Strip Poker

By Desert Rat

Published on Oct 17, 2022



The following story is a graphic depiction of sex between consenting gay males. If graphic sexual acts offend you, you are under the legal age or it is illegal at your locality read no further.

As always, play safe guys, you don't know where it has been.

This story is dedicated to two people: My cyber buddy Doug who is always supportive and encourages me continually.

And Brian who gave me the great idea and who has a staring role!

Comments are always Thanks guys for the great messages and ideas are always welcome!

Strip Poker

It was supposed to be our weekend alone, I thought fuming and sulking as the Jeep rounded the corners of the mountain road a little too fast. Adam was forced to use the grab handle to keep from sliding out the low door and I could sense Jerry and Brian in the back grabbing for the roll bar. Adam shot me a worried look because he knew what I was thinking. Adam and I had been carrying on a clandestine affair since he discovered he was bisexual about a year ago. We managed to get together about once or twice a week depending on how work was going for us. We both did construction and if we knocked off early or during bad weather, Adam would be in my bed with my 7" buried as deeply up his ass or down his throat as it would go. I had the honor of popping Adam's cherry and although I was more than willing to lift my legs for his 8" prick, Adam always said he could fuck his wife if he wanted to fuck. So Adam was my bottom and I kept him happy enough to where he didn't seek sex outside of our arrangement. Adam was a major turn on for me so it suited me also.

Anyway, once a month we managed to get away from his wife (I'm exclusively gay and not "involved" with anyone but Adam.) by going up to my cabin. We would fuck or suck in front of the fireplace and never wore clothes the whole time we were there. I never got tired of seeing Adam's incredibly beautiful body. Often we would just lay in front of the fire with my head on his muscular chest and his arms wrapped around me while I rubbed his thighs or balls.

But blow all that off now! Jerry was Adams brother-in-law and Brian was Jerry's best friend. They were visiting from the mid-west. At first we thought Jerry would just naturally stay behind and visit Julia since they were brother and sister (twins to be exact) but for some reason Julia insisted they come along with us and Jerry was more than willing. This BS got sprung on me at the last minute. Like when I pulled up in Adam's driveway! Fuck, I didn't even pack any clothes! All I had was the beer, two fifths of tequila, a fifth of brandy and a fifth of peach schnapps and a couple of porno. Adam had just started getting into porno and liked watching the guys suck and fuck while I fucked him. So, you could kind of say my weekend was ruined and I was pissed about it.

Before we left, Adam pulled me out to the garage and tried to assure we could still have time together. Also, we would take the only bedroom, and they would sleep on the floor in the living room so we could still have sex. We would just have to be quiet and we wouldn't be able to fuck in front of the fireplace. That seemed like an okay compromise and I decided if it got forced on us, it would work. Still I had my doubts. We would have to be extra quiet. The place was very small with only two rooms and was never intended as being more than a getaway place for Adam and I. Okay call me romantic but Adam and I "connected" during a weekend in the mountains and I bought the place for sentimental reasons. And the mountain air just seemed to make our cocks a little harder than they were down in the city.

Since nothing else was going well, half way up the mountain we ran into rain and had to stop to put the top up. The rest of the trip took a little longer than usual because of the rain. I was forced to cool off and slow down if we were to arrive in one piece. We got the Jeep unloaded with a minimal amount of fuss in spite of the pouring rain. Julia had insisted we bring extra food since we hadn't planned on the two extra guys and she sent a lot more stuff than we really needed. While no one was looking, I retrieved the porno flicks I had hidden under the back seat. If the rain broke tomorrow, maybe Adam and I could watch one and fuck while the guys fished or something.

I got another unexpected blow (and not by Adam's mouth) when we got inside. The new roof I had put on the previous summer had sprung a leak. No, it wasn't just a leak, it was a fucking river! And you guessed it, right over the bed. And the room was so totally soaked that there was no way we could sleep on the bed or the floor. So, we had to spend the night with Brian and Jerry.

So, with nothing better to do, we all got drunk. Jerry and Brian dominated the conversation with tales of their lives. Brian, who had been so quiet before now, suddenly blossomed with a little alcohol in his blood stream. I was pretty surprised to find out he was a very outgoing and funny guy. When it got time to rack out. I realized, now that I was going to be forced to sleep out in the open like this, I didn't have anything to sleep in and wasn't wearing underwear. Adam must have realized I would not have clothes and packed some extra gym trunks. All the guys started stripping. I got a glimpse of Adams beauty and sighed deeply. And I also got to check out the other two guys. No reason not to, Jerry was only related to me through lust. Jerry looked like he had a monster cock, consider it's size when soft, if it lived up to it's potential, maybe it would get up to 9". Brian was very respectable but a bit more modest in endowment but very thick and had beautiful low hanging balls. Adam still made my heart beat faster just as it did when I first saw him several years ago. I often lamented on what would have happened if he had identified his true sexuality before he met Julia.

I got the blankets and pillows out but realized since two blankets and pillows were wet, we only had two of each that were dry so we were going to have to hare blankets. There was no question who was sleeping with who. The issue of the pillows was up to each set of guys. Brian decided to just use his rolled up Levies and let Jerry have the pillow. Adam and I shared ours. He lay facing Brian and Jerry who were only a few feet away but not too visible in the light from the slowly dying fire in the fireplace on the other side of the room. Both men were facing away from us and we were lying on our sides with Adam in front of me.

Adam reached around behind himself and slid his hand up the leg opening of the trunks I had on. I was hard instantly at the feel of his hand on my cock, which he knew so well. I slid my hand under his waistband and caressed his hairy ass. Adam has the most beautiful ass in the whole world. For that matter Adam's whole body was beautiful. He was a shorty only being 5'7" (he liked to tell be he was 5'8" but I knew the truth.) but his shoulders were broad and his chest, deep with almost every inch of it covered in dense black hair. His flat hard belly was almost, but not quite, as hairy. But his hips were very narrow (he has a 28" waist) which makes his thick 8" tool seem like it was at least 12" long. Bust his ass and thighs were his best features. Adam was blessed with an ass that was beautifully domed with concave cheeks; each was exactly the size of one of my hands. One of my favorite things to do with him was to have him lay on top of me, kissing, while I slowly massaged his cheeks causing his cock to be ground into mine until we were both dripping wet.

I started running my hand deeper through his crack until my fingertips were rubbing his velvety bunghole. I heard him choke back a deep sigh. I rubbed harder as I slid my trunks down and hooked the waistband under my balls. Adam let go of me. With one smooth movement, he slid his sweat pants off his ass and brought his legs forward giving me more access to his ass. He returned his hand to my prick and started stroking it. I felt myself start to drip and feared we would start making noise even the hard rain on the roof might not disguise.

I think we were both very excited by this restrained but open sex. I knew I needed very little stimulation to pop my nuts and spew cum all over Adam's back. I moved closer to him assuming the same position with the bent legs. He was forced to abandon my meat. I reached around him, drew his hips into mine, and started humping his crack. I slid my hand into his sweats and started stroking his prick while I kissed his neck and shoulders.

The rain picked up intensity. I saw Jerry lift his head. Adam tried to pull away but I held him tight. When Jerry lay back down, Adam relaxed. I squeezed his cock firmly and got a sigh out of him. My cock was slick now from the stimulation of Adam's hairy crack and my own excitement over the dangerous act we were performing only a few feet from his brother-in-law. I felt reckless and slid down a little and probed his hole with the head of my cock. I felt him hold his breath. He was powerless to do anything to prevent me. I probed him a few more times before entering him. I could tell he was choking back a groan. This was going to have to be a disciplined fuck. We were both accustomed to being as verbal as we wanted to. We frequently urged each other on while we sucked and fucked. I slid in deeper and deeper until I knew I was in as deep as I could go. Sliding my other arm under and around him, I rotated my hips a few times and then started pumping slowly.

Adam was breathing deeply as I stroked his cock and pumped my pole in and out of his hot, tight hole. Several times, I could tell he doing his best to keep from letting out a moan or a groan. His thick prick felt at home in my fist. I realized some time ago I liked stroking his meat better than I liked stroking mine and believe me, I had nothing against stroking my own meat.

The rain picked up even more intensity as I increased my efforts. Adam reached around his body and was rubbing my hip and thigh with one hand. His other hand was gripping his shoulder tightly. As I rubbed his forearm with my free hand, I realized it was wet and I assumed he had been biting it to keep from crying out. With the addition of peals of thunder, my hips were now a steady motion and a fast tempo. I was breathing heavily through my mouth in an attempt to not make any sound. Adam whimpered and I knew he was close also. A half a dozen more pumps and strokes and we came together. We weren't altogether successful in keeping quiet as our orgasms ripped through our bodies. With the rain and thunder, I was certain we weren't given away.

I regretfully withdrew my still rigid prick from Adam's asshole. He had shot in his load inside his sweat pants. I guess you could say I was more fortunate, I ad a nice tight receptacle for my spunk. Adam adjusted his clothes, got up and made his way to the bathroom. I don't know how he had intended to explain cum stained sweat pants to his wife. I just hoped it wasn't two obvious tomorrow. Adam got back and I knew I should go wash but I thought it would be too obvious if I went on the heals of Adam. So, holding hands under the blanket, we went to sleep. It was some time in the middle of the night when something woke me up. It was still raining hard. I decided since I was awake, I should go clean up a little. If I had to strip for some reason and had a sticky looking prick, it might be a little too obvious. As I passed the useless bedroom door and neared the bathroom, a hand slid around to my mouth a held it tightly. I was propelled into the bathroom. I knew it wasn't Adam, he was too tall and I knew it wasn't Brian, he was too short so it had to be Jerry but what was with the hush-hush bull shit. Inside the bathroom, he closed the door and locked it.

"What are you doing?" I hissed with an irritated tone. As far as I was concerned, these guys were intruders and I wasn't going to cut them any slack. He didn't answer but took my hand and pressed it to his crotch. Rigid now, the prick that had looked so promising had more than lived up to it's potential. As to why he was doing this, I didn't care to speculate. I learned early in life not to question a rigid 9" cock. He nudged me down and I started sucking with a voracious appetite fishing my now hard cock out and stroking it as I sucked. I knew I was slurping but to turn water on or flush the toilet to mask the noise would only call attention to us. I slowed my pace and consequently, the noise level dropped and I could hear Jerry mutter, "Yeah, that's gooood."

