Stud Cop on Campus

Published on Apr 10, 2003


Stud Cop on Campus Chapter 6 (College) by PhinnyGene

I'd like to apologize to everyone for the incredible delay in this series. I've been extremely busy this year and I don't have as much free time to write. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and please write me to let me know what you think. I can't give a specific time for the release of the next chapter, but I do have a lot of it written already.

As always, If you haven't already, check out my earlier series "War Story" in Nifty's Military section and "Vic the Dick" which is contained in Nifty's High School section. I really appreciate the feedback and that what spurs me to keep writing.

Josh had just finished up a particularly brutal final for his organic chemistry class and he was desperately looking to relax. He grabbed a copy of XY at the news stand and headed over to one the ubiquitous Starbucks that dotted the New York City streets. The cute young blonde ordered his usual mocha frappucino and sat down at one of the big couches, eager to unwind. While reading an article on thongs, Josh couldn't help but feel that he was being watched. His eyes scanned the room until they fell upon an unbelievably cute young guy who immediately averted his gaze upon realizing he'd been spotted. The ginger-haired boy turned bright red and stared down at his coffee cup. A moment later, he looked up once again to see if Josh was still looking his way. He was. Josh smiled brightly back at him. The boy had been caught!

The young coffee shop boy was too adorable for Josh to ignore. The 18-year-old stood up and crossed the room. Since being with Mando, he'd gained a lot of self-confidence -- Josh had no trouble now approaching guys who caught his eye.

"Hi, I'm Josh. I noticed you were reading A Separate Peace -- it's one of my favorite books. Do you go to Columbia? I just started here last fall." He played it cool.

"Oh... hi! Uh... I'm Jeremy. No, I don't go to Columbia, but I'd really like to. I applied there, I should find out in May. I'm actually a senior in high school."

"Oh." This caught Josh by surprise... He had only been out of high school himself for about a year, but already he felt like he had put that scene behind him. But this little teen was just too delicious to resist. Jeremy was a twink if there ever was one. He looked to be about 2 inches shorter than Josh -- a very small 5-foot-6 inches, and the teen appeared as though he were at least 3 or 4 years younger than the 18-year old. "How old are you?"

"I just turned 17 two months ago." The cute boy replied, once again blushing.

In fact, blushing seemed to come naturally to the adorable boy's pale skin. His sweet face was dusted with a few freckles, accentuating his innocent appeal. Succulent rosy lips alternated back and forth between sweet pout and beautiful bright smile as the two chatted. And Josh about melted the first time he saw the little guy's dimples. Jeremy's reddish-brown hair was mussed, a few stray strands falling over his forehead, causing the boy to push them away from his big hazel eyes. Where Josh had a nicely developed young swimmers build, Jeremy appeared not to be of the athletic persuasion. His body was quite slight, lacking the definition and curves that made Josh's golden body a thing of beauty. But his cute face was every bit as captivating as the older boy, capable of stopping even the toughest and steeliest of top men in their tracks.

Jeremy was unbelievably shy, but Josh soon brought him out of his shell. Secretly, Josh laughed inside, totally identifying with this high school kid and his bashfulness. Mainly, Jeremy just peppered him with questions about college and the application process, but every once in a while, they would discuss more intimate matters. Josh was shocked when Jeremy initially denied being gay... but when the high school boy saw his new friend's embarrassment for making such a "faux pas," he couldn't help but admit that Josh had been right, he just wasn't out to anyone yet. Jeremy admitted that he was still coming out and had never been out with a guy. Josh was totally smitten by this inexperienced, pure youth. He blurted out the first thought that came to his head.

"Well, if you're really interested, I could show you around campus. I could even show you my dorm, so you can see what they look like, I mean, if you want..."

"Oh! Sure! That'd be really cool!" The naive boy eagerly responded, quickly jumping up to follow behind the college boy who was being so nice to him.

After a quick tour of some of the more important areas on campus, Josh was headed back to his room with the adorable, wide-eyed Jeremy in tow. As soon as they were inside, the blonde freshman offered his new friend a seat on his bed. Once on the bed, the two boys sat cross-legged facing each other, continuing their earlier discussion of Jeremy's sexuality.

"I don't know, Josh... It's just hard for me to meet guys... I mean, who would want to go out with a skinny loser like me? I don't have an amazing body like you do."

"Are you kidding me, Jeremy? You DO have an amazing body... and an incredibly gorgeous face. I know plenty of guys who'd love to get with you trust me! You are being way too hard on yourself. I mean... I think you're pretty hot myself!"

"What!? Really? Are you kidding? Josh. Oh my God. Please don't think I'm a jerk, but I think you are so hot, too. As soon as you came into the coffee shop, I couldn't help staring at you. You have to be the hottest guy at Columbia!!"

Josh chuckled at the compliment before replying to the teen.

"C'mon, Jeremy, take your shirt off... I'm not kidding, you are gorgeous. You are just way too shy. I'll do it if you do."

"Well... ok..." The 17-year-old acquiesced, his desire to see Josh shirtless overcoming his own modesty. The boy slowly lifted his shirt, revealing to Josh his thin, boyish waist... his small, indented navel... the smooth, creamy flat flesh of his midsection... the bumps of his ribs rippling the tight, unblemished skin... his small pectorals, capped with tiny pale pink nipples... his thin, upraised arms with only a dusting of silky caramel colored hair beneath them. He smiled meekly at Josh as he found himself exposed to the college boy's glare. Instinctually, his smooth lean arms wrapped themselves around his chest, embarrassed by his state of undress.

The boy didn't even realize how stunning he really was, Josh thought as he licked his lips. As promised, the freshman lifted his own tight t-shirt, exposing his perfect, milky, smooth muscled torso to the stunned boy's gaze. Unlike the high schooler, Josh delighted in disrobing. He moaned softly as his nimble fingers brushed over his developing six-pack abs, his compact, protruding pecs, and his hard, aroused pink nipples. His young body, shaped from hours in the pool and the gym, was a stunning work of art that took Jeremy's breath away.

"Oh my God, you're perfect." The younger man whispered, completely in awe of the college freshman's flawless physique.

"You're just as beautiful." Josh responded, leaning forward to brush his hand across the younger boy's stomach, his lips pressing against those of his precious new friend. It was a tender, tentative kiss between young men experiencing each other for the first time. Soon it became more insistent, their mouths opened, tongues wrestled, tasting each other intimately. The boys had passed the point of no return, and hunger replaced exploration. Josh felt the boy's hands reach around him, their soft surface caressing his sleek back. Their kiss broke, a string of mingled saliva connecting them for a brief moment.

"Oh God, Josh... Oh God this is so wonderful. I've never kissed another guy before. It's so perfect. You are so perfect."

"Jeremy, let me, please..." Josh mumbled, his eyes looking down at the boy's crotch, his fingers reaching for the zippered fly.

"Oh no! I don't know Josh, I've never... I don't


"Trust me, please..." the blonde whispered huskily, once again pressing his tongue between the teen's fleshy lips. He drank in the younger boy's gasps as he unzipped the shorts, pushed them down, lifted up the elastic band of the boy's boxer-briefs, felt the soft curls of the kid's sparse pubic hair. Josh pulled his face away to gawk as his prize was revealed. Eight thick inches of pink boycock flopped out, slapping loudly against the kid's trim belly. Jeremy may have been respectably endowed, his equipment only about an inch bigger than Josh's own, but attached to that scrawny boy-body, his girthy cock looked like a mighty stallion's meat. His hairless balls looked like they belonged on a horse as well, their bloated mass swinging heavily between the boy's spindly legs. The boy's genitals sagged under their own weight, looking as if the entire awkward mass would break right off from the slight body to which it was attached. The fat circumsized bell head pulsed under Josh's hungry glare, clear pre-cum drooling down the smooth-skinned stalk. It was an absolutely spectacular specimen of 17-year-old teencock. Without asking, Josh dove down, his lips wrapping themselves around that delicious virgin meat, swallowing down the entire length in one gulp.

"OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Jeremy moaned with the first sensations of a tight, wet, warm throat wrapped around his cumbersome boyprick. His fingers reached down and couldn't help but wrap themselves in Josh's gelled blonde hair, pushing the college boy harder into his crotch. Josh moaned, the vibrations causing the younger boy to jerk and shriek out in ecstacy. Jeremy thought quickly to himself that it probably wasn't likely that Josh was also a virgin. But those thoughts quickly dissipated as he felt the surface of his erect penis laved and suckled by Josh's expert, slobbering mouth. A sharp gasp escaped him as the blonde pulled off his soaked, throat-fucking prong. Josh's hungry green eyes looked up at him, the 18-year-old's hand wiping his mouth of the thick mixture of spit and pre-cum.

"Mmmm.... Delicious. Now it's your turn, Jeremy."

Jeremy finished shedding his pants and underwear before turning his attention back to Josh. With trembling fingers, he began to unbutton the older boy's slacks. He still couldn't believe what was happening. Before today, he'd only seen another erect cock in pictures online. Now he was about to see one up close. Without warning, the hot older college boy's cock sprung out into the open -- he wasn't wearing any underwear! Once again the high school boy gasped. Like every other part of him, Josh's cock was perfection. A single pearl of pre-seminal fluid dotted the mushroom cap of the big, perfectly shaped 18-year-old boydick. A perfectly trimmed triangle of golden hair sprouted above the thick column, the fat pink ballsack shaved completely smooth. Jeremy couldn't help himself, he felt his mouth drawn towards the beautiful cock standing proudly before him, his little tongue poked out, lapping up the bead of dew on the blonde boygod's dick. It was luscious, it tasted almost sweet to the inexperienced high school virgin.

"Oh yes... Ugh! Jeremy... put in your mouth, oh yeah... ugh... suck on it sweetie.. That's it."

Josh let out a long, contented sigh. This boy may not have been an expert cocksucker, but what he lacked in experience, he more than made up for in determination. It was as if a dam had burst inside the young tow-headed boy, years of frustration and suppression ended with the introduction of Josh's juicy bone being crammed into his sucking mouth. Josh felt as if he had a baby calf suckling on his turgid rod, Jeremy was drooling and slurping noisily, the younger teen's saliva pooling in his groin. The boy was not content with simply cock, his insatiable tongue and lips danced across the blonde's nuts, his smooth thighs, his hard belly, his erect nips... Josh simply reveled in the starved passion his hot body awakened in the innocent youth. The blonde college boy kicked his slacks off before pulling the younger boy back up for a frantic liplock. But Jeremy wouldn't have it. He had tasted his first cock and he wanted more. He wouldn't stop until he was swallowing down his first load of rich male spunk. He whined beneath Josh's kissing lips, missing the feel of thick dick filling his mouth.

"It's ok, honey... I know what you want..." A surprisingly dominant Josh grunted as he broke the kiss and pushed the younger boy on his back. The blonde boystud crawled over the high school boy until he kneeled above his head, ready for a hot 69. He fell forward, engulfing the skinny boy's conspicuously large shaft, in the process plugging the kid's sweet lips with his own swinging boyschlong. It was if a circuit had been completed, both young teens were connected mouth to dick. Their arms hugged at each other, pulling each other closer until they were no longer two horny teenagers, but one writhing, sweaty, squirming mass of beautiful boy flesh. They worked as a well-oiled machine, plunging their swollen organs in and out of each other's throats, grunting and whining with the depravity of it all.

Josh's eyes opened as he deep-throated Jeremy, for the first time glimpsing the pale schoolboy's clenched asscheeks. Holy shit! This kid had an ass to rival his own! The only padding that seemed to cover the lanky teen's body was deposited in his asscheeks. Firm, round, fleshy, hairless, flawless milky white orbs. A set of buns that would bring tears to the eyes of any respectable gay man. Josh was awestruck. He loved his own ass so much, it was a dream come true to be literally cheek-to-cheek with an identical specimen! Without missing a beat, Josh's hands grasped the mounds tightly and pulled them towards himself, his mouth yanked itself off the dripping, throbbing boydick. His beautiful face buried itself in the kid's ass, feasting on the smooth, virgin meat inside. His tongue frantically, roughly poked into the extraordinarily tight boyhole, licking and feasting on the delicious rosebud. It tasted fresh and clean, a hint of soap and boymusk invading his senses.

It was all too much for Jeremy. For a moment he didn't even know what had happened! Josh was tonguing out his BUTT! Jeremy had never even heard of rimming -- it was an experience that shocked him, but also pleased him immensely! He sucked with renewed vigor on Josh's copiously dripping prick, pushing his ass hard against the feasting college boy. But what happened next was the final trigger. Jeremy shrieked around Josh's throat-fucking dick, his body beginning to spasm as Josh's FINGER shoved its way up his asshole and began frigging some previously unknown spot in Jeremy's body. The naive boy felt as is someone had set off firecrackers all over his body! He was screaming now -- his body jerking up over and over, fountains of sweet boycream erupting out of his unwieldy boydong. His eyes rolled back in his head, tears came to his eyes... it was so good, he never knew it could be this good... he felt Josh's sucking mouth latch once again onto his spurting rod, drawing the rich cum out with every orgasmic spasm, the older boy still poking at that mystery pleasure button. And it still didn't end... without warning, Jeremy heard the blonde's own shriek of release, the older college cutie pulling out of his oral grasp, globs of hot, gooey fluid painting his face, shooting into his open mouth and all over his freckled face. When it was all over, he heard a very satisfied Josh breathe deeply. The older blonde boy crawled back up to lie next to next to him, licking softly at the warm semen that dripped from his adorable features.

"Well, how was that for a first time?" Josh's big white smile flashed for a moment before kissing the younger boy passionately.

"Oh my God, Josh. That was amazing! Can we do it again!?"

"Ha ha. Definitely, cutie."

And with that, Josh made one of his closest friends. For the next few weeks, Josh and Jeremy spent considerable time together... going out to eat, seeing movies, riding bikes in Central Park, studying together for their respective finals. And Josh never felt guilty when he and his little friend ran back to the dorm room to suck themselves silly.

In fact, he told Mando about his tiny indiscretion the very same night after that first 69 with Jeremy. As Mando pounded his ass furiously, the boy recalled in vivid detail the stunningly gorgeous 17-year-old virgin high school senior with the big, big cock whom he had easily seduced just hours before. Mando fucked his lover harder and rougher as the teenaged boy gushed about his sexual adventure, the cop lecherously hanging on every word, demanding that Josh relate to him every filthy, perverted detail.

"Oh Mando! I love you so much! Please don't be angry at me! I couldn't help myself! Please don't be jealous! You know I love you!"

"Don't worry, sweetie, I promise I won't be jealous -- but on one condition -- you let Daddy be the one who busts this sweet young thing's cherry!"

But Mando needn't have even asked -- Josh was plotting all along for a way to properly repay his amazing lover for the mind-blowing experience with Rocky and Jamal. He couldn't wait to witness his virgin friend being broken in by Mando's near-ten-inch rammer -- a cock that was thicker even than Jeremy's arm!

