Street Kid

By ben me

Published on May 27, 2003


Street Kid

Chapter 7

By Benme_over

Authors Notes:

I would like to thank everyone who has emailed me, and especially Randy for his ideas of which some I am using. Hope you all enjoy this and the future chapters as much as I am writing them!!!

This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. This story involves bdsm Sex between consenting men; if you are likely to be offended or are under 18 years old please do not read it. Otherwise I hope you enjoy the story as much as I am writing it, and receiving feedback and idea's from readers.

Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Chapter 7

After wiping the soap off his arse I turned the kid back onto his back and again retied him to the bench. After I had secured him I ran my hand over his shaft and down to his balls. "That's better Boy" I remarked as I teased his cock with my hand, just holding it tightly then playing with his balls again. He was jerking involuntary at my touch on his cock and balls; I could tell he was in heaven. Then suddenly I stopped touching him and left him they're lying waiting for my next touch. " Right Boy Use the traffic light safe word if you get to the point that you cant take any more shout RED, if you just need to regain composure shout Amber, and if I ask you how you feel and you feel ok say Green, You got that BOY?" "Woof" "good boy, now remember you can't cum unless I tell you to" I added as I ran a ice cube down his shaft and over his ball sac, again he tried to jolt but he was held down by the ropes. His Cock was throbbing with the sensation of the ice cube running down his shaft. After the ice was nearly melted with the heat of his cock I stopped and walked over to a small draw cabinet and took a blindfold from the top draw and walked back to where the kid was laid immobilised and placed the blindfold on him, so now he was deprived of his sight, this would enhance his other senses. I walked back over to the draws and took two nipple clamps, I decided on the weakest set of four that I had accumulated over the years. I could see that the kid was very tense with anticipation of what I might do to him next. Without saying anything I walked back over to where the kid was and stopped at the side of the table and waited a minute or two before I placed the first clamp on his left nipple and he screamed "arrrrrrrrrrrgghhh get it off sir please" "Shut up you fucking sissy" I said as I placed the other clamp on his right nipple" again he screamed with the initial pain of the clamps but he soon started to adapt to the pain and his cock was rock solid. After about another minute I placed a chain on both clamps and tugged them a little and again he groaned with pain and pleasure. I could see his nipples were rock solid in the grip of the clamps as I continued to tease his knob and shaft with a household feather duster, I kept running it over his balls and up and down his throbbing cock in all different directions so he couldn't predict what I would do next. His cock was oozing precum out and I reminded him not to cum unless I tell him. "butt sir I don't know if I will be able to last" he whimpered out as I continued with the feather duster. "Well then boy I will have to punish you if you don't obey my order, be it on your own head" I snapped as I stopped using the feather. "Now I'm going to untie you and I want you to kneel on the floor Understand?" I said sternly. "Woof" he replied as I untied his ankles and wrists and led him to the centre of the floor and pushed him down on his knees. "Don't move a muscle Boy," I added as I walked back to the cabinet to get a cane, which I started softly hitting my hand with as I walked back to the kid. "Right Boy I want you to put your chin on the floor and your arms under your chest with your arse in the air" I said as I helped him to get into my desired position. "Now boy I think you have been a very naughty Bitch, talking without permission a few moments ago, and we all know what happens to naughty bitches don't we," I half laughed as he barked once realising that he was about to be punished. Without any warning I whacked his arse good and proper with the cane leaving a nice red stripe on his left cheek and then again on the right cheek with the same force as the first each time he screamed out with the pain and I could hear him sniffle as he was almost crying. After the first two strokes I started caning his hot arse across both cheeks with each stroke with less force then the first two. He managed 12 strokes in total before he shouted amber. I actually didn't think he would have lasted twelve strokes but he did and his cock was still rock solid when I put my hand under him from behind him and grabbed it and pulled it hard towards his arse hole. His cock was still oozing precum everywhere and by the time I let it go my hand was covered in the kids precum. "Boy my hand is soiled with your bitches precum lick it clean," I said as I put my hand in front of his head. He immediately lifted his head slightly and proceeded to lick his precum off my hand. As he finished I patted his head and said, " There's a good boy." And pushed his head back to the floor. " stay Boy" I said and left the garage for a while just to see if he would move while I was away.

