Stripping for Punishment

By moc.loa@5562B

Published on Mar 26, 2002


Stripping for Punishment - Part 2 by Terry

My body weight was resting on my toes, and my calf and thigh muscles were taut with the effort of supporting myself. I flexed my ass cheeks in silent defense of the inevitable, as the coach tightened his grip on my leg.

Whack! Whack! Whack! Whack!

There was no preparation for the searing pain coursing across my clenched bottom. I swear I saw stars and flames all at the same time. If the coach hadn't had a firm grip on me, I would have fallen off his lap and onto the floor. I clenched my teeth together with all my might to keep from screaming. Hot flames were licking at my bottom, and I couldn't hold still. My whole body twisted and turned in reflex. I sucked in huge gasps of air as I tried to steady myself.

That's when I felt it. There was a powerful stirring in my cock. The coach still held me by my boy cock, which somehow remained hard as steel. He was using my natural lubrication to stroke and twist at my hardon. The pain had been so intense I had quite forgotten he had a grip on my dick. I was surprised to realize that the sound coming from my throat was a moan of pleasure.

"That's right, lad. Concentrate on the pleasure in your cock. You took those last strokes like the brave boy I knew you could be. Now just accept your reward. We're going to make your cock feel better than ever before. You deserve this."

His sexy talk played tricks with my brain. I no longer felt waves of stinging pain all across my ass. Instead, my mind and body were flooded with unspeakable pleasure. The coach continued to squeeze, stroke and twist my slick boy cock. Just then I knew I had crossed a threshold from which there was no return. I knew I was about to become addicted to this impossible merger of pleasure and pain.

The sound of the creaking floorboards made me look up with a start. I had forgotten that the headmaster was still in the room, much less that he had been the source of five powerful blasts to my bottom. He strode over and stopped right in front of me. I was staring at his feet. But it was the coach, who never stopped stimulating my cock, who spoke.

"Aren't you forgetting something, lad? Have you quite forgotten your manners, boy?"

What in blazes was he talking about? All I could think of was the coach's hot strokes on my cock. I was consumed with waves of agonizing pleasure.

My eyes traveled from the headmaster's feet up his long legs, but stopped at the sight of the paddle still held menacingly in his right hand. But what startled me was that his left hand trembled as it clutched and pawed at his crotch.

"Go ahead, boy. Thank your headmaster for your punishment. Let's hear some sincere words of gratitude."

The coach had to be crazy! There was no way I was going to do any such thing. Gratitude and thanks were the farthest things from my mind. The headmaster had bruised and battered my butt with unexpected ferocity. And it had turned the bastard on.

But the coach didn't get an opportunity to force the issue, as just then the paddle fell from the headmaster's grip and clattered to the floor. The next thing I heard was the footsteps of the headmaster rushing down the stairs and out the door.

The coach chuckled as his right hand let go of my leg and started smoothing and stroking my flaming ass cheeks. His voice became softer and more intimate as he cooed words of encouragement.

"Sorry, lad. This scene must have been too much for the old fellow. He's probably going to have to take care of some problems of his own right about now, matters that are best performed in private. Just try to relax now. You need to get better control of yourself before we continue."

The coach stopped stroking my boy cock and just held it in a firm grasp. His attentions were directed to my reddened bottom, which he patted and stroked with lazy motions. His hand felt like heaven as it tamed the sparks still tingling all across my battered buttocks.

"That's right. Take some deep breaths and hold still for me. Be a good boy, now. Make me proud of you."

His words worked their own seduction on my brain and lulled me into blind obedience. It was becoming clear that I would do whatever this man demanded of me.

"Spread your legs a bit farther, now. That's right, open up for me. Don't be shy. We need to see any areas that have escaped punishment, because I intend to be quite thorough. You'll have an evenly punished bottom when we're through with you today."

His palm felt its way all over my ass, stroking its way up to my waist and then back down over my cheeks and all the way down to the tops of my thighs. I trembled at his impossibly erotic touch.

"There, there, lad. Steady now. Just relax and rest your weight on my lap."

I melted onto his lap and felt my leaking cock press hard against the scratchy fabric of his trousers. Now both of his hands carried out their sexy ministrations on my reddened behind, which was slick with sweat. I was half crazed with the pleasure of it.

The coach's hands tugged at my thighs, pushing them farther and farther apart. I felt cool air licking about my boy hole, which clenched open and shut at this unexpected exposure. His hands gripped my cheeks firmly and spread them wide apart, revealing even more of my ass for his intimate inspection. Just then he flicked at my hole with his index finger, and I jumped in surprise.

"Okay, lad. You're going to have to help me out here. Reach back and spread those cheeks for me. I want to be able to see all of you."

I choked back a sob as my hands went about their assigned task. My sex-drugged brain didn't even consider resisting him.

As one hand stroked lazily across my back and sides, the other probed around the opening of my boy hole. He pressed his thumb against the clenched opening and asserted steady pressure, but not enough to enter me just yet. I continued to pull and stretch my cheeks wide apart, reveling in this unaccustomed attention.

"Yes, lad. This is the nerve center of all your cravings. You can feel it opening up to me. It is my intention to make you recognize the full extent of your need. We can already feel your ass lips throbbing with excitement. Once we train your ass thoroughly, you'll be crazed with desire for regular punishment sessions. But as we expand your limits and endurance, we'll extend your rewards in equal measure. I can already see that your boy bottom is horny for discipline. The more you can learn to take, the greater the sexual rewards. And before you know it, the pain of punishment and the pleasure of sex will merge into one. And you'll become addicted. You'll soon be completely out of control with need for this treatment."

My heart was pounding as the impact of his words sank in. I knew he was right, and the realization scared me.

"But first we need to get back to the task at hand. What you need now is a long, slow hand spanking to warm you up for the main event. I intend to introduce you to the punishment strap, and it will be impossible for you to endure it without proper preparations. So take hold of my leg and the chair bottom, boy. And brace yourself for the spanking of your life. Just because I'm only using my hands doesn't mean this will be easy."

Suddenly I'm worried. I know this is no veiled threat. But I'm also determined to be brave for the coach to show him I'm worth all this time and attention.

The coach places a strong hand under my quivering stomach and lifts my ass higher and higher until I'm stretched and balanced on my tiptoes once more.

"That's right, lad. Up we go. But I want your legs spread apart as far as possible. Yes, that's it. Now just concentrate on staying in place. No thrashing about. You're beyond that, boy. Show me what you're made of."

I clenched my eyes shut and let out a soft moan. I felt a tear trickle its way down my cheek and onto the floor. This was the real thing. This was the point of no return.

-- to be continued.

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