Stripper Sam

By Andrew Catral

Published on Apr 16, 2015


Stripper Sam


This is a work of fiction. The characters depicted here don't mean who they are in real life. This is just a work of my imagination. The stories here depict sex between an older guy and a younger guy, also non-consensual sex. Also this story could contain unsafe sex. I am not promoting unsafe sex. It's just here to tickle the imagination. There are lots of diseases spreading like wildfire nowadays so barebacking is not the best option. An unsafe sex isn't worthy of your life. Be safe! Do not do this in real life. This is just fiction kiddos! F-I-C-T-I-O-N! OK! If you are not old enough to read stories like this you know the drill.

This story is based on Chord Overstreet's Glee character Sam Evans. The character that is Sam Evans is owned and made by Glee. I don't own that character. The story will revolve when his family was having financial problems and he resorted to stripping where he lost his virginity.

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Stripper Sam 7 : Studs Of The Ramp

Mike went straight to Sam's room as he got home from the grocery. "Hey, man!" greeted Mike to Sam who had just woken up after a long night of working at The Love Nut. "Someone came up to me in the grocery and handed me this" Mike said as he handed the piece of paper to Sam who looked at it with squinted eyes. "The guy said that I might like to join that and I thought that maybe instead of joining the contest could join it as well" Mike said hopefully.

"A Bikini contest?" Sam said questioningly.

"Uhmmm yeah. Well Although the money I'm making in the bar is good, this is another $5000 dollars man! and I need all the money I could get if I would like to go back to school soon.." Mike reasoned out. Sam could understand Mike's situation as he and his family was in the same one before he started working in The Love Nut. "Come on , Sam! The man at the grocery said that I have a shot at winning especially with my exotic Asian looks!" Mike said grinning while moving his eyebrows up and down.

"Ok! What the hell!" Sam said going back to bed. He thought that a bikini contest would be a walk in the park from the things he's doing in The Love Nut. "Cool! I knew I could always count on you, bro!" Mike said "The contest will be this Friday...Don't worry about Pierce I'll be the one who'll ask permission for the both of us" Mike continued hoping that Pierce would allow them both on the same night and especially on a Friday.

"Pierce?" Mike said as he entered his boss' office in The Love Nut. "Hmmm" Pierce replied as he saw one of his newest boys in the bar. "Oh Mike! Great you're here. I was wanting to talk to you! Come in!" Pierce said as Mike sat on a chair in front of his table. "What is it you want, young man?" Pierce asked "Well I would just like to ask permission for both me and Sam to skip work this Friday?" Pierce always have a full house every weekend especially Friday and Saturday nights so everyone works both nights. "Why? To be honest one of my very good patron is coming in just to see you, Mike" Pierce said as his brain was already calculating the money he would earn "I was invited to join a contest and the man said I had a huge chance of winning so I would like to try it and asked Sam to come with me as well to accompany me. Please...I promise I will make it up to you!" Mike pleaded.

Pierce knows an opportunity when he sees one so he quickly agreed to Mike's request "Ok. But it comes with a condition." Pierce looked Mike straight in the eye. "Say it" Mike said happily. "Do a Cherry Popping Night" Pierce said to a confused Mike. ""What's that?" "A special night here in The Love Nut. If you have any questions, you could come straight to me or you could ask Sam. He knows it first-hand."

Mike thanked Pierce as he left his office and went looking for Sam. He found Sam with the other guys being briefed by Divine as to their night's theme. He sat beside Sam and quickly asked him about the Cherry Popping Night. "Sam...Pierce agreed for us to take Friday off with the condition of me doing a Cherry Popping Night. I am really scared by the sounds of it and he told me that you have done it already. So is it what I think it is?" Mike asked Sam already prepared to hear his answer. "Yeah, man. I've done it already. It's not as bad as you think it is and besides I tell you it will be worth it and if you do it, you wouldn't really need to join that stupid fucking bikini contest." Sam answered leaving a baffled Mike sitting beside him. "So you fucked?" Mike then asked after a minute of stunned silence. "I did it for the money. For my family. After that night we slowly got back to our feet and I have been earning my own money now and not just that I am able to save money for not just mine but my sister's education." Sam stated not making a big deal out of it as he did not want Mike to look at him any different. "So what now? Are you going to do it?" Sam then asked "Well if you were able to do it, I think I could to and if you said the pay's worth it.." Mike trailed "But I still have to join that contest though" he added.