The two beautiful teens sat together in the sun, gossiping about their favorite subject - guys!

"Josh, I really think I'm ready. I want to get fucked up the ass sooo bad. I really do. I love your fingers up there, I really think I'm a bottom... Please, can you fuck me next time we screw around?"

"Jeremy, if I ask you something, will you promise not to freak out on me?"

"Well.... wha-what is it?"

"Jeremy, if I told you I had a friend who wanted to screw around with us... like a really amazingly hot friend... would you want to do that? I really think he'd be the right guy to fuck you for the first time. He knows all about fucking boys -- he's an expert."

"WHAT!? Oh Josh, I- I dunno! I mean... well..."

"If I told you that this guy has the biggest dick I've ever seen, would that interest you?" Josh smirked, well aware of the same size-queen tendencies that his friend shared.

"How big?" The wide-eyed boy responded, his interest definitely piqued.

"Almost 10 inches. Wide as my wrist. I swear to God."

Jeremy's stunned silence was all the answer Josh needed. He had already told Mando to meet them at his dorm room at 5 o'clock.

And that's where the two boys were, gloriously nude and writhing in a naked embrace when a hard knock sounded at the door later that day.

"That'll be Mando!" Josh announced with a smile and a wink before bounding to the door and peeking out through the peephole. Josh's breath caught in his throat. Mando looked absolutely god-like standing there outside the door. His stud cop lover was wearing a tight black wife-beater that perfectly molded to his bulging, muscle-bound olive skin. A pair of well-worn blue jeans seemed as though they were painted onto his lower half, that massive sleeping cobra obscenely outlined as it reached halfway to his knee. A black knapsack hung from the police lieutenant's bulky shoulder, evidently containing his lover's "supplies." Even through the door, the blonde college boy could detect the man's masculine pheromones wafting through the air -- oh yeah, this top stud was most definitely in heat and wouldn't be content until his horny, grossly oversized phallus was destroying some boycherry.

"Hello Officer Perez." Josh smirked as he opened the door, blocking Jeremy's view, and meeting his lover in a quick kiss. Armando was more than ready for what was about to occur, and seeing his gorgeous young lover standing there completely nude, slightly ruffled from the activity occurring just prior to his arrival, just revved him into overdrive. His large palms reached down and cupped Josh's firm little bubble butt, giving it a tight squeeze as his tongue burrowed down the young man's swallowing throat. A tiny whine escaped from the teen as his lover's greedy index finger lodged itself knuckle-deep into his hungry rectum. The boy pulled away from the kiss, gasping in lust as he gazed at the ultimate macho male that stood smiling in front of him.

"I have someone I'd like you to meet." the boy whispered as he took the older man's hand, leading him inside before shutting the door once again.

It was now Mando's turn to gasp as he glimpsed for the first time the innocent cherub shyly lying on Josh's bed, his lower half bashfully covered by the sheer white sheet, the clean pink curves of boyflesh erotically veiled beneath the silky material. The auburn-haired boy was simply, utterly stunning. The first thing that struck the middle-aged man was the youth of the 17-year-old. He briefly considered whether or not Josh had made a mistake. This angel looked at least 2 or 3 years younger than 17. Now, this in no way turned him off; in fact, Mando had fucked a number of overtly young teens in the past -- he used to be hired quite often to perform at private parties for wealthy older men who got off on watching a butch, horsehung top like him breaking in little underage teenbois -- but it was just way too risky now that he was so established in his career. Also, at the private get-togethers, there always was plenty of security and precautions taken to make sure no one outside found out about the illicit coupling. If Jeremy did turn out to be younger than 17, then this was pretty dangerous. However, a hard cock isn't concerned with rules -- and unlike average-sized endowments, enormous donkey dongs like Armando's get to make their own rules. And at that moment, Mando's hard cock was aching to deflower this perfection -- no sane top would pass up the chance -- and in the end, the stud put aside his fears and his values. He was sure Josh wouldn't be foolish enough to set him up with illegal chicken. Besides, his dominant side secretly couldn't stand to allow some horny guy other than himself to feel that gripping virgin asschannel before he did.

The next thing that struck the big cop was the size of this teen. While Josh may have been a petite thing, his blonde baby could easily overpower this slight youngster. If the size difference between Mando and Josh was striking, the differences between the tremendous pillar of hairy, mighty manflesh that was Sergeant Armando Perez and the willowy, satiny little waif that was Jeremy Calloway were simply ludicrous!

Jeremy's first glimpse of Armando was just as filled with conflicted emotions. When Josh had suggested meeting his "friend" for a threesome, Jeremy had no idea he meant a full-grown man! And what a man Josh's friend was! Shivers ran down the inexperienced boy's spine. Feelings of abject terror and unquenchable lust rattled his little body. This man was ENORMOUS! Jeremy was baffled at how Josh, a pretty small guy himself, had met this muscle-bound behemoth! This guy was like someone you'd see in action movies! Not only did he possess an extremely physically fit body -- the sort of physique that was regularly featured on the covers of fitness magazines -- but this guy was shockingly, stunningly handsome! His dark, square-jawed features could easily attract the attention of modeling scouts. His big, white smile was dazzling! Those beautiful blue eyes were captivating! The midnight black of his hair and goatee looked as though it had fallen out of the darkest night skies. Jeremy thought to himself that this male must have been the prototype some ancient Greek gods designed when they created the perfect man -- that is, of course, if this man wasn't actually himself some deity come down to earth! The 17-year-old wasn't sure exactly how old this hunk was -- he usually was only attracted to guys his own age -- but his undiscovered bottom tendencies screamed from deep within his brain and groin. This was the man that would, no... MUST pluck away his youthful innocence. For the first time in his short life, he felt the dull ache of need in his untouched, diminutive anal orifice.

"Jeremy, I'd like you to meet Armando Perez. Mando, this is Jeremy Calloway." Josh beamed, his rigid cock positively vibrating, steadily drooling thick, clear fluid.

"It's a pleasure to meat you, Jeremy." Armando's deep bass voice boomed as the man's palm involuntary reached down to stroke his denim-covered bulge.

"It's nice to meet you, too." The gawking teen squeaked, his voice unable to prevent from cracking.

"Do you mind if Mando joins us, Jeremy? He's a lot of fun." Josh whispered as he crawled back into the bed, sliding up against the shaking high schooler, positioning himself in a sitting position behind the prostrate boy. His arms reached around the ginger-haired lad, softly stroking the boy's chest, tweaking lightly at his nipples. His legs also wrapped around the youth, trapping the boy's back against his belly, his hard 7-inch cock lying along the kid's lower spine. He kissed the back of Jeremy's neck before peeking over the boy's shoulder in order to keep an eye on his lover. His right hand slowly slid down the teen's flawless flesh, exploring its way down to Jeremy's thick erection. A drop of pre-cum lubricated his fist as he began to slowly jack the bewildered young man. A frightened, confused sigh erupted from deep inside the virgin.

The sight before him was too much for the lusty cop. With the fluid motion of a jungle cat, the huge man peeled the tight shirt off his lightly-perspiring torso, being extra conscious to allow the young boy a perfect view of the sinewy play of his powerful body.

