Stud Cop on Campus

Published on Feb 26, 2002


"Stud Cop on Campus" by PhinnyGene (M/t) (REVISED) College/Youth-Adult

If you enjoy this story, feel free to check out my continuing series "War Story" in the Nifty Authoritarian section. I love to hear from my readers -- that's what keeps me writing -- drop me a line with your thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc.

Describe Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle in detail giving multiple examples from the text (10 points)

Josh sighed heavily as he looked over his physics homework for this weekend. Professor Lawrence is such an asshole, Josh thought to himself as he perused the assignment: two whole pages of complicated, pointless busywork. Between diving practice and classes, it seemed Josh never had any time to just have some fun. Wasn't that why he came to college? So he could get away from all the stress and pressure at home? It didn't seem like that much had changed at all.

Josh Young was now at Columbia University after spending eighteen miserable years in Buffalo, New York. He was always at the top of his class in high school, and was also a star diver on his school's team. While the other kids in his school were out partying and having fun, Josh worked long and hard, waiting for the day when he'd finally be able to escape his boring, oppressive life in western New York. And, sure enough, when college acceptance letters arrived in the mail senior year, Josh had his pick of all the best universities. He finally settled on Columbia. Not only was it an outstanding Ivy League college, but it was also located in New York City. New York presented the opportunity for Josh to get away from the narrow-mindedness of his classmates and neighbors and be a part of the excitement, openness, and sophistication of the big city.

Finally, New York City presented the opportunity for Josh to finally be himself sexually. He was closeted all throughout high school and he had come out to only a few very close friends. His homosexual experience was limited to a handful of fleeting encounters with other teenage guys he had met online. And in those cases, they had only jerked off together or sucked each other off. When he was at Columbia, Josh figured, he could finally be open about being gay. And that's exactly what he did.

Josh had always been rather on the shy side, but he quickly made a number of friends at Columbia. And true to his vow, he was honest about himself with all his new friends, and he was overjoyed to find that everyone he met was completely supportive and understanding! In fact, Josh was so comfortable now with his sexuality that in his room he had hung a small rainbow flag, as well as a number of posters and magazine cut-outs of hot guys -- something he never could have done at home!

So here he was, lying in his room doing physics on a Friday night. Yes, his life had improved in one sense being here at Columbia, but he still found himself stressed and busy just as he was in high school. It was hard to break old habits, and Josh found himself stuck in the same patterns, always biting off more than he could chew. It was only his first semester yet already Josh was taking all advanced courses, volunteering to tutor local schoolkids, working out every morning, and spending hours at diving practice. Sure, he had made friends in his dorm building, but his long hours and hard work were preventing him from meeting what he really wanted -- a boyfriend. In fact, all his friends were girls and straight guys. He hadn't had time to really explore gay life in the city or even at school.

As he lay on his bed looking over the assignment, Josh casually glanced in the mirror at himself. He grinned. It just wasn't right for him to be single, he thought to himself. Everyone was always gushing about how cute he was. In fact, in high school, he found himself the object of desire for numerous female classmates. Josh wasn't vain, but he was honest -- he was damned good looking. He had classic, preppie American boy looks. His bleach-blonde hair was styled and gelled to perfection, his beautiful green eyes sparkled when he smiled. And that smile itself was stunning -- perfect straight white teeth and gorgeous lips. His pale skin was smooth and unblemished. Hours of working out and swimming had left his small 5'8" frame tight and compact. His slim body was absolute perfection. If one thing prided Josh the most, it was his ass. Even with his strict exercise regimen, Josh always retained a small amount of baby fat that padded his small rump. Girls always told him it was one of his best features, and Josh happily agreed. He knew that his smooth bubble-butt would be the envy of many a gay men as he got older. He loved slipping into his tight, tiny speedo at swim meets, his perfect ass filling the stretchy material so beautifully. Josh was very content with himself, and he had a right to be.

As he gazed at himself in the mirror, his homework momentarily forgotten, Josh stood up and continued to look himself over. When he was alone in his room he always just wore underwear... it was more comfortable that way, and also it allowed him quick access to the sensitive areas of his body.

God, why don't I have a boyfriend? Josh thought to himself as his hands roamed all over his smooth body, his tongue coming out to lick his lips. He stared at himself in the mirror as one hand began tweaking his tiny pink nipples, the other traveling over his smooth abdomen, feeling the taut muscles as it journeyed further south, closer and closer to the bulge that began tenting his white briefs.

Yes, yes, that so good, so nice. Josh's mind reeled as he saw the outline of his hard cock encased inside his underpants. He was proud of his equipment as much as he was with the rest of his flawless teen body. A respectable 7 inches of smooth cut meat jutted from his lightly furred blonde crotch. On his small body, it looked much larger than it actually was, of course. The trimmed pubes that surrounded this marble-like column were among the only hairs on Josh's body. Swimming and diving required that Josh keep everything shaved -- which wasn't a problem since he was naturally smooth in most places. And although no one could see inside his speedo, Josh loved to shave his ass to maintain that pure, creamy white perfection. In fact, Josh would have shaved his ass even if he wasn't on the diving team -- he loved to caress and touch those soft mounds. Josh discovered early on that his ass, and particularly the tightly clenched hole, was just as sensitive as his big dick.