Sam looked at Mike confused as to why he still was adamnt in joining the contest. "What for? I already told you that you don't have to join that stupid contest" "The man had me sign a contract of me joining already and beside let's just do it for fun" Mike said. Sam just shook his head in defeat as he looked at Sam and then they continued listening to the briefing for the night's festivities.

After a few days, Sam found himself driving out of town with Mike in the passenger seat for the bikini contest they would be joining. Being first timers, they didn't know what to bring and prepare. They packed what they thought they would need but they would soon found out what they had were inadequate for the night.

They arrived in the place where the poster had told them but saw that it was a seedy looking bar. They just looked at each other and laughed at what they saw. As they went in the door, the tough looking muscular bouncer eyed them up and down and asked what their business was. They told him they are participants of the bikini contest and they were just rewarded with a huge smile as they were let in the bar.

"Heeeeeey!" the man greeted Mike as soon as he spotted Mike entering the bar. "Ooooh who do you have here?" the man asked looking Sam up and down. "Oh this is my friend Sam. I asked him to come with me and join the contest as well" "Oooh yeees! That would be great!" the man said as he took a form and had Sam fill it out and they were then guided to the backstage where they saw their fellow contestants and the men's gay handlers.

As soon as they entered the dressing room, all eyes were on them with lustful gazes. Mike felt a little uncomfortable even after working in The Love Nut for a couple of weeks but Sam didn't mind it at all. When they took their speedos out, one of the handlers beside them smiled at them and asked them. "Is it your first time?" he asked flirtatiously to which Mike and Sam answer with a nod. "It shows...the suits you have are kinda a giveaway to that." When they heard that they looked around the room and saw that every single participant was wearing skimpy and very revealing suits.

"You guys need to stand out to win. The more you perk up the interest of the judges, the higher your chances are of winning." the handler said as he handed Sam and Mike a couple of bikinis. "I have more than my boy here can borrow them and just return them after the contest" the handler continued as he got excited at the thought of sniffing the used bikinis afterwards.

Sam and Mike examined the bikinis they were given and was unsure how it could contain their teen cocks. As they were undressing, it seemed like the time in the room stopped and all eyes were studying their well defined teen bodies and as they put the suits on they saw how obscene it looked on them. Mike looked at Sam and snickered as he saw Sam wearing a leopard print one-sided bikini that showed a good portion of his blonde pubic hair while his cock and balls were covered by a thin white pouch with a couple of strings attached to it that connected at the back leaving his muscled ass exposed.

"You made me drive 4 fucking hours for this so you better win this! And you owe me big time for this!" Sam said elbowing Mike. "Well looking at our competitions here, looks like the man was telling the truth." Truth be told they could only spot two or three other participants who looked good in a bikini while the rest were still developing their bodies and still have that baby fats on some parts of their bodies.

"You will need this too" the handler beside them stated as he showed them a bottle of oil "Will make your muscles more defined under the lights." As Mike was about to take the bottle the handler took it back and offered his services to the young studs. "Why don't I help you guys out? I've been doing this for a long time now. I know just the right places to highlight" he said smiling sweetly. Mike just looked at Sam as they both know what the man was just after. Sam just nodded at Mike thinking it would be their thank you to the man for letting them borrow the suits they were wearing.

The man first oiled Mike's body which he did very slowly, making sure he touched every part of Mike's well-toned body. The man savored the hard teen muscles and got excited as he slowly oiled Mike's hard 6-pack abs. He also took his time oiling Mike's muscled ass but took a much longer time oiling the inside of Mike's thighs bumping Mike's thin clothed crotch a couple of times. The sensual touch made Mike's teen cock hard fully extending the pouch to its extent to the delight of the man. He could see Mike's cock and balls from the gap his throbbing erection had made.

The man then moved to Sam as he finished Mike's body while every single gay man on the room envied him. They also wanted to touch the young studs and as they watched the man focused his attention on the young tall blonde muscular man. As they looked at the toned Asian teen, they saw that the thin cloth pouch covering his boyhood molded to it like a second skin and also because of the oil it turned a transparent under the lights.

It took the man several minutes to fully work the oil on Sam's body after which earned him a thank you from both teen studs. Both Sam and Mike now have throbbing teen cocks with only little cloths covering their hardons. "I don't think we should go out there with these boys acting like these" Sam said with a laugh to Mike. The other handler on their other side heard Sam's comments and added his two cents "Actually, it is better if you go out there with a bit of a hardon...just look around. Look at that corner" he said as he pointed towards a handler `helping' his model by rubbing his crotch to an erection. "I bet the judges would get a heart attack when you walk the stage" he added as he nodded towards Mike and Sam's barely contained hardons. Mike's cock and balls could be seen on the side gap due to his throbbing teen cock while Sam's cock had stretched the tiny one-sided bikini fully.

