Stud Cop on Campus

Published on Apr 16, 2002


"Stud Cop on Campus" Chapter 2 by PhinnyGene College/Youth-Adult

If you enjoy this story, feel free to check out my continuing series "War Story" in the Nifty Authoritarian section. I love to hear from my readers -- that's what keeps me writing -- drop me a line with your thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc. I really loved the response I got from the first chapter of this series, so that is why I've decided to continue. However, once again, I'm gonna be a bastard -- I really don't want to spend the time and energy writing this series if I don't get feedback and comments from readers! So come on, guys! :)

Josh Young lay contentedly on his bed, the early morning sun peeking in from underneath the window shade, illuminating his damp, naked, perfect teen body. The strong smell of sex was thick in the room, and Josh inhaled deeply. The 18-year-old college freshman closed his eyes as a tiny smile formed on his sweet face. What felt like a gallon of rich, slippery semen slowly dribbled out of his winking asshole. It tickled a little, but felt so good, so nasty. Amidst Josh's blissful revelry, a loud snore punctuated the silence. Josh giggled and looked at the man sleeping soundly next to him, his lover, Armando, whose strong arm was wrapped around his slim shoulders. Mando's other arm was lying on the pillow, resting just above the man's head. In slumber, the man's powerful bicep still looked as if it were straining against his olive-skin. Armando's dark, bushy armpit hair was exposed now, it was wet and glistening, the musky smell of hours of lovemaking emanating from it like some heady masculine perfume. Josh looked down at Mando's handsome, sleeping face. Over the night, the man's five-o'clock shadow had grown into thick, black stubble. His lips were parted slightly, and Josh watched as the man's tongue poked out from between them and began moving in circles, subconsciously acting out some secret dream. Josh's asshole involuntarily twitched. The boy's eyes roamed down, over the man's powerful, hirsute, muscular frame, feasting on all that was exposed to him. It was as if Mando were carved from stone, everything about him was chiseled, masculine perfection. Those huge, broad pecs. The hard abdominal mounds. Those delicious, wonderfully suckable big brown nipples. Even if all that wasn't enough for the boy, there was still what was contained beneath the thin sheet that covered the man's lower half. Even after seeing it hundreds of times, it still never failed to take Josh's breath away. It was as if a circus tent had been constructed in the middle of his bed. Raising, high, proud, tall from the man's thickly furred groin was a cock unlike any cock most mere mortals would ever witness. Even beneath the white sheet, Josh could discern the dark purple hue of the enormous, pulsating bell-shaped cock head. Pavlov would have been proud had he seen the reaction just seeing this gargantuan monster caused in the boy. His mouth watered, his breath became faster, his cock dripped, and the twitch in his ass became a dull throb. Slowly, Josh reached down to pull the sheet from the towering phallus. Josh held his breath as if he were unwrapping the first gift of Christmas morning. It was simply incredible to Josh that this monster was all for him. Never would he have imagined that he would meet a man who had this much meat to cram up his little hole. Never would he have imagined that he would have been able to take it all! There it was, in all its majestic glory, rigid, colossal, pulsating, shining in the morning sunlight like some sacred obelisk. At its base, the huge, bulbous, hairy, leathery weight of his nutsack rested lazily, pooled on the mattress, hurriedly refilling itself with thick, potent seed for countless more ball-blasting boyfucks. That beautiful cock had been shoved up his ass and down his throat more times than he could remember...

It had been almost two months since Josh and Mando mated for the first time. The big cop was Josh's knight and shining armor, rescuing him from his loneliness and frustration. And what a rescue it had been. Within those two months, not a day went by when the two weren't wildly fucking like jackrabbits. And not just once a day, but three, four, five times, often more... In the morning, in the men's room in-between Josh's classes, in the evening when Mando was off duty, and hours and hours at night...

Sex with Mando thrilled the teenager, for someone who had only experienced a few furtive handjobs and inexperienced sucks in the past, every day was an adventure. The boy and his man eagerly and enthusiastically tried every position they could think of and it became a game to discover some new location where they could screw. Josh was kept in constant awe by the tons of erotic secrets and techniques that the experienced older stud had perfected. Keeping Mando satisfied became a full time job for young Josh. Sure, it made his busy college life just a little more hectic, but it was all worth it when he felt that delicious cream pouring over his tastebuds. Mando was utterly insatiable, but it was just fine with Josh. At 18, he was standing firmly at the top of his sexual peak. For Lieutenant Armando Perez, however, sexual desire and performance never peaked, it was a fucking mountain range. It amazed Josh (and, of course, delighted him) that a man 17 years his senior could be so virile and be so constantly horny. Josh loved the way Mando would burst into his dorm room the minute the stud cop was off duty and ravish him. It seemed like only seconds for Mando to strip naked and plunge all fat 9 and three-quarter inches into the waiting, willing, trembling boyhole.

"What can I say, kid? I'm just a fuckin' cum machine." Was Mando's sly response whenever Josh kidded him about his constant state of arousal.

The two made an unlikely pair. A huge, strapping six-foot-four, 35-year-old Italian-Latino New York City police lieutenant and a sweet, blonde five-foot-eight, 18-year-old Ivy league freshman. But Josh and Mando wouldn't have it any other way -- they were each others' hottest wet dreams. Josh loved to stand in Mando's huge arms, his nose buried in the dark curls between the cop's mountainous pecs, the older man standing almost a head above him. And, of course, Josh loved feeling the heavy weight of the man on top of him, blanketing him in sweaty warmth, that inhuman beastcock, as thick as his wrist, fitting so tightly into his sensitive, clutching butthole. And, boy, did that man know how to fuck him. Mando was both rough and tender. Brutal and sweet. Demonic and angelic. It was as if Mando were two perfect men -- an unthinking sexual animal and an attentive, considerate lover. One moment, sweet soft kisses would be raining down upon his shoulders, the next moment, his sweet flesh would be pressed between Mando's biting teeth. The filthy words that poured out of Mando's mouth as they fucked only fueled Josh's passion even more. He knew the man cared for him, would never do anything to hurt him, but in the heat of the moment, the man became dominant, aggressive, and nasty. And Josh loved it. He loved to experience Armando when he was lost in ecstasy. He would egg the man on to fuck harder, faster, longer, stronger...






And so it went. There were no hard feelings, it was all in fun -- Josh and Mando knew each of them liked to hear it. Besides, when they weren't fucking, they happily cuddled in each others arms and shared tender kisses and caresses. They were a happy, contented couple. They went to museums together, out to coffee, fancy restaurants, sporting events... All the normal, "boyfriend" things that Josh longed for. The hot, wild sex was incredible, but the most important thing was the time that the two spent together.

With those thoughts buzzing in his mind, and the saliva pooling in his mouth, Josh leaned down and started nursing sloppily on the slimy, bloated head of Mando's morning erection. It was a delicious breakfast for Josh, nothing beat the spicy taste of his lover's gigantic sausage.

"Now that's the way a man likes to wake up, baby."

