Street Kid

By ben me

Published on May 12, 2003


Street Kid By Benme_over

Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or circumstances is purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

After the hard shopping trip I let the kid have some time off before continuing his training. He watched tv mostly and I relaxed reading in the conservatory. He must have missed me because only two hours after we had returned he came looking for me. "Hay Boy, you want to meet my new Dog?" I asked smugly "Oh yes sir that would be cool" "Well come with me we need to sort a few things out first take our shopping up to your room" "Oh yes sir" said the kid enthusiastically probably believing that I was going to let the dog sleep in his room as a gift. "Right boy put them things down in the corner nice and neatly ready for the dog to use" I said as we entered his room. "Now strip Boy, you've been in those restrictive clothes too long, and get down on all fours while I blind fold you ready for your training session" I added he did as he was told and I placed the blind fold over his eyes and tied it tightly. Then I put the dog collar around his neck and attached the lease that we had bought earlier. After I had sorted that out I pulled on the leash to turn him to face a full-length mirror. "right boy when I come back you will get to meet the dog" I said and left the room, which the kid must have presumed I was going to fetch the dog. I left him there for about 15 minutes and when I returned he was still in the same position on all fours in front of the mirror.

"Your learning Boy, you didn't move that is good your starting to get the idea of obedience, Just like my new pup which you are about to meet, but you both have a long way to go in your training" I added. "Now when I remove the blindfold you will see my new pup right in front of you" I said and untied the blindfold but holding it in front of his eyes until I was able to see his initial reactions to what he was about to be confronted with. "There you are boy, meet my new puppy boy slave dog, what do you think boy" "But sir this is stupid, I'm not a dog and never will be" he contested. "Shut up boy, from this moment on you are going to be trained like a new pup and will be treated like one until I think you are obedient enough to do otherwise. You will remain on all fours unless instructed otherwise; you will not speak unless instructed by myself. You may bark once for yes and twice for now, and continuous Barking means there is something urgently wrong. Got It Boy?" "bbbut Sir" WHACK "I said no talking you stupid Bitch" I added sharply after slapping his arse cheek with my hand. "You will sleep in the dog bed and eat out of the dog bowl Understand BOY?" "bbbb RUFF" was his reply, I could see tears of humiliation in his eyes. "You will be able to stand whilst doing your daily chores, but will return immediately to all fours once they are done. Oh and Boy all your other rules still remain in place do you understand?" "Yes Sir" SLAP (I slapped his face) "Did I tell you you could speak Bitch" "Ruff ruff" "That's better Boy" I snapped at him. "Now go and get showered and report back to me in the kitchen Boy" I said leaving him in his room humiliated and with a deflated ego. I felt quite smug seeing the wind taken out of the kid.

A good hour passed and still the kid hadn't reported to me, I was of course getting very impatient with the obvious disobedience so I stamped my way upstairs to find him still in a soapy bath laying sound asleep. I went and got a cane and returned to the bath room and shouted "Bitch get out at once" to wake the kid up, he instantly woke and scrambled to get out of the bath and stand before me. "You don't learn do you boy, get down on all fours you fucking Bitch. You have no right to stand. You continuously disobey my orders, so I think you need a good beating" "bbbbut Sir" he tried saying forgetting he wasn't allowed to talk CRACK I whacked his cute arse full force with the cane, he nearly jumped of all fours as the cane hit him and leaving a nice red stripe across his cheeks. "Now get fucking dried boy and report to me in five minutes flat" I stormed as I slammed the door behind me and returned to the lounge.

