Street Kid

By ben me

Published on May 17, 2003


Street Kid

Chapter 5

By Benme_over

Authors Notes:

I would like to thank everyone who has emailed me, and especially Randy for his ideas of which some I am using. Hope you all enjoy this and the future chapters as much as I am writing them!!!

This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

I had to drag the kid into the garage and he even tried to resist going into the car, but I managed to push his butt into the boot of my estate car. Oh he looked so sorrowful knelt down with just his leather shorts that hugged his bulge and butt tightly. The woods was about ten minutes away, and was a known gay pickup area, which I had used once or twice in the past when I needed some quick relief. "Right boy we are here" I said as I opened the hatch back door and pulled him out of the car. "What do you think you are doing stood up Boy" I demanded to know "errrmmm I oops" he replied "get down on all fours NOW BOY" I snapped loudly, "there may be other masters here so you better respect me or else your life wont be worth living over the next week until you get the choice of freedom back. Do you understand Boy" "Woof" he replied as he got down on all fours, of course I didn't want him to get cut up by the twigs and other things on the ground so I put some hard wearing gloves on his hands they were the mitten type, the sort with no fingers, they sort of made his hands into paws. I also put knee pads on him and then picked up his leash. "there we are ready for your first walkies" I said as I pulled him along beside me by now it was turning to dusk, and there was a nice red and purple sunset which really showed off the kids body, and made me feel so fucking horny I could have had him there and then..

As we neared the centre of the woods I sensed that there were others near by so I tied him to a tree and undid my zip and pulled down my pants to let my throbbing cock free in front of his nose. "Smell that Bitch" I said waving my cock under his nose he hesitated for a while but obeyed me in the end. I could see his cock hardening in his shorts as he sniffed around my knob and shaft. "Well Boy what you waiting for, take it in your mouth and make me shoot my load" I said as he kept sniffing my cock. Again he hesitated at first as I think he sensed that we were being watched. Then I felt his hot moist mouth engulf my knob and slide down my hot and hard shaft. I was at boiling point and almost came there and then, but I managed to regain some composure as he continued bouncing up and down my shaft. I could tell he was really enjoying blowing me off as he had his eyes shut and was unaware of what or who was around him. I could only hold out for about five minutes before I let go and my spunk erupted in his mouth and down his throat, but there was just too much for him to swallow so after about the third spurt I pulled out and shot two more loads of spunk on his face and hair. Then wiped my knob all over his face. "theres a good boy" I said as I patted him on the head. He slowly opened his eyes to see three other men stood around us with their hard cocks in their hands beating them frantically as they were about to cum I grinned and asked them if they would shoot their loads on my pup all three obliged and shot spunk all over him. His face head and chest were now covered in our spunk. "well boy thank the gentlemen for their spunk by licking their cocks clean" I said as he knelt there still in shock of what had just happened to him. "Jump to it boy" I added and he started to move towards the nearest of the three who was also the youngest being about thirty. The kid started licking the guys knob and shaft cleaning his cock. "Oh yeh that's good boy but remember the balls too" the first Guy said. "You heard the gentleman Boy jump to it" I said as and he did so immediately without much hesitation at all. The second guy must have been in his mid forties with a tint of grey hair, the kid cleaned him up good too. But when he moved onto the third who was in his mid to late fifties he hesitated a little. "What u waiting for Bitch" I snapped as he looked at the guys big fat cock it was a good ten inches and really thick. The guy was a really hairy bear type. The kid was still hesitating so the third guy pulled the kids head towards him quite roughly and told him to clean his cock and balls. The kid had no option but to do as he was told so took the guys knob in his mouth and licked him clean. "Hey thanks man you've got yourself a good bitch there" the third man commented as they left us. "well kid think its time to get you home and cleaned up ready for tonight. A old friend wants to come and see you tonight, he doesn't believe I have myself a dog" I said as I started walking him back to the car. I could see that his hard-on, that was trapped in his leather shorts was making it really difficult for him to crawl. He was moving so slow that I had no option but to stop and let him cum. "right boy you have two minutes to shoot your load now jump too it" he immediately pulled his shorts down and his rock hard cock jumped out. And he immediately started working his meat with his hand and it must have only been seconds before he shot spunk everywhere in long thick streams he came bucket loads. Soon as he had cum I demanded he pulled his shorts up and start crawling again, after all I didn't want him to enjoy it as he was still on his no wanking ban which I only broke so that we could get a move on.

Ten minutes later we arrived back home and I took him straight to the bathroom and got him in the bath on all fours then stripped him of his shorts and collar. And hosed him down with the shower head making his body nice and wet, then I soaped him up before rinsing him off. When he was showered I told him to dry himself down and go to his dog bed and rest ready for tonight. I watched him dry himself down and crawl off to his bed then went down to get the meal ready for tonight. I hadn't seen Tom in nearly five years, he was the one that introduced me into the BDSM scene when I was Just a few years older then the kid at 22. He made me his boy until he moved to Canada. He wanted me to go with him but gave me the option of staying here, which I took. He was back in the Uk for the first time on a business trip. So I asked him to come and visit me, of course he was intrigued When I told him about the kid and that he was being trained like a dog.

