Street Kid

By ben me

Published on Jul 3, 2003


Street Kid II

Chapter 8

By Benme_over

Authors Notes:

I would like to thank everyone who has emailed me, and especially Randy for his ideas of which some I am using. Hope you all enjoy this and the future chapters as much as I am writing them!!!

This story is pure fiction and any resemblance to real life people or Circumstances are purely coincidental. This story involves bdsm Sex between consenting men; if you are likely to be offended or are under 18 years old please do not read it. Otherwise I hope you enjoy the story as much as I am writing it, and receiving feedback and idea's from readers.

Though my story may involve unsafe sex, I believe that in real life safer sex is the only way to play!

Chapter 9

When we awoke it was the day when I found out whether the kid would stay, I didn't ask him until breakfast was over. Then I summoned the kid to sit next to me on my sofa, and asked him right out what was his decision. My nerves were on tender hooks as he hesitated before saying he wanted to leave me and go back to freedom.

"Are you sure that is what you want" I asked.

"Yes sir" he replied as my whole future had been torn apart with his decision to leave.

"Very well boy, I grant you your freedom" I replied as I handed his clothes back to him. He didn't take long to get dressed and was ready to leave. As I opened the front door we shook hands and he even managed a kiss on my cheek. Then I was watching him walk down the road into the hazy morning horizon. "Well there he goes" I thought to myself.

The next week or so I looked out for the kid hoping I would find him and be able to persuade him to surrender him self to me. To be honest I wasn't coping very well not having a boy around the house. I wondered where the kid had gone to, was he in jail or hospital.

Then after ten days who did I bump into virtually at the same place that I saw him. He was running out of a shop about three doors down from the shop that he ran out of before. And once again he was running in my direction. I managed to grab him as he ran past me. I dragged him into a alley way and put my hand over his mouth and told him to shut up if he didn't want the shop keeper to catch him. Once the shopkeeper had passed us I took my hand away from his mouth, but kept tight hold of him.

"So your back to doing what losers do" I said to the kid

"Get out of my fucking life weirdo" replied the kid.

I eventually let go of him and he ran off into the darkness of the alley. We continued running into one another over the following three to four weeks. Often he was running away from a shopkeeper that caught him pinching a sandwich or a can of cola. His dress was getting shabbier by the day. It was hard to believe that it was the same kid that I took control of about a month ago. I suppose when you have spent two weeks non stop with someone, that you learn characteristics out. But I must admit that the kid did attract me. I knew I would have to get him to come live with me and to be my puppy bitch. The question is how the fuck am I going to manage to get the kid to be my willing pet.

Over the next couple of days I tried to block my thoughts of the kid and what he might be doing, he could have been caught and be back in prison. I felt like the kid was in more control than myself. I was acting like a giggling teen-age girl after her first love has finished her. I thought I was totally losing my mind.

Then once more I had a chance sighting of the kid as I was sitting on a park bench eating a sandwich I had bought for my lunch. But this time it was different. The kid was walking towards me, I noticed he wasn't acting his cocky confident self. Immediately I wondered what the fuck he was up to. when he was standing in front of me I asked him how he was.

"OK" he replied half-heartedly. I knew he was hiding something from.

"You sure boy" I asked in a soft voice.

"errrm, no since I was at your place, well I'm not sure how I can say this" he said

"Come on boy, I might be able to help" I genuinely replied.

"Well I have sought of been thinking about what we did at your place, and it sort of felt right, oh and of course made me feel good. But I didn't even think about men before I was sent to prison and being with you" confessed the kid.

"You must follow your instinct, but if you want to come back to me as my pet slave boy. You will have to sign a contract giving me total control of your mind body and soul. And you may leave at any time, but if you do I will never see you again." I stated my terms

"OH yes sir, I understand. Please take me back as your pet slave boy sir. I wont disappoint you. I need to serve you sir, I've not stopped thinking about the stuff that we had done in those two weeks." He said without a breath.

I played my bluff on him; I didn't let him see even a hint of my need for him. That would have left me open to trouble, as he would know that I care as much about him as he did me.

