Stuck in Paradise

By if.tenep.nona@392601na

Published on Sep 29, 1994




This fictional story contains several adult situations between two women, quicksand and mud, and a twist at the end. If any of these might offend you, please do not continue. The author gives rights for the non-profit distribution of this story provided it is unaltered and includes this message and credit. All comments, suggestions, related experiences and stories are welcomed by the author and may be sent to:

Stuck in Paradise

Copyright 1994 by

"Great... just wonderful..." thought Suzy as the private jet bounced down the runway. Her husband Jim had promised her a luxury vacation to Mexico's "turquoise coast" and so far, this meant baby- sitting the bosses wife... a task she enjoyed about as much as watching Jim suck up to Mr. Consworth. "This could be the break I've needed to get into a V.P.'s office" he told her, "so whatever you do, keep the bosses wife happy!"

So this is what she had given up a blossoming modeling career for: executive baby-sitter! She'd been raised in a well to do family, and had grown accustomed to the finer things in life. Marrying Jim, who two years ago was just on the verge of becoming a Vice President, was supposed to give her the lifestyle she'd grown up with... a fabulous life traveling to the many tropical resorts Jim's company managed, a company jet at their disposal... well, they were on a company jet, but not quite as Suzy had imagined it.

"Here it is!" announced Jim as they stepped from the plane. "The luxury resort of tomorrow!"

She looked across at Sylvia... Mrs. Consworth... who looked about as impressed as if she'd just been served a rat on a stick. It was a dismal airstrip, surrounded by jungle. The flies and mosquitoes buzzed angrily around them as the made their way to the waiting jeep. Mr. Consworth looked around appreciably. Both he and Jim saw the area through eyes seeing the future developments... while Suzy and Sylvia saw only mud and bugs.

"I need a drink." Sylvia announced flatly.

Breakfast the next morning shed a new light on things, in Suzy's case at any rate. The first completed bungalows were indeed luxurious, and although the kitchen was yet to be completed, the presence of the "big boss-man" had inspired the construction crew to hire in a local chef, so the food was not bad. The area around the bungalow was progressing nicely, and Suzy felt a little more relaxed. It was very peaceful... "What kind of shit is this?!?" Sylvia shrieked as she stormed up to the lounge chairs. "No pool? No spa? and the beach ... you expect me to lay around naked in front of 200 construction workers?!"

Mr. Consworth looked as though he'd just swallowed a large worm. "I told you, dear, it's in the early stages of development... Jose!" he called to one of the workers leaning on a shovel nearby. Jose' eyes opened wide and he approached apprehensively.

"Is there a decent beach nearby for the ladies to sun on?" he asked. Jose muttered in half Spanish about an island just a few miles from shore.

"Great!" he confirmed. "Prepare a launch and take the ladies out there. Tell the chef to pack them a lunch..." and looking at his wife's scowl quietly added: "... and lots of gin..."

The boat ride across the choppy waters forced Suzy and Sylvia to talk in order to distract them from getting sick. It turned out that Sylvia was only 32 years old although her face looked more than 8 years older than Suzy's own 24. But Suzy noticed that under the loose fitting blouse and pants she did appear to have a decent body... not as good as her own she thought smugly, but not bad... Suzy was never one to hide her assets, and today wore only a string bikini top and the shortest of white shorts over her thong bottom. At the urging of Jose she had donned a loose white shirt, perhaps as much to protect her from the blazing sun as to protect Jose's libido from causing him to make a big mistake with a big-wig's wife. A few drinks loosened Sylvia's tongue and soon Suzy knew more than she ever wanted about Sylvia's married life and sex life... or lack there of.

As they approached the island, Suzy saw Sylvia smile for the first time the entire trip. The boat pulled into the beautiful, sandy lagoon, and a majestic 50-foot waterfall spilled down to the right. Small pools of sparkling clear water formed at the base of the falls, and strangely, only a trickle of the massive quantity of falling water ran down to the ocean in a small stream.

"Please to stay this side of falls-stream" Jose warned, groping for words. "Other side... bad sand...dangerous ... and not to go into jungle... pretty ladies get lost very easy!" At this the ladies batted their

eyes and smiled sarcastically, eliciting a wide grin and blush from Jose.

