Stronger Than He Knows

By Aaron Saxon

Published on Jan 11, 2012


This story cannot be duplicated or copied without the writers consent, me. Also if you are under 18, you should probably not be reading this, but as I can't stop you, please enjoy this little tale of mine.

There was sunlight filtering through my window as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and turned towards my bedside alarm clock. The time was 7:15 am.

David, you're going to be late for school if you don't get up now." I heard my mom yell from downstairs.

I got out of bed and threw my bed clothes off before I went down the hall to the bathroom. I quickly emptied my bladder and turned the knobs of the shower on, adjusting the temperature so it was nice and hot. I rubbed my sore neck for a few moments as I stepped into the hot shower. I let the steam overtake me as I looked down to my hard-on. I wanted so badly to take care of it, but being short on time I couldn't. It was a fast shower. I washed my hair quickly with the shampoo my brother and I shared and then lathered myself up with the body wash that was nearby.

I toweled myself dry and as I was brushing my teeth. I stood looking at myself in the mirror. I knew I wasn't much to look at yet, but I had some muscle tone beginning to show on my stomach, as well as some curly dirty blonde hairs that had started coming in over the summer just above my cock. They matched my hair color perfectly. I was proud of it, even if my armpits remained mostly hairless.

I threw the towel around my waist and headed back to my room to get dressed. Despite the fact that I was running short on time, I still wanted to look good for school, so I went in search of my favorite clothes. I rummaged through my dresser drawer for a pair of boxer briefs, and putting them on noticed they really hugged my package and ass nicely. At the back of my closet, I found a pair of blue jeans and threw them on. I then pulled out a shirt that had a bunch of different splashes, well slashes really of color on it. After I threw on a pair of white ankle socks and my tennis shoes, I ran down to the kitchen.

Mom had a pop tart waiting for me and was about to head out the door with my younger brother Adam before she left for work. I grabbed the pop tart from her and after I wolfed it down, I headed down the street towards the bus stop. When it arrived I got on quickly and sat down.

As the bus pulled into the Jefferson High School parking lot, it dawned on me that I was going to be at the bottom of the heap this year as a ninth grader. I began to frown as I thought about how lonely being at the bottom would feel again.

I didn't have much time to see who all the newbie's were, so I made a bee line for the office for my schedule. The grey haired lady behind the desk said that all ninth graders were to go to the auditorium for orientation. I was thankful that it was a short assembly where we got our schedules and were dismissed on our way about 9:05 am.

Imagine the chaos of 150-200 ninth graders all trying to run out at the same time. I just held back, chuckling to myself about how we all wanted to leave at the same time. After the herd had thinned, I made my way out and to a Ms. Schmidt's homeroom. I entered and saw that most of the seats were taken, but I found one towards the back of the room and seized it.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. Ms. Schmidt excused herself and answered the door. After a short conversation in the hall, she re-entered with a boy by her side. A few of the girls started giggling and whispering to each other and I was just staring but quickly diverted my gaze before he noticed.

Ms. Schmidt told him to go sit next to me. I suddenly got very nervous, but didn't know why. She took roll and for the remaining 15 minutes of homeroom she allowed us to chat amongst ourselves. This dark haired boy, who I now saw had beautiful sapphire blue eyes to match his gorgeous dark brown locks, and a few freckles along the bridge of his nose, introduced himself as Tyler Mayes. His hair wasn't too long or too short, it was just perfect on him and done in a messy style.

I told him my name was David McKenna. I have dirty blonde hair and green eyes with flecks of brown in them. With the remaining few minutes, we looked at each others schedules to compare classes. We discovered we had four classes and the same lunch period together. How lucky I felt as I smiled inwardly that I got to see this boy so often in my day. As quickly as that thought had come, I began to get scared about what I was feeling for this boy. The bell rang signaling the end of homeroom before I could ponder it further. I shoved the thought to the back of my mind and headed for the door with my bag. Tyler and I bumped fists as we headed in different directions, he went to English as I went to Science.

I sat quietly for the majority of Science. I decided after a while to doodle a landscape scene in the back of one of my notebooks. I was lost in thought, when suddenly a paper airplane hit me in the shoulder. I picked it up and unfolded it on my desk. There was only one word on the paper, 'FAG'. I looked up but I couldn't see who had thrown the airplane. I didn't even know if the plane or note were meant for me, so I just scrunched it up and threw it into the bin near my seat.