When I returned he was still in the same position chin on the ground and his tight red arse glowing in the air. "You impress me boy" I said as I walked back to him I told him he could kneel in a relaxed position for a short while which actually happened to be just 10 minutes while I prepared for the next bit of fun with the kid. I Got a candle and a lighter and put them on the table near the bench then pulled on the chain that connected the two nipple clamps as I told the kid to lie on the bench on his back and spread eagled he did so reluctantly and I walked round him tying his wrists and ankles to the four corners of the bench. I then placed the blindfold back over his eyes. I noticed once again the fear and excitement in his face as he had no idea what was coming next as I had been working behind him. I let a few minutes go by before lighting the low heat candles that I bought for these sorts of occasions. I don't think the kid even worked out that I was using a lighter. "Well boy are you ready for some more fun?" I asked as I let the first drop of hot wax drop on his ball sac which made him almost scream his answer to me and made him tense his body up. I let another drop drip onto his balls. I continued letting the wax drip onto his balls until they were well covered. Then I changed tact and let the wax drip onto his clamped nipples and also over his stomach and with each drop his moans of pain lessened and turned into moans of pleasure. It defiantly looked like the kid would make good slave material if I could get him to agree to be my long-term slave. He was just the sort of Boy that I wanted to train and then serve me, as I'm not one of those guys that just want a scene every now and again. No I like long-term agreements with my Slave's. After a short while his nipples were well covered with wax as was the clamps that were gripping his hard nipples stopping the blood from reaching them. After I had finished using the candle I took the wax covered clamps off the kids nipples slowly and he yelled with the pain of the blood rushing into his nipples. He tried to raise his hands to them but of course he couldn't move them much at all as they were pretty well secured. "We will have less of the noise boy," I said sternly as I gently massaged his nipples until they were full of blood again. "Boy you will clean all the items I use on you tonight as soon as you wake in the morning" I added as I once again went to his cock and started massaging it in my fist. It was still oozing precum and I could tell he was almost on the verge of Cumming so I stopped and untied him and once again told him to get down on all fours and I knelt down behind him and started playing with his tight arse hole loosening his rose-bud ready for my rock hard cock he moaned with pleasure as I entered his hole with one finger and was quite soon finger fucking him. Then I lubed up two fingers and started pushing them into his arse hole and continued to push them in and out until I thought his arse was loose enough to take my hot hard cock. Of course by this time he was in heaven and there was a pool of precum underneath him. "right boy are you ready for your masters cock?" I whispered in his ear as I pulled my fingers out of his arse. "Woooof" he squeaked "Good because your getting it anyway" I laughed as I forced his front down onto the floor just like earlier chin on the ground and arse in the air. But this time I separated his legs slightly to open up his arse a little more. There he was at my mercy with that arse just asking to be fucked. I couldn't resist any longer so I rubbed my knob up and down his crack between his arse cheeks then pushed it onto his hole without entering it. I wanted to tease him a little more. Then all of a sudden I started pushing my hot hard throbbing cock into my bitches' arsehole he groaned is I pushed my cock in bit by bit until my knob was deep inside him. I slowly started to fuck him gently sliding in and almost out of his glowing arse. Then when I thought he was relaxed enough I pulled out and grabbed his cock and rammed my cock deep inside him and my balls banging against his red cheeks. He lost his breath on the first couple of full force strokes but managed to regain his composure, there was beads of sweat on his back as I picked up my pace all the time massaging his hard throbbing cock. I don't know how he managed it but he still hadn't cum. I didn't take long to cum inside him and as I tensed up my body just before I shot my load deep into him, I whispered in his ear shoot your load now boy. I let a big load of cum shoot deep into his insides the kids body went rigid and he shot load after load onto the ground below him and onto my hand that was wanking his cock. We both collapsed onto the floor, well I collapsed onto the kid and he fell into his own spunk. We lay there for a short while. Then I took his blindfold off the kid and ordered him to tidy him-self up and the toys that I had used on him earlier then I told him to get into the dog bed and sleep.

I went back into the house leaving him in the garage with just a bowl of water and no tv or hifi to entertain himself with. I switched the garage light off after a hour or so which also ment he was in total darkness. I lay in my bed trying to guess what might be going on in the kids head and whether he would become my permanent slave.

To Be continued. . . . .

Please email me with comments and suggestions etc at

Next: Chapter 8

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