Josh peeked up from his position to see Armando's sleepy, smiling face looking down at him. Both the man's arms were now tucked under his resting head, exposing his furry chest and pits for the boy's admiration. A small, masculine laugh escaped Mando's throat. It never ceased to amaze and arouse him, seeing his enormous log buried in the boy's little mouth. Josh's lips were stretched almost comically around the huge girth, the mushroom head filling the boy's entire oral cavity. Josh's mouth may have been no match for that cock, but in the past two months, Josh's throat had learned to take it like a pro. Josh changed his position, and slowly, magically, inch-by-inch, the massive member began slipping down his gullet. Mando's head fell back as a heavy sigh whooshed past his lips. God, it was so tight. Almost as tight as the boy's tiny ass. It really was remarkable, the elasticity of the human esophagus, Mando thought to himself. Even more remarkable was the fact that this determined little teen was the first person ever to completely swallow his hefty dick. Mando opened his eyes and once again looked down at his baby. All of his fat, almost-ten inches had disappeared deep into the boy's massaging throat. Josh's eyes were watering, a look of triumph and need etched across his gorgeously cute face.

"Good boy, you make me feel so good..." Mando smiled and stroked the soft blonde hair on top of Josh's head.

With a deafening slurp, Josh pulled off of the rod and, like a happy puppy, bounded on top of the reclining man and pushed his lips to Armando's. The two locked lips passionately, their tongues feverishly exploring each other's mouths. The teen's smooth, slim body writhed on top of the big man, his rigid 7 inch dick rubbing wantonly on the man's stomach, the bristly black hair roughly stimulating the tender organ.

Mando's rough fingers gently explored the blonde's flawless, smooth skin, tracing delicate patterns as they made their way down to what was always their final destination. Those milky-white, baby soft buttocks drove the cop crazy. They were perfect in every way, soft and plump, but taut and athletic at the same time. Mando had fucked a lot of asses, Lord had he fucked a lot of asses, but none of them compared to the tender mounds he grasped right now in his rough palms. He peeled them open, his long finger gently exploring the hairless surface, flitting over the tight, puckered pink boyhole. Another amazing feature of this ass, Mando thought, he had fucked this kid countless times, but that hole never loosened up. It was just as tight and moist and tiny as when he first popped the kid's cherry. His middle finger teased at the opening, and without hesitation, plunged hard, all the way into the tight chute. He could feel the gooey remains of the multiple ejaculates that he had flooded into the boy just a few hours ago. He explored the soft, slick channel, tickling the pronounced bulge of Josh's prostate, causing the boy to shutter on top of him. Josh's lips broke away from his.

"Armando! Ha ha! Haven't you had enough already! You just fucked me like 5 hours ago! Is that all that's ever on your mind?" The teenager remarked with faux incredulousness.

"Shucks, babe. You know that all a dumb cop thinks about is beer, sports, and pussy. And in the case of this cop, some nice boypussy." Armando grinned and winked at Josh, causing both of them to burst out into laughter.

The big cop lifted his head up to kiss the boy's small nose. In a matter of moments, Mando pulled his finger out of the boy's ass and, grabbing underneath Josh's arms, effortlessly lifted the slim teen up and sat him on top of his face. It all happened so fast that Josh was dumbstruck when, all of a sudden, he felt the man's strong tongue burrowing into his sphincter. Josh's body went limp and his head fell back, groaning in delight as the man held him upright, Mando's stubbled, goateed face tickling the smooth inner surface of his buttcheeks, the man's lips and tongue digging at his most intimate orifice, slurping and feasting on the leftover juices. Josh felt something brush against his lips, and he opened wide, welcoming Mando's big middle finger, sucking on it, relishing the knowledge that moments ago, the finger had been giving so much pleasure to his sweet hole. He felt dizzy.

Mando's hands crept to Josh's slim waist and, once again, the man effortless lifted the boy like a ragdoll, and this time, spiked the blonde onto his immense, aching erection. Both Josh and Armando let out orgasmic groans. They were once again joined together in perfect harmony. Mando looked down to see the co-mingled juncture of soft blonde and course black pubic hair, Josh's impressive hard-on jutted up like a piece of stone, pressed against his own small pecs, the boy's pre-cum dripping down between them. Mando reached down and began jacking the teen's rigid meat, holding it as his hips began slowly humping up from the mattress into the unbelievably tight channel. The boy was a born bottom, Mando thought, there was no other way to explain it. His cock was so fucking huge that many guys couldn't even take half. This kid had no problem taking it to the root! How it fit was no one's guess -- it seemed to Mando that logically, his cockhead had to be somewhere up in the kid's chest! But that was all a moot point, because all that mattered was that Josh just begged for more!

Soon, Mando's light humps became violent thrusts. Over and over, his body arched, plowing his groin up into the kid's begging ass. Josh's prick became a handle for Mando as the boy bounced again and again, harder and faster, onto his pelvis.

Josh was whining, mewling, screaming. He was pegged to Mando and he was riding the man like a bull. Josh felt the man's hand leaving his drooling dick. He looked down to see Mando once again in the same pose he was in when he woke up, with his head resting on top of both outstretched arms.

Mando grinned wickedly as he looked up at the boy's small, bouncing body. All that held Josh to him was the incredible length of his super cock. He flexed his ass, lunging into the kid's guts, carrying the teen up and down, up and down, on this human amusement park ride. On and on it went, the powerful man's muscles clenching and relaxing, never tiring. Mando worked out hard to perfect himself into a sexual machine. Long ago, he had made the decision that anyone who was fucked by Armando Perez would get the ride of a lifetime.

The slurping and thumping echoed in the room, but Josh couldn't hear it. All he could hear where his teeth rattling in his head. It was so intense, this wasn't the first time Mando had taken him this way, and hopefully it wasn't the last. It was one of Josh's favorite positions. He felt completely and utterly at the man's mercy -- trapped on his rock hard column -- simply waiting out the ride, holding onto Mando's hips for dear life. Mando was in so, so deep, he felt as though the man's long dick would drive right through him. He couldn't take it anymore. Even without any stimulation to his dick he felt the beginning of an intense orgasm. Oh God, he was going to cum!

Mando watched as the boy's hairless ballsack began tightening and he knew he had whipped the kid.

"YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO, BABY!" Mando bellowed.

Without acknowledging, Josh grabbed his own pounding prick and pointed it down, aiming it straight at Armando's face. Through his blurred vision, he saw the man licking his chops and opening wide for what was to cum. One more hard plunge into his depths and the boy snapped. Wail after ear-piercing wail filled the room. Josh's body felt as if were exploding on top of the man's still pile-driving schlong. His assmuscles clenched tight, actually stopping the in and out motion of the enormous prick. For a moment, Josh reveled in the thought that he had now trapped the man who had trapped him. But the thought was soon erased in a flash of white light. Creamy white cum rocketed out of the boy's bright pink 7-incher, flying perfectly into Mando's gaping mouth. Over and over, he shot and shot, feeding his essence to his lover in delicious bursts.

The teen's sweet cum flooded Mando's mouth, it was like the nectar of the gods, perfect, healthy, delicious boycream. It was a sensory overload for Mando and he felt his own orgasm approaching. His hands once again clenched tightly onto the teenager's slim waist. He lifted and roughly plunged the boy over and over on his greedy pole. He could hear Josh's moans and screams of joy, the kid's cock was now flopping all over, droplets of cum showering everywhere. With a howl of triumph, Mando's seed erupted from his pisshole, flying up into the boy's perfect body. His gargantuan cock was designed by nature to triumph over other men, to travel deeper and closer to the fertile womb, to flood it with huge amounts of potent semen, to ensure that his superior seed always impregnated every willing female, even if it meant stealing the mates of the lesser-equipped males who were unable to produce offspring after a single mating session. Of course, Mando's cock could not discern what sort of tight channel it was in, so it worked just as hard to pour as much rich spunk as it could, as deep as it could into this 18-year-old male's spasming asshole. The cum belched out, overflowing the boy's guts, squishing and slurping out with every thrust, pouring out, pooling on Mando's groin.