The boat hit ground about 5 feet from shore and the ladies stepped out. Sylvia's sneakers kicked up sand in the clear water as she splashed ashore while Suzy daintily carried her flip-flops, preferring to feel the soft, wet sand on her bare feet. Jose slogged on behind, carrying the cooler of provisions and dropping them with a thud in the sand under a shady palm tree.

"Now you go!" shouted Sylvia, as though Jose were deaf, not just speaking another language. "Ladies need privacy... no men!"

Jose didn't seem to understand (actually, he understood perfectly that these two gorgeous women were going to sunbathe nude, and certainly didn't wish to miss a bit of it!). He started to wander off toward the jungle.

"No! Go in boat! No spy on women from trees!" She shouted again.

Jose shrugged. "I come back in 3 hours... Ladies have plenty enough sun by then!" he called. Soon the reluctant boat sputtered around the bend of the island and out of sight.

"Finally!" Sylvia sighed laying out a large towel next to Suzy's. As the two ladies began disrobing, Suzy was amazed to learn that Sylvia's body was in fabulous shape! Her large breasts were firm and didn't show a bit of sagging. Her large nipples were perky despite the heat and little beads of perspiration formed on her dark tan skin. As Sylvia removed her pants, Suzy, for the first time as long as she could remember, felt a bit modest... she only hoped her body would avoid cellulite as well as Sylvia's had. Not a lot of muscle, she thought, but nice, soft, shapely curves. She tried not to stare at Sylvia's now naked body as she removed the last of her own clothes, and noticed that she had already gained the slightest bit of a tan line from her bikini, as opposed to Sylvia's perfectly even tan.

As they began applying the oil to their bodies, Sylvia looked appreciatively at Suzy's young, taut body. Oh to be younger... but a trip to the plastic surgeon earlier this year had given her back the body she'd once had! Although Suzy's breasts were smaller, she still had a great build... more athletic. She looked down at Suzy's long, muscular legs... Mmmmmm...a very strange feeling started rising in her body... one she had never before felt.

"Could you put some suntan oil on my back?" Sylvia asked, handing Suzy the dark bottle. She laid on her stomach and nestled into the soft, yielding towel. Suzy began rubbing the oil onto her perfectly tanned back. "Mmmmm," Sylvia purred, "you have strong hands! " At this Suzy beared down a bit. She had gotten used to applying oil and giving massages when she was a model and had no hang-ups about touching another woman's body. Besides, after this morning's tantrum, she'd learned that if Sylvia was happy, Jim's boss was happy, and perhaps soon they could move into that big executive's house they'd been dreaming of.

"Oh, yes!" Sylvia gasped as Suzy's skilled hands massaged in the slick oil. "Are you sure you can't just move in with me?" she joked. As Suzy's slick hands rubbed the oil into her thirsty skin, she caressed the soft, round curves of her buttocks, causing Sylvia to begin slowly undulating. The smile on Sylvia's face gave Suzy a small rush, and she lingered there a moment, kneading the soft mounds. She was surprised... she'd never had this feeling with a woman. Sylvia rolled over.

"Now I'll do yours." Suzy laid down and soon was engulfed by Sylvia's expert hands. Straddling her body, Suzy felt her weight on her rear and the soft brush of her pubic hair gently tickling her. She felt a strange intoxicating rush forming in her chest and it spread to her thighs. Sylvia massaged around her shoulders, sides, reaching under to her breasts, sending a tingle of pleasure through her body. Suzy rolled over and immediately was met by Sylvia's wet lips. Surprised, she started to resist, but Sylvia's firm caressing hands once more resumed their work and the wave of pleasure that washed over her was too great to resist. As Sylvia's hands caressed her breasts, she felt her hips gyrating against her own. Slowly her own hands began exploring the hot flesh over her, caressing her breasts and stomach. She had never done anything like this with a woman before, and was surprised to feel another body with the same construction as her own. Her lips began responding and her tongue searching as much as Sylvia's. Soon, Sylvia rolled to the side and their hands began to wander down to the mounds of glistening wet hair, Suzy's natural blonde hair was soon under the control of another hand than her own, and she found through the cloud of sensations that her own hand was busily working the moist mound in the middle of Sylvia's dark bush. Each woman knew exactly what points gave the most pleasure and how to arouse that response. As they did the things that they'd always wanted done to themselves, both women began to arch, moaning, writhing, fingers moving faster and faster... until Sylvia climaxed in full orgasm.

