Stranger in the Night

By Jon Doe

Published on Jan 9, 2019


Just A Simple Story

Stranger in the Night Chapter Three

Mark led me into the house, through the kitchen that lead to the living room, burgundy colored walls trimmed in dark oak wood and then to a short hallway of the same decor and into the bathroom. The bathroom was huge, bigger than my entire living room which I thought wasn't small by any means. The floor was warm on the feet, little ceramic tiles in a mix of white and dark blue. One wall was an entire mirror; the others were a pale yellow. On the far side was the shower, clear spotless glass and a double headed shower that was big enough for at least 4 people. Mark said that he had a phone call to make and be back with fresh towels and I should make myself at home.

Mark then turned and closed the door behind him on his way out. Wow, his white speedo buns looked so hot as he walked out of the bath. Setting my jean shorts and white tang top on a shelf, tennis shoes on the floor I moved over to the shower. I discarded my bikini, rinsed the top and bottom in the sink and hung them on the towel rack. Who has a sink in the shower? Never seen it before but here was one! I turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature to my liking. Grabbed a bottle of hair wash and worked it into my long hair. Next I soaped down, lathering up my B size breasts, tight ass and small dick.

I could get used to this, heated floor bright lighting and fresh water that didn't smell like chlorine and elbow room. Just then Mark asked "may I come in"? Um, oh, well, a, ok was all I could get out. Standing there like an idiot, again. Mark move in, walked right up behind me, wrapping his strong dark tanned arms around me, pulling me into him, cupping my breasts in each of his hands. I could feel his cock beginning to harden. With the slippery soap between us, we kind of slid together, skin on soapy skin. His hands began to wander, working the soap into my skin, touching me in all the right places.

He seemed to take great pleasure making me hard, his lips began nibbling my ear, teasing me. Nudging me into the water spray, the soap in my hair and body was washed off and down the drain. Mark stepped back; I turned and began washing some more soap into his hot hard body, paying a lot of attention to his thick half hard cock. His eyes were closed, soap nearly washed clean, I knelt in front of Mark and took him in my mouth. I sucked him hard, bobbing up and down, stroking the base with one hand and cupping his balls in the other. This went on for a few minutes when he reached down with both hands on either side of my face, pulled me up to his face and stealing a kiss that was pure bliss.

Mark reached and shut off the water, stepping out of the shower he turned and handed me a towel and he began to dry himself. Taking in the sight of his hard muscled tanned body my mind drifted to last night when I first met him. Mark was saying something that caused me to snap out of it. What? Was all I could say. I said, are you just going to stand there looking at me or are you going to dry yourself? Oh, yah.... Being a dumbass again.

Quickly drying off, running my fingers through my lightly curled hair I realized that I had no under garments to put on. Mark seemed to notice me looking around and then also realized the same thing. I'll have to go commando I guess, will that be okay Mark? Smirk again! Yes Beth, it will be alright. Tucking myself as best as I could in my jean shorts, pulling my white tang top on over my bare breasts caused a penetrating stare from Mark. Damn girl, you are hot! Okay, didn't expect that as I began to blush. Mark suggested we should get a lunch. Lunch? What time was it anyway? Didn't I just get here? Looking at the clock on the wall I was amazed that it was nearly 11:30 already. We can fix something here or we could go out, your choice Beth. You'd take me out? You wouldn't be embarrassed with the way I'm dressed? Smiling, Mark said "I'm not taking you to a 5 star restaurant". There is a small road side café just down the way, kind of like having a picnic. Besides, Mark said, I can't take my eyes off your body, the way that top fits you like a glove, damn girl, the pleasure is all mine.

Next thing I knew I was in a small two-seater sports car, black in color with tan leather seats. Six speed manual shift and lots of power as the wheels chirped every time he shifted to the next gear. A few minutes later we were pulling off the road, stopping at a quaint little roadside café. The pealing red paint and worn screen door told a story of it's own. The smell of burgers grilling filled the air made me realize that I was a bit hungry. Mark opened the car door for me, such a gentleman. This is a great place Beth, everything is cooked over a hardwood fired grill and you order what you want, there aren't any menus.