By my recollection, I had sucked for several minutes when he pulled me up to my feet and kissed me deeply. I let out a muffled moan. Breaking the kiss, he dropped to his knees and took my prick in his mouth. The way he was sucking it, it must not have been too unappetizing. I don't really know how long he was on me but it was long enough for me to know this was not just an impulsive move. The man had skills in the oral department. I was thoroughly enjoying his mouth and started really getting into the suck.

My bliss was short lived when he pulled off of me and got to his feet. He kissed me for about thirty seconds and then turned me around facing the sink. I knew what was coming and I suddenly was blessing Julia's entire family tree. I hadn't been fucked since Adam and I connected over a year ago. I suppose I should tell you that I really am a monogamous sort of guy and even though Adam and I didn't routinely sleep in the same bed, as far as I was concerned, we had a relationship and I was faithful to it. Mainly because Adam was such a total turn on to me, that few men could compare with him. The one sore spot was Adam not wanting to fuck me and I had a hunch that by tomorrow, the one sore spot was going to be the one spot Adam wouldn't fuck.

Jerry spit on his hand. I was going to tell him there was lubricant in the medicine cabinet but realized that might look like this was routine. I just hoped his fucking skills matched his oral ones because a guy could get injured with that log. He probed me well and worked his fingers in and out. I was grinding my ass onto his penetrating fingers and definitely looking forward to a solid fuck. I didn't even care if Adam knew. After all, we had made no commitment to each other. With him, it was pure sex. So if he found out, so what? Brian could be iffy since he was Jerry's best friend but Jerry was willing to take the risk so why shouldn't I?

Jerry withdrew his fingers and I felt him probing me with his fat knob. Instead of tensing, I concentrated on relaxing and corkscrewed myself on to his shaft. I heard him chuckle under his breath as I bottomed out. "Well, I was going to ask you if you were ready or not." He whispered as he backed off and started sliding back in then rotating his hips before sliding out again. He sighed deeply attempting to suppress any noise but a slight whimper came out just the same. He leaned over to where more of my backside was in contact with his chest and abs. He reached around gripping my pole tightly and started stroking me, picking up the pace of his pumping also.

I now knew what Adam had experienced just a few short hours ago. Silence was impossible and in spite of being dizzy with lust, I had to remain quiet. I was biting my forearm as Adam had done. Jerry must have had the same idea because he suddenly started biting my ear and when he wasn't biting me, his hard breathing was loud in my ear. The effect of his hot breath and ear chewing along with a hot cock driving in and out of me was going to shortly push me over the edge. Jerry must have realized that because he put his hand over my mouth and laid it into me. I grunted my approval and started biting as much of his hand as I could. He tightened his fist and started stroking harder. I wasn't certain if his increased stroking was because he was getting close and wanted me to cum with him or if he just liked stroking a guy's meat with a fast tempo. His hips were slapping my ass and the sound had to be carrying outside. A couple strokes later, I felt I was on the threshold of my own orgasm and just let it go. With my first twitch, Jerry slowed his pace and was grunting in my ear as my jiz shot all over the front of the sink. Our bodies jerked wildly for several seconds and then relaxed. Jerry took a deep breath, held it for a second and then exhaled a long "Wheeew."

He stayed in me and squeezed my prick for another moment and then maybe it was the blush of excitement fading but we both became aware of the risk factor and started preparing to exit and hope we hadn't been observed or overheard. Once he had wiped his dick off and pulled his trunks up, I whispered to him to go ahead and go out. I would stay behind and clean my cum up. We opened the door and I gave him a minute or so to get back down on the floor before I turned the light on. I had spewed all over the front of the cabinet and it required a little effort to clean it up. Finishing that, I returned to my spot on the floor. Adam, the sound sleeper, hadn't budged.

Lying there listening to the rain on the roof, I reflect that this wasn't such a bad trip after all. If nothing else, I got fucked by a very big prick and even going back to my days as a single guy, I hadn't always been that lucky. I am pretty versatile not really minding top or bottom. I didn't mind topping Adam. The physical attraction was strong for me and topping him kept him interested and a part of my life. The dilemma that was staring me in the face now was what should I do? I definitely wanted another fuck by this guy but how was that going to be done? Adam was going to use every trick up his sleeve to get them to leave us alone and yet I really wanted Jerry again. Adam was going to be there next week. I had heard someone say Jerry and Brian were flying home some time this coming week. Flexing my hole, I thought this weekend hadn't turned out so bad after all but I had to remember to ask him what the fuck he was doing sneaking around and how he knew he could get away with trying that with me. Snuggling up against Adam, I went back to sleep.

Some time after dawn, I woke up. I glanced over at Brian and Jerry. Jerry was facing me and Brian was facing the wall with his back to Jerry. Jerry's head raised off the pillow and looked around. I signaled to him with my hand and he signaled back and smiled. He slid the blanket off, pulled his hard on out of his trunks, and stroked it while looking at me. I did the same. He grinned. I motioned for him to go to the bathroom and he nodded. Just then, Brian rolled over. We snatched the blankets back over ourselves and I closed my eyes but peered through narrow slits.

Brian looked around like he was making sure the coast was clear. Satisfied no one was watching, he stood up and yawned while stretching. Dressed only in sweatpants, he looked yummy and his morning erection was straining at the front of his sweats. I knew Jerry could see it too. I had been right, he definitely as nice and thick. In the dim light, it was impossible to judge the length but my original assessment appeared to be correct and he was probably a little longer than average but thick and his lanky muscular body with it's health pelt of blond hair looked so inviting. As he walked passed me, not realizing I was awake, I could see his hard on more clearly. I smiled to myself thinking I hadn't had him yet and wondered if I should press my luck and come on to him. I looked over to Jerry who rolled his eyes and made a humping motion with pulling and pushing his balled fist back and forth at the sides of his hips. I grinned. Then we heard the shower water running, and Jerry got up and headed to the bathroom. I heard a "Good Morning" come from Brian so he wasn't in the shower yet. I wondered if Jerry was going to put his prick on display for Brian.

With both of them out of the way I reached over for Adam. I knew Adam and his body better than I did my own and I could wake him up with just the slightest pressure in one of two spots and those were his arm pits. We didn't know why but even so much as a finger on his pits and both his eyes sprung open like they were spring-loaded. We had discovered this about three months after we started having sex. On morning at my house (I don't recall why he was there or why Julia was gone and he could be there.) and he was sleeping with one arm over his head. Everything about the man is the most sensuous, most delicious, most sexual and any other superlative you care to throw in. AND, he has great pits! Until I met him, pits were just a part of a guy's anatomy and didn't rate even an acknowledgment. But for some odd reason, I took note of his pits this particular morning and found they made my prick just a little bit harder. A "little bit" was all the room there was for growth since the man already gave me a mega boner as it was. But I lay there while he slept and studied his pits. I liked the way the hair was placed and it just seemed fucking sexy to look at them. I reached over and ran my index finger down his pit and his eyes sprung open. He asked me what I was doing and I told him. He laughed and then jokingly pulled my face into his pit and I started eating away. I had no idea I could get into it like that! So that little fetish became part of our sex. He didn't share it but I didn't care about that.

So, I lightly ran one finger down his pit and his eyes blinked open. Knowing what I had done, he gave me a sleepy smile, said in that deep sexy voice he had first thing in the morning "What are you doing?" and he pulled me down to his pit just like the first time. Then he must have realized we weren't alone because he pulled away quickly, glancing around.

"It's okay, they are in the bathroom." I knew we would hear the door open before they could see us so it safe.

"Really?" he said with both eyebrows raised.

"No, it isn't like that! But I don't think I would turn down an offer by either of them."

"Man, hardly married a year and you are already out looking!"

"You're the only man for me," I said pulling him into my arms and kissing him fully on the mouth. I could feel his rigid prick hidden inside his sweats and slid my hand in to grab it. He did likewise. We lay there kissing until we heard the water turn off. We pulled apart. A minute or two later, Bryan came out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Ah you guys are up!" he said in a buoyant mood. I wondered if maybe there was more than met the eye with he and Jerry.

"You've no idea," Adam mumbled.

Brian walked over to where he had been sleeping and retrieved his levies. He slipped the towel off facing us giving us another tantalizing sight of his prick and very nice low hanging balls. "Jerry's just getting in the shower and then it should be free. Any ideas on what you guys want for breakfast? That is my specialty. I do a mean Denver omelet if I got the stuff," Bryan said buttoning his fly as he headed for the small kitchen. Adam followed to help explore all the food Julia had sent along. I heard the water shut off in the bathroom and wandered that way. Jerry was toweling off. I pulled the door shut.

"Lock it," he whispered. I reached to do as I was told when suddenly Adam opened the door. Startled, I jumped back.

"Am I interrupting anything?" he asked.

I thought that was a little uncalled for. "Sorry." I said brushing it aside. Jerry had a towel around his waist and was actually blushing when we hadn't been doing anything to be embarrassed about. I wondered how Adam would respond if he knew his brother-in-law was gay or vice versa for that matter although Adam was bi, not gay. "I was just about to brush my teeth, you want to shower first?"

"No, I'll wait until you're done," he said shifting his gaze between Jerry and I.

Jerry was clearly uncomfortable and was calling more attention to himself. He skinnied past Adam, "I'll go see what Brian is up to," he said and was gone.

Adam grinned at me and I just rolled my eyes. "David, You WILL explain this to me some day?" he asked.

"Yea, after we get back down the mountain." I pushed the door closed and locked it. We were the last to use the bathroom so baring someone needing to ask a question, I thought this was safe. I took Adam in my arms and kissed him. He responded instantly and I could feel his prick stiffen under the jersey fabric of his sweats. He broke the kiss.

