Stripper Sam

By Andrew Catral

Published on Jun 27, 2012


Stripper Sam


This is a work of fiction. The characters depicted here don't mean who they are in real life. This is just a work of my imagination. The stories here depict sex between an older guy and a younger guy, also non-consensual sex. Also this story could contain unsafe sex. I am not promoting unsafe sex. It's just here to tickle the imagination. There are lots of diseases spreading like wildfire nowadays so barebacking is not the best option. An unsafe sex isn't worthy of your life. Be safe! Do not do this in real life. This is just fiction kiddos! F-I-C-T-I-O-N! OK! If you are not old enough to read stories like this you know the drill.

This story is based on Chord Overstreet's Glee character Sam Evans. The character that is Sam Evans is owned and made by Glee. I don't own that character. The story will revolve when his family was having financial problems and he resorted to stripping where he lost his virginity.

And please if you would want to continue reading the stories for free, please donate to Nifty so we could all continue to enjoy the site as it is. And if you already are, keep supporting Nifty!

Thanks to all those who wrote to me, Jay M., Justin, Brent, Hugo C., Jim and Jake H. Thanks guys c:

Part II. Stripper Sam's Cherry Popping Night

Text Message:

Cherry Popping Night' Tonight. Sam Evans' straight virgin ass up for auction. A 16 year old Straight High School Quarterback's cherry on the spotlight tonight! Stats: 6' tall, Blonde, Green-eyed cutie. With a chiseled body and a sexy lips perfect for sucking (which by the way is still virgin to cocks). Hung teenager with a firm bubble butt that is ripe for fucking! See you Men tonight at the Love Nut'


Sam arrived home that morning with a satisfied grin on his face. He was happy to earn as much as he did although he wasn't expecting all the things that happened to him but he let it happen. "Well Im a guy so it's not like I lost something." He thought justifying how he earned his paycheck. "and besides it felt good" he thought tugging the front of his jeans.

He entered their house finding his family having breakfast. "Where have you been?" his Dad asked "I-I...from work" he stuttered "Have you eaten?" his Dad asked again "Im kinda tired. I'll eat later" Sam took a couple of hundred from his pocket and handed it to his Dad. "Keep that. You earned it" his Dad said refusing to take the money. "It's for us. It will help with the bills" Sam smiled as he wandered to his bedroom.

Sam being a teenager woke up with a raging hardon even with all the action he experienced for the first time last night and early this morning. He looked at his clock and was startled to see it was already 6 in the afternoon. It took a few more seconds before he remembered why he slept so late. His right hand unconsciously jerked his hardon when he remembered that from now he has to save his load from what happened last night. He chuckled for a bit at how his thinking suddenly made a full turn and from being a virgin highschool quarterback to a male stripper.

He stood up and was going to go straight to the bathroom to shower since he was too tired to shower in the club this morning so sweat and saliva was still stuck on his body when he passed by his mirror. He smiled at himself and flexed in front of the mirror admiring his youth and physique. It was clear that nobody could resist his studly charms and being young and hung was an additional bonus. He got hot thinking about how the men in the club was taking turns licking his body and sucking his cock. He also remembered how hot having his ass eaten out. His underwear started tightening around his hardening cock but he can't bring himself to cum, he needs to save it, it was his job and the more cum he could shoot the more money he could bring in.

After taking a long shower, making sure every crevice of his body was clean. He also remembered that he shouldn't put cologne on and deodorant since having his natural scent was loved by the guests. He went back to his room and went to see videos of male strippers he could find online. He studied how they moved and danced and he read some stuff about male stripping. Although he knew sex was part of his job, as he first handedly experienced last night, he still got shocked at the stuff he read online. Blow job was just the start of it, he could return the blow job or not. There was also the fucking part, it was categorized between a Top and a Bottom. "Oh wow" mumbled Sam, between fucking he thinks he could top although he wasn't sure if he could get it up. "Heck I was fucking hard all night so maybe that wouldn't be a problem" Sam thought. He was interrupted with his thoughts when his father called him for dinner.

"Thanks for the dinner Dad" said Sam as he stood up going to his room to get ready to go to `Love Nut'. "Work?" asked his Dad "Uhmm yeah" Sam said forcing a smile. "What is it that you do? Why is it so late?" His Dad inquired "Oh uhm I-Im bartending" "They let you bartend? You're just 16 you shouldn't be allowed in a bar yet" "It's not like I drink Dad! And it pays really well" Sam lied. His Dad seemed to be deep in thought and said "Well if I get a better job then you will quit that OK" his Dad said with worry. "Yes Dad. Don't worry too much I'll be fine. I can take care of myself. Look!" Sam said flexing his biceps. His Dad was laughing as Sam darted for his room.

"Boss is waiting for you" Troy said as Sam entered the club. "Why? Am I in trouble?" asked Sam suddenly thinking about what he could've done wrong. "Oh far from it Sam! He'll propose something for you!" said Troy as he went for Pierce' office.

