Stronger Than He Knows

By Aaron Saxon

Published on Feb 15, 2012


This story is to be read by people who are 18 yrs or older. If you're underage or it is illegal for you to read stories like these, please leave now.

I want to thank my editor and friend Anthony for his help with this chapter.

Chapter 2

I found it difficult to settle down to sleep. My mind was racing over the events in school, thoughts about the "FAG" note, the incident on the bus with Marco, Tyler and that boy in gym class that smiled at me. I don't know exactly when I fell asleep or how long I had slept before there was a knock on my door. It was my mom telling me it was time to get up. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and when I could make out the world around me, I threw the covers off. I looked down to see that I had a wet spot in my underwear. I decided I would take care of it in the shower.

I opened my bedroom door and looked in both directions, as soon as I saw the coast was clear I ran for the bathroom. I closed the door and went to the shower getting the water just right. I got in under the spraying water and just stood there for a minute letting the water wash over me. I grabbed my body wash and lathered up my hands. I quickly placed my right hand on my raging teenage hard-on and stroked it for about five minutes before I shot three ropes of cum onto the shower floor. My thoughts went to that boy from gym class. Again I had to wonder what it meant.

I got out of the shower and dried off before brushing my teeth. I took one last peek at myself before I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked back to my room to get dressed. I put a plain t-shirt and jeans on and headed downstairs. Realizing I was going to be late again. I grabbed a pop tart and ran out of the house. When I got close to the bus stop I noticed there was a boy talking to Tyler who I hadn't seen before, I couldn't take my eyes off him. I thought I stopped when I got beside Tyler. The stranger had dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"You're staring." Tyler whispered in my ear. I blushed and Tyler and the new boy giggled. "This here is John Summers, he just moved into the house next door to mine."

I blushed unable to speak, momentarily stunned by his beauty when we shook hands. Again I was left wondering what these surges of emotions meant.

"And the speechless one here is David McKenna." Tyler said with a smirk.

I know I held his hand a little longer than I should have, but he didn't pull it away either. Just as the bus pulled up, John nodded and we broke our handshake. Tyler gave me a weird look, but I shrugged at him and shook it off. We got on the bus and headed to school. We joked about school on the way there. Every few minutes John and I would brush against each other sending electricity through me, thankfully Tyler didn't seem to notice this or the increasing problem in my jeans.

As John had missed orientation to school yesterday he went straight to the Principal's office to get his class schedule, I pointed him in the right direction and walked to my locker with Tyler.

"Hey, I told mom about meeting you yesterday and she said I could invite you over anytime and you could even spend the night if you want to?" I thought for a minute before responding because I didn't want to appear too eager.

"Sure, that could be fun." I said as we dropped our book bags off and headed to homeroom. I don't remember the last time I was invited for a sleepover.

Ms. Schmidt took roll and explained that today would be a half day because the teacher's were going to spend the rest of the day as a work day. We all cheered at this. The day went by quickly and at 12:35 the final bell rang signaling the end of school. Since this was the first week of school, we didn't have any homework. We ran to our lockers, collected our book bags and headed to the bus.

As neither Tyler nor I had gotten much chance to get to know John, we decided on the ride home that we would all hang out for the afternoon. We spent most of the afternoon playing some basketball before John was called inside to baby-sit his younger brother so his mom could go shopping. We said our goodbyes to him promising to hang out again over the weekend. We both needed a shower after our exertions playing basketball so we headed to our own homes to clean up.

Before we left, we bumped fists and Tyler asked if I'd like to come over after dinner. I said it should be ok but I'd need to check with my mom first. As I walked inside, I saw Adam sitting on the sofa watching his afternoon cartoons. When I entered the kitchen his babysitter was at the sink washing some fruit for Adam to eat.

"Hi Jimmy, filling in for Julie again this week?"

"Yeah, she's got the flu or something." Jimmy said with a half smile on his face.

I hoped Julie knew how lucky she was to have a boyfriend like Jimmy who would baby-sit for her. Jimmy is 16, slender with brown hair and brown eyes. I think he plays basketball for St. Vincent School. I thought for a moment how good he looked today in his white t-shirt and shorts. He bent over the sink and for an instant I saw the waist band of his boxers. He wore Hanes boxers. My boyhood began to respond and turning away from Jimmy, I quickly adjusted it before grabbing a bottle of water on my way out of the kitchen. I ruffled Adam's hair as I walked up the stairs to grab a shower.

I threw off my clothes in the bathroom and turned on the shower. After spending all afternoon admiring the bodies of both John and Tyler I was feeling horny. I was beginning to really wonder if my attraction to these boys meant that I could be gay.

Jimmy had ordered a pizza while I was in the shower, so when I came downstairs I grabbed a couple slices and sat down to eat. I thanked Jimmy with a toothy grin and as we were eating I noticed how cute he was. Again I started to wonder whether finding all these guys cute lately meant I was gay.

