Stud Cop on Campus

Published on Aug 13, 2002


Stud Cop on Campus Chapter 4 By

Well Chapter 4 is here. I hope you all are ready - this is the first part of some of the hottest stuff I've written. You will be very happy to know that I have finished tons of stuff for future chapters, and Chapter 5 should be ready within the next few weeks. I really want to point out that your letters and notes really gave me the motivation to write - keep them coming! I didn't get very much feedback on Chapter 3, so if you are reading this story and you like it - drop me a line! I love getting questions, comments, and suggestions. Like I said before, I only write as long as I know there are people out there are actually reading the series! If I don't hear back from anyone, it's just not worth it for me to write - I spend a lot of time and energy on my work.

If you haven't already, check out my earlier series "War Story" in Nifty's Military section. I will eventually continue with those adventures, but my main focus now is on "Stud Cop." I have also written a story entitled "Vic the Dick" which is contained in Nifty's High School section.


At the end of Chapter 3, 18-year-old college freshman Josh Young and his 36-year-old topstud police officer boyfriend taught a cocky baseball frat jock a kinky lesson after the 21-year-old athlete used Josh's ass and then tossed the boy out like a piece of meat. Josh and Mando reaffirmed their love for one another and agreed that any future sexual escapades with other men will involve both of them. Little does Josh know that Armando already is hatching a plan for his sweet teen lover to make the acquaintance of his macho cop buddies.

That evening, Mando and Josh headed out to one of the stud's favorite nightspots - The Crowing Cock - a divey gay bar that a number of NYPD's finest frequented. It was a place where macho, blue-collar men could fraternize and connect without the fear of being exposed or ridiculed. As the big hunk and his boytoy entered the joint, they were welcomed by a chorus of friendly greetings - it was apparent to Josh that Mando knew most of the men in there. And what men they were, Josh thought. Mando had told him that there weren't many gay cops on the force that he knew of, but Mando neglected to add that in a city as big as New York, "not many" still equaled a very good number. And not only cops, but firefighters, construction workers, military personnel, EMT workers, security guards... Everywhere the young boy looked, there were muscular, butch males. They were sitting at the bar drinking beer, shooting pool, throwing darts. It seemed to Josh not unlike any other bar where working men went to blow off a little steam... or in this case, a rusty load!

As the two made their way through the smoky interior (and, as Josh noticed, past the hungry stares of many of the guys) Mando indicated to his young boyfriend to head towards a small table at the back of the bar where two large figures were seated.

"Hey Tozzini - where's Colt? I thought he was supposed to be here tonight?"

Aw, I'm sorry, Mando - Colt couldn't make it tonight. He feels really bad, he really wanted to meet Josh - but he forgot he already made plans with Rick."

"Damn. That's too bad. Oh well. Joshie, I'd like you to meet Rocky Tozzini... haha, make that Captain Rocky Tozzini - he's the boss man - and Lieutenant Jamal Grant. Two of my bestest, oldest buddies on the force." Mando chuckled in his deep, bass voice.

"It's nice to meet you." Josh answered in his sweetest, most polite voice, reaching his small hand out to shake with the men.

Both cops stood up to greet their visitor. Josh took a moment to take them both in.

Rocky was a big Italian man who looked to be in his late 30's or early 40's. His jet black hair, slicked back with heavy hair gel, was beginning to noticeably recede while flecks of gray appeared to color his temples. The cop was short, but incredibly well-built. Josh guessed the man was maybe an inch or two taller than his own 5-foot 8-inches. But that was the only similarity he shared with the guy. It was obviously apparent that, like Mando, this man worked out religiously. His body was stumpy, like jocky Ben's, but infinitely more defined and built. The man had thick black bushy eyebrows that seemed to connect over the bridge of his crooked nose, a feature Josh guessed was the result of a nasty break sometime during his career. The man had thick, fleshy lips that Josh found oddly kissable. His perpetual, cocksure grin revealed a slightly chipped front tooth that also increased the older stud's macho, roughneck, working-class appeal. Like Mando, the man seemed to be oozing testosterone, a dark five o'clock shadow darkening his face and thick tufts of black fur pouring out the collar of his button down shirt. The man's massive arms were also pelted with the same kinky, dark hair that coated Mando, and a large tattoo of an Italian flag could be seen on his right bicep, while a large eagle with the phrase "SEMPER FI" stood out on his left. Rocky's big hand felt hard and coarse to Josh's delicate grasp. All in all, Rocky gave the appearance of a man who had taken a few punches in life, but still kept coming back for more. Josh was surprised that this sturdy, rugged stud appealed to him so much. There was something infinitely masculine and honest about him, an intense confidence that made the otherwise homely man into a knockout.

Jamal was another story. Standing before Josh was one of the biggest black men the boy had ever met. And what a black stud he was - the large man's ebony skin was like smooth dark chocolate, the polar opposite of blonde Josh's creamy, pale flesh. Unlike Mando and Rocky, Jamal seemed to still be rather young, probably in the area of 26 or 27 years old. Jamal stood taller than even Mando, and his enormous body seemed ready to burst out of its tight clothing. His mighty biceps reminded Josh of huge, round cannonballs. Josh was not used to meeting too many African American men... he wasn't racist, he just didn't come across that many in his suburban high school. Josh was ashamed to feel slightly uncomfortable in Jamal's presence. The big black cop was certainly an intimidating figure. His dark head was shaved completely clean, adding to his menacing look. However, menacing really wasn't that appropriate, the blonde considered, Jamal was in fact quite handsome, and his big friendly smile wiped away any deep fears that gripped the boy. Actually, Jamal wasn't just handsome, Josh concluded, the man was striking. If this gorgeous male specimen wasn't a police officer, he could definitely find a career in modeling. Josh rarely was attracted to black guys... he didn't know why, it wasn't anything he could change... but he realized that in this case, he definitely had found an exception. A naughty part of Josh secretly wondered if the old, cliched rumours were true. Every other part of Jamal was giant.

"Well... ha ha! It's great to finally meet the famous Josh!" The beefy Italian cop laughed in a deep, robust, slightly gravelly voice filled with New Yawk accent. "Ol' Mando here keeps tellin' us all about his baby boy, but he don't want to introduce him to his buddies! Now I know why he's been keeping you all to himself, son! Woohoo!"

Josh blushed a deep pink and responded to the outspoken stud.

"Well, I hope what he's been saying has been good."

"Aww, don't worry about that, Josh. You can bet it's all been real good!" Rocky answered with a wink in Mando's direction. "This old man is crazy about you, honey!"

