Strange Minds

By tawind yu

Published on Dec 28, 2022


Strange Minds (A Saga of Older Male Taming) 7

Authoritarian/ Scifi/ Fantasy/

Chapter Title:

A Trip to Azulsville

Strange Minds (A Saga of Older Male Taming)

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Posted by Mue Mue on 10/21/2020

Title: Old Men Disappearing

Hey, this is my first post on My uncle recently disappeared. You can read the story by clicking the link.

The police told us not to worry about it, he probably ran away, but I know my uncle. He would never do something like that. Also he disappeared with one of his co-worker. I heard people talking about how they are secretly together and this is them running away. I just don't buy it, and it happened too sudden and didn't seem like they prepared for it.

I have been doing some digging and noticed that similar disappearing cases rose up this year. There have been 3 missing cases in my area and 2 in the town next to ours just this month. All the victims are older men. I know young girls are normally the easy target of human trafficking and my uncle is man in his 50s, but I honestly think there might be people out there actively abducting older men and my uncle is one of the victims. Please leave a comment if you have heard of such things. Our family is desperate.

4nightislife Replied 5 months ago

Man, that sucks, sorry about your uncle. My dad is a police officer, he told me the main reason for adult male disappearing is abandonment. Not to be snarky but I think you don't have to worry too much, and he is probably fine and living his life with his new partner,

TooLittoDie Replied 5 months

Yeah, I think so too.

Horase78 Replied 5 months ago

Hey, Just read your post, first, sorry about your uncle, I can't imagine how hard it must be for you and your family. Second, I just want to say you are right, there are people out there taking old men and selling them into slave trading rings. I know it sounds ridiculous but they existed.

There is a Chinese secret society composed of the most rich and powerful people around the world. What they did is to collect older men around the world, extracting their essence and use it as a medium to longer their life span. These people believe men are less likely to live to an older age and when they do, their semen contain some components that can be beneficial to their longevity. My 73-year-old father and myself, 52, escaped one of those abductions.

We were driving back from grocery shopping and ran into a car pulled up by the road. My pa wanted to help them so we pulled over and helped them to check the car. For a moment, I thought I thought a man with a mouse head, but he came out of the car just looking normal. My Dad decided to help him check his battery to see if we could jump start the car, and he fell as soon as he touched the hood. I went over to check on him and lost consciousness after someone hit me at the back of my head.

I woke up and noticed we were both naked, bound and gagged sitting by the car. A huge white van driven by the two guys came down. They kicked us and yelled at us then hoisted us to the back of the Van. There were two benches on both sides of the van. A protruding head extended out the bench. Three men who are around the same age of my dad were sitting on the benches; bound with ropes and gagged like us.

They lifted us to the Van and forced us to sit on the protruding head of the bench. Our hands were tied to a bar that bolted above us. All the bound men were very alert but extremely stressed. We learned later why; the protruding head in our ass is vibrating violently as the car started, and it changed its pace to stimulate us. All of the men are screaming into our gag. Two of the poor men sitting across have a puddle by their feet. I guess they have been there for a while and have cum many times. I felt bad for them.

We were being held the way we were for about 30 minutes as the van drove for 30 minute and it stopped. Two of the men came in, one by one, took us down the car. I saw a few cages closed by and guessing they were trying to put us in there. My dad was next to me and by the time the van stopped, he had cum at least 2 times and was having difficulty catching his breath. I came once because I tried to concentrate on how to get my wrist out of the ropes.

I have a friend in the gym who studies Martial art and he once showed me a trick. With an accurate force, he temporarily dislocated his wrist to get out of handcuffs. As everyone was struggling, I was pulling my wrist. It took me a while and an insufferable amount of pain. But I did it.

As the other man was busy with their unloading. I freed myself and my dad just before they came back. I kicked one of them off the van and went to the driver seat and started the car to drive off.

We saved an old man who was still in the car while they were unloading. But we left the other two men behind. We drove for thirty miles before we could see some city lights. From there, we called the police. Got my dad and the old man out of their gags, found us some clothes. The police asked us to show them the way and but the time we found our way back. They have gone already.

They were two missing men from the town. One of them is a retired railway worker and the other is a businessman traveling. The man told police that they were lured by a woman and thereafter being stripped naked and put in the van. They don't know each other.

The other two men were found two years later walking naked on a highway. They were asked by the police but strangely have lost all their memory.

The police took the van but I took a picture before they did. I found out later the van belongs to a company called Bluex. And the owners were killed the year before we got kidnapped. I don't know what the connection is there.