"We don't have time for this and we can't get caught!" he said pushing me away and grabbing his bag of toilet gear. I smiled at him knowing we WERE going to do it. I walked over to the shower and turned the water on, cold only so as to not loose all the hot water. Returning to Adam, a questioning look on his face, I dropped to my knees. Adam giggled but didn't push me away. I pulled his sweats down around his thighs and savored the sight. His thick prick was standing out slightly from his large balls. Fully engorged, it would stand up 8" and be 6" around. His knob was the perfect shape of a helmet with a wide slit that oozed pre-cum when he was excited. His bush was so dense, you couldn't see any skin at all until it feathered out on each side of his meat. Not wasting any more time, I devoured his pole and felt it stiffen. I seldom got to taste him when he wasn't completely hard which seemed to happen at the wink of an eye! In his semi flaccid state, I could push my face deeply into his bush and feel the course hair pressed into my lips and nose. I felt him swelling in my mouth, started backing off, and sliding back down. Very soon, he was solid and my mouth was sliding along the surface easily. He continued brushing his teeth but I knew he was watching me. He rinsed his mouth and then trimmed his beard. From time to time, I could feel a quiver run through his thighs or maybe a spasm would jolt his body. I sucked on with enough suction to lift a bowling ball and enough polish on his knob to have made a limo shine.

Suddenly, Adam gripped the edge of the counter and his body was wracked by a violent spasm. Cum flooded my mouth. Before I could swallow the first jet, a second spewed forth causing some of his spunk to leak out of my mouth. I continued assaulting the head of his prick with my tongue as more jets christened my throat. Adam collapsed forward, his cock was pulled from my lips with a loud slurp and slapped me on the cheek with a wet smack.

"Wow," he said once he had recovered. I got to my feet and pulled him in my arms his still hard prick was pressed into my rigid one. I kissed him deeply sliding my tongue in and opening my mouth to meet his. He groaned maybe not as much from passion as the surprise of getting a mouthful of his own cum. I hadn't swallowed the last of it. He pulled away from me and swallowed. "Now, I just brushed my teeth!" he said with an exasperated tone. He headed to the shower and stepped in not realizing it was cold water. "Yea haw!" he yelled jumping out. I laughed and adjusted the water for him. He stuck a hand in to test it and then allowed his body to follow. I followed also.

"What are you doing," he hissed. "If Jerry finds out, I'm dead meat and you know it."

"Let's not talk about Jerry," I said turning Adam around. He knew what he was about to get and wasn't at all hesitant now. I soaped his ass and then my pole. Probing him with my knob, I found the spot and slid in a few inches. His moan spoke more of passion than pain so I went in a little more. Adam finished it by pulling me the rest of the way towards him with his hands on my hips. I rotated my hips a few seconds to allow him to get used to the bulk and then started pumping slowly picking up speed as Adam's grunts told me he wanted it harder. Adam had no problem with a fast hard fuck. That isn't to say he didn't like slow easy ones. Adam liked to get fucked, pure and simple and I there wasn't a way we had thought of yet that he didn't like. Unfortunately, a hard fuck is over way too soon but I guess that is the price to pay. That time was almost at hand. My hips and balls were slapping his ass rhythmically. I was certain it had to be heard outside the room; the shower was only capable of masking so much noise. Adam instantly knew when I slammed my cock home that last time that I was cuming. He reached under his own crotch and squeezed my balls and my jiz erupted in him. I stood there with my body jerking wildly and my grunts audible over the shower noise.

Adam pulled forward and I slid out with a wince. He planted a wet kiss on my mouth and then reached for the soap. He soaped fast and handed me the bar. I was soaping myself as he rinsed. He stepped out and as he passed the faucet, he turned the hot water off. "Yea haw" I yelled as he laughed at me through the door. Adam's towel wrapped body disappeared through the door, still laughing. Fine, let him explain it as I thought smiling to myself and continued my shower.

Emerging from the bathroom, clad in a towel like the others, the living room was straightened up and the blankets and pillows put away. A Bloody Maria was waiting for me.

"I hope you don't mind a Bloody Maria," Adam said "but we don't have any vodka. Why don't you and Jerry build a fire while Brian and I make breakfast."

The Bloody Maria was potent. I wondered if maybe Adam hadn't spiked them extra to get Brian and Jerry to pass out. Jerry and I took ours outside to get firewood out of the woodbin next to the front door while Adam and Brian continued with the kitchen detail. It would still be a few minutes before breakfast was ready so we weren't in any hurry to go back inside. The entry part of the deck was covered and dry. The rain was still pelting the exposed roof but out in the dense growth of the forest, the rainfall was more of a rain seep as the water filtered down through the limbs of the trees.

"Man, we got to get rid of those two!" Jerry spoke emphatically. "I keep worrying I'm going to spring a boner and lay into you without really thinking about what I am doing!"

The idea made me pucker my hole. "No, that wouldn't be a good idea," I said.

"How can we work this? I mean maybe we could send them to the store. There is bound to be something we need and they could go get. Just a half hour is all I'll need and I guarantee, you'll be smiling for the rest of the day."

The poor man seemed desperate and I have to admit, I was flattered. He certainly was no slouch being pretty good looking, about 6'1" and fairly well defined in the muscle department but with his prick, few men would stop to critique his muscle structure. He had the same fair coloring as Julia but from working outdoors, his had deepened into an almost tan. He had the same strawberry blond hair but his sparse body hair was more strawberry than blond.

"Sorry buddy but you saw what all your sister sent up with us. Between that and the stuff I brought, I can't think of anything we need."

"Yeah, I saw what you were bringing up! When did you plan on doing it?"

I was a little panicky. Just what exactly did this guy know. I played dumb. Which isn't always a hard thing for me to do. "Sorry guy, don't know what you're talking about."

"Yeah, right! I saw the fuck film fucker! You had it hidden under the seat and with that suicide driving you were doing, it slid out from under the seat. I managed to slide it back without Bry seeing it. I knew it wasn't ours or Adam's so since it was your Jeep, it had to be yours." He explained.

"Well that did explain how you knew about me. Okay, but what were you doing last night, laying in ambush in case I got up in the night?"

"No, I was jerking off in the bedroom. When I saw you walk past, I knew it was you by how tall you were compared to Adam and Brian."

"Now, exactly why were you jerking off in the bedroom instead of the bathroom."

"Uh, I was... Well, shit, I had gone in the bedroom to find Brian's underwear. Remember we had all put our dirty clothes in there? Well, I was looking for them." He looked a little embarrassed at this admission.

"You got the hots for that guy?" I asked but the answer was evident. "What did Brian do to inspire you to want to pop a load?"

"Oh man, he got a hard on in the night and was humping my knee with it! I didn't know if he was sleeping or awake. I reached over and gave it a light feel but he rolled over on my hand. I had a bitch of a time getting my hand out and I wasn't so certain I wanted to take it out! Man, I'd lift my legs for that guy any time and that is something I don't do for just anyone."

"Ah, so you do bottom."

"I have, but I still prefer being top. There is just something about the thought of being in a stud that gets me going and I f we don't stop talking about it, I'll take you right here on this deck. Shit, maybe if we got started, Brian and Adam would join in. Adam has to have some idea about you if only from the way you look at him. It was evident when he stripped last night. Your face practically melted and if you had swallowed any harder, you'd have lost your tongue."

Now I was getting very uncomfortable with this discussion. He was too observant and he was Adam's brother-in-law. Adam had already told me Julia and her brother had very few secretes from each other. I wondered if she knew her twin was gay. I was about to ask when the door swung open and Brian stuck his head out.

"Chows ready!" he shouted. We loaded up the firewood and headed back in.

The guys really outdid themselves. The omelets were outstanding as were the fried ham and potatoes and the thick slices of toasted sourdough bread. But maybe the bloody Maria's just made it taste better.

When breakfast was out of the way, Brian and Adam went out on the porch while Jerry and I cleaned up. We took advantage of our being alone and liberally played with each other but didn't trust the guys out on the deck to stay there. Adam proved this to be a prudent move by showing up unannounced to freshen his and Brian's drink. I managed to get my hand out of Jerry's trunks just as he walked through the doorway. At least this time, Jerry didn't step all over his dick in embarrassment.

When the clean up was over, we joined the guys outside. Adam had retrieved and dried off some deck chairs from the open deck adjacent to the entry deck. The air was fresh and the heavy scent of the woods was alluring. I think we all had a nice buzz going from the drinks. We were all still shirtless. The air was brisk but it felt good on my bare skin and it made all our nipples stand out. Adam's looked the best (in my eyes) and Brian came next. The combination of the dusky pink aureole and his pale blond chest hair was always a winner. Right now, he was sitting slouched in his chair a few feet from me, his long legs stretched out and crossed at the ankle. His thick cock caused the buttons to gap and the outline was visible through the snug faded denim. Jerry's chest wasn't much of a turn on. The muscle structure was there but his reddish blond hair almost matched his aureole and nipple color and his chest hair was so sparse it wasn't a real turn on. But thinking about the fuck he had given me, I could forgive him that. Just the thought made my dick stir.

I sat on one of the deck chairs and Adam sat opposite me. I had my legs crossed. Adam nodded down to my crotch. Glancing down, I could see my cock and balls were hanging out. I just shrugged. As I mentioned, I had on Adam's trunks. Although he had a tiny waist, his thighs were massive and he had to buy mediums with draw strings for just about all of his trunks and sweats. Even with that, Julia often had to let them out by slitting the seams a few inches. So, the leg openings did nothing to conceal my equipment. It didn't bother me to have it on display. All the guys had an opportunity to see me last night and two of them saw me intimately this morning so Brian was the only concern. I glanced in his direction. I was surprised to find he seemed to be looking at my cock and balls. I continued with the conversation I was having with Jerry but kept glancing at Brian. He definitely was looking! Well, I suppose it could just be curiosity about other guys. It is a common fact that not just gays check men out when given an opportunity. But still, I wonder....

"I think I'll go in and see if there is a game on. Anyone interested?" I said giving my cock and balls a pull before standing up. My cock was filled out from the reflection on the guys and prospect of Brian as a sex buddy. There was general agreement from the guys and we all trooped inside making a detour to the kitchen to get beer. After all, who watches football and not drink beer? Brian disappeared in the bedroom where we had stowed our gear and returned in a T- shirt and the sweat pants he had slept in. The T-shirt sounded good after the brisk air so I did likewise.

We got lucky and there was a game on. Jerry and I claimed the couch, Adam, and Brian took the floor. I wasn't surprised to see Brian align himself to where he could see up my leg opening. I wasn't the only guy in trunks but Jerry had underwear on so he was only showing a large bulge. Adam's sweats were so baggy in the crotch you couldn't tell anything about him.