The three men and their young companion sat down at their small table and soon began chatting like old friends.

"Hey! Steve! Come over here and give Josh a Bud. It's on me!"

"Tozinni! You know Josh is underage! He can't be drinking alcohol in here!" Mando barked at his good-natured buddy.

"Aww, lighten up Perez. Who's gonna arrest him? Us? Ha ha ha!"

All four of them burst into laughter at the truth of Rocky's quip. In truth, Josh wasn't really all that big a fan of beer, but he decided to drink it to be polite. Besides, Josh was sort of in a mood to get a little buzzed. It really only took one beer for him to start feeling something, he might as well have the drink. If Rocky was offering, he'd be glad to take.

"Mm-mm-mm, Joshie Boy, I can't believe what a nino bello you are. Mando certainly is a proud papa!"

The young blonde was not entirely sure what the older man had just called him.

"Mr. Tozzini, what does 'nino bello' mean? Is it Italian?"

"Call me Rocky, honey. And you're right, it's Italian - it means 'beautiful boy.' In case you hadn't noticed, I'm Italian... haha, well Siciliano, actually, baby..."

"Aw shit, Tozzini - Italian, Sicilian, what's the difference?" The large black man chuckled.

The macho Italian burst into hearty laughter before reaching his big hand down to cup his extraordinarily substantial basket.

"Ha ha! Makes a BIG difference down here, Grant. A fuckin' HUGE difference!"

Josh blushed as the man caught the teen licking his lips while staring at the 'huge difference' the stud clutched in his grasp. The young size queen could tell that Captain Rocco Tozzini was packing some major Italian - make that Sicilian - sausage. The man simply smirked and winked at the boy, squeezing his bulge one more time before reaching back up to grab his beer mug.

The cute college boy really enjoyed hanging out with Mando and his cop friends. Rocky and Jamal were exceptionally friendly and both of them treated Josh with the utmost respect and courtesy. Again, Josh felt a bit of guilt for having prejudged Jamal a little. It was obvious that the man was very well-educated and well-spoken, albeit a tad reserved. In fact, the blonde college boy could sense that Jamal was a very serious, very intense sort of man deep down. He was nothing like a lot of the images Josh saw on TV and in the movies. He appealed to Josh very much. In fact, both of Mando's cop brothers pleased the boy immensely. If he wasn't with Mando, Josh felt he would be more than willing to be bedded by either one of the studs.

Josh chuckled and smiled as the three old buds reminisced animatedly about their many experiences together. Often, in this sort of situation, Josh would have felt left out, but Mando and the two other men made sure to include the boy, frequently asking him his opinion of some of the crazier things that they had gotten themselves into. As Josh finished the bottle of beer, he was definitely feeling very warm and very tipsy.

"Ha ha! Look at that little guy! He's turning all pink!" Rocky pointed out. "You know what that means!? He needs another one. Lemme go get you one, Josh. Another Bud okay?"

"Yeah, sure!" Josh smiled back, watching the hunky Italian Stallion leave the table and head to the bar. As Rocky sauntered away from the three, Josh was surprised to see a glint of light sparkle on the man's left ring finger. Upon closer inspection, Josh realized that Rocky was wearing a thick gold band!

"Mando!" Josh whispered to his lover, "Why is Rocky wearing that ring?! Mando - is he married?"

"Well, yes, Josh. He is. Rocky's been married to his wife for about 20 years now. I can't say I agree with what he's doing, but I don't condemn it either. Rocky's pretty closeted, Josh. I mean, you gotta understand how hard it is to be a gay cop. I definitely know where the guy's coming from. He just took a different path than I did. I mean, he loves Donna, just in a different way."

"Is he bi, Mando?"

"Well, not exactly. Rocky's pretty much come to terms with his homosexuality. He stays with Donna because he's got a lotta responsibilities. He feels he owes it to her."

"Josh, don't hold it against Rocky. He really is great guy. He's just from a different generation. He didn't have as many advantages that you - and even I had." Jamal interrupted with a rub to Josh's shoulder.

At that moment, the beaming Rocky returned to the table, two beers in his hands.

"Here you go, baby boy. Drink up!"

This bit of news shocked Josh... but a deep part of him was oddly aroused. Rocky really was a complex guy, and for young Josh, Rocky's unattainability made him so much sexier - in the naive teen's mind, married equaled off-limits. If he only knew how wrong he was!

As Rocky and Mando began discussing some car race they had gone to a few weeks ago, Josh struck up a conversation with Jamal. The blonde teen eagerly began chatting away about himself, delighting in what a patient listener Jamal was. While talking about his high school years in Buffalo, Josh found out that the black stud was actually from roughly the same area of New York. Discussion of his career on the diving team resulted in Jamal's revelation that he had been on the swim team in high school also (as well as the basketball and football teams - the black stud turned out to be quite the jock). Josh definitely liked this guy - there was just something about the intense, almost brooding quality of the man that made his boycunt itch. Again, that deep, naughty part of the teen was incredibly turned on by this enormous black cop. Josh's parents were pretty traditional and somewhat old-fashioned. They took the news of his homosexuality relatively well, but he wondered how they would react if he brought Jamal home and they accidentally discovered this behemoth of a black man fucking his tiny, lily-white 18- year-old ass. This nasty thought sent shivers running up his spine. It was another nasty, forbidden fantasy that filled the lusty teenager's fuck-obsessed brain.

Josh and Jamal's conversation was interrupted by loud guffaws from Rocky. Apparently, Mando had just told a pretty damn good joke. Josh noticed that, as the big Italian leaned back, a small piece of paper fell out of his pocket. Josh leaned over and picked it up, glancing at it as he handed it back to the middle-aged cop. It was a small drawing of a man wearing a police officer's uniform. It was obvious to Josh that a child had drawn it, and if he wasn't mistaken, it was a crude drawing of Rocky.

"You dropped this, sir..." Josh whispered as Rocky took the slip of paper and blushed.

"It's really cute, who drew it?"

Rocky's guilty eyes looked to Mando, Jamal, and then back to Josh.

"Well, buddy. My little girl made that for me. I actually have two of them... kids, that is. Both girls. A 5-year-old and a 9-year old. I - I dunno if Mando told you, Josh, but I'm married. That doesn't bother you, does it?"

A warm smile crossed Josh's face as he looked at the sheepish look that was plastered to the macho stud's face. Rocky looked so incredibly cute and hot at that moment.

"It doesn't bother me one bit, stud." Josh replied, his hand reaching out unconsciously to stroke the big man's leg.