After another minute of stretching and pumping their muscles, the host screamed that they will start in five minutes and that all the contestants should come out already. Together with the other contestants, Sam and Mike hurried out to the stage director give last minute directions.

The bar was packed with men and unknown to Mike and Sam, the bar was famous for the naughty bikini contests being held there twice a month. "Welcooooooome, bitches! I am actually very excited for tonight's Studs of the Ramp as there are new fresh faces strutting their `stuff' for everyone's enjoyment! So without further ado, Let us welcome...The Studs of the Ramp!" the emcee said as a signal for the cntestants to start walking out of the backstage.

There were cheers for every contestants but Mike and Sam received some of the loudest applause. Sam being used to receiving that kind of attention lapped up on it while Mike still had some shyness which the crowd actually adored.

As everyone finished introducing themselves and doing some antics to make the judges remember them it was now the question and answer portion. When Mike's number was called he once again took center stage and was a little amused that such contests had a portion like that.

"Oooooh one of the fresh boys!" exclaimed the emcee as he looked Mike up and down, sizing the young Asian teen in his revealing bikini. "What's your name again, stud?" he followed "Uhmm. Mike...Mike Chang" Mike answered "So Mike, how old are you anyway?" "I just turned 16" Mike said. "Ooooh really a fresh meat!" the emcee said "So Mike...Your question is... What is your favorite part of your body and why?"

As Mike heard the question, he knew he have to answer in a naughty way as the previous contestants did the same way. "Hmmmm I would say the body part that is my favorite would be my... 8 inch cock. Why? Who wouldn't, right?" Mike answered with a wink.

"8 inches?" the emcee said excitedly? "And who said Asians had small cocks?" he added with a laugh making the audience laugh as well. "But...but how would we really know? How could you prove that 8 inches?" teased the emcee to the delight of the crowd cheering Mike on. Mike thought for a moment and with a smile pulled his skimpy bikini down revealing his throbbing 8 inches of teen meat.

The crowd was silenced for a few seconds with the emcee dropping his jaw at the sight of Mike's throbbing thick teen cock. After he recovered from the initial shock, it was Mike's turn to be shocked as the emcee touched the tip of his cock and pulled the bead of precum then putting his finger in his mouth tasting Mike's fresh and sweet boy juice. "I will just tell you...that is a fucking delicious boy juice sample!" the emcee announced.

Mike then fully took his skimpy bikini and was now standing in front of everyone naked with his 8 inch boy cock standing proudly for everyone to see. Before leaving the stage, he jerked his boy cock off a few more times then brought it to the emcee's face to smell.

Then it was Sam's turn to the stage and confidently walked in the stage with his one-sided bikini barely covering his raging 9 inches of teenage meat. "So we have another fresh meat here...Why don't you introduce yourself, baby?" "Hi everyone, My name is Sam. I am 16 years old" Sam said "Another 16 year old! So Sam seeing you're ready.." the emcee trailed while looking at Sam's impressive bulge "Your question tonight is...What is your hidden talent that you are most proud of?"

"If I tell you then it wouldn't be hidden anymore, would it?" Sam said to the delight of the crowd "Hmmm I would say that the secret' talent I am most proud of would be... I think it would be being able to cum multiple times simultaneously" The crowd went silent again then after a few seconds started screaming that Sam have to prove what he just said. "Sammy baby! You hear them. How can we be sure if you wouldn't show us, right?" the emcee said as the crowd cheered louder for Sam to show and prove his hidden talent'. Without hesitating, Sam pulled his one-sided bikini down and started jerking his cock right there and then on the stage.

As it was getting difficult for Sam jerking standing up he knelt down pulling the emcee down with him. The crowd was shouting cat calls and whistling as Sam continued pleasuring himself for everyone's entertainment. Just for show, Sam grabbed the emcee's head and started French kissing the shocked emcee while continuously jerking his cock off.

It took Sam no more than 5 minutes of jerking his cock when his cock showed its impressive cum fountain, shooting 8 thick ropes of fresh boy juice. Everyone in the audience was in awe at how much cum Sam produced and they were excited to see how he would prove what he just said of him being able to cum simultaneously multiple times.

As his orgasmic high feeling subsided and his young body stopped shaking, he slowly stood up and jumped down the stage with his still hard young cock bouncing up and down with him. He then modelled and flexed his muscles as he walked back and forth in front of the 5 judges.