Josh pulled the elastic band up and over his straining cock, freeing the dripping head to slap up against his tight stomach. Once he had the waistband securely tucked under his heavy, smooth-shaved scrotal sack, the 18-year-old leaned his head back as his hand took over. The boy's eyes closed and his mouth fell open in a silent pant as the slow, steady stroke began along the sizable length of his teenmeat. A small squeak escaped his throat as his other hand left his nipples and, very slowly, began to crawl beneath the fabric-encased mounds of his buttocks and search for that virgin opening. His slim middle finger began cautiously, tenderly exploring the puckered anal ring. With slight pressure, the finger popped inside, burrowing into the heady, steaming channel.

"Ohhhhhh God...." Josh moaned, his fingers bringing him closer and closer to the ultimate release. However, Josh wasn't going to reach that point... at least not then.


Josh was startled to hear loud voices coming from outside his dorm window. Quickly, he pulled his briefs up and ran to see what was going on. Josh was on the 6th floor of his dorm building, and from his position, he could see a large group of teenagers on the street loudly arguing, no doubt about to break out into a physical fight. A large number of fights had been occurring around campus recently, some of them involving guns, so Josh immediately ran to the phone to call the police. He quickly explained the situation to the woman on the other end of the line, and she assured him that officers were on their way.

Sure enough, within minutes, Josh watched as two squad cars pulled up to the building, causing the fighting boys to scatter in every direction.

"Well, thank God that didn't escalate." Josh whispered to himself as he continued looking out the window. His thoughts were interrupted a moment later by a loud knock on his door.

"Oh God, I'll bet it's the police!" Josh thought as he ran to the door and opened it without hesitation.

"We got a call about... um... uh... you called about... some kids... uh fighting?" the officer at the door began when he saw Josh standing there. In his rush to speak to the cops, Josh forgot that he was only wearing a pair of tight white briefs and nothing more!

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I didn't... I mean... I forgot... to uh..." Josh stumbled on his words as his face (and many other parts of his body) turned bright red. To make matters worse, the policeman at the door was absolutely gorgeous! Josh was so embarrassed! Here was this hot cop stud at the door and he was standing there like an idiot in his underwear!

"Um.. Can I come in, son? I need to ask you a few questions..." The cop's deep voice muttered as he looked over Josh with a mixture of embarrassment and curiosity.

"Oh, um... sure... yeah..." Josh moved out of the way to let the large man past him, shutting the door so that no one else could see him in this state.

Josh stared at the stunning example of masculinity that had just entered his room and he momentarily lost his voice. This man was big... tall... probably around 6'4". He towered over Josh and his physique was remarkable. Where Josh was slim and boyish, this cop was all man. He was definitely well over 200 pounds, all hard muscle that bulged underneath the blue uniform. He had jet black hair that was cut very short, in a buzzcut. A neatly trimmed goatee that framed rugged, square jaw. The rest of his face was covered in a thick 5 o'clock shadow -- something Josh had never had in his life! What also drew Josh's attention were this man's eyes -- they were a stunning crystal blue, a surprising contrast to his olive colored skin.

"I'm Lieutenant Perez," the cop began, "We received a call from your room 15 minutes ago about some disturbances outside?"

"Yeah... ugh... yes," Josh forced himself to say, staring into the man's eyes, wanting desperately to sneak a glimpse at this big cop's crotch. As Josh related his story to the officer, he was increasingly self-conscious as he noticed the cop's eyes roaming all over his body, no doubt comparing how underdeveloped he was in relation to the cop's own brawny physique. Josh's nervousness turned into full-blown panic, however, as he noticed the policeman's eyes now traveling around his room, obviously noticing the rainbow flag and posters of half-naked men that adorned the walls. He was afraid this cop was going to beat him up or something... he knew tough guys like that didn't think highly of faggots. The man didn't even seem to be paying attention to what he was saying now.

"Well, thanks, son, that's really all I needed to know." Lieutenant Perez said as Josh finished up his story. As he wrote some notes in the pad he was carrying, the man's eyes rose up from the paper to glance at Josh every few moments. Josh's stomach was in knots. He just wanted to get this man out of his room as soon as possible.

"I'm really sorry, officer," Josh quickly mumbled, "I'm sorry I don't have much more to say... I feel really bad for taking up your time like this."

The officer's eyes sparkled momentarily as a grin crossed his face.

"That's okay... Josh, did you say your name was? Well, Josh, son. Lemme tell you what. It wasn't no bother for me, but if you really feel bad about it, you'll let me take you out for coffee later tonight when I get off my shift."

Josh was speechless, he didn't understand what the cop was saying... was this some sort of trick?

"By the way," Perez added, "I really like that poster you got there of Josh Hartnett. I know I'd sure like to get a piece of that myself." The officer winked.