"Well boy how do I know that you wont leave me again a week or so down the line?" I asked.

"I mean I don't want to waste anymore time on you if you're so weak that you threaten to leave me." I added

"Well sir I will sign the contract and then I will just have to show you my loyalty and obedience to you sir" the kid replied.

"Well then boy you better come to my house at 7pm tonight, and I will have that contract ready for us to sign." I stated. Then we parted. "Would the kid turn up tonight," I wondered as I walked back to the office.

6.55pm and no sign of the kid, "fuck him" I said to myself, just as I saw the kid walk up my garden path and to my door which he knocked quite hard. I opened the front door and motioned the kid to enter the hallway. I then closed the door behind him as he just stood there waiting for me to order him to do so.

"Strip now Boy," I said after making him wait for me to say something. He immediately pulled his tee shirt up over his head, which showed me his chest; I had almost forgotten how much this kid turned me on. Then he slowly undid his button fly jeans and let them slide down his legs before stepping out of them. So now he was standing almost naked in my hallway. Finally he took down his ck boxers to reveal his lovely cock and balls. I went up to him and inspected his body in minuet detail. I poked prodded pinched stretched his body to its limits. I wanted to see how he would be handle my using and abusing and humiliating him for my pleasure. After all the last time I had him here he was here by force. This time he came to me freely and very willing to do what ever I wanted. Otherwise I had no time for him. I wasn't prepared wasting my time if the kid was going to run off in a week or two's time.

His body was in the perfect condition just like it was before he left my house after his 14 days ordeal was over.

"So you fucking loser, can't cope on your own eh," I shouted to the kid

"Get down on your fucking knees, bitch" I boomed and the kid immediately fell to his knees. "Get down on all fours Bitch" I said as I pushed his back forward so he fell onto all fours.

"That's better Boy" I shouted at the kid, as he stood on all fours with his head bowed. I put his collar on, the same one that he wore in the two weeks that he stayed here with me. Then I attached a leash to the collar and pulled him into the lounge.

"Well boy as I see it, your very lucky that I've taken you back in, but things have change, and you will have to pay for your keep. I think I will have to rent you out to my mates.

"BBBut no sir can't do that" moaned the kid in a very distressful way.

"You want to stay here or live on the streets, the choice is simple you play by mile rules or get out of my life" I told the kid in a very stern voice.

"Who the fuck do you think you are boy?" I asked him.

"Just me sir, I'm just a ordinary lad" he replied. Your not ordinary you're my fucking dog slave boy, just a pervy slutty dog slave nothing more I" replied This must have hit a cord as he was subdued when we got back to the house.

"Right Boy decide now because once you enter that door" I said as I pointed to the inner hall door.

"Once we go through that door you give me the right to use you as I like, as long as there is no permanent damage or scars to your body. I am a reasonable man, and wouldn't put any boy in danger of their life or health" I added.

Then I asked him if he really wanted to become my dog slave.

"Yes sir" he replied and my heart skipped a beat, as I was half expecting him to chicken out again. But he didn't so we entered the main hallway, with the kid on all fours crawling behind me.

Now that I had him in my grip, I would be able to use him as I liked. I felt that he still needed to be brought down a level or two off his high perch, and I was the man to do it. I led him straight into the bedroom. I laid him down on my king size bed then spread his legs as far apart as they could possibly go. I did the same with his hands and tied them to some straps that I had just recently fitted at all four corners of the bed, I had also put a strap at each side of the bed so I could strap him at his stomach if I so wished to.

"Right you fucking Bitch, now that you are here of your free will, things are going to be different. You're going to have to sign an agreement of ownership. Which means that you do as I say no questions and that if you dishonour me or if you don't put all your effort into pleasing me I will sell you onto another master. Understand Bitch," I shouted at him.

"EEErmmm but sir" he muttered in shock

"Look are you a fucking idiot, I don't train my dog slaves for the hell of it, I train them to obey and please me. We are not playing a game of role-play. This is the real thing," I added. As I took an old style broom made of a wooden shank and tree twigs for its bristles. I had cut the shank down a little to make it more like a bat. "Right one last time to chicken out again like a fucking sissy" I said

"No sir I want to be your bitch and be trained to please and obey you at all times" he replied.

