Street Kid

By ben me

Published on May 18, 2003


Street Kid

Chapter 6

By Benme_over

Authors Notes:

I would like to thank everyone who has emailed me, and especially Randy for his ideas of which some I am using. Hope you all enjoy this and the future chapters as much as I am writing them!!!

This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. This story involves bdsm Sex between consenting men, if you are likely to be offended or are under 18 years old please do not read it. Otherwise I hope you enjoy the story as much as I am writing it, and receiving feedback and idea's from readers.

Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Chapter 6

I awoke just as dawn was breaking and went straight to see how the kid had managed over night. I was surprised to see that he was sound asleep. His body took in the early morning light, especially his nice firm butt which was so tantalising to see, but it was time for the kid to be woken, and as I needed a piss I pointed my cock straight at his head and let my piss flow at him, he woke up pretty sheepish as my hot piss hit his head and ran down his face. "Woof Woof" said the kid, "I am not going to stop bitch and besides I've decided you are going to get my piss every morning from now on in one way or another" I replied as I wiped my cock on his cute arse. "Now when I untie you I want you to get to the kitchen and sort breakfast out then come back here and wait in your dog bet until I come for you, understood Bitch?" "Woof" "That's good we understand each other then" I said as he left the room on two feet as it was chore time. I could smell breakfast as I was sat reading my morning paper in the dining room. After I had finished breakfast and he had cleared up. I asked him to follow me into the living room. He did as he was told and knelt beside me. "Right boy we are into your second week, how do you feel about your new place in life?" I said as he gave me a frustrated look. "oh sorry Boy you may talk to answer my questions" "well errm Sir I think I'm sort of warming to most of it, and quite like not having any say in my life, b-b-but I really don't like it when you piss on me, oh and I didn't like those guys watching us in the woods" he said in almost one sentence barely taking a breathe "Well Boy you only have a few more days to decide if you want to become my 24/7 bitch boy. Maybes the delivery later today will help you make your mind up" "What delivery?" the kid asked "oh just a few things for your training, nothing for you to worry about Boy" I replied. I had ordered a cage to put him in when he was being naughty, it was a fairly small cage just enough to allow him to kneel or to be on all fours he wouldn't have much movement in it at all. I had also ordered a chastity belt for him, and a set of leather restraints including a harness, oh yes and a cross for me to tie him too, and a few wall hooks just in case I wanted to leave him hanging by his arms. To be honest I couldn't wait for the delivery to arrive, just to see his face when he realised what I had planned for him. Funny but I was quite confident that he would decide to stay with me after the two weeks were up. After all he said himself he was warming to his new way of life, his reactions also told me the same.

The delivery man arrived mid afternoon and I told the boy to go and answer the door, he looked at me in shock "Its ok Boy he is a old friend of mine" I said as the kid opened the door just enough to let the peter in but making sure the door hid his naked body.

" Oh so this is your new boy" said Peter as he entered with a box full of the smaller items of my order. "Yep he is my new fuck Bitch, Still in training though" I replied then told the kid to put his leather shorts on and open the garage door and help Peter with the rest of the order.

After they had finished putting the rest of the order in the garage they joined me in the living room. "Boy make two coffees and bring your bowl of water in here and join us" I said and the kid obeyed and went straight to the kitchen. "He is cute, just like you said over the phone, how do you manage to get the cute ones" Asked Peter "I don't know, I'm just lucky I guess" I replied as the kid returned with the coffees and then went back for his bowl of water

"How is he taking the training as a dog slave" Asked Peter "OH he is starting to respond and adjusting to his new way of life" "I used to have a Bitch Boy you know" "actually I didn't" I relied puzzled. "Yeh you remember Shaun, my cute blonde boy" "Never" I said amazed. "yep he was my Bitch boy for five years but we agreed that it was only behind closed door and he acted normal in the outside world. "You hid it well then" I commented as the kid returned with his bowl of water and placed it down beside my chair and got back down onto all fours. "Well this boy here has got only a few days to make probably the most important decision of his life, whether to leave and go back to his old life or to stay here as my 24/7 Bitch Boy" I said as I patted the kid on his head. Peter and I continued talking about the kids training as we drank the coffee and the kid started lapping up the water with his tongue, showing his tight butt in the leather shorts that showed it off so well. "Well thanks for the coffee, and I hope you both enjoy the new toys" said Peter as he got up to leave. "Oh I'm sure we will" I replied as I showed peter out patting the id on his head as I walked past him.

"Right Boy come to the garage and help me sort out all the new gear" I said as I led him out. It took us the rest of the afternoon to set up the cross and the hooks etc in the garage. I had already planned on turning the garage into a proper dungeon and had already fixed red lighting and painted the walls black, and now I was finally finishing off the job ready to use it with the kid.

