Stripping for Punishment

By moc.loa@5562B

Published on Mar 11, 2002


Stripping for Punishment - Part 1 By Terry

Scott was in trouble again, the third time this semester. He has been ordered to appear at the headmaster's office at one o'clock this afternoon, and he was nervous as hell. Scott had a slim, muscular build, with short cropped dark blond hair. He appeared just on time, dressed as expected in his school uniform, consisting of snug trousers, shiny black shoes, white shirt, blue and yellow rep tie. All standard issue. The headmaster himself answered the door and ushered Scott inside. Scott had expected the headmaster to be alone, but there was a handsome man who appeared to be about 30 years old sitting in a wing chair by the fire. He gave Scott a warm smile and stood up for an introduction.

The headmaster was shockingly abrupt. "This is Coach Becker. He's going to take charge of your punishment today. And I've told him it's to be all on the bare."

Scott's eyes popped and his jaw dropped. "But Sir! O please, sir. He's a complete stranger to me," he argued.

"Don't question me, boy. I haven't been able to get through to you lately. I think our new swim team coach has enough strength to make quite an impression on your misbehaved bottom. Now get yourself to the punishment room as usual. And don't dawdle, boy."

Scott blushed furiously. He couldn't believe this. The new swim coach all the guys were talking about was going to punish him and see his naked bottom. Scott knew he would just about die of humiliation. Besides, he was far too old for bare bottomed punishment. He knew that some of the younger ones still got it that way, but the headmaster was nearing the age of retirement and could no longer pack much of a wallop. The boys had little to fear when threatened with corporal discipline, and some of the others actually joked that they rather enjoyed the old perv stroking their stinging buttocks after a so-called punishment spanking.

Scott went upstairs and crossed to the window to close the shutters. He would be mortified if anyone else were to witness this activity. Scott nervously eyed the collection of punishment implements already set out on the tabletop. He couldn't help but notice that the wide leather strap and thin wooden paddle were amongst them. Scott was not a stranger to their smarting effectiveness, although the headmaster usually stopped at a hand spanking. He simply didn't have the strength to carry on these days.

Scott heard the men talking downstairs, then broke into a sweat as he heard them ascending the stairs. He looked up nervously as the two men entered the room. The headmaster took a seat on the sofa, but the coach continued to approach him, extending his hand to the boy. Scott lifted a trembling arm and shook the coach's hand. Coach Becker's grip was firm with youthful strength. Scott realized he probably had a lot to be afraid of.

"There, there, boy. I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. A healthy young lad such as yourself should be able to take anything I can dish out. You look like the brave, stoic type. Am I right about you?"

Shit! This was going to be a nightmare. Scott was unable to answer and just stood there with his mouth open.

"Come on, boy. You've felt the strap before, haven't you? The authorities around here haven't been doing their job good and proper if you lads aren't on familiar terms with paddles and straps. Regular doses of corporal discipline build character and respect don't you agree?"

Scott was speechless! Was this guy for real? His bottom was already twitching at the prospect of what was about to transpire.

Coach Becker looked over at the headmaster and said, "Well, I think we're about ready. No reason I can see for further delay. Shall I proceed with the punishment?"

The headmaster gloated. "Of course you may. He's been in here twice already this semester. He really needs for you to make an indelible impression. I don't seem to have been able to make any difference in his behavior."

Coach Becker turned to face me. "Is this true, boy? Have you failed to learn to obey all rules around here? Even with the headmaster's personal encouragement?"

"I'm well, I'm sorry, Sir." My voice trembled. My throat was dry, and my tongue felt thick in my mouth. I knew I was really in for it.

"OK, boy. Here's the deal. Fetch the strap and paddle off the table over there and bring them to me. And make it snappy. We're going to commence with your punishments straight away."

I raced across the room to the table and gathered up the strap and paddle. I did not intend to give the new coach further motivation to punish me.

I hurried back into place and stood facing the coach, holding the instruments of punishment in my trembling hands. They felt heavy and menacing.

Coach Becker took both implements from me and held them up for inspection. He twirled the paddle around several times, and checked all surfaces for any blemishes.

"A bit thin, I'm afraid, but I think I'll be able to do something worthwhile with it." He turned to hand the paddle to the headmaster. "We won't be needing this just yet." He doubled over the strap and swatted it against his own palm. "Now this is more like it. I'll bet I can really make your ass snap to attention with this. I see the leather has been recently oiled, too. You should be thankful your headmaster is a stickler for detail. This will do nicely. But first, we need to make slight adjustments in your uniform. Take off your shoes, boy."

I bent over nervously to remove the heavy leather shoes.

The coach chuckled at my nervousness. He knew he had me.

"Now turn around, lad. Let's have a look at your back side." I gulped audibly as I turned to face the window. "Lock your fingers behind you neck, boy. We want to keep your hands up and out of the way."

My God, what sort of perverted scene did he have in mind? My heart was thumping loudly in my chest as I hastened to follow his orders.