The boy felt as if he were slipping away, transforming into someone else entirely. This was no longer reality, but some impossible dream. Just a month ago he was still furtively jerking off in the middle of the night to gay fuck pics on the Internet. Now he was about to make love with two of the most beautiful men he had ever seen. He -- little awkward Jeremy Callow -- the same pathetic weakling that was made fun of every day in the gym lockerroom by the big football jocks! And here was this godlike man, bigger and more powerful than any of the football players, obviously desiring HIM! Jeremy was a late-bloomer, only growing light dustings of hair under his arms and around his privates within the past year or so, he was still a developing boy -- but the shirtless hulk before him was all man. A thick, beautiful coat of the same midnight black hair that covered his head was spread across the man's virile bull chest and his bulging, eight-pack stomach. Oh, how Jeremy longed to grow chesthair like the big boys in his gym class -- oh, how he longed to feel this man's coarse fur rub across his smooth, blossoming boybody. His breath caught in his throat as he saw the man's huge paws reach down to his jeans' zipper. Josh's words rang in his memory -- "The biggest dick I've ever seen!" Jeremy could see that the snake fighting against the tight material was beyond anything he'd ever seen on any of the young guy photos he looked at on the Internet -- this was a man's cock. Jeremy felt Josh's leaking cock frantically rubbing against his back, the blonde's breath coming in short gasps. It was obvious to Jeremy that his older friend was absolutely euphoric over what was about to be unveiled. The sound of the zipper being slowly pulled down echoed in the still room.

Now, Armando Perez wasn't a vain man, in fact, he remained surprisingly modest in spite of the benevolence nature had showered upon him. But one thing that remained a private, intense joy for the cop was watching a sex partner's expression when he revealed to them his colossal battering ram. And when he yanked down his jeans, this inexperienced little teen twink did not disappoint.

No. NO! The words screamed in Jeremy's head. When the man's elephantine cock slapped against his hairy, muscled belly, the little teen could not even comprehend what had just occurred. So large, so tremendous was this cudgel of flesh that his mind did not immediately recognize it as a cock. When recognition dawned, his entire body convulsed, his vision blurred. It was simply, utterly impossible for a human male to possess that much dick! The boy was thrown into cognitive dissonance. Slowly, as if he were awakening from a heavy sleep, his eyes were able to focus on the beastly dong that had become the epicenter of the small college dorm room. He cried out like a wounded animal -- it dawned on him why this man was here -- the request he had made to his friend Josh! He might as well have shoved his entire arm up his winking asshole as take that monstrous wonder of nature! But the naive boy, unaware of the basest desires that flooded his being, couldn't ignore that feeling, that itch that made his asslips twitch and gape. His mind screamed for him to run, but his teenaged prick and hungry little hairless boyhole wouldn't let him budge. Jeremy still could not admit to himself what was immediately apparent to the older, experienced hunk as soon as he walked in the door: this 17-year-old boy was an insatiable, slutty bottom at heart. Mando was completely confident that by the end of this evening, his monumental schlong would be conquering yet another new virgin teenhole.

Slowly, the massive naked man approached the two boys sitting intertwined on the soft mattress. Boldly, he grasped the silk sheet in his fist and tore it away from the little teen's slim waist. Mando was momentarily transfixed by the unwieldy boydong that sprung from this little guy's crotch. It may not have been a monster, but it was quite an eye-opening whopper on this trim, angelic frame. The big male leaned forward and met Jeremy in their first kiss, his hands also reaching out to knead the youngster's perfect soft flesh. His hands brushed against his lover Josh's, and both of them greedily gripped the 17-year old, rubbing him, probing every inch of his body between the two of them.

Jeremy groaned, for a moment fearing that he would pass out from the sensation. One man was in front of him, hungrily kissing him, staking claim to his mouth, while another man was behind him, sucking and kissing his shoulders, neck, and back. The hands of both boy and man caressed his goosepimpled skin, their fingers sliding everywhere, making him shiver and shake, he couldn't tell who was doing what as digits flittered over his pucker and along the length of his sizable tool. He gasped into the insistent mouth of the brawny male ravishing him, the man's hearty chuckle more than revealing who had just plunged a thick finger into his clutching bunghole. His tight boysphincter was not prepared for the rough invasion of the man's large digit and Jeremy let out a shrill yelp, mewling in fear. The massive police stud's insistent probe burrowed deep into the warm, untouched cavern, rubbing greedily against the slick inner walls, searching for the little boybutton hidden within. Jeremy had never had anything of this size up his miniature anus -- the fat finger was as large as some men's cocks -- accommodating it was not an easy task for the 17-year-old!

"Please! Ugh! Oh! Oh no! It hurts! Please! It hurts me! Please take it out! Owww! Ugh! Ohh it hurts!" Jeremy whined and begged, his tender bottom wasn't big enough to be used by this huge hunk!

"Shhhh^Å. Shhhh^Å Don't fight it^Å Trust me, baby^Å" Mando whispered into the teenager's ear, forcing his unyielding finger even further into the clutching, frightened hole. The 36-year-old licked the trembling boy's cheek at the exact moment he zeroed in on the kid's spot. Jeremy gasped and shook even more -- big Mando had found his target. The youth's small body was awash with pleasure, unconsciously, he began grinding down onto the anal invader, begging for rougher, harder contact. This stranger -- Josh's boyfriend -- was effortlessly, eagerly taking advantage of him -- and the boy wanted more!

Within his thrall, Jeremy couldn't help but notice the insistent rub of what felt like an enormous, steely, scalding wet rod against his inner thigh. Opening his eyes, he looked down to once again be jolted by the sight of Mando's inhuman schlong. Now pressed against his skin, it looked even more stupendous -- the girth of this horsemeat was only slightly less than half the circumference of his upper leg! And when contrasted with his pale flesh, it looked frighteningly beastial -- Jeremy did not realize cocks could become so fiery red! The big man's bloated purple cockhead looked like a small bomb that would explode at any moment! Without thinking, as though the man's 9.75" stud dick were a sorcerous cobra that had hypnotized him, Jeremy felt his head being drawn towards the marvelous, frightening weapon. His lips puckered, pressing against the slimy, uncut plum head, kissing, giving thanks to this gift from the gods. The tangy, delicious flavor of the stud's cock soaked into Jeremy's mouth. It was so different than the almost sweet taste of Josh's dick. It was salty and spicy and earthy -- this was the mouthwatering taste of manmeat. Jeremy groaned, his mouth gaping open to swallow this life-giving nourishment.

However, the eager teen was cruelly prevented from fulfilling his goal -- for it was soon apparent that no matter how wide he opened, his little mouth could not accommodate the tremendous mass of the obese mushroom head! The boy would not be defeated so easily -- if he couldn't fit it in his mouth, he could still lick and suck its amazing length and width as though it were a gigantic popsicle! As his head burrowed further into the man's crotch, feasting on the stalk of the pungent meat, he felt Josh disentangle himself from his back and join him at the stud's jumbo boner. It certainly was a job for two, he thought. Through the tears that were forming in his eyes, he watched the blonde seemingly unhinge his jaw and impale himself on the man's dick knob! Together, he and his friend would conquer this massive angry beast!

Kneeling on the bed, Armando grinned wolfishly as he peered down at the two gorgeous little teens obsessed with devouring his jutting monster prick. Both Josh and Jeremy bathed his rod, the beautiful boys were lying in front of his towering form, their little pink tongues submissively stroking over the gnarled, veiny, crimson surface that turreted above their heads. Mando's big hands came down to ruffle their soft hair, his huge palms clasping down on their scalps, urging them closer to his pulsating donkey dong.

"Yeah, mmmm... Good boys... Those are my babies... yeah, lick daddy's big man cock... yeah, those are my sweet boys. Mmm... it's real tasty, isn't it? You like sweaty stud dick? Oh yeah I love my sweet little bottom boys eating my meat."

