Street Kid

By ben me

Published on Apr 13, 2003


Street Kid By Benme_over

Authors Notes: This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or circumstances is purely coincidental. Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Chapter 2 Rebellion

"Morning Boy" I said as I opened the kid's door, but he never answered "Get up and stand to attention Boy NOW", But still no answer or movement. I stormed to the bed and grabbed the quilt and yanked it off the bed in anger of his disobedience. "Hey Mister what the fuck you doing" he shouted "Get the fuck out of bed Boy and Now before I completely loose my temper, how dare you be so dammed rude Boy. I have a good mind to call the police right now" I screamed to him. "I don't fucking Care" he screamed back "Your no better then those queer bastards you all want to rape me" he added almost crying.

"Stop acting like a girl and pull yourself together Boy" I demanded "I never said that I was going to rape you boy, not my style" I added "bbbut you are going to make me have sex with you, you queer bastard" "Yes Boy we will probably have sex during your training, but by that time you will be willing for this to happen, trust me Boy I want you to stay after the two weeks so I are not going to do anything to jeopardise that now, am I?" I asked "Suppose not" replied the kid in total confusion and sniffling. Like I told him uncalled for force is not my style, even though I believed he was fighting his own sexuality. I don't know what those prison bastards had done to him, but I can imagine. Yes I wanted him to be my obedient and loyal submissive slave, but I wanted him to want to please me rather then feel forced to serve me.

After a couple of minutes he stopped sniffling and managed to get out of the bed. "Right boy Stand to attention and recite your rules that I gave you last night" "Yes sir" he said and repeated the five rules "1. I must call you SIR at all times 2. I will never speak unless spoken to or told that you are allowed to speak 3. I will never question Masters Judgement especially in public 4. I will never refuse Master of pleasure or to carry out punishments 5. I will Never masturbate or cum unless have permission from master" "Very good Boy now go and shower, then you will cook us a full English breakfast" I instructed him as he made his way to the bathroom and I followed watching his cute young arse in the process, oh how I was going to enjoy that arse in the next few weeks.

"Come here Boy and I will unlock your Collar" he came straight towards me and stood whilst I unlocked the padlock and took the new leather collar from around his neck. "Now make sure you polish it with pride and respect for me boy" I added as I lay it on the dresser beside the sink. "Yes sir" was his sullen reply I then decided to leave him to shower in peace, as much for my own sake as the temptation to touch his young silky smooth body was almost too much to handle.

I pottered about the house whilst he showered then went back up to him to replace the collar around his neck. He was still drying himself off as I entered the bathroom. " Stand to attention Boy" I snapped firmly. He did so after a few seconds delay. "Let me make sure your squeaky clean Boy" I added as I started walking round him poking and prodding him, lifting his arms etc to check he was clean. He didn't resist much at all until I reached down for his cock and balls, then he stepped. "Stand Still Boy or else you will be punished for disobeying me do you understand" "Yes Sir" "Good now bend over so I can check your arse is clean, after all I don't want you to sit down on my furniture if your arse is covered in shit" He looked at me in fear of what I might do to him once he was bent over. "OH stop being such a sissy Boy, I am not going to do anything to that arse of yours, at least not now" I told him with a big smirk on my face. Again he seemed to take a little longer then I wished to obey my orders, it was clear that he was going to be a touch more rebellious then I had first anticipated, All the more fun for me I thought now I get the fun of breaking his resistance down before the pleasure of his total submission. He did eventually bend over to show me his nice firm arse. "Spread your cheeks wide boy, I want to see your Hole in all its glory" he did not make any attempt to follow my order which infuriated me, and left me with no option but to punish him. I decided on a short sharp shock followed by a spell of humiliation. So while he was bent over I gave his arse an almighty slap on each cheek before he could even think about resisting. His arse was now glowing red. "Now fucking stand up boy and get your collar" I shouted really loud. I quickly locked the collar back around his neck. "Now get the fuck down stairs and sort breakfast out Boy and any more funny business and you will truly fucking regret it Boy" I added as I followed him down stairs. As his rebellious streak needed watching I decided to add a leash to his collar and lock it to a cupboard handle just to make sure he couldn't make a run for it. "You want to act like a fucking untrained Bitch, then I will treat you like one boy" I stormed as I padlocked the leash to the handle. "Now get on with breakfast Boy" "Yes sir" he said quietly as he started finding things in the kitchen.