"That's right. Now spread your feet apart for us. Show us what we have to work with."

I felt like just racing out of the room and fleeing from these tormentors while I still had a chance. But I knew I'd just make it more difficult on myself. I planted my feet far apart and could feel my knees start to tremble.

"Very good, boy. Your nice firm bottom will be quite an inspiration for both of us. I'm going to make sure this in an unforgettable experience for you. I'm going to be quite thorough, you see. I intend to make a lasting impression."

Coach Becker walked around to face me and clasped one hand my shoulder while stroking my cheek with his other hand. He lifted my chin so that I was staring directly into his face. Our eyes met, and he gave me a sexy smile. "Not to worry, lad. It won't be too bad. I'll not give you an ounce more than you deserve. But first we need to get rid of this shirt and tie." His fingers went about their business, and my tie was off and placed onto the bed. Next he unbuttoned the top three buttons of my shirt and stopped short.

"What's this, boy? No undershirt! It is my understanding that undershirts are part of the regulation uniform at this school." He glanced over at the headmaster. "Am I right?"

"Of course you are, coach. This lad just shows no respect for our rules and regulations. Never has since he first came here."

Coach Becker stared right into my eyes, his look all seriousness. "Sorry to hear about that, lad. It seems you're intent on making things more difficult for yourself." He turned me ninety degrees so that I was in full profile to the headmaster. His hands patted my sides from my armpits down to my waist. My shirt gaped open, and the coach stared at my bare chest and nips, which hardened as they scratched against the starched fabric of my shirt. "But that's OK. I'm sure we'll find a way to correct a sour attitude. After all, I'm known for my resourcefulness." His fingers worked on the remaining buttons of my shirt until he reached my belt. He tugged at the buckle and opened the clasp. Next he opened the top button of my trousers and pulled up and out, exposing the rest of my shirt tail. He told me to shuck the shirt, and I quickly slipped it off my shoulders and tossed it onto the bed. Cool air washed all over my torso, and I shivered in response.

"Steady boy. We're just getting started."

His bare hands began to stroke and pat my naked shoulders, working their way down and across my hard pecs and tight six pack. My boy nips hardened even more as he tweaked them with his fingertips. "It seems you take good care of yourself, boy. I like that. Shows you're not a total loss." His hands felt electric as they continued to explore my muscled body. "Very nice indeed."

My entire torso was now covered in a light sheen of sweat as I nervously stood before my tormentor. "I think we'll have these trousers off now."

I looked down as he fumbled with the zipper of my trousers. My cock started to twitch and come to life as he slowly pulled the zipper down. The tops of my trousers flapped open, and I was embarrassed that my swollen cock was completely visible inside my tight white briefs. "Not to worry, lad. No cause for embarrassment. It'll help you endure what we're about to experience here. You're going to be a better man for it."

Now I was really scared as I realized I was responding sexually to the way he was handling me. Especially with the headmaster sitting right in the room. How humiliating!

"Let's step out of those trousers, now. Come on lad, don't be shy."

I bent awkwardly to remove the trousers. I placed them on the bed alongside my shirt and tie and stood back up to face him. I felt my briefs tightening as the bulge in the front pressed hard against the cotton fabric.

"Excellent. You'll find you have nothing to worry about when you are obedient and respectful. You have the makings of a fine fellow. You just need a little personal guidance."

He reached out and cupped my balls in his hand and gave a light squeeze. I couldn't believe it. Right in front of the headmaster! My cock stood up at full mast. I couldn't help myself. Coach Becker glanced over at the headmaster and said, "Anything off limits here? Any rules I should know about?"

The headmaster was staring right at my throbbing crotch. The old perv! "Of course not, coach. That's why I brought you into this. Do whatever you think it will take to turn this boy around. He comes to us from a fine home, and it's our responsibility to get him back on track."

"Fine," said the coach. "No reason to delay then. Let's get those fingers locked behind your head again, boy. And turn around and face the window."

I rushed to obey. I was happy to turn away from their eyes on my throbbing cock. It really was most humiliating.

I gasped as I felt the coach's hands reach out and pat my buttocks. He rubbed all over the hard surface of my bottom, and I had to spread my legs a bit to steady myself.

"That's right, son. Just follow your natural instincts. Spread those cheeks for us. Show us what you've got."

God, his bold, sexy talk was turning me on. Part of me was afraid, but part of me wanted his hands all over me. His grip and smooth strokes sent shivers and sparks all across my butt. And my cock just throbbed harder. I was already leaking big time.

But the coach was in no hurry. He continued to examine my ass cheeks and traced along the edges of my tight briefs. "We'll soon have these off, you know. I intend for you to be completely bare for your punishments. Your headmaster assures me that this a tradition of long standing at this school. Are you accustomed to being punished on the bare?"

"Oh yes, Sir! We're sometimes punished on our naked bottoms."

"Glad to hear it. It seems this school has some fine traditions."

With that, the coach slapped me hard right on my buttocks. I flinched at the unexpected force. The briefs offered little protection, and I feared for what I was in for once they came off.