"Ha ha! That's my boy!" Rocky exclaimed as his big hand came up to tousle Josh's silky blonde hair. "Mando wasn't kidding - you really are something. Mando, you don't mind do you?"

The Italian hunk looked over to Mando, who smiled and nodded affirmatively.

"Come here, honey. You wanna sit here in ol' Rocky's lap? I've been wantin' you up here all night."

Josh was more than eager to accept the invitation. After two beers, he was feeling really good, and he was happy to repay the man who had made him feel so good. The fact that Mando didn't seem to have any problem with it finalized it in Josh's clouded mind; in fact, his lover seemed to be encouraging it. Josh leapt from his seat and jumped onto the older cop's broad, muscular thighs. Josh was immediately welcomed by the unmistakable feeling of a huge, steely erection bulging from the man's crotch. Instinctually, Josh pushed his ass hard against the covered pole and began grinding it roughly against his crack. By now, Josh had become an expert on oversized dicks, but the sheer girth of the hidden treasure in Rocky's pants caught him by surprise. The scent of beer, musky sweat, Old Spice, and Vitalis hair grease permeated the air around the big stud. It was an aphrodisiac to the little blonde teen. He was in the presence of a genuine, macho topman. Josh felt a heavy growl rumble in the cop's broad chest as the man's strong arms encircled him, pressing him down firmly, sliding him back and forth, assisting him in this neighborly lap-dance. Rocky's large, mature hands gripped the boy's developed young pecs, their huge mass massaging and squeezing the fabric-covered surface. The blonde teenager mewled softly and closed his eyes as one of the big cop's paws reached down and crawled underneath his clothing. The husky cop began diddling his erect nipple, the calloused flesh pinching and pulling on the unnaturally sensitive bud.

"Yeah... yeah... that's my boy..." Rocky whispered hoarsely in Josh's ear as the little blonde leaned his head back to rest on the stud's broad shoulder. "Well, what do you think, Perez? This little honey ready?"

"I'd definitely say he is." Josh heard Mando's voice croak back. Something was going on here that Josh was not aware of. He opened his eyes back up.

"What? Mando, what are you talking about?"

"Well, honey... Remember how we talked about sharing our experiences? Well, you introduced me to your little friend Ben, so I thought you'd like to meet some of my buddies. What do you think, honey? Would you like that?"

Josh's tiny asshole itched like crazy as he felt the Italian grip him tighter, sawing that swollen tubesteak back and forth between his crack. He looked at Mando and Jamal. Both of them were breathing heavily, their eyes heavy with lust, their hands fallen to their tented crotches, kneading their hot packages as they watched the little 18-year-old college freshman sliding dreamily back and forth on the lap of their horny, 42-year-old married boss.

"Oh yeah, Armando... oh yeah, I'd like that a lot." The slutty twink replied as he leaned forward, his bubblebutt pressing even harder against the man's inflamed groin. He looked across the table, staring into the hungry eyes of the huge black man. Josh winked and licked his lips, rewarded with the sight of a drop of fluid soak the end of the long, thick bulge that snaked down the black cop's pants.

"Goddamn, you're a hot one, kid. Let's get you out of here and back to your boyfriend's place." The intoxicated boy heard Rocky's thick voice amidst his pleasurable haze.

The next thing Josh knew, he was in the back of a speeding cop cruiser, the siren blaring in his ears. Rocky and Jamal were sitting next to each other and he realized he was sitting across their knees, facing them both. Josh turned his head to see Mando in the front seat, driving like a bat out of hell. Josh turned back around to stare at the grinning men. The slender boy leaned forward and began making out with the big black man as he used both hands to roughly rub and fondle the two cops' straining mounds. Rocky's thick, starving tongue was licking his smooth face, the man's coarse stubble scratching the smooth flesh. Jamal's long fingers were exploring the boy's own swelling crotch, and soon enough, Josh could feel the young cop deftly unzipping his trousers. As was custom when he was with Armando, the teen wasn't wearing any underwear, and he felt his smooth, 7-inch cut cock fly up and slap against his little abs. Josh had no idea where his shirt had gone, but he didn't care, he shrieked as he felt Rocky's ravenous mouth biting his pink, nubbin nipples.

"OH YEAH!!!" He heard the Italian stud bellow as the man caught sight of his exposed boydick. Immediately, Josh felt his prick bathed in the moist warm cavity of Rocky's sucking mouth. Josh screeched and hollered, he was being swallowed whole by the man. Rocky had no trouble deepthroating his respectable length - the guy's nose was in his silky soft blonde pubes in a matter of moments. It was like a fucking vacuum had been attached to his dick! Rocky was apparently very hungry for the sweet blonde twink - his throat muscles massaged the head as his fat tongue circled the shaft.

With a screech, the car came to a halt on the street next to Mando's apartment building. The big ItaliRican jumped from the vehicle and opened the back door for the three very busy males. Like a man possessed, Rocky's mouth tore itself away from the sweet boymeat as he grabbed the petite blonde in his arms. The stocky Italian pulled Josh from the cruiser and threw the half-naked boy over his shoulder like a sack of grain. Josh felt the cool night breeze wash over his exposed genitals.

Mando and Jamal ran to keep up with the sprinting Sicilian stud. Josh could hear the two men laughing as they followed their older friend. Josh couldn't help but stifle a giggle himself as he bounced wildly in the hunk's tight grip. This guy was a sex-crazed lunatic! Rocky huffed and puffed like a steam train gone wild, barreling towards the front door of Mando's building. Josh was really digging how hot this older stud was for his ass - the dude was practically babbling in excitement! The powerfully built Italian was literally bouncing like a little kid as he waited at the door for Mando to open it. In the meantime, he leaned his head to the side, lapping and gnawing at the boy's smooth back, covering it in drool.


Rocco Tozzini couldn't control himself when it came to sex with hot young guys. It almost got him in big trouble on more than one occasion. He nearly learned the hard way to keep his escapades out of the house when his wife and daughters came home early from shopping one afternoon while he was playing "hide the salami" with the 16-year-old paperboy. He hadn't planned on fucking the kid, it just happened that way. He noticed the cute high-schooler checking him out whenever he came to the door in his uniform to pay the bill. It wasn't his fault that the kid asked if he could come in for a glass of juice. Why, the kid practically seduced him! Poured the juice all over his fuckin' clothes! It was only proper manners for Rocky to offer to put the kid's clothes in the laundry. Then the kid asked if he could dry off in the bathroom, leaving the door wide open while he took his clothes off - underwear and all! Such a smooth, creamy, perfect teenboy body. Next thing he knew, he and this kid are humpin' away like crazy on his bed... Damn, that little boybitch was more than ready for a good hosing... his ass was already lubed up and he took the ol' Tozzini hog like a pro. Didn't scream nearly enough to be a virgin. Hell yeah that kid had definitely been fucked before. There was no way the kid could have taken a dick like his otherwise. Wasn't until sometime later he found out the kid had just finished up getting boned by the Arab cab driver who lived down the hall when he came by for a superior screwing from Captain Tozzini!

