Student Government More Than Work

By anony mike

Published on Jan 19, 1999



This story is meant to follow the Student-Government-more than work story. Don't read if you aren't allowed etc. Thanks to everyone for their comments about the first story. Feel free to write me more responses, flames ignored.

Every second spent with Paul made me happy. I sometimes wanted to pinch myself to make sure it was all real. Together we could be true to ourselves and our feelings. We shared our thoughts about everything without the fear of being discovered by others. I felt so complete when I was with him, like I had found the key to my soul. I don't know how we managed to keep our relationship a secret. My friends were not exactly cool with this type of thing. Well, at least I didn't think they would be. And Paul was even worse about it than I was. He was so worried about being labeled with a stereotype, rather than who he really was. So we just kept our relationship secret.

To each group of our friends, we seemed to be spending way too much time together. I guess they began to feel neglected. So of course I would go out and hang out with my friends and he with his just to maintain some image of normality. Still, we went out together in public a lot by ourselves or with our only friend in common, Jenny. Jenny is a freshman english major. She knew Paul from dorm life, whereas she and I first met through orientation. This afternoon I was meeting them both for lunch at a Chinese restaurant we often frequented.

"Hey, look who finally showed up!" said Jenny in her normal exuberant style.

"Yeah, when we said we'd meet for Chinese, we meant down the street, not Shanghai" added Paul as they both giggled. He was as cute as ever with a funny little grin on his face, obviously proud of that remark.

"Smart-ass" I said as I ruffled his short blond hair. He protested a bit of course, but sitting down he could do little against me. Jenny just laughed at our joking around. We had been hanging out together for a few weeks now so she was well used to our antics. She was like a best friend to both of us; knowing almost everything about us.

"Paul, what are you getting?" Jenny asked.

"I don't know, what are you getting Mike?" replied Paul.

"Great, another one of our games" I thought to myself. We always did this. It seems like none of us could ever make our own decisions when we got together. I would ask Jenny what she was getting and the circle of questions would never end. It was almost like bargaining. I would say that I was choosing between a few things and then Paul and Jenny would say which they were looking at and together we would eventually decide on what each of us was getting. Yes its odd, but surprisingly common among good friends. We did a few rounds of this before I got tired of the game.

"Wait, I've changed my mind. I am getting the Garlic Chicken" I said. Paul made a face at this, giving me a cute sad frown look. He hated it when I ate any foods with a lot of garlic or strong smelling ingredients; something about it lingering in the body and breath. Seeing this, I continued, "Yeah, and I think I am gonna get some egg rolls and ask for fish sauce instead of soysauce. I just have some strange craving today." Paul just shot me an incredulous look. "No, on second thought I'll get Chicken Fried Rice" as I smiled at Paul.

Lunch went on for almost an hour. The three of us being so close, we could talkabout nothing for hours. Then Jenny asked me a question:

"Hey Mike, how would you like to be an English Conversation Partner?" she asked.

"Gee Jenny, I mean, your use of grammar could use some improvement, but don't you think you should have gotten some help BEFORE declaring yourself an english major?" I smartly responded.

"Dork, I meant that you should volunteer with me to help the students in the English as a Second Language courses. It's really fun" she said.

"Don't you mean, 'hey mike, we are short on Conversation partners and even though it will bore you to death it would mean a lot to me if you helped and I would feel completely sexually obligated to you?'" I replied back. We often joked around about that among us. Jenny, Paul and I were together so much we always joked about her being seen as our personal love slave. Paul just giggled at that comment.

"Actually you should do it Mike. Its not the most exciting way to spend an afternoon, but they do need more volunteers. They just came to ask Student Government if there was any way we could help out recruiting and I can list you as my first." Paul said.

I laughed at that comment. I was his first in more than one way. "Ok, but I guess this makes you sexually obligated to me then" I remarked as we all laughed. Paul and I shared a secret smile as we knew he'd have to fulfill that obligation later. Jenny and I worked out the details and I would be by later that week to start.

The walk back to campus was uneventful. Jenny kept reassuring me how enjoyable it could be to help someone else. We hung out on the Quad for a while before our afternoon classes. There we saw Mark Walters. Jenny had had a crush on him for weeks since seeing him in her Bio class. Paul and I both noticed her eyes immediately focus on him nearby. When he wasn't looking, she would sneak glances at him. But what she didn't notice was that he was also glancing at her occasionally. I smirked and Paul gave me a questioning look.

"Jenny, I'm sorry that Paul and I can't fulfill your needs. We give and we give and we give but nothing we do seems to satisfy you. You'll just have to find some other men to meet your needs!" I said as loud as possible.

