Street Kid

By ben me

Published on Apr 24, 2003


Street Kid By Benme_over

Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or circumstances is purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Sorry for the delay of part three, but hope you enjoy it, and please keep your comments and idea's coming in. I aim to post part four over the weekend all being well. Happy Reading

Chapter 3

It was about 11 in the evening when the kid finally woke from his sleep to find that he was tied spread eagled to my bed posts, he wad disorientated as I had managed to carry him up to my bedroom without awakening him. I even managed to tie him spread eagled to my wooden frame four poster lying on his stomach of course. He was shocked and disturbed at the fact that he was unable to move or offer much resistance to me. "Good evening Boy, enjoyed your sleep I hope?" "Yes sir Thank you sir, and thank you for earlier" he replied. "Well Boy its punishment time, because you disobeyed me didn't you" "Did I Sir?" "yes boy, you shot your spunk without permission" I replied "I'm sorry sir, but it was impossible for me to hold it in any longer" "I decide what's possible in this house boy understood?" I asked "errm Yes sir" "Good now lets see to your punishment shall we" I smirked. The poor kid had panic written all over his face. " relax boy this will probably hurt a lot, but I'm sure you will find it fun, at least I will" I added with a slight laugh. I then made my way slowly over to a table where I had laid out all the toys that I may need for the kids first real session. I had a nine tails, a nice flexible cane, a small dildo (after all I didn't want the kid to get too loose did I, I also had a couple of nipple clamps all laid out just out of view of the kid. I could see the tension in his face, not knowing what I might do or how severe it might be. Now I'm not into severe pain without a little pleasure for my boys, so I also had a feather duster, and a few other sensual items to hand. I picked up the cat and walked towards the kid gently swishing the cat in the air to increase his anticipation. "Are you ready Boy?" I asked "errrrrm as ready as I will ever be sir" " Good then lets begin shall we" I laughed but instead of whipping the boys arse I just gently ran it across his cheeks like a brush. I think this shocked him more then it would have if I had brought it down on his cute butt with all my might. I brushed it over his firm cheeks two more times then suddenly lashed his left cheek with the cat leaving a nice glowing stripe across his cheek and he clenched his whole body as it hit him on the right cheek. He murmured each time I hit him but after six lashes on each cheek I decided to hit the crack between his cheeks lightly, but it was enough for him to cry out, and there were tears forming in the corner of his eyes.

I put the whip down and went round to the front of him "Right Boy do you know why you're here?" I asked "Because you're blackmailing me Sir" He replied "No Boy, You're here because I want you here, I want you to serve me and in doing so learn to respect others" "Now boy you're going to serve me with your mouth, you're going to take my cock in your mouth and give me the blow job of your life., and you will swallow every drop of my hot creamy cum understand?" "bbbut Sir, I don't swallow" "You do now boy" I boomed at him as I pushed my throbbing cock to his lips. "Smell that man cock boy" get used to it as your going to smell and taste it an awful lot from now on. "Open you mouth boy and be careful not to scratch it with your teeth or you wont know where the hell you are by the time I'm finished with you" I added as he opened his mouth and I started pushing it first onto his hot moist velvet lips and slowly into his hot wet mouth. It took all my mental power not to come the instant that his mouth engulfed my knob and shaft. "That's it Boy take it all in" I said as he started gagging on my shaft as I kept pushing it deeper into his mouth and down his throat. The feel of the kid's mouth around my knob and shaft was, as I've never felt before. It was like a electric charge going through my veins. "Right boy start working your tongue around my knob as you take me deep in and out of your mouth, and work my balls with your hands" I added and he immediately started groping my balls with his smooth young hands as he sucked and licked and flicked my knob with his tongue. It was as though he had been a cock sucker all his life, they must have taught him well in the prison. It wasn't long before the electric charge turned into a bolt of thunder and I couldn't hold back any longer, spurting my hot creamy load down his throat. After the second shot of cum went down his throat I pulled out of his mouth and shot cum all over his face and chest, this really shocked him more so then having to drink my cum. He had an expression of horror and disgust on his face. I told him that he would not wipe my cum off his face and would wear it with pride until I told him otherwise. After I recovered from my climax I untied the boy and told him to clean the house from top to bottom while I did some paperwork. I ordered him not to wash my cum off and reminded him not to touch himself as I had decided I was going to deprive him of Cumming for a while, to see how he obeyed me. He was ordered to report to me in the study when he had completed the cleaning. It was about 2 in the afternoon when he came into the study. "Right boy go and make us some sandwiches for lunch and bring them up here" Which he did and returned about 20 minutes later. "Right boy kneel down beside me if you want to be fed this afternoon" he looked confused but followed my order. "Good Boy, now eat your lunch" I said passing him his sandwich. And noticing my spunk had dried on his skin and showed a nice flaky crust. When the kid had finished his lunch, I told him he had a few hours of free time to do his own thing, but once again reminded him not to wash or to touch himself. He suddenly seemed lost, wasn't expecting to be able to do something of his own choosing "What you waiting for Boy go now" I demanded and off he went to the living room to watch TV or something. After I had finished all my paperwork, I decided to Surf some of the master/slave websites on the net, and came across one called The Dog House, well this caused me to be curious, when I entered the site it was all about masters who trained and kept their slaves like dogs. Making them eat out of bowls and sleep in dog beds. Well I couldn't believe it and kept reading, there were some really good ideas as well as some that I thought went just too far. I must admit though it opened my eyes and taught me a lot on punishments as well. I had noticed that the kid had a problem with coping with humiliation more then pain so maybes this was the way I had to break his rebellious streak. Until now I had not been involved in much humiliation of slaves, but decided that It would be a learning curve for the both of us.

Being impulsive as I am I immediately told the kid to put on his regular clothes, as we were going shopping. He did so then suddenly realised as he looked in the mirror that he still had my cum on his face. "bbbut sir I still have cum on my face, please can I wash it off?" he asked "Just the face boy but not your neck or chest and make sure your neck is visible as I expect you to wear my cum with pride boy!!" I replied. Again he seemed to find the humiliation of going shopping with my cum on him offensive. "Now come here boy lets have a look at you" I said and when he was standing before me I inspected him making sure to rub his cock which seemed to immediately come to life. "MMMMM what do we have here Boy? Wanting to be noticed in the town do you, maybes we should have left my cum on your face Boy" I smirked. "nnno sir I'm just horny still after what happened last night, I sort of enjoyed the punishment earlier too" he replied. "That's no good, cant have you enjoying your punishment can we boy" I smirked again. "Suppose not sir" he said resignedly. "Good well we better get going before the shops close" I said as I led him out of the door and too my car. Once we were both sat in the car I told him I wanted no funny business otherwise his cute arse would wind up in prison again, he promised to behave himself and it seemed like he had finally accepted his fate was in my hands at least for the next week or so.

He was curious as we entered the pet shop, now I had decided to try training him as a dog slave, though I wasn't going take it any ware near as far as most of the guys on the website. But thought a lease, dog bowl, and dog bed would be enough at this stage. With each item I looked at I asked him what he thought of it, and he relied oblivious to the fact that I was buying them for his use. "I didn't know you had a dog Sir" he said inquisitively " Well you may get to meet him later today, but be warned he is a right hand full" I replied smugly knowing he would be horrified when he finds out he is the dog.

The kids mood seemed to be fairly relaxed whilst we were shopping, I then went to a diy store to buy some fixings so that I could attaché his leash to the floor beside his new dog bed. Then when we had all the essential shopping wad done I treat the lad to a MacDonald's visit, as I've learnt that training cant all be punishment slaves also need rewarding now and again.

Next: Chapter 4

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