"Troy said you're looking for me" Sam said poking his head on Pierce' office. "I had been waiting for you boy, Come in!" Pierce motioning for Sam to take a seat. Sam took his place on the chair and was looking confused. "So how was your first night? I had been watching you and from my standpoint I would say it went pretty wild and hot!" Pierce boomed. "Uhm well yeah you could say that. Things happened pretty fast and I wasn't able to think about it." Sam flushed. "You were such a stud last night! How many times did you cum last night huh?" "Haha! I didn't really took tabs on that. But I could say they drained me" "How was your first ever blow job? Your first ever blow job was from a man! Wow kid!" Pierce teased the blushing kid in front of him. "I never thought the first ever blow job I'll receive will be from a man. Though all I could say is that it was great. It was so hot seeing all those men hungry for me and seeing them with my load strewn all over their faces! They even swallowed my fucking load! How sick is that!" Sam said getting all lively. Pierce just laughed at the eager boy then went silent and all business-like. "So Sam the main reason I asked for you to come here is that I have a proposal to make. I could say a proposal you would find hard to refuse." Hearing Pierce talk like that sent shivers on Sam's back. "Yeah that's what Troy said when I walked in." "You see in this club in order to stay on top of the biz we have to be the best. We have themed nights here, last night was just a normal night and you saw for yourself how that in itself was crazy right?" Sam just nodded his head. "So I'll just get straight to the point now and I want you to let me finish before asking any questions or violent reactions. I know you're straight and in this kind of business that just makes your quality higher. You saw how the guests were all over you last night. So im gonna ask you if you would be accepting my proposal of you getting fucked? Wait wait let me finish first" Pierce said seeing how Sam wanted to say something "In here, we have a themed night called `Cherry Popping Night' and you would be the Stud of the Night. We will be auctioning your ass' virginity. All of the money of the winning bid will be yours and I am telling you it would be a lot. The routine would be the winner would be fucking you on stage, after which when he is done all the other men who would like to fuck you would pay depending on order. The next guy to fuck you would be paying a way less than the winning bid and the amount would lessen as the line goes on. In that part will my percentage will take place don't worry I don't charge much 5% of the total or we could talk afterwards. Before you decide or even trash the proposal...Curtis!" Pierce said as he called Curtis.

"Yep?" As the red-head appeared on the door. "I just want you to help me out pitching the Cherry Popping Night' here to out hot stud." Pierce said to Curtis "Curtis was the last guy to star in a Cherry Popping Night' it was close to 2 weeks ago and it had been a blast. Oh before I forget, I will be videotaping it and those would be sold in our site. You will receive royalties for that as well. Your turn red!" Pierce added before letting Curtis speak.

"Well what would I say?" Curtis asked Pierce "Tell him why he should take it, silly!" Pierce laughed as if auctioning off a virginity was just another occurrence in the office...well it is in this office though thought Sam. "Well...uhmm It pays big time for one. I got more than an executive earns in a year for 1 night. If that isn't enough well I don't know what else would be. In this time and age just having a virgin ass wouldn't feed you but if you know how to use that virgin ass, then that's where it could feed you. I don't regret my decision at all to take that proposal. I was able to make good things with the money I earned. You might be asking why im still here, it because I could still earn money and it feels good actually. Hey there are people having sex for free and if I could earn money with having sex I'll take it! We wouldn't be young and this hot forever so why not take advantage of it right?" Curtis asked finishing his spiel.

"Fuck red! You could be my marketing head if you ever decide to retire! That is one hell of a business pitch!" Pierce said. "So I'll give you an hour to de-" "I'll do it" Sam said interrupting and shocking the hell out of Pierce. "Woah! Atta boy! That was what I was hoping to hear!" Pierce said. "My family needs the money and I figured sooner or later, if I continue working here, someone would be offering me money to do just that so I might as well have the highest price I could get for it right?" Sam said in business like fashion. "Oh don't worry kid I'll make sure they pay the highest price. I always do right Red?" Pierce said asking Curtis and assuring Sam. "Yeah. Im sure he would Sam!" Curtis replied.

"Are you ready stud?" Divine asked, a drag queen who performs and hosts in the club as well, licking his lips looking Sam up and down. "Uhmm I guess so" Sam timidly replied. "Well look at you stud! If Im as rich as those fucking horny men out there I would fucking bid on your virgin ass!" Divine said grabbing Sam's ass. Sam just smiled at the gesture and when Divine saw that the kid didn't even flinch she took his hand and groped the jock covered crotch of the boy. "Hmmm packing pretty well boy! Uhmmm fuck!" Divine moaned as he continued playing with Sam's hardening cock til they were called to the stage.