"I... uh... I... you... well..." Josh stuttered.

"I'll pick you up at midnight, that okay, boy? Meet me outside the building."

"Um... ok..." Josh couldn't believe the words came out of him.

"It's a date, then!"

The large policeman grinned and left Josh's room without another word.

"A DATE!?" Josh's mind reeled. One part of him was terrified. What if this huge hulk was lying and was waiting to beat the crap out of him later tonight? On the other hand... God, this guy was such a fucking stud. It had been ages since Josh had been out on a date. And he'd NEVER been out with anyone as hot as this guy. Josh loved big athletic muscle studs, they were such the opposite of what he was, but they just made him so hot. Josh wanted a real, mature man so bad. His hard drive was flooded with pictures of huge, hairy jocks with gigantic schlongs; Falcon video clips with drop-dead, horse-hung men stuffing their oversized organs into squirming, whining twink asses; stories of hard working men taking their greedy pleasure from sweet boy mouths... Until now, it had only been a fantasy for Josh. But... what if this cop was serious? A tingle of pleasure ran down his spine and seemed to lodge itself in his tight butthole, making it twitch and spasm. In the end, as any horny 18-year-old would do, Josh decided to take his chances and see what would happen...

All he could do for now was wait.

At 12 midnight, Josh was outside his dorm, waiting in the chilly night air for his date to arrive. Under his jacket, he was dressed in a tight black t-shirt and an equally tight pair of jeans that did their best to show off his perfect buns. He was shaking... he didn't know if it was from the cold or the fear, but soon all his thoughts were erased as he saw the large man, still wearing his uniform, round a corner and walk straight toward him.

"Well, I'm glad to see you here, Josh," Perez said with a smile, "Was afraid you wouldn't show up. How about that coffee now? It's pretty cold out here... I know a nice place."

And with that, Josh followed next to the much larger man, worried that people would think he was in trouble or something...

After a few blocks, the two of them arrived at a small, dimly lit coffee bar called "The Cup." Josh looked around as they entered, and noticed that it seemed that there were only men inside the place. All eyes were on them as they walked to the counter and placed their order.

"We'll have two cappucinos, Dave." The police officer stated in his very sexy, very deep voice.

"Sure thing, Mando." The clerk behind the counter grinned as he looked at Josh and then back at Lieutenant Perez.

As they made their way to the table, Josh noticed that quite a few of the men seemed to know the cop on a first name basis. He also noticed that quite a few of them also looked at the officer and him with a mixture of envy and lust. It was very clear to Josh at this point that he was in a gay coffee house.

Josh's fears were soon put aside as he began chatting with the cop. Lieutenant Perez had an amazing ability to put him at ease -- the man was intelligent, witty, warm, and very, very sexy. Within minutes he was already laughing out loud and freely opening up to the man. During their conversation, Josh found out that Lieutenant Perez's first name was Armando, but most people called him "Mando." Armando was 35 years old and had been on the force since he got out of state college at age 21. He had been born in New York City and lived there all his life. As Josh guessed, Armando was Hispanic, but only on his mother's side. He was also half Italian, but wasn't close to that side of his family since his father left him, his mother and sister when Armando was only 11. That was why he had chosen to take his mother's last name of Perez. Armando had been married for 5 years during his twenties, but divorced when he came to realize his homosexuality. His wife and he remained friends, and she even fixed him up once with one of her male co-workers. He was out to many of his fellow cops, and although it was extremely tough for him at first, he was eventually able to gain their respect since they all knew him so well. Josh found out that Armando shared his interest in photography, and both were huge Yankees fans. Armando played on his precinct's baseball and football teams and was religious about keeping his body in shape.

Time flowed effortlessly as the two talked. Josh knew there was such an age difference between them, but he really felt a connection with this man. Besides, everyone always told Josh he was mature for his age. He was fascinated by this gorgeous cop and hung on his every word. When Josh shared his own story, he was a little startled and also extremely excited when he felt Armando's large hand begin to slowly rub his leg.

Before he knew it, Josh looked around and realized the coffee shop was closing. He and Mando had been chatting for over 2 hours!

"Wow. I didn't know so much time had passed!" Josh said, truly astonished.

"Me neither, Josh. You're some kid, you know that?"

Josh blushed as he looked into the handsome, smiling face of the older man.

"Hey Josh... if you don't mind, you think I could come over to your room for a little bit? I'm having such a good time with you, I sorta don't want it to end, you know?"

"SURE!" Josh belted out, hoping that his enthusiasm wasn't too obvious.

"Good boy." Armando flashed his wicked grin again, that same sparkle in his blue eyes.

When they arrived back at Josh's room, it was past 2 am, but Josh was as wide awake as he had ever been. Josh sat down on his bed and asked his date to join him.