We watched the game for about an hour getting up to piss out the beer and get fresh ones. I knew I was getting ripped fast. The other's looked about the same. The rain was now coming down a lot harder and the thunder sounded like it was right overhead. One loud crack was followed by silence that was broken only by the steady rainfall. We had lost our power.

We all stayed as we were for several minutes thinking the power would be restored. In spite of it being mid afternoon, the cloud cover and the tall trees made it very dim inside the cabin. It seemed like it was evening.

"Well, now what?" I asked.

"I think we should pack up and get the hell out of Dodge," Adam said with total disgust.

"Ah come on buddy, not so fast," Brian started. "The power will come back on and I'll make you some of my famous chili for dinner."

"If YOU"RE eating chili, I'll sleep in the Jeep!" Jerry exclaimed. It was evident he knew something about Brian we didn't know and I kind of thought that might be part of him I wouldn't care to get to know better.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right but we can rustle up some food. The stove is gas and we got firewood for warmth and plenty of drink. Let's ride this out. I now I'm just a guest but I'm really enjoying this," he said, glancing at my prick, which was clearly visible even in the dim light of the room.

This was getting good. "It would be dark before we got packed and loaded. Plus I've been drinking and even if I were sober I wouldn't maneuvering those roads in the dark with rain. No, we were not going anywhere until the rain at least slows down. We stay put. Anyone want to play some poker?" I asked.

The guys agreed so we took the small eating table and moved it over to the fireplace to give us some warmth and provide extra light. I got the cards. "Anyone got any money? We don't have chips so we will have to play for cash."

"Yeah right!" Adam said sarcastically. "I know how well you play. Get yourself some other patsy!"

Brian shot me a look followed by a grin. I'd play poker with him and bet my body if he bet his. There would be no way I could loose with those stakes. That was when I hit on the idea that changed all our lives.

The guys settled into their chairs with fresh beers. We cut cards to see who dealt. Jerry got the deal and chose straight five-card draw with nothing wild. I took three, Adam took one and Brian took two. Dealer took three. Since there was no money on the table, betting was senseless. Adam had the low hand trying to draw to a flush and had busted.

"So what are you going to take off?" I asked nonchalantly.

"What do you mean?" Adam asked.

"Well, we're playing strip poker. What are you going to take off?" I saw Jerry blink and a slow smile spread on Brian's face.

"No one said anything about strip poker!!" Adam sputtered.

"That's what I thought we were doing!" I said. "How about you Jer, what did you think?"

"That's what I understood," Jerry said. "How about you Bry?"

"Yeah, that was my understanding," he said nodding vigorously.

Adam was dumfounded and could say nothing at first. "Hey, wait a minute! You guys have more clothes on than me!" That was true; Jerry had socks and underwear on, Brian and I had T-shirts, and I had socks on. Adam was the only one who had only one item of clothing on. Unless we modified the rules, he would be naked on the first hand.

"Okay, each guy has four items of clothing: one shirt, undershorts, socks and pants or shorts of some kind. If you don't have them on, it is like a credit and instead of having to remove something, you loose a credit. Do we agree?" I asked. Everyone nodded but Adam who did so once he knew he was the only one who wasn't going along with this.

"Just a minute guys! We aren't sixteen year olds playing with our girlfriends and hoping to see them naked," Brian started, "What is the winner going to get out of it? Seeing you guys buck-naked isn't a reward to me. I need something more tangible or enticing."

"What did you have in mind," Jerry said doubtfully. Adam looked uneasy, like he already knew and he shot me a glance almost imploring me to veto what Brian was going to say. I couldn't believe my luck and knew Adam would get into it once he found out Jerry was gay.

"We play until the first guy is naked and then he has to perform a service for the three winners."

"What type of service?" I asked but already knowing the answer.

"The looser has to suck off the three winners. Suck off and SWALLOW!" Adam exhaled hard, like someone had knocked the wind out of him. Jerry was grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm in!" I said. Adam shot me a threatening look.

"Me too," echoed Jerry. "I wouldn't mind a good blow job right about now."

"Yeah, but how do you feel about giving one?" Adam shot at him. "You know, you could loose!?!"

"But I won't," he said. But I already knew he certainly was going to loose. He'd throw the game just so he could wrap his lips around Brian's prick.

Adam brought up a good point. "Okay, that takes care of one guy but what about the other two? The three remaining should continue to play until there is only one winner and not three. The second looser should also suck off the two remaining. That is unless you guys can't blow more than one load a night." He said challenging us.

"Yeah but the overall winner may not want the third looser to suck him off. I like head but three blow jobs in a row gets tedious," Jerry said. "I think the third looser should have to suck off the first looser." We all nodded our agreement.

"And then all three have to do anything the winner tells them to do," Brian added quietly.

Now, even I wasn't certain. "Hold it dude! I'm not doing anything that isn't healthy, causes pain or is demeaning." Jerry and Adam nodded quickly.

"Okay, I understand "healthy" and "pain". But is fucking or getting fucked demeaning?"

"No!" the three of us said in unison and so quickly it was actually embarrassing.

I got a note pad so we could mark who had what for credit. Adam was down one. In theory, the game could run as many as fifteen hands or as few as twelve. We decided to play straight five-card draw, nothing wild.

Brian had the high hand and dealt. That hand saw Jerry loose with a pair of three's, I got the deal. After five hands, Adam was down two and the rest of us down one each. At the end of the eighth hand, Jerry was down three, Adam and I were down two and Brain, who's luck was astounding, was still only down one. It was very evident that Jerry was intentionally trying to loose the game. He was down to his underwear and sitting on my right hand. I could barely see his cock and if it looked pretty filled out. I didn't know if Adam, sitting opposite me, could see it or not. I couldn't see Brian's at all. But mine was definitely more hard than soft. Brian surprised me by calling for a break.

"Man, I gotta relieve some pressure!" And he was up and heading to the toilet. The room was getting darker by the minute and it was difficult to see but he looked to have a complete boner judging by what it had looked like this morning. I got up to get some candles and a fresh round of beer. Adam got up too. He seemed to be getting into it also because his cock had filled out and even in his baggy sweats, it was visible.

When Brian came out, his cock had softened and he stretched, the T-shirt rode up and I got a glimpse of his flat hairy belly. It made my balls stir. I set some candles out and lit them. Even though the beer had already refreshed our buzz, Jerry brought the bottle of schnapps to the table along with four small shot glasses. I knew if we started tossing those back, we would be drooling idiots soon.

We settled back around the table. The play of candle light and shadow on every ones faces added a menacing appearance to the scene. Brian was totally in control. I didn't know what his secrete was but he never for an instance believed he could loose this game. His confidence was what had allowed him to propose the outrageous wager. Only I knew that three of the men at the table wouldn't balk at sex with another man. Of Brian's own thoughts, I had no knowledge. I had decided that perhaps he really did know Jerry was gay but had always lacked the courage to approach him. I had no doubt that he wasn't gay and at the very best 90% straight but with a 10% curious streak. I doubted he would really participate aside from perhaps receiving a blowjob but would gain an immense amount of satisfaction from watching the rest of us perform for him. I was also certain that he had Adam's and my number.

We each tossed back a shot of schnapps. The next hand saw Adam loose and that was the end of his credits. Like Jerry, he had one item left. I wondered if maybe Adam was throwing the game also. The tenth hand saw Brian loose. He and I were now tied and unless things turned sour, it would be between the two of us. Adam and Jerry seemed to be in a race to see who was going to be naked first. We tossed back some more schnapps. I noticed Jerry's voice was a little slurred and I was getting decidedly ripped again.

To my surprise, Adam lost the next hand with Jerry bettering him with a higher pair. I think both men had too much self-respect to blatantly loose every hand with nothing.

There was silence around the table. I was looking at Adam who had a blank look on his face. I was just about to cancel the whole thing when Adam tossed back another shot, stood up, pulled his sweats off and said, "Who's first?" We all looked at each other. We hadn't decided in what order the looser would do it. "Low hand to high hand," Brian said before there could be any discussion. Jerry nodded his agreement but I felt badly now and regretted this whole thing. It almost seemed cruel. I knew Adam had no problem sucking me, his brother-in-law or an almost total stranger was another matter. His cock wasn't even as hard as Jerry's or mine.

"Look, lets forget this," I said. "It sounded okay but it is stupid and uncalled for."

"No, we made a bet and I'll go through with it. I'd have held you to it if you had lost." He turned to Jerry who pushed his chair away from and parallel to the table so Adam could get to him. He was facing my direction. He slid his underwear down and off his ankles. Adam knelt in front of him staring at that monster cock. "I'm glad Julia isn't your identical twin!" he said with wry humor. "Just don't ever tell her or I'll rip your balls off and stuff 'em down your throat and then out your asshole."

Jerry nodded solemnly. Adam pulled the stiff pole forward, lowered himself and opened his mouth. I felt my prick expanding and soon it was solid. Jerry was sitting opposite of Brian so Brian had a profile view but he had to lean forward a little to see it. I was at a right angle and had to lean a little to my right, nearer to Brian. Brian's eyes seemed to be burning or perhaps they just were reflecting the candlelight. I could tell his jaw was clinched tight and his breathing seemed quicker.

Jerry's focus was on his brother-in-law's mouth sliding up and down his pole. I would say that Adam was only on him less than a minute when it became evident to Jerry that this was not Adam's first suck. Jerry raised his head up and raised his eyebrows questioningly. I just nodded my head slightly. Jerry grinned and returned to watching Adam suck his meat. Brian had seen none of this, his eyes having never drifted from the sight of Adam attempting to devour Jerry's 9". Jerry's size was perfect for Brian if he wanted to take on a voyeur role because seldom was there less than several inches of thick cock visible.

Adam was working Jerry over with a steady pace that was getting deep sighs in response from Jerry. The sucking sounds were audible over the heavy rainfall on the roof. From time to time, I would give Brian a sidelong glance. I realized only one of his hands seemed to be visible but it could be that the other was just out of my field of vision. Using the excuse of pouring a shot, I could see that his hand was under the table and possibly at his crotch. Probably not stroking but certainly stimulating himself.

