Strange Minds

By tawind yu

Published on Jan 13, 2023


Strange Minds (A Saga of Older Male Taming)8

Authoritarian/ Scifi/ Fantasy/

Chapter Title:

The Naked One

Strange Minds (A Saga of Older Male Taming)

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All characters involved in the story are of legal age.

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All Rights Reserved © 2020, Ty Su

The following material is a journal entry of Harris Perkins and was recorded as evidence of the missing case of Leu Perkins. As the evidence indicates, the disappearance of Mr. Perkins is related to Leu Perkinds's son Harris Perkins, and yet, the nature of the journal has been deemed as false and inaccurate.


Sent: Friday, May 21, 2021. 02:34 p.m


Subject: Additional Information

Dear Muldred,

I am glad you have read the documents I sent you-- as I said--It is serious; the local media and some of my family deemed me as a conspiracy, but I feel I need to let out the truth.

You want me to further elaborate on what happened to my dad and me on that day-- interesting--you have noticed that I blurred some of the details--I am embarrassed. The entire thing was not as accurate as I have written in the Reddit post. I left it out because... because it was such a shameful experience that I just simply can't revisit.

On that day, before we were hoisted into the van, I was watching our feet and hands bound by ropes in an unforgivable fashion; my dad was wincing and groaning into his gag; the pain on his wrist and his feet made him shudder, and I found myself couldn't look away at all.

The two men came back to us, one of them gave a smirk, as they went back to the van and made some sound; I could see they both probably in their mid thirty, built like Greek statues. One of them looks Eurosian to me and the other has dark skin and pitch black straight hair. They all have very nice tattoos on their arms.

They first took my dad, one of them went down and started taking off my dad's pants; I was shocked-- everything seemed surreal and chaotic. The Eurasian guy kept commenting on my dad's body as he slowly dragged down his pants and underwear-- that was the first time I saw my dad's dick as an adult; it looked bigger than most of the men I knew from playing football-- he kept it clean-shaven.

The Eurasian guy put his nose into my dad's crotch and took a whiff. I was disguised yet surprised to see my dad roll his eyes back as if he was enjoying it.

The guy slowly took my dad's dick into his mouth and started giving him a blowjob!!! I was watching with my legs and hands tied behind me and my mouth is gagged with a huge strap on the gag, hoping my bulge hasn't become too visible for my dad to notice.

"Look at his fat ass and tummy" The straight hair guy commented.

"And his balls too" the Eurasian guy squeezed out a few words as he bobbed on my dad's dick.

"I bet he is a virgin. Lol, that guy called him dad. I guess we have a straight old daddy today. Hahaha," He then proceeded to slide his finger into my dad's ass crack and made him screamed into a gag but only came out as some muffled cries.

They took my dad's big body like a piece toy, as if they were putting on a show, showing me know how much a "slut" my dad could be under their dominance; the dark hair guy pushed my dad down and reveal his asshole; he jammed his finger in and out to make sure he was begging and crying with his unintelligence response.

Finally, my dad started perspiring, trembling, and I have to confess that I am also on the verge of making a mess myself. I thought about that scene over and over after we escaped, and it must have been the imagery; it made me very confused.

He looked like he was going to cum.

"Let me have this one, you can have the son," the dark haired man said to the Eurasian one.

"No way, I need the older one to add more Yangyuan, you lived longer than me, You can have the younger one."

"Let's bet on his nipple"

"How do you mean?" The Eurasian guy looked over and mused by the proposal.

"I bet his nipple is sensitive and if we pinch him hard enough, his dick could leak precum. "

"I bet you're right, look at him, such a slut."

" But aren't you gonna bet"

"You know what, dude, I am game"

They proceeded to narrow their fingers and latch on my dad's two hairy pink nipples, eliciting a gasp of yelp from him as the sinister laughter hit my eardrum.

I guess the black-straight-hair guy was right about the nipple things; slowly, a string of precum came down from the tip of his glans. They high-fived each other and made fun of my dad's predicament--even I felt embarrassed for him.