"Goooooood evening men! Welcome to another awaited event in `Love Nut'! The Cherry Popping Night! I know you horny fuckers have been waiting for this even after Curtis' cherry popping 2 weeks ago! And now we have another fucking hot virgin stud for you horny fuckers! Sam Evans! C'mere stud!" Divine shouted as the crowd cheered and screamed as Sam went on stage wearing his well worn jockstrap. "Hi there stud! Looking mighty fine hmmmm! Looking good enough to fucking eat!" Sam blushed at the compliment which came with nipple flicking. "Your jockstrap looks well worn Sam" Divine noted. "This is what I use in school. That's why it looks this way." Sam said. "Hmmm" moaned Divine as she knelt down and smelled the front pouch of Sam's jockstrap. "Oh yeaaah! Smells so good! Let's see how it taste now!" said Divine as she licked the pouch of Sam's jockstrap. The crowd went wild at this act while Sam shivered at the tongue that was licking his jockstrap. "And taste good too! Oh how I love straight hot jocks! Specially in jockstraps!".

Sam was flushed wearing a jockstrap in a stage in front of all these men. He's used to being naked around guys in the locker room but being the only one is different. It's like he could feel every eyes checking every part of his body. He was looking around the bar and could see little activities going on every corner of the club. The usual stuff was still there, boys wearing skimpy briefs serving drinks, some boys getting sucked or jerked off by older men.

Pierce now joined Sam and Divine on stage and started the night's `Cherry Popping Night' show. "Good Evening Men! I know you can't wait to start the night's event so I will stop your agony and start your pleasure!" Pierce announced as the crowd went wild again. "By the sound of that I take that you agree. Let's start by having Sam introduce himself. Sam?" Pierce said handing the microphone to Sam. "Im Sam Evans, 16 years old..." Sam trailed looking at Pierce not knowing what else to say. Pierce saved him and told him to state his stats and facts about himself. "Uhm im 6 feet tall, 165 lbs, blonde hair and green eyes. Uhm I never had any sexual experience with anybody before male or female. Well I got my first blow job last night when I started working here. Uhmm I was a sophomore in high school and I was the quarterback for the football team. Uhmm yeah that's it. I guess." There was a deafening silence in the bar that Sam thought to be odd. He was thinking if the men didn't like him or if he said anything bad. Pierce took his microphone and broke the ice "Yeah I know what you are thinking men. A certified virgin here! Haha!" and the bar erupted with cheers and catcalls. "I know you men are now wdrooling over this fresh meat on stage. So who wants to break this straight 16 year old stud star quarterback's fucking fresh cherry?" Pierce asked and the crowd went berserk following a couple of "Me" "I will" from the crowd. "So let's get started then! 16, young and hung maybe we could start with 15 Grand!" and that marked the start of the auction for Sam's precious virginity.

There were at least 50 people in the club who was there for the auction and everybody was intent on winning the boy's cherry. The club was filled with different kinds of men the only thing that is common to them is that they are rich men who have desire for young studs to play with.

The bidding was how Pierce thought it would go, everyone was participating trying to outbid everyone else for the opportunity to break the boy's virgin ass. In the end there were 3 men left fighting it out to the edge. Mr. Randy Hadad, a mid-40's Airline Executive of Middle Eastern descent, Rugged looking with heavy eyebrows that makes him look mean and a bit on the skinny side. The next bidder is Mr. Rod Cruise, 63 year old with the insatiable lust for fresh young studs. A man with balding gray hair and a hairy protruding belly. The last remaining bidder is Mr. Brendon Motley, who is a few years younger than Mr. Rod but with the same physical attributes.