Anyway, you are right, I believe your uncle's disappearance has something to do with this secret society. Ever since what had happened to me and my dad, I have been collecting information regarding the company and the information on the Van, which is still in my possession today. I was able to trace them and uncover the fact there were at least thousands of disappearances related to this society in China but most of the disappearance went unreported. But trust me they are excited. If you trust me, you can send me your email. I will share all the information I have been collected throughout the year to you.

Mue Mue replied 2 months ago.

The reply has been deleted.

Mue Mue Replied 2 months ago.

The reply has been deleted.

Pitersss88 replied 1 month ago

Anyone know what happened?

Admin replied 1 month ago.

The post had been tagged as unresponsive.

Miller drove his car on the way to Azusville. Things had been strange for everyone lately in Doxen where he currently works as a local detective. He hated to admit but the town has descended to a shit show with drunk people doing all the heavy lifting.

First, there was a hole on the wall of a local 7-11, 24/7 pouring wine to its parking lot like no-fucking-other-people's bussiness and making everyone drunk and stupid. Doxen local police were having a terrible headache; the county itself is an infamous dry county.

*There are laws against people drinking in public, but no law is against people collecting unclaimed splattering wine in a remote convenient shop; troves of trucks stopped by the area and went back with all the containers loaded with the most delicious red wine.

Store owner was going to claim the wine for himself but everytime he tried to hog the wine hole and put a fence around it, the hole would disappear and reappear somewhere else on the same wall. One time, after the store owner barricaded the entire area and started bucketing the wine, the wine hole reappeared on the other side of the building. Eventually the store manager had to hire people to keep the wine drinker outside in order and let them take what they could. They also wanted to charge people but that slowed down the line and the crowd got rowdy and broke out into fight, at some point, the police had to join to provide assistance.

As religious as the Doxenian are , it didn't surprise anyone that Pastors and local religious supporting groups get on their microphone and podium, telling folks this wine hole very likely is an attempt made by the devils; Those creatures of evil be trying to lure the souls of those who yield to wicked pleasures.

Well, the lord's word is only good when the sun hangs above the church.

As soon as night fell, debauchery, shamelessness and loudness transpired every alley and corner of the good-old-predominately-white-and-religious-slash-racist town. People came from all the surrounding area to celebrate this God-given-devil's-attempt-gift. Doxen 7-11 store, once a local town where cops and drug dealers coexist and overlap, has now turned into a scene and getting its name mentioned on television, *paradise on earth. no, even better, *the modern day- Cana

And then, there are the mysterious missing cases of multiple high profile personnel; Tony Ricchi, the mob head and owner of the Ricchi's Paper factory., who has been funding the local whtie-supermist group to keep out the competition; Syler, Tony's prodigy and bulldog, who killed more people than he has been accused of; and the Irish Mob headPeter McGuffey. All of them have been missing and reportedly that they all had strange encounters with mysterious personals prior to their disappearing.

Criminals they were, sure, but also the power structure of the Doxens socio-political balance. In the absence of these local brian and muscles, things could get out of hand. Local government pressed the police and the police couldn't move anywhere. Well, There hasn't been a protocol regarding how to deal with magical disappearance.So the bucket passing game began. And it came down to Miller Gorden.

Miller Gorden who was the least popular of all. At the age of 64 and 1 year to go into retirement, He is still the same ranking 15 years ago. Despite the fact that he has been keeping himself in the best physical condition, he rarely made himself look fresh and tidy. Sloppy like a wet dog but buffed and shredded as he was in his 30. Two of his huge protruding pecs are always hiding behind those wrinkled shirts, muscular ass and calves are covered in some cheapest suit pants. The chisel face of his is rarely clean shaved. Walking like a tower, He had made some women and men fan themselves before passing numbers so they could climb that tree of him, but one by one, they all got turned down.

None of them can blame him though, Miller's wife and son both died of cancer 15 years ago after Ricchi's paper factory polluted the underground water and caused many locals to get sick. People said he did something that angered Ricchi, and his old boss had to come out and make peace between them. After knowing his life has been ruined, Miller did not leave town, instead he stayed and made up his mind to profess the art of being the sting in Ricchi's eye.

He recently got a cut by a piece of glowing-flying-glasses, which he couldn't believe that he saw what had happened. The glowing-flying glasses not only cut him and sent him to the ER with $600 medical bills. Those vile glasses also giggled while cutting him. *Weird shit just can't stop in this corner of the hell Miller has always had aversion towards this town, now as if karma is snarling, he felt he got a bite from all the bad feelings he project on his place.

Then, the unwanted whispers started. At first, it only happened at night.

"Can people just stop talking weird?" He looked back at the cafeteria and there was no one behind him.