Both men's chest's heaved, the breathing returning to normal after their always mind-blowing fuck session.

"Get down here, boy." Mando said with a huge grin as he yanked the boy off his still rigid cock. What seemed like a pint of cum splurted out of the teen's now gaping fuckhole and dribbled all over the man's furry body. Mando pulled Josh's face to his, and man and boy kissed each other deeply, thanking each other for the extreme pleasure.

"Well, it's about time for a shower, wouldn't you say, boy?" Mando chuckled as he pulled away from the boy's lips.

"Whatever you say, old man!" Josh burst out laughing as he leapt from Mando's body in a hurried attempt to run to the bathroom... But he wasn't quick enough. Josh yelped as the man's strong hand smacked his ass hard, leaving a large pink splotch on the milk-white, cum-drenched buns.

It was an action that had occurred plenty times before. Josh giggled and rubbed the stinging flesh.

"Oh, Daddy... I'm sorry... I was a bad boy. Ha ha!" Josh faked petulance and leaned over, now willingly exposing those succulent asscheeks to the big cop.


Mando's hand once again landed hard on the soft flesh, this time eliciting a gasp from the boy and causing Josh's wilting erection to begin plumping up once again.

"Damn, baby, you do love a man to take charge, don't you? You want your big Mando to take care of you don't you?" The cop remarked as he saw the teen's delighted reaction.

"I love my big daddy Mando." Josh whispered seductively as he stared hungrily at the man's still hard, dripping dong. With a playful grin he looked up at the man, spun around, and ran to the small bathroom he shared with the dorm next door.

Watching that pink rump sashay across the room left no other thought in Mando's head. His large body jumped from the bed and lumbered after Josh into the bathroom, carefully locking the neighbor's door before joining Josh under the steaming shower spray.

Inside the small shower stall, Mando and Josh's naked bodies were surrounded by swirling steam. The hot water soaked them completely, making their skin slippery and smooth as they ground against each other. Armando bent his knees as he leaned down to gnaw on the tiptoeing Josh's tender neck, licking at the warm water that ran down his pale skin. Josh's delicate, slim fingers brushed through the wet, matted fur that was plastered to his hairy lover's enormous, hot, powerful mass. Man and boy slowly explored each others' wet bodies, delighting in the perfect feeling of their perfect mate, rubbing and massaging as they bathed. The two lovers tenderly cleansed each others' breathtaking forms. Their soap-covered hands scrubbed lovingly, leaving trails of rich, soapy lather across each others' skin. Their most recent fuck may have ended just moments before, but both big Mando and Josh were more than ready for the next round. Without any instruction, Josh turned his back to the older man and leaned his slick, smooth teen body against the tile wall. Rivulets of water poured over his exposed asscheeks, his insatiable young anus begging wordlessly to once again be filled by the huge cop stud. In turn, Mando's freakish elephant dong once again surged with hot, latin blood, his almost-ten inches trembling, quaking to once again feel the tight squeeze of the barely-legal boybutt. Mando's broad, sweating palms reached down, cupping, enveloping the blonde's plump rump. Slowly, to build up his suspense, the older hunk pried open the precious, exquisite, youthful hillocks, ultimately unveiling that familiar juvenile pucker to his ogling glare, that impish little cranny that pleaded to be speared. The water in the shower grew hotter, scalding, uncannily matching the action it was pouring down upon. Josh's ultra-tight sphincter clenched dramatically, the heated liquid burning its tender surface. Billows of steam began to saturate the air in the tiny washroom. Armando, barely able to see even his own mighty boner, expertly honed in on the hidden target, a sudden yelp alerting him to the fact that he had achieved his goal. Hard, punishing, thrusting pressure was his only reaction. Inch by excruciating inch, the topstud began plowing himself into the little teen.

Josh's whimpers of gratitude reverberated in the sweltering shower stall, egging Mando to fuck even more ferociously. The boy's dripping, quivering little body jammed itself against the furry, muscular flesh glued to his back. Mando's long, strong fingers held tightly to his slim waist, trapping him in that convenient, obedient position. Man and boy's delirious groans and vicious grunts blended together in a violent, unrestrained racket. The teen's thin, toned arms gave way under the assault, his cheek now pressed harshly against the cool, wet tiles.

On and on, Armando took his pleasure in his baby's willing hole. Josh's whining and screeching alternately inflamed him and infuriated him -- his mind screamed to punish the boy, please the boy. Harder and harder he rutted, thirsting to hear the blonde explode, scream and cry in orgasm from the cruel, overwhelming force of his awesome mancock. When he finally did hear the strangled shrieks wring themselves from the exhausted 18-year-old, it still wasn't enough. He had to do it again, and again, to bring his love to unbelievable heights over and over.

Three more boy orgasms later, the unceasingly humping Armando felt the shower spray begin to cool, thus signaling that it was time for his own discharge. With nothing more than a contented grunt, the man blew his top, his limitless studsludge shooting deep into the writhing boy's guts. His fucking dick was being totally consumed by his bottom's sucking chute. Josh's sweet voice repeated "Oh!" "Oh!" "Oh!" over and over again as Mando pummeled him, the cop's seemingly gallons of manmilk squirting out of his overflowing ass, sluicing thickly between his crack and down his smooth legs.

Thankfully, Mando was off-duty that afternoon. Josh had his most boring class that afternoon, but the college boy decided to skip it -- the prospect of snuggling with his gorgeous, hunky lover being much more appealing than calculus. Besides, there was something the boy needed to talk to the older man about.

As the two jumped back under the covers, now fresh and clean, Josh's stomach was churning. He loved Mando so much, but he didn't know how to bring up to Mando what he wanted to discuss. He and Mando had been exclusive for the last two months, and in that time, he had more amazing sex than he'd ever dreamed of. Particularly memorable sessions began to play out in his mind, such as the time Mando drove the cop cruiser up to him after class, ordered him inside, and proceeded to drive him to a dark alley where he was shackled and brutally raped in the backseat of the car by the massive butch cop. Indeed, Josh had been able to fulfill his darkest, most perverted, kinky fantasies with his willing older partner, but in his youthful selfishness, there was something else he wanted...

"What's wrong, honey? You're acting kind of strange right now..." Mando whispered as he playfully nibbled and licked at Josh's cute little earlobe.

"Mando, we... we need to talk about something."

"Uh oh. I don't like that tone of voice. What's the matter, honey?"

"Mando... I don't... I don't know how to say this... I mean, we have such an amazing sex life and I mean, I care for you so much, but... but I'm just feeling like I'm missing out somehow... I mean, I'm only 18 years old... I just want to... well, I mean... I think that maybe we should be allowed to date other people. I just really want to meet more gay guys while I'm here at school... Please don't be mad at me, please! You know I love you... I just want to experience something new. We... we don't have to stop seeing each other... I just... want you to tell me I'm allowed to meet other guys..." Tears began to fill the cute blonde's eyes.

A heavy sigh escaped from the 36-year-old man lying next to him.