The guy lowered down as he looked straight at my dad's eye, like a predator, swallowed my dad's dick and gave it a hard stroke with his mouth. My dad started growling like a beast in the heat; his legs were shaking, sweat-soaked his face.

The strangest thing happened; the black hair guy's tattoo started changing color-- it was black and white-- now into a lighter shade of velvet pink; Flower branches extended from his body, buds, and buds of flowers blooming on the branches. For a second, he looked like a creature made of half-a-flower tree and half-human.

The branches and flower slowly retracted into his body, and he lifted his head, gave his friend a mischievous smirk.

They turned their head and both looked at me.

It didn't take long before my pants were being slowly unbuckled, and I was helpless to stop them; the meaty hands of that dark hair guy rubbing and pinching between my thighs. Every once a while, he pulled the hair on my furry legs just to elicit a yelp from my mouth, or a grunt, which I believe turned him more sadistic. Both of them acted as if they were carefully choreographed for the purpose of tutoring me, keeping me aroused, and they are definitely succeeding.

They left my dad lying on the ground not too far from me; he was gasping for air and looked like he was completely wasted from the torment he just received. I noticed his dick was flaccid but slowly erecting. I was shocked but couldn't give it more thought; the assaults I received from my waist down have made me pretty occupied.

Finally, the black hair reached into my underwear, and slowly pulled it down as he moved his nose closer to my crotch, inhaling like he was doing wine tasting; I felt so embarrassed when my dick injected out the underwear as soon as my underwear lowered to my knee.

"Nice piece you got their buddy," the Eurasian guy continued his pinching on my thigh "You probably not as seasoned as your dad, but I want to see if you taste similar."

They stood up and hoisted me to my feet; both of them lowered themselves and took my dick and balls in their mouths, and buried their face into my untrimmed pubic hair. I couldn't help but yelp into my gag--I have now understood the feeling my dad felt when he was getting blown. Both of us are straight men with wives and rarely ventured into the newer and exciting sexual acts as they did in the porn movie. If it were not because we were being held against our will. I would appreciate the experience. I noticed my dad definitely thought the same; He now with his big dick stuck straight as if he was on drugs and his eyes, despite not wanting me to see, were peeking in my direction. I knew he was looking, and have been turned on is an understatement.

The tattoo on the Eurasian guy's body did not change color or bloomed like a real flower. Instead, it was the black hair guy; for a second that I couldn't believe what I saw, but *there were 4 arms grew out of his back. Two of the arms went to my nipple and started rubbing and gave me waves of pleasure. Two of them went around my body and got between the crack of my ass. I felt their finger slowly circulating my anus and made me thrust my body back and forth.

"Mmmm, it looks like the son is just like a big slut as his dad. Hahahahha," the dark hair guy then proceeded to deepen his exploration and wanted to go inside of my sphincters.

I clenched my ass real hard and wanted to keep him out.

** wack*

One of the hands gave me a slap on my face. "Ungrateful piece of shit, I am gonna finger you now and you better try your best to take me in, you don't want me to push something much bigger than that into you cute ass," the finger straightens its force "and you will be very sorry for not receive our gift" His voice sound ever so patronizing.

I assessed the predicament and made the best decision at the moment-- I relaxed and tried to welcome the finger in my hole-- it was the first time I have ever let anyone do this to me; my wife used to give me a rim job once or twice but I refuse to give up my hole. I was very insecure about the sensual feeling and afraid that I would become addicted. Now as a man tried to put his finger inside, I started getting panicked; what if I have to have it in my hole from now on; what if I start let men fuck me and be gay--I would never go back to my knowledge that my wife or any other women would never satisfy me the way a penetration could.

The thought is running as the pain of being penetrated weighs in--It was not enjoyable at all.

"Give it a minute" the dark hair guy let go of my dick and looked at me. "You will become addicted."

*How did he know what was on my mind?

I could see the sudden flinch on his face and realized he just put his finger a little bit deeper; the finger moving in and out, everytime it wiggled, my heart would sink and my head be hit by a deepened rush of ecstatic feeling, made me lose my vision for a second.