He was really throwing it to that little underage slut when he heard the sounds of his family come in the door. To this day, Rocky thanked God that he had locked the bedroom door before he got down to business.

"Rocky! Where are you? What are you doing?" His wife knocked on the bedroom door.

The hulky cop unlocked the door and fell back on the bed, covering his body with a sheet.

"Come in, hon!"

"Oh Rocky! You should know better! Thank God the girls are in the other room! I swear, you are fucking addicted to jacking off! Get some clothes on and meet me at Jessica's place. She has an old armoire she's giving us. You and her husband Ralph can carry it back."

And with that, his wife shut the door and left the apartment, daughters in tow.

A small head peeked out from underneath the bed.

"Can I come out now, Mr. Tozzini?"

"You bet your ass, son. Get back up here so papa can finish with you."

It only took a few more hard, brutal strokes into the kid before he felt the little ass clenching and boycum filling the cupped hand he had placed in front of the paperboy's cute 6-inch dick. Rocky shot rapid fire into the kid's spasming guts as he felt the teenager lapping up his own sticky white mess that the big policeman had palmed in front of his mouth.

With the same agility he used to track down criminals, the big cop stud peeked out the door of his apartment and, seeing that all was clear, shoved the boy on his way. >From then on, whenever he wanted to cream the kid's ass, he just headed down the hall and shared that primo slutstuff with his cab driver neighbor. There would be no more close calls with the wifey.

But it wasn't only with his family that there was trouble with his "habit." On one occasion, even Rocky's job had been put in jeopardy. The big cop often volunteered to help out at Juvenile Hall. Of course, his eagerness to help out when they were short- staffed at the Detention Center was solely for the purpose of long-staffing some of the hotter teen boys. These kids were punks anyway - he figured they deserved a few hours in solitary confinement with a respected police officer who was trying to "straighten them out." It was a perfect solution - he got a steady supply of fresh meat, and the boys got taught a lesson they'd never forget. He was doing a service to the community. And besides, he'd never met a horny teen who didn't end up lovin' it in the end. He had a special knack for transforming disobedient, misbehaving youths into slobbering, begging, cock-hungry bottoms. Naughty boys craved authority, and he was more than equipt to give it to them.

However, one afternoon, he was throwing a particularly mean fuck to a cocky, very hot little punk who'd had the audacity to talk back to him when, without warning, the warden walked right into the room. The terrified cop stopped mid-stroke and stared wide-eyed at the tall 45-year-old man who was looking right at the graphic union of his gargantuan member stuffed halfway down the 15-year-old's little anus.

"Warden Jones... It's... Uh... It's not what you think!"

"Can it, Tozzini. You don't worry about me. You're only doin' what every other guard in this joint is doin.' Hell, it's one of the few perks that comes with this crummy job."

Later, as the two men plugged the gorgeous young man at both ends, Rocky found out that it was well known that the entire Detention Hall was one big homosexual free- for-all - everything that happened behind those doors stayed behind those doors. And they made extensive efforts to make very sure it stayed that way.

After that day, Rocky became one of the main attractions, and the boys' most preferred sex partner, at the monthly "anything goes" orgies that were set up by the warden and his men.

But of course, the trysts with his paperboy and his moonlighting at Juvie still didn't sate the big stud's appetite for twinksex. The voracious Italian was constantly cruising for willing young partners. No matter how risky or immoral it was.

As Rocky played these memories out in his head, he became even more exhilarated. Holy shit, Mando wasn't kidding. His little boyfriend was the hottest piece of ass in all of Manhattan. God, it'd been a hell of a long time since he'd plugged a nice bottom boy... probably more than 2 or 3 weeks. When Mando came up with the plan, Rocky's dong was aching with need. If this little college boy was anywhere as wild and kinky as Mando claimed he was, this was going to be the best fuck of his long life!


The door was unlocked and Josh now found himself flying down the hallway. This time Mando was ahead of them, and he was ready to fling the door open for the bolting Italian cop. The lights were flicked on, and Josh felt himself flung onto Mando's couch as the man who was carrying him began to fling his clothes off, literally tearing them from his body. Josh's ass was pulsating and his dick was leaking - the pure, unquenchable thirst that this man had for him was making him soooo hot! Josh looked away from the man and saw that Mando and Jamal were very eager to disrobe as well.

Josh watched with baited breath as the huge black cop was down to his skivvies, the white briefs standing out sharply on his jet black physique. Oh God, what a fucking physique! Words couldn't even begin to describe the flawless perfection of the ebony hunk. His body was a work of art, bulging, mountainous muscle molded to every square inch of his silky smooth body. Unlike Mando (and Rocky, Josh assumed), Jamal shaved his body, his smooth bull chest coated with shiny perspiration; huge, hard, sable nipples capping the heaving, dusky pecs. The only hair on the man was the dark, kinky curls underneath his massive, corded arms, and a few tight black curls that peeked up from under the waistband of his underwear. A cute smirk formed on the man's lips as the little blonde gulped noticeably when the black cop began lowering the briefs. Josh's big green eyes grew even wider. He had never seen a black cock before!

HOLY SHIT! It was massive, beautiful, gorgeous, unlike anything the rather inexperienced teen had ever seen... but most importantly, it was MASSIVE - the old legend was TRUE! Jamal possessed one of the only donkeycocks in New York that rivaled his boyfriend's! It was simply monumental. It was so strong and forbidding, and if possible, it was even darker, blacker than the rest of the stud's skin. Like Mando, Jamal was uncircumsized, and Josh's lost his breath when his eyes finally rested on that gigantic head of that prong! The color was like nothing Josh ever imagined! It was the darkest, brightest shade of purple the boy had ever seen - much, much darker than Armando's purple cap. It was simply unreal. He had no idea what black cock would be like - and now that he'd seen it, his mouth was slobbering for it! Jamal's veritable basket of nuts hung down so low, they seemed to Josh to be halfway to the man's knees! Jamal's sack was also shaved smooth, the wrinkled flesh also colored the same impossible black that characterized that monster cock.