Sam then looked at the judge on the far left and winked at the man who also happened to be the oldest of the 5 judges. He climbed on top of the judges' table and knelt down in front of the judge while fisting his hard boy cock to the delight of the judge. He then bent forward grabbing the man's head and locked lips with the surprised judge who then quickly started fighting tongues with the young stud in front of him.

After a few minutes, Sam stood in the middle of the table and with another couple of minutes started unloading his second fountain of fresh boy juice, splashing the 5 judges with it. The judges then scooped up what they could get of the young stud's boy batter and lapped it up, tasting the sweet boy juice Sam had to offer.

For his third and final load for the crowd, he just decided to lay down on his back on the judges' table with his legs spread wide opened for everyone to marvel on his hot muscled ass. He started stroking his still hard boy cock with the addition of playing with his boy hole. To turn up the heat for his exhibition, he took one of the judges pen and started circling it to his pink boy hole then started pushing it past through the tight sphincter to the amazement of the crowd. He played with his ass making sure every penetration would poke his sensitive fuck nut to quicken his third load.

With the addition of the pen fucking his ass, it didn't take him much longer as he shot another impressive load of fresh cum, most of it landing on his well sculpted abs and pecs. As he slowly regained his composure, he sat up and let the judge in front of him lick the warm load on his body. "like that?" Sam asked the effeminate judge as the man hungrily licked his body. "Thanks" was the man's only reply as Sam stood and walked back into the stage and put his skimpy swim suit back on.

"Well! That was unexpected but very welcome nonetheless! I hope every single contest would be like that!" the host said as he watched Sam walked backstage. "And... I am fucking taking that lucky pen!" he added to the judge who held the pen that was a minute ago was inside the young blonde stud's tight boy pussy.

As the contestants were called back again on the stage, the winners were announced and Sam was the obvious winner with Mike the runner-up. As they headed back stage, they talked to one of the contestants who was their closest competition if he would like to work in The Love Nut and then gave Pierce' card.

Before heading out, they also talked to the two handlers who helped them backstage. "Hey thanks for your help! Here are the suits you lent us. They helped! Ha ha ha!" Sam said as he handed the suits back. "If there is anything we could do to say our thanks..." Sam added but was cut off immediately "Actually, there is" one of the men said. "Oh, what is it" Mike innocently asked. "We heard you put up a show out there...maybe you could give us a private show too.

Mike looked at Sam who just smiled knowingly back at him. Sam nodded at the two men and gestured back to their car. Sam and Mike walked back to their car followed by the two gay men who were like predators following their prey.

"We have a long drive back home so we better start this now." Sam said turning to the two men as he jumped on the back of his beat up pick-up truck with the others following him. Sam then quickly started undressing looking at the two hungry predators watching his every move intently. When he was down to his boxer briefs, he looked at Mike and nodded at him to start undressing as well. When both guys were down to their underwear they gestured for the two gay men to come closer to them and the men removed their underwears. The men went to work on their boy cocks quickly like it was their first time, they looked like hungry gay men for young boy cocks.

"Uhnnnng fuck yeah!" Sam moaned not bothered that they could be seen by anyone being sucked off in public. The man stopped sucking him and looked at him and said "Fuck me" Sam just smiled and moved behind the man as he positioned his throbbing hard cock into the man's waiting hole teasing it before pushing its way into the obviously frequently used hole.

"Aaaaargh fuuuuck! Yeah fuck that hole with your big young cock!" the man screamed as Sam hammered his thick young cock into the man's warm hole. The man sucking Mike looked jealous and asked Mike to fuck him as well but Mike had never done it before. "I..I'm sorry I don't fuck..." "Just feed them your cock, man" Sam interrupted Mike "I'll fuck them both while you fuck their mouths." Sam added as he smiled at his friend.

The two gay men took turns sucking Mike's cock while Sam also took turns fucking the men's asses. "Ooooooh shit! I'm close, man! I'm gonna shoot! Oh ooooooooh fuuuuck here it fucking coooooomes!" Mike screamed as he shot 10 thick volleys of cum into the waiting open hungry mouths of the two men. With Sam seeing his buddy shooting his load, he moved in front of the men he just fucked and jerked his cock to another orgasm and like it wasn't his fourth load of the night, it was still an impressive 8 thick ropes into the men's mouth adding to Mike's previous offering.

As all of then finished dressing up, the two men thanked them for a wonderful thank you present and said that hopefully they would see them again. Sam and Mike then started their drive home with the two gay men standing in the parking lot with a satisfied grin plastered on their faces.

P.S. Just something short and fun before Mike's Cherry Popping Night!

Next: Chapter 8

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