Jeremy continued the tongue bath on the cop's delicious cock as Josh moved on to other business. With drool running down his chin, the blonde breathed deeply before burying his face in his lover's furry, musty asscrack, rimming the big Itali-Rican musclebutt like a man gone crazy.

Oh yeah, this is what its all about, this is the life, the 36-year-old megastud thought to himself. Two drop-dead gorgeous little teen slut angels servicing him completely in depraved excess. Hell yeah, it was only the natural law. He was the leader of the pack, the alpha male, the strongest, most powerful, most dominant, hugest hung -- he and only he alone got breeding rights to all the bitches in heat. Yeah, these horny kids were aching to be plugged by his tremendous, superior adult male cock.

"Move over, Josh honey. That's ok, baby, just a few more licks at my sweaty butt... You can get back to it later. I know you don't wanna stop, but daddy needs to make your little friend into his bitch right now.

Jeremy's pretty eyes grew as round as baseballs -- oh dear God -- it was about to happen! He wasn't ready! He shrieked as Armando's huge muscled arms enveloped him, lifting him like a ragdoll, and dropped him onto his chest. The boy's adorable face rose howling from the mattress as he felt the giant cop's whiskery, goateed face bury itself inside his most private, naughty spot. Josh had rimmed him before, but this was completely different -- this man was DEVOURING his tiny little ass! The boy's velvet cheeks suffered from friction burn as the man's dark, mature five-o-clock shadow ground between his crevice. But oh God, the stinging pain was overwhelmed by the tingling, shooting thrills that travelled all up his spine and though his nerves as the man sucked, licked, tonguefucked, made love to, worshiped his immaculate virgin butt The man's deep, soothing growl rang in his ears.

"Mmmmm... oh yeah... Mmmm... Tastes so good... so fuckin' delicious... God, I love this ass! So cute! So innocent `n' sweet! Just like candy! Mmmmm.... Makin' me drool... Gettin' your butt so wet! Love sweet untouched ass all for me!"

Josh watched in rapt fascination -- one hand blurred in furious self-abuse, the other treating his asshole like an amusement park -- as his 36-year-old stud lover, a massive, gorgeous brute of a man, erotically, tenderly prepared the small 17-year-old high-school boy for his first masculine reaming. Tiny Jeremy was kneeling on the bed, his ass high in the air, his heaving chest and bliss-contorted face pressed securely into the mattress. Mando's enormous, nude hirsute bulk joined the ginger-haired youth on the bed, the cop's handsome, bristled face munching deep between the succulent boycheeks, his tongue digging deeply into the virgin channel, his expert technique making the diminutive boy squeal like a girl.

In reality, the youth couldn't escape the forbidding terror that spread across his body. He had promised his tiny, untouched virgin baby bottom to this macho hulk of a man and his monstrous, unreal, nightmare cock! He remembered the pain that just the man's finger had caused him! That titanic, monstrosity of a dong would tear him apart -- it was fucking enormous to begin with -- but when pressed against his small, slight frame it looked three times as big!

Mando chuckled as he felt the smooth twinkboy begin to shiver uncontrollably, his anus involuntarily clenching, threatening to trap Mando's invading tongue. Goddamn the boy was delicious and this ass was pretty as hell. The same cute little freckles that dusted the boy's nose and cheeks also powdered his snow-white bubblebutt! It was just too painfully adorable to the big top. There was nothing more mouth-watering, more satisfying, more ball-achingly arousing than sweet, perky untouched boyass. With one final loud, loving wet kiss on Jeremy's rosy-pink pucker, the big man rose up, kneeling tall above the exposed little teen. Armando's huge form dwarfed the boy, and he looked down approvingly from high at the exquisite porcelain beauty of the innocent he was about to defile. His overlarge, calloused man's hands gently squeezed and rubbed at the firm/fleshy boymounds, caressing them in the manner that one checks the ripeness of a melon. Oh yes, this little kid was ripe for the plucking. His clutching hands reached higher, stroking the boy's flawless pale skin as he explored his way up Jeremy's slim torso, the large, masculine fingers playing over the taut flesh of the teenager's back, his tummy, his chest, his sides, his arms, his neck... The experienced cop was a classically trained artist masterfully working his magic. This timid young virgin was his blank, white canvas.

Blonde Josh was mesmerized by seeing his man in action. With bated breath he watched as Mando's giant, hairy, olive-skinned body scooted even closer to the waiting boy -- the staggering length of the male's huge, godlike erect phallus resting along the hairless crevice. The sight was extraordinary -- the enormous crimson and purple weapon was even longer than the young boy's entire buttcrack. It nestled within the cleft, pushing the two little mounds dramatically apart, sinking itself between the tight, sweaty hillocks like a thick Italian sausage too big for its bun. Josh watched as the muscle-packed stud top leaned back to admire his handiwork, the bloated purple apple that was his cockknob pulsating atop the base of the boy's spine. The drooling eye poured rivers of clear cocksnot down into the exposed valley of teenass. For several minutes, the powerful police lieutenant simply masturbated his engorged pud in-between the milky-white bottom, rubbing the crimson girth up and down within the pocket of heaven, his saliva and streams of his precum lubricating the frottage. Josh was stunned as he saw the two males' scrotal sacks swinging one behind the other -- the difference in size and appearance was unbelievable -- Mando's veritable stallion balls, pelted in sweaty, curly black fur, were twice the size of Jeremy's huge hairless testicles! In fact, Josh figured that simply ONE of Mando's bullnuts was the size of the 17-year-old's entire oversized scrotum! The virile cop's big rocks swung bulkily back and forth, slapping heavily against his bottom's sensitive boyballs.

Mando's treetrunk arms grasped the boy tightly against his massive, furry, perspiration-soaked chest, his head leaning down to lick and suck at the teen's neck and upper back. Jeremy had begun to whine now -- the combined sensation of the man's 9 3/4 inch clubcock rubbing hotly between his crack, the man's hairy, bristly groin scratching his sensitive butt, the goateed face tickling his skin with sweet, sucking kisses -- all had served to rev him up into overdrive.

Jeremy wasn't the only one shaking -- little Josh was also about to burst from the pornographic scene before him. Jeremy's beautiful face had turned to look over his shoulder at the man working him over -- only to be caught in a furious liplock by the older top. Man and boy sucked and licked at each others' faces, their co-mingled saliva shining wetly across their features. The cop's huge mouth finally engulfed the little teen's -- thrusting, burying his fat tongue down the young man's throat. A sharp moan from the boy caused Josh's gaze to fall. The 18-year-old now watched as his lover's humongous finger once again bury itself inside the juvenile anus, poking in and out and around in wide circles, working to open the frightened virgin up. Almost as soon as the first finger had gained suitable entrance, a second giant digit was forced up next to its brother, both of them now twisting and thrusting to force open the slowly wielding boyhole. A muffled whelp tore from the kid's chest, and the sight that greeted Josh when he looked back up almost made him lose his load right there.

Man and boy were still melded together in an over-the-shoulder kiss -- but now their eyes stared intensely into each others'. The look on petite Jeremy's face was that of complete fright, begging to be released, pitifully pleading with big doe eyes for mercy. The look on the man's face was that of understanding, but mixed with firm, unyielding, unrelenting authority and dominance. The expert top knew exactly what he was doing, and exactly what Jeremy needed. The boy wouldn't be free until he had a full night's worth of manloads pouring out of his no-longer cherry boyhole. A third finger plunged roughly inside, accompanied by yet another muffled scream.