The bell rang suddenly breaking me from my thoughts. I grabbed my bag and left the room heading towards Social Studies where I knew I'd see Tyler again. I still didn't understand why I was getting excited about that. I caught myself just as I was about to walk into a pole. This elicited some snickers from a few girls that were in the hall. I blushed but ran quickly before I was late.

I was the last one into the Social Studies room. I made it to my seat just as the teacher turned around. Tyler shot me a big grin as I sat down. The teacher introduced himself as Mr. Avery. He took roll and then told the class he was going to hand out a work sheet to see what we knew before he began teaching. We all groaned. Everyone went silent when his face went all serious, as he passed out the work sheet. After he was finished passing them out, he said he would allow us to work in pairs if we promised to be quiet. Tyler and I looked at each other and knew we wanted to work together.

We moved our desks together and got down to work. We both found the questions easy and finished quickly. I grabbed Tyler's paper along with mine and took them to Mr. Avery. He thanked me and said that we were the first ones to finish. He whispered to me that as long as we kept it down Tyler and I could continue to talk until the end of class. I thanked him and headed back to my seat. With the remaining time, Tyler told me that he had just moved here from Buffalo with his mother and father and younger brother Nathan. As I was gonna ask him how he was settling into school the bell rang. Tyler and I stayed seated for a few more minutes to let the crowd thin, before we gathered our book bags and headed to our lockers. We found that they were only a few spaces apart. Another happy coincidence I thought to myself. All the lockers were painted red and came with combination locks.

After dumping my book bag in my locker, I turned and noticed that Tyler was having problems with his so I offered to help. He told me his combination and within a few seconds I had the lock popped. He thanked me and he stuffed his book bag in and headed off to the lunch room. As we were walking down the hall, our arms lightly touched which made us both quickly back off and then blush at each other.

When we were a few steps from the cafeteria, we heard someone whisper "fags" under their breath, but we shrugged it off and got in the lunch line. The first day's lunch consisted of square pizza slices, french fries and a choice of mashed potatoes or green beans. We both opted for pizza, fries, green beans and a carton of chocolate milk.

We picked an empty table towards the back of the lunch room. They weren't like the round ones I was used to from Elementary, they were dining tables like what you'd find at home with six chairs around them.

We sat down and began to eat our food. After a few minutes of silence, I spoke up. "So what type of music are you into?"

"Um...I like Rock and some Pop."

That got me thinking for a moment. "Do you like Disturbed and Evanescence?"

"I like them both." Tyler acknowledged, pointing to the Disturbed t-shirt I'd failed to notice he was wearing. I blushed at that moment and scratched the back of my head with my index finger, feeling like an idiot. He gave me a reassuring smile, showing off his pearly white teeth and that instantly put me at ease.

Before we went back to eating, I asked him if he liked Lady Gaga or Taylor Swift also. It turned out we liked both. We smiled at each other at having these few things in common. We wolfed down the rest of our lunch and finished just in time to hear the bell ring telling us it was time to go. We dumped our empty trays and again bumped fists on our way out of the cafeteria. This time Tyler had Science and I had English.

When I got to English, the first thing the teacher Mrs. Bradford did was pass out a sheet of what the course work would be like for the first semester. This included what books we would read, what types of course work was required and when everything would be due. She was very organized, but said that none of this would start until next week, since this was a partial week for us.

When she was done lecturing about the coursework, she allowed us to converse amongst ourselves. I only knew a couple girls and a few boys in the class, but I wasn't really friends with any of them so I kept to myself. One boy I'd never seen before caught my eye as I looked towards the front of the room but quickly turned away when I saw him look my way.

As the bell rang again ending the period, I gathered my things and headed for gym class. When I got there, Tyler was waiting for me on the benches with the other boys. I quickly scanned the faces of the other boys in the class, I couldn't say I knew any of them, but I noticed that a few of them appeared to be older than Tyler and I. Coach Rogers said that since we wouldn't be getting our gym uniforms until next week, that we could do what we wanted. After the quick talk from the Coach, he said we could just talk amongst ourselves.

"Hey, David, what's up?" Tyler asked turning towards me.