But instead of another swat, the coach commenced stroking my butt, inching his palms under the edges of my briefs. Both hands were now completely inside my underwear, making slow circling motions all over my ass. I moaned with the pleasure of his touch.

"Yes, boy. Stay with me now and just enjoy it. Your smooth cheeks and my hands were just made for each other. Don't flight it. Just be glad a bloke such as myself came along with the intentions of setting you on the right path. There's so much to teach you."

I heard the headmaster clear his throat from across the room. I couldn't believe the coach was being this intimate with me in front of the headmaster. Coach Becker had no shame!

But I didn't care. I wanted his strong hands to continue this sexy caress. He reached his arms around me and his hands pressed against my hardon. I had to brace myself to keep from backing into him, but he didn't let go. He was shameless as he squeezed my cockhead through the damp front of my briefs. He nuzzled my ear and spoke softly, "You are obviously excited at the prospect of being stripped naked for punishment. You are completely erect and leaking."

I couldn't deny it. My young cock had never been harder.

He let go of his hold on my crotch and placed his hands on my sides right at the hip. My heart was pounding so hard I was sure he could hear it. Then he tugged at the top of my briefs, pulling them lower and lower until they caught on my hard cock. I squirmed at the discomfort, but he kept pulling my shorts lower and lower. Finally they cleared my crotch, and my cock bounced up and smacked against my hard stomach muscles, splattering pre-cum everywhere. I was sure the coach noticed.

Just then Coach Becker stepped aside and offered the headmaster an unobstructed view of my bare bottom with my briefs bunched up and clinging just below my ass cheeks. The coach placed a hand on my shoulder and turned me around until I was facing the headmaster. My throbbing cock danced uncontrollably as I lowered my eyes in shame. The coach kept his hand on my shoulder as he looked over at the headmaster and said, "Does this lad always get so excited before punishment?"

I could have died of embarrassment. A tear began a slow trickle down my cheek. The coach patted my bare bottom and said, "Buck up, lad. A hard cock never lies. And no need for tears yet. They'll come freely enough when we really get started in on punishing your ass. Now let's get you completely bare. Step out of those shorts for us."

I was actually shaking as I bent to pull my briefs down and off. As I stood back up Coach Becker reached out and squeezed the head of my leaking cock. "You should be proud of that, boy. It's what we men are all about." He flashed a knowing smile and patted my bottom lovingly. "Now let's get down to business."

He led me over to a chair that was always standing in the center of the room. I was a little wobbly, but I managed to do his bidding. But instead of making me lean over it, he seated himself and pulled me face down over his lap. My cock pressed hard into his firm thighs, and I was afraid my leaking cock would make a mess of his scratchy trousers. I tried my best not to squirm, but I was fearful for what was coming.

Coach called out to the headmaster, "Please bring the paddle over here for us. I want you to show me how you have treated this backside in the past. I need to know what you have taught him so far."

I was mortified! I was to remain stretched over the coach's lap while the headmaster paddled me? The headmaster hadn't paddled me in years. He was usually completely exhausted after a hand spanking. But I heard his footsteps approaching as the coach steadied me with his strong hands. He reached under my stomach and pulled up, gesturing for me to raise my naked behind. "Up a little higher, lad. We don't want the headmaster to miss his target." I complied immediately by raising myself up on tiptoes and lifting my ass higher for punishment. It was as if the coach had me hypnotized. He tousled my hair and said, "Better get a firm grip on my legs, lad. This is going to be difficult."

It seemed that time stopped right then. There was not a sound in the room save for my panting and the squeaking of the chair as I settled in for my punishment. This pause was awkward, and I fought back a sob as the coach's hands stroked and soothed my long legs and raised bottom.

"He's a bit skittish, but I think he's about ready for it," the coach said to the headmaster. "It's time we begin."

My heart was pounding, and I clenched my cheeks in defense of the swats to come. After what seemed an eternity, I head the unmistakable swish of the paddle streaking through the air. The first stroke landing full force across my unprotected bottom.

A fire immediately broke out on my right ass cheek. My whole body twisted in reflex, trying to pull away from the pain, but I didn't cry out. My God! How could this old guy hit with such force?

But the coach held firm and pulled me back into place. "Be still now, lad. And don't thrash around so. We've just begun and have miles to go yet. You're going to have to be brave for me. Make us proud of you, boy. We're only giving you what you deserve. Now take a strong brace and lift back up for the second one."

I choked back a sob as I grabbed onto the coach's legs and raised my ass even higher than before. I wanted desperately to please this man. One of his hands sought out my cock and grasped the entire length of my erection, while the other smoothed its way down my legs and came to rest on the back of my knee.

Coach Becker spoke to the headmaster in a calm and dispassionate voice. "Let's have four of your best, now. Full strength and without any pause."

The coach gave my throbbing cock a firmer squeeze and gripped my leg with his other hand. My heart leapt up, and I braced with all my strength as I prepared to enter into agony.

  • to be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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