Strange Minds

By tawind yu

Published on Dec 14, 2022


Strange Minds (A Saga of Older Male Taming) 6

Authoritarian/ Scifi/ Fantasy/

Chapter Title:

Free Falling

Strange Minds (A Saga of Older Male Taming)

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All characters involved in the story are of legal age.

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All Rights Reserved © 2020, Ty Su

Chapter 6

"I know who you are," the 52-year-old Diego Martinez, whose lanky but muscular frame tightly wrapped by the purple shirt he is wearing, said to Shimo as they sat at the spacious end of the customized van. "You are one of them."

Shimo was listening to the struggle of Ricchi as his tie bound turned his head and looked into Diego's eyes, showed genuine interest but didn't make a sound.

"My dad met one of you," without looking at Shimo, Diego took out his phone and said, "before he became the president of Mexico."

"I heard." Shimo turned his focus to the view outside the window.

"Have you met my dad? "

"I don't believe I had the pleasure" Shimo reached over and put his hand into Diego's hair, slowly massaged his boss's skull as Diego stoically allowing the transgression."I am not the one you're talking about."

"For one second, I thought... " Diego paused " I meant... I read his diary, he said he met a Chinese man in Miami, who said his name is Chuqi, that he had been chosen but he needed to make sacrifices... and my dad agreed, months later he became the president of Mexico... Can you help me find the man?"

"Why? " Shimo is more enticed by his hand in Diego's hair than what Diego has said. " Do you want to know if you have been chosen as well? "

"Yes!!!" Diego grabbed Shimo's hand in a blink and gripped it so tight that Shimo's wrist popped. " Take me to him and ask him if I was the chosen one, and if I was not then how can I be one, I can make sacrifices, I will give everything I have, my family is one of the richest in the world, I can pay any price..." He pulled Shimo's hand on his crotch "You like this right, you can have it, I will do anything you want but take me to him"

Shimo was terrified by Diego's sudden outburst but slowly started moving his hands on Diego's pants and feeling it hardening under the fabric.

"I can't," Shimo kept steady on his groping. "I am still human, and he is god. Humans can't just go to see God, we wait for them," He moved swiftly and went between Diego's legs, lowered himself. "By the way, Chuqi is fucking dangerous, why would you wanna see him? "

"I want... huh... " Diego let out a moan as Shimo took his dick out of his suit pants.

"... Power like the rest of them? " Shimo swallowed Diego's dick once again.

"Yes, huh... huh.." Diego moans as the sloping getting faster

"Sorry, stud, I don't think you can ever see him but... '' Shimo stroked the sloppy dick in his hand, not looking at Diego "Together, I will lead you to that power"

"How" Diego slowly lost himself in Yang's handling.

"We need to find that guy " Shimo continued "the one with blonde hair, Yang is his name, who blew your factory"

"Does he know where Chuqi is? " Diego asked

"No, but... " Shimo laughed sinisterly "Chuqi fucking hates him, he will come to us if we can get him his head, and now... " Shimo gave Diego's 8 inches dick another gob. "Don't think I forgot, you said you were gonna do anything I want... said it again."

It has been 2 days since Dan was abducted, the same goes for Miles and Jake. For a brief minute, Dan thought he could flee and get rescue for all of them, but that didn't work out. He was dragged back to the motel room where they were prisoned, tied up, and stimulated on rolling chairs with coils of ropes restrained any movement they tried to make to lessen their discomfort, almost like the only purpose of these ropes set-up is to torture them. There has not been a single sign, despising the fact they have given all their might, any of the rope would budge after the struggle, moaning, and groaning.

It is strange that Dan was the only one that has not been blindfolded. Right in front of him, an erratic presentation is live on air; two huge bears of men, Jake and Miles, tiled their neck, exhausted to all the edging to the point that they almost passed out. All three of their dicks are swollen and glistening with a red glow.

A much more terrifying presence made his appearance in the room; a big blonde Chinese guy crawled up from a crack on the floor. The crack disappeared after he got himself stood comfortably in the center of the room. Walking towards the gagged Dan, He gently took off his gag.

"Daddy, sorry I have to treat you like this." The Chinese Blonde guy Yang said it With an unapologetic smirk on his face.

"HELP!!!! HELP!!!"

Dan screamed with all the veins on his neck bulged, only to meet with an indifferent sneer from Yang, who nonchalantly took off his clothes and got naked in front of him. Dan watched Yang twirling his blond wavy hair and noticed has a small patch of chest hair and the rest of his body was smooth and glowing a blue hue under the cheap motel light. A small drop of the blue flame is lingering on his thumb; rolling between his fingers and making Dan nervous.

Before another scream came out of his mouth, Yang suddenly dropped to Dan's eye level and spit on him. Dan got dizzy headed and realized that the scenery around him changed and getting blurry; He was pulled by a force extended from the ground, felt himself flipping and dropping to the ground, only seconds later. Dan found himself in the parking lot. Two cars scarcely situated in the biggest motel parking that Dan has ever seen in his life. The bright moonlight mocked him for thinking that anyone will rescue him from this abandoned dump hole.

"You want to know something funny, I own this place, and I promise you there is not a single soul can hear you, even if they do they won't say anything"

After stopping his screaming, Dan listened to his echo in the middle of nowhere, broke out tears, and started crying. He then looked over to The Huge Chinese blonde guy, who coyly situated himself close by as if he is not a superpower kidnapper. Checking out his nails and trying to wait out Dan's cacophonous screaming, Yang came over to him and spat on him again.