Sylvia rolled over and lay on her back with a wide grin. Suzy's trembling body, still yearning for release, lay next to her, feeling used. She felt as though Sylvia had drained some of the life from her body, and she retreated a few inches from Sylvia.

"What's the matter? You were great! There's nothing to be ashamed of!" she said.

Suzy gasped. "I'm not a whore! How dare you talk to me that way..." She sat up and put on her sandals and the loose shirt Jose had given her. Although it didn't cover much she felt the need to wear it, and the sand was getting to hot for her soft feet. Trembling, she wandered down the beach, deep in thought... how could she have done this? I mean, treat the bosses wife politely, o.k. She'd even put up with her bitchy spells... fine... and this had all started out just her way of being nice... but then it started to feel soo good... why? ... and why did the bitch stop just when she was really enjoying it?!?

As Suzy splashed across the little stream the cool water trickled over her beautiful red toenails, washing off the hot white sand. She saw Sylvia walking up behind her, wearing her sneakers and blouse. She didn't feel ready to face her yet, so quickened her pace a bit.

"Wait!" Sylvia called. "Let me explain..." Suzy quickened her pace, the more solid, wet sand on this side being easier to run on. After a few steps it softened up again, but remained wet.

"...just a minute!" called Sylvia in more earnest. Suzy stopped, her flip-flops squishing into the wet sand. She heard Sylvia squish up behind her.

"Eeeew...if you had to pout, why do it over in this mess?" she quietly mussed looking at her dirty sneakers as they squished in and out of the sand as she paced nervously.

Suzy snorted: What a bitch! She never thought about anyone but herself! She started to stomp off, but the mucky sand sucked her sandals off her feet with a slurp. She decided to leave them and as she walked back, her bare feet squished more easily into the wet sand, which swallowed her feet to the ankle.

"Great," Suzy thought looking at her wiggling, muddy toes, "there goes a $50 pedicure..."

Sylvia stood, nervously pacing in place in the goo. "Look, I'm sorry! I'm just used to everyone doing everything for me! I just..." as she started to follow Suzy, she found that the mud sucked firmly at her sneakers, now completely under the surface. She pulled at the left foot, which didn't budge. Trying the right foot, she jerked her knees violently in rage as it too remained unyielding. The surrounding sand rippled as she moved and rapidly began turning into a thick slurry.

"Oh, this is great! The dry sand's to hot for bare feet and now I have to loose my shoes too..." she complained as she started to bend over to undo the shoelaces. Her jerking tirade had worked her in up to her calves. She now noticed that she was slowly but surely sinking.

Suzy noticed this also as the sand around her bare feet began to shift. She pulled her left foot out with a reluctant slurp, and as her muscular legs strained to pull out her right foot, her left foot sank in nearly to her knee. A wave of panic hit her.

"This is quicksand!" she shouted. Sylvia was quickly convinced of this as the thick mire around her liquefied more with each movement she made. In a panic, she struggled frantically, causing her to sink to her thighs. "Help me!" she whimpered, "help me..."

<<<<Stuck in Paradise - Part Two of Two>>>>

Suzy was too busy working her way to the edge to be able to help Sylvia. Remembering a novel she had read, she dropped to her hands and knees, which readily sank in the now liquid goo. She began crawling out, the wet muddy sand coating her arms and weighing her down. It was more solid where she was, and so she didn't sink as fast as Sylvia, but because of the thickness the mud sucked more strongly at her slender arms and muscular legs. She groaned, every muscle straining as she struggled through the quicksand. The mud squished between her toes, a sensation she loved, but at this time it was both terrifying and somehow, as it oozed into her warm crotch, magically, it was still a little erotic! Adrenaline rushed through her veins as she slowly swam toward the edge. By now only her head remained clean and above the surface, but she found that she was floating... she wasn't going to sink! She looked back across the pit. Sylvia was up to her stomach and still wiggling about and whimpering.