Divine went down the stage and interviewed Mr. Randy for a while. "Hi Mr. Hadad! You're really intent on winning this are you?" asked Divine "Yeah. I love straight young jocks like him!" "Oh you do! I remember you won the Cherry Popping Night' bid when it was Dan right?' Mr. Hadad smiled and said "Yeah. That was a hot night! I'll never forget how tight that virgin ass was! I watch that video once in a while." Said Mr. Hadad. "Hmmm" Divine was looking around searching for Dan and when he spotted him he called him over. "Who could forget that night huh? Dan sure was a screamer...and he still is! Keeping this muscle ass tight for you guys!" Divine announced grabbing Dan's muscled ass. Dan is an 18 year old who got in the club as a fresh high school graduate. He, like everyone else was a high school jock, played football and baseball. At 6'2" and 215 of pure muscle, the boy was a wetdream come true for men like Mr. Hadad, to top it off Dan is a blue-eyed good looking blonde just a total knockout! "So how have you been, boy?" Mr. Hadad asked Dan with his hands exploring the boy's upper body. "Fine. Everything's great thank you!" Dan answered. "You've been a good boy?" Mr. Hadad followed "Oh he's been very naughty Mr. Hadad! Getting this tight muscle butt fucked all the time!" Divine intervened. "Oh is that so? You've been a bad boy huh?" Mr. Hadad said pulling Dan on the table and spanking the teenager's muscled ass. "Aaaargh" The bent teen groaned as his ass was being spanked by Mr. Hadad. Divine left Mr. Hadad's table and went to Mr. Motley's table for a short chit chat. "Good Evening Sir! You think you could outbid everyone tonight?" asked Divine "I would love to. That is one hot piece of ass on stage right now." Remarked Mr. Motley. "And I already made plans on how I would like to bust that cherry!" added the man. "Have you won a cherry popping bid before?" Divine asked the man "Oh yeah several months back. Paulo." "Oh yes why don't we call him as well. Paulo!" as Divine called a tall, lean, tanned boy walked into their table. Paulo is a Brasileiro who went to the US to look for a job but ended up working in the Love Nut', and he was welcomed by Pierce with his exotic good looks and naturally lean body the boy was a hit the night he started working. Divine went to the last remaining bidder, Mr. Cruise and had a small talk with him before the bidding resumed. "Having fun Sir?" Divine asked the balding man "Oh the fun is just about to start when I take that precious cherry!" enthusiastically answered the man. "So I know you Sir have been to a lot of Cherry Popping Nights here and have taken a few cherries already!. Among those who is your favorite or do you have one?" "Hmmm." Mr. Cruise thought for a while "I guess I could name a few. Lance, Mike and Jude. Those boys are on top of my head." At the names were said the 3 hunks appeared on Mr. Cruise' table. "Oh. Just like a reunion huh!" Divine joked. After a few more seconds the bidding war continued.

They had been battling it out for almost 20 minutes already with no one seems to be giving up. "90 Thousand for Mr. Motley" Screamed Pierce. "100" bid Mr. Cruise. The banter went on until it came to 150 still with Mr. Cruise on the last bid. "150? ... Going once, twice...150 to Mr. Cruise" Said Pierce as he invited Mr. Cruise on stage. Mr. Cruise went straight to Sam and planted a wet sloppy kiss on the boy's sexy lips. "As you all know, here at the Love Nut' we make fantasies come true! So how would you like things to go Mr. Cruise?" The Cherry Popping Night' is popular not only because of Straight young boys' cherries are broken but they are taken in such a way to bring the fantasies of the men to life. "Oh since you said Sam is a about I become his coach who punishes the boy?" "Ooooh that's a nice one." Divine excitedly said. "Alright then. Men enjoy the night as we prepare the `Cherry Popping' show of the night!" Pierce said as the lights on stage dimmed.

While the stage was being prepared for the main event of the night, the club was full of moans, groans and screams of mixed pain and pleasure. There were lots of fucking and sucking happening all over the club. Young hunks bent over tables with their handsome faces contorted in pain as hard cocks plows their tight bubble butts while some are having their hard young cocks sucked with gusto to the brink of cumming.

After a few minutes of waiting the stage was once again lit to announce the start of the night's most waited show. There was a portable shower, a bench and lockers on one side while there are a few exercise equipments on the other and on the rear end of the stage was setup to appear like the inside of an office and large mirrors all over. Pierce appeared on stage to start the night's event. "Thank you for waiting everyone! Now the show is about to start! Enjoy!" Pierce said and exited the stage and went to his usual place when watching this event.

Sam appeared on stage still wearing his jockstrap with the addition of a few football gears, helmet and chest protectors complete with shoulder pads. The crowd was in awe seeing the young quarterback in his football gear which eroticized the whole thing a hundred times better. Sam took off his plastic helmet and it was visible in his eyes how nervous he was. Just as he slipped his helmet off Mr. Cruise who was acting as his coach appeared on stage as well and sat on the table eyeing the jockstrap clad jock while flexing his muscles in front of a mirror.

Mr. Cruise stood up and went behind the flexing jock "You're developing really well Evans. Look at these!" he said as he started feeling up Sam's biceps and then his shoulders sort of massaging him. Sam looked uncomfortable with another man's hands feeling him up but he have to do this he thought. "Why don't I help you with your workout? Let's go" he said as he pulled Sam to a workout bench. "Why don't we start with this one and I will be glad to spot you, kid". Mr. Cruise instructed Sam to lay down as he positioned himself on Sam's head assisting with his workout. Mr. Cruise was wearing sweatpants and his cock was obviously bulging on it, excited with the fact that he will be soon busting the quarterback's cherry. After a few more reps on the weights Mr. Cruise had Sam do squats with his back facing the crowd. The crowd was happily cheering seeing Sam's muscled ass flex as he was doing his squats. It is at this point that Mr. Cruise laid down below Sam's butt while he was doing his squats and Mr. Cruise pushed his tongue out so that whenever Sam squatted his asshole was feeling the warm, slippery tongue in his hole.

"Auugnnnh fuuuck!" Sam moaned as he almost lost his balance as he first felt the tongue brush his virgin hole. He remained in the squat position as Mr. Cruise' hands were holding his meaty thighs down as Mr. Cruise was hungrily feasting on the his sweaty hole.

