Strip Tease

By Jon H

Published on Jun 9, 2000


Disclaimer: Yadayada, none of these. Do whatever you want. :)

Strip Tease

Chapter 1

Ever Since he could remember he liked to dance. To fast music, to slow music, it didn't matter, so long as he danced. He danced to music from Beethoven all the way to opera and on up to Ricky Martin. So long as he was moving to music he was happy.

When he turned 13 he discovered the wonderful joys of strip dancing, and every night and every day when he was alone he stripped to music. Now he was 16, his figure trim and lean from dancing, standing at 5'8, with soft short brown hair, and green eyes that sparkled like an emerald, and some would say, were more precious when looked into. His sexy legs with hardly any hair on them, his hairless boyful chest. He was every womans dream.

Alas, the girls weren't for him. It was boys he loved looking at, from summer when it was 90 degrees out and they ran around in trunks that just stuck to their sweaty bare asses, to winter when it was 20 below and all the boys were bunded up in pants and baggy sweatshirts that hung off of their lean forms. He loved boys, from looking at them all the way to touching them. But one boy he loved more then most.

He loved Ricky, his blond-haired, 5'10, blue-eyed angel. Ricky had a sleek build, weighing perhaps 130 lbs sopping wet. Tall and skinny. But Ricky had muscles, and definition. Muscles that he wanted to touch and run his hands over, from his smooth hairless chest down to his soft ball sack. He wanted Ricky, he wanted to strip for Ricky, he wanted to--

"Devin, snap out of it!" a voice soft and sweet came from behind Devin, snapping him out of his dreams. Devin turned and looked at Ricky, checking out his best boy-bud, running his eyes down the sleek figure, from his silky blond hair down to the t-shirt that covered the smooth chest, to the khakis that covered his sexy legs down to the plain wal-mart shoes. Devin sighed. He loved this boy.

"De-vin," Ricky said, raising the pitch in his voice, talking like a parent would to an errant child. Devin blushed. "H-hi ya Ricky!" Devin softly said, his voice cracking slightly. Devin blushed again. Ricky giggled at him like a lovestruck school girl.

"You poor boy. What's her name now?!?" Ricky queried softly, being among the majority of people not knowing Devin's secret. "Ehrm, his name's Ricky, and he's a hottie!" Devin replied, in his mind. "Ehrm, no one," he said instead.

Ricky nodded, gazing at his friend's flushed cheeks. Devin and him never kept any secrets, but ever since Devin had been a boy of 11 years old he'd sensed some sort of secret that was being kept. Ricky had never brought it up, always wondering what secret was being kept, but to scared to ask. Scared because he didn't know of anything that could keep Devin from not telling him. He was tempted to ask now.

"C'mon bud, let's go get something to eat," Ricky mumbled instead, grabbing his friend and dragging him off to the lunch line.

The boys grabbed trays and fairly ran through the lunch line, grabbing junk food and pop instead of the crap the schools insisted on trying to feed the high school teenagers. Devin followed Ricky to their regular table, and told him he'd be right back, having to take a piss like crazy. Running off to the bathroom, he took care of his business, then returned to the cafetaria, only to find the bitch queen, Stacy McPhillson at his table.

Devin groaned. The whole entire school except Ricky knew the bitch was out to get down Ricky's pants. Devin sat down, staring at the blond-haired, blue-eyed bitch who's, rumor had it, twat had been stretched by the entire football team. "Hi Stacy!" Devin said, forcing a cheerful expression onto his face.

Stacy ignored him, keeping her attention on Ricky, practically drooling on him, Devin thought to himself. "So, Ricky, there's a party at my place tonight, wanna come?!?" She asked him, leaning over and, Devin noted with amusement, revealing the cleavage on her skirt.

Ricky turned to Devin, appearing to not notice Stacy's attempted seduction of him. "Wanna go?" he asked Devin.

Devin made himself appear to think about it, and 5 seconds later flatly said, "No". Ricky grinned at him slightly, knowing he didn't like Stacy and he didn't like drinking. Turning to Stacy Ricky said, "sorry, lass, dun't think we'll be able to make it."

Stacy turned to Devin and glared murder at him, then turning back to Ricky, in a pouty voice said, "Aw, why not?" Ricky turned to Devin, a question in his eyes. "Because," Devin stated flatly, "he's staying at my place tonight, and we got plans, sorry."

Devin stood up, grabbing his stuff and throwing it into the trash can, then stormed off to his next class. He knew he shouldn't throw a temper tantrum, his mum had always said they weren't good for him, but the thought of that evil tramp getting involved with Ricky made him want to punch something, preferably said evil tramp. Oh well, his friend was staying the night, so he didn't care.

Ricky stared at Devin's back, watching him storm off. Turning to Stacy he said to her, "what he said." Then ran off after Devin, ignoring the sulky look on her face, and oblivious of the rising anger in her eyes.

He couldn't find Devin. Probably went to his next class, Ricky thought to himself. Oh well, he did say I was staying the night at his place, so I'll just have to make good on his word, Ricky decided to himself, and wandered to his next class happily.