Jenny immediately snapped out of her trance and whispered harshly "What are you doing? He's standing right...." but by then Paul had caught on to my game.

"Yeah Jenny, and I can't stand it when you yell out 'Mark' whenever we are together! Whoever he is, maybe you should be with him instead of us!" Paul quickly added. He looked to me for directions as what next to do.

I got up and grabbed Paul and we walked off, leaving Jenny staring after us in wonder. We purposefully walked right by Mark, giving him a sharp look. He smirked, obviously catching onto our little joke and walked over to Jenny. I guess they just needed something to break the ice.

"Thank God that worked, if it hadn't we'd be in serious trouble" Paul said.

"You worry to much dear, Mike takes care of everything" I said, trying to sound as suave as possible and slowly inching my arm around his waist.

Paul jumped at this. "Mike, we're still in public!" he whispered and pulled away from me.

"Yeah I know, but maybe I like having people watch us" I joked back. As we walked by one building, I grabbed him and pulled him through a doorway into a back stairwell. With no others around I couldn't resist and kissed him as passionately as possible. I pulled away and stared into his deep blue eyes before giving him another peck. I could tell he was getting excited as he leaned in to kiss me again. However, I put my finger to his lips and slowly pushed him away. "Don't want to be late for classes do we?" I said.

"You did that on purpose didn't you? You are such a tease sometimes!" Paul said with a cute, hurt-puppy look on his face. I just smiled at him before giving him another quick kiss and running off to my class.

Later I met up with Jenny and Paul for dinner on campus. Jenny had a big smile on her face while Paul just openly stared at me. We got our food and sat at a table off to the side.

"So, are you gonna tell me how it went with Mark or are we going to need another display in the cafeteria?" I asked coyly.

"Ok, I was just waiting for you to ask. I didn't want to be the focus of attention but 'he's the greatest!'" Jenny was obviously very excited about him. "We talked for at least half an hour and I ended up being late for my class but it was worth it. We're going to the movies later tonight! O wait, how was your day?"

"Pretty boring actually. Nothing exciting, same ole same ole" I remarked as Paul faked a hurt look. "I need to finish a paper tonight so I can't chaperone on your date even though I know you'd love my company. But we'll do lunch again tomorrow right?"

"Are you sure you don't want to hang out in my room, maybe watch a movie or something?" Paul gave me a pleading look. It was hard to resist, but I had real work to do so I had to decline and went back to my apartment to get started.

The next morning of classes was dull. I didn't get a chance to see Paul that morning and regretted not going to his room the night before. I couldn't wait for lunch so I could see his adorable face again. Love, lust, whatever it was I had it. Over lunch Jenny told us both about her date last night and how wonderful Mark was etc. Paul and I locked stares often throughout lunch; if Jenny hadn't been so wrapped up in her own life, she might have suspected something.

"Hey Mike, since you don't have classes this afternoon, why don't we get you started in the Conversation Partners program?" Jenny asked.

"I guess, if I have to" I whined.

"Hey, look on the bright side, maybe you'll get Wang as your partner" Paul commented with a devious grin. Wang was an international student who annoyed us to no end the first few weeks. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against international students, just this one in particular.

We all made our way to the Tutoring center, from where the program was co-ordinated. Jenny already knew the people working there and gave me the necessary forms to fill out.

"So, who do I get stuck with, I mean, who will I be helping?" I asked as enthusiastically as possible.

"You will be helping Thierry. He is an advanced student and just needs more practice with his english in conversation" one of the workers informed me as she wrote down his number for me to call.

I gave Thierry a call soon after that. We agreed to meet later that afternoon at a local cafe and figure out when we could arrange regular meetings. The cafe was never very busy during the early afternoon so I didn't think it would be difficult to identify him. He told me he would be wearing a black shirt and jeans. After ten minutes of waiting and an ever cooling coffee, he entered. Somewhat tall, light brown hair, easy-going walk, all packaged into a nice body. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't really checking him out like that, I just notice these things. Besides, just because I didn't have any cash, didn't mean I couldn't window-shop. And I wasn't really attracted to him anyway, until our eyes met and he spoke.

"Hello, are you Mike? Mike? I'm Thierry" the words drifted out from his soft lips.

I immediately came to my senses, "Hi, I'm Mike, nice to meet you" as we shook hands.

We went through the customary introductions. He was from France, which explained his melodious accent. I have always had an easy ear for accents and his sent shivers through me. He spoke english rather well. In fact, his command of the language at times seemed superior to my own! Something about him just radiated coolness and confidence, something admirable in any person. After my initial awkwardness, we quickly became like old friends. We both had drunken several coffee products a piece, and were energized after the couple of hours together. It was his idea to go back to his apartment and hang out.

