Strip Tease

By Jon H

Published on Jun 27, 2000


Greetings everyone. Got chapter 3 worked out. I started it after I sent in part 2 and I must say so far I like it. Everything is tasting a twist and I'm having fun with it. I must WARN you though, please keep reading, I know it's a gay story and stuff but you'll see why when I end the story, (if I end it), but if I do decide NOT to end the story you will see what and why I did what I did in this chapter in one of the later ones. haven't decided, I just write and let the words flow out. Some of you are wondering why I'm leaving and stuff, it's because I'm going into the N--y. I really don't have a choice. I can't stand it here at home anymore. Maybe I'll find some other gay boys and hook ya all up to have some fun with :). Enjoy.

Disclaimer: Ain't none, do you what you want in life, not what others want of you. That includes drinking that evil stuff we call coffee ::shudders::


Also, on a high note. One of the characters in this chaper and probably the following chapters is real, and that's the pizza boy, Eric. He is real and very special to me in my life and he'll be a freshman in college. For his sake I will reveal very little information about him, suffice to say that he's one of my bestest STRAIGHTEST friends in the world, thank god he knows I'm gay, cause I got dibs on him first :p And I decided that Devin only has one parent, his mother. Things will work out easier for me that way, and I can hook the pizza boy up (Eric actually gets some, for once :) )

Strip Tease 3

Ms. Brandy Godsend walked in through her front door. Kicking her high heels off of her feet, she sighed in relief. She hated the damn things, but she had to wear them to work. She listened inside the front door, hearing the soft sound of......Silence! She breathed, then walked into the kitchen and dropped the groceries off onto the kitchen table. Glancing quickly at the clock on the coffee pot, she noticed that it was 6:00.

Dinner, she thought to herself. What do the boys and I want for dinner? She didn't feel like cooking, it was just to damn hot. Sighing, the brown haired, blue eyed, 5'4 34 year old female picked up the phone and called piza hut. Her kid didn't like pizza hut, but tough, she thought to herself. Ordering a hamburger and a pepperoni from the nasally pimple faced brat on the other end she hung up.

Walking into the kitchen she quietly started putting stuff away, then walking into the living room, she turned on the stereo, and sat down on her couch, spreading her legs unladylike, but she didn't care. It was just her and her kid that lived there, and occasionally, actually alot, she mused to herself, her kids' friend stayed the night.

Sighing softly again, she listened to the radio and stood up just as the song "Sexual" began playing. (A.N: It could be sensual, I don't know, it's my boyfriends favorite song), she closed her eyes and listened, catching the rhythm of the song and begun moving her hips, running her hands slowly up the red jacket of her business suit, unfastening the buttons smoothly, letting the long brown hair flow smoothly around her face, moving the jacket down so that it was hanging open, twirling on her smooth legs and pushing the jacket up so that her shoulders were open for all the world, (her cat, George) to see.

Moving her hips slowly, she bent over, showing the cat, George her tight, perky cloth-clad buns. She slowly licked her delicate tongue down her forearm, going with it until she was on her hands and knees. Crawling toward the cat, she licked her lips seductively and sensually whispered to George, "Hello handsome." The cat flicked it's ears at her.

Moving forward she slowly rubbed the cats face into her perky breasts, and standing up, she twirled, losing the jacket so she stood in her braw, skirt and pant hose. She bucked her hips, her right leg moving forward, and ran her slender hands over her thighs, up towards the button on her skirt...DING DONG! Brandy groaned. Stupid pizza boys, she thought to herself, always have bad timing. (And all the gay boys in the world sigh in relief, the terror leaving them.)

DING DONG! the doorbell went in relief. She scowled. Now where did I fling that damn thing, she thought to herself. Not finding it she grumbled and flung the front door open. "Wha-!" she stopped in mid exclamation, staring at the 6' blond haired, blue eyed kid before her. He had to be around 28 years old, and was fairly well built, not to muscular but not shabby. Just perfect she thought to herself, and before she knew what she was doing she opened her mouth. "HI, WANNA BE DINNER?!?!" she blurted out before she could catch herself. She blushed and then looked at the kid again, noting his face was red and he was staring at her...chest. She glanced down, remembering she was standing there with just her bra on.

"Huh?" the kid mumbled. "I mean, stay for dinner?" she blurted out again. She cursed herself under her breath. 34 years old and here she was acting like a silly teenager. Brandy inhaled softly, then reached out and grabbed the kid by his arm and pulled him into the house, and slammed the door shut behind him. Turning to face him, she locked the door quietly, covering the door handle with her body.

"Uh, so how about it?" She asked him quickly, trying to rush him into agreeing to stay for dinner. "Uhm..." the kid blinked at her, offering a shy smile. Ooh, she cooed to herself, I got me a shy one. She stared at him, making her bably blues shine up at him seductively. "okay," he whispered, the dazed look coming out of his blue eyes. He shook his head like a tom cat that just caught scent of a puss in heat. 'Uhhhhh, $16.48" he mumbled, glancing at the floor.