For the next few minutes, the three big digits fucked in and out of the clenching tunnel, loosening it good for the next assault. Soon, the horny cop had had enough. The kiss broke, the fingers were extracted, and the sounds of Jeremy's choked cries of fear and lust filled the room. Josh couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the small guy. But like Mando, he knew what needed to be done. Jeremy was scared now, but in a few minutes, he'd be floating in a sea of beautiful sexual bliss. The blonde college boy held his breath as he watched the stupendous, mighty head of Mando's copcock insert itself slowly between the shivering buttcheeks. The end of the man's colossal shaft looked impossibly large pressed up against the minute anal opening. The man looked down at the juncture with a gleam in his eye. All of a sudden; however, the gleam disappeared and the stud appeared as though he had broken out of the trance.

"Holy shit!!! Josh! Baby, go get the lube from my bag over there! God damn! I forgot to lube this kid up! I'm so used to plowing you, baby! Wow -- that wouldn't have been very pretty. And do me a favor -- grab me a little brown bottle in there labeled `Rush.' I really think Jeremy's gonna have some trouble taking me, honey."

Obediently, the blonde teen grabbed Mando's jumbo-size tube of Astroglide and the strange brown container. He ambled back over to his lover and his young friend, still awestruck over the awkward pairing the two made.

"Do me a favor, honey -- get me nice and wet while I take care of Jeremy here."

"Yes sir." Josh replied, opening the plastic tube and squeezing out a large dollop all over Mando's horse-sized dick knob. The little blonde shuddered as he stared at what was obscenely displayed before him. His lover's gigantic angry, slimy red-violet cockhead, swollen to the size of a tennis ball, pressed itself firmly against the high-schooler's smooth, clean, immature, tender little pinprick of an asshole. As Josh's boyish hands lubricated his boyfriend's searing dong with layers of smooth, cool gel, he looked up to see what the man was up to. The hulking, masculine cop leaned forward and pressed his large forefinger against Jeremy's left nostril as his other hand held the little brown bottle beneath the boy's remaining nostril.

"Inhale, baby." Mando's order was firm and direct. There was absolutely no objection from the 17-year-old. The man obviously meant business. The boy breathed in deeply, sucking in the bottle's pungent vapors.

The naive youth had no concept whatsoever of what the older man was doing to him. All he knew was that when he inhaled those strong fumes that reminded him of dirty socks, his mind began to swim and his little body began to float. He could feel his virgin asshole begin to pucker and suck; his cumbersome young schlong grew to painful, unbearable hardness; his balls swelled and roiled with boyjuice... his entire being cried out to be stuck mercilessly like a ravenous pig!

The change in Jeremy's behavior was immediately apparent to Josh. He watched as the trembling, whimpering boy began to relax and groan wantonly, his previously inflexible, virgin anal muscles softening and expanding to create a small opening the size of a dime. Oddest of all, the little teen no longer seemed to fear the missile docked at the entrance of his boyhood -- it seemed as though he were now actually rubbing roughly against it and attempting to bury it inside himself! Josh's eyes grew wide -- what had come over his little friend? He looked back at Mando and watched as the big man placed the bottle under his big Roman nose and inhaled a tremendous rush of air. The 36-year-old stud's prick, which Josh had been stroking and lubricating, grew even impossibly larger, harder, and hotter in his hand! It was as if another whole pint of blood had somehow just forced its way into the already flooded cop prong! Josh gasped as the arteries and veins on the corded surface of Mando's dick bulged out even larger and thicker -- it was as if the man's cock had just finished doing a hundred bench presses! The frightfully engorged monster was literally pounding, shaking, vibrating in his palm! The blonde swooned as he realized that there was no doubt his hunk lover's manhood had just passed the inconceivable 10-inch mark. A glut of precum jetted from the man's enormous, gaping pisshole, inundating the bottom boy's tiny bumcrack, adding to the rivers of lube and spit that already soaked his anus. It was now or never.

The man began his rough descent into uncharted territory.

The image that would remain etched in Josh's mind forever was that of his friend's face as his enormous lover began the destruction of this naïve little teen's pure, pristine, innocent forbidden orifice. The sweet juvenile's beautiful face strained in agony and ecstacy -- his big round hazel eyes bulged unseeing in their sockets; his mouth opened to its limits, choking, rasping noises erupting from his throat; his white skin turned a shade of red and cords stood out from the sides of his swanlike neck. Once again, the boy was shaking uncontrollably, his fingers clutched painfully at the sheets beneath him, his toes curled to the balls of his feet, his tiny chest heaved with ragged gulps of air, tears poured down his face. Josh would have screamed for his horny ape of a lover to stop immediately if it wasn't for what happened next amidst the horrifying scene.

Armando's elephant schlong had pried itself into no more than 2 to 3 inches of the ferociously unyielding asschannel when without warning, the skinny bottom boy began screaming bloody murder. Both Mando and Josh jumped with fear, terrified that the boy had been rent in half by the invading cudgel. However, Jeremy's deafening shrieks were not of pain, but those of pure, unadulterated, mindblowing climax. One touch of Mando's scalding, brutally-stretching mushroom knob on his baby joybutton was enough to force gush after gush of creamy white boyseed in rapid, machine-gun fire out of his throbbing, turgid teen rod. Mando's great bursts of hearty laughter rose above the squealing racket coming from the seventeen-year-old -- his expert topcock felt the telltale rhythmic clench of a healthy young boy busting his nut. Like the great sexual beast he was, Mando readied to pounce on his prey. The 6-foot-4, 250 pound, hairy stud cop licked his lips, raised his hindquarters, tightened his heaving muscles, and held onto the budding 5-foot-6, 120 lb youth for dear life, his enormous grasp completely encircling the boy's 27-inch waist... And then he plunged. Plunged as hard and as rough as he could before the orgasming boy fell from his peak, burying all 10 inches of rock-hard bone to the hilt inside the spasming tunnel. More gut-wrenching screams erupted from the boy in the same way the white lava propelled itself out of the 17-year-old's jerking prick. Josh was positive that Jeremy had just miraculously reached another orgasm only seconds after his first! How Jeremy had managed to just swallow the entire bulk of Mando's genitals was beyond him -- so large was the intrusion, it looked to the blonde college boy as though the tiny lad had just given birth in reverse!

"Awwww fuuuuck! So fuckin' tight!!" Armando's massive muscles strained visibly; his huge, breathtaking body pressing itself forcefully against the small teenager. The man's rough black pubes, crushed against the teen's widely spread anal crevice, scratched the sensitive, hairless surface. Mando's ten ass-shattering inches were buried as far as they could go up the unbelievably constricting little channel. This underage boypussy felt like a wet, superheated vice around his monstrous donkey dong! The big man flexed his brutal weapon, making it flare up even more enormously, forcing the already over-extended boyhole to stretch painfully to its absolute limit. Mando was making the hole his, teaching it who was boss, it was a naughty little hole that had gone for too long without a rough shafting. It was about to be busted open for good!

The bottom boy lost all control over his body, his muscles turning to jello as the rutting onslaught above him began. Mando's firm, tight grip at his waist was the only thing that kept his ass attached to the buffeting horsemeat, the rest of his body sunk heavily into the mattress, flopping up and down as the man forced him back and forth on the skewering club. The petite angel was crying hysterically, tears pouring from his eyes, utterly overwhelmed by the sensation. The pain was incredible -- but he needed it, he loved it. This big, strong policeman knew what was best for him. Long, tortuous wails sprung from deep within the little schoolboy as the huge studcop owned his body, heart, and soul completely.