"Joshua, Joshua, Joshua... Oh Lord, what am I gonna do with you. It's... it's ok, honey. I'm glad you are talking to me about this. I figured it would come up sooner or later. I've been thinking about this a lot, too... and... you're right. I keep forgetting you're so young and inexperienced. We all need to grow, honey... And there is a part of me that feels like I'm being selfish, like I'm holding you back. Josh. You know I love you more than anything... You make me feel so... so special and wonderful. Not just when we're fucking, but when we spend time together, when we talk and laugh and... when you look at me so adorably with those big green eyes. Josh, you've got to do what you've got to do. I just want you to know that I will always, always be here for you. I don't want to lose you, baby."

Josh was bawling at this point, his shaking body held tight in the cop's brawny arms.

"Oh Mando... Oh God, you are so wonderful. I'm sorry... so sorry... (sniff) I don't know why I want this... there's just a part of me that feels like it's right... I was so scared to tell you..."

"Don't ever be afraid to talk to me about anything, Josh. You're right. Seriously, I was stupid to think that I could have you all to myself. You're a friggin' college kid. We all need to sow our wild oats, hon. Hell, I definitely know how that is. Believe me."

Josh kissed Mando's stubbled cheek, his eyes dried by the man's big thumb.

"How... how do you think I should meet other guys, Mando? I've just... been with you so much, I don't even know where to meet other guys here at school..."

"Well, babe, you'll probably want to start at your school's gay club. I dunno what they call it here. Probably `Queer Student Union' or something."

"It's the LGBC." Josh corrected him.

"The LGBC. Well, yeah, you should definitely probably go there to meet some cute college boys... ha ha! You'll probably have to beat them off with a stick!"

"Oh Mando!" Josh laughed, feeling happy once again with his lover.

Josh and Mando spent the rest of the afternoon in bed talking and laughing, casually stroking and touching each others' bodies, a relaxing mixture of friendship and affection that comforted Josh immensely. When Mando did finally leave (after he requested a `BJ for the road,' which Josh cheerfully granted), Josh felt a mixture of fear and excitement. He was free to meet someone new... to have sex with someone who wasn't Armando. Josh marked his calender for the next meeting of the campus gay group.

The following Thursday night, Josh screwed up his courage and left for his first LGBC meeting. Certainly, being with Mando had greatly increased his confidence and self-esteem, but still he had lingering doubts about his ability to make friends and meet other gay guys. Sure, he didn't have any problem with his sexuality, but still he didn't feel like he was any part of a "gay" community. Being gay was just one aspect of his entire self, Josh figured... But there was a part of him that wanted to meet other gay guys his age that he could identify with. His time with Mando was beyond anything he ever dreamed of, but still Josh had a feeling that he was "missing out."

Although Josh's main concern was simply connecting with other gay guys at the meeting, there still was a small part of him that hoped he could meet a cute guy for a new "experience." For this reason, Josh spent quite a bit of time getting himself ready -- he decided to wear a tight pair of jeans that he thought displayed his perfect ass quite well, and a tight blue Banana Republic shirt that molded perfectly to his slim, toned swimmer's body. Josh was young, and unaware of just how lucky he was to be with Mando. He wanted to see what other men out there could offer.

As Josh walked into the room, he noticed all sorts of young guys -- short guys, tall guys, black guys, Asian guys, white guys, fat guys, skinny guys... However, the thing that Josh noticed right away was that all eyes were focused on him as he walked across the room. The effect he had on the men in the room both flattered, aroused, and embarrassed him. He blushed pink as he made his way to a far corner to sit by himself. Josh was a shy guy, he loved getting attention, but he didn't know how to react to all of this.

A militant young lesbian woman was in the middle of a passionate speech about a "Queer Studies" program that she was spearheading, but Josh's focus was on other matters as he scanned the room, checking out the attractive college boys. In particular, Josh noticed a handsome young guy wearing a baseball cap sitting directly across from him. Josh chuckled to himself, the kid was practically a walking advertisement for Abercrombie and Fitch -- he wore a maroon and white baseball shirt with the word "Abercrombie" blazed across it, as well as a pair of A+F cargo shorts. As Josh's gaze raised from the boy's sandal clad feet, he realized that the young jock was staring directly back at him. Josh once again turned red as his eyes shifted back to the noisy lesbian girl. Every few minutes, Josh glanced quickly over to the stud across the room from him, and every time Josh was perturbed to find the boy still staring back at him. For a moment, Josh's instincts kicked in, the fear that he had been caught and that this jock might kick his ass filled his thoughts. However, Josh calmed just as quickly when he realized that there probably wouldn't be any gay-bashing straight guys at an LGBC meeting. Still, however, Josh didn't feel all that comfortable. This guy seemed pretty cocky the way he was blatantly checking him out.

About an hour later, and after a parade of students speaking about various radical gay and lesbian issues, the meeting ended and the students were invited to socialize. Sure enough, as soon as Josh stood up to head for the door, the cocky Abercrombie boy approached him.

"I've never seen you around here before, bud. I'm Ben Swaggart, I'm a junior. You a frosh?"

Josh nodded his head shyly and introduced himself. Close up, Ben was even hotter than he looked from across the room. Josh was smitten. The college junior was taller than Josh, about 6' tall, but he was incredibly broad shouldered and heavily muscled. Josh noticed, with a twinge of excitement, how very large the boy's hand was when they shook. The guy's massive paw dwarfed Josh's own, squeezing it so tightly that it caused Josh some pain.

"I don't come to these meetings that often, I'm usually pretty tired from baseball practice, but I'm sure glad I came to this one. Nice to see a cutie like you come around. Most of the time I can't stand these fruits rattle on and on about queer this' and queer that.' I mean, I'm a pretty normal guy, your typical college jock, I just happen to like fucking guys. Doesn't mean I run around shoving it in people's faces, you know?"

Josh just stood there nodding as the beefy baseball player continued on. He wasn't really paying much attention to the words Ben was saying, Josh was just busy taking in this major stud as he kept prattling on and on. Ben wasn't kidding, Josh thought, he really was your typical hot, husky college frat boy athlete. Ben was big, muscular, solid. He was no where near as ripped and defined as Armando, but few men were. Among the few things that Josh caught during the conversation was that Ben was 21 years old, was on the varsity baseball team, and had gotten a scholarship to the school based on his athletic prowess. Ben's well-worn baseball cap covered a mop of thick brown hair. The good-natured athlete had a bawdy sense of humor, Josh found out, but he didn't mind since he was able to see the boy's big brown puppy dog eyes sparkle every time he cracked up at one of his own jokes. Ben's face was strikingly handsome and friendly, and his big white smile came naturally. Josh noticed that Ben had a rather large nose, but it didn't really take anything away from the jock's good looks.

"And then Smitty caught the dude's pop fly. It was un-fucking-believable. I swear to God. We all got fucking wasted that night to celebrate. Doug must've drank like half the keg and we were totally freaking that he'd die or something. He was fine, but he had a wicked hangover the next day. His girlfriend was really pissed at us all. Ha ha! Those are the times I'm glad I don't have to deal with all that girl bullshit. It's really great that all the guys are cool with me. I mean, we don't really talk about it, but I told some of them when I was drunk and they were all like `Well you're still cool Ben.' I mean, we've all known one another for like 3 years, they're great guys..."

As Ben continued on, the nervous feeling that filled Josh slowly melted away. Ben may have been very talkative, but he had a captivating quality about him. He leaned close to Josh and often reached out to grasp the freshman's shoulder or throw him a fake punch. Josh also noticed that, as he talked, the chatty athlete was looking him up and down, checking him out, trying not to make it too obvious, but failing miserably. As the big college boy went on and on about the baseball team and aspects of frat life, Josh fell under his spell completely. Josh didn't mind at all as Ben's big hand began rubbing at his shoulder. It dawned on Josh that he really liked the way Ben carried himself -- tall, confident, proud. His intense presence and his closeness made Josh feel like the center of the universe.