Having eaten the pizza I then ran back upstairs to pack an overnight bag. It only took me a few minutes before I was ready to head out the door for Tyler's house. As I didn't know how long mom would be before she got home, I called her cell phone to ask if it was ok to stay the night at Tyler's. She told me that it was ok, but she'd come around later for a chat with Tyler's parents. After hanging up I grabbed my bag, said bye to Jimmy and Adam and headed out the door.

As I got closer Tyler's, I saw he was watching for me at his living room window. I was about to knock but before I could, the door opened and Tyler was smiling at me; welcoming me in. I said hello to his parents on our way upstairs to his room.

I threw my bag on the ground next to his bed and sat down. It was quite comfortable for a queen sized bed. I wondered if we'd be sharing it which both excited and scared me. I spent a few minutes just looking around. Tyler had a shelf of books, another of CDs and a computer.

"You wanna play some X-Box?" he asked and I nodded. He put on Halo Reach. I wasn't very familiar with it, or very good at it and that soon became quite apparent to Tyler. After about a half hour of playing, we switched to Burnout: Revenge. I was much better at this game and we played for about an hour. Our legs would touch ever so gently as we played, sending electrical charges through me, making me nervous. So I pulled away. Tyler didn't appear to notice though.

"Do you want to do something else? Maybe watch American Dad?"

"Yeah, I love that show." I said looking at Tyler in the eyes.

He flipped his flat screen TV back to TV mode and searched for American Dad. When he found it, it turned out to be a repeat I'd seen a bunch of times but it was still funny. After that was over, Family Guy came on. It was the one where Stewie went searching for his dad. We laughed quite a bit during it while laying on our stomachs.

During an commercial break Tyler went downstairs to get some drinks and came back with a few snacks as well. We finished the snacks and drinks off while watching the second half of Family Guy. When it finished Tyler looked over to me with a sheepish grin on his face and then spoke.

"Want to play twenty questions? I think it could help us get to know each other better."

"Sure, who's going to go first?"

"I'll start. Have you ever kissed anyone? And I don't mean family."

"No, have you ever kissed anyone?"

"I have."

"More than one?"


"So who did you kiss?"

"I kissed Alex and Chris." I couldn't believe it, was Tyler telling me he was gay?

"Um.... I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but were they boys or girls?"

"Oh shit, I didn't think of that. Ha. They were both girls. Sorry."

My heart dropped at Tyler's answer, I don't know what I had expected to happen between us, I mean I know I thought he was cute, but did I really feel more than that?

"So if you haven't kissed anyone, have you seen a girl naked?" Tyler asked.

"No, what about you?"

"Well yes and no, I have seen them naked in porn videos but I haven't seen any in person. Have you seen any porn before?"

"Yeah I`ve seen some online, but not in magazines. What porn have you seen?"

"My brother gave me some magazines and a couple of videos of his as a kind of private birthday present."

"He sounds cool."

"Yes and no, he can be a pain in the ass sometimes. He always thinks he knows everything coz he's older, but when he's home we do a lot of things together."

"So where is he now?"

"He's off at college."

"I have an older brother at college as well. So going back to the porn questions, if you haven't seen a girl naked, what about a boy?" Now I started to feel a little panicked, where was this going to go?

"Only in the locker rooms at school."

"What about jerking off? I'm guessing you do it?"

"Sure, what guy our age doesn't?"

"I don't think there is a single one who doesn't. What about seeing another guy with a boner?" My curiosity was definitely piqued now.

"No but I guess you've seen them in the porn from your brother."

"And in person." Holy crap, did I just imagine him saying that? "I walked in on my brother and his friend once, they were jerking off together. Afterwards he told me a lot of boys do it, and that it was perfectly normal."

"But isn't that kinda gay?"

"Not really it's just a couple of guys having fun."

"So have you done it with another guy?"

"I've jerked off with my best friend a couple of times."



"So what, you jerked yourselves off or each other?"

"We jerked ourselves off, we never considered doing each other."


"Would that be something you would want to do?"

"What's that?"

"Jerking off together?"

"" I didn't know what to say, on the one hand I really wanted to see what Tyler looked like naked, but I was also nervous about jerking off in front of him.

"It's ok if you don't want to, it's just that I was going to ask if you wanted to watch some of the porn he gave me, and well for obvious reasons, it makes me kinda horny when I watch it. But if you don't feel comfortable with it, I'm sure I can find something else we could watch."

"No it sounds alright to me." I hoped he didn't hear nervousness in my voice.

"Ok then, you get comfy on the bed and I'll put it on."

I rolled over onto my back and put my head on one of the pillows. Tyler turned the volume on the TV down so as not to attract the attention of his parents and placed the video into the player.

"So are you going to get undressed then?"

" hadn't thought about it."