He shared an apartment with another international student. His roommate wasn't there though. We decided to order a pizza, drink some beers and just watch some TV; a traditional way for college students to spend an evening. Thierry told me all about himself and seemed genuinely interested in getting to know me. It was almost bizarre. Most male friends could care less about getting to know their friends and their backgrounds. In fact, I doubt if half my male friends knew anything about my family. But Thierry and I watched TV and got to know eachother better than most of my other friends. We talked, laughed, ate, drank, discussed real issues happening in the United States, essentially everything necessary for starting a good friendship. I had met another seemingly intelligent, humorous person. I couldn't wait to tell Paul and Jenny about him. Then I remembered, Paul wanted to meet up for movies tonight since I couldn't last night!

"Sorry Thierry, I have to run now. This was really cool but I forgot that I was supposed to be somewhere now. I'll see you tomorrow right?" I quickly asked.

"Oh Mike, you can stay longer if you like. It's early still" Thierry responded with a questioning look.

Looking into his baby blue eyes I almost convinced myself to stay, but I knew I would have a hard enough time explaining where I was to Paul already. "Sorry but I really have to go. I'll see you tomorrow though right?" and with that I was out the door.

I arrived at Paul's room roughly 15 minutes later. In my head, I was going through the many ways I could explain my tardiness as I stood before his door. I didn't even have to knock on the door before he opened it.

"Mike where were you? You were supposed to be here over an hour ago. Did something happen?" Paul asked concerned. It was obvious that he had been waiting for me this whole time. I felt horrible for making him wait and worry about me.

"I'm sorry I'm so late" I replied with a deep kiss. Our tongues danced together as I pulled him into me and shut the door. "I was talking with my new Conversation Partner Thierry."

"I thought you met with him this afternoon?" Paul raised his eyebrows at me, his eyes lit with curiosity. "You were with him this whole time? What did you talk about all this time?"

"Well, he's French. He's a pretty nice guy and we just talked about all kinds of stuff. He speaks rather well, just needs more practice. We're meeting again tomorrow. I'll introduce him to you and Jenny sometime; he's really cool" I replied. Perhaps I was a bit too enthusiastic with my response.

"O really, so what's he like? I mean, I don't think I know any French people. So he's cool huh? And you guys are meeting again tomorrow?" Paul asked quizzically. I could tell by his tone that he was a bit more than curious. He wouldn't let on, but I knew that I had to tread very carefully with what I said next.

"Well, Thierry is ok I guess. I mean, for a French guy he's allright. He sorta reminds me of that actor, Gerard Deperdieu; kinda talks funny and has some weird traits" I said hoping to calm any worries in Paul. It seemed to work and we sat together on his bed and turned on the movie. Pretty soon we were cuddling together with Paul playfully nibbling on my neck. We gave up on the movie and moved on to eachother. Not five minutes into it the phone rang. While he was content to leave it ring, I made him answer it. He got a worried look on his face. He was such a worry.

"Jenny's stranded downtown" he said in between talking on the phone. "Mark's a jerk so she walked out on their date tonight and kept walking and now she's downtown without cab-fare, how smart" Paul commented.

"You know Paul, you should really mute the phone or at least cover it when you talk to me" I replied and he got a sheepish look on his face.

"Yeah yeah, sure Jenny, I'll ask him to come pick you up, just tell me where you're at now. Ok, he'll be down there in shall we say, an hour or so? No? Well, he's pretty busy now and well, no, ok...." Paul was trying to bargain for time on the phone with Jenny.

"Paul, she's stuck downtown at night! Tell her I'll be there in twenty minutes" I told him.

"Ok, he says he'll be there in twenty" Paul said over the phone with a visible look of disappointment on his cute face and hung up. He wrote down the address on a post-it and handed it to me. "Hurry up and we can pick up where we left off" he added with a mischievous grin.

"Paul, you know I have early classes tomorrow so I should probably just head home after I drop her off. We can do this some other time right?" I asked.

Paul said nothing but moved into me and kissed me again. He wrapped his arm around me and began pulling me to his bed.

"Paul, really, I should go get her now. I mean, Jenny's our best friend and I don't feel good leaving her downtown like that" I managed to slur out between kissing.

"Fifteen more minutes wouldn't hurt her now would it? Patience in a virtue right. Besides Mike, I still owe you remember? Just fifteen" Paul pleaded with me.