"Oh oh! Looks like he likes having his hole tongue fucked!" one club member shouted hearing the moans of the high school quarterback.

"Oh yeah! Tongue fuck that hole!" another member screamed in delight as Sam's head was drawn back in pleasure.

"Eat that sweaty straight high school quarterback's virgin pussy!" added another one as Mr. Cruise instructed Sam to change position. Sam was now facing the crowd with his legs spread still on the squat position. Sam was now leaning back supporting his weight with his hands on both sides of Mr. Cruise' legs.

Sam couldn't believe the place he was in right now, legs spread with his ass being licked by an older man in front of all these people. But he can't deny the new sensations it was giving his young inexperienced body. He never thought in his young life that this would ever happen to him and he never thought that someone would ever lick another person's asshole and what surprised him more was that it felt great. He couldn't believe that this was feeling good, he was straight first of all and he never played with his ass and he never even thought of playing with his ass so he was surprised that he had these feelings on his ass.

The crowd was cheering them on and to Sam's shock it was making him feel hotter. All the things that was happening to him right now was showing the side of him that he never knew. He was slowly getting into the flow of things and the look of uncertainty and nervousness in Sam's eyes were now beginning to fade. "Aaaaargh fuuuuuck yeeeeaaah!" Sam moaned softly as the barrage of tongue continued on his ass.

When Mr. Cruise felt that Sam was already into it and he was sure that Sam's ass was wet enough to for the next level, he sucked on his middle finger and slowly pushed it through Sam's tight boy pussy. "Ooooooow what the fuuuuu-uuuuuungh!" Sam screamed as he readjusted himself from the discomfort of the finger penetrating his hole. "Fuuuck don't aaaaw! It fucking hurts! Take it out please! Uhhhhnnnnnng shit!" protested Sam as Mr. Cruise' finger was slowly fucking his tight virgin hole.

"Fuck that is one hot shit!" A member screamed. Pierce was having a tough time to restrain himself watching the unfolding of events so he motioned over Brendan, a muscled boy with matching muscled ass held by muscular thighs from years of training as a track and field star in high school and college. "You know what to do. Fucking take care of this" Pierce said as Brendan taking Pierce' cock in his hot mouth.

Sam was writhing in pain on stage as the finger was continuously fucking his hot hole. Mr. Cruise had 2 fingers now inside Sam's hole and was loosening up Sam for the impending fuck it was about to receive. Mr. Cruise now found Sam's prostate and started brushing it and massaging it with his fingers which eased the pain for Sam. With his prostate being toyed with, Sam's limp cock was starting to plump and was slowly losing the battle of fighting the urge of giving in to the pleasure of having his virgin hole played with.

When Mr. Cruise withdrew his fingers from Sam's hole, Sam felt a different emptiness in his hole. Mr. Cruise helped Sam to get on his feet and helped him on the bench beside the lockers. He made Sam position himself on all fours on the bench and after dove straight in Sam's ass and continued the rimming and finger fucking of the high school jock. "Uhnnng fuuuuck Coach!" Screamed Sam as he felt the tongue on his hole again. After a few more minutes of this Mr. Cruise knew the boy was ready for his cherry popping. "Do you want to cum, Stud?" Mr. Cruise asked the delirious boy "Fuuck yeees please make me cum! Pleease! Let me cum!" pleaded the high school quarterback. "Oh, why don't you make me cum first huh?" Mr. Cruise said surprising the boy. "Wha-what? What do you want me-e to-to do?" Sam nervously asked "Well. Why don't you put those big sexy lips to good use huh?" Sam's eyed widened as the thought of sucking another man's cock was now coming. He knew this would happen when he agreed to the `Cherry Popping Night' but now that it is staring straight at his face the nervousness came back and there was fear in his eyes. "Yo-you want, you want me to to suck your co-cock?" Sam stammered as Mr. Cruise positioned himself in front of the young blonde stud. "Yeah fucking take my cock in those puffy sexy virgin lips!" ordered Mr. Cruise. Sam wasn't opening his lips while the hard leaking cock of the older man was brushing his lips. "Open up kid and take this cock! This is hard and leaking precum just for you boy!" as Mr. Cruise pressed his cock head on the lips of Sam until he penetrated it. Sam closed his eyes as the older man's cock slowly pushed through his lips and he could taste the precum of the man. It tasted bitter for the boy having never tasted any cum not even his own.

"OOOH FUCK! THIS IS ONE HOT MOUTH KID! YEAH PUT THAT BIG LIPS TO USE AND SUCK THIS COCK! THIS COCK THAT WILL FUCK YOUR VIRGIN ASS!!!" screamed Mr. Cruise as his cock was slowly engulfed by Sam's hot virgin mouth. After getting tired with this position Sam was ordered to lay down on his back on the workout bench after being on all fours on the wooden bench. "Coach...Coach no..." Sam quietly pleaded. "Please what Evans? Please let me suck your cock? Then here it is bitch!" said Mr. Cruise as he fed his hard cock to a whimpering jock. Mr. Cruise was not as easy this time as he rammed his cock as far as he could in one shove until Sam gagged on his cock and withdrew it and repeated the whole thing again and again.