"Do you mind if I take off this uniform shirt, Josh? It's not very comfortable..." Without waiting for an answer, Armando began unbuttoning his shirt and soon slipped it off. He was wearing a thin white wifebeater underneath, and Josh was even more amazed by the man's physique. The shirt left nothing to the imagination, and was stretched over the man's body as if it were painted on. The huge pectoral muscles stood out hard and bulging, the man's dark nipples clearly hard and pushing out against the flimsy material. His abs were equally impressive, Armando was one of the few who achieved that ultimate feat -- a true eight-pack. His arms were like superb works of art... both were rock hard and thick, the bicep muscles straining like grapefruits under the tanned olive skin. Both arms also had intricate tattoos -- a thick black tribal band stretched around the left, while a large NYPD in black letters covered the right. Along with the bush of black hair that peeked out from his armpits, Josh also was pleased to see this man had a rather hairy chest, the dark black curls trimmed just enough to keep them from being unruly. Josh's eyes caught the glint from a single gold chain with a small cross that hung from the man's thick, corded neck. Armando also removed his belt and placed it on a chair near Josh's desk. It dawned on Josh for a moment that Armando had a gun -- he hadn't even considered that before! The cop's belt also had handcuffs, a nightstick, a walkie-talkie, and various other utilities. Josh was so engrossed in this man that he had forgotten that this was a cop who had just gotten off duty! Armando taking off his belt also allowed Josh the opportunity to steal a glance at the cop's package. A shiver ran through Josh at what he saw... It was simply enormous! He made a silent prayer that he'd get a glimpse of what was hidden under those blue trousers!

Soon, the older man joined him on the bed and once again they began chatting happily. However, now they were sitting much closer than they were in the coffee shop, and Josh's senses were overwhelmed -- Armando seemed to radiate pure heat that warmed Josh's body. Josh also breathed the man's scent in deeply -- so raw and masculine -- a musky mixture of fresh sweat and cheap cologne. This man was everything Josh wanted and more.

"You know," the older man said softly after a pause in the conversation, "You are one gorgeous little guy."

Josh was speechless as he looked into the man's deep blue eyes. Slowly, the man leaned forward and pressed his lips to Josh's. So soft and sweet. Josh's mind reeled. Armando's lips tasted so good, they were so strong and yet so tender. The man pushed harder against him, claiming him with the kiss. Slowly, Josh felt himself leaning back, his back resting against the pillow behind him as Armando leaned on top of him, putting those strong arms around his slender body. The man's huge hands were rubbing his back, massaging the tense muscles there. Armando's tongue pushed forward insistently, lapping around the insides of his mouth hungrily, tasting him, rubbing against his own tongue. Even his tongue tasted wonderful, masculine, Josh thought. The kiss was broken, and without resisting, Josh felt his black t-shirt being lifted off his body. Through half-lidded eyes, Josh watched as the man leaned down and began licking his smooth, white chest. He shuddered. Armando laughed softly and brought his mouth down onto Josh's right nipple. It was as though an electric circuit had been completed. Josh's body lurched forward as the man licked and nibbled on his hard pink nipple. The man moved to the left nipple and Josh was reeling. The bristly hair on the man's face tickled his sensitive skin. The man's hand pinched and flicked on one wet nipple as his hungry mouth nibbled on the other. Occasionally, the cop's strong, calloused hand would clutch at Josh's tit and squeeze it roughly, eliciting a sharp moan from the boy. Josh felt Armando's other hand tracing softly along his goose-pimpled skin. Those fingers skated across his smooth, taut skin and only stopped when they reached the fly of Josh's jeans. No resistance from Josh as he felt the buttons being undone and the man's hand reaching inside, curling underneath and stroking his twitching buttocks. Josh's own hands reached up and began exploring the body above him. His soft, trembling hands met hard, rough flesh... those amazing arms, that chiseled back... finally his hand slipped underneath the man's tight shirt and began reveling in the feel of that solid sculpted abdomen, his fingers burrowing through the black curls that blanketed the surface. Higher, higher.. Power seemed to radiate from the man's huge pecs into Josh's palm. Even more enthusiastically, his fingers played in the man's coat of trimmed fur. He tweaked and flicked the hard, eraser-sized nipples that capped the man's large brown nipples. This was beyond his dreams, this man was making him so unbelievably hot.

Josh felt a fat finger begin to explore his tiny rosebud and he gasped out loud. Armando looked up and stared into his eyes.

"You like that, boy? Your ass like that, baby?"

"Oh.... God... Yesss..." Josh moaned.

"You have an amazing ass, baby. It's all I've been thinkin' about since I saw you standing there in those tightie-wighties tonight. It's the best ass I've ever seen... I had to have it... It's perfect, breathtaking... you know that, boy? Anyone ever tell you that, Josh?" Armando's finger pushed in and began fucking itself inside and out.

"Yeah... yeah..." Josh gasped. "That's what... oh God yes... people have told me..." He was bursting with pride, so glad that his ass was pleasing this man.

"Yeah... God, it's so tight, baby... don't tell me no man's never gotten a chance with that perfection..."

"No... no..." Josh squeaked, "I'm a virgin."