With absolutely no effort, the man cradled the limp youth in his palms and flipped the boy over roughly, twisting the small body around as it was still attached to his firehose of a cock, finally dropping the gasping, squawking kid down on his back. The big stud grabbed the boy's ankles in his hand and pushed them forward, amazed by the flexibility of the youth when the kid's small knees effortlessly touched his skinny chest. This was much, much better. Now the dominant stud cop could watch his angelic bottom's incredible facial expressions. This was one gorgeous little bundle of baby slutstuff.

The domineering police lieutenant's huge, craggy hands held the teen's slender chest, his immense grasp able to cover its entire surface. His broad thumbs rested next to each other between the smooth, shallow indentation of the teen's breastbone while his long, rough fingers tucked themselves firmly beneath the boy's sweaty, barely-haired armpits. The big man massaged the boy's small ribcage, the undeveloped pecs, the little pink nubbins -- delighting in the feel of Jeremy's heart slamming wildly within his chest cavity. The young boy's small hands reached down and encircled the massive girth of his own rigid, oversized boycock, jerking it swiftly and roughly with both hands, in the manner so often employed by immature, overenthusiastic boys his age. It was all so pure, so beautiful, so carnal, so natural. The circle of life. Mando was a skilled hunter at the top of the food chain and this little teen was his vanquished prey. The giant cop plunged his weapon over and over and over, harder and harder into the squealing, whining, shrieking, gasping cherryless bitchboy.

Oh God, there was no music quite as sweet to his ears. Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Tchaikovsky -- none compared to the sound of a gorgeous virgin boy finally surrendering to his nastiest, basest instincts, gloriously realizing the capacity to which enormous mancock completes him, that moment of absolute clarity and joy when it finally comes to him that his twink ass was made for serving the needs of aggressive, dominant, oversexed topstuds. Mando realized the sacred depth of this moment, and he silently thanked a higher power for allowing him to be the one to share it with this small boy -- and for this boy to share it with him, instead of with some brainless dolt of a top who would simply use the naive youth and then toss him away, scarring him emotionally, and possibly ruining his beautiful, God-given bottom talents for years afterwards. Oh yes, because of his expert guidance, Jeremy would now bring euphoric pleasure to all those that followed him down this hole. The young man would cheerfully and eagerly offer his exquisite, boyish bubble ass and the tiny little ruby it hid within to deserving, genuine topmen, sharing with them a gift that should be cherished by both. Mando had always had a sixth sense about him -- a strange and uncanny ability to zero in exactly on boys who were insatiable pig bottoms at heart, those who would stop at no cost to please him and his monumental endowment, those who reveled in serving him and basking in his dominant power. The cop never once doubted his seemingly ridiculous fuck of little Jeremy -- he had felt that inexplicable draw as soon as he laid eyes on the breathtaking beauty. He had never been wrong. Not with Chris, not with Josh, not with any of the countless bottoms he had plugged... and definitely not with Jeremy. He also sensed that the boy would want it rough, needed it a little kinky. When he deflowered Josh, he had been a lot more gentle and caring -- it was what Josh needed at the time. But the police officer knew that Jeremy was a very different person from Josh. The 17-year-old was getting off as much on the harsh domination as he was from the assfucking.

Mando's thoughtful reverie was interrupted as he looked down on the cherubic face of the 17-year-old and sighed, his heady perspiration raining down in great, salty droplets from his bronzed, black-furred body onto the kid's clean, fresh skin. The boy was looking up at him through damp eyes with pure love, admiration, and amazement.

"Please.... harder.... do it harder! Please! Harder!" The boy whispered in the softest of voices, crossing his final bridge into bottomhood. "I love your big penis in my butt!"

The man chuckled and leaned down to plant a soft kiss on the boy's half-opened mouth, at the same time, rapidly lunging in jackhammer strokes into the blossoming flower. The boy greedily swallowed his kiss and mewled in sweet contentment.

"What a sweet boy. Such a good boy. Tell Mando what you want, honey. There's no need to hold back, son. Tell big Mando what you want him to do, baby." Mando deliberately stopped his stroking, playing with the inexperienced kid, wiping a lock of sweaty hair away from the boy's damp forehead.

"I want -- I-I want you to FUCK me! Oh Godddd... Fuck me HARD! Please!"

"Haha! There we go, honey... c'mon, baby... what do you want me to fuck you with, angel?" Mando still remained motionless, only the head of his cock crammed inside the clinging asslips.

"With your COCK! With your big, fat, nasty old mancock! Oh please! It's so big and hard -- so deep inside me! I want more! I love it so much! I love it! Ohhhhhh.... FUCK ME!!" The whining boy was starting to become desperate.

"And where do you want it, sweetie?"


Mando was laughing openly now, a huge grin plastering his handsome face

"And how do you want it, honey? How do you want Mando to fuck you?"


"Is that right, sweetie? And why do you want Daddy's monster dick? Why does little Jeremy like huge cock so much? Tell me. Papa wants to hear you say it."


"That's my little boy. Daddy's gonna give you what you need, baby." Mando whispered before he transformed into full-on attack mode.

The previously grinning, laughing, happy man now became deadly serious. His eyes narrowed and filled with angry lust. His black eyebrows furrowed into a "v" shape. His huge body corded up, the muscles mounding under his taut skin. His teeth bared, making the cords on his neck flare out furiously. His body became awash in even more macho sweat and pheromones. The little ginger-haired teen gasped and gurgled in divine joy as he felt the man's sacred staff balloon even larger in his rectum.

"AAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!" The man growled in insane hunger as he began battering, pommeling, pelting, punching into the willowy teenager's tender guts at inhuman speed and force. The kid's pretty head flew back in more of his signature, almost-girlish shrieks. The wild animal had been unleashed in Armando now, and there would be no turning back until he had planted his seed in this fertile bitch.

Watching this all unfold was the lust-crazed Josh Young -- out of his young mind at the scorching, beyond-real scene that was occurring right in front of his face. This was what he had been horned up about for so long -- to watch his lover de-virginize his innocent little high school pal. Ever since their experience with jock bottom Ben, Josh had realized that watching his boyfriend take charge of some prime boymeat and ream it mercilessly made his blood boil.

Josh didn't really believe that his longed-for experiment in animal husbandry would ever work -- Jeremy was just too diminutively small and fragile, his lover too mountainously large and rough -- they would never fit together for mating purposes! It was like trying to breed a Clydesdale stallion with a miniature pony! But, as he should have known, with Mando's will, there was a way!


The blonde freshman had gone certifiably insane, the raunchy, immoral scene turning him into a filthy, perverted voyeur. Shortly after greasing Mando's dong for him, the blonde boy had returned to the man's bag to retrieve one of his favorite toys -- the "Whopper" -- a foot-long, contoured glass dildo that was nearly the width of a tennis-ball tube. The hot little 18-year-old lubed up his own puckered bunghole and proceeded to watch the action with his legs spread up in the air, matching Mando stroke for stroke as the big Itali-Rican deflowered the precious virgin youth. But now the little sex nymph wasn't content to just watch. He wanted in on the action.

The jaw-dropping blonde twink crawled up to the rutting couple, monster dildo still shoved up his ass, and stood on all fours above the reclining high-schooler, his face buried in Mando's bristly-haired bullchest.

"DADDY FUCK ME TOO!!! FUCK ME TOO DADDY!" Josh's begging eyes looked up pleadingly at his concentrating cop lover. With little more than a grunt, the big man reached forward, and with a firm grip on the slippery glass dildo, began lobbing it in and out of his young lover's voracious, piggy butt at the same unmatchable speed with which he pistoned in and out of the too-small teen butt cranny. Both teenaged boys were now moaning and squirming under the ministrations of the expert topman. During one particularly ear-splitting scream from the youngest member of the threesome, Josh bent down and shoved his 7-inch pole down the kid's throat to shut him up.