There were screens mounted on either side of the stage and there are cameras filming the whole thing and what was being captured was being shown on these screens. The camera zoomed in on Sam's face as he gagged on Mr. Cruise' fat cock. The screens shows the tear strained face of the gagging football star as a cock was being fed to his puffy lips. "Yeeeeah feed him your fucking cock!" "Make him gag!" "Deepthroat! That fucker" were some of the screams that could be heard around the club. Even if Sam was having a hard time with a hard cock raping his mouth he could still hear the screams of the people in the club. He was now openly crying as to he cannot believe his position right now. On his back on a workout bench in front of god knows how many people and getting his mouth fucked... and soon his ass.

His thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Cruise' shouts "Ooooh fuuck uhhhhnf Im gonna fucking cuuuuum! Oooooh!" Mr. Cruise took his cock off of Sam's mouth and then grabbed Sam's mouth and forced it open as he started shooting his load straight to Sam's open mouth. "Uhhnnnng fuck! Take my load Evans! You're my bitch now!" screamed Mr. Cruise as he once again fed his still hard cock to the high school jock's mouth. "Swallow my load kid, don't waste any of it! Fucking feast on my load!" said Mr. Cruise adding more humiliation to the boy below him reluctantly sucking on his cock.

Sam thought it was now over since Mr. Cruise had blew his load already, but it was way far from over as Mr. Cruise was still hard as steel.

Mr. Cruise ordered Sam to stand up and helped him take his chest protector and shoulder pads off after which they headed for the portable shower. He started the shower and had Sam under it then Mr. Cruise bent over and took Sam's right nipple on his mouth and started sucking it. Once again Sam found out new sensations his body was having. He never thought his nipples could bring such pleasure to his body. Sam's jockstrap covered cock was once again starting to plump. "Ooooh yeah. Suck my tits" moaned Sam, his face a picture of pure pleasure. "Fuck Coach! It feels so good! Fucking suck my tits Coach! Ooooh fuck!" moaned Sam as his nipples were expertly being played with.

Mr. Cruise couldn't control his lust filled feelings anymore so he pulled Sam out of the shower and brought him down to his office table. He dragged the straight jock from the shower to his office and pushed him roughly down the table. Mr. Cruise lifted Sam's legs up in the air and he went straight down to Sam's ass eating it out hungrily once again.

"Oow fuck! Yeah Lick that hole! Fuuck that feels so good! Oooh yeeees! Don't stop!" Sam screamed as the older man was feasting on his boy pussy. "Aaaaargh!" Sam cried once again as Mr. Cruise' fingers penetrated his virgin hole once more. Mr. Cruise pulled Sam's jockstrap pouch and tucked it under his heavy balls and started jacking the young jock's meat which made the young stud writhe in pleasure again. "Aaaaah what are you doing to me?!?!?! Oh fuuuck! You're gonna make me cuuum!" screamed Sam as Mr. Cruise worked his young body to the edge. "You wanna cum boy?" mocked the older man. "Yes please. Please let me cum!" pleaded the young stud. "You think you can cum with your Coach' fingers fucking your tight virgin ass?" asked Mr. Cruise. Sam hesitated for a moment but his lust was stronger now than any rational thinking so he answered "Yes Coach! Make me cum with your fingers fucking my tight hot virgin hole! Please I wanna cum so bad!" Mr. Cruise now had 3 fat fingers abusing the Quarterback's hole and Sam was over the edge of cumming but Mr. Cruise kept slowing down his fucking whenever he feels Sam was close to cumming. "Fuuck please Coach make me cum! Im gonna go crazy!" "My fingers are getting tired now, Evans" teased Mr. Cruise. Sam knew where this was going... Mr. Cruise wants to fuck him now. "What do you want me to do now Evans?" Asked Mr. Cruise "Anything Coach just make me cum! Please make me cum!" begged the young stud. "I guess you have to be clearer Evans" remarked Mr. Cruise.

"Fuck him! Fuck him!" chanted the people on the bar. Everyone inside the bar was anxious to see the young quarterback get fucked and they were more anxious to have their turn to fuck the young high school quarterback's freshly fucked ass.

Mr. Cruise looked at the crowd and smiled at them while continually slowly finger fucking the young stud laid in front of him. "Just tell me what you want Evans! And I might just have it for you kid!" "Please Coach...Just do it..." Sam weakly said "Do what Evans? What? And speak louder boy I can't fucking hear you! Speak up kid!" Mr. Cruise spoke sternly. "Just do what you want Coach..." "We can do this all night boy" Mr. Cruise threatened. "I wanna cum!" Sam screamed "Well what do you want me to do so you could cum, kid?" "Coach...uhnnng...Coach fu-fuck me" Sam softly said. "What? Evans, speak up clearly! I can't hear you!" Mr. Cruise sternly said. "Fu-uck me, Coach." Sam stuttered. "You'll have blue balls all day if you continue to be like this Evans!"