Devin waited impatiently for class to end. It was the last class of the day and he felt awful, with the sweat running down between his shoulder blades and off of his face and neck. He hated the feel of sweat in 100 degree weather, but he still loved summer, since alot of boys took as much clothes off as they could get away with.

He stared at the clock. Time always seemed to deliberately slow down when one was in a hurry. He glared at the clock. Patience, he heard his mother seem to say in his head, is a virtue. He rolled his eyes. He hated hearing his mother's voice in his head when he really didn't want to. He fidgeted in his seat, turning and looking at the clock again. It had moved 5 seconds. 5 whole bloody seconds. He glared at the clock.

"CLASS DISMISSED!" said a voice from in front of the room. Devin turned and looked at the teacher in shock. It wasn't often that Ms. Graine dismissed class early. But Devin didn't mind. He got up from his seat and ran out the door, heading down the hallway for the nearest exit to run home and take a shower. He really really hated sweat.

Ricky ran out the door, heading out to the bus stop so he could get home and get to Devin's house. The boys usually walked home but Ricky wanted to surprise Devin. He knew his mom wouldn't care where she was at. She hardly ever did. What he did know was that he wanted to get home and get his stuff and get out of the house as fast as he could.

Devin ran inside and up the stairs into his room, flipping the radio on and putting in his favorite CD's, turning the volume up as loud as he could. He ran back to his door and shut it and started to slowly dance, moving his hips from side to side, pretending to grind it up against something.

He couldn't help himself, letting himself go into the control of the music, running his hands up and down along his smooth flat stomach, toying with his belly button a little bit, before running his hand up and into his t-shirt, lifting it slowly, teasingly, while watching himself in the mirror, still grinding his hips. He took his shirt off.

He could feel himself getting hard in his pants. He didn't care. He kept grinding his hips slowly, sensously, teasing his nipples with his fingers. He ran his left hand down his flat stomach and undid the buttons of his pants smoothly, running his left hand onto the right flap and pushing it open, revealing his scooby doo boxers.

He kept grinding, letting his cock grind slowly into his hand, toying with his soft penis. A boy's favorite toy. He could feel the head of his cock through the fabric of his boxers. He squeezed his eyes shut, letting the feelings soak through his nerves. The stereo blasting, every word moving through his body. He moved, twisting so he was facing the door, letting his pants fall off of him, stepping out of his jeans sexily. He opened his eyes. Wide. He screaamed!

Ricky ran up the front walk up into Devin's house, letting himself into the house like he always did. Ever since he could remember he'd let himself into the house. Devin's parents had given him a key to get in if they weren't around. They knew how it was at his house, that his life at home sucked. They loved him, and he loved them.

He dropped his bag onto the couch, hearing Devin's stereo blasting upstairs. Some weird hip hop dance music, Ricky thought to himself with a slight smile. He'd always said Devin had weird taste in music. From Disney's Anastasia sound track to Boyzone. Devin had it all.

Ricky walked into the kitchen, listening to the music blasting from upstairs, and grabbed a Dr. Pepper from the refrigerator. He'd been drinking it for as long as he could remember. Girls drank pepsi. Gods drank Dr. Pepper. Walking back into the living room he decided to go see what Devin was doing, and taking his shoes off and leaving them at the door he walked up the stairs, heading for Devin's room at the end of the hall, listening to the music beat through the walls of the house. He got to Devin's door and opened it slowly and quietly, wanting to surprise Devin.

Unfortunately for Ricky, he got quite a surprise instead, and in a few seconds, a stiffie. There was Devin, standing in the middle of the clean floor dancing slowly to the strange crap coming from the radio. Moving sensously, swaying from side to side with his shirt off. Devin stared at him, watching Devin and the front of his body through the mirrors. Devin had his eyes shut. He was playing with his nipples, his hands running down his stomach and onto his pants button, undoing them.

Ricky stared, watching Devin pull his pants open, revealing his scooby doo boxers and, Ricky noted with amusement, and to his surprise, lust, his almost stiff penis that was outlined through the fabric and Devin's wondering hands slowly stroking it. Ricky smiled, and quietly let himself into the room, shutting the door behind him slowly, moving to the side a bit so that he could see a tad bit better.

Devin kept moving slowly, twisting to the side, his pants falling off of his hips sensously, revealing his hairless legs. Ricky stared, his mouth open. He could see Devin's penis through the flap in the boxers. He drooled, wanted it in his mouth. He looked up into Devin's face, just as Devin's eyes opened, really really wide, seeming to pop out of his head as he caught sight of Ricky standing there with nothing but his boxers on.

He noted with amusement how white Devin's teeth were in his mouth as his kissable lips opened and a short scream ripped through the air. Ricky dropped the can of Dr. Pepper he was holding, jumping in the air, while noting with amusement that his penis was hard and probably pitching a tent in his shorts.

Well folks, sorry for the short cliff hanger. Let me know how you like it and if you'd like to see it continued. You can Email me at All criticisms, comments and suggestions welcome, flames sent back to the sender with a fuck off. Let me know.

Next: Chapter 2

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