By Zac Grech

Published on Sep 14, 2005



The following story is fiction. The description of unsafe sexual practices should not be read as an endorsement of these practices.

It was nearly midnight and things were getting a bit out of hand.

Micky and Lou had been prowling for arse in the men's toilet next to the skate-rink all afternoon - and had had a couple of takers, too, they reckoned, but as soon as they'd clapped eyes on Lou's ten-inch prong they'd backed off; Jimmy, my punk flat-mate, was testosterone-drunk as usual and trying to pick a fight with everyone; Adam had had his sister staying all week and was ready to jump anything that moved, particularly my curly-haired kid brother Danny; and Danny was pissing us all off - he'd been monkeying around all day - ball-grabbing, towel-flicking in the change-sheds, getting into a scrap with two Lebanese guys outside the pub - but when it came to giving up his arse ... no go, fought like a cat.

The trouble with this lot was that most of them liked giving it, but didn't want to take it - or not without a tussle. Except my brother - I'd seen him at the club stretched over a barrel taking six or seven cocks one after the other. A regular piece of fuck-meat sometimes. But in front of the big boys he liked to play the tomcat. It would've been easier on all of us if we'd just hog-tied the little fucker right from the start and used him whenever we felt like getting our rocks off.

'Tell you what, guys,' I said, 'how about a game of strip-jack? Loser-gets-fucked.' That way, I thought, everyone (except the loser) gets a fuck and nobody gets a black eye. Should keep them out of trouble.

They were all a bit nervous about playing strip-jack with Lou as one of the players. Most of us ducked off to the bathroom and greased up our holes just in case we lost, but no amount of grease would save your arse once Lou rammed his pole up it. The next guy in there wouldn't even hit the sides.

The rules were simple: the first guy buck naked got gang-banged. No trade-offs, no backing out of it - if you were down to your socks and lost a hand, you'd have the first cock jammed up you before you even pulled your socks off.

'Is it a deal?' I asked, looking them all straight in the eye. This was aimed mostly at my brother Danny. He didn't say anything - just ran a hand through his thick, blond cork-screws and nodded.

'Yeah, yeah, it's a deal,' Adam said in that spread-your-legs husky voice of his, 'let's get started - I'm hot to fuck arse.' He grinned, licked his lips and scratched at his dark designer stubble. There wasn't a man in the room, I'll bet, who hadn't felt his cock stiffen at the thought of that roughly shaven chin grazing in his arse while that tongue was darting towards his hole. And, together with the shaved bristles on his chest and black-haired legs, the stubble didn't leave much doubt about the thick bush sprouting further down, either. When he ground that into your arse, it was like being fucking sand-papered.

'How do you know the fucked arse won't be yours, mate?' I said, with a smirk, as I started to deal out the cards. Adam just grinned and wet his lips again with his tongue. One thing about Adam - he was an arse-bandit, but he usually took his medicine.

Micky was the joker in the pack. The sun was always shining as far as he was concerned. Tall and lanky, with long, dirty-blond hair, he was up for anything. Kick a football around, take the boards to the beach for the day, stick a porno movie on the DVD and jack off, go out hunting for arse to fuck - anything. Mick just liked hanging out with the guys, he'd do whatever they wanted.

With vivid pictures in our heads of Lou's ten inches ripping into our guts, we were all a bit jittery. Horny, though - cocks uncurling around the table as we played the first few hands in a fug of male sweat, sun-screen oil and leaking dicks.

'Fucking shit, what sort of hand is that?' Jimmy had just had a look at his cards. Kind of beach-punk. Shaved head, pierced eyebrow, singlet, baggy shorts in summer to show off his muscled legs. Talked tough, roughly shaven, but in fact not as mean as he looked, especially when you got him horizontal. (Mostly we kept our cocks out of each other's arses - we were mates, after all, and had been since we were sixteen, not fuck-buddies, but sometimes ... well, after watching a hot video, jerking off together on the couch, one or both of us ended up shagged senseless. Boys will be boys. And as I found out one afternoon when we were sixteen, oil up his balls, roll them around hard and stick your tongue up his furry manhole, and he's slavering for it.)

Jimmy and I had actually had a bit of a warm-up earlier in the evening. 'How about we order a couple of pizzas from Joe's?' he'd said when we got in from the beach. 'Might strike it lucky - maybe Dino will bring them round.'

Dino was Joe's son, nineteen or twenty, lean and long-legged, always brushing thick strands of shiny black hair out of his eyes ... he'd made home deliveries from Joe's very popular around our neighbourhood.