Sam just couldn't bring himself to say it convincingly and Mr. Cruise was able to see through all that so he began to once again finger fuck Sam and jerk the young stud's cock. "Ooooh shit! Don't stop it please uhnng fuuck make me cum, Coach!" Sam moaned. This would continue for a few seconds then would stop then would continue again for a little while and then stop again. This happened for a few more minutes until Sam couldn't hold it any longer.

"Uhnnng Fuck! Please just make me cum, Coach! I need to fucking cum! I can't stand it any longer!" begged Sam. Mr. Cruise didn't respond and just continued what he was doing to Sam. "Oh fuck please..." Sam inhaled deeply then yelled "OOH FUCK ME! TAKE MY FUCKING CHERRY, COACH! PLEASE MAKE ME CUM! JUST FUCK MY ASS AND MAKE ME CUM!". Mr. Cruise smiled as he heard the boy speak those words but he wasn't satisfied, he wanted the young stud in front of him to beg for his cock, for him to beg him to fuck him and break his virgin ass. "I know you can do better than that Evans! Im not that convinced, kid!" said Mr. Cruise teasing the frustrated kid on his table. "FUCK ME COACH! PLEASE FUCK ME! I NEED TO CUM...I NEED YOUR COCK TO CUM! FUCK MY VIRGIN ASS COACH! FUCK MY TIGHT VIRGIN CHERRY ASS! FUCK THE CUM OUTTA ME COACH!" Screamed the delirious Quarterback to Mr. Cruise' face. "You want me to fuck your virgin ass Ev-" "FUCK MEEE! JUST FUCK ME!" Sam interrupted. "Are you sure `bout th-" "IM FUCKING SURE COACH! I FUCKIN' NEED TO CUM NOW!" Screamed Sam. "You'll give up your cherry?" teased the Older Man. "YEEEEES! POP MY FUCKING ASS CHERRY, COACH! TAKE MY VIRGINITY!" Sam cried "My pleasure, Evans" said Mr. Cruise with a smirk.

Mr. Cruise dove in Sam's ass again making sure it will be wet enough for the impending penetration while he fingered it a little bit more to loosen him up for his fat cock. "Fuck boy you are so fucking tight! My cock will love breaking your fucking tight cherry!" Mr. Cruise said.

Mr. Cruise is now stroking his throbbing 9" fat cock with his own spit and with a look of pure lust in his eyes. "Im going to fuck you now kid. Im gonna break your fucking cherry now" Mr. Cruise said as he positioned his throbbing cock in the anal opening of Sam, brushing the cock head with the quivering hole of Sam. Mr. Cruise' cock head was leaking copious amount of precum and he was spreading it on Sam's tiny pink hole. Sam was just moaning at this point and when the cameras zoomed in on his face it was again a picture of pure lust.

Mr. Cruise bent over and grabbed Sam's head and said "Open your eyes, son! I want you to see how this daddy cock will fucking break your precious cherry! I want you to look at how my daddy cock will penetrate your hot straight, tight, virgin high school quarterback boy pussy!" Sam was shocked to hear the sudden change in the tone of Mr. Cruise that brought back the fear a little. Mr. Cruise helped Sam raise himself off the table with his arms so that he would be able to see a cock penetrate his ass for the first time.

"Look at it! Are you ready for my cock, Son?" Mr. Cruise asked but even before Sam could reply he forcefully pushed his cock head straight into Sam's tiny hole. "AAAAAARGGGGH! FUUUUCK! OH FUCK IT HURTS! NOOOOO OH FUCK OH FUCK! PLEASE STOP TAKE IT OUT FUCK!" screamed Sam as the head of Mr. Cruise' cock is trying to push through Sam's tight virgin hole. "Relax boy. I just popped your fucking cherry! Open up boy and take my whole daddy cock up your tight fuck chute!" Mr. Cruise ordered. "AAAARGH FUUUUCK IT HURTS! AH AH AH OOOOH FUCK! STOP STOP PLEASE!" Sam cried and begged in between sobs.