For a brief second, Armando's burrowing finger stopped it's fuck. His look of shock was slowly replaced by a wide grin.

"Holy shit... a virgin boyhole... shit... baby, you gonna let Mando have your cherry, aren't you baby? You gonna give this ass to Mando, baby?" His thick finger began stroking against Josh's prostate.

"OHHHH!" Josh's eyes opened wide. "OH GOD! YES! YES!"

"You want Mando to get naked boy? Want him to make you feel real good?"

"OH GOD! YES!" Josh was delirious.

Suddenly, the finger exited from his rectum and Josh was brought to reality as Armando stood and began disrobing. The man slowly removed his shirt, allowing Josh to hungrily take in the sight. Even though the shirt left little to the imagination, Josh was still blown away by the perfection of this man's torso. Josh drooled at his first real sight of the man's bare skin... perfectly tanned and hairy, the mounds of muscle resembling something like the posters that plastered his dorm walls. Another tattoo, a small black Chinese character, was visible through the hair on his right pec.

"Perfect... you're perfect..." Josh whispered as Armando flexed and posed a little for him.

"Ha ha, thanks..." Armando chuckled as he kicked off his shoes, "But I think you're pretty perfect, baby... however, you ain't seen everything yet..."

Armando began slowly unbuttoning his slacks and as he peeled the flaps open, Josh could see that he wasn't wearing underwear. Josh's breath caught. He was finally going to see it... please... he hoped it really was as large as it looked... snaked so far down the man's pant leg... God, please... it looked simply enormous... Armando reached deep inside... pulling... struggling with it... oh God...

The noise that escaped from Josh was a mixture of a scream, a gasp, a moan...

It was colossal, mammoth, beyond even Josh's most greedy size-queen hopes. Jutting from among the thick black hair that poured out of the cop's open fly was a dong that would make a porn star envious. It was an appendage that would be more at home on a horse, not a human male.

"How.... how... big.... how big..." Josh managed to sputter between breaths.

"Nine and three-quarter inches," Armando smirked as he stroked the colossal beast, shaking it a little, making it bounce heavily, "And looks to be about as thick as your wrist, honey..."

Josh noticed as well that this was the first uncut cock he'd ever seen in person. It thrilled him. Up and down... up and down... Armando's sock of flesh would cover and uncover that bulbous plum head on every stroke. And the color... it was a shade of purple that Josh had never seen before. His own circumcised cockhead never went beyond a deep pink... The heavily corded shaft of Armando's cock was beet red interspersed with purple and blue veins... Josh swore he could feel heat emanating from it... even at that distance. Josh's mouth was flooding with saliva as his ass clenched and spasmed instinctively at the sight. Armando began to lower his trousers farther. Josh was greeted to the first sight of the man's enormous testicles. No, they weren't testicles, Josh thought... they were nuts... big, heavy, hairy, sweaty, fat bull nuts. They swung like a heavy pendulum underneath that massive pole. It looked almost as if the skin were stretching under the weight of those potent, cum-filled animal balls.

"It's the... the... biggest...." Josh murmured as a sweat broke out across his body.

"The biggest cock and balls you've ever seen, son? Ha ha, biggest ones I've ever seen, too." He added with a wink and a smile.

The aroma of Armando's genitals hit Josh like a sock in the face. It was if he had taken a hit of drugs, the boy thought, it was delicious, masculine, sex. His dick lurched to an even more painful hardness, his ass clenched, and his head felt as if it were floating.

Armando stepped out of his pants, bunched at the floor, and took a step towards Josh, wearing nothing but his black socks and the gold necklace.

"Come on baby... please, baby... you wanna take a taste? You wanna taste this big dick, honey?" Armando's fist stroked down, and the huge cockhead emerged from it's foreskin, shining wetly, glinting in the dim light just like the gold chain around the man's neck.

Josh didn't even bother with a response. He leapt off the bed and fell to his knees in front of the big man. A deep breath.. .and then... the boy plunged his mouth over the monstrous purple head, it's girth perfectly filling his mouth to overflowing. It tasted like nothing the boy had ever experienced. His tongue seemed to tingle. With gulps and slurps and a bevy of nasty suck noises, the boy devoured the cock like it was life-giving nourishment. Ropes and ropes of saliva and precum gurgled out his lips, coating the gnarled stalk, lubricating Josh's hands as he furiously masturbated the log that barely fit in his grasp. So good... tastes so good... Josh licked a glob of yummy precum that splurted out the hole and swallowed it down hungrily. He had to have it all... fighting his gag reflex, focusing only on this beautiful piece of manmeat, Josh shoved the fucker down his gullet. More squishing, slurping sounds filled the air... He did it! The gigantic cockhead was lodged down his throat! God, he could taste even more of this delicious shaft now... However, he couldn't take it all the way... he tried, oh Lord he tried... but he couldn't make it all the way to bury his nose in that forest of black fur. A whimper tried to force it's way around the fat babymaker that stretched his small throat.