'Tell you what, mate,' Jimmy said, nudging me in the ribs, 'if it's Dino, let's drag him inside and do him over. A bit of hot Italian arse to go with the pizza - what do you say?'

'Shit, man, I don't know ...' It sounded fucking fantastic - my cock started crawling down the leg of my shorts just thinking about it - but risky.

'Your cock says yes,' Jimmy said with a grin, eyeing my crotch. 'Too cocky by half, that little fucker. A good hard screw would wipe that come-and-get-me grin off his face. What do you say?'

What a fucking mongrel. 'What do you say, mate? Bet that dick of yours is drooling already. Tight, hairy Italian arse. Just think about it.' I socked him in the balls, he made a grab for mine - and then we phoned Joe's.

When the doorbell rang we were ready for him. Jimmy padded off to the front door in just a pair of briefs, sagging down below the hairline, showing off the blue tattoo climbing out of his bush. If it was Dino, I thought to myself, the poor kid was fucked already. It was Dino. Party time.

When he came into the room in those sexy shorts and white sneakers of his, showing off his slim, brown legs, I was sprawled on the couch in my board-shorts, one leg up so he could get an eyeful of my cock snaking down my thigh. On the video we had 'Fruitshop Boys' playing - we thought it might make him feel at home: a couple of grunting, hung Italian boys raping their customers one by one over a box of bananas in the back room of the shop. Dino gulped. The sight of that teenage Adam's apple jerking around in that long, brown neck of his was juicing me up. I looked at the sheen of black hair on his calves and pictured it thickening and curling further up in his fork.

'Looks like you guys are ... um ...' Poor kid didn't know where to look. One hand dropped to his crotch to squeeze his nuts, though. Flashed us a nervous smile. On the screen the older guy - maybe the younger one's uncle or older brother, it was hard to say - was giving a young, blond skate-boarder a savage fucking from behind. Close-ups of thick, bushy cock plunging in and out of blond-haired arse. You could almost smell it.

I casually pulled the waistband of my shorts down under my balls. My greased stalk snapped back against my stomach. I started jacking off, eyes on the screen. Dino gulped again, checked out my cock and balls and then pretended to be concentrating on the screen.

'Let's take those into the kitchen, Dino,' Jimmy said, leading the way. Dino started muttering something about it being twenty-five fifty, his voice husky from a suddenly dry throat, but by the time I got to the doorway into the kitchen, Jimmy had laid his cards on the table. He'd kicked off his briefs and was standing stark naked, cock rearing up out of his groin, fondling Dino's pole through his shorts. 'Fuck, guys, listen ... I really gotta get going, know what I mean?'

'We can be quick,' Jimmy said and began unzipping him.

'Jeez, man, fuck, I mean ...' But his stalk had already sprung out of his flies and in a flash Jimmy was on his knees shoving it down his throat. 'Oh, fuck ... oh ...' Dino couldn't help himself - he started jacking his cock into Jimmy's face. Closing his eyes, he threw his head back, moaning. Jimmy dragged his shorts down to his ankles with one sharp pull, taking his tight, young balls in his right hand to mash them gently against his rock-hard cock-muscle while he sucked. 'Go round and eat his arse out,' he said to me between slurps. Yessir, whatever you say, captain.

Dino ws running one hand through his dangling, sweaty hair, just as Jimmy got his tongue into the tangled, sweaty curls bushing around his teenage cock. They were going at it like two young animals now, ready to rut.

When I spread his arse-cheeks and buried my face in the matted crack, I could smell not only the male sweat and hint of arse-juices, but the hot leather of his bicycle sweat. I almost went off like a rocket on the spot. And the more I tongued him out, and the deeper I pierced his convulsing hole, the more he jutted his butt back into my face, black-haired legs splayed and bent, opening up to my tongue. Jimmy pinched my nipple through Dino's legs. 'OK, let's fuck him,' he said in a low voice.

'No, please,' he started pleading, trying to straighten up. 'Don't fuck me, guys ... I've got, like, a girl-friend and ...'

'If you don't tell her, she'll never know,' Jimmy murmured. 'You'll love it.' And he quickly pushed him over the edge of the table next to us and pinned his arms behind his back. He thrashed about a bit, but not as much as a young Italian stud should've. 'Smack him in the nuts, mate, quieten him down.' Dino gasped and swore as my fist sank into his double-yolker. 'You fuckers, get off me ...'

'The more your squirm, Dino, the harder I'm going to fuck you, OK? Zac, slap some oil on my cock for me, mate, while I've got him pinned.' When I moved down from his shaft to massage his balls as well, he swore. 'Cut that out, man, or I'll fucking shoot. I want to pump it up his arse, not into his crack.'

