Studs of Eastenders

By Scott Dera

Published on Jul 29, 2014


The Studs of Eastenders Part One

Disclaimer: This is a fictional story involving gay sex between consenting adults. i am in no way suggesting that the characters involvedm or the actors who play them are gay. I have no idea of their sexuality. it is not intended to imply the true sexuality of the celebrities involved or any personal knowledge of their private lives. The characters involved are copyrighted by BBC Studios/Eastenders.

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Max Branning was drunk again. It was the third night in a row and it wasn't even the weekend. Ever since the murder of Lucy Beale and the accusations on him that followed, Max was delirious about life. He knocked back his third whisky in a row and slammed it onto the bar as he struggled to stand. Mick Carter, fresh owner of the Queen Vic and his son, Johnny Carter, watched on in dismay at the sorrow that was Max Branning. First and foremost on Mick's mind however was getting to bed, it was beyond closing time but Mick just didn't have the heart to push Max out of the door.

"Make sure he leaves in one piece will ya' boy? I'm off to bed..." Mick asked to his son as he turned to him.

"S'pose..." Johnny unenthusiastically responded as he looked to his dad, and then to Max, who was in the hazy process of ordering another drink.

"Oi! Where's the s-s-service around 'ere?!" Max shouted.

"Cheers son..." Max replied, ruffling his son's hair before leaving the bar to go to bed. Johnny made his way over to Max and sighed.

"I'll av'...a w-whisky..." Max slurred as he stared at Johnny.

"Sorry Max, we need to close up..." Johnny could tell on Max's face that he was not happy about this.

"Just one more mate! I ain't a-aasking for much..." Max almost begged and it pretty much worked.

Johnny sighed as he took Max's glass and filled it with a shot of whiskey before giving it back to Max, and no sooner had it touched the bar it was being necked back.

"C'mon now, time to go.." Johnny said as he moved around the bar to where Max was standing, ready to help him out of the door.

"Hold on, hold on...I need a piss..." Max slurred as a goofy smile spread across his face. He could tell by Johnny's annoyed expression that he wasn't impressed but wasn't likely to do anything about it.

"Okay...make it quick!" Johnny said rather impatiently.

"Might need a hand..." Max hiccuped as he walked towards Johnny. The young Carter lad positioned himself next to Max, the latter putting an arm around Johnny's waist as Johnny used one to put around Max's shoulder.

It took a little while but the teamwork eventually allowed both men to make their way to the toilets. Once there, Johnny stood at the door as Max stumbled toward the urinal, fumbling for a while with his zipper.

"Hurru up will ya'..." Johnny complained.

"Alright alright..." Max slurred as he now managed to unzip his fly, fishing out his flaccid five inch dick. Johnny was quickly taken aback by the sight of Max's dick, surprised at how big it was and it wasn't even hard!

A heavy stream of piss ran from Max's flaring piss slit and into the urinal, his head tipping back in relief and for a brief moment he looked over at Johnny, the Carter lad quickly shifting his gaze in embarassment as his face went a light shade of crimson.

Max noticed the look and smirked, finishing his piss, shaking his cock before turning toward Johnny "I need some help with me zip..." he smirked.

"No way, y-you can do that yourself..." A flustered Johnny replied, his gaze shifting everywhere but toward Max and his fleshy white cock.

Max walked up to Johnny, his dick swinging between his legs as he approached the young lad. He placed both his hands on either side of the door frame as he face was merely an inch or two from Johnny's face and his dick was pressing lightly against Carter's thigh.

"C'mon...don't be shy, touch it..." Max softly purred. Johnny could smell the strong whiskey on Max's breath but it didn't have a single negative effect, if anything it aroused him!

"I-I..." Johnny tried to speak, but Max cut him off.

"Sshhh..." Max interrupted, placing a single finger against Johnny's lips to silence him whilst his other hand connected with the young lads "Just go with it..."

With that, Max guided Johnny's hand down between their torso's, past their waists until Carter's hand felt the hot flesh.

"Uhhhh..." Max moaned softly as he helped Johnny's hand clasp around his thick cock. He started to use both his own and Johnny's hand to slowly wank himself off, a motion that was making him hard at an increasing rate. Johnny said nothing, only following Max's motions as he too could feel his dick start to become hard inside his chinos.