After we had eaten I ordered the kid to get his dog basket and meet me in the garage in ten minutes, I had told him to be knelt with his arms behind his head. I was ten minutes late getting to the garage, as I wanted the kid to be all tensed up with the anticipation of what might be coming his way when I arrived. My little plan had worked the kid was very tense and beads of sweat were running down his face and onto his smooth golden chest, this fucking kid was almost too much to look at, every time I glanced my cock went rock hard, and it took all my self control to not melt to his looks. It was time to up the level of his training a little, and he unwittingly gave me some ammunition by letting me know he didn't like piss or being used or watched by others. Anyway I arrived at the garage. "Get those fucking shorts off now Boy" I boomed at top of my voice "Right Boy from now on when I enter a room you put your chin to the ground and make sure your arse is up in the air then wait for instruction from me, Understand Boy?" I asked "woof" "Good, from now on Boy unless I want you to stay with me you will sleep in the here either in your dog basket or in the cage if you have been naughty" I added. He wasn't expecting any of this as his face showed total shock. "Now come here boy and take my cock in your mouth, I think you have behaved yourself enough to have a special treat of sucking your masters cock and tasting his spunk" I added as the kid came towards me regaining his composure, I was walking a tight rope, knowing if I pushed him too soon he would leave and I would have to start looking for a replacement to take his place, so I had to keep offering him little rewards. He started lapping my full ball sack with his hot wet tongue the worked his way up my iron rod hard cock till he reached the tip of my knob where he engulfed it and took it deep in his throat. He was working his tongue and lips in ways I couldn't imagine and I was getting close to cumming so took hold of his head and started fucking his mouth good and hard, holding him by his hair and forcing my cock as deep into his throat as I could. After a couple of minutes of frantic face fucking I felt my balls rising and my whole body tensed up, the spunk went up to my cock and I pulled out of his mouth and shot load after load over the kids hair and face. I collapsed onto the kid who in turn fell back onto the floor. We were both exhausted and it took us a good 20 minutes to regain our composure.

It was only then that I realised that the kid had cum. "What the fuck is this Boy" I said scooping some of his spunk up on a finger" I said as He looked at me with puppy dog eyes. "Answer Boy" "Sorry sir I couldn't hold on, I tried but I couldn't. I did my best" "Very well boy, but I will still have to punish you. But I have something to help you with your little problem in the future" "Now clean up your spunk with your tongue boy, I don't want to see a single drop on the floor then lay on your back spread eagled on that work bench over there and wait for my return, oh and put this blindfold on and make sure you can't peep otherwise you will be severely punished" I said as I went to the kitchen and got a candle and some deep heat cream as well as yoghurt and a bucket of ice. The kid was in for a long haul of a trip tonight as I was going to play with his senses. While I was in the kitchen I took some chopped meat and placed it a dog food tin, so the kid would think I was feeding him dog food

When I got back to the garage I slammed the door that led from the garage to the kitchen and noticed the kid nearly jumped up of the workbench in the corner. "Calm down boy I'm not gonna hurt you, well not much so relax and lets have ourselves a little fun" I said as I almost giggled "Now I think this pubic and arse hair will have to go, I like my bitches smooth all over" I stated as he lay there "Woof woof" he said in protest "Oh be quiet boy, I've shaved many guys before, I think it might be best though if I tie you down so you can't move, after all we don't want me to cut that cock of yours do we" "woof" he replied in agreement So without further ado I took some soft ropes and tied each wrist and ankle to some hooks under the bench, the kid was spread eagled which gave me easy access to his pubic hair which I started to soap up with traditional soap stick and brush, thought it would tease his senses more then the modern shaving gel out of the can. He tried to move as he felt the cold water and the brush bristles on his balls and around his cock. There he was spread eagled with his pubic region covered in shaving soap, his cock was rock hard and pointing to his navel. "Now boy stay real still, I'm using a traditional cut throat razor" I told him as I readied myself for the task of removing his pubic hairs. He then tensed his body making sure he was as still as he could be. I started running the razor above his cock first removing the soap and his hair. I continued working my way down towards his balls, his cock stayed rock hard all the way through the shaving exercise. I then washed away any soap and hairs with cold water making him jolt with the shock of cold water, of course he couldn't really move due to the restraints on his wrists and ankles.

"There Boy it wasn't that bad was it, and your cock and balls look so much better without hair" I said admiring my work as I untied him "Right Boy turn over so I can do your cute butt" I added and he did as he was told.

Once again I retied his wrists and ankles to the underside of the bench. Of course the kid was bracing himself for another dose of cold water, but to his surprise I used hot water, that I knew was just hot enough for it to course him discomfort without scalding his butt, after all I was planning to fuck him sometime through the night. I started at the small of his back, you know that sensitive area just before the crack of his arse. It wasn't long before I had finished the task of removing his arse hair and he was totally smooth back and front, and ready for the night ahead...

To be continued...

All comments are welcome, as are your idea's for this and future stories,

Next: Chapter 7

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