When I had finished preparing everything for Tom's arrival I went upto the kids room and nudged him with my foot till he woke up. "Time to get you ready for tonight Boy" I said as he went to stand. I quickly pushed him back down onto all fours, it was obvious that he was finding it hard to adapt his life as a dog slave. He then crawled over to me and I placed his collar around his neck Then I took hold of a small butt plug and greased it up then started to slowly insert it into his tight butt then I placed his leather shorts on which helped him to keep his plug inside until he got used to it, after all I didn't want it to pop out whilst he served dinner. We had just finished preparations when the doorbell rang, I took the kid to the kitchen then went and greeted Tom at the door. Once I had sorted Tom out with a drink in the living room I excused myself and went back to the kid in the kitchen.

"Right kid, I want you on your best behaviour, you may stand only whilst you serve us dinner, once dinner is done you will come to me and my guest in the living room on all fours and kneel beside me Understand" "Woof" he replied. "Right then you may stand and serve dinner in ten minutes" I ordered and went Back to Tom, and we started our catching up as we walked into the dining room. Soon after we had settled down at the table the kid brought in our appetiser. You should have seen Toms face when he saw how cute the kid was. "well you have good taste, where did you find him" asked tom as the kid left the room again looking shy and embarrassed. "well it's a long story, lets just say it was either come here with me for two weeks or be banged up in prison where he had been severely abused before." I answered. "So you only have him for two weeks, that's a shame" "Possibly yes tom, but I'm hoping to change his mind and get him trained enough so that he will want to stay for good" I replied whilst finishing the appetiser. " I see, you always like a challenge, even as my boy I never had full control over you. Don't know why it surprised me so much when you said that you were training a slave dog" Tom said as the kid brought the main course in. "He isn't a bad boy really just needs a disciplined and love in his life" I said as the kid laid down my plate. " I see well I am sure you will take care of that" said Tom and we both laughed a little as the kid went back to the kitchen. "He is starting to respond to the training, you should have seen him this afternoon in the woods" I said telling Tom the whole story of our little adventure, I had just finished as the kid came back with our desert. As the kid laid down my desert I told him to take his shorts off and crawl under the table and to goto Tom and undo his zip and give him a blowjob while he eats his desert. "Woof Woof" came from the kid's mouth "How dare you humiliate me in front of a good old friend in my house" I barked at the top of my voice. The kid shook with fear as I forced him down on all fours, "Now Do it Boy" I added. And the kid took his shorts off then made his way under the table to Toms crotch. Toms face was a picture; he was clearly stunned at how dominant I was. But he was even more stunned as the kid undid his zip and took his cock out and then engulfed it into his hot mouth. "Wow he is good at sucking" Tom murmured as the kid went up and down his shaft whilst holding Toms balls in his hands. It wasn't long before Tom moaned "I can't take much more, I'm gonna co..." "Take all of Toms spunk boy but don't swallow until I tell you" I ordered just as tom started to shoot into the kids welcoming mouth. It was streaming out of the kids mouth as he stopped himself from swallowing Toms spunk, he had to let it dribble down his chin and chest as Tom always cums loads. When Tom Finished shooting his spunk I told the kid he could swallow the spunk in his mouth, but he hadn't to wash his face or chest. I then told the kid to go to his dog bowl in the kitchen and to eat his mashed up dinner.

"WOW I would have never imagined it, you a Master, its truly amazing" Tom said to me. "Yes and its all down to you showing me this way of life, you were a good teacher" I replied. "I must have been judging by tonight and what you have told me" added Tom, I gave Tom a smile "You were and if it wasn't for you taking me in I'd would have ended up in prison too" I added. "Yes well it looks like your gonna save this kid like I saved you. Anyway I better be off I have a plane to catch in the morning, if you ever get the chance to come to Canada you will be able to meet my new boy" said Tom as we left the table and headed towards the hallway. We both peeped into the kitchen to see the kid lapping up his dinner with his arse high in the air. "well thanks for a very special and unusual dinner" said tom as I opened the door. "No problem Tom and next time your over here on business, why not stay here instead of being in a hotel room all alone" and with that we said our goodbyes and Tom got into his car and drove off.

The kid came upto me as I shut the door, "mmm We have some punishment to do Boy, for your disobedience earlier, I did warn you, but you just don't listen do you Boy" I snapped and pointed him to the stairs which he crawled up as I followed him to his bedroom "Your going to be really sorry that you were such a naughty boy, Now get face down on the bed" I pointed to the real bed, as he nervously obeyed me. I tied him spread eagled nice and tightly so he was stretched enough that he was in moderate discomfort nothing too heavy. I then turned off the heating in his room. Then I took my cock out and pissed all over his back and head, this really upset him, just as I thought it would I then left him and went to my room to sleep. I could hear the kid whimpering for a long while until he realised that I wasn't going to take any notice of him.

To be continued

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Next: Chapter 6

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