I must admit the Kid out stripped my expectations on his cooking skills, it was a perfect breakfast cooked exactly to my taste. I made him eat his standing up at the worktop where he was chained. After breakfast I told him to get the kitchen sparkling and then we would start his training in Ernest.

"I have finished Sir" said the kid after cleaning the kitchen. "Right Boy, like I have already told you, you can make your life here a lot more pleasant, by cooperating with me, you never know you might even enjoy it. Either way you will obey my orders and I will not be so lenient as I have been this morning. Let go of your inhibitions and you will find it much easier." I said then went on to tell him that he was there to serve me, and in return he would receive my love and respect and hopefully get back on the right track in life. I also explained that if after the two weeks of forced slavery he had pleased me I would offer him to stay permanently and serve me, but if he still chose to leave I would ensure that he would have a place on a collage course of his choice and that his collage fees would be paid for. "Really sir, you will let me go and set up a course for me" "yes Boy, but you must earn your rewards, do you understand Boy?" "Yes sir, and I will try my best Sir" He replied with a more upbeat voice "Good Boy now I know that you are going to find lots of the things we do hard to deal with, you may even find them vulgar or painful to some degree, but they are for your education and my pleasure. After all for the next two weeks your sole aim is to please and pleasure me, understand Boy?" I asked him believing that his rebellion was melting away. "Yes sir" "Now I am going to release you from the handle, and when I do I want you to bend over the table and I want you to spread those nice rosy cheeks of yours for me, got it Boy?" "Yes Sir" "Right do it then Boy, I want to see your virgin rosebud" I said as I released him. He immediately went to the table and bent over it as I had asked, then proceeded to spread his cheeks to show his cute hole even if it was a little hidden by a light covering of hair. "I think this hair will have to come off your arse, and we may as well shave your front too Boy" I told him in a soft quiet voice. "But Sir do you really have to shave me?" he asked "Yes boy I am afraid so, I want to see your cock and balls in full, same with this cute arse of yours" I said as I gave him a light slap on his cheek. "Do you have a problem with this boy, are you going to rebel again?" I asked "No Sir, I it's just that I don't really want to be shaved Sir" "Well boy I want you shaved, so you will be shaved RIGHT" "Yes sir, if that is what you want Sir" he said with slight reluctance but no rebellion in his voice unlike earlier. "Good now go to the bathroom and bring down a towel and my shaving kit sheepish boy, I don't want to be kept waiting to see your arse in its full glory" I said as he immediately went to fetch the towel and shaving kit from upstairs. When he returned I showed him into the living room and told him to lay the towel down in front of the fire and then to lie down on the towel on his stomach. He attentively followed the order. I then knelt down beside the Kid and opened the kit within his view. "Right Boy if I was you I would stay quite still, after all we don't want any nips of the skin to spoil my view do we, Because that would force me to punish you as I wouldn't have the full pleasure of the site of your virgin arse. So are you ready Boy?" I asked him as I shook up the can of shaving foam and started squirting it onto his arse cheeks. "Yes Sir" he replied with resignation all the way through his voice. "Good then I will begin" I said as I rubbed the foam all over his arse and just to the edge of his arse hole though I must admit being very tempted to taste the forbidden fruit and had to tell myself it was too early in his initiation to his slavery to me. So once his arse was well covered I took the razor and started removing the hair from his tender young arse making it truly nude and ripe for me to pick later. He managed to stay as still as a statue throughout me shaving his arse even when I wiped away the soap that was left. The end product was such a beautiful sight to look at I almost shot a load in my pants there and then. "You have such a beautifully cute and nice and firm arse Boy, It gives me so much pleasure to look at it. You should be proud of it boy" I said as I ran my fingers across his cheeks and around his hole entrance which made him shiver with apprehension, but he soon relaxed when I didn't push my finger inside his hole. "Right Boy, time to turn over and sort the forest at the front out, lets see what gems we can make round there," I said to him as I gave his arse a slap. He was very hesitant about turning over and seemed to be shy. "Come on boy I haven't got all day" I said more sharply as he slowly turned over onto his back to reveal a full blown 6 inch Hard on standing magnificently in full view. I knew my instincts wouldn't let me down. "mmmm What Do we have here Boy" I said sarcastically causing the Kid maximum embarrassment. "errrmmm I couldn't help it Sir, When you played with my hole my cock just jumped to life, I didn't know my arse hole could feel that way Sir" he replied. "Well it can Boy and 100 times better too, as can this