"Dude, I have an idea. You seem really cool and easy to talk to -- do you wanna come over my place and hang? I can show you some of my baseball shit and we can chill -- have a beer or something, you know? How does that sound, babe?" Ben asked with a cute wink.

Josh was really horny at this point. Ben was exactly the kind of big jock stud that drove him wild. And if the rather substantial bulge in Ben's shorts was any indication, he was definitely someone Josh would like to get to know better.

Ben and Josh walked together to the jock's dorm building, which turned out not to be that far from Josh's own. When they finally reached Ben's room, Josh couldn't help but be a little surprised. While Josh's own dorm was kept neat and clean, Ben's room was definitely owned by a messy college jock. Josh gazed around the dorm room, baseball pendants and mafia movie posters plastered the walls, a dirty jock hung on the back of a chair, piles of t-shirts and boxer shorts were littered across the floor, pizza boxes and empty beer bottles littered the top of the desk and drawers, gay porno videos piled next to the TV, a bong sat on the nightstand, and an expensive set of freeweights rested against the back wall. The garbage can was filled to the top and Josh noticed with intense interest the empty box of "Trojan Magnums" that sat on top of the rubbish. His little asshole twitched. Josh heard Ben enter the room behind him and close the door. In a move that surprised both he and Ben, Josh immediately turned around and grabbed the big athlete's shoulders, pulling him down for a passionate kiss. His action may have stunned Ben for a moment, but soon the young jock's tongue was pushing its way between Josh's pretty lips, establishing his dominance to the younger boy right away. Josh didn't mind one bit -- the rough, commanding way that Ben kissed him made him know right away that he made the right decision that night. Ben was an expert kisser, and soon Josh's head was spinning, it was clear to him that Ben was no novice in the sex department. After a few minutes of this passionate liplock, Ben was the first to break away.

"Damn it, babe. Fuckin' amazing. I figured you were a hot one, but I really thought I'd have to work on you a little more before we got down to fucking."

"I guess I'm a sure thing." Josh responded with a sexy smirk. It was unusual for him to be so forward, but something about Ben really brought out his naughty side. He'd always wanted to make it with a big, masculine college jock stud.

Ben was also more than ready to get down and dirty with this freshman hottie. Without another thought, his clothes were coming off. Ben stripped his shirt off, removing his omnipresent hat for a moment to scratch at his sweaty, tangled locks before placing it right back on. Next off were his sandals and his cargo shorts. The burly jock stood there in a pair of worn checkered boxer shorts, an obviously massive erection straining against the fabric. Ben's body was unbelievably big and powerful, he had a big barrel chest with a light trail of soft brown fur in between his smooth muscular pecs. Large brown nipples, also surrounded by light chestnut-colored hair, capped the mountains of muscle. Josh stared at the bushy brown tufts that sprouted wildly from underneath the jock's huge arms as Ben lifted them and used his shirt to wipe away the sweat that was accumulating there. Josh caught a whiff of Ben's scent; it was all man. A beautiful brown happy trail circled Ben's navel and tucked down into his undershorts. Unlike Armando, the college boy's midsection was not tightly sculpted or narrow. But this by no means meant Ben was fat -- quite the contrary, his powerful body was solid and strong with just a slight bit of cushioning. It seemed very masculine to Josh. Like Mando, Ben's large frame looked as if it could crush the slim blonde teen with little effort.

"Damn you're a gorgeous little dude. Yeah, I could just eat you up, honey. Strip for me, baby."

Josh needed no further encouragement. He had gotten plenty of practice in removing his clothing as quickly as possible while he was with Armando, and within moments his perfect, golden body was on display for the hungry jock's gaze. Ben's mouth dropped open and his eyes glazed over with lust. God, Josh thought, he really loved the effect he had on men. He may be small, but his flawless body gave him a special power over the hulking hunks that he set his sights on. He turned around and leaned over, opening his delicious, silky smooth bubble ass to Ben's inspection. He looked over his shoulder and saw the older boy licking his lips, the tremendous bulge jerking in his shorts.

Ben was going out of his mind with lust. Ben, you fucking stud god, that ass is gonna be owned by you by the end of the night, the jock thought to himself as he stared at the unimaginably perfect boyhole that was exposed to his hungry glare. So fucking tight, it was the tiniest little shitchute Ben had ever seen. Fuck, this might be some virgin cherry I'm gonna be breaking, the brawny athlete contemplated as a thick dollop of pricklube drooled out of his fat cock knob. It was so little, so smooth, so pink and pretty and innocent... it was winking at him! God, that ass was a work of art. A single series of thoughts thundered over and over in Ben's thick skull, the same thoughts that had gone through the minds of countless other powerful men over the course of history, thoughts that stemmed from the basest instincts of every conquering human male when confronted with an object that is pure, clean, sweet, beautiful -- DESTROY. RAVAGE. WRECK. RUIN. At that moment, Ben knew the meaning of his existence -- to bust this cute baby boy's slot wide open -- fiercely and mercilessly.

"Holy shit, Josh, you got the tastiest lookin' ass I've ever seen... Damn." Ben managed to mutter between heavy breaths that caused his massive chest to rise and fall like an angry, sex-starved bull.

"And it looks like you got something pretty big and tasty about to break through your boxers there, stud." Josh shot back, the familiar itch building in his butthole, making it twitch and writhe as he gazed at the ponderous, wet tent that swelled at the jockboy's crotch.

A cocky grin spread over Ben's lips as he saw the sexy blonde staring as intently at his mound as he was staring at the kid's own mounds.

Ben lifted the elastic waistband away from his body, and in one movement tucked it under his heavy, sweaty, very sizable scrotal sack. Josh's well-trained mouth immediately started watering. While the jock was no match for Armando, he still possessed a humongously fat, 8-and-a-half-inch cut horsecock with a grotesquely bloated, dripping mushroom head. It was exactly the kind of huge, unwieldy, cumbersome, greasy, sweaty, virile neanderthal schlong a college frat jock was supposed to have. Josh noticed that Ben's thick dick was distinctly curved, it pointed straight up but bent toward his stomach as it soared proudly from it's bushy haired base. It vaguely resembled a swollen banana -- that is, if bananas grew to be over eight inches long, were colored an angry dark red, and were corded with pulsating blue veins. Josh shivered as he imagined the way this crooked mancock would stretch his delicate assflesh. Ben also possessed some enormous whoppers of nuts. Huge and hefty, the two testicles hung heavy like two small apples in their wrinkled, hairy jocksack.

"I got a real big one, don't I, baby?" Ben chuckled, "I think that pretty mouth of yours needs to get a good taste. Dudes tell me its real tasty. C'mon, sweetie, I'll bet this big motherfucker will fill up your throat real good."

Josh smiled to himself, Ben sure was a cocky one. He certainly had an enormous prick, bigger than probably most other guys, but Josh had deep-throated one that was a lot bigger. For a moment, the boy thought of Armando and felt a twinge of guilt... but he pushed it away. This was what he and Mando had decided on. This is what Josh wanted.

