kitchen door and walked in "Alright Jay, where's Abs gone?" He asked as he walked over to a cupboard.

"Oh she's.." But as he spoke he turned, and increase he turned he gulped and stuttered "Ermm, gone to get, food...yeah.." Jay said, completely losing his train of thought as he gazed at Max's back.

The man himself turned around, catching jays stare for a moment before he clambered for something to do, trying to turn his focus away but Max knew he had him caught "Got a question for you Jay..." Max asked.

"What's that then?" Jay said, still uncomposed as he made got a drink.

"How's Mick?" Max quizzed. He could see straight away that Jay's face went slightly paler.

"I-I got no idea...don't talk to him, why?" Jay replied, lying.

"Oh right, only I caught you gettin' it up the arse from him the other day..." Max said, a serious look on his face "Now, don't lie to me Jay cuz' I saw it with my own eyes, and you're my daughters boyfriend..." He continued as he'd now walked in front of Jay, blocking his exit do he couldn't really escape.

"..Max please, it was just a one-off please don't tell Abbie! Please I'll do anything..." Jay pleaded, desperate for his secret not to get out.

"Anything eh?" Max smirked as he rubbed his thinking, pretending to think about what he'd want when he knew exactly what he wanted already "How about you let me have what Mick moaned so loud for when he was fucking it..." He devilishly grinned as he reached around and Jay's arse a quick grope.

"Max I-I...I ain't gay alright?! A desperate Jay replied.

"Neither am I Jay, but sex is sex...and my eyes ain't gonna undo what I why don't you get on your knees and warm my dick up..." Max said as he groped his growing thick bulge under his towel, a move noticed by Jay.

The young lad said nothing as he slowly and cautiously sank to his knees in front of his potential Father-in-Law, looking up at him with almost puppy dog eyes "Good lad..." Max grinned.

He undid his towel and let it drop to the floor, naked and fully hard as his steel weapon bounced in front of Jay's face, who's jaw practically dropped at the size of it "No wonder girls go mad for ya!" Jay exclaimed.

"Why don't you go mad for it too eh?" Max grinned, gripping his thick nine inch pale shaft at the base and waving it in Jay's face a little.

He was cautious at first, but he knew there was no way around it and besides, it was something he had wanted to do for years. Ever since he laid eyes on Max he'd wanted more of him and now he was getting it!

He slowly moved his head forward and parted his lips, tentatively taking the engorged pink mushroom head into his mouth. It wasn't like he could even anticipate when his lips would collide with it due to it being so thick, it did instantly "Oh yeah..." Max groaned.

The sound of his potential father-in-law moaning at his skills so early relaxed Jay, allowing him to accommodate Max's shaft as it started to fill his mouth. His reached halfway but hit a wall, the mushroom head tickling his tonsils and making him gag "Fuck! It's so big..." He exclaimed as he removed his mouth briefly.

"Just use your hand on the rest..." Max smirked down at Jay. He had to admire the young lad for his efforts.

Jay smiled briefly at Max before he resumed his duty, taking the head and most of the first few inches into his mouth as he brought up hi right hand to work the latter half. He figured the best way to do it would be how he liked it himself, so he squeezed rather tight and swirled his tongue around the crown whilst it slipped around his mouth.

"Uhhh fuck yeah Jay...that's it, work my cock..." Max groaned rather loudly as he placed one hand on his hip and the other on Jay's head, reassuringly guiding him up and down his pale pole.

He tested his limits often, attempting to push Jay's head further down than it would sometimes allow, but with every effort came results, slightly more of his shaft sinking past Jay's soft lips. It was sloppy and wet but Max couldn't deny it turned him on immensely, wild sensations travelling through him due to both the pleasure and the danger.

After a short while longer, after his shaft had been suitably worked up and lubed, Max sought after a change "Ahhh...stand up and bend over the counter..." He instructed.