"Good, now lets get down to your punishment for not staying here before" I stated waving my weapon around then took it and ran the twig bristles up his legs and over his cock and balls. Although they didn't leave scratch marks, I know by the way the kid wiggled that it was an uncomfortable feeling and he really didn't like it when I went over his cock shaft, I could hear him murmur with the discomfort.

After I had finished using the broom I took my razor and some shaving gel which I covered his cock and balls with, then preceded to shave his cock and balls, I didn't even tell him I was going to shave him. Soon he was as bald as the day he was born. The kid's cock was rock solid by the time I had finished shaving his pubic hairs off. I then took some baby oil and covered his cock and balls in oil.

"Right boy you aren't allowed to cum otherwise you will get 50 lashes of the cat o nine tails. Understand?" I asked

"Yes sir" he replied

"Right and you aren't allowed to speak unless I give you fucking permission understand" I added

"Yes oh sorry" he said knowing that he had disobeyed me.

"You are to bark once for yes and twice for no, understand," I said

Woof he replied.

"Good" I replied as I cupped his ball sac in my hand and started rolling his balls around. It wasn't long before I had him fully aroused and his breath started to go shallower. Then I ran my finger up his shaft and he quivered with the pleasure. He was like a bitch on heat. It was obvious he wouldn't last out the hour of fun that I had planned for him before cumming. Call me evil if you like but I wanted to see just how much determination the kid had. Although I had been really harsh on his return into my life, it was just that I was sick of time wasters and I wanted the hid to be sure that he wanted to be my bitch fuck toy.

Anyway his cock was nice and slippery as I took hold of his knob and started to rub the glands on the underside of his shaft with my thumb, this sent the kids body squirming as much as it could within the restraints that held him to the bed. Then I took hold of his shaft in my fist and started working his cock sliding my fist up and down the shaft making sure I rubbed under his balls as he slid down his shaft and rubbing his glands as my fist reached his knob. When I could feel his cock throbbing I knew he was just about to cum so I would stop and hold his cock tight to his stomach. After about a minute I would start assaulting his cock with my fist again sliding up and down. The kid was sweating all over his body with the intensity of what I was doing to him. Within the first 15 minutes I had taken him to the very edge of cumming before holding his hot throbbing cock to his stomach until his urge to shoot his spunk subsided a little.

Once again I started working his cock. This time I just ran a couple of fingers up his shaft. Then stroked round his glands before sliding back down to his balls and rolling them around in my hand. I could tell that he was ever so close to not being able to hold on. So I stopped and held his cock once more.

"Do you want to come Boy" I asked

Woof he replied

"Hard shit boy because I'm not going to let you" I told him in a sarcastic voice. As I took hold of his shaft tighter this time and ran my tight fist slowly along his shaft and within a couple of strokes I could feel his whole body tense up and he couldn't hold out any longer. Shooting stream after stream of his spunk all over his chest and the bed.

"Who the fuck gave you permission to shoot your muck Boy" I boomed

He just looked at me with terror.

"You know you will have to be punished don't you boy" I said

Woof he replied

"Well you fucking dirty bitch can start by scooping your mess up with your hand and eat it then you can get on all fours and lick your dirt off the bed. Understand Boy" I said

Woof" he replied as I untied him.

He immediately started scooping his spunk up off his chest and licked it off his hands until he had cleaned it all off himself. Then he got up on all fours and licked up his spunk off the bed like a real dog. Once he was done I ordered him to the bathroom. I made him stand in the bath on all fours and soaped him up before rinsing the soap off with the showerhead. After he was clean we went down stairs and watched television for a while, of course he sat on his knees by my side or laid down on his stomach on the floor. Then it was time to put him to bed in his dog bed, which I had moved into the kitchen. Then I went up to my warm bed.

Let me know what you think will happen and comments of the story. Also email me ideas for this or future stories???

So is this the end of the Street Kid or will there be a second Book??????

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