Brandy grinned, she had him. "Okay," she cooed, taking the pizzas out of his arms. "The money's upstairs in my room, you can come up with me and get it, and maybe stay awhile and we can get to know each other!" She exclaimed, beaming up at the blond fellow excitedly. Without waiting she grabbed him by the hand and dragged him up the stairs with her.

Walking down the hallway she noted that her kids' door was open, and walking by she glanced inside it...and froze. The pizza boy ran into her but she didn't budge. She was one tough chick. She stared into Devin's room, seeing him laying on top of Ricky, with, she noted, hardly any clothes on. ASLEEP. She sighed, and turned, just about walking into Eric, the pizza boy. She looked up into his face. "Uhm," she half whispered, half choked, suddenly unsure of what to do or say. She knew she was about to lose it, her whole world seemed like it was suddenly crumbling.

Eric glanced down at Brandy, and saw her face looking like it was about to crumble into tears. Smiling at her he said the first thing that came to mind, not really sure of his footing but knowing she'd been all hell bent on seducing him 30 seconds ago. "They sure are cute together, and they look happy," he whispered quietly, not wanting to awaken the two boys. He gently pulled her closer and wrapping his arms around her shoulders, pulled her into his body and leaned against the door frame, and as seriously as possible said to her, "so, which one's your brother and which one's his boyfriend?"

Brandy couldn't help herself, she giggled at Eric. Pointing to Devin she whispered proudly, "That one's my son. He's a first class babe. The boy on the bottom is Ricky, he's a babe too. Almost like another son to me."

Eric smiled, and continued joking around with her, hoping to ease her mind to rest. "Son? Impossible, you don't look a day older then 25." She giggled at him again. "Besides," he whispered to her, "They've got nothing compared to their mum."

Brandy couldn't help herself. She started to blush, but she could felt her insides melting. She knew there was something special about this college kid. She smiled up at him, and in spite of herself started to grin. "This is gonna be fun," she whispered up at her blond companion. He glanced down at her with a slight sign of confusion, and instead of asking her what she was going to do just raised his eyebrow questioningly.

Brandy smiled, she loved his eyebrow already. But there was business to attend to. Turning around looking into Devin's room and ignoring the clothes strewn around haphazardly, she took a deep breath and opened her mouth....

"BOYS, GET UP! GET DRESSED! AND GET DOWNSTAIRS NOOOOOWWWWWW!!!" The effect was seen immediately. Both boys sat up and scrambled, but ended up entangled in each others feet and the blankets, leaving only one way out. They fell out of the bed, lying haphazardly in each others arms with their boxers on. She sighed, glad that at least, apparently, they hadn't done anything yet. But, she thought to herself, this was gonna be so much fun.

"Mom!" Devin exclaimed blearily, looking slightly scared and holding onto Ricky. "Uh, hi Ms. Godsend," Ricky stuttered, looking to be just as scared as Devin. She blushed. She hadn't meant to scared the two boys.

Both boys glanced down, seeming to realize at the same time that they were in their boxers, and scrambed to get back on the bed underneath the covers. "Uhhum," a voice cleared itself behind her. Brandy glanced up at Eric. "Uhm, maybe I should go and come back later." Eric said, sounding unsure of himself. "NO, you can't go" Brandy whined. "But--" Eric started. Brandy grabbed him and pinned him against the wall with a kiss that ended up leaving her tongue playing tonsil hockey. Eric groaned.

Devin stared at his mom. Shock written all over his face. He'd never seen her kiss someone like that before. He stood up on his knees, Ricky standing on his knees beside him and both boys leaned over the end of the bed to watch the tongue action going on. Unfortunately Devin leaned over so far that he could feel himself falling off. He grabbed the closest thing, which was unfortunately Ricky's boxers, and felt himself falling anyway.

"HE--" Ricky started only for it to end abruptly. He grunted as he fell on top of Devin. Groaning, he opened his eyes only to find himself looking into Devin's sparkling green eyes. He could feel himself getting lost in them. Sighing, he couldn't help himself. He leaned down and started kissing Devin's cherry red, soft lips. Time seemed to stop and he distantly heard a voice clearing and saying, "When you boys are done, dinner's ready....We need to talk."

Ricky and Devin grunted a soft affirmative but didn't stop kissing. Ricky could feel Devin getting hard, and decided to join him. "NOW!" They sighed.

To be Continued?

Hey everyone. Hope you enjoyed the 3rd installment of Stip Tease. Any Ideas and suggestions are welcome. I felt it vital to go at this chapter from the mother's point of view. You'll all see why in a later chapter.

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