Jay slowly removed himself from Max's wet shaft and looked up at him with eyes of innocence but also burning passion, hesitating for a moment before standing up. Even before he could turn Max had hold of his hips and spun him so now he was facing the wall "My turn..." Max wickedly grinned.

"What're you doing?" Jay asked as he turned his head to look at Max but found he couldn't see him. His question was then answered as a now crouched Max Branning was parting his smooth cheeks to reveal his soft, smooth and puckering hole. Max wasted no time plunging his tongue into it "Oh god!" Jay cried out.

Max continued to hold Jay's ass cheeks apart as his tongue plunged in and out of the young lads hole, tasting him for the first time and he just couldn't get enough, feverishly liking up and down and around the hole. The erotic moans coming from Jay also encouraged Max that he was doing a good job, eating out his arse just like he would do a fresh pussy.

Feeling confident, Max continued to lick but briefly brought a single finger to his mouth to wet it before tickling Jay's hole with it "Ahhh fuck..." Jay exclaimed.

"Shhhh..." Max hushed, making sure they didn't make too much noise as he started to finger Jay's hole. He slowly dipped his finger in and out, watching his daughters boyfriends hole flex with each movement. He even momentarily withdrew and took a long suck of his finger, extremely satisfied with the tangy taste before plunging it back in, also using his mouth to send Jay into overdrive.

This continued for at least five more minutes before wanting words fell out of Jay's mouth "Ohh god...fuck me Max!" He cried out.

The words alone drove Max wild, bringing himself to his feet and slapping Jay's bare ass hard "You want my dick in you Jay?" He asked, slapping his heavy meat into Jay's ass crack.

"Yes! Fucking yes Max, fuck it!" Jay grunted, feeling Max tease his hole with his cock.

"Who does this arse belong to now?" Max quizzed, pressing his weight onto Jay's back as he whispered into and then nibbled on his ears.

"'s yours!" Jay panted, feeling himself get extremely worked up as his own hard six inch dick grazed against the cupboard door.

"How big was he?" Max asked as he removed his weight and slipped a hand into suit jacket that was draped over a dining chair in the kitchen to withdraw a condom. He always carried one.

"Who?" Jay asked as he looked back to watch a little of Max preparing to fuck his hole.

"Mick, how big?" Max repeated. He slid the condom onto his fat slab of meat, spat on it and worked it up for lube before doing the same quickly to Jay's hole by fingering him.

"Oh god...mmm you're about the same.." Jay hissed as he felt Max's finger prod around inside his arsehole for a few moments before it was withdrawn and replaced with the fat head of his cock.

"Well we may be a similar size according to you, but here's what a real mans cock feels like..." Max dirtily whispered into Jay's ear as he once again put his weight against him, this time wrapping an arm around Jay's neck and placing a hand on his shoulder whilst he used the other to invade his tight hole.

"Oh god!! FUCK!" Jay screamed, as Max pushed into him. Although he wasn't really lying about the size of both men he'd been with, he could immediately feel that Max was ALOT thicker!

"Shhh,'ll get used to it..." Max again whispered, putting his hand over a whimpering Jay's mouth. He smirked as he now knew he may be a similar length to Mick Carter, but he had the advantage of thickness.

He slowly pushed into the young lad, making him feel and stretch with every single inch that went into him. Jay was tight, very tight, and he knew that this experience apart from Mick, at least in an a anal sense was all new to him, because there was no way Jay hadn't sucked cock before due to how good he was "Fuckin' hell Jay you're tight..." Max groaned.

"And you're fuckin' huge Max!" Jay whimpered as he still struggled to take Max's thick anaconda, which was only halfway in.

He continued to whine and moan until finally he felt Max's hips touch his bare rear end, meaning his potential father-in-law was balls deep inside him. Max stayed there for a moment, revelling in the feeling of Jay's tight hole hugging his cock before starting to slowly withdraw until just the throbbing knobhead remained inside, then choosing to slowly slide back in.