"Me to," he said and I poured him one also. He tossed it back and returned to the action. His breath was getting faster just like mine. I wondered if his prick was as wet. I reached down and started playing with myself a little. Brian looked over and grinned. We both turned back to the action. I guess because I was doing it, Brian let down some inhibition because now I could tell from the movement of his arm he was stroking in time to the suck. I was so turned on by this I knew I wouldn't last long when it was my turn. I decided we probably should have reversed the order. As excited as Brian was, he wasn't going to last more than a couple of minutes either.

Jerry interrupted my thoughts. "I'm gonna cum!" he grunted and a few seconds later, his body started jerking. Brian and I both found ourselves leaning closer, our heads almost touching. Jerry uttered a series of grunts and I could see in my mind each grunt followed by a jet of cum shooting into Adam's mouth. Like just about all men, his orgasm only lasted about ten seconds but they were the most intense ten seconds I had ever experienced. There was something raw about witnessing the orgasm of another person and not being directly involved in it. This wasn't like a porno, which was flat and two-dimensional, these guys were living breathing men. I could smell the scent of their bodies and could even taste the cum that was jetting in Adam's mouth. My heart was pounding, there was a ringing in my ears and Jerry's grunts sounded louder than they really were.

Finally, Jerry's body went limp. Adam slid his mouth off the rigid pole glistening now with a combination of cum and spit. Jerry leaned his head forward, still trying to catch his breath. Adam stood. His 8" prick was now so rigid it almost seemed to be glued in place. He walked around the table to me. As Jerry had done, I pulled my chair way and then positioned it so my body was parallel to the table facing Brian. My prick was out and had the leg opening pulled back to where my meat was against my belly. I was dripping steadily. Brain openly stared at it. Of the four of us, mine was the thinnest but I suspected his could be a little shorter. Not that any of us had anything to be ashamed of. We obviously all functioned and received as well as gave pleasure with what we were born with. I slid my trunks off. Adam knelt between my outstretched legs. With no preliminaries, he pulled my prick back and took it in his mouth. Brian and I sighed in unison. That caused us to grin at each other. From where he was sitting, he was only a few feet from us but he still had to lean forward a little to actually see what was going on. Jerry had taken Adam's seat so he could see us. In the past year or so, Adam had sucked me off probably fifty times at least. He knew my prick better than any man I had ever known. He was also a great little cocksucker and actually succeeded in bringing me off the very first time he went down on me. I knew from the way he was working on me he was going to prolong it. His tongue spent most of its time on my shaft and even on the up stroke, he didn't apply it to my knob. But as always, I loved seeing my rod slide in and out of his beautiful face and that alone could probably bring me off.

Glancing around the table, the other two men were intently watching. Brian now had his prick out but I could barely see it in the shadows below the table. Jerry smiled at me and was stroking his cock, which had quickly recovered and was ready for more action. I returned my attention to Adam. I moved my foot to the side of his hip and rubbed it slightly avoiding any obvious activity. Adam acknowledged my caresses with a quick polish on my cock head. A major jolt went through my body and I was certain the end was near. I applied some pressure to Adam's hip and he backed down to the base of my prick and lapped there but I knew it was futile. He had scarcely been on me five minutes. Giving into the inevitable, I leaned back and relaxed. Adam must have sensed it also and went to work on my knob. Thirty seconds later it hit.

"Here it comes," I choked out. Adam knew exactly what to do and applied a great deal of suction and pressure with his tongue. With one drawn out groan, my cum spewed in his mouth. My body was wracked with spasms and more groans drifted out of my mouth as my balls emptied their load in his waiting mouth. Spent, I pulled back and my meat slipped out of his mouth. I winced as my now overly sensitive knob slid past his lips. Adam, still resting on his haunches, uprighted his body, smiled at me and licked his lips.

Shifting his position, he turned to Brian. "I guess you're next Bry," he said. Brian pushed his chair back and into position. His rod was out with the waistband of his sweats hooked under two very large balls. He slouched forward pulling his sweats all the way off. Now clearly visible to all of us for the first time, his stiff prick was beautiful and I actually envied Adam. He did look to be in the six inch range but he had Jerry's thickness. The smooth shaft rose up from a dense blond bush and the knob had a deep rose color, a drop of pre-cum was about to roll off. His low hanging balls almost touched the chair seat. The overall package of his being naked and erect was breathtaking. His muscle definition was accentuated by the candlelight; the hair on his chest reflected the light and made his chest seem to glow. The hardness of his cock emphasized his intense sexuality. This was a stud to be desired. I knew now why Jerry had such a lust going for him.

Adam moved between his open legs. I had to lean across the table to see. Adam lowered himself and took just the fat knob in his mouth. Brian let out an involuntary groan and bit his lip as if to suppress another. Adam worked his way lower, bottomed out and ground his face in Brian's bush. I looked over at Jerry who was stroking his cock and licking his lips. I returned my attention to Adam as he started his slow assault on Brian pole. I wondered if he was avoiding the knob like he had done to me. I discretely moved my foot to Adam's ass and ran my big toe up the crack. The two other men were too preoccupied to notice.

As I watched Adam suck, I started feeling the same exhilaration I had felt a little while ago while Jerry was being sucked. My rod was still rigid and I didn't think it had softened at all. I started stroking myself as Jerry was doing. Brian noticed this and it seemed to excite him watching the two of us stroke our poles while we watched him getting sucked. Possibly that hastened his orgasm because soon he muttered, "Shit, I'm gonna shoot!" and his body was wracked with the most violent spasms I had ever seen. I thought he was going to flip off the chair and possibly would have if Adam hadn't had his arms wrapped around his thighs. As Brian's movements subsided, Adam pulled off of him and I was surprised to see a fair amount of cum running down both Brian's cock and Adams chin. Adam licked it off his chin and then leaned over and licked Brian's cock clean but Brian stopped him when he tried to lick the head. "NO!" he chuckled. "I couldn't take it!" and he sat upright, his prick still standing up and slightly ways from his body.

That marked the end of the first round. Assessing the situation, Jerry had one item left, Brian and I had two each. In as few as one hand or as many three, round two would be over. I doubted any of us being ready for another blowjob that soon. We hadn't thought that far ahead. I knew we weren't finished. Jerry, Adam and I were rigid. It was too soon to tell if Brian would soften. We needed a break. I was hoping we could do it and still recover the momentum. The alcohol definitely was hitting me and I judged the others were feeling it also.

"I don't know about you guys but I need some food. What do you say if we stop for a bit and fix some sandwiches or something?"

"Good idea," Brian said. Jerry nodded his agreement, stood and slid his shorts back up. His prick was wet, rigid and looking as massive as ever. Even angled out to the side, it was impossible for it to be contained in his shorts and the knob was sticking out the waistband. Brian looked now without being self- conscious. He retrieved his sweats and stood to put them on. His prick was still hard and once covered was as visible as Jerry's. I stuffed my prick back inside but with the long slits up the seams of Adam's trunks, my prick comically tented the fabric. Adam seemed content to be naked and flaunt his hard on. Up until now, he had only put himself on display for me. I wasn't aware that perhaps he might be an exhibitionist.

"You guys see what you can rustle up, Adam and I will get some more firewood." Jerry and Brian each took a candle and went to the kitchen. I went to the door and Adam followed, I grinned realizing he had no intentions of putting anything on. It was almost completely dark outside. The nearest cabin was a few hundred yards away but the dense forest obscured it, and mine, from view. I chose the place for that reason and Adam and I often had sex on the deck at night during the warm summer months. Alone outside, I took Adam in my arms and kissed him deeply. I could taste Brian's sweet cum in his mouth. "Sorry buddy, I didn't think it would be you to loose first."

He shrugged. "David, it wasn't THAT bad. Jerry's gay, isn't he? He knows about me too."

"Yeah. I hope, for your sake, he doesn't say anything to Julia but I don't think he will."

"She doesn't know about him. She's said before she wondered when he would settle down. His living so far away, she has no idea about his personal life. How'd you know he was gay?"

"He fucked me last night. I got up in the middle of the night to clean up after we had sex and he was jerking in the bedroom. He pulled me into the bathroom and fucked me. He saw the porno in the Jeep and figured it was mine."

"I didn't know you liked to get fucked," he said with surprise in his voice.

"Well, you liked bottoming so much and we did talk about it once but you said you weren't interested so I didn't press it. Sure I like getting fucked as much as I like fucking." I could see Adam give a thoughtful nod. I hoped that meant he would consider it.

"What do you think of Brian?"

"I think he is a stud! I'm not the only one, Jerry has the hots for him too. How did you like sucking him?"

"I thought he was going to blow me off of him when he came. You're the only man I've ever had and you come hard enough but he was like a fire hose! I swallowed twice and I still didn't get it all. Is he gay also?"

"No, probably just curious but from the way he was watching you suck Jerry and I, he has a strong voyeur streak and it excited him a great deal. I think that is why he came so hard. You know, you are probably the first man to ever taste him. We better get back inside or do you want me to suck you off first?" I said leaning down.

"No, you haven't won, or should I say lost, the right!" he laughed pulling me up. We kissed again and I ran my hands over his ass. "You keep that up and you'll have to fuck me!"

"As if that is a punishment? Come on." We gathered up firewood and took it inside arriving just as the guys did with a plate of thick ham sandwiches, a bowl of chips and fresh beers. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I saw the food. It had been over six hours since we had eaten. Also, sex always gives me a horrendous appetite and considering how fast the sandwiches disappeared, it had that effect on all of us. By this time, all our pricks were soft. Jerry's still seemed massive.

I cleared the table and brought back more beer. Jerry had replaced the bottle of schnapps with the brandy and four glasses that would have to do for snifters. Adam put a couple of logs on the fire and settled on the couch. Even though his cock had softened it still made my mouth water. We all made a pit stop and settled back down at the table. Jerry took the seat opposite me that had been Adam's. I figured it was to be able to look at Brian's cock.

"Ready to continue?" I asked. The two men nodded. "Brian, you had the high hand, you deal."

With no betting going on, the hands went fast. To my surprise, Brian lost the next hand to my three aces and Jerry's two pair. I was now in the lead and possibly was going to win but I didn't know if I wanted to. The thought of having my lips wrapped around Brian's or Jerry's meat started my blood to boil. Jerry was going to have to work fast to ace me out. I figured he was going to loose the next hand but I was surprised when his full house and Brian's straight beat my two pair. Now all three of us were down to one item.