Entering the small diner, Mark was holding my hand as if I'd get away or something, I was surprised when my eyes adjusted from the bright sun to a romantic dark, it was amazingly clean and what appeared to be new booths, red vinyl accented with white lined one side of the dinner and cute little tables and chairs straight out of the 50's filled the rest of the space. A heavy set man, in his 70's greeted us with a smile, wearing clean white shirt and pants and a ball cap that supported the GB Packers. Mark sat down, me in tow and right into his lap, looked at the guy and said "how's it going Miles"? "Good, good for an old fart", what can I get you and the young lady Mark? Ah ha, seems they know each other, no wonder he wasn't going to be embarrassed I thought to myself. Miles, this is Beth, Beth -- Miles; he's been running this joint for the last century. A small tummy laugh and an extended hand reached out, I'm Miles, glad to meet you. Nice to meet you too I shot back. "GB Packers"? Don't get it, I pointed to his cap. Oh, Green Bay Packers, they play ball Miles smiled widely. Oh, I shot back, don't follow baseball much. Both Mark and Miles looked at each other and smirked. How about a couple of cold ones and burgers, we'll then lunch out back Mark said as he and Miles laughed. "Sure thing".

Mark then lead me out a back door with cracked panels that must have been painted a hundred times pulled shut by a long worn spring. Stepping down on flat gray rocks and a path of the same lead to a well-kept garden, green grass, tall oak trees and a few picnic tables. Just beyond that was a small brook sparkling with clear fresh water. Mark sat down on a shaded table, pulling me to his side and commented how he has always cherished this place.

Looking into his dark eyes I sensed something was troubling him. What's wrong Mark I asked in concern? Mark didn't answer right away, looked past me and said "this place has special memories". Mark explained that he met his best childhood friend here. Used to come here all the time with my folks and Mile's grandson Nick was always here. Nick and I became more than just friends. Mark's voice trailed off. I didn't want to push, I just let it go. By then Miles appeared with our lunch: toasted buns, more than ample burgers, lettuce and tomato. "Enjoy kids".

After consuming most of the burger and homemade root beer I was stuffed beyond belief. How about we head to the mall Mark asked, or more of a statement. He was getting good with that. "Sure, I get to drive"! All Mark said was Okay and got behind the wheel anyway. The motor came to life, tires grabbing for traction and we were heading into the City. I reached over, putting my hand on his thick hard thigh. The ride didn't last long, coming to a stop in a blacktopped parking lot, right in front of Victoria's Secret, my favorite.

Once inside the cooled air chilled me, my nipples showed through my white tang top like hard stiff pencil eraser ends. I didn't know if I should be embarrassed or turned on, Mark sure liked it. A sales lady walked over and Mark, again with that killer smirk, told her that "she needs some undergarments". Oh my, I know just the right things that will do justice as she sized up my figure. She quickly picked out several white slinky bras with matching panties, ushered me to a fitting booth, "try these on and let me know how they fit". One fit like a glove, one was really comfortable and the other was a bit baggy.

I put the first one back on and was about to pull over my tang top to see what it would look like when the sales lady entered the booth, my back to her. Reaching and adjusting the straps then reaching around and cupping the flimsy material in the palms of her hands. Oh yes, this one fits you nicely dear. As a matter of fact just keep it on; here I'll take the tags. Removing the tags from the bra and panties that was part of the set, I pulled my top on. Might just as well put the panties on too dear. With that she was gone.

I left the booth in time to see that Mark was just finishing paying for everything including a wrapped box with blue ribbon that was lightly tucked under his arm. "You didn't have to pay for that" and what's in the box? Mark, again with that "to die for" smile, said "your right I didn't and never mind, you'll find out later". With that we we're out the door.

After lazily window shopping and picking up the supplies that I set out to do this morning, we were back to his mansion, yep mansion. Mark, gripping the steering wheel and just fluently jumped out and as if by magic, dashed to the passenger side of the little Martin Roadster and easily opened the door. Mark and I embraced to yet productive day. Leaning on the fender of my Mustang we exchanged more kisses. I was sad for this time of day, to having this mysterious hunk not come home with me. With a heavy sigh, I was firing up the Stang, Mark handed me the wrapped box that he was guarding all afternoon. Beth, Mark said in a low voice, don't open that box until just before we meet again, I want you to wear it for me. With that and a little lip peck on the forehead, I was off, on my way home.

Next: Chapter 4

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