"Well it does make it easier, besides I thought once we are finished jerking off, we could settle down under the covers watching a film before we go to sleep?"

"So I'm sleeping in here with you?" Could I really be sharing the bed with Tyler?

"Shit, sorry I meant to ask if you were alright sharing my bed, it's just that's what Ryan and I always did when he stayed over."

"I take it that Ryan is the best friend you had back in Buffalo?"

"Yeah. We'd spend a lot of time around each other's houses all the time."

"It's ok with me."

With that I got up off the bed and we both started to get undressed. My breath caught in my throat as Tyler took his shirt off. His skin was tanned and his pecs were starting to form, he also had a nice little six pack developing on his hairless frame. I was struggling to take my eyes off this perfect body in front of me. As Tyler took his shorts off I noticed he was tenting his boxer briefs and it seemed to be an impressive bulge.

I realized that I was still staring and started to take my clothes off. Tyler seemed to take a quick look as I took my shirt off, yet his gaze seemed to stay longer when I took my pants off and was standing in just my underwear just like him.

"Hey, there was something I just remembered. I sleep in the buff when it`s hot out, hope that's not a problem, I can put some shorts or something on if it is?"

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable, it is your bed after all. I normally sleep in shorts, but we can go commando if that's what you normally do."


Having sorted that out, we both sat on the bed and Tyler pressed play on the remote. I couldn't believe what I was doing. Not only was I lying on a bed with one of the hottest guys I had seen, I was actually going to see him shoot his load. I took my eyes off of the bulge in Tyler's undies and focused on the TV.

The video showed a woman and two men making out. What surprised me was that the two men would occasionally kiss each other.

"Ah.. um.. does this happen in straight porn? Coz it looks like those two guys want each other as much as they want her."

"It's not a strictly straight porn video. The two guys are bi. It does get kinda hot."

I didn't say anything else. The two guys on the video were hot so I just kept watching. I could feel my cock starting to react, I wasn't sure what I should do, I wanted to start stroking it, but I waited until Tyler made a move first. Just then I noticed Tyler move his left hand and start to rub the bulge. I watched him play with it for a few seconds before my own bulge started crying out for attention. I moved my right hand to massage it and bumped elbows with Tyler.


"No worries, are you right handed then?"


"It may be better then if we swap sides, that way we can use our normal hand without banging each other."

"Oh... ok." I was going to get up off the bed but Tyler stopped me.

"It's easier if I climb over you and you slide under me."


During our swap I felt Tyler's bulge brush against mine and I felt like I was going to shoot my load there and then. When we settled back down I thought that Tyler's bulge seemed to be bigger than before we moved. I tried to keep my attention on the video but it was no good. My mind wanted to watch Tyler. We continued massaging our cocks as we had before we moved.

I watched the video for a little and noticed that one of the men had the other's cock in his mouth while the woman was sucking on his. I couldn't believe I was watching this, it was really making me hard. Just then Tyler shifted, and as he moved he pulled his boxer briefs off. There was a nice patch of brown hairs just above his cock, his balls looked like they were hairless. I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. He was perfect. His cock was stunning and as I was looking at it, the thought of sucking on it, like the guy in the video, came into my mind. At that point, I didn't care if that meant I was gay or not, all I knew was I wanted to suck on that cock.

I thought that as Tyler had taken his boxers off I should do the same, although I was nervous about it, especially as I wasn't as developed as he was. It felt better when my boxers were off. I couldn't tell if Tyler had looked at mine as closely as I had his.

The video changed scenes and one of the men was fucking the woman while she was giving the other a blowjob. Tyler started to slowly stroke his cock this little bit of movement was making me throb. I started to stroke my cock as well. The scene on the video changed again, this time the guy who had been getting the blowjob was now moving up behind the guy fucking the woman and was trying to penetrate his ass.

Tyler started to stroke faster and I noticed his balls seemed to tighten and then he shot his load with a cry. A few globes of spunk landed on his stomach with one landing just below his belly button. That was enough to send me over the edge. I shot more then than I had ever shot. Mine landed mostly around the belly button although one drop did manage to make it up as far as my chest.

After a few seconds recovering, Tyler leaned over me to get the tissues so we could both clean ourselves up. As he leaned over me our stomachs touched, this sent electricity through my body, it also caused some of the spunk we had both shot to spread over each other.

When he had cleaned up Tyler got up and turned the video off giving me a look at his arse. He had two little dimples just at the bottom of his back and two perfect buns. Tyler picked up a DVD off the shelf and put it on before switching the light off and coming back to the bed.

"We can stay on top of the covers for a while if you want it's still quite warm." I couldn't believe it, I was still going to take a few glances of his gorgeous body.


I think I spent more time watching Tyler's cock than the movie. When the film finished Tyler got up, switched everything off and we both got into bed.

Next: Chapter 3

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