Dan was shocked, he found himself now bound and sitting in the middle of a highway. The traffic was sparse, but some heavy trucks were going back and forth on both sides of the road. Yang stood close by, not saying a word, continuing to check his nails.

Dan now is truly scared, "Get me out of here, get me out!!" He has never heard himself scream like that. *This guy is crazy, what the fuck is happening

Yang came over, sitting on Dan's bounded leg, the rolling chair sank a little. He kissed Dan on his cheek, sticking his tongue out and licking this old captive's face like a summer coned ice-cream. A loud air-streaming sound struck, Dan found himself in the cloud and free falling with his head facing downward. The naked Yang continued his nail-checking close-by, as both of them are now in the process of free-falling to their death. Dan, stunned by the change of scene and the freezing cold air on his body, had lost any capacity to utter a sound.

"We are gonna fall on our faces, Daddy, and you are gonna die. Hahhhhhhhh!!!" Yang shouted.

Dan, jerking tears and tried all his might to cry out "bring me back, Please"

"PLEASE SIR" Yang looked at Dan's eye firmly.

As if a thousand speakers were booming at the same time, Dan heard Yang's voice, although it surprised him that Yang did not move his lips at all as the voice drummed his ear.

"SAY PLEASE SIR" Yang repeated.

Dan dropped his head and did not say a word. The cold air cut his skin and froze his naked and bound body. He felt it was harder and harder for him to breathe, but there was something in his mind that kept him from saying it; he didn't want to call anyone sir, in fact, he still identified as a SIR in his mind; the one in control.

Back in his pre-abducted life, he would tie those little youngsters who stopped by his house in the middle of the night and fucked the lights out of them. He would dip his dick to a freshly slapped ass or face and pound them to blind. He called them the most obscene names and spat on them so they could lick his sole while he read his newspaper. He could never call another man ** SIR*, especially a faggot who bleached his hair blonde and checked his nail like a fucking 12-year-old yappy girl in a school uniform dress; a man who parades his feminine self like he is actually proud of it.

**The political corrected remarks, statements and proclaims from the news are just to say out loud so the common people would look pass how sick the gay people actually are, he's not buying any of that; Gay people shouldn't have the same right as everyone, or him, he doesn't think so

*I am a top, I am not a faggot, I fuck faggot, the action of fucking a faggot should exculpate me of any weak, sick, perverted crime gay people have been committing since the dawn of time

Dan's view on how his sex life is incorrigible. He is too proud and too fixated on his feelings during the free-fall, the fact that his life could just perish the moment when he landed on the ground, now the visual of the earth beneath them has become more vivid and detailed, did not change the fact that he doesn't want to be submisive to anyone, not even himself.

"Call me sir or you die, daddy" Yang now is the one screaming at him. "Call me sir and ask me to fuck you in the ass, to give you my dick, to thank me for treating you like the little pathetic bitch like you deserve "

"I CAN'T '' Dan started bawling, feeling his body slowly freezing up, he still couldn't say it.

"Well then"

Yang disappeared, then reappeared in Dan's face. He touched him and the chair and rope got loose. Both of them are free-falling now except Dan is now freed of his bondage. Yang hugged him in his arms and started grinding, He forcefully stuck his tongue into Dan's mouth and pinched Dan's hard nipple, playing with his dick.

"You will say it, daddy, you will"

He giggled, and put his finger in his mouth for some moisture, directed it to Dan's asshole, and started violently assaulting Dan's sphincter. In a frenzy, Dan noticed they have traveled to another place.

Thousands of meteors, congregating like mirages, passing them by, stoically falling behind them without a sound. Dan felt himself being lifted with force. The feeling of being molested and milked by the invisible hands came back to him.

Things don't make sense to him anymore, it has not been making sense since he was put into that crate and rolled to a place no one could hear his butchering; What the fuck is this now? Am I going to die? I think I am ready- He doesn't have kids, a wife, or even a long term lover. All his family died, including his younger siblings. He has been living by himself for most of his life and he understands he might need to face death by himself. The world doesn't miss a beat if he were dead.

Just then, he was distracted by the passing view." It can't be" no it really can't. All the starry light and celeste bodies were telling him; for some reason, they were now in outer space, fast traveling, crossing, and overreaching thousands and thousands of stars. *Someone is moving their hands from my nipples Dan noticed it was Yang. He's now flying under his body and looking at him as if he is the reflection of a bird crossing over a lake. Dan watched Yang drive himself close to him, slowly putting his finger into Dan's mouth, Dan leaned in to bite, only missing as Yang jerked his finger away.

"Where am I" Have lost all the urges to fight back and utterly confused, Dan sided-eye Yang's teasing and asked under his breath.

"Somewhere close to Mars "

"Mars? But how?"

"I'm Dr. Manhattan" Yang cut him off

"So you're crazy"

"Wow, " Yang pinched Dan's ass. " Now you're just being a smarty ass without smartypants." He giggled "you got me, I am no Dr. Manhattan, but I am crazy"

"So... now what," Still confused, Dan marvels at the glory of the stars and the milky way that passed them by.

"Now, I am going to suck your dick, eat your cum and play with your ass for as long as I want to. See, we are protected by this atomic channel I created, and you can`t push me away, otherwise, according to Newton's third law, we would both be pushed out and freeze to death in the airborne outer space. "

"Don't you come close to me," Dan is really angry right now and for one second he tries to wield his fist on Yang? "I am gonna... "

Having not waited for Dan to finish his sentence, Yang swallowed Dan's 7.5 inches dick and put his hand in his asshole starting his meddling. Dan, surprised by the action, reflexes to push away Yang's