"Looks like someone's made me hard...why don't you do something about it..." Max smugly grinned as he took a step back from Johnny, releasing their hands and showing himself off in all his glory.

Johnny was gobsmacked and mesmirized as he sank to his knees with his gaze fixed firmly on Max's cock. At nine inches it was easily the biggest dick he had ever seen and what a sight it was. Pale in colour, Max's shaft was pretty thick and had a single thick vein pumping all the way down his shaft with a network of smaller purple lines that made his cock throb. His natural foreskin peeled back to reveal a juicy and wet pink head that was even thicker than the shaft itself! His pink balls hung beautifully below his shaft as Johnny couldn't hold back his hunger any longer and quickly lunged his mouth towards Max's cock, quickly enuglfing the head in his hot mouth.

"Ohhhhh yeah!" Max moaned out loud as the gay son of Mick Carter expertly sucked the head of his cock. He could feel Johnny's delicate tongue whip around the edges of his mushroom head, swiping across the sensitive ridges sending erotic sensations up and down his body.

He moaned again as Johnny continued to pleasure him like no other, taking more and more inches of his shaft with each vibrating suck that he made. Max knew that Johnny was no stranger to sucking cock, there's no way he could suck this good and be an amatuer. He looked down and watched as Johnny's head rotated with every motion he was making, his mouth now close to Max's trouser covered crotch as he swallowed the thick cock like it was his last meal.

"Look at me boy..." Max grunted in a slightly commanding tone as he continued to look down himself at Johnny. Although it disgruntled Johnny to be called a boy, he still obeyed regardless, looking up at Max like a cute little puppy "Yeah you like that dick don't you...uhhhh..."

Johnny simply moaned and nodded a little in response, there was no denying that it was a great dick he was sucking, he even clamped his mouth on a little harder and drove on home, taking the entire nine inches down his throat for a second or two before choking, removing the dick from within his mouth as he wiped spit from his lips "Does that answer your question?" He said breathlessly.

"Sure does stand up, take those trousers down and show me that arse..." Max commanded as he stood in front of Johnny, slowly wanking his cock.

Johnny Carter quickly got to his feet and did as he was told, turning his back to Max before unbuttoning and pulling down his jeans, revealing a jockstrap he was wearing underneath (his underwear of choice). He places his hands against the wall and arched his back slightly, displaying himself to Max as he turned his head back to look at him.

"Cracking arse..." Max said with a lick of his lips as he got down to his knees behind Johnny and spread his cheeks. Max's statement was entirely true, Johnny's ass was fantastic. Smooth, creamy in colour and roud, the cheeks parted to reveal a smooth pink and tight hole that was just begging to be played with.

Max was not gay by any means but he appreciated good looks when he saw them, good sex when he found it and good ass when he saw it and right now Johnny Carter ticked all of those boxes. He kept the cheeeks parted with his big hands as he protruded his tongue and softly licked around the edges of Johnny's hole.

"Ohh god..." Johnny moaned in bliss as he felt Max's tongue.

He tongue became more and more frantic as the taste of Johnny's beautiful pucker and it's juices silled onto his oral weapon. Max feverishly licked all around Johnny's hole before poking his way inside, oral fucking the young Carter lad with his tongue as he moaned and groaned alongside it, sending waves of pleasure up and down Johnny's body.

Suitably wet, Max removed his mouth from Johnny's hole and lifted himself up to his feet. He said nothing but ran a single finger down the crack of Johnny's arse before circling it around his hole and slowly slipping it in.

"Uhhhh..." Johnny whined softly as he felt Max's face come into contact with the side of his whilst his thick digit continued to slowly massage his hole.

"You want more boy? Because this arse is too sweet to not let me fuck it..." Max purred into Johnny's ear as he continued to finger fuck him.

"Oh god yes...but not here, let's go up into my room..." Johnny replied, grinning at Max before placing a hand around his dick to guide him, leading the way to his bedroom.

Max Branning's night and life were about to get alot more interesting...


Next: Chapter 2

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