Josh slowly strode over to the large athlete and leaned down to lap at the jock's big brown nips. Josh licked and sucked, his tongue laving everywhere on Ben's broad chest. It seemed odd to Josh to be licking at a chest that was smooth, but he found it just as pleasurable as sucking on Mando's meaty, hairy pecs. Ben tasted good, salty and spicy, Josh wondered if the boy had showered after baseball practice that afternoon. He bathed the young stud with spit, savoring the task immensely. Josh realized that, unlike Armando, Ben was not quite as keen on prolonged foreplay. The horny jock was young still, and didn't appreciate the benefits of making things last as long as possible. Josh felt the older boy's hands pressing at his slim shoulders, urging him closer to the massive pounding erection that ached for oral attention.

"Ohh... Ugh... Oh yeah, that feels good Josh baby, come on, suck my big cock sweetie, go down there and gobble it up. Man, I need it, dude. Soak it good, that ol' fucker is dying to get between your pretty lips. Oh yeah, wants to stretch your throat so wide. It was made just for you honey, cute little sluts like you and their sweet mouths and hungry little boypussies."

Josh didn't have to be asked twice, tonguing Ben's strong, sweaty body was amazing, and the mean fucktalk was making his rigid cock seep. The eager teen was dying to stuff his face with this jock's huge log, savor its power, drink its seed. He fell to his knees, eager to serve.

He was face to face with the enormously fleshy knob of Ben's jock rod. Streams of thick, clear pre-seminal fluid poured from the gaping pisshole. The scent of soap, sweat and cum invaded Josh's nasal passages, blanketed him in delicious male aroma. The 18-year-old felt a line of drool fall down his chin as he opened his mouth wide enough to accommodate this formidable weapon. His tongue made contact with the massive cock bulb, his lips stretched to surround the thick flesh. MmmmMmmmm... Ben wasn't bullshitting when he said that guys liked his cock. Josh was hooked on it -- it was delicious, he wanted it in his mouth forever. It tasted different from Mando's, it was new, exciting. Josh's tongue swirled wildly around the big prick knob, swallowing down the rich, delicious pre-cum, using the tip to dig into Ben's open piss slit.

"Oh shit baby, oh God that's so good... Oh shit, eat it, eat it. You love it, don't you, they all do, Goddamnit eat that prick freshman. This is the cock of a winner. Yeah, baby, a big adult jock cock for the little boy. You love it, oh yeah you do... Goddamnit, suck! Prime jock meat for you, bet you're creaming for Ben Swaggart's dong. Yeah, I'm a star, you're sucking a star's cock."

Josh looked up at the dirty-talking college stud. From Josh's position, he could see the 21-year-old's powerful, hulking body, shining, dripping with a heavy layer of perspiration. The jock's head was thrown back, his eyes closed, a look of pure pleasure on his handsome face. Heavy beads of sweat poured from underneath his baseball cap and flowed down his face and neck. The huge athlete's hands grasped Josh's head, tangling in the boy's blonde hair, pulling him aggressively into his heady crotch. His strong hips rocked forcefully, treating Josh's mouth like a warm fuckhole.

Josh was intent to swallow the entire bulky length of the older hunk's juicy boner. He had to cram it down his throat, to drain the salty jockjuice out of those swinging hen's eggs and into his hungry belly. He'd mastered Mando's wrist-thick, 9.75" beastcock, it would be easy to inhale Ben's somewhat smaller (yet still monstrous) organ. Or so Josh thought. As the plum head forced its way past his gullet, the young teen forgot about the distinctive shape of Ben's dreadful dong. Suddenly Josh was choking, sputtering, strangling on the jock's megaphallus.


If only you knew how wrong you are, Josh mused. He wasn't going to be beaten by this guy's dick. Again, thoughts of his Armando and the Dick of Death flashed in his head. God, there wasn't a man alive that had a cock on him like Lieutenant Armando Perez. Wait, no. He couldn't do that. He had to push Mando from his mind. He was with another gorgeous hunk right now. He needed to prove himself. Josh Young was going to fuck this big stud's meat all the way down to his belly or die trying. Moving his head to a slightly different angle, Josh gorged himself.

"Oh GOD! Oh dude, you're swallowing me all... Holy shit, ugh, yeah. Oh my God... take it... take it all, milk that hog!"

He did it! He swallowed it to the hilt! His cute button nose was nestled deep in the thick, unkempt tangles of Ben's pubic hair. Oh man, it smelled good in there. So macho, so raw. It was the perfect reward for all his hard work. However, Josh's victory was short lived. No sooner had he devoured the unbelievable prong, than the adorable cocksucker felt Ben's huge, calloused paws grip his blonde head forcefully. The horned-up fratjock was ready to re-assert his authority.

"Ugh! UGH!! GOTTA FUCK IT! GOTTA RAPE IT!" the crazed college stud bellowed, his eyes rolling in his sockets, his huge, bulging arms pulling the little kid back and forth on his girthy joystick.

Josh was loving the rough, selfish, perfect way Ben fucked his tight throat, the jock definitely knew what he wanted and how to take charge. Josh definitely wasn't the first classmate who had their gullet raped by this monster. The thought excited Josh -- images of all the other college guys that had had this tree branch shoved down their throats and up their asses made Josh leak... maybe some of them were the guys Josh saw at the meeting tonight? He was determined to show Ben that he was the best cocksucker he'd ever had. Plenty of practice with Mando's cobra really had trained him well.

Josh's right hand was wildly jerking at his own 7-inch prick as his left lifted Ben's impressively large scrotum. His slim fingers were barely able to grasp the enormous heft. They slipped and slid across the sweat-soaked surface, the salty fluid dripping off, pooling in his palm. Josh weighed the heavy bulk in his grasp, rubbing the fat, hairy pouch, feeling the monstrous nuts churning with baby batter. Up and down, Josh's wet mouth slurped on the length of the giant hunk of meat, licking and sucking every fat inch. God, it tasted so unbelievable. The virile, sweaty horsedick of a cocky college baseball jock. Josh was in cocksucking heaven.

Ben opened his eyes and used his muscular forearm to wipe away the copious sweat that was soaking his face. Ben Swaggart worked like a man and he sweated like a man. In high school, the few girls he had fucked around with complained about the amount of perspiration he produced; however Ben soon found out when he started screwing guys just how much the boys loved to lick the manly sweat that drenched his broad chest and heavy low-hangers. Ben loved the way his thick, strapping jock body shined wetly as some cute bottom dude suckled on his massive prong or writhed under him as he fucked them crazy. Some of the fucking faggot pervs even lifted his big guns and dug right into hit pit meat, sloshing their faces through the soaked, gamey, bushy hair; bathing themselves in his scent, drinking it up. Coming from a small western town, Ben was amazed by the amount of kinky ass he got at school on the east coast. Something about his big physique, his straight-boy attitude, and his athletic prowess had these little bottom bitches spreading their asscheeks like mad to get a ride on his monster. He didn't go to the LGBC meetings that often, but when he did, he always went home with a cute college boy to sperm. And when he saw little Josh sitting there, all shy and sweet, he knew he wanted a crack at that super fine boyhole. Hell, Josh was by far the best looking guy at the meeting, Ben knew he had to move fast before some other guy sunk his dick in the kid first. Now that he had the little blonde kneeling in front of him, he knew that Josh was no inexperienced wallflower -- this kid was hot-to-trot the minute he closed the door. Ben had hit the jackpot -- this gorgeous freshman was slaving away something fierce on his jocklog -- it was no secret that the little dude had had a lot of practice with big dicks. God damn it, Ben couldn't believe this sweet little thing was such a boyslut. The adorable 18-year-old's face was totally impaled to the hilt on his meaty 8 ½ incher. Josh's beautiful big green eyes stared up at the brawny older boy, a look of complete and utter subservience and appreciation etched across his sweet face. Holy shit, Ben thought as his macho body filled with pride, the kid was in ecstacy just from having the opportunity to taste big Ben Swaggart's MVP dong. This was without a doubt the hottest BJ that Ben had ever had. And the dude sucking him was the most perfect specimen he'd ever laid eyes on. Goddamnit, the little dude was fuckin' fingerfucking himself as he sucked that big rod!