"It's ok, honey... God that feels so good... Damn you love this cock, don'tcha baby? Don't worry if you can't take it all the way... not many who can... Oh damn it feels so good... your throat is so tight... Can't imagine what that ass feels like... Sweet boy ass... Mmmmm..."

Josh's trance was broken as he felt Armando's hands push against his shoulders... that big beautiful rod being pulled from his mouth... No...

"Get on the bed, baby..."

Josh looked wistfully up at the man, his eyes begging for more hot cock.

"C'mon boy... on the bed..."

Josh jumped back up on the bed and stared only at the man's mighty, throbbing prick. A string of drool extended down the blonde boy's chin.

"Mando wants to see that ass, baby... that pretty ass... Take off your pants, boy."

It dawned on Josh that he and Mando had been fucking around for quite a while now, and he still hadn't taken off his pants! With a hurried clumsiness, Josh lay on his back pulled the jeans off of himself, now wearing only his tight white briefs. He lifted his knees up to his chest, allowing the man a prime view of his goods.

"Oh God." It was Armando's turn to drool. Perfect, round, firm boy ass encased like a gift for the older man to unwrap.

"Off. Take them off. Now, boy." Armando's voice cracked slightly.

An image of Armando on top of him... brutally plunging that piece of fuckstuff up his hungry little ass... in and out... in and out... the thought caused Josh to shutter in ecstacy... His knuckles rubbed against smooth, shivering skin as he slowly revealed his naked ass to the panting, leaking man. With a final, quick motion, Josh yanked the underwear off his legs and threw them to the floor.

A sharp hiss of breath escaped Armando's mouth. God, it really was the best ass he'd ever seen. If the word "bubble butt" had been in the dictionary, young Josh's cheeks would have gotten a full-color glossy photograph in Webster's. It was flawless... milky white, fleshy, smooth... shaved! God, this kid shaves down there... the thought made Armando's cock lurch and belch voluminous clear fluid.

"Spread them." The man ordered, the lust very evident in his voice.

Josh's small fingers reached over both mounds and opened the tight crevice to Armando's gaze. There it was... so beautiful... so tight... baby smooth... the tiny pink virgin asshole winked at the man, it was begging to be broken into... Taunting the middle aged cop's virile fucklog. It was all his. He'd make this boy a man. This kid was fucking lucky to get Armando Perez to pop his sweet cherry. God, that hole was mesmerizing...

In a move that shocked Josh, Armando leapt forward and shoved his face into the boy's crack.

"OOOOHHHHH!!!!!" This man was eating out his little ass! Josh thought for a moment that the man had gone insane -- so rough and lusty where his movements... The man's rough goatee and stubble were rubbing everywhere on his tender boybutt... The man was like an animal! His tongue laved everywhere on Josh's ass... it's slick surface lapped greedily over his mounds, it dug into his crack and feasted on his hole! It was beyond anything Josh had experienced in his young life... He never knew a hungry mouth could feel so good on his ass! Great streams of drool poured down his crack and onto the bed. This man was unbelievable, Josh thought he was falling in love! Harder, harder the man's rough face pushed into his butt! The man's tongue began pushing it's way into his butthole! Deep! Oh God! Nothing felt like this! The man's hands kneaded his cheeks so roughly as those lips started sucking hard on his tight bud.

"Mmmff! God, tastes so good! Delicious boy butt! Love it! Love my virgin baby's boycunt! God, your ass is perfect!" Armando's face, shiny now with sweat and saliva, peered up at Josh's amazed expression.

Once again, Armando leapt, this time laying his heavy, muscular body on top of the boy. They were face to face and Josh saw the man's eyes were crazed, lost in lust. The man leaned forward and licked his face. At the same moment, Armando grabbed Josh's legs and brought them roughly over his own shoulders, opening up the boy's defenseless ass to his prodding pud. The older man's face once again showed that wide smile and that mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Please, please... Mando... it's my first time... please go slow... there's lube in the drawer... and condoms..."

"Don't worry, sweetie... I've done this before. Mando's gonna make you love it, honey." And with that, the man leaned forward and once again caught Josh in a mind blowing lip lock. Josh groaned... Without releasing Josh's legs from his shoulders, the cop leaned over and grabbed the lube and some Trojans from inside Josh's nightstand.

"Hmm... Don't think I can use your condoms, baby... too small... but don't worry, this cop always comes prepared..." And with that Armando lifted up a large gold Magnum XXL condom.

"Where did that come from?!" Josh asked, incredulously.

"Ha ha... grabbed it from my shirt pocket on the floor while I was reaming out that sweet, tender ass of yours, honey!" The stud cop tore the package open with his teeth and rolled the thin sheath over his jumbo pole. Josh could see that Armando had a bit of trouble doing so... even the extra-large condoms Armando used barely were able to fit over that fat fuckstick. It looked as if the latex was stretched to its limit! Just as Josh's ass was about to be!

