Studland gay nudist tied up & humiliated.

By sam wave

Published on Aug 17, 2019



The story is complete fiction & for adults over 18 only.

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As I approached Studland nudist beach early one warm & sunny August morning, I was surprised by how quiet it appeared to be. I walked past the blue sign saying naturists may be seen beyond this point & there were a few couples setting up their windbreaks & a scattering of solo men, already naked with their genitals or buttocks in full view to anybody walking along the beach.

I continued to walk along the shoreline to the far end of the beach as I had read that it was there that several gay & more adventurous nudists gathered.

I passed several couples, backpackers, people with dogs, & families walking in the other direction having come from the ferry & heading for the watersports centre at the Knowle end of the beach. Some of them totally ignored the naturists while others discretely checked out their nakedness.

Just in front of me were a group of teenage girls & boys sauntering along, chattering among themselves, laughing & playfully pushing & teasing one another. I began to walk slower as I caught up with them so I could hear what they were saying.

They were talking about the nudists commenting on the size & saggynes of some of the female's breasts & bottoms. One naked older man who stood in their path, staring out to sea, his small hairless penis in full view, was openly mocked, the girls telling the boys they would look like that one day. They then started to give points out of 10, to the naked men regarding the size of their cocks & how well toned they were. They mainly gave 2 to 4 points, a couple of 6's & one 7. I wondered how many points they would have given me had I been naked.

After a little while, when I could see quite a few naked men bobbing up & down in the dunes to the left of me, I turned away from the shoreline & headed for the dunes. I quickly found a fairly secluded sloping spot facing the sea, laid out my towel, stripped naked & lay face down reading a book.

Almost immediately I could hear guys walking past just above me, possibly checking me out, or wanting to show off their bodies. One very well tanned older man stood just above me openly staring at my butt & adjusting his semi hard shaved cock.

I was pleased that I had apparently found a fairly popular location for gay nudists & waited to see what would happen next. It was only about two minutes later that two guys approached me directly saying I should apply some sunscreen as the heat of the early morning sun was deceptive.

We chatted for a while while I found my Amber Solaire & started to apply it to my shoulders & chest. Although we talked initially about nothing in particular it was clear that they were interested in my body. As I sat up to lotion my legs they walked round in front of me to get a clear view of my cock. When I bent my knees & lifted up one foot at a time to do my lower legs I deliberately spread my legs apart to fully expose my groin. They watched intently as I lotioned my cock & balls.

One of them offered to do my back so I smiled, stood up & handed him the lotion. He quickly did my shoulders & upper back working his way down to my butt. His friend walked round behind me to watch what was going on. The conversation then became very focussed on me with both of them complimenting me on my physique, asking me if I went to the gym etc. As he rubbed lotion into my buttocks I felt my cock getting hard although I knew nobody could see me. I spread my legs apart a little so he could thoroughly lotion the back of my legs & my upper thighs. The back of his slippery hands rubbed against my balls as he kneaded my upper thighs. I gasped out loud when he spread my butt cheeks to do my crack & around my anus. I bent over a little at this point to allow him full access to my hole which is when his friend started to help. As one of them spread my butt cheeks wide the other started fingering my hole. Within a few seconds I felt two fingers up inside me while another hand slipped between my legs & grasped onto my very stiff boner.

As we were still in full view of the beach, & I could see a few people watching us, the guys suggested I should put a towel around me & we should go over the hill into the rear of the dunes where we could have some private fun. They said they also had some friends back there who would like to meet me.

Although i wasn't sure about the friends side of things, I packed up my bag, put a towel around me, the two guys put on their shorts, & I followed them to the back of the dunes.

We seemed to walk quite a way to an area I had never been to before. We passed by a group of students with poles & measuring tapes studying geography & geology, & then followed a path used mainly by dog walkers & ramblers, past a field of children camping & playing rounders, to some woods.

I realised we were no longer in the official nudist area but as we approached a clearing in the woods I could see a small group of naked guys & girls playing volley ball.

They stopped playing when they saw us & immediately introduced themselves. One of the girls pulled away my towel saying I wouldnt be needing that here & we all stood naked together chatting.

Although i was quite a lot older than them I felt quite comfortable in their company until they started talking about an initiation ceremony I had to go through before I could officially join their group.

They didn't say exactly what I had to do, but I sensed by the glances between themselves & the way a couple of them quite casually were feeling my butt & nipples that it may not be particularly innocent.