The kid did manage to get to the lounge just within the five minutes I allowed for him to do so. "Right boy you up for a harsh punishment for not following my orders, do you understand?" "ruff" "Right I want you to stand facing that wall and lean against it with your arms fully stretched." He did as he was told; this gave me good access to his striped bottom. I placed a cat o nine tails and a paddle beside him, then got 12 clothes pegs and placed them on his ball sack and inner legs. He started to jerk as they bit into him SLAP my hand came down on his Arse. "Who gave you fucking permission to move boy, that will be an extra ten strokes on your hot arse boy, So that's ten for not reporting to me on time, ten for falling asleep without permission, ten for talking and ten for moving just now boy I make that 40 Boy do you agree?" "Ruff" was his reply as I took hold of the paddle and raised my arm Whack came the first blow to his left cheek leaving a nice red mark, I continued with strikes on each cheek and by the time I got to the tenth stroke his arse was nice and red and must have really been stinging. Then I put the paddle down and placed a nipple clamp on each of his nipples, they weren't the strongest clamps but they still made him screw up his face and eyes when I first placed them on him. I then took hold of the nine tails and took my position behind his burning arse cheeks and again came down full force on his already burning arse stroke after stroke and after the tenth stroke on his now rosy red arse I attacked his inner legs and the backs of his legs with the nine tails, this came as a shock to him. I could see tears streaming down his cheeks; it was obvious that he had had little or no punishment in his life before. By the time I got to the twentieth stroke with the whip his legs were a paler red to his arse cheeks, which looked like they were on fire. I placed the whip down and twisted the nipple clamps and pulled on a few of the pegs on his ball sack and I heard him groan in pain but his cock was rock solid, he was obviously enjoying it more then he thought or was admitting too. Once again I picked up the paddle and as I did so I heard a few double barks from him "Sorry boy you have to take the last ten strokes now or its twenty of the best for bed, Now one bark for now and two for bed, which is it to be boy?" as I expected I got one bark from him. "Good now lets get it over with" I replied as I picked up the paddle again and readied myself. Whack whack whack strike after strike on one cheek then the other and by the time I had done the tenth strike his cheeks looked on fire. "Right boy wipe those tears and get back down on all fours, then come over to my chair and I will put some lotion on your arse to cool it a little, then you can get on with your chores.

When he came over on all fours to my chair I positioned him so his arse was facing me and then applied some lotion to his cheeks and legs, this made him jump as the lotion was cold, it did the job of cooling his arse a little, of course I didn't want it to completely cool the sting of his punishment, just make it almost bearable. Once I had finished soothing his arse I told him to climb onto my knee and I gave him a cuddle and stroked his head as I whispered "there now be a good dog and you will get a treat later" he gave me a kiss on the lips and soon we were really kissing and caressing each other.

After a few minutes I realised that we were getting too carried away with ourselves and pushed the kid off my lap "Get down Boy" I could see the look of rejection in his face and had to keep my composure and not give into his sulking even though my heart wanted to. I told him to go to his room and have a nap as I had important work to do.

After about an hour and a half had passed I went to wake the kid, but he was already awake just lying curled up in his dog bed, he got up an all fours and came straight over to me, rubbing his face against my leg. "Ok Boy calm down, think its time for dinner" I said and motioned him to follow him downstairs. Once we were in the kitchen I pointed to his dinner in the dog bowl. "Now eat it all up like a good boy" I added as he looked at the mashed up dinner in the bowl. "Oh and remember to eat like a proper dog no hands Boy" I remarked as he started lapping up the mushy food with his tongue. I couldn't help but to laugh at him when he was finished, there was food on his nose and all around his mouth. "Hope you have licked the bowl clean" "Woof" "Good boy, now lets watch a bit of television before your treat" He crawled his way into the lounge and went to sit on the sofa "No Boy your place is down beside me on the floor" I snapped at him. He immediately took his position kneeling by the side of my chair. "That's better Boy" I added patting his head as we watched a cop show on the television. He barely moved in the next two hours although I could tell he was uncomfortable after the first hour or so. After the show was finished I let out a sigh, Well boy you impressed me staying so still, I think you deserve a treat don't you" "Woof" he replied "Thought you'd agree, right I want you to go up to your room and put on the leather shorts and get your leash ready for when I come up" It was time for his first walk, I knew where there was a wooded area where I could walk him with very little chance of being seen, though I kept that fact to myself. When I entered his room he was knelt beside the chest of drawers waiting for me. "Right boy we are going walkies" I said as I clipped the leash onto his collar, and again the face of horror returned to his face, as he tried barking twice to say no, "now come on you bitch or you will be very sorry" I snapped and yanked his leash which got him moving even if it was unwillingly.

To be continued

All comments and Idea's are welcome

Next: Chapter 5

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