Armando squeezed the tube of lube, soaking his oversized knob with the slick gel. He poured more of the liquid between Josh's legs, causing the boy to squirm from the cool, slimy sensation. This time, two of Mando's big fingers shoved their way into the gulping hole, rubbing the lubrication all over the anal wall. Josh was shaking. And then they were gone. And something much bigger was now pushing at his trembling hole.

The pressure was unbelievable... Josh had fucked himself with a number of objects before... bananas, cucumbers... but nothing was as big as this man's super prong. It was just so huge... it felt like a small fist was pressing against his virgin opening. It wasn't just the remarkable size of the man's member that was going to be a problem. Josh's much smaller stature made the man seem like a giant on top of him!

Armando's tongue pushed its way into Josh's groaning mouth, entering the boy at the exact same time his fat mushroom head had stuffed itself into the unbelievably tight butthole.

Josh screamed into the man's lusty mouth. The pain was unbearable... it was like his ass was on fire! There was no way he could do it!

"Please, baby... please... I'm sorry..." Armando broke their kiss and looked down at the boy with genuine concern in his voice. There were tears forming in Josh's eyes. "I promise, honey, it will get better... it's going to hurt at first.. You have to just get past that... then I promise it will feel better than anything in the world... trust me, please."

Josh silently nodded up at the man as Armando's thumb wiped the tears out of his eyes.

Armando's mouth once again covered his own as the boy fought back the choking pain. Only the head had lodged it's way inside -- there were still well over eight ass-stretching inches to go! However, Josh soon found out that the initial penetration was by far the worse. Slowly, the mammoth prick pushed it's way so deep into his body... it felt to Josh, when the man's scratchy pubes were finally pushed against his tiny ass, that the thick cock bulb was resting somewhere in his chest!

"You did it, baby. You did it. I'm so proud of you." Armando whispered as he made his cock swell in the boy's overstretched chute. Nothing had ever been this tight. Nothing. Armando knew as soon as he saw this hot teen standing in the doorway practically naked that he would fuck this ass, but he had no idea at how wonderful it would be. Prime, virgin boycunt. Damn, he was lucky.

Slowly, the man began to withdraw his rod, its every bump and bulge rubbing against Josh's smooth tissue. Suddenly, the fat cock ridge rubbed against Josh's joybutton.

"UGHHHH!" Josh gasped out loud, surprising both him and Armando.

"Oh... ha ha... there it is, baby..." And with that, the man rotated his pelvis and stroked quickly up and down, causing yet another noisy response in Josh.

It was amazing to Josh how quick everything went from abject pain to pure bliss... Suddenly, he wanted nothing more than this man's colossal cock in his boypussy! As if the man were reading his mind, Armando spoke his exact thought.

"The perfect cock for the perfect ass, eh, boy?"

"Ohhh... yes! Fuck me! Fuck me, stud!" Josh moaned as he squeezed his ass muscles on the invading instrument.

"You got it, honey... this is the way I like it..." And with that, Armando's amazing reamer plunged hard into the gasping teen's guts. There was no holding back now. He knew that naughty hole was conquered completely by his big prick. He'd never met an ass that hadn't surrendered to the ultimate fuck provided by Mando Jr!

Armando looked down at the boy's angelic face, eyes closed in rapture, and he began the assault. In... Out... Deep... Hard... He gritted his teeth as the boy squeaked and mewled. Over and over he long-dicked the now greedy, squirming butt.

"SHIT!" The cop growled.

"What is it!?" Josh snapped out of his stupor.

"Fucking shredded the damn rubber... my cock busted the condom... always happens... Josh, I just got tested last month, I'm clean... I promise... c'mon baby, let Mando's cock go back inside. He's a greedy motherfucker... can't give up his boy's hole..."

Josh was really too horny at this point to care.

"Oh God, Yes... fuck that naked cock into my pussy, stud... I wanna feel you inside me completely..."

Armando grinned and kissed Josh, ripping off the remnants of the rubber that still hung on his monstrous invader. His cock shuddered at the prospect of soft, smooth, slippery, naked boypussy. He was gonna breed this little boy bitch! Armando plunged in as hard as he could and renewed his nasty fuck, this time even more violent than before!

Josh's legs left the cop's shoulders and slowly made their way down the taut back. The boy's ankles finally locked themselves against the rock-hard, hairy mounds of the man's humping buttocks. He kicked at them, urging the man to go harder... faster... rougher...

It went on like that for ages... the hard, brutal joining of the boy's sweet ass and the man's punishing behemoth. Their mouths were welded together, their mutual sighs, moans, and grunts being swallowed down each other's throats.

"Baby, let's try something new." The stud cop muttered, pulling away from the kiss and yanking his pole from the clutching orifice. "Get on your hands and knees, son."

Josh did so without hesitation. His gorgeous ass thrust into the air, wagging back and forth in wanton abandon, the once tight hole now gaping obscenely. With a beastial growl, the huge man climbed aboard and went back to work.