Dino swore and arched his back as Jimmy's pole slid in. 'Fucking hell, what are you doing to me, man?'

'Fucking you, Dino - what's it feel like?' I got down on my knees to watch the action and lick at his hairy inner thighs as Jimmy began to root him with long, hard strokes, from knob to nuts. 'You like the feel of that cock in your arse, Dino? Mmm? When I come, it's going to spurt out your nose, mate. Yeah ... oh, fuck, this is a sweet tight arse.'

I moved round under the table and took Dino's tightly bunched, unshaved balls in my mouth. He groaned and his long, thin cock slapped against my face. I was nearly swooning with the stench of dried cum, sweaty hair, leather and wide-open arsehole - a tangy, boy-on-heat smell I hadn't had up my nostrils for weeks.

When Jimmy began hitting that aching sweet-spot deep in his gut, I knew we didn't have long to go. Every time Jimmy's nuts smacked against his arse, he grunted. In the next room there were muffled groans and grunts on the TV as the skate-boarder, face buried deep in the crack of the younger guy squatting over him, began to spasm, arsehole clenching and unclenching on the older guy's jack-hammering fuck-pole. (I'd seen it before - no mistaking the noises the skater was making.) Now Dino started making the same low noises as Jimmy jacked his cock up hard into his squelching chute, getting ready to squirt. I spat out his churning nuts and went down on his cheesy stalk, and then, just as Jimmy yelled 'Fuck!' and started unloading his balls into him, Dino himself shuddered, gagged and the first hot wads of boy-juiced smacked the back of my throat. I nearly fucking drowned.

When Jimmy pulled out of him, flinching as his burning knob caught on Dino's ring, I made a move to get behind him and clean him out - nothing I like more than slurping up the drool from a raw arse. But Dino was suddenly in a hurry to get going. Straightening up, he flicked a few last drops of spunk into my hair and then reached for his jocks. 'Shit, guys,' he croaked, 'I gotta get moving - my dad's going to fucking kill me.' All of a sudden he seemed more worried about what his father was going to do to him than having just had his arsehole fucked to a pulp.

Jimmy, still buck naked, reached over to the bench and grabbed thirty bucks. 'Here, kid,' he said with a wink, 'buy yourself an ice-cream.' Dino just packed his messy cock and balls back into his pants, ran a hand through his hair, and gave us a sheepish smile. 'OK, guys, see ya round,' he said and headed for the door. Jimmy and I made for the shower.

'Want to share the shower?' I asked hopefully at the bathroom door.

He looked down at my still springy cock, gave it a flick and said: 'I don't think so, Zac.'

'Don't you trust me, mate?'

'Nah.' Fair enough. I went back and ate my Hawaiian Surprise.

So, although Jimmy had knocked one off around six, by midnight he was hot for more action. I was as taut as a bow-string. And as the game progressed, even tauter. Things weren't looking too good: I was down to my briefs and socks, as were Micky and Danny, while Lou still had his checked shirt on, hanging open to give the likely loser amongst us a good view of his roughly clipped builder's chest. Jimmy had so far only lost his boots. It was Adam, though, whose arse was really on the line: he was down to his white jogging socks. And boy oh boy, was he looking fuckable! Every time he looked over at him, Lou reached inside his shirt or briefs to scratch at his hair - always a sign with Lou that he was tooling up to fuck. Lou was the tall, rangy lazy-cowboy type - didn't say much, but once he'd got his cock into you, he rode you till you bit the dust. Adam was one of those lean, black-haired guys with a thick treasure trail down to the wild thicket in his groin, which made me, at least, want to up-end him on the spot and get my face and cock into his shaggy arse-crack. Whenever he caught me checking him out, he just grinned, spread his thighs a bit and stroked his lolling cock as if to say: don't count your chickens, dude, we haven't finished yet.

But we had. When we showed our next hand, Adam had lost again. I must say: he's a real man. While the others were whooping and gathering round to frogmarch him over to the couch to be fucked, he just bent over and slowly pulled off his socks and stood up, legs apart, to take what was coming. Gotta hand it to him.

And what was coming happened fast. Before the others could start manhandling him, Micky grabbed him by the balls and dragged him over to the couch, pushing him head-first into the cushions, with his arse hanging over the side of the couch.