As the freshman twink labored away on his older boyfriend's heaving chest -- sucking on the man's hard brown nipples, biting his hard meaty pecs, slobbering over his sweaty, hairy skin -- a thought occurred to him which he'd never had before. As he lapped at the Chinese character symbol tattooed high on the man's right pectoral muscle, it dawned on the boy that he had never asked Armando what it meant.

"Mando," the blonde looked up to see his lover's face a mask of zen-like tranquility -- his eyes closed, his head tilted slightly back, his mouth hanging half open, tongue lolling out, as he continued his perfect, unbroken rhythm into both bottom boys. "Mando, what does your little tattoo mean?"

The man opened his eyes halfway to peer down beneficently at the searching green eyes.

"Power, Josh. It means power."

At that moment, the 18-year-old felt his small friend shake violently. Gurgling cries forced their way around the teencock that was lodged deep inside the high school boy's mouth. The warm, sticky splashes that hit Josh's smooth muscled chest told him that Jeremy had just had the cum knocked out of him for yet another time in less than an hour. Josh bent forward reverently and licked once again at the sexy black tattoo before lifting his head up to join his lover in a passionate kiss.

Once again, the beautiful couple shared their intense love as they were connected together through another male. The blonde boy sucked roughly on his lover's strong, invading tongue, savoring the masculine flavor he had grown to love so much mixed with a hint of his high school friend's ass. He drank down the co-mingled saliva that pooled in their wildly sucking mouths, realizing for the first time that this, not Mando's hearty semen, was the true elixir of life. It was the most intimate, romantic essence of their everlasting love.

Josh's athletic arms encircled his man's big bull neck and pulled the cop stud even closer to himself. Mando's hands left his ass and the top's big, beefy arms enveloped his slim body. With a sickening slurp and pop, the huge glass dildo forced itself out of Josh's squeezing rectum, falling to the pillow beside Jeremy's head. The blonde twink didn't even notice the obvious emptiness. All that mattered was getting as close to his love as possible. Josh sat his perfect bubble ass on Jeremy's face and proceeded to join his lover in the tightest, most passionate, bear hug they'd ever experienced. Both men buried their faces in each others' necks and shoulders, feverishly nuzzling and suckling as their chests pressed and ground against each other. It was one of the most erotic moments of Josh's life. And Armando's as well. Neither man was touching the other anywhere but above their waists, but still they were joined closer than they ever had been before. The big brute cop increased his never-ending screw of the newly-trained boy as Josh pressed his crack harder into the boy's face, rubbing its sweaty surface back and forth on the kid's slobbering mouth.

Josh's slim hand reached down between them and grasped the girthy stalk of his younger friend's big prick. It was slimy and warm, dripping with freshly spurted boycum. It slid easily up and down in Josh's fist, its vigorous, youthful power coursing through its length. Jeremy was going to make some topstud very happy one day -- they didn't come any smaller, prettier, or more innocent than Jeremy. Combine that with a voraciously cock-hungry butthole and a dick that weighed more than the kid himself, and you got yourself an assfucker's dream come true!

Hell, Josh thought to himself, this cock was a bottom slut's dream come true, as well! The gorgeous blonde narrowed his eyes and looked naughtily at Armando. With a crooked grin, he leaned down and licked the crook of Mando's neck before whispering into the man's ear.

"What do you think, stud? Should Jeremy lose his virginity again?"

Armando's devilish grin was all the answer he needed. With nothing more than a quick movement of his round rump, Josh lifted his ass from Jeremy's face and dropped it onto the boy's 8 inch cock.

Josh groaned in fulfilled bliss as he felt Jeremy suddenly realize what had happened, rutting his awkward boycock up hard into the clutching wet depths of his college friend. It certainly wasn't the biggest cock Josh had ever taken, but it was still quite a snug fit. With every violent lunge of Armando's beast prong, little Jeremy would whimper and lunge his hips into the air, goring hard into Josh's happy bum. Armando and his boy slaved at each other's mouths, sharing the joy of having provided this 17-year-old with a first fuck that would last a lifetime. The three males worked together like a well-oiled machine, all three of them awash in exquisite sexual sensation.

For an eternity the trio furiously mated on Josh's dorm room bed. However, as the final stretch began, Armando tapped his baby boy on the shoulder. It was time for Josh to take one for the team.

"Baby... I wanna sperm the bitch. It's Jeremy's first time. I want to make it special for him. It's gotta just be me and him. Understand?"

"Ok, Mando." Josh extracted himself from the dripping boypole and sat across from the pair on the bed, jerking his prick, eager to watch the final act of this crowd-pleasing show.

Armando reached down and cradled the light teen in his arms, pulling the boy up, sitting the boy on his lap so the two were face to face.

"Jeremy, honey, daddy's gonna shoot his spunk in you. Do you want it up your ass or down your throat?"

"I'd like it up my ass, please sir. I want to feel your cockjuice shooting inside me, daddy."

"Good choice, sweetie. My boy Josh is going to jack his load all over your face, is that ok?"

"Oh yes! I'd like that, sir!"

With that, Armando leaned forward and captured the teenager's soft lips in his mouth, licking and gently biting at the kid, plunging his fat tongue into Jeremy's oral cavity. The man's eyes remained open as he intensely glared at the sweet face that was pressed against his own. Jeremy was mewling and begging, gasping as Armando began to plug him harder and harder, bouncing the boy on his big lap.

"Oh God... Oh God I love it so much! Fuck me! Fuck my ass, Armando! Oh please, I love huge cock up my butt! I can't believe I waited this long! It feels so good! AAAGGHHH!!! FUCK HARDER! YES YES! GOD YOUR FUCKING PRICK IS SO DEEP! SO FUCKING DEEP!! IT'S TEARING ME APART!! AAAIIIEEEE!!! I LOVE IT!!! YAY!!! FUCK ME LIKE A LITTLE WHORE!!! OH PLEASE! HARDER! ROUGHER!! MY ASS LOVES ONLY BIG COCKS FUCKING IT HARD AND MEAN!!!"













"Ha ha!!! FUCK yeah! DAMN! Boys, boys, boys... you can both have a taste. Get down there and clean daddy up, you hot little boysluts. God DAMN that was a good fuck. I need to take a breather for a second. Whew! Yeah, mmmm... that's it, dig around in the piss slit a little, Jeremy. Josh, lick under my foreskin... mmm... yeah, that's the way I like it... If you're both good boys, I'll let you lick out my ass and my pits! Whoo-eee! This is the life. Ha ha ha! FUCKIN' A!!!"

The fuck session was far from over. By the time Armando got through with his new toy, the boy was a cockhungry, certifiable, grade-A bottom slutwhore. The same sweet young thing that had been trembling in fear merely hours before was now screaming out obscenities like a crazed nympho, shouting to be fucked harder, longer, rougher, deeper. When Mando left the next morning, Jeremy lay in a daze on Josh's bed, his asshole gaping hugely, streams of pearly white spooge gushing out of it. The virile cop chuckled as he buttoned his uniform pants, watching Josh bury his face between the teen's little asscheeks, gobbling up the six loads Mando had kindly spewed inside him. Once again, Armando Perez had created a monster. And the tops of New York City were sure to thank him for it. Especially one in particular...


To Be Continued in Stud Cop on Campus Chapter 7!

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