The next hand was going to determine what was going to happen. Brian loosing seemed impossible. My prick was stiffening at the thought and judging by Jerry's adjusting himself, he was getting hard too. Brian noticed and nonchalantly leaned slightly to get a better look. I slid my prick out and leaned back letting him have a look. He did. I could feel the atmosphere once again become sexually charged. The loads we shot seemed to be ages ago and I felt a trickle of pre-cum ooze out. Adam apparently felt it too because he came to the table and sat in Jerry's old seat. I took a gulp of the brandy and was calmed by its burn. Jerry shot me a nervous, pleading look and I knew I had to let him loose. I hated the thought but I knew how he felt about the guy and this was the only chance he might ever get. I went in for the kill and my full house beat Brian's flush and Jerry's pair.

"You ready for another blowjob stud?" I said pushing gently on Brian's muscular chest. The hair felt good to my fingertips. Brian grinned his answer. He positioned his chair and pulled his sweats off. His prick was rigid and I felt a pang of envy. Jerry owed me, big time! And I had no intentions on not letting him know it. Jerry stood and pealed his shorts off. He was rigid also. If Brian didn't know by now, he was as dense as a rock. Jerry walked around and knelt between Brian's spread legs. He licked the knob a couple of time to clean up the pre-cum that was already oozing out. Opening his mouth, he dove all the way down until his face was buried in the thick blond hair at the base of the thick prick. He started working his way back up leaving the shaft behind wet. Slowly, he worked into a rhythm of sucking and licking. With out being self conscious of it, he was stroking his own prick as he sucked Brian's. I wanted to get down on the floor and suck him but I knew I couldn't. I settled on stroking my pole. I slid my trunks off. They would be off shortly anyway. Adam was transfixed with seeing his wife's twin brother eat a man's cock. Jerry was putting on a show too. He was working Brian's meat over with a nice comfortable pace that was extracting low moans from Brian who's gaze never left the sight of Jerry's lips slurping on his pole. His glazed expression was lusty and the frequent twitches of his body said he was getting near.

Brian lasted longer on this one. I didn't time it but it was probably around fifteen minutes. Adam and I were stroking ourselves. I knew this had to torture for Adam. He hadn't cum yet and was bound to be on edge. Brian announced the delivery of his load and I could see Jerry brace himself for it. I would imagine he would like to have cum with Brian but held off. Brian's orgasm was less intense but still notable. Also the volume of cum was diminished or else Jerry did a better job of handling it than Adam had.

Now it was my turn. I positioned my self and Jerry went to work. Brian and Adam intently watched my prick being eaten. Within a few minutes of his being on me, I started to assess his ability and realized he was a bit better than Adam was. Realizing Adam was but a foot or so from me. I reached under the table and played with his big nuts. I knew not to try to stroke him. He spread his legs obligingly but his expression didn't faultier. I started getting into the suck and decided to put on a bit of a show for Brian. I started gently rocking, pumping Jerry's mouth. We developed a rhythm and as he was going down and I was going in, I'd hesitate and ground my hips while I rotated them. This got a smile from Brian and a groan from Jerry. As I neared my own release, I placed my free hand on the back of Jerry's head and pumped harder. When it hit, I threw my head back with a shout (half for show and half real emotions) and my spunk erupted. I released Jerry's head at the last second so he could slide into position to take my load with out fear of it going down wrong. I fell back in the chair, spent and knowing round three was about to begin. I rested a moment and then raised my head up. Jerry was still between my legs but turned slightly towards me but away from Brian. He winked and pursed his lips in a kiss. He turned to Adam and did the same. Adam smiled back. Brian was breathing heavily. I realized his sweats were still off and his prick was out and still hard.

I stood and stretched. My wet prick reflected the firelight. I twitched it a few times. A drop of jiz seeped out and left a long tendril as it fell to the floor. I hadn't softened yet and I doubted I was going to. "Adam, trade seats with me." He got up without question, his throbbing prick was slick like everyone else's. I sat down without pulling my trunks on. Now I was opposite Brian who swung around without dressing either. This was the ultimate in eroticism: strip poker where the players are already naked with cocks as hard as steel. Adam and Jerry were on each side of us, still naked also. Jerry was just as aroused as Adam.

I had the high hand and dealt. I sat there staring at my cards, not believing my luck; I had dealt myself a straight flush, seven high. I used my best poker face but Brian must have seen or felt something. When I looked him in the eye, I saw something also. Maybe it wasn't fear but definitely concern. All but one candle had burned out. The fireplace flicker danced on our bodies. I continued staring at my cards. Adam had seen something in my face also. I could see he was bursting with curiosity but knew enough not to try to look at my cards.

Now what was I going to do? I had won. That was a certainty. The odds of two straight flushes being dealt was so astronomical, it was impossible to even consider it. If I won, Brian would have to suck Adam off. True, I would then be free to order them to do anything I wanted. I could have all three fuck me, I could fuck all three or I could finally taste Brian's load, as meager as it undoubtedly would be getting by now. But the winner servicing the losers would look odd. I couldn't call it off. Not now, after Adam and Jerry had lived up to the wager. Getting past the hurdle of Brian sucking Adam was the stumbling block. Nothing that Brian had done yet indicated any desire to do more than what he had already done. I was confident he would go through with it but still, I wasn't certain what to do. I looked up from my cards at Brian. The tenseness of his body was evident. I'd even bet his prick was softening. I could see a thin film of sweat on his upper lip and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly. I looked deep into his eyes again.


"I'll take two," he said. I could almost detect a quiver in his voice.

"Dealer takes two," I said throwing away my six and seven. I knew the chances of drawing to a flush were slim. The best I could hope for was a trey but that was pretty doubtful. Or maybe I could get two pair but a low two pair at that. Luck didn't smile twice and I busted. Brian had a pair of jacks. Now Brian owed me, big time, but I knew I could never tell him that. The relief was evident as he reached out to shake my hand. We shook hands with more pressure than usual. I grinned at him and he grinned back.

"Adam, would you care to join me over on the couch?" I said gulping down the last of my brandy. I stood. I was surprised my prick was still hard. Just then, a bright light filled the room and the TV came to life with a loud staccato of noise that made us all jump. The power had been restored. Brian jumped for his sweats as if he were a ten year old boy who had been caught with his pants down.

I put my hand on his shoulder forcing him back down in his seat. "NO!" I shouted and bolted for the light switch. The suddenness of my action extinguished the last candle. Adam had the presence of mind to hit the power button on the TV remote. I was hoping the spell hadn't been broken. The bathroom light was on but Jerry casually wandered in and turned it off.

Trying to restore calm, I said, "As I said, Adam," I motioned to the couch. Jerry and Brian hesitated a moment and then moved the table and chairs back to where they normally would sit next to the kitchen doorway. Adam sat on the couch. I was pleased to see his prick was hard. I was about to come out in a big way. If Brian liked a show, he was going to get one. Jerry sat on the floor and Brian, predictably was sitting on the arm of the couch were he could get the best view.

I knelt between Adam's legs and pulled him forward until his ass was almost off the couch. The only light now in the room was coming from the fireplace about four feet away from where Adam sat. His body looked good at any time but the warm glow of the firelight made him seem even sexier. It would be easy for me to forget the other two but I had a bet to settle. Instead of sucking him, I leaned forward and started licking his chest working my way down his cleft and over to his right nipple, both of which were already standing out. I sucked it getting a low moan out of him as he pushed his head deeper into the back of the couch. I started licking along the ridge of his pec, as I neared his pit, he must have read my thoughts because he obligingly lifted his arm. I worked my way into the dense tuft of hair. Hearing Brian inhale deeply caught my attention. Glancing out of the corner of my eye, I could see Brian reach down and start playing with his stiffening prick. He moved down and sat on the couch a couple of feet from us.

Adam's pit hair was now matted with my spit, I moved to the other side and again, he raised his arm for my tongue's pleasure. Finishing the second pit, I again worked my way along the ridge to the second nipple. Sucking this one caused him to squirm and groan louder. I wondered if he was becoming more worked up or if he had one nipple that was more sensitive than the other. I had never noticed that and it would require some research some day. I didn't think he would object. I started working my way down the center of his belly where the hair was the thickest. As I approached his meat, I pulled it back and ate his bush burying my face in it and inhaling his scent. Brian by now was stroking himself steadily. He had cum twice already and I was certain he could play for a good while without cuming again. He was dripping as was evident from the sucking sounds his fist was making on his cock. Next, I assaulted Adam's big balls taking each individually in my mouth. Adam reached down and started rubbing my shoulders. The next thing was iffy. I didn't know how it would be received but I went for broke and lifted Adams legs to my shoulders as I continued to suck his hairy nuts. I looked up and could tell he knew what I was going to do. Sliding my hands up behind his knees, I pushed his knees up into his chest and started tonguing his hole. Adam's groan was almost a shout as his head rolled further back. His hands were clutching my shoulders tightly.

"Whoa," Brian muttered but he stared, transfixed on the action. "Jerry, get over here and suck me," he said with a gravelly voice. There was no doubt he was getting excited over the sight. Jerry scrambled to position himself between Brian's legs and dove down on Brian's pole. I lowered Adam's legs and took his prick in my hand pulling it toward my mouth. His fat knob was liberally frosted with his oozing juice that always tasted so great seeping in my mouth as I sucked him. I gave him a quick swipe with my tongue. He returned a loud grunt. I knew he was worked up but I also knew his prick well enough to where I could prolong it for him just as he had done for me. I slid down as far as I could comfortably go and started back up, avoiding the knob. With each pass, I worked lower and lower. Finally, I pushed down slowly feeling my throat open and his fat knob slid in. I ground my face in his crotch forcing more of the 8" shaft down my throat. "Fuck," Brian exhaled. If he had any thoughts that this was my first time, they were laid to rest now.

I continued working on Adam just as Jerry was working on Brian but instead of stimulating Adam's knob with my rough tongue, I let my softer throat do it. I knew this would keep him going for some time but it was robbing me of the rich taste of his pre-cum. A small sacrifice I suppose. Like me, Jerry was stroking himself. I reached over to do it for him but he was just out of reach. Realizing my intention, Brian pulled out of Jerry's mouth and slid over a foot. Now, Jerry and I could stroke each other as we sucked our stud's cocks. I couldn't tell if I was getting off more on sucking Adam, watching Jerry suck Brian or stroking Jerry's pole. Or maybe it was a combination of all of them. Adam and Brian both seemed to be getting something out of seeing the other's prick, as well as their own, being eaten. Only Jerry's gaze was consistently on Brian's bush.

