Stranger in the Mists

By J. R.

Published on Aug 6, 2002


Stranger in the Mists by J.

"This beach, she can teach you a few things about life."

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You know the deal. You know if you're too young to be reading this. Come back and read it on your eighteenth birthday [or 21st, in some areas/cities/provinces]. I am not responsible if you read this story and feel somehow damaged or ruined for life by it. I'll tell you right off the bat that it involves sexual interaction between guys and gals, as well as guys and guys. [Queer writer = queer story. Go figure.]

Misty and I made our way, giggling and a little more than tipsy, down the beach. The cool sand snaked between our toes. We held hands. We laughed. We had fun. Misty wasn't my girlfriend, but we were close enough that we could fuck and it wasn't entirely meaningless. It also wasn't filled with the emotional baggage that comes with romantic relationships. Don't get me wrong... I want true love like the next guy, just not right now.

The friendship between Misty and I goes further back, actually, than either of us is responsible for. Our families, apparently, have been friends for generations. Holidays and barbecues, weddings to summer vacations. In reality, Misty and I bonded as part of a negative reaction to our families' common grounds. We each have older siblings who rushed right in to follow in our parents' footsteps and became quick friends [and sometimes lovers] with the children from the opposite family. Misty and I both, in our rebellious stages, rejected that notion that we should all be friends because our families say. So, in the midst of family gatherings that we were dragged to, we found ourselves time and again sitting alone. Together. Introduce: friendship.

This recent outing falls under the category 'summer vacation', I think. I don't know. We're both losing track. We'd been so many places together, all around the world. We stopped counting, and we stopped learning names. Right now we only cared that we were on one of the most beautiful beaches either of us had been privy to before tonight, and that we were finally free. We'd spent the evening in a tiny cabin with both families packed together for a nice grilled dinner of shrimp-kebabs and various other exotic treats. Eventually, the adults and our older siblings were too drunk to care that we'd skipped out on any more family fun.

This sun had just set and the sky was changing from a golden orange to a vibrant baby blue with dark swirls for that extra touch. The moon was coming up over the horizon, and the beach seemed to glow beneath our dashing feet. A bottle of beer sloshed around in my left had as we continued to hold hands even as we jumped up and down, hollering and causing the kind of ruckus that generally was looked down upon. We didn't care, though. The beach was completely, and utterly empty. It stretched on as far as the eye could see, or would if it weren't for the mists coming in from the tropical forests surrounding it.

We crashed down into the sand together, right in front of the tiny waves of ocean water that ebbed onto the beach. I slid my toes into the wet sand and smiled, happy to be alive. I may come from money, as does Misty, but I would give it all up in a second to spend the rest of my life living in a tent on the beach.

I took a swig from my beer as our giggles died down, and then I handed the bottle to Misty. She downed a large gulp and wedged the bottle into the sand. The moonlight glinted off of her eyebrow piercing. She was an absolute beauty of the truest kind. True in that her beauty wasn't conventional, but resonated from deeper within than her outside appearances. She was every bit the ounce of charm and wit that she pretended to be. Every bit of five foot fierce. Her spiky hair was blue-black in the moonlight, and only served to enhance the darkness of her skin. We were both summer babies, and tanned all the better for it.

She reached behind her back and untied her bikini top. It was less of a sexual move than it was a simple act of freedom but it turned me on nonetheless. I could already feel my cock stirring in my khaki shorts. We were going to fuck; that much was simple fact. She had that look in her eyes when she nodded towards the open door of the beach-front cabin. I had that feeling in my stomach when I took her hand and we started to run.

I laid back, my back sinking lightly into the cool sand. I put my arms behind my head, and inhaled. The sky was absolutely gorgeous. Truly awe-inspiring. The stars were starting to peek out from behind the atmosphere. Misty curled up next to me, her head cradling on my torso, next to my arm pit. I could feel her nipple brush my side. It sent a chill running through me, and I shuddered a little. She giggled. We both giggled. My hard-on jumped. She ran a hand lightly over my stomach. Her fingers traced through the small trail of black hair that ran from my belly button down into the waist of my cut-offs. It was the only hair on my chest. The hair on my arms and legs appeared thicker than it was because of the dark, black color.