When I noticed a pile of ropes, dildos & whips under a tree I knew I began to feel uneasy. I really wasn't into bdsm. I wanted to leave.

I thanked the two guys who had brought me here but said that I really had to go.

No one said anything, they simply surrounded me so I couldnt go in any direction. Ropes were attached to each of my wrists & ankles & when I tried to protest they gagged me so I could only moan & grunt. My arms were lifted up & tied to a branch above my head & although my feet were just touching the floor, I felt like I was dangling helplessly.

I started to panic & feel a bit desperate as I could see them all putting on black cerimonial cloaks. I struggled as they approached me, pulling at the ropes, trying to shout for help & kicking my legs. Unfortunately while kicking my legs I hit one of the girls in the stomach and she doubled up in agony on the ground. Two girls went to help her while two guys,looking particularly creepy dressed in their cloaks & hoods, approched me with very serious looks on their stony faces. One was holding a stick & the other a whip.

Still nobody said a word. The two men stood motionless staring at me. I was very aware I was totally naked & helpless in the middle of nowhere, standing before them barely able to move or speak. One by one they all began to gather round me & a slow handclap began. They were all dressed in similar dark coloured cloaks & hoods while I remained naked & exposed.

Hands grabbed my ankles & my legs were stretched apart & staked to the ground. I was now spread-eagled & dangling a few centimetres off the ground. The hand clapping got gradually faster until I felt the first crack of the whip across my back. It was followed by another and another. The second guy jabbed his stick into my buttocks, poking me repeatedly. My back, buttocks & legs were whipped, poked & canned soundly. The pain was unbearable. They cheered as I sobbed uncontrolably.

Gradually the whipping and cheering stopped & they began to approch me one by one touching my naked body, especially my nipples, butt & cock. They were trying to arouse me sexually. Despite the stinging pain in my back I was soon errect. A couple of them sucked on my cock to make sure it was really hard before tying elastic & string around it & around my balls, restricting the blood flow & making it very difficult for me to loose my errection. My swollen cock now pointed up & away from body obsenely while my puffy veined ball sack also protuded up & away from my body.

A couple of them played with me for a while, masturbating & edging me, lubricating my sore anus & penetrating me with different sized dildos. The others seemed to be packing up & getting ready to leave. I thought that maybe they wanted me to cum before they would let me go, but I didn't feel like cuming. I felt used, degraded & humiliated but also quite a bit turned on.

In the distance I could see a couple with a dog approaching, maybe they could help? However before they saw me they turned off onto another path & carried on walking away from me.

My group of tormentors seemed to have finished with me. It was now late afternoon. They began to change into normal t shirts & shorts & were preparing to leave. They chatted & laughed between themselves. They said goodbye to me & hoped I enjoyed the rest of my day, turned & began walking away.

As I was still gagged my desperate replies, protests & begging, were muffled & inconprehensible. Surely they wern't going to leave me here tied up & naked? Anything could happen! It would be dark in a few hours. They ignored my muffled protests, & although I continued to struggle & shout through the gag, within a few minutes they were all out of site, gone. I was completely alone.

I stopped struggling & listened to the sounds around me. Birds, rustling bushes, branches blowing in the gentle breeze, the sound of my own breathing. My body felt really sore, my back & butt was stinging, there was still a dildo inside me which felt really uncomfortable. My arms & legs ached from being stretched out for so long & my swollen genitals felt numb & were discolored. I couldn't work out why they had left me like this, but i was still very sexually aroused.

Away in the distance I could see the georaphy students wandering in the bushes with their sticks & measuring tapes. Maybe they would come this way & find me? Behind me, again well in the distance, I could hear the children who had been playing rounders now playing tag. I turned my head & could just see them jumping off the dunes. A couple of them started to run in my direction shouting that they were going to hide in the woods while the others counted to one hundred.

It would be so awkward if children found me like this although I realised they were too far away & very unlikely to come this far without an adult with them. Maybe I would be discovered by some evening ramblers or an elderly couple?

I was still very sexually aroused, dripping pre cum, & began to gently thrust my groin forward & back as my engorged cock flopped around uncontrolably. Within a few seconds I ejaculated forcefully, hands free, spunk spurting everywhere as I moaned in ecstasy.

This was immediately followed by clapping & chearing as my tormentors miraculously reappeared from behind some trees having seen me cum so desperately. They cut me down saying I had passed my initiation & was now a proper member of their group.

We all love a happy ending!

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