The fucking soon reached a new level for both of them. They were no longer two horny men fucking, they were humping, mating wildly like dogs. Armando's huge mass was draped on top of the much smaller boy, the huge muscles bulging and clenching above the smooth, slim teen. The man's rough, coarse chest hair rubbed against the smooth white back, causing the boy to yelp and buck even harder against the glorious invasion. Both were soaked in sweat, it cascaded off their bodies, inadvertently aiding the chafing, skin-to-skin contact between the two lust-crazed animals. Never before was it more apparent the stark contrasts between Armando and Josh: a huge, strapping, dark, hairy 35 year old man taking his greedy pleasure from the innocent, virgin ass of a tiny, slim, pale, blonde 18 year old boy. Their fuck was awkward, clumsy, ungraceful, nasty, selfish... but it didn't matter to either of them. There was no other ass that could please Armando's cock the way that this little college boy's did. There was no other cock that could ram his ass the way this enormous cop's could.







Their pelvises were a blur, Armando was like a human jackhammer, and Josh's ass was there for every thrust. The man's heavy bull nuts were swinging wildly, slapping loudly against Josh at every lunge. The big man began licking and biting at Josh's shoulders, his hand reached beneath them and began jacking the boy's ready-to-burst cock. Josh was simply whining and babbling, his senses filled by nothing but cock. It went on for hours and hours, the moaning, the cries, the dirty talk, that beautiful fuck...




"CUM FOR DADDY BABY! COME ON! MANDO WANTS TO SEE HOW MUCH YOU LOVE HIS RAMMER!" Armando slapped the smooth skin of the boy's ass with his open palm.

"AAAAAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!" And with that, Josh's cock erupted, shooting its seed in rapid bursts against the mattress. Over and over, his body emptied its biggest jizzload ever. His body was shaking, clenching, spasming. His ass muscles squeezed, squeezed HARD over and over on Armando's still fucking prick.


"FACE!!!!" Josh screamed as his cock continued its orgasm.

With that, Armando wrenched his rigid, dripping, pounding, angry schlong out of the abused hole and flipped the boy over. Quickly, he crawled over the Josh's slim body, pointing his gargantuan boystretcher directly at the youth's pretty face.

"THIS IS ALL FOR YOU BABY!!!" Armando growled before throwing his head back in a triumphant howl.

Josh closed his eyes and opened his mouth wide. For a moment, he thought someone had turned a hose on his face, so strong was the man's gushing climax! On and on it went, over the grunts and moans of the big cop, his king dong marked the boy. Thick, creamy, pungent splooge coated the boys face, and still it went on. Josh tried to swallow, again and again he took huge gulps, the delicious cream sliding down his hungry throat, but he couldn't keep up. It went in his hair, on his shoulder, on his chest, on the pillow behind him. Josh was flabbergasted by the intensity and length of this man's orgasm. But he wasn't complaining. The man was perfection. Josh watched as the last dregs shot their way out of the man's spasming body. He leaned forward and fervently lapped at that beautiful dick that had torn away his virginity.

Armando grabbed Josh by the arms and pulled the boy to his lips. They sloppily sucked at each other's mouths -- sharing the thick creamy mess with each other. The liplock soon devolved into man and boy hungrily licking each other's bodies, cleaning themselves of their conjoined spunk bath.

As the final fervor died down, Armando and Josh snuggled close to each other, crawling under the covers to gently stroke and caress each other.

Armando's large, muscled, tattooed arm was wrapped possessively around Josh's shoulders. Josh's blonde head meanwhile, lay contentedly on the man's chest, his soft cheek resting on the man's enormous hairy pec. He could hear the beating of his lover's heart, and he could feel the beat matched in the half-hard, slimy dong that he clutched tightly. The boy occasionally reached out with his tongue to lick at the cop's large dark nipple, delighting at the jerk it caused in the man's prick. Amando's fingers stroked his hair softly.

"God, Mando, you should be in porno or something..." Josh finally broke the silence.

"Ha ha... who says I haven't?"


"Never mind, never mind... I'm tired baby, let's get some sleep. My next shift is this evening."

As Josh drifted off towards sleep he couldn't help but delight at the thoughts that filled his head... He had a big stud cop all to himself! His overactive imagination was spinning: There he was, handcuffed to the bed, a beaming Armando screwing him relentlessly, brutally in his helpless state... Now, Armando was stroking that enormous cock in front of his face, taunting him as he fucked the boy with his long black nightstick... Lying in the back of the cop car, Mando's sweaty, hairy muscle ass smothering his face, ordering him to eat it good... And a thought that Josh knew wouldn't be possible, but certainly made him hot... Lying in a jail cell, Armando with a group of his cop buddies, all sharing his leaking ass and drooling mouth, cheering on his slutty performance as he eagerly took on each of the studs...

If only Josh knew that, as he finally fell asleep, the exact same fantasies were also being played out in Armando's dreams!


Well there you go! As always, I love to get comments, questions, suggestions, etc, from my readers. I am not sure I will continue this story, but if enough people e-mail me, I might explore what happens next in this relationship. Feel free to contact me at

Next: Chapter 2

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