"Stop struggling! You'll float if you don't struggle!" Suzy called. Sylvia became still. "I'm still sinking!" She called. But she noticed that she wasn't sinking as fast, and she started to feel the support of the thick solid/liquid around her body. She pushed with her hands, but the mire hungrily devoured her arms. Once under, the sticky sand weighed her down even more and as she tried to remove her arms, the mud sucked tenaciously at her limbs... her thighs... her.... A strange ripple went through her body.

Suzy's hands now struck firm ground, and she began to haul her mud-caked body out of the bog. The mud coated her body with about 1-2 inches of thick, tar-like goo and she felt like she weighed a ton. The combination of sun and struggle had exhausted her and she lay still on the edge, her legs still partially submerged in the mire.

Once the mud had reached over Sylvia's large breasts, she found that she floated, but she sank in further whenever she moved. Once she stopped struggling, she would again float back up to the same buoyancy point.

"See, " Suzy called, "you won't get 'sucked under'... that's just movie crap!" She slowly extracted one leg from the settling sands. Now that they weren't struggling, the sands settled down and began re- solidifying. This made pulling her legs out even harder. She jerked frustratedly until the bog loosened a bit and released it's grip with a loud slurrrrp. Sitting up, she looked across to Sylvia. She remained at about shoulder depth, her arms now trapped in the solidifying sand. Her long, black hair rested on the surface, half submerged, and she now had a quiet look of resignation on her face. "I just wanted to feel good again..." she sobbed.

Suzy stood up, her strength beginning to return. She started to wipe off the mud that had caked onto her body. It weighed easily as much as she did. So this was why it was so hard to get out!

"Are you sinking?" she called.

"No..." Sylvia replied weakly, "But I can't move a muscle!"

"Don't! At least until we start to get you out!" Suzy called back. She began looking around for a branch or something. She saw some brush back by the waterfalls. "I suppose we could wait for Jose to return..." she said

"No!" Sylvia cried "No! I'll do anything to get out now! This is terrible! I'm completely helpless!"

At this Suzy stopped. She was standing in front of a broken piece of plywood that had washed up on shore from some wreck. As her toes wiggled in the muck a strange sensation began in her gooey feet and traveled up her legs to between her thighs. With a grin, she thought: ...anything?

Dragging the sheet of wood back to the bog, she dropped it and began walking around the suspended head. As she neared the edge closest to the falls, she felt the ground start to shift in that familiar way and barely managed to step back before one foot slipped in to her ankle. As she pulled it out with a loud pop, Sylvia asked what she was doing.

"Looking for the closest solid ground to you..." she replied, continuing around the back. On this side there was less sand and more smooth, slippery mud, but it was solid underneath. Now out of danger, she squished in the warm, soft mud, enjoying the feeling of it squishing between her perfect toes. She'd done foot modeling before, and chuckled as she wondered what her agent would say if he saw her feet now...slurping in and out of the inky mud...

"Stop playing and get me out of here! I could die in this shit!" Sylvia barked.

"Yes, you could, so you'd better shut up and do as I say, or else Jose will need a very long rope to pull up your body from the depths of this pit!" she replied in a tone that even surprised her. Sylvia got a shocked look on her face at actually being commanded in such a tone and froze.

She retrieved the plywood and after taking off and dropping her heavy, muddy shirt, slid around to the muddy side again, facing Sylvia's now quiet head. She laid down face first into the mud, with the plywood in front of her. Slithering naked in the six inch deep goo, she felt a small wave of pleasure ripple through her as the soft lotion-like mud caressed her breasts and thighs. It covered her body like cream and she slid forward only with the most wide, sensual motions, sending wave after wave of intoxicating enjoyment up her spine. She rolled over and felt her butt-cheeks become slippery and wet as the smooth mud oozed up between them and pushed out the coarse sand. She felt like just staying there, writhing in the sucking, caressing, safe and shallow mud, but then remembered the plans she had in store for Sylvia. She started forward again.

As soon as she felt the ground become more like the gritty, shifting quicksand, she slid the board forward right up to Sylvia's helpless head. Sylvia tried to pull her arms out to reach it, but only succeeded in forcing herself in deeper, to her neck.

"Stop trying to pull your arms out!" Suzy warned, " you'll only force yourself under. You'll just have to wait until I pull you out!" Sylvia noticed an edge to Suzy's voice and saw a strange glint in her eye. Although she wasn't having to struggle much, she still seemed to be breathing hard...