fella standing proud here" I said as I brushed my hand over his cock and it jolted at my touch. "But we have a job to finish, who knows if I'm impressed with the end result and your behaviour we might investigate your new found feeling of pleasure a little more, but you must be good and obedient to earn such an honour as to be pleasured by your master" I picked up the can and grinning said, "Shall we" "Oh yes sir" he replied and I proceeded to cover his pubic area with foam and started to shave away all his pubic hair from his navel down and around his balls and cock till it was naked and proud and as smooth as that hot arse of his. "mmmm Just as I thought, every bit as nice as your arse boy, your going to break many a mans heart with this body of yours" "Thank you sir for your kind comments, ooh sir" he said as I took his throbbing cock in my hand and just held it firmly feeling it pulsate and jolt within the grip of my fist. "You do have a strong muscle here boy, think it might need a little help in restraint, just to remind you that it is my pleasure that is of utmost importance and not yours" "What do you mean by restraint Sir" "You will find out before bed tonight Boy, But I think you can have a little pleasure now if you wish to let me Boy?" I guessed by his reactions and responses that he had settled down and were ready to move onto the next stage. "Oh yes sir, that would be nice, it felt so good earlier when you stroked my hole, and my cock is so hard with you holding it" he replied in ecstasy of my touch. "Well let's see what we can do with this fine body of yours, but I want you to promise not to cum without my permission ok boy?" "Yes sir" "Good, then turn over boy and spread your legs as wide as you can" I asked as he slowly turned back onto his stomach to show his gorgeous smooth arse once again in all its glory. I licked my lips in anticipation of what I was about to do with this fine young man. I was almost at bursting point. The sight was just too much seeing his lightly tanned smooth and firm arse there right before my eyes, I decided to get a cushion and put it under him to lift his arse slightly and there it was the perfect picture. "Right boy, I'm going to make you feel real good I said as I ran the palm of my hand lightly across his velvet cheeks. He quivered at my touch. It was as though a charge of electricity passed through my body to his. Then I started rubbing my finger round the entrance to his hole two or three times before getting the tube of lube I had handy and squeezing a large amount into my hand and started rubbing it up and down his hairless crack before gently pushing against his hole but not entering it, of course the id was going wild by this stage and I knew he wouldn't be resisting me anymore not with the possibility of me rewarding good behaviour with this amount of pleasure. "right kid im going to push a finger into you, it may hurt slightly at first but I will go real slow and gentle, and I know your going to go wild, so just relax and enjoy" I said in a soft gentle voice as I started pushing my finger into the entrance of his virgin hole. I must admit he was a tough kid, as he didn't scream or shout at all, even though my finger met a fair amount of pressure from his hole at first. It must have been painful for him as there was a tear mark on the towel. It wasn't long before his sphincter relaxed and my finger slowly slid right into his hole. I could feel the tightness of his virgin hole gripping my finger, the hot moist tissue around my finger which I just left there for a few minutes to let him get used to having something inside him. "How does that feel boy?" "Ok now sir, but it did really hurt at first" "Ok boy now I'm going to play with your hole and make you really want to shoot your load, but remember not to cum until I tell you that you can" "Yes sir" he replied. I started playing with his hole working it good sliding my finger in and out and twisting it as it was inside. Playing with his prostrate making the kid quiver like mad. "I think I am going to cum sir please stop" he said in a hoarse voice. "You better not Boy otherwise I will have to stop and punish you for disobeying my orders" I replied as I pulled out of his arse and told him to lie on his back, which he did without hesitation.

I then started lubing up his cock and balls. I gently squeezed his balls in one hand whilst taking his shaft in the other. I started working his shaft up and down in my tight hand very slowly at first. It is always good to start slow especially when they are on the edge, it is that mix between unbearable pain and irristable pleasure, where you want someone to stop but feel unable to ask them because you are enjoying it so much. Well as I expected and wanted the kid couldn't hold on and starting spurting his load stream after stream of hot creamy cum all over his smooth stomach and chest, I think it even reached his forehead and beyond. He tried to apologise for Cumming without permission but couldn't manage to talk. I couldn't resist rubbing his hot spunk into his chest and stomach as he drifted into sleep. I decided to let him sleep and that I would have to serve his punishment later ...................

To be continued

All comments and suggestions gratefully received Thanks

Next: Chapter 3

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