Misty slid her hand right into my shorts. She wasn't wasting time, and I was thankful for it. Her hand almost felt more at home on my cock than my own did. I was never one for masturbation. Misty and I discovered each other's bodies very early on, and rarely needed to satisfy ourselves. She started to stroke me, her fist sliding under the zipper of my shorts. My breath caught, and I could feel her smile on my chest. Her mouth enveloped my nipple and my cock jumped in her hand.

Pulling her hand free of my shorts, she pulled down the zipper. I wasn't wearing underwear; I rarely did when we were at the beach. She slid my shorts down and my ass sank into the sand. She tossed my khakis aside and started to stroke my cock again. She was absolutely amazing at it. She knew, far better than anyone else ever would, exactly what I liked. I was circumcised, but had enough loose skin to have fun with. She stroked with the loose skin, bringing the circle of her fist just beneath the head of my cock. Up and down, slowly at first. On one of her upstrokes, a tiny drop of precum slid out, and rolled down onto her thumb. She licked it off, and then replaced her hand with her mouth. I swear, my dick was made for her mouth.

My head rolled to the side as she started to suck. I couldn't think of anything better than a beachside blowjob. The cool ocean breeze, the now cold sand beneath my skin. The forest, laced with mist. Her tongue tickling the underside of my head. And the beautiful bronzed god walking toward us.

"Holy shit!" I jumped up, and Misty gagged a little as my cock bounced off of the back of her throat before I pulled out. Almost immediately, Misty caught sight of the guy, as well. He was young, around our age. Blonde hair that came down to his ears, piercing blue eyes that seemed to glow in the night. Perfect, bronze skin. He was gorgeous. And he was right on top of us.

"Hey, sorry guys... I didn't mean to sneak up on you." My hard-on had almost deflated, but it perked back up when he talked. Hard-on. Naked. I jumped a little, and made a grab for my shorts. I pulled them on, quickly. Misty didn't really make a move for her top, instead she chose to drape her arm over her exposed breasts.

"Um... er... no problem?" I stammered, unsure to how to act. I tried my best not to blush.

"It's just that, usually, this beach is so empty at this time. I go for a walk every night, here. It's so peaceful." Misty and I nodded in agreement. "This beach, she can teach you a few things about life." I was really starting to like this guy.

He started to dig into the pocket of his dark blue shorts. "Here, let me make it up to you." He pulled out a joint, and offered it to me. "It's all yours."

"Thanks, man, but no. Don't worry about it. Really, we're cool."

"Split it with me, then?"

"Definitely," Misty spoke up.

And so he sat down, and I handed him my lighter. He introduced himself as Derrin, but told us to call him 'Dusty', like everyone else. He passed both the joint and the lighter to Misty. "You do the honors, babe." She took them from him, and lit it up. Inhaling, she passed it to me.

A short period of time later, and the joint had all but disappeared. We were all pretty happy, as well. Dusty told us that he lived pretty close to here and actually enjoyed the tourists that passed through on their vacations. He really enjoyed meeting new people, loved to hear their stories. He practically begged Misty and I for ours. We obliged.

"So, you guys are that close?"

"Hell, yeah. Joined at the hip."

"So to speak, huh?" His face lit up with a smile. We laughed, and he continued on. "Yeah, man, I don't really have a girl, or anything. I get laid a lot during the season, but it's just starting up. It's been awhile."

Misty's mind, I knew, would be rolling. I could see it in her eyes how much she wanted him. I wonder if she could see the same thing in mine?

Dusty looked at her, and then at me. Back to her. His shorts were tented major in the front. Fuck it, I though to myself. I leaned over and kissed him. I'd never kissed another guy before then, and at that moment I couldn't imagine myself kissing anyone else ever again. Misty giggled and I pushed harder on his mouth. His tongue snaked into mine. I thought my cock would burst. It hurt so much. It felt so good. Dusty wrapped his arms around me, and laid back, pulling me along with him. My chest pressed against his, my cock pressed against his, my mind pressed against his. I'd never felt like this before. I started to push my hips against him. Grinding our cocks together. I felt Misty's hands sliding on my back, tugging at my shorts. She reached in between us and unbuttoned them. She pulled them down, and my cock bounced against his stomach and his shorts. He inhaled sharply. We rolled, and he wiggled out his own shorts. Misty's bikini bottom joined our discarded clothing.