Ben's eyes weren't deceiving him. Josh was worked up to a boil, his ass could no longer be ignored. As he slaved away on the jockbone that plunged mercilessly down his esophagus, the horny thoughts of the delicious damage this amazing hunk of fuckstuff would do to his baby boycunt burned in Josh's lust-fogged mind. The teen's jerking hand left his dick and began creeping behind him, softly stroking his flawless, smooth, white asscheeks. His digits crawled closer and closer to his slutty hole, caressing up and down the sweaty cleft, coating them with natural lubricant. A tangy glob of pre-cum rushed out of Ben's dickslit and fell onto his tongue. Oh God, it tastes sooooooo good, Josh moaned as he instinctively rammed two fingers deep into his puckered orifice. Ughhh... yes, yes, these fingers are nothing compared to the big, bent jock schlong that's gonna ram up here... Josh diddled his joy button, anticipating the unique way this new weapon was gonna beat it up. It was not long before a third finger joined its brothers in the dark, moist teenpussy.

"OH! OH GOD YES!" Ben croaked as he watched the boy's fingers roughly bury themselves in and out of that apparently virgin-tight opening. "Ugh! I gotta get me a piece of that, sweetie! Oh you need it bad! Ben's gonna fuck it, oh yeah! Gotta plug it hard and mean! Gotta teach you hot freshmen who to come to when you need your dickings! Oh dude, only my big nasty cock can do it for you, honey. Gonna make you join Ben's slut stable, gonna make you scream, always comin' back for more! Just like the rest!"

With brute strength, Ben wrenched the blonde from his pounding, dripping rod. Without effort, the burly baseball player grabbed little Josh in his arms and carried him to his unmade bed, leaning forward to press the boy's lips against his own, forcing his fat tongue into the kid's mouth. God, the luscious taste of his own sweaty dong and his creamy pre-spunk were soaked into the boy. He ached to ram his heavy cock into this hot blonde bottom boywhore.

OOF! Josh was dropped onto the jock's mattress with a thump. He was on his side, facing away from his attacker. For some bizarre reason, Josh did not look back at the fuck-crazy athlete, the sounds that filled his ears were so much more erotic. Ben's breath was coming so fast and hard that it sounded as if some animal were grunting in pain. The sounds of Ben rummaging frantically in his nightstand, followed by a distinct tearing sound told Josh that the big lug was readying his rubber. Again, there was rustling from the nightstand, accompanied by a loud, gushing spurt. Ben had found the lube. Josh closed his eyes and shivered as he heard the sounds of Ben's fist squishing up and down, readying his cudgel. Another squirt.

"OOOHHHHHHH!!!!" Josh's moan was caused by a combination of the rough, unexpected invasion of two of Ben's fat fingers as well as the coolness of the fuck grease that filled his clenching chute. Another moan, this one filled with pleasure, as Ben hit the jackpot, banging at the boy's ultra-sensitive prostate.

"Oh yeah, oh baby, there it is, there's your slut spot, honey. Oh God, baby I'm gonna punish this naughty little butt. I gotta, honey. Oh yeah, so fucking tight, so perfect. Gonna bang it, gonna make you beg." Ben mumbled insanely as his finger strokes increased in tempo and intensity.

Josh's taut, sinewy, smooth boy body writhed in reckless abandon, drunk from pleasure, his tight ass sucking on the fingers, hungry for something bigger and longer, something only a hung stud top could give him.

"Pleeeease... Ugh! Oh! Oh! Ben! Please! Put it in! I need it so bad! Please! Oh yes! Please! Cock! Ugh! Big fat fucking man cock! Oh! I'm your boy! Please, fuck me with your big macho jock dick! I need it soooooo bad! Ughhhh!" Josh whined like a baby, begging, pleading with his strapping topboy.

"Oh God, oh holy shit you're a fucking hot slut. Shit you are the hottest, dirtiest little bitch... Oh yeah, oh yeah sweetie..."

Josh felt the big college stud jump on to the bed, his heavy bulk making the mattress sag. The small blonde was still on his side, and he felt the heat of the giant jock come closer and closer until the older boy was pressed roughly against his back. They were glued together, both of them lying on their sides, Ben's enormous, grinding erection sandwiched between the fleshy mounds of Josh's bubble butt. Oh God, Josh loved that feeling. Whining noises escaped from his throat. Ben's hungry mouth was licking, sucking, biting on his tender neck and shoulders, the hot breath causing goosebumps to spread over his skin.

"Yeah, oh yeah, baby. This is it. You ready honey?" Ben whispered as his tongue laved in Josh's ear.

"Oooo! Ugh! Yes! Oh! Oh! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me hard! Please fuck me, Ben!" Josh wailed in abandon as he felt the bloated cock head nudge against his twitching, itching boycunt.

"That's a good little boy..."

What happened next proved to Josh that he wasn't quite as ready as he thought.


The 18-year-old's blood-curling scream echoed in the dorm room. In his youthful, selfish haste, Ben had brutally plowed his entire cock into Josh's tiny rectum. If Josh had not had so much experience with Armando's cock, the cruel entry would have been quite disastrous.

However, every monstrous inch of Ben's banana schlong was safely nestled, warmly and firmly, deep in the blonde's bowels. Ben's massive hand came up immediately and clamped tightly over the whimpering Josh's mouth.

"Ohhhh.... ughhhh... Dude, oh God, oh God, I'm sorry... ughh... Oh God it's so tight... Dude, I thought you were ready... I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself... Oh shit I'm all the way in you... So fuckin' deep. Oh God, you took me all the way, baby... Oh God, please relax... Shit I love this hole..."

Josh bravely fought back tears... It may have hurt like hell, but it was over... already, the unbelievable new sensations of a new stud horsecock fucking him were spreading throughout his being. Oh God, the pain was fading, replaced by pure pleasure... Thankfully, Ben kept his log lodged deeply up Josh's boypussy, flexing it strongly, allowing the teen to get used to the awesome impalement. While Ben's cock didn't reach nearly as far as Mando's cock did, the jock's hooked cock was hitting spots never before touched by man. Josh's newfound pleasure was not lost on Ben.

"Oooo... there you go, honey. That's my boy. Yeah, oh yeah, you love it, you love it... I knew you would, sweetie. You got a sweet hole, baby. Ben likes. Gotta ball you hard now, you know? Ben throws all the boybitches a wild, mean fuck. That's my fuckin' trademark, dude. Hard, mean jockfucks. Oh yeah."

Once again, the brawny athlete's youthful enthusiasm was evident. There was no build-up at all. No slow strokes, no romance. Ben went from being completely still to throwing the much smaller boy a pile-driving, ball-busting, jackhammer fuck in a matter of seconds. This time, however, Josh was ready for it.

"AHHHHH! OHHHH!!!!! YES! UGH! FUCK! FUCK ME STUD! OH MY GOD IT'S HARD! OH GOD YOU'RE BIG! AIEEEE!!!" Josh's elastic ass had adapted to the new prick beautifully.