The assault on my asshole lasted about 15 minutes until I felt the incorrigible need; I panted and puffed in my gag as I felt sweat stream down my cheeks--I have never felt so overwhelmed by any sensation in my life.

Then they stopped.

"I want to save this one a little bit longer. He is going to taste better if we keep him this way."

I was left there, confused, robbed of all my energy. Shortly, I saw them pull the van over and started getting ready to load my dad and me.

The rest is all in the Reddit post.

As I am writing to you, I realized how much of a defining moment that day was. Some part of myself was awakened that day and made me oddly excited when I recalled the memories. To say I am confused is the least, especially When I found myself keep going back to that place of being trapped and stimulated. I got turned on just by looking at the ropes in the mechanic store.

Sometimes I found myself I woke up in the middle of the night and realized I was gripping my dick with one hand and pinching my nipple with the other; I could feel those men's touches, breathes, even the echoes of their taunting left in my brain, as if they were just here with me. Their eyes sparkled darkness, lured me further into an even darker space, these terrors would come to me abruptly and left me with a raging hard-- something I just had to go to the bathroom to take care of so I wouldn't wake up my wife. Ever since I read your post, these night terrors have gotten so much worse that I start having anxiety about going to sleep. I have tried to talk to my dad about it but he seemed to like to put this chapter behind us.

I later found out that despite both of us are tough men who have faced many challenges in our lives, none of us were able to get over what had happened to us. But I guess that's not reverent to our experience and your uncle's case.

Thank you so much, and I appreciate your email. I hope the information helped you and I am willing to be a witness if the police ever decide to further their investigation.

Best regards,


Independent Insurance Sales Manager

30 minutes later, Miller woke up, as he struggled to get up and found himself restrained with zip ties. His wrists were bound together behind his back connected to his ankles that were fastened tight in the same fashion. He couldn't see anything and did not know where he was. It took him a good 15 minutes to adjust himself to the darkness and try to remember what had happened. The last thing he saw, before his blackout, came back to him; the naked man, patched up with gray hair on his chest, waved his huge dick and got on top of him. The man was moaning and shaking in pleasure; without using his hands, he cum on Miller's face. Miller rolled his neck and realized the cum had dried on his face. "Shit, that really just happened"

Miller looked around and tried to make out where he is. He figured he is probably in the back of a military truck. There were some camouflaged portable engines and heavy-duty canvas scattered all over the place. He tried to move around and pull himself up but the zip tie was so strong that he had to maintain his hogtied pose.

As his eyes got used to the dark more, he saw a human figure stewing not too far away. He jolted as he focused his vision-- the figure appeared to be a fully taped up human being, mummified and immobilized with what seemed like hundreds of layers of tapes; a breathing tube attached to his face, which covered with a black mask; several electoral chords came out between the mummy's legs; a low-frequency vibration sound buzzing in the air, and Miller knew the cocooned person was alive by his undulating chest and the small muffled cries that every once a while came out from the mouth area of his mask.

A shameful feeling raised the back of Miller's head; he wished he was the one being mummified--being put into a helpless situation where all he could do was make unintelligent sounds. Apart from all the pain and discomfort he is experiencing, he feels his dick is hardening under his hogtied body. He tried to move himself a little bit closer, however by accident, and triggered one of the switches and made a buzz. The sound agitated the mummy-- and it responded by letting out a few more moans and struggles.

Miller whispered to him "Hey hey, relax, man, I got you".

His voice calmed the mummy a little bit. Miller looked around them and tried to find something to get out of the bound he was in.

"It is awake now,"

"Time is running out"

"We need to get to our body"

The voices once again started speaking to Miller. This time, more assured of his own sanity, Miller responded.

"Who the fuck are you?"

*Silence, which left Miller to rethink about if he had imagined everything.

Then he heard a click; the zip-tie got cut off, his hands were free, then his legs. After looking around and trying to find if there were others in the truck with him, he went to the mummy and tried to free the person, and only stopped by the invisible force.

"No time for that"

"He is marked"

"By the Nine-tailed"

"Help us, it, We reward you"

Miller lashed out to the air as if the voice came from above.