""Oh're fucking big Max..." Jay cried in soft whimpers of almost submissive pleasure. He couldn't believe how good it felt to have Max's dick inside him, with Mick it was speedy and rough, but this was eyes rolling into the back of your head kind of pleasure.

"Like that big dick in your arse Jay? Mmm..." Max asked in between grunts "Cause I fuckin' love it..." He growled in a deep, sexual voice. He could tell the question sent a shiver up the younger lads spine and he nodded weakly in reply.

Max's throbbing shaft spat a wad of pre-cum into the condom in response, his dominant instinct starting to take over "Tell me.." He grunted inbetween thrusts.

"I-I love it..." Jay whimpered, barely able to talk due to all of his focus being put on taking the fat log inside his ass but more importantly, taking it well.

"Fuck yeah, my lad now Jay boy! Hear that? You're mine..." Max growled. He was in an almost animalistic state now as he slapped Jay's arse hard, immediately leaving a red hand print as evidence.

"Shit! Ohhh yeah..." Jay cried out as he felt the afterburn of the slap sting his skin. After a few moments more of fucking he felt Max swiftly withdraw from his asshole it wasn't over. He felt Max bring him up to a standing position, nibbling on his neck before coming in front "Lay down.." Max asked as he slowly stroked his dick.

Jay never said a word, only obeying Max's orders as he perched himself on the cleared table before lying down on it. Almost immediately Max grabbed his legs, lifted them up and slammed his cock back into Jay's arse without mercy and spread his legs wide open "Oh fuck!"

"Uhhh yeah, you like that boy?" Max grunted and growled as he stared down at Jay with intense lust in his eyes. The fucking was faster now, more animalistic rather than rhythmic as Max sought to bury his cock into Jay's hole with every single speedy thrust.

"Yes! Oh fuck yes!" Jay cried. He quickly gripped his own slender seven inches and started to beat himself off, trying to cum off of what was possibly the best sex he'd ever had.

Both men, Max in particular had gained a sheen of sweat coating their bodies as the fucking continued, and it continued for several more minutes until Jay announced "Oh god I'm close..." He moaned, breathlessly.

"Cum for me boy..." Max replied in a commanding tone. He also grabbed Jay's cock away from him and starting to wank it himself, briskly moving his talented hand to the speed and rhythm of his fucking and it was enough to bring Jay over the edge "Ahhhh!"

Spurt after spurt of the young lads hot white liquid spilled out, firing away as Max pointed his cock at such an angle that it coated the older mans lower stomach. He smirked as the hot goo touched his pale skin, barely visible to the similar colouring as he stroked Jay down from his orgasm "My turn..." He grunted, removing his dick from Jay's loosened hole before ripping off the condom and tossing it to the floor.

He moved around and made sure his cock was at the same height as Jay's hungry mouth and patted the heavy beast on his cheek before murmuring "Suck it.."

Jay did as he commanded, opening his mouth wide to accommodate the thick length as Max controlled it. He placed a hand around the back of Jay's head, using it to guide him as he thrust his shaft gently. He used his other hand to lightly pinch his nipples as he brought himself closer and closer to erotic bliss, his thrusts into Jay's mouth becoming more and more erratic until he knew he was close.

"Gonna cum..." He grunted with a stifled moan before he thrust one last time and released. Shot after shot of his thick, creamy cum fired from his cock and into the back of Jay's throat, making him gag. It wasn't the volume or the taste, it was the bullet like speed at which Max came that took Jay's throat by surprise, but like a true pro he kept his mouth around Max's cock and lovingly sucked it in a post orgasmic bliss before his father-in-law withdrew his softening tool "Good lad..." Max winked.

"Any chance of round two?" Jay asked, almost with puppy dog eyes as he leaped up from the table and gave Max's semi-hard cock a quick tug before washing his left nipple with his tongue.

Max smirked devilishly "Someone's keen...C'mon then.." He replied, slapping Jay's arse before taking his hand and leading him upside "But afterwards I've got something I need to discuss with ta..."


Next: Chapter 4

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