"Nothing much." I said as I looked around the room again and noticed that there were quite a few cute boys in gym. I thought to myself, "Am I gay?" as my eyes locked on this cute boy with sandy blonde hair and green eyes. He caught me looking, but just smiled at me. I blushed and looked away embarrassed. I turned back to Tyler and looked straight into his sapphire blue eyes. A few moments later he said, "Earth to David," waving his hand in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry." I said being brought out of my trance. Whatever this was I was feeling, it made me nervous and happy at the same time.

"It's time to go." Tyler told me as the bell rang.

Last period of the day was a study period for Tyler and me. Tyler was the first to arrive in study hall and found a table in the back. When I entered, he motioned for me to come over. I walked over and sat down.

We just talked quietly about how classes were, typical response, "boring." and talked a bit more about the music we liked. We each liked "Forever And Always", "Jump Then Fall" and "The Way I Loved You" by Taylor Swift as well as "Born This Way" and "Edge of Glory" by Lady GaGa. We also liked "Everybody's Fool" and "What You Want" by Evanescence. A few minutes later the final bell of the day rang out.

"I'm so glad this day is over," I said to Tyler as we were heading to our lockers and then for the front doors and to the buses for the ride home. He nodded in agreement.

As is typical, the bus was full of rowdy teenagers all talking over each other as we entered. Luckily, we were able to find an empty seat in the back. We had barely sat down, when a boy I knew from middle school named Marco came up to us and said, "You better move fags, this is my seat."

I was ready to get up and let Marco have the seat but before I could say or do anything, Tyler spoke up, "I don't see your name on this seat, so you'd better step the fuck off!" He instantly became my hero. I covered my mouth as I chuckled seeing Marco's face turn red with anger. The bus driver saw what was going on and said that we'd better knock it off.

"This isn't over, fags," Marco said. Then he shoved a kid over and sat down across the aisle from us. The rest of the ride home was subdued to say the least, which was just fine by me. But every so often Marco would look over and glare at us. Tyler would just glare back, I on the other hand, just looked down. When we got to my stop, Tyler got his stuff and stood up with me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I live on this street." He responded back.

"Wow, that's cool." I said.

It turned out Tyler lived four houses down from me on the other side of the street. It was a yellow house with white shutters and a white picket fence. Mine was similar, except for the color that is, ours was blue and had no shutters on it. Before we said our goodbyes, we exchanged phone numbers and made plans to hang out. We bumped fists again and headed on our ways.

I was so glad to be home and away from Marco. When I got to the front door, I got my key out and went in. I threw my book bag down next to the stairs and headed towards the kitchen for a snack.

I grabbed a soda and headed upstairs to my room. When I got there, I plopped myself down on my soft queen sized bed and laid back. I started to think back on the day when a tear escaped my eyes and fell down and hit my pillow. I was feeling scared and confused about that note. I curled up in a ball and fell asleep.

I spent the next couple of hours this way, until Adam came upstairs, knocked on my door waking me from a nap and told me that mom wanted me to get washed up for dinner. Mom had to get take-out because she had a late client. Dad wouldn't be joining us because he had to work late. Being a corporate lawyer really sucked because we almost never got to see him, but it did provide us with a nice house and nice things. I missed him being there and I hoped it would change soon.

I didn't eat much at dinner and when I thought enough time had passed, I asked if I could be excused. My mom said it was fine. I took my plate into the kitchen and then headed up the stairs once more to my room. I settled in and decided to surf the internet for a bit until I came upon a gay porn site. I still wasn't ready to admit I might be gay, but I was intrigued so I clicked on the link and was rewarded with pages of hot guys going at it.

After a few clicks, I found one that looked interesting, the guys were hot and my cock responded. I decided to take care of my now throbbing cock before going to bed. I unbuttoned my blue jeans and lifting my butt a bit off the chair, pulled them down along with my boxers to my knees, freeing my cock and mostly hairless balls to air. When the air first hit my balls, it sent a shiver through my body. I took a hold of my boyhood with my middle finger, index finger and thumb and began to rub up and down it enjoying the sensations. Soon I had my eyes closed and my thoughts went to Tyler with the sounds of the two guys on screen bringing me to orgasm.

I was panting hard and after a couple of minutes, my breathing became more normal. I cleaned myself up with my the t-shirt I was wearing and quickly went to the bathroom to relieve my bladder, before going back to my room and stripping down, and jumping into bed and going to sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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