"Tell me who the fuck are you,"

Silence braced him.

"You said you need my help, I am not going to help you if you don't tell me who you are?"

Minutes passed,

Miller noticed something was glowing but couldn't locate the source-- as he looked down, he found his leg, cut by a piece of flying-glowing-glass a few days ago, is now blinking a ghostly glow.

He rolled up his pants and saw three brilliant balls moving around under his skin.

The brilliant balls fused into one and shaped into a face and opened his mouth.

"We are the four Sheng Shou-- the holy animals-- the directional entities who were buried in the tomb with Empire Zhou Cheng thousands of years ago... "

"It shouldn't know this" the face changed its look as if there were multiple people sharing an elastic mask that was made by Miller's flash.

"So you guys have been living in my leg all this time? " Miller was not in the mood for a history lesson.

"*A `it', like you, took our body, stole magic and power from places he shouldn't, and the nine-tailed helped him"

"**Nine-tailed tricked us, he is a damning traitor.*"

"**Help us get the body, we will send you home safely and make all of your wishes come true.*"

"No," Miller was not impressed by the freakish sore on his legs "I am going to take your guys to a doctor and take you out. This is fucking bullshit." He went to the truck door and tried to open it, but noticed it was locked-- something was happening behind the truck door....

At least 70 members of the uniformed and armed personnel wrought up outside of the truck, helicopters roared over as people shouting and stomping towards the house-- the one he just got in without a warrant--are now barricaded with a heavy contingency of men. There were corporate and lab coats wearing people in urgent conversation with each other as if an anti-terrorism exercise is situated in this idyllic suburb neighborhood. Miller wouldn't stand a chance if he were to leave this truck without being caught.

"What are they doing?"

"Looking for our body. And they won't get in. A god needs to mark them. "

Miller looked outside and noticed there was what seemed like a small pile of burned human limbs closed to the truck-- a few of the uniformed men tried to come close to the house and a thundering fireball came down, struck them, as some of the people suffering serious burn and being rushed into the emergency car closed by. Miller tried to get him around what he was looking for.

*The house is attacking the people who tried to get in.

"You mean I can go in?"

"Yes, you are the only one"

Miller wondered to himself

*How did the naked man get in there?

Miller, after serving in the army for many years, knows

*There latch you can pull to open the truck door Before talking to the supernatural-slash-disgusting sore on the side of his leg, he was looking; the voice on his leg was getting louder but failed to catch Miller's attention. He found the latch and pulled-- The door popped open.

A gun went off and Miller fell out of the truck, Miller did not have a chance to see who shot him. The truck was guarded by 3 people and a sniper who hid about 30 feet away from him behind a jeep-- He died with his eyes open.

His heartbeat slowly stopped undulating-- a vision appeared-- three huge animals flying above them in the sky; one of them looked like a tiger that had snow-white fur; and the other one-- a fiery crown and iridescent feathers-- whose brightness made Miller squinted; the bird flapping its wings and sending rings of light to the sky. The third one is a monster with a dragon head and a python body. Miller realized that it was a Chinese dragon and it was looking at him with sharp green eyes, ready to roar.

The bird tilted its head and let out a roar almost punched Miller's eardrum, scared him, as he struggled to open his eyes, before he found himself lying in the dark, hogtied with zip-ties, once again.

"*Hear us, human" The voice sounds angry.

After a click, the zip tie came off. Miller rolled up his calve and saw the glowing faces staring at him

"*You will die again if you don't listen"

"What just happened," Miller asked

"You died and we bring you back"

"*Phoenix brought you back," the woman's voice said.

"*You will die again if you don't listen"

"Listen to what?" Miller yelled back at the voices.

The animalistic face opened his eyes, and a tear streamed down on the floor, turned into a ripple of light. A tiger-faced naked man raised from the ripple with a beam of glow behind him.


"Who are you?" After what had happened in the recent couple of days, It did not stunt Miller too much even this is the first time he had seen this happen.

"I am Baihu the White Tiger, before you just died you saw me in my real form"

"White tiger huh... " Not impressed, Miller reply under his breath

"Yes, you had heard me talking with my sisters, and they don't want to come out and talk to you yet"

"Great, so you are a Chinese god or something?"