Slapping, banging sounds echoed in the room, the force of Ben's youthful strokes forcing the air out of Josh. He was being buffeted, beaten by the violent screwing of the older jock. That curved schlong was treating his slutty ass the way it deserved, the rough dicking was what it craved. Ben's massive arms encircled Josh's slim body, holding him in a tight bear hug. Josh was soaked in Ben's heavy sweat, slipping around in the man's arms as he was nailed from behind. The big jock god was biting him, marking his sweet, pale flesh. Every few minutes, Josh felt the brim of the bastard's baseball cap, the only item of clothing either of them wore, hit the back of his head. Regardless, Josh's hungry ass jerked back, banging hard into the big boy's hairy crotch, begging to be filled deeper. Even amidst that ecstasy, there was a part of Josh that longed for that one-and-a-quarter inch more of ass stretching cock that totally completed him. The area usually reserved for the inhumanly gigantic cockhead of Armando Perez was empty.


Both Josh and Ben were lost in a crazy, thoughtless fuck that only two young, stupid college kids can experience. Josh raised his leg high in the air, allowing the big stud deeper access, completely opening his hole up for the more powerful boy. His body was shaking, his teeth rattling from the muscular force of the 100% grade-A frat jock fuck he was dying for. Josh's raised leg lowered itself and curled behind him, wrapping itself around the husky stud's pounding hips. He was holding on now for dear life. Dear God it was a powerful fuck.

It went on and on, for over 30 minutes Ben showed Josh's ass who was boss. While a fuck with Mando went on for hours sometimes, Josh realized that this fuck length was very respectable for a college kid... and it was a more than satisfying hard, rough fuck in Josh's opinion. When Josh felt Ben's heavy ballsack, which until that point had been flopping around like a dying animal, begin to tighten, he was more than ready to come with the experienced top. For a moment, Josh thought of Armando, except this time, he was not filled with longing or guilt, but with lust. In his mind, Mando was sitting there watching this big college frat jock fuck his baby. Mando's monumental tower of cock was jutting from his hairy lap. His lover's big, working man's hands traveled it's endless length, the purple, uncut head looking as if it were about to explode. In his mind, he called out, screamed his pleasure to Armando, sluttishly writhing on the big jock's huge pole, showing Armando just how much he loved it. Ropes and ropes of flowing cum gushed out of his lover's imaginary cock, shooting over and over, flooding the room.

This image is what did it for Josh. Without touching it, the little blonde's thick 7-incher began erupting, he was out of control. His own screams and groans filled the air. His ass was clenching, oh God, so hard, on that beautiful banana cock, it was filling him up so unbelievably, the big bend crashing into his spasming fuckbutton! Oh Lord, his orgasm wouldn't end!




With a deafening slurp, the giant athlete yanked his fucking dong out of the tiny hole and tossed the boy on his back. The massive athlete crawled on his knees over the still shaking blonde, finally reaching his destination. Ben pointed his huge, throbbing pecker inches from Josh's face and tore off the condom in one stroke. Josh could now see every glorious detail of that fat jock bell-head as it pointed directly at his face -- every wrinkle, every groove, the dark crimson color of his protruding cockridge, the pouting pisslips dribbling out voluminous pre-cum.

Ben jerked his dong like a madman, staring down at the gorgeous, innocent blonde face, the big green eyes crossed as they focused on his humongous, slimy, dirty, sweaty JOCK COCK.

"Damn you have a pretty face." Ben mumbled as a fucking pint of cum rocketed out the end of his schlong, completely drenching the sweet boy's pouting face. And it went on, the virile onslaught of a 21-year-old stud at the peak of his physical development. Ben whooped and hollered his triumph, laughing and cheering for his own personal victory. Another star play for big Ben Swaggart. Josh's face was completely unrecognizable, the amount of cock scum that coated his features, over and over the splashing and squirting went on, the jock was determined to completely hose this perfect teen boy. This little frosh was his.

Josh's eyes were tightly closed, the feel of scalding, thick semen covering every inch of his face made him shake. The boy's pink tongue was moving at a mile minute, lapping out, feeding enthusiastically on the viscous scum. Ben's prick slime was four-star cuisine to his discriminating palate. Josh could feel the big stud dick slapping his face, dribbling out the last of its dregs. God, this had been a royal hosing, the frosted teen contemplated as he felt heavy drops of cocksyrup running all over his body. Josh felt the athletes big tongue make contact with his cheek, slurping, cleaning the sweet, defiled face. Ben was a master, he handled a cockslut beautifully, Josh thought to himself as the heavy stud moaned at the taste of his own cum.

"Damn, I taste fuckin' good." Ben growled as he swallowed up the last of the thick rivers of semen and fell back to lie next to the shivering younger boy..

Josh nuzzled against the huge mass that had unceremoniously plopped next to him.

"Oh Ben, oh God you're such a hot stud. That was so amazing. You've got such an amazing cock, I love it. You did me so good."

"Ha ha, yeah, I know baby." Ben chuckled. "Now you gotta get your ass outta here. I got practice tomorrow, sweetie. You were pretty damn good yourself, I'll give you a call next time I need some real nasty action."

Josh opened his eyes and saw, with disbelief, the brawny stud close his eyes and doze off. Wait a minute, Josh's mind yelled, that's it!? He was still horny. "Get your ass outta here?" Wasn't Ben even going to cuddle with him or sleep with him? Josh looked down at the massive, snake-like dick that rested lazily on top the jock's huge thigh, strings of cum still drooling from its opening. Without thinking, the boy crawled toward it and began merrily sucking away, hungry still for more.

"FUCKING SHIT! What the hell are you doing, kid? Jesus Christ you're a fucking slut. I told you to get the fuck out! I gotta big day tomorrow, it's fucking late. We had some fun, now it's time for you to scram. I told you I'd give you a call later if I need you."

Josh couldn't believe his ears. What was going on? He was flabbergasted... and hurt!

"But... but... what do you mean?"

"Bu-bu-bu-but... Go back to your room, squirt."

"You want me to GO? But I'm a mess... I can't go outside like this."

"Holy shit, HERE!" The burly stud screamed as he reached over the side of the bed and tossed a dirty old pair of briefs at the stunned boy. "Wipe yourself off with that, bitch. Feel free to keep it at a souvenir."

Josh was on the verge of tears. This was it? He was just a piece of ass to this guy? Something to use and throw away? His thoughts turned to the man he loved. Mando would never do this to me. Mando cares about me and what I want. Josh's heart sunk, missing the feeling of the huge, hairy, masculine arms wrapped tightly around his slim body, Mando's half hard donkey schlong nestled against his smooth buttocks, the feel of the man's warm breath caressing his neck. Josh looked over at the snoring lug next to him. Motherfucker. Josh realized that no matter how hot the fuck had been, Ben was an amateur compared to Armando. Rage replaced the sadness that had filled the little kid. He was going to go to Mando and tell him what this asshole did to him. Lieutenant Perez wouldn't stand for that crap. Yeah, that's what he was going to do. He was going to have Mando teach this macho jock bastard a lesson he'd never forget.


Well there you go! I really hope you liked it -- I certainly thought it was hot. As always, I'm looking forward to getting comments, questions, suggestions, etc, from my readers. I really think people will like what's going to happen next. And right now I'm in the process of writing a chapter where Josh is introduced to some of Mando's cop buddies. ;) As always, contact me at

Next: Chapter 3

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