I wanted to do some loud slurping to add a little audio to the scene but in order to do that, I had to be on his knob with my mouth and that meant possibly bringing him off too soon. I knew I'd have to read him closely. I slid up to the head of Adam's cock and gave it two wet swipes with my lips and tongue when added to my suction, produced an erotic slurp. Satisfied with the effect, I dove back down to the base and pressed my face in Adam's crotch with a slow rotation of my mouth buried in his hair. Raising back up, I repeated the process. Jerry got into it also and soon, the slurps were coming as much from him. Adam and Brian seemed to not want to be drowned out and their grunts and moans were almost as loud as our slurps. Loud sucking sounds were also coming from our fists sliding up and down each other members.

As I said, Adam and I know each other's bodies better than our own and when he started tensing his body, I knew he was close and pulled off him to suck his nuts some more. I was just about to lift his legs when Brian instructed Jerry to suck his balls also. Eating Adam's hole again might have invited Brian to instruct the same of Jerry and I wasn't certain Jerry would welcome that. So far, this was turning into a great little orgy and I didn't want it spoiled.

After a sufficient amount of time to allow Adam to come down, I returned to his meat and slurped loudly getting another burst of flavor. Likewise, Jerry returned to Brian's prick but he lowered his free hand to mine circled around him and pulled my hand off him. I assumed that meant he was getting too close. With both hands free, I put them to work on Adam's body and started stroking him from his knees to his armpits with a brief stop to pinch his nipples. This was probably the wrong thing to do because I felt him tense and hold it. I knew what that meant. He was going to cum. I polished his knob until I felt that first twitch of his cock and slid off pulling it back a little and watched the fireworks.

Adam has a rather unique orgasm. It hits his body like a whiplash and is accentuated by his choked grunts. His first jet of cum was a blur and the only evidence it had ever happened was the pearly white streak that stretched from his navel to his collarbone. The next one lacked the force and was more visible and landed in the center of his chest. The remaining jets were more or less on his belly. I heard Brian exhale loudly but I doubted he had cum. When Jerry realized what was happening, even he abandoned Brian's prick, which now glistened in the firelight and was standing off his belly by several inches.

Before anyone had a chance to protest that I had violated the agreement I raised up and started licking the cum off Adam's chest. Technically, I had sucked him off and technically, I was now swallowing (more or less) his load. The effect wasn't wasted on Jerry or Brian. I could hear both breathing deeply mixed with an occasional ragged sigh. Once I had cleaned all of Adam as best I could. I pulled his head forward and gave him a very wet kiss.

Round three was over. "Okay Bry, what now?" I asked turning to Brian.

Brian's mouth was open, eyes blinking from witnessing what I assumed was his first ever male/male kiss. He closed his mouth and then opened it again then closed it. Looking down at Jerry's and my wet, swollen pricks and then gesturing at Adam, he said, "I think he won't be up to anything for a little while." Adam grinned and nodded. His wet prick was still hard and reflecting the firelight. He was still breathing deeply from the intensity of the orgasm he had just shared with all three of us. Something I was certain the two other men would remember for a long time to come. "You two stretch out and sixty-nine for a while, maybe Adam will join you in a few minutes."

About two feet in front of the couch, Jerry and I got into a sixty-nine position. I chose the side that would be facing the couch so I could see Brian's response to what we were doing. We were close to the fireplace so we were very well illuminated. Jerry's massive cock looked awesome in this position and in that type of light. I felt Jerry take hold of my pole and pull it back. I did the same. Not waiting for that familiar warm wetness to engulf my meat, I opened my mouth and slid half of his pole in. He was already wet from the stroking I had given him so there was no need to work it over to get it wet. I slid back until just the knob was in my mouth and swirled my tongue around it. I felt Jerry's body tense and then relax. I hoped he didn't cum too soon which was definitely a concern for me also. We were both heightened to the point where popping might occur within a few minutes. Cuming this time wasn't a concern; it was not cuming the next time. Both Brian and I had already cum twice to one each for Jerry and Adam. Three times this soon for me wasn't impossible but I had never tried for four. Adam and I would normally shoot four or five times a day while we were up here but that was spread out over the whole day and evening not just a few hours time. Since he and Adam had only cum once, if I blew my load down his throat, that would leave me pretty much out of the picture. Brian possibly was capable of popping a third and them definitely capable of popping again and possibly even again!

Once we were both into the rhythm, I matched my pace exactly to his. Basically, we were sucking in unison. Or synchronized sucking. It really is a skill to be able to do it perfectly. It was a shame it couldn't become an Olympic event. If nothing else, tryouts would be fun. The pace was comfortable and I had to say, it was a great experience. As I said, Jerry had a talented mouth and I like to think I do also. Adam liked it but I doubted he would tell me if I couldn't suck for shit. Still I could bring him off. Thinking about him, I glanced over to where he sat and he was stroking that big prick with those long strokes I liked to see him do when he was sitting on my cock and jacking off on my chest. It caused my body to jerk. Anticipating I was about to pop, Jerry slowed his pace and I did likewise. I knew I had some distance to go yet but I also knew his slowing would double that. My gaze drifted to Bryan who also was stroking himself. He looked over at Adam and I thought he was going to have him suck him but instead he said, "Adam, you look like you've recovered enough, join them. You guys get into a triangle." I shifted my body and Adam moved into position. I had his cock and he had Jerry's. Jerry still had mine. I would have liked to have Adam have mine since he knew it well enough to help me prolong it but that wasn't going to be the case. I slid Adam's familiar meat in my mouth. It was a bit of a free for all for a while until we all got into the same rhythm Jerry and I had achieved before Adam joined us. Soon, the pace was comfortable and I could tell we were putting on quite a show for Brian.

As my own response became more heated, I started rubbing Adams thighs and his ass with my free hand. And I was going deep too! Adam had no problem getting into my ministrations of his crack and rolled his hips a little gaining me more access to his ass. This was our usual prelude to his getting his ass thoroughly and solidly fucked. This seemed to push some buttons because he started sucking Jerry with a lot more passion than he had been and his muffled moans, groans, whimpers and sighs were filling he air. This was having an obvious effect on Brian who got up from his seat and knelt of the floor with his knees, almost touching Adam's ass, spread wide and his back arched against the seat of the couch. The firelight was dancing on his body, which seemed to make his sexuality radiate heat. His delectable, wet and very hard rod was only an arm's reach away but I didn't know if I wanted to abandon Adam's shapely ass. I didn't have long to ponder the choices, Brian made the decision for me.

"You guys reverse now," he said with a huskier voice than usual. There was a slow, breathless quality about it that made me wish it were just the two of us. We all spun around and now I had Jerry's monster meat again in front of me. Jerry was on Adam and Adam on me. I had no desire to play with Jerry's ass and as soon as we got into our rhythm again, I reached over to cup Brian's big balls in my hand and massaged them gently while I sucked on Jerry. I glanced up at Brian and he smiled back taking my hand and placing it on his cock. Because of the position, I had to pull it more than stroke it. It definitely was thick, equally as much so as Jerry's which was filling my mouth with a lot to spare.

"Suck," Brian muttered and his body shuddered. I feared he was about to pop and would much rather he did it in my mouth than on the floor. I was trying to decide how to get the load in me instead of on Jerry's ass and possibly on my head considering Adam's comment on how hard he had cum. I applied more suction on Jerry's knob and with one violent jerk, Jerry shot in my mouth. I had been so preoccupied with Brian, I hadn't noticed Jerry was getting close. The cum took me by surprise and I lost most of the first jet which ran down Jerry's shaft and onto his thigh. Then I realized I was going to shoot also and before I could try to stop him, Adam had brought me over the top and I spewed in his mouth. I let go of Brian and hung onto Jerry's thigh for stability as my body jerked and Adam sucked me dry.

Releasing Jerry, I rolled over on my back, gasping for air. Jerry pulled off Adam also. Adam propped himself up on one elbow licking the stray cum off his lips. His prick was still massive and solid as a rock. The poor guy was getting the short end of the stick having only shot once. When I raised my head up, Brian was standing, his cock still wet and rigid. He walked to the table and poured more brandy into the tumbler. His back was to us; he seemed to be lingering there as if trying to decide what to do next. I was curious about what he was thinking. He had mentioned fucking and I wondered if he would ask us to carry out that request. I think it would be obvious Jerry and I would be unable to for a while. And I possibly may not be able to at all. Would he participate? That was still a question mark. If not, clearly Adam would be the logical choice for the top but who would bottom? I think Jerry had the same thought because he busied himself with adding another log to the fireplace. He had admitted he bottomed but Adam's cock, although smaller than his own was formidable. I longed for a chance to have it in me but that was me. Maybe Jerry would have problems taking it and would be embarrassed.

Brian turned and walked back with a smile on his face. "I think somebody needs to get fucked." I shot him a hopeful look and he returned another smile. He glanced over at Jerry who looked away nervously and then to Adam who was lightly stroking himself. Then he looked at me and again I gave him my most hopeful look or at least one that I thought was communicating that to him. "Adam, fuck David."

Adam looked surprised and Jerry looked relieved. I tried to convey my gratitude with subtle body language being careful to not let Adam or Jerry see. Jerry sat on the floor leaning against the couch with his knees bent and legs pulled forward and his arms resting on his knees. His cock was hanging down almost to the floor. Brian sat at the other end with his legs outstretched and crossed at the ankles. His meat was more or less hard and flopped against his belly. It was evident both men where going to watch us.

Adam spun around moving between my legs and started to lift them. "No, not just yet," I said pulling him into my arms. If Brian wanted to be voyeur, we were going to become exhibitionists. I pulled him down to where he was laying on top of me with my face buried in his shoulder. "Are you okay with this," I whispered as I slid my hands down to his ass and started rubbing his cheeks.

"Mmmhuh Adam replied almost inaudibly and he started kissing my neck and rotating his hips against my pathetically limp dick. His wet and solid cock still felt wonderful but mine refused to respond.