"Something? That is not who I am, I am a God. I lived millions of years and places in this universe. The last place before I fall asleep, I believe, is now called China in the *its language. "

"So you are a Chinese god."

Without answering the question, the tiger-head man continued "My sisters and I need to go back to our body and we need to be united at a precise moment. But we missed it 2 hours ago, so we need your help"

"And I will just listen to you and help you?"

"No, but if you don't, we will have to blow your head off and find another host who doesn't want to die"

Miller rolled his eyes then started checking this Animal headed, human-bodied god, and thought to himself *why this man looked so buff. The god's body looks like he has been to the gym for 7 days a week and never ate carb in his life. A weird feeling rose again at the back of his head and he had never thought himself would feel this way. His dick got a twitch in his pants and his body was winded.

"You need to undress right now"

"What do you mean?"

"You do it or we will blow your head and use his body"

The white tiger-faced god points to the gimp close by, who now can only be jolted slightly in his predicament and seemed oblivious to what is outside his blindfold.

"He looks like someone who will help us as long as we let him out."

"And why the fuck I need to be naked."

"As I said, the precise moment has passed, now the seal on the crate is so strong that not even you can break it off. I need to send you back to the time when you first entered the house and as soon as we have our body back, we will help you get out and reward you. "

"How can I trust you?"

"We are gods and we don't lie to human"

The empty promise made Miller extremely pissed.

"You know what, I don't know how they do in China, In America, we do things like have balls, I used to serve in the military, I know how to combat a team of these sissies without breaking out a sweat. Yeah, This is how we American take our chances. "

Miller turned and opened the truck, this time and guards outside spotted him first before the snipper-- they planted two bullets in his left skull.

Miller found himself skimmed back to the same place, a wave of migraine was pounding his head, his body now being hogtied once again, and the chest pain felt like caused by a hundred bears straddle over him with all their weight.

Baihu's eyeing him as he soaks in failure and sweat and gestures to him to take off his clothes. A defeated bulldog he was, Miller started unbuttoning his shirt and strip down to reveal a thick, hairy and board chest; despite the fact that he trained very hard in the recent month and gained a nicely muscled body, he still kept his rounded billy and felt a little bit embarrassed about it.

"Now what"

"I thought undress means no clothes."

Looking down on his bottom, Miller secretly had hoped that the god would let him keep his underwear. He took off the last piece of fabric that shielded his bright-red skin and scowled at the tiger-face god.

The tiger-faced god waved his hand, a circular rock plate appeared in mid-air and a thin stick protruding out the center of the plate. The tiger-faced god snapped his finger, a string of smoke rose from the tip of the stick. In a mere second, the trunk of a military truck turned to a fragrant rose garden in south French. The smoke string did not cease into the air, instead, it slowly formed into the shape of a rat, and it started running circles on the plate.

"It, listen"

Miller's face became darker-- he really did not enjoy being referred to as "It".

"This Shengxiao incense will grant you 12 times to travel back in time: each time you come back to where we are now, an animal will be added to the plate, however, in order to come back, I would need you to follow my words by every letter."

"What?" Miller accosted.

"If you die, you come back here, and we have to start everything again. I also will need to harvest the Pure Yang energy in your body so you can stay in that timeline without being sucked back to your own timeline, which means the center of your Yang will be raising the entire time"

"You are not talking in English"

"I am, we gods can speak the languages have not even been spoken yet in the world"

"But why the fuck I can't understand you?" Miller shook his head.

Suddenly, he felt someone was groping his dick, as he looked down, he was stunned to see an invisible force is fondling his dick, stroking his foreskin back and forth. Miller gapped his mouth unconsciously and took a huge breath. He looked over and noticed the god's hands were moving and waving in the air and echoing every movement Miller is experiencing on his dick.

"Fuck, is he doing this to me?"