"Ha ha, you can stop your drooling, Josh, your boyfriend's got me beat by a quarter inch. Not to mention a half-inch in width." Jamal winked as he saw a strand of saliva fall over the boy's pouty, pink lower lip.

"I don't care, I still want to suck it and have it fuck me real hard." The dazed boy gurgled back.

After a minute of being hypnotized by that black cobra, it dawned on Josh that there was yet another brand new naked stud in the room for him to play with.

The boy groaned, his eyelids fluttering when his gaze fell upon his new cop daddy. Rocky's heavy mass was bursting with raw, unbridled, beastial power. The man looked like he could single-handedly take on an entire fucking army. The man was packed, overflowing with hard granite muscle. However, the most remarkable thing about Rocco Tozzini was the fucking pelt that covered his entire spectacular, musclebound bulk - the man was a fucking ape! This man put Armando to shame - the only areas on his entire body not flooded with curly black fur were his mammoth grapefruit-sized biceps, his broad shoulders, his upper back, and his sides! His stocky, barrel chest was absolutely swimming in thick, raven tangles of Italian fleece. The hunk's huge, bright rosy-pink nipples poked out from the flood, capping off the monstrous, meaty pecs. The thought of all that manwool scratching, chafing his smooth, unblemished skin as the man balled him drove Josh out of his mind. And then, between the stud's widely-spread, heavily-muscled legs -

An astonished gasp was forced from the speechless boy. Here was a dick that BELONGED to the man. It may not have been the longest dick Josh had ever seen - it was probably about 8 inches, maybe 8-and-a-half at most - but this stocky, humpy Sicilian cop had BY FAR the fattest, widest, most obese manprick the boy had ever imagined. It was like a caricature of a cock - like some distorted image created in a funhouse mirror. That motherfucking ass-punishing HUNK of a dick was FATTER than a damn soup can! It couldn't be less than 10 inches around! And the god-damned prick knob was a fucking slab of meat and gristle that was disproportionate even in comparison with the unnaturally oversized appendage. The wet, palpitating wedge of cock-crown flared out obscenely, forming an unctuous, blue-violet glans the size of a softball. Josh's puckered slot literally sucked itself in, terrified of the possibility of being broken open by that monstrosity of nature. But teenage boys often bite off more than they can chew in their irrational exuberance - Josh's eyes were always bigger than his asslips!

But the shock didn't end there. For every cock, there are two balls, and with a schlong as fat as Rocky's, there were two inhumanly massive boulders. Josh about fainted. No wonder the man was such a furry, sex-crazed animal - his nuts looked bigger than baseballs! They were bigger than both Mando's AND Jamal's! God, this 42-year- old family man had the goddamned biggest cajones the twink had ever seen - even in pornos! Even in his dreams! He could bury his face in that sweaty, absurdly hairy sack and get lost for a week! The man was a FREAK... and the little teenslut wanted him BAD.

The Italian Stallion wanted little Josh just as badly, if not more so. He saw the way the blonde's eyes grew as large as saucers when he caught sight of what would be crammed up his baby ass in just a few short minutes... and he couldn't wait to see just how big those pretty eyes would get when he actually got inside! Oh yeah, there shouldn't be any problem here. Mando's been screwing the kid for months. If the kid can tough it out for Mando's tree trunk of a prick, then this cute little boy can certainly handle what Rocky's got. This thought pleased the man immensely - there were few who were able to take his dong, and even fewer of the cute twinkie bottom boys he craved were willing to give it a shot without a fair amount of coercion on his part. Hell, even his own wife didn't want to take it. That's pretty much the only reason he'd been able to go so long without fucking her - she didn't want him to! His brothers always teased him, askin' him why he didn't have more kids. Shit, their wives were wild about the "family curse" - and were poppin' out kids like there was no tomorrow. Eh, but who cares, he was happy with the two he had, and he was glad he had a good excuse for why he and Donna weren't doin' it. Certainly gave him more time to go out in search of boyass!

"What do you say, Perez? Grant? Can I take the first crack at this little bitch's crack?"

"Haha, I don't see why not, boss. I think Josh has taken a shining to you." Mando smiled, his large hand stroking the length of his 9 3/4 inch stud horsebone, shaking in anticipation of seeing one of his oldest and best friends skewer his lover. God, they went back a long time. There had been a lot of boys and a lot of asses, but nothing compared to this moment, when he got to share his most prized possession with his freak-cocked buddy. God, what was it - 7, 8 years ago? Maybe more. That little Asian whoreboy he'd been filming with was raving on and on about some top dude he'd met at some sex club. Said the dude wasn't much to look at, but had a schlong on him that made Kris Lord look like a pencil dick. His ass had never been so sore. Mando was intrigued, asked the kid if he could arrange a threesome - he was quite eager to see the annoying little fruit get split open, wanted to see how this dude matched up to his own star-making phallus. Imagine his surprise when he arrived to find his BOSS grunting away and laboring over Miyoshi's boycunt! Rocky was pretty surprised himself. After a long, emotional heart-to-heart (interrupted every few minutes by the frustrated Asian's pleas to be fucked), Mando and Rocky were a team. The first ass they shared was quite a memorable one... If the little bottom thought he was sore the week before, after the two coptops double-dicked his "famously elastic" hole, he wouldn't be walking for a week.

As Josh got on his back, raising his legs in the air, watching as the furry, monster- dicked Italian stalked towards him, a panicked thought ran through his mind.

"Armando! Armando! Wait! Do you have any condoms!? Oh God, I don't even think they make condoms big enough to fit him! Wait! I don't know your friends well enough! We can't bareback!"

"Don't worry, honey, I just took these guys to get their test results back yesterday."

"What do you mean, Mando? What? Why would you be going with them?"

"Sweetie, I told them to get tests in advance because I've been planning this surprise for you for a while now. I didn't want Jamal and Rocky partying with us unless I knew they were clean. I did this for you, honey, I know how much you love to have hot mancum up your ass... I wanted to make this special for you."

"Mando! You tricked me! You planned this all along!?"

"Yeah, baby. It's ok, isn't it?"

Josh's eyes wandered from his lover's drooling crimson horsecock, to the drooling ebony horsecock standing proudly next to it, and finally, to the drooling scarlet monstercock that was lumbering towards his tender, secret orifice..

"Yes, sir." Josh responded with a submissive nod.

"Good boy."