"You're so fucking tight boy! Aaaah fuck your boy pussy is so hot! Fuck I can cum just by penetrating your boy hole! Uhnnng fuuuck you're so fucking tight!" screamed Mr. Cruise as he forced his cock deeper in Sam's tight hole. "Take my cock bitch! Im gonna have fun with this virgin hole!" he added as he rammed more of his cock into Sam. By now, Sam was just sobbing and screaming as more inches of Mr. Cruise' cock push past through his sphincter. When Mr. Cruise was able to bury his hole fat 9" deep inside Sam, Sam grimaced in pain as Mr. Cruise slowly fucked his abused hole. "Uhnnng hu hu hu!" Sam cried as his boy pussy was being fucked. Mr. Cruise then roughly kissed the sobbing boy as he once again rammed his throbbing cock deep inside the boy brushing Sam's prostate. "Aaaargh fuck!" Sam groaned as Mr. Cruise' cock head brushed his love nut. Hearing Sam's groans he realized he tapped into the boy's love nut "You fucking love that huh? You want more huh?" Mr. Cruise asked and continually fucked the boy's battered hole.

"Uhnng yeeah..." Sam moaned after a few minutes of having his tight hole fucked by Mr. Cruise. Mr. Cruise wasn't exactly gentle in taking Sam's virginity, he plowed the boy's tight ass like there's no tomorrow and after a few minutes Sam began feeling pleasure in the fucking his ass was getting. "Fuuck. Oh fuck right there..." Sam moaned again and Mr. Cruise hearing this knew that he now could fully fuck the high school stud beneath him.

Mr. Cruise took his hard cock out of Sam's puckered hole and ordered the boy to bend over the table and took him from behind. Mr. Cruise entered Sam's boy pussy in one forceful push which made the young stud grimace in pain once again. "Aaaaargh fuuuck!" Sam cried but after a few thrust made Sam moaning once again.

Mr. Cruise fucked Sam's ass in various positions, he fucked him on his side, doggy and even standing with his hands supported by the lockers. By now Sam was totally into getting fucked and was now voacal into getting fucked.

"Aaargh yes! Fuck me Coach! Fuck this tight ass! Oh fuck I never thought it would feel this good! Yes Fuck me Fuck me Fuuuuck meee!" Sam screamed in pleasure. Mr. Cruise was just too delighted to oblige the teen's pleas so he fucked Sam harder and deeper as he could providing more pleasure to the boy.

Mr. Cruise then had Sam on his back and placed the muscular legs over his shoulders and raised the teen's ass. Sam was inverted and With this position Mr. Cruise was able to penetrate the teen deeper which caused the abused quarterback to cum. "Ohhh fuck yeeeeah oh fuck right there Coach ! Fuck me harder! Deeper! Yeees Im gonna cum! Im gonna fucking cuuum!" Sam screamed "Yeaaah Cum boy! Fucking shoot your fresh boy juice! Im fucking the cum out of you now, stud!" screamed Mr. Cruise as he screamed as he shot his boy juice straight into his face with some landing straight into his open mouth and the last few spurts landed on his abs with less force.

Seeing the young quarterback cum below him was already enough for Mr. Cruise to cum but with the additional help of Sam's tight hot boy pussy clamping his daddy cock tighter made him cum with so much force. "OOOOH FUUUUCK HERE I COMES! OOH FUCK TAKE MY HOT DADDY SAUCE! AAAARRRGH!" Mr. Cruise screamed as he shot his load deep inside Sam's boy pussy. "Oh fuck! You're cumming inside me! Oh fuck I can feel your hot cum inside me Oh shit!" Sam said as Mr. Cruise kept cumming and cumming inside him.

After the waves of lust were washed over Mr. Cruise after cumming inside Sam, he bent over and kissed the high school quarterback on his lips tasting the boy's cum. The crowd was cheering on them and some of them were anxious to have a turn at the freshly fucked boy cunt of Sam. "You're so fucking hot, Son" whispered Mr. Cruise. And at this point Sam came to his senses and realized that he had just been fucked by a man in his ass.

After a few minutes, people were waiting for their turn to fuck the young stud on stage. Sam was turned into a slut in just one night. Sam's cherry popping brought out a side of him that he never thought he had. He loved the feel of a hard cock deep inside his boy pussy while cumming and now he can't get enough of it. He was happy that there were people lining up waiting their turns to fuck his tight ass even after he just got his cherry popped a few minutes ago.

Sam got fucked in different positions by men who varied in age, sizes and race. He got fucked by hung men to men with average cocks. He got fucked by smooth men and hairy men. He got fucked in different positions. Also during the night he was spit roasted, got double fucked a few times with cocks in both hands and in his mouth.

Sam woke up in a room backstage sticky with dried cum all over him, his hair, his body he could even taste cum in his mouth and there are drying cum inside his ass and on his ass. He had a hard time getting up since his whole body ached feeling the abuse he experienced last night. His asshole was sore from all the pounding it received as well. Pierce came in his room giving breakfast and pain medicine to Sam. "It was a hot show last night, kid! One of the hottest `Cherry Popping Night's we've had! Here take this pain medicine after eating this breakfast" "Thanks" that was all Sam could say to Pierce. "And also take a rest, you need it after all the sex you've had last night..." Said Pierce as he was about to leave the room. "And are one hot fuck! Tight ass!" Pierce added as he left the room.

Next: Chapter 3

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