It was mouth-watering. This was the arse of an adult male animal, not a boy, a man you just knew fucked often and hard, and seeing it exposed like that, waiting for other men's cocks to savage it, made me feel almost woozy with the urge to pierce it with my cock - I wanted to slam it straight in and start pumping. This was a glistening honey-pot the whole gang was champing at the bit to dip into. I sank to my knees and pressed my lips and tongue deep into the stubbly crevice. A mature man's arse is gamier somehow than a young man's - full of a whole day's heady smells ... the arse-juices, of course, and the whiff of dried jizz drifting down from his pubes, but also the smell of a hot car-seat, sweaty jeans, moist crotch-fur ... kind of brutish, and before I knew it I was on my feet, legs bent at the knees, forcing my rigid pole into the oily hole. Even before I hit his buzz-button, I reached round to grab his bristly balls and found his rod sticking out full-length and rock-hard - something was already getting him going. Whatever he might say, his hole was hungry for it. He didn't make a sound - just stiffened.

Long-legged Lou was sprawled naked at the other end of the couch, watching the action and gently pumping his massive tool to full length. The rest of the guys were crowded around egging me on. 'Yeah, go for it, Zac - ram it up him ... Yeah, that's it, mate - right in ... now fuck him ... come on, harder ...' All eyes were on my wet meat, slamming into Adam's hole. The stench of fucked arse and a tight bunch of naked, sweaty males yanking on their dicks was making me light-headed. Then Micky started fingering my bucking arsehole in his excitement and, when he got it in up to the second knuckle, scratching at my tube, I felt that bolt of searing pleasure hit my knob and, jacking my shaft up into Adam as far as I could go, shot wad after wad of hot juice deep into his gut.

My brother followed me straight in, as if he was afraid of missing out. Not a bad fuck, either, for an eighteen-year-old - likes to grind and stretch, and shoots like a geyser. Then Micky flipped Adam over and he and Jimmy took it in turns until they'd both emptied their balls into his gaping, hair-clogged pucker. Micky always likes shagging guys on their backs - easier to smack their balls around, he reckons, and that's the best way to remind a man he's a man while you're fucking his brains out. Adam's heavy, bristly sac got the full treatment.

But none of us managed to fuck his juice out of him. A few drops of precum oozed out while Mick and Jimmy were ripping into him and trickled down into his bush, but it looked as if he was holding out for Lou - best to take a tool like that up your fuck-chute while you're still stiff-cocked.

'OK, fella - let's get you finished off,' Lou said with his usual lazy grin when Mick and Jimmy pulled out. Stretching out full-length on the couch and pushing his swollen tool straight up in the air with his thumb, he said: 'Sit on it, mate. Get your arse onto that cock.'

'Gimme a break, Lou,' Adam muttered, dropping his feet to the floor and just sitting there, elbows on his knees, shagged out. 'Let's have a ...'

'Just shut the fuck up, mate, and sit on my cock,' Lou said. Adam looked over at the rearing uncut pole. He knew he had no choice. Those were the rules. That cock was going up his bruised, dripping arse - now. Swearing under his breath, he hoisted himself up onto the couch and squatted over Lou's cock. As it slid up into his sticky, black-haired crack, Lou threw his head back and moaned. 'Oh, yeah, baby - take it, take that fucking cock ... come on, ride it, man ... that's it, take all of it, right down to the balls ...' The rest of us stood around slowly jerking off, watching Lou harpoon Adam's wide-open man-cunt. As he pushed up into him, he lifted his hips up off the couch, opening up the woolly fork between his own spread legs ... lip-smackin' good! ... and buried in amongst those musky brown curls was the tastiest morsel of all, begging for a good, sharp tonguing. Man, how I would've liked to get my tongue in there behind his lolling balls while he fucked, but by now his long, loose-limbed body was turning into a greased-up fuck-machine, his groin was pushing up and down too fast, the thrusting rhythm was building up, Adam was groaning and tossing his head back and forth and swearing uncontrollably ... 'Fuck! Aw ... aw ... FAAAK! ... oh, you fucking bastard, you're ripping me apart ... AAAH! Shit!' ... and Lou was pistoning up into him as if he was trying to shoot right up into his throat.

The rest of us, still naked and juicing up again, were getting so randy watching this hard rutting that things started getting out of hand. All of a sudden Jimmy growled, 'Fuck this, I want some more arse,' wheeled round on Micky, grabbed him by his long hair and pulled him over to the table, knocking a glass and all the cards flying. 'Get off me, ya fucking mongrel,' Micky laughed, trying to reach back and punch him in the nuts, but Jimmy had his right arm pushed up his back - Micky wasn't going anywhere.