I broke my kiss with Dusty and sat up, pressing my lips against Misty's skin. She trembled, and I slid a hand between her legs. She was wet, so wet. I'd never felt her like this before. Dusty slid up next to us, and kissed us both. All three of us, we kissed together. Lips, tongues, cheek bones. I could feel Dusty's cock against my thigh. It was as wet as Misty was. We were all standing on our knees, pressed together. Misty wrapped her hand around both of our cocks and started to stroke. I looked down at his. Uncircumcised. Gorgeous. I wanted to cum.

I swung a leg behind Misty, and lined my cock up with her ass. She pulled Dusty closer to her, and I took his cock from her hands, lining it up with her pussy. He pushed his head in, and he crawled closer, thrusting into her. She melted forward, into his arms. He smiled over her shoulder, and I kissed him. My own cock pressed against her ass. I pushed at it a little harder, and slid in. We weren't strangers to anal sex.

Dusty and I quickly fell into a matching rhythm. Like we were meant to do this from the day we were born. Misty was in Heaven. I was in Heaven. From the look on Dusty's face, he was in Heaven. I wasn't sure, but I felt like I could feel his cock pressing against mine, inside of her. It was so organic. Orgasmic.

It didn't take long for both of us to drop a load inside of her, at the same time. We hugged and pulled each other tight, Misty between us, and we started to grunt. Misty was moaning deliriously. I kissed Dusty hard as the last shots of cum spurted out of my cock. He bit my lower lip. He grunted into my mouth.

The three of us, we fell asleep together, on the beach. Completely nude. Covered in sweat and sex and sand. I was in the center, my arm spooned around Misty. Dusty's around me. I could feel his deflated cock against my ass. I wanted him inside of me. I woke up briefly to feel him pressing it against me. He was hard. So I was hard. I fell back asleep but struggled to wake up. I pushed back against him. He pulled me closer, and I rolled over so that I was facing him. We scooted back, away from Misty. We kissed, tongues and stubble. I wanted to lay in his arms forever. I wanted to live, here, on the beach with him. I wanted to blow him.

Sliding down, I kissed my way down his hairless chest. His cock was standing tall, and it smelled of his cum, and of Misty. I knew that scent well. I stuck my tongue out, and slid it down the length of his cock. I licked at his balls, enjoyed the feeling of them against my mouth. I reached my hands beneath his knees, and I lifted his legs up. I don't know where I got the idea-urge, but I licked lower. I probed my tongue down between his asscheeks. It didn't stink, like I was afraid it would. It smelled of sweat and surf. I licked at it like I had learned to do with Misty's pussy. Gently probing, pushing deeper. Dusty moaned and wiggled beneath me.

I went back to his cock, taking it in my mouth as much as I could. It was large and full of ocean. As much as I had never kissed a guy before Dusty, I had never sucked cock. Dusty told me I was good at it. I wanted to do it all night, but I wanted something else. I wanted him to fuck me.

He agreed and I rolled onto my back. He crawled up beneath my legs, and pulled my knees up, exposing my hole to the air. It was a little chilly outside. His cock head pushed against my pucker, and he told me to relax. To push out. I didn't know how that would help, but it did. He slid right into me. I later found out that it didn't go this well for most guys. I was in absolute bliss. He pulled out, and pushed in... a god of surf and sex. I wanted him to fuck me all night long. I couldn't get enough of the feeling of his cock as it slid in and out of me, his full length. It brought tears to my eyes. I came again without even touching my cock. White strings of cum shot over my chest, landing on my chin, on my nipples, in my belly button. The last shot slid down into my pubic hair. Dusty grunted, and I could feel his cock surge. He still pushed at me. He leaned in and kissed me. Hard.

I may come from money, but I would give it all up in a second to spend the rest of my life living in a tent on the beach. In fact, I think I might.

The End.

Questions/comments: Copyright 2002 HopefulSavage.

Next: Chapter 2

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