"I'd love to, but we'd never hear the end of it" I responded. Paul then began kissing me and rubbing my crotch. He quickly undid my jeans and pulled them to my knees as I leaned against his bed. I could hardly refuse the sensations as he pushed me back onto his bed and continued kissing. Suddenly he stopped kissing my lips and engulfed my cock in one swift move. Not having been with him the night before, I was enjoying this very much. Soon, I couldn't control the feeling and moaned loudly as I shot into his waiting mouth. He drained everything from me as I lay back in ecstasy.

"Ok loverboy, now you'd better go pick her up" Paul said sweetly. He smiled one of his adorably sexy smiles as I redressed and kissed him good night.

I picked up Jenny downtown. It seems that Mark was not the man of her dreams, as Paul and I were sure to hear more about the next day. We talked for at least a half hour in her dorm room before she noticed me drifting off and sent me home to sleep. Jenny was often self absorbed, but she knew my limits and let me leave. The next day I had early classes but met Jenny and Paul for lunch as was the custom. Jenny went on and on about Mark again until Paul managed to change the subject.

"So Mike, when are you meeting Thierry again? You did say you were meeting again today right?" Paul asked.

"Yeah, we decided that we'll be meeting at three at the cafe. I'll probably bring him around sometime" I replied.

That was the end of that conversation. Jenny soon turned the conversation back to herself and what a jerk Mark was etc. Paul and I tried to be good friends, but Jenny had a habit of doing this. In the short time that we knew her, she had already been out with several "jerks" as she described them. Thank goodness I had my Paul.

When I arrived at the cafe I saw that Thierry was already there. I waved hi to him as he stood as I approached. Without warning, he grabbed my shoulders, and kissed me, on either cheek. Ok, so there was nothing sexual about it, but I was still thrown off.

"Uh Thierry, what was that?" I asked.

"That's how we greet out good friends in France. Should I not do that?" he asked with his expressive blue eyes and sweet accent.

"No, its ok, I just wasn't expecting it, that's all." I said. I was glad to hear that he considered me a "good friend." We talked for about an hour before we split. He was a nice guy, and I didn't mind spending time with him at all. It was more like talking to a close friend than being an "English Conversation Partner."

Nothing much happened over the weekend. I caught up on some work I'd been putting off and repaid Paul for his "help" earlier that week. Thierry and I did meet again for lunch and some shopping. Besides Paul, I didn't have any close male friends. Don't get me wrong, I had lots of male friends, but none that I could really talk to like I could with Paul or even Thierry. He was willing to share so much about himself that he made me feel at ease telling him about my life, well, some details of it at least. I met Paul and Jenny for lunch again that following Monday.

"Hey, nice shirt. Is that new?" Jenny asked.

"Yeah, I just bought it. Thierry and I ran up to the mall yesterday" I regretted saying that as soon as the words left my mouth.

"I thought you said you were going to work on your research paper all day" Paul quickly questioned.

"Yeah, but I needed a break and Thierry called so we just ran around for a little while, nothing exciting" I tried to make it sound as dull as possible. Paul and Jenny asked nothing more about my shirt and we returned to normal conversation.

I met Thierry again at our normal time in the cafe. Again he did the traditional cheek kissing greeting. I didn't mind it at all really. It was kind of fun to be able to do something like this in public, since it was custom after all. We were in the middle of conversation when I heard an exclamation:

"Hey look, it's Mike!" Paul said. "Wow, funny running into you here isn't it Jenny?"

"Yes it is, and who's your friend Mike?" asked Jenny, with that once flirty tone she often used.

Of course I introduced them both to Thierry. He seemed delighted to meet other friends of mine. We all talked for another half hour over our drinks. Jenny was doing her best to flirt, everything from her giggling to her playful touching. It didn't bother me though, what did was the look Paul was giving me across the table. I could tell he wasn't pleased. His eyebrows had this cute way of showing when he was upset or worried. We all left the cafe with Jenny offering to walk with Thierry since she just happened to be heading in the same direction.

Paul was the first to speak. "Gerard Deperdieu huh? He didn't look that old, fat or hairy to me" Paul said in an accusing tone. "There's something about him I just don't like, like he's too smooth looking."

"You hardly know him Paul, what's with the quick judgments? He's a really nice guy once you get to know him and just because he happens to be good looking doesn't make him all that bad" I said, again sticking my foot in my mouth.

"So you think he's good looking? That's nice. I didn't like the way he was looking at you either. There's something about him I don't trust. I don't like you spending so much time with him all the time. What's with you two anyway, suddenly he's your new best friend?" Paul said seriously.

I stopped and grabbed Paul's arm. "Paul, it was your idea for me to do this remember? You told me to sign up for this program. I can't help it that I get along with my Conversation Partner. If you want me to quit just say so and I will. You always worry too much. Besides, now that Jenny has her eye on him, he might not have time to talk with me anymore!" I added with a laugh.