'Shut up, Mick, and bend over - you're nailed,' Jimmy said, jamming his cock-head roughly into his socket. I knew Mick didn't deserve this (Jimmy would be rouch and very dirty) but, shit! If you've got your knob locked in the ring of a greased-up fuck-chute, well - go for it, I say. 'Fuck him, Jimmy Boy,' I said, getting down on the floor to watch Micky get skewered. 'Go on, man, what are you waiting for? Ram it up him. Yeah, that's it, mate - right in ... yeah, now fuck him, really give it to him, fuck his eyeballs out.' And Jimmy punched his cock into him so hard that Micky's long, blond-haired legs came right up off the floor.

Over on the couch I could see our long, lean cowboy getting close to gushing - he was really drilling that sloppy hole now, I could hear the squelching noise from across the room ... in a few seconds Adam was going to have jizz spurting out of his fucking ears - and Danny was standing over Lou, pulling on his rod like crazy, ready to shoot his ball-juice onto Lou's sandy-haired chest.

A moment later there were balls being milked all over the room - Lou was arching his back as he pelted Adam's fuck-chute with hot cum, almost jolting him off his cock with the violence of his spasms; Danny, legs buckling, was shooting long ropes of spunk across Lou's chest and face and into his hair; and Micky's spasming arse was squeezing every last drop of ball-juice out of Jimmy, while his cock was squirting thick, hot wads of seed onto the table.

Which left me, down on my knees, still jerking off and licking at Jimmy's sweaty, bucking crack ... and Adam. When Adam eased himself, wincing, off Lou's slimy prong and straightened up, his shaggy cock was still, amazingly, ramrod stiff, he hadn't blown - and it was now just a foot or two from my mouth. I reached out to grab it, thinking I might be able to push him over the edge with a bit of hot tongue-work, I was hungry for a gush of thick man-juice down my throat ... and his balls must have been bursting by this time ... but he covered his crotch with one hand. 'I've got a better idea, Zac,' he said.

I felt my pucker tighten. I wasn't sure I wanted to be Adam's cum-bucket - not just at this point, not with all the other guys watching.

'Yeah? What?'

He yanked me to my feet by the hair and pulled me over to him. Then, wrapping a strong fist around my balls, he said in a low voice: 'I've been such a good boy - I think I deserve a fuck before I go, don't you?' He tugged on my nuts. 'What do you say, Zac? Looks to me like you're rearing to go.'

There was often a bit of a free-for-all after one of these gang-bangs - it was a good time, while most of the guys were still out of it, to settle a few scores, break in a couple of unfucked arses. Adam squeezed my nuts hard. 'Come on, what do you say, mate? Let's fuck.'

It would be a rough ride - his thick, drooling tool, cock-ring glinting among his wiry crotch-hairs, was pressed up hard against my stomach. But I was more in the mood for doing the fucking at that point.

'Listen, tell you what, why don't you come round tomorrow night and you can do Danny. You'll be the first.'

'He's never been fucked?'

'Well, I wouldn't say never,' I said, remembering the night before on the kitchen floor. 'But none of these guys has had him. You'll be numero uno. You can do both of us, if you like. Jimmy's going out.'

He looked across at Danny, who was slumped, cock dangling between his legs, beside the couch. He licked his lips. He liked this idea. He liked it very much. He'd been sniffing around Danny's arse all night. 'He'll come across - I'll make him. Promise. If you like, we can handcuff him,' I said, 'to make sure he can't get away.'

'Sounds good,' he said, loosening his grip on my tender balls. 'OK, I'll be there.'

Then I did something I shouldn't have done. All I meant to do was enjoy the feel of his thick, hairy cock in my hand, but two strokes - and he shuddered and started shooting. Great splashes of the stuff, shooting up into the air out of his stretched pole - all over my chest, the floor, even a few gobs landed in Danny's hair. 'Fuck, you bastard, Zac,' he groaned. 'I could've pumped that up Micky or Jimmy ... aaaw ... faaak ...' Then, quick as a flash, he kneed me in the balls. I gagged, doubled over and then, without even wanting to, found myself splattering him and myself and the floor with dollops of my own jizz. My balls were aching, my piss-slit was burning and I could hardly breathe from the spasms of sweet pain shooting through my body. I glanced over at him - my spunk was trickling down his chest into his matted groin. He was grinning. 'Quits,' he said. 'Till tomorrow.'

Later, when they'd all drifted off, I said to Danny: 'Busy tomorrow night, mate?'

'Why? What's happening?' He was heading off to the shower - he stank.

'Got a surprise for you.'

'Nice one?'

'Well, it's a big one,' I said. He nodded and walked off up the hall. Nice crack on him, if I say so myself. And it would look even nicer when he was spreadeagled on the carpet with Adam's stubbly jaw wedged in it, opening it up for a man-sized fucking.

'I can hardly wait,' he said. I think the horny bugger half knew.

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