Miller swore those voices came behind his left shoulder, and then it started happening more frequently. One day he locked himself in the bathroom at a gas station because the noise is getting louder and louder.

"When shall we be free?"

"Who?" This is the first time miller understood what the whisper was saying.

"steadfast, my sister"

"We shall "

"Does the earthling know?"

"It knows"

"It can hear us"

" Just can't feel us yet"

"Hahahahaha Eeeeeeee"

"Free me, brother, you sweared"

"And I shall "

**What the fuck are they talking about? Who are the sisters? Am I the "it?" * Miller was brooding as he covered his ear to block it out.

Then it got bad, the voice will come to him when he is still awake. He had to accept the fact that the voice was actually living in his head and days by days, these voices became clearer and clearer.

"The crate"

"It will take us to the crate"

*What the fuck is the crate? The voice started another subject just didn't make any sense.

"It doesn't know yet"

"No it doesn't"

"it smells good"

"It shall be yours"

"It shall to serve me delight"

"What do you mean to serve? Serve whom? Am I being plugged in with some sort of alien antenna." Found himself shouting at the air, Miller suddenly felt his head light, as if hypnotized by the sound

"My body is within reach"


The voice was getting even louder, thumbing Miller's ears drums.

"The thief, lier"

"I shall kill him"

"Name after the sun he said"

"Kill him, before he is too bright"

Miller cannot help but wonder who they are gonna kill? If his were the "it" then who is this "he" named after the sun?

"Soulless one, the soulless one"

"He is await"

"We shall march with contingents"

Stop!!! Fucking stop!!! Miller screamed as tears streamed down his face. His head is pounding with a migraine that seemed plotting to cut his brain into pieces.

"it is listening"

"It is"

"It shouldn't"

"Make it sleep."

"I shall"

Feeling himself being pulled into sleep even though he did not feel sleepy at all, Miller thought he was tired, crazy or just simply had gone insane but, as the toxic masculinity that embedded in him, he decided to stay home and waited out the "Voice" inevitably, He failed.

Soon a lead fell onto his desk as the voices became such familiar thing that Miller has expecting it to happen; there were missing cases in Azusville too, "This is strange that the victims are all older men" Miller noticed, and he also noticed that one of the victim's house's address is recorded in the company where the other two victims worked and made their last delivery to. He decided to take a trip.

As he got closer to Azusville, he could feel the tingling feeling in his stomach "something bad is going to happen", and he's rarely wrong.

The sky is very clear in Azusville, in fact it has been like this for the past few days. Every night people see the sky getting a little bit clearer. They could see milky way congregating troops of stars brillianting unapologetically, the crater sitting on the surface of the moon posing as if they were some well-lighted dressed windows. *As if something is eating every particulate matter in the air that obstructs people's vision to the universe.

Miller parked his car next to Dan's house where the owner of the house was abducted a few days ago. The gate was closed somehow. He looked around and climbed over it, and started walking to the house. Everything looked normal except the door was not locked; the bills were scattered around on the carpet. A cup with some dried up liquid that already attracted some ants just sat on the counter.

"Whoever was here left in a hast" He concluded before the voice started.

"It is here,"

"Take us to our body"

"Take us...TAKE US"

Miller jolted as he heard the loud-drumming-voices from the left side of his shoulder.

"Who the fuck are you?"

Miller responded to the voice for the first time, letting go of the idea that the voice has something to do with his trauma and chronically drinking. He started to believe that for some reason, an intelligent being has been attached to him and the voice he heard is they are talking to each other.

"It asked"

"It is angry"

"We can show it"

"Show it"

Show me what? The brave policeman is now terrified as he looks for the source of the voice "What do they want to show me?" He shout back to the voice

A loud thumb came out from the garage. What the fuck? Miller jumped, he pulled out his gun and followed the sound and found a huge crate with Bluex logo.

"Help us"

"It needs to help us"

The migraine came back, Miller struggled to open his eyes as the migraine got worse. He did not realize someone came out from the dark; a naked man with black mask on like one of those BDSM porn he watch occasionally, "The fuck?" Miller noticed the man was aroused. His dick was rock hard and seemed like some intelligent forces moving back and forth on the man's dick. He was panting and groaning but fastly moving towards him. Before He could react, the nake man pushed him down.

This moment, a bomb went off in the house.

As everything is crushing and blasting, Miller loses his consciousness, the last thing he saw was the naked man, dragging him,and then, straddle on top of him, groaning and grinding like his life is on the line, shortly shooting out a huge load on his face as Miller tried to pull himself up, but everything went dark.

Next: Chapter 8

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