"I won't be able to get a hard on buddy. I hope you don't mind."

"Wanna bet?" he said audibly and he raised himself up. He grinned at me, slid up a couple of inches, leaned sideways bringing his arm up over my head and then lower his pit onto my mouth. My meat was slower to respond than my mouth as I devoured his hairy pit. He obviously knew a little more about me than I thought he did. My prick slowly expanded and reached the "firm" stage in a minute or so. The "hard" stage took a little more work but sexy Adam knew what he was doing to me. He gave me another minute before pressing his mouth to mine and sliding his tongue in. As we kissed, I felt my meat filling out more and more. Adam responded beautifully and forcefully. For the first time in our time together, he was dominating me and leading the sex. I was being aroused even further by his actions.

The position he was in was the same one I was in before he got fucked. In spite of the fact that he lacked the actual experience, he knew the steps and could probably make a good show of looking like this was something he did all the time. I was just hoping he didn't try to go in without a little loosening up. He wasn't quite as thick or long as Jerry but he was BIG by just about anyone's standards.

Adam rose to the occasion, so to speak, and once he was satisfied he had succeeded in getting me respectably hard, he lifted a leg to his shoulder, spit on his hand and started loosening me up. It was evident he was going to prepare me and I responded with even more passion. For long stretches of time, I was oblivious to Jerry and Brian sitting a couple of feet away from us.

Adam positioned himself and probed me with his knob. I concentrated on relaxing. As wet and slick as his prick was, it slid in with little resistance. It felt fantastic and I actually felt my prick stiffen a little more. He seemed to have noticed because he started massaging it as he inched his way in. Once he was about 50% was in me, he backed out a couple of inches and then slowly slid home. It was ecstasy to me as I felt his thick bush grind into my ass. Rotate your hips I thought to myself and as if we had telepathy, he did so. Satisfied this was now workable, he lifted my second leg to his shoulder. Shifting his weight and leaning forward, he kissed as he ground his hips in with a circular motion. Backing his hips off a little, he wrapped his fist firmly around my meat and started stroking me as his return plunge was slow and deep. He worked into a rhythm of fucking that was wonderfully controlled. My prick was now rigid and he stroked it in time to his fucking.

I was enjoying Adam's fuck and lost interest in Brian and Jerry. Adam was kissing me deeply and we were oblivious to the other too. To be honest, I forgot they were even there. What was going on between Adam and I seemed like a culmination of the past year. As many acts as we had performed, his fucking me had always been absent. If he had any doubt about my enjoying it, all he had to do was look at my face. That though must have occurred to him also because he stopped kissing me and started into my eyes for a full minute. The intensity of his gaze was mingled with what looked like a sense of wonder that he was responsible for bring me this much pleasure. I reached up to his chest and started rubbing his pecs and pinching his nipples. He threw his head back with a moan before resuming his deep kisses. We were the only two people on earth.

When I heard Brian tell Jerry to suck him, it came as a mild reminder. Brian stretched out beside us and Jerry assumed his position between his legs. I glanced in their direction long enough to see Brian's prick disappear in Jerry's mouth but returned my attention to Adam's chest. Adam continued to pump his cock as deep in me as it could go, each thrust resulted in a slapping sound, which was being mixed with my groans, and Jerry's slurping.

After a while, I heard a muffled grunt come from Brian and saw movement just out of my field of vision. I assumed he was cuming. Adam increased his thrusts and was now pounding my ass and pumping my cock with hard strokes. We came almost at the same time. Adams orgasm was violent and one of my legs fell off his shoulder as he fell on top of me.

My own orgasm hadn't been overwhelming but more just a comfortable release. The single short spurt onto my belly pretty much indicated my balls had been drained. Adam's breathing slowed as he recovered and he pulled out but continued to lie on top of me. There was a fair amount of sweat on his back and chest. I thought it was wonderful. I heard Brian inhale deeply and notice he had shifted his weight. Jerry obligingly let him get up and Brian stretched and headed to the bathroom. Jerry hoisted himself to his feet. Cum was streaked on his torso but I hadn't been aware of his cuming. He grinned and followed Brian into the bathroom to clean up. We continued to lie there. I rubbed Adam's back until he too rolled off of me. He gave me a long lingering look. I smiled in return and ran the back of my fingers down his bearded cheek. He smiled back.

After Jerry and Brian cleaned up, Adam and I went in to clean up also. I shut the door but didn't lock it. The guys undoubtedly would know what a shut door meant now. I took Adam in my arms and gave him a dry kiss on the mouth. "Thanks buddy," I said.

"David, I wish you had told me," he sad with an exasperated tone. "We could have worked something out!"

"Hey buddy! You make it sound like it has been terrible for me but it wasn't. I like to fuck. I also like to get fucked but if it doesn't happen, it isn't the end of the world."

He smiled at me and kissed me back. He looked thoughtful for a moment and then said, "Sometimes I think I'm not being fair to you. You know I've got Julia and I've got you so I am never alone and yet you just have me but are always waiting for me when I can get free. It doesn't seem fair. Do you mind?"

"Of course I don't mind buddy! You're my man. We've been good for each other haven't we been?" I was hoping desperately that he was going to agree with that.

"Yeah, we've been good for each other. You know, I was amazed that as I was fucking you, I knew exactly what you were feeling just like I now know what you are feeling when you fuck me. It is just like sucking, isn't it? I know what it is like being sucked and sucking. I never felt like that with Julia. I'll never know what she is feeling but with you, I do. And the look of pleasure on your face and seeing how much you were enjoying it made it great for me too. >From now on, we alternate fucking and when we have time, we will fuck each other. Particularly now that I know you can cum four times in this short amount of time!"

I chuckled and kissed him. "Don't bet on that being the norm! Come on, they're going to think we are going at it again."

Back in the living room, Brian and Jerry were already under their blanket. They had laid out our stuff as well. It was late but I hadn't really thought we would go right to bed. Jerry was using his rolled up sweat pants as a pillow and judging by the obvious lump at his crotch, he looked to be naked. Jerry's mass was very evident also. I turned off the light switch. Some one had added logs to the fire and the room was well illuminated. I got under the blanket with Adam and pulled him into my arms. There was hardly any reason to pretend now. I kissed him and he kissed back. The alcohol must have been wearing off because I suddenly felt very tired. We went to sleep with our heads touching each other's. Just before, I dozed off, I couldn't be certain but I thought I had seen movement from the other blanket. I remembered thinking they must not be done yet.

I woke up a little after dawn. The dense forest kept the cabin dimly lit except on the brightest of days. I could tell the rain had subsided and was now thankful it had been pouring yesterday. The fire was dead but the heater kept the place warm. Adam, who seldom moved much during sleep, was on his back with one arm on my thigh and the other on his own chest. I raised my head up. Brian and Jerry were awake and talking in whispers. I couldn't make out what was being said. Brain stretched and got up. His beautiful boner was rigid and he looked gloriously sexy. He pulled his sweats on and headed to the bathroom. I could hear Jerry sigh and noticed he didn't follow. Jerry got up, he was "up" also and pulled on his trunks.

"Good morning" I whispered.

Jerry shrugged. "Good morning." Adam stirred and yawned. His prick had the blanket tented. I was hard just from seeing the other guys. I was ready for sex but seemed to be the only one.

"Guys, I am starved!" Adam exclaimed. "What's for breakfast?" He swung the blanket off and rolled over on top of me. His body was warm and his prick was hard. I thought his reference to being starved meant sex but he reached past me, grabbed his sweats and pulled them on. I sighed. Jerry sighed.

Brian returned and if he was self conscious about our hard ons, he didn't show it. I realized I was hungry also. "Adam, you and Brian did such a great job yesterday, you get to do it again. Jerry and I will stow the gear." Adam nodded and headed to the kitchen, Brian followed.

I pulled on my trunks, still rigid and definitely showing. Jerry and I started packing the gear and putting stuff away. It would still be several hours before we had to leave but it kept us busy. I had hopes we could have another round of sex before we left.

At Breakfast, the guys talked about coming out the next summer but only if we could all come up here. Without hesitation, Adam and I agreed. "But next time we play strip poker, it is the winner and not the loser who gets to do the sucking," I said. The guys all chuckled. "So you better be prepared Bry! You may want to throw the game." I could see Jerry blush and I smiled at him.

Brian grinned. "I wouldn't be so sure of that!"

I shot Jerry a look and he grinned but looked away. I wondered just what DID those two do last night!?! But Brian seemed to be totally unselfconscious about the conversation and what had happened between the four of us. I was glad he had become so comfortable around three admittedly gay or bi men. I thought it was a strong vote of confidence.

Brain volunteered to help me clean up suggesting Jerry and Adam go outside to the uncovered deck and maybe get some rays and talk. I thought that was a good idea. Finally we were done but he seemed hesitant about going outside. I got my hopes up that he wanted to come on to me but didn't exactly know how to do it. After all, I was the only one of the three that hadn't had him.

"Why'd you do it?" he asked.

"Do what?"

"Throw away a straight flush. I looked at the cards you threw away last night."


"So, why?"

I put my hand on his shoulder, he didn't pull away. "You've never done anything like that before, have you?" He shook his head. "But you wanted to?" He nodded. "If I had won, would you have sucked Adam off?"

"Of course!"

"That's why I did it. Would you have liked doing it?" He blushed and looked away. "I didn't think so. Buddy, look, you're exploring your sexuality. That's good. Curiosity helps builds character. Go for it! But do what you want when you want to do it. If I had let you do something you didn't want to do but felt you had to, that would be like rape to me. You know now the three of us weren't doing anything that we weren't willing to do. It was fine for us. It wasn't until the end that I thought I had a good idea as to what you were capable of doing. It turned out, I was right. For god's sake man, why did you bet like that? Didn't you know you could have lost? I don't know that Jerry or Adam would have been so understanding!"

Jerry grinned at me. "I cut my teeth on my daddy's Tuesday night poker games. By the time I was ten, I was winning my classmate's lunch money. I bought a car in high school from my winnings. I just didn't know you were so good or so lucky!"

I grinned back, "No, you're the lucky one Bry. Jerry's a good man, try not to hurt him. He will take whatever you can give him and be grateful."

Brian smiled at me, leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "Let's join the guys."

The end

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