Rocky slowly approached his trembling prey. Josh was sitting there on the couch, waiting for him, ready to take him on. The blonde teen leaned against the back of the sofa, his lithe, toned legs raised high, his developing arms wrapped around them, tucked underneath his knees. And there it was, that sweet baby boy ass that Mando had told them about in so much loving detail, opened wide to his gaze, the innocent pink rosebud kissing the air, wordlessly begging to be connected to Rocco. God, the boy was breathtaking. The man's heart thumped in his chest. It was beyond comprehension to him that he'd be topping this flawless speciman of young manhood. Hell, whenever he had some cute bottom boy willingly ride him, he couldn't believe his luck. It always felt like "Beauty and the Beast" to him. As a kid, he'd often been made fun of for being ugly, and even as he grew, and built his body to the work of art it was today, he still never turned heads. Yeah, his body was really the only thing he had going for himself, well that - and a cock that could fuckin' knock down a door. It was funny, Rocky thought, maybe that was why he was so hot for pretty young guys. For a few hours, he was connected to something beautiful and pure. He - big, awkward, plain, hairy, short, middle-aged Rocco Tozzini - was dominating, possessing something he desired so much. The screams, the yelps, the moans, the sobs - they were all for him. He got what he wanted, and they got what they wanted: they wanted his cock, wanted him to make them dirty, make them cry, to cruelly ravage them, to defile their youthful purity, make them feel like nasty little boys.

At that moment he felt envious of Armando. Not only was the guy a fucking knock-out with a killer cock, but he had this sweet thing all to himself. And not only that, but they were in love. He shouldn't feel envious, he should feel happy for his best buddy, and grateful that the guy was sharing this perfect love with him. Josh really was something else, he was a sweet, very horny kid with a big heart. And not only that, but there was something different in the way he looked at Rocky, the way the kid touched him and kissed him, something that showed the kid cared for him, was genuinely attracted to him, wanted him. Josh's huge green eyes were staring at him so intently.

"Oh Rocky, oh God. I need you. I need that cock. You are so hot... Oh God such a gorgeous stud. Plow me, pleeeeease! I want to feel you soooooo bad!"

Mando had conveniently left a king-size bottle of Astroglide on the end table. Josh watched as the Italian hunk grabbed the bottle in his huge fist and, turning it upside down, poured a veritable cascade of the slimy lube onto his tremendous, burning, uncut cock. It dawned on Josh that he was about to be fucked by three beastly hung males, and all three of them were uncircumsized. The heavy, loose foreskin added to their primitive appeal, keeping their macho, masculine cockbulbs moist and slimy, naturally lubricated, always ready to slip into a tight, dark opening. By this point, Rocky's soup can cock looked like it had gone through a rainstorm. The gushing splurts from the bottle continued on and on as the man drenched his pecker. Rivers of thick lubricant drooled down every gnarled surface, pooling in his thick pubic hair, matting it down, dripping off his swinging elephant nuts and onto the floor. Rocky's free hand was spreading the layers of thick goo all over the expansive surface of his superman schlong - there was a hell of a lot of area to cover. It looked to Josh as if the stud were polishing some championship trophy, the man was an expert with his equipment. As soon as the mighty rod was shining and soaking wet, the big man squeezed streams of the viscous fluid all over his massive, craggy hand. Josh closed his eyes and felt an incredibly thick finger - a finger that might be the size of some men's cocks - burrow into his pursed asslips. Roughly, insistently, it opened him up and began to fuck in and out. As the finger burrowed deep inside him, Josh felt a strange bump on the Italian's digit. It was cold... hard... With a burst of recognition, Josh surged with the knowledge, the dark, nasty, awful knowledge that Rocky's wedding ring was buried in his 18-year-old boycunt! The gold band purposely being used as a tool by the experienced, middle-aged father to add delicious pressure to his expert fingerfuck, to give his bottom boy unique, delicious, forbidden pleasure!

A strangled scream escaped from the blonde teen as an unexpected orgasm tore through his body, his aching, rigid prick gushing fountains of creamy boyseed onto his chest and face. Josh's entire mass was quaking, jerking; his own high pitched wails and the man's deep, hearty guffaws filled his ears; his anal walls were squeezing, clutching at the thick finger that was now pressing and kneading his nerve-filled prostate.

As the boy's breaths returned to normal, the warm afterglow filling his body, he felt the older cop lean forward and lock lips with him. Rocky was an amazing kisser, rough and tender, his fat tongue poking out, invading Josh's oral cavity, tasting every inch of the kid's mouth, running over his teeth, his gums, his inner cheeks, his pink tongue. The man tasted of beer and sweat, a combination that made the little teen groan. The Italian's stubble pressed hard against his face, burning his skin. The man's teeth bit Josh's lower lip firmly, but not hard enough to break the skin. The kiss was broken as the man licked and scooped up the sweet splooge that covered the boy's slim body and face, hungrily swallowing it down in noisy gulps. When Rocky's lips once again reconnected with his, the taste of his own tangy boyseed was now added to the delicious flavors that mingled in the man's mouth.

Sometime during the steamy kiss and subsequent tongue bath, Rocky had managed to cram three of his fingers up the teen's tight rear. The fingerfuck was no longer gentle and slow... Rocky was now punishing Josh's chute with his digits, opening his fingers up while deep inside, stretching the tender assflesh. There was no need for dillydallying around here, Josh was about to have a dick with a circumference of 10 inches inside his petite, 18-year-old shitchute. Josh's pained cries and trembling whimpers broke the big stud's heart, but it had to be done. Josh would thank him for the preparation later. A fourth finger squeezed it's way inside. The man was moving his hand in small circles, opening the rubber orifice, making it gape wide to his glare.

"Holy shit, you're fucking tight, baby. Oh God, calm down baby, calm down... You can do it honey, you can do it. Oh God, Mando, are you sure this kid can take it?"

Mando and Jamal were now sitting across the room, completely lost in this surreal show.

"Oh yeah, Tozinni... I've fisted him a few times... that little ass can stretch to something fierce. Perfect bottom ass."

It was time. The cop's hairy, slimy paw pulled itself out, leaving the boy's asshole an unnaturally gaping chasm.

"Please, puh-puh-lease... go slow..." Josh choked out between heavy, faltering breaths.

It was now or never, Rocky Tozinni hunched down and pressed his monster flesh against the kid's cornhole. Even after all the stretching, the inconceivable cockhead was still much larger than the opening. It was like trying to shove a sports bottle through a hole the size of a half dollar. Rocky's mighty hands gripped the boy's skinny ankles and threw them over his shoulders, his musclebound body pressing, falling, bearing down on the boy pinned to the sofa beneath him. His fingers now dug into the blonde's tiny waist, pulling him, forcing him to accept the grotesquely oversized phallus. The pressure was building, building... even with half a bottle of lube, the brawny cock just couldn't fit into that tiny slot. Rocky gritted his teeth, sweat poured down his forehead , he growled angrily in an attempt to drown out the boy's pitiful yelps. Building... building.. and... and...