As she slid her slick, glistening body onto the plywood, she slithered up close to Sylvia's face. "...and I'll pull you out when I'm darn good and ready!" she said wickedly as she licked Sylvia's large red lips.

Sylvia's eyes grew wide... "Wha... what do you mean?" she asked trembling in a combination of fear and anticipation. She had never enjoyed the company of women, but had always been in control, especially when using the sex-toys her husband bought them. But now she was completely helpless. The thick mire sucked at her butt and thighs as she squirmed a little. This combined with the building erotic adrenaline rush of fear and the sight of Suzy's wet lips so near her helpless own caused her to let out a little gasp. Suzy recognized it for what it was and smiled.

"Good... but this time I'll be satisfied!" she said, sitting up on the plywood. She spread her legs around Sylvia's head and watched as her wet, muddy pussy approached her twitching lips.

"But... but it's all muddy..." Sylvia protested.

"Nobody said that you'd enjoy this!" Suzy said firmly. "Now if you want to get out... LICK!"

Sylvia hesitated, but as Suzy's legs pressed down on her shoulders, she felt herself sink in up to her chin.

"LICK!" Suzy commanded.

Sylvia now eagerly obliged. As her lips worked through the thin coating of slimy mud, they found their mark and her tongue began doing its job. Suzy arched her back, finally receiving the attention that Jim had so often denied her, and a huge wave of passion washed over her. More and more Sylvia worked her head, sucking and licking at her mistress of the mud. The motion caused her to writhe slightly, slightly loosening the sand and causing it to suck erotically at her skin all over her body. Sylvia and her husband had gotten into the occasional B & D, but this was the real thing and she found the real and present risk to be an incredible intoxication. Against her minds better judgment, she moved her hands in the ever more fluid bog and began caressing herself, doubling the actions of her tongue. Suzy was surprised when Sylvia began moaning in unison with her, but found she was powerless to stop... somehow, even now, Sylvia and her magic tongue were in control! She pushed down with her thighs onto Sylvia's shoulders, forcing her under a bit against the buoyancy. "Stop...gasp... enjoying... gasp... your-... gasp... self... oooohhhh!" she began to climax and as the long, excruciatingly long moan began, she let up on Sylvia's shoulders. Sylvia's writhing body rose to it's former point. The surrounding sand had become a semi-liquid again, about the consistency of a McDonald's shake, and as Suzy came in a full orgasm, she sat up on her butt, pulling her legs into the air.

The added force combined with the weaker support of the sand caused the plywood to splinter into a million pieces, plunging Suzy into the mire right beside Sylvia, her body wrapped around hers. In the final stages of orgasm, neither was able to do anything about it until they could regain control of their bodies.

Holding each other, feeling each other's wet, slick body pressed up against their own, they froze in fear.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit..." Suzy muttered repeatedly.

Sylvia looked at her and pulled her close. "If we are going to die, I want you to know that this has been the most incredible experience I've ever shared with anyone. I'm sorry for how I treated you."

Suzy smiled. "...and if we ever get out of this mess, Harry should just give Jim that damn promotion and stop dragging us wives around!"

They laughed nervously, causing the mud to ripple and causing them to sink to their chins. They froze and pulled each other close.

"I'd like that ... it's a nice though... it's too bad we'll..."

As the mud lapped up to their earlobes, they heard the sound of Jose's sputtering motorboat starting, and looking back, saw him coming around from his silent watchpoint on the other side of the island.

As he approached the shore near them, he shouted out "Hola!" then in English: "I see you ladies found the goddess's vagina... I warn you to stay out of that area, but you never listened! " As he threw the rope to them, one by one they pulled the loop around their shoulders and Jose laboriously pulled them to the beach and water, where they crawled into the little boat.

"What did you call that spot?" Sylvia asked incredulously.

"On this island, is the goddess of womanhood. I makes women behave very strangely to one another... That warm, wet spot called the goddess's vagina... it feel very good to get into, so good it trap women! To bad Jose don't get to participate, but..." admiring the naked, muddy, exhausted bodies in front of him with a wink, he added:

" is fun to watch!"

And with that the motor coughed and sped them back to the mainland.

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