"Yeah, allright. I don't know, I guess I just don't like seeing you spend all your time with some other guy, especially him. He's French and you know how they are..." Paul said.

"Yeah, they make good bread and fries" I quickly responded, trying for a laugh. "And way to go with the stereotyping and cultural sensitivity! Maybe we should make you an Ambassador!"

Paul realized the nonsense he was spewing and left it at that. He said that he had to run some errands and I had to run and try to catch a professor during his office hours so we parted. Later that evening in the library I ran into Jenny.

"Mike, didn't I tell you he'd be great?" she excitedly said.

"Yeah, he's really cool I guess. Do I detect a personal interest in my Conversation Partner?" I raised an eyebrow in question.

"Well, since you asked, does he have a girlfriend?" Jenny asked.

"Actually, none that he's mentioned. I guess that's the green light for you!" We chatted for another fifteen minutes before being shushed by some others and Jenny left. I had to meet up with Paul soon anyway.

I went to Paul's dorm room later that evening. I knocked, but nobody answered the door. Knowing that we were supposed to hang out again this evening I tried the door handle and opened the door. The room was dark as I entered and I instinctually tried the lightswitch by the door. It didn't work but I did notice a few candles scattered, lit throughout the room. The door then slammed shut and I felt someone press into me, grabbing my wrists. Normally I would panic, but feeling lips against mine and smelling his cologne, I knew it was Paul. I wasn't sure what he had in mind, but it excited me.

Still holding my wrists, he pushed me onto his bed and climbed on top of me. Straddling me, he continued the vigorous kissing. Soon he was sucking on my lower lip and neck as he ground his ass into my crotch. The feeling of his ass on me through my jeans had me quivering in no time. By now my eyes had adjusted and I noticed that Paul was only wearing a pair of silk boxers. He had this all planned. Slowly, he released my wrists and began removing my clothes. He teased me to no end, tenderly kissing every part of my body that became exposed. Soon we were both naked and fiercely kissing and rubbing eachother with as much passion and energy as we had. Then he pulled away and grabbed something from his desk.

"I want to feel you in me" Paul seductively said, handing me lube and a condom.

I needed no convincing. I applied some lube to my fingers as Paul laid back on his bed. Slowly, I worked one, and then two fingers into his virgin hole. He was squirming around, turning me on more. After putting the condom on with my dry hand, I positioned myself at his entrance and slowly entered him. At first there was some resistance but I was soon in to the hilt. It was slow moving, but intensely pleasurable. We eventually got into rhythm, stroking himself to my every thrust. I couldn't hold back and released every ounce of sexual energy into his body in our passion. Then he exploded between us, making a sticky mess as I leaned into his lips, kissing him deeply. After a few minutes of touching and more kissing we cleaned up. I crawled into his bed and wrapped my arms around him.

"I really love you Mike" Paul said, turning to look at me.

"I love you too" I said with a kiss as we fell asleep together.

Waking up next to Paul the next morning was great. I loved the feel of him next to me. Just touching, holding the one you love against your body is a great experience. Too soon I had to leave though and run back to my apartment to change and get ready for classes. I ran into Jenny while hurrying to my class building.

"Mike, what did you do?" she asked oddly.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"That smile on your face. And I swear you are glowing! Either you are pregnant or you met somebody!" she said loudly.

"Jenny, I'm just in a good mood that's all. I guess I got up on the right side of the bed for once. See you for lunch right? Gotta run!" I said hurriedly.

After my class, I was walking to the Quad to meet up with Jenny and Paul for lunch as always. I was on one of the back paths leading to the Quad where I was supposed to meet them when I noticed Thierry.

"Hey Thierry what's up?" I asked nearing him.

"Mike, I was thinking about you" he said grabbing my shoulders as usual. He gave me the traditional greeting as always, a kiss on both cheeks, before looking me in the eyes and kissing me a third time, on the lips. I didn't even know what was happening. All I knew was the sensation of soft lips pressed against mine in a kiss and I opened up to him, deepening our kiss.

"Mike? Oh my God, Mike? Is this what you were hiding!?!" Jenny's voice brought me instantly back to the reality of the situation. Here I was, kissing another man and I had been caught! Realizing what had happened I turned around, hoping, praying, begging for Jenny not to tell anyone, especially Paul. But I didn't need to, Paul was standing right next to her.

___________________________________________________________________ Ok, so this is somewhat like a cliff-hanger I guess until I get the energy/inspiration to write more. Hope you enjoyed so far.

Next: Chapter 3

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