A sound of pure torment, of unbearable agony, a bloodcurdling scream filed the room. Panic gripped the young teen, his body was writhing, kicking at the man, his skin was covered in cold sweat. His ass was splitting open. Oh, God, he'd never be the same. His ass would be stretched out forever!

"Please... please... oh my God... please... Josh... please... relax... Oh God, I'm sorry, but I gotta do it..."

Inch by inch the older man continued to feed his giant dong into his boy... knowing better, knowing what would be occurring soon...

Another inch cruelly dug into Josh's screaming rectum. But... As if someone flipped a switch, all of a sudden the boy became completely silent, his body went limp, a dreamy, unreal expression crossed his face. The humongous cudgel that was raping him just passed over his joy button. It wasn't just passing over it - it was flattening it! Josh felt like his prostate would shoot out the end of his dick!!! It was incredible, amazing, unrealistic - there was no feeling in the world that he had ever felt that compared to what was going on inside his intestines as that moment! All pain, all fear, all doubt... they vanished in exquisite bliss. Josh's eyes bugged out of their sockets before rolling back in his head.

"HA HA! YEAH BABY! You DID it! YOU DID IT! That there's the magic of a Tozinni fuck, baby! You feel that? You feel that?"

Josh could only answer with gurgles and grunts. The boy's smooth legs fell from the man's shoulders and wrapped themselves tightly around the hunk's solid waist.

Rocky got the idea, and wrapped the boy tightly in a furry bear hug, holding the little blonde twink in his enormous grasp. Josh's arms, up to that point completely limp, rose up to encircle the man's thick bull neck. With no effort, Rocky lifted the boy into a standing fuck, the pale little blonde glued to his massive, hirsute bulk. The last inch and a half of Rocky's fuckmeat wedged themselves up the teen's unbelievably tight channel as the kid's weight settled on top of his prick. Josh was pinned to the man, connected, they were one with each other.

Josh felt the stud's muscled, hairy arms loosen as the cop's hands reached down to cup his tiny, smooth buttocks for support. The man was just so powerfully built - he was literally carrying the boy around in his palms. The delirious lug began to bound around the room with little Josh attached to his schlong. Every heavy, lumbering step caused the massive prick to pound in and out of the raw boypussy. Josh's head flung back in ecstasy. He was RIDING this big cop! His ass was actually RESTING on the man's enormous, swollen scrotal sack! This overflowing dong was busting his prostate to pieces with every bounce!

"Josh! Ha ha! Lemme try something baby... Let go of me, that's it baby..."

He was completely at the man's mercy. Rocky's hands under his asscheeks and that mighty cannon lodged inside him were the only things keeping him from falling to the ground. Rocky turned so that the boy's back was to his audience, the unreal juncture of mancock cramming boyass on display for Mando and Jamal's ravenous stares. Rocky used his brute strength to lift the boy up, the obese cock slurping its way back out of the clutching, selfish boycunt. Rivers of slimy lube were once again pouring from it. When Josh's little opening was clinging to the last possible inch, Rocky released the boy's ass from his his clutches.

OOOOOFFFF! The wind was knocked out of the boy as the punishing fist of cockflesh punched into his guts! In his dizzy state, the boy heard the man talk loudly.

"TA DA!!! Haha, what do ya think?"

The boy heard applause, hoots and hollers. Josh realized at that moment that Rocky's hands were not back on his buttcheeks. His lightweight body was COMPLETELY supported by the sturdy girth of the studbeast's devil dong! Josh yanked his head back to look wide-eyed into the Italian top's sweaty, smiling face. Without a word exchanged between them, their arms once again encircled each other and their heads almost banged together with the force of their kiss. Neither man knew what had come over himself. All they knew was that they needed to be as close together as possible. The action of the two men couldn't even be described as a kiss, they were devouring each other, each vying to consume the other. Obviously, big Rocco was easily beating Josh. The man's thick, fat red tongue slurped across the youth's face like a bear gobbling up its honey. The wet surface slobbered over every inch of the boy's sweet face, Rocky's drool soaked his cheeks, his button nose, his forehead, his ears... even his eyelids! Josh was in complete ecstasy. Soon he and Rocky established a furious rhythm, the stocky man bending his knees and rutting into the air. Josh was bouncing up and down on that rod, his sucking ass being filled and emptied as he rode the man like a pony. With every jab into his rectum, Rocky's extraordinary furry chest scratched against his tender white skin, his hard, sensitive pink nips, and painfully/pleasurably against his dripping hard boydick. And through it all, man and boy's mouths were sucking voraciously at each others' faces. The middle-aged man attached his maw all over the slim teen's shoulders and neck, and sucking painfully, left painful, purple love bites all over Josh's milky white skin. Josh was crying in rapture, his slim arms wrapped tightly around the stud's stout, bullish neck, his face buried in the oily, slick-backed hair on the Italian's thick head.

It was like some primitive, wild, erotic dance to the men who were witnessing the action. Josh's sweaty back was still to them, his overstretched chute wide open to their view, the tight ring frantically clinging to the violent invader. The back of his blonde head was jerking maniacally back and forth as the big ape of a man balled him hard and deep. The college boy's overworked body was absolutely swimming in sweat and he began to slip and slide around in his new lover's grasp.

Rocky's huge, woolly body seemed to swallow up the boy. His sinewy, shaggy arms were gripping his possession tightly, his tree trunks of legs wide open and bulging as they powered the rutting animal fuck. Underneath the 18-year-old's smooth slutty assmounds swung the beast's bristly, furry rock sack, boldly displayed for his competitors' inspection. Every once in a while, amidst a particularly ecstatic shout from the boy, Rocky peeked over Josh's shoulder at his companions, throwing them a cocky grin or a conspiratorial wink, grinning at the way the two men jerked each other off as they watched their big boss master this bottom. God, it'd been quite a while since they'd all done something like this - it was a damn shame Colt couldn't be here, too!

The huge, bulky cop carried his little baby blonde to the wall and pinned the tiny body against it. It was clear that the man was getting ready for the final sprint.