"Yes it is, your YangYuan, which is the force of Masculine and positivity, is being harvested. This is also why you need to undress cause I want full access to your Yangyuan. If you can hold without leaking it, you could stay in a designated timeline without being pulled back into the chaos of timestream"

"What do you mean The force of Masculine and positivity"

"Some of your humans would combine your Yin and Yang to procreate, " Baihu uttered as Miller is a vapor of thin air "But Yin-Yang is much more powerful than that; it can also conjure power and spirits in the universe. You are a male-- you have Yang's energy, which lives inside the source hub between your legs, and it only can be channeled when your source hub being touched"

"You are telling me that you're gonna give me a *handjob? "

Miller pointed between his legs and gave Baihu an incredulous look.

"And... and... and..trying to make me cum to find your bodies?" Miller started feeling the effect of the touch.

"No, not cum-- your YangYuan can only be brewed and stimulated-- not spilled; you will need to hold your YangYuan the best you can"

"You mean you are gonna give me a handjob and not let me cum?" As an older straight man, edging is still not in his vocabulary-- as he watching the tiger-face-god move one of his hands a little upward, Miller felt a sharp pain move to his nipple

"What happens if I did"

Being telepathically molested, Miller tried his best to ignore the sensation and focus on listening.

"You will be sucked back to your own timeline and an animal will be added to the plate."

"Huh'' couldn't suppress the sensational feeling on his dick, a moan slipped out of Miller's mouth as he tried to verbal a question.

"How.. o...o..o...I know where the fuuuuuuuck is your body is"

Trying his best, Miller squeezed the words out of his mouth as Baihu, the tiger-faced-god, trembled his right hand and sent another wave of pleasure to Miller's back spine through his dick.

"Just call my name and I will let you know, " Baihu's hands did not slow down a second. " I'm more worried about you in the past. Hide well"

"Wait what?"

"You shall see"

A shadow was waving behind Baihu's back and emerged in front of his eyes,

*Is that a tail?

Miller was shocked. The tail wiggled a little in the air, Miller felt it started caressing his ass.

"Now, I will channel your YangYuan to its maximum, and you will be sent back to 2 hours ago when you first came into that house. It is the furthest timeline I can do without my body. remember you can't spill your cum or confront the past you. Find our body and call my name"

Before Miller could ask more questions, he saw Baihu's tail jerked into the air, a pain zapped Miller's behind; He felt a bold force trying to penetrate his asshole steadily and surely.

"Are you trying to fuck me with that thing?"

Not saying a word, Baidu continued his motion and closed his eyes. The attacks on Miller's body have become more and more aggressive, yet, it made him feel ever so aroused; moaning is skipping out of his own mouth; the warmth in his groin area is sending waves of pleasure, making Miller his leg shuddering. He felt the pressure getting more intense inside his asshole and knew at some point he would have to surrender to the attack.

"Stop, stoooooop, you're gonna make me cum!!!"

Not being able to catch his breath, Miller warned Baihu that he would fail the mission before he even got to start.

"Hold it," Baihu said to Miller, still faced, and continued moving his hands and tail.

A trail of lotus flowers fell on the floor between him and Baihu; the flowers lit up the truck, glimmering a light wave frequents with Miller's heartbeat; His ass checks were clutching and all the muscle on his body is bulging; Miller is now sweating profusely as he tried to hold the one of the most intense pre-organism he had ever felt.


Miller yelled as he was losing the battle. He couldn't hold it anymore; leaked precum sweet and drooling made a mess out of his hairy chest, he shamefully realized, just minutes ago, he was properly dressed and stood stoically as he was talking to an ancient god.

Overwhelmed by all the sensation around his body, Miller let go of his clutching ass and felt the bolding force goad into his sphincter mercilessly.

"Now" Baihu shouted. Miller felt he was pushed forward and sank into the Lotus flowers. The flowers dispersed as Miller kept falling-- like he was breaking the surface of a still pond. Feeling his desperate need to cum had subsided a bit, he frustrated realized he could still feel Baidu was remotely fondling him, out of instinct, Miller tried to touch the bottom with his feet as he continued to sink; He felt he touched something. As he glancing over the surrounding, he found out he was at the house that was just bombed, naked.

Next: Chapter 9

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