Over and over the heavy hunk buffeted the little boy harder and harder against the surface of the wall, his body hunching violently against his prize. Josh's slick body was riding up and down the cool surface. The older man's hungry mouth had fastened itself to the kid's smooth pecs. Oh God - the stud was biting his nipples! It hurt! It hurt so bad! But it hurt so so good!! Josh's small hands buried themselves in the Italian man's greasy black hair, holding the hunk's head against his chest, digging in his nails, begging the topstud to hurt him more!

It went on like this for another 15 minutes - the screaming, the grunting, the biting, the begging, the pain, the pleasure. At one point, the little teenboy balled his hands into tight little fists and began crazedly bringing his arms down over and over again to pound into the massive, hairy barrel chest - the thump of tiny fists on Rocky's muscular pecs drumming wildly in synch with the gut-wrenching slurps and squishes coming from the delirious twink's abused rectum.


Rocky's perspiration-drenched head glared at the incomparable beauty he was conquering. The man looked like a demon - his hair was disheveled, his thick eyebrows wrinkled, drops of sweat fell from his crooked nose, his sharp teeth were bared, his eyes rolled and bulged in their sockets. The blend of scents that had clung to the man in the bar, the Old Spice, the Vitalis, it was all washed away, overwhelmed by the incredibly pungent, spicy, musky odor of a rutting male in heat. Josh immediately leaned forward and kissed the vicious looking man with reckless abandon. God this Sicilian studgod was hot.


"UGH! UGH! OH! OH! OHHHHH!!! YOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUU!" the frantic boy squealed as the almighty orgasm hit him. "GOD! UGHHHHH! GOD! OH GOD!!!! SO BIG!!!!! SO BIG!!!! SO BIG!!!! RAPE MY HOLE DADDY!!!!"

The superhuman girth of the Italian cop daddy's donkeymeat caused such unbearable pressure in his anus that the muscles were barely able to contract. Like a tuning fork, the tremors emanated from his butt and spread to his entire body, causing him to positively vibrate in his daddy's hairy grasp. Stream after stream of son spunk coated the cop's bristled abs, lubricating the two bodies even further.

Josh's final acquiescence was also all the humpy top needed to explode his gigantic, pent up load. When Rocco Tozzini came, he came like a fucking steam tugboat out of control. He huffed and puffed as his eyes rolled back in his head. His olive skin turned a crimson red, his lips pursed, and his hefty mass was shaking as though he were having an epileptic fit. To an outside observer, it would look as if the middle-aged stud were about to spontaneously combust. Just when it looked as if the man were about to rupture....


The sound of the howling, triumphant alpha male shook the windows. If Rocky's cock was uncomfortably thick when it was erect, it swelled to even larger, ass-punishing proportions when it was in the midst of nutting its virile cargo into a welcoming womb.

Josh's head banged itself against the wall behind him - this wasn't happening, this wasn't happening. This man was sperming him over and over and over again. His slim frame couldn't handle it! Oh God - his intestines couldn't handle this much studcum! He was going to burst! It was going to blow out his nose! Oh God, it was so hot, scalding his tender insides! There was so so much! God those huge bullballs must hold gallons of seed!

Slowly, slowly, the Italian cop's spasms trickled down, until his body jerked the last of it rich, creamy reserves into the very willing boyhole. Josh and Rocky looked into each other's eyes and smiled warmly at one another.

"Well, that sure was something. Wasn't it kid?"

"I'll say!"

Still without effort, the middle-aged powerhouse lifted the kid off his deflating dong with a deafening slurp and POP! As soon as the huge plug was pulled from the little blonde crevice, a torrent of thick, grade-A Italian manmilk sloshed from the gaping boyhole and fell to the floor with a sickening squish.

"It tickles!" Josh giggled as the jizz poured from him in great gushes. It was as if the little 18-year-old had sprung a leak! As the Italian Stallion admired his handiwork, Josh gave him a wicked grin and fell to the floor, slurping up the escaped babyjuice that had pooled on the wooden surface.

"Mmmmmm... Tastes real good" The slutty blonde fawned at his expert top's feet.

Josh stood up and walked over to his lover Mando. The cock he had fallen in love with was soaking in its own juices. It was a darker red than Josh had ever seen it. His lover was breathing heavily, a look of complete carnal lust written on the gorgeous man's face. Josh leaned over and met his boyfriend in a violent, sex-starved liplock. The impish blonde leaned away from the huge form of his lover and turned his little ass towards the man, spreading his cheeks wide for inspection. More cock snot dribbled out of the abused boypussy.

"Look what Rocky did to me, Mando." The boy whispered lustily as his older lover licked his lips.

"It's beautiful, baby. Beautiful." The stud cop whispered as he bent forward to suck his superior officer's robust jism from his 18-year-old lover's brutally stretched rectum.

"Oooooo! Ohhhhh! Mando! Ohhh... I love you! Oh, I love it when you eat my butt! Oh, Mando, it's soooo full of cum!" Josh was beyond grateful to the man he loved. Mando was so good to share these big dicked tops with him. Oh... God, he couldn't wait to repay Mando back with as many hot college bottom boys as he could find! Josh felt another tongue lave his ass... Oh God, it was Jamal - both men were sucking down Rocky's cum! Oh, God, he hadn't even experienced that enormous hunk of black meat yet. He was still so horny... Oh God Mando had given him the best night ever!

Across the room, a contented, sweaty Captain Rocco Tozzini plopped down in the couch and lazily watched as his buddies rimmed out the insatiable blonde. Damn he had shown that little bitch who was daddy. He knew that after tonight, he would leave his buddy's place and Josh and Mando would be back together again in their ignorant bliss. But goddamn, if he hadn't made that gorgeous young perfection forget all about the man he'd pledged his heart to. The man chuckled to himself, already reminiscing on the most amazing fuck he'd ever had in his 42 years on this earth. For an hour and a half, the whole world was just him and a little twink boy who thought the world of him, who thought he was the hottest thing alive. Who knows, maybe he'd be lucky and meet a guy like Josh one day? Maybe the kid has some friends he can introduce me to? Nah, don't get your hopes up, Rocky ol' boy. His heavy cock hung limply, resting heavily on his fuzzy thigh. He was gonna be out for an hour or so for now... That little bottomless hole swallowed up all he had. He was a mature man now... he couldn't reload quite as fast as used to! Hell, it was just fine... he couldn't wait to watch the next act!

THE END Continued in Chapter 5: Part Two of "The Twink Meets the Force" - Josh's teenage ass is introduced to its first black cock, and another hot cop visitor shows up to join the party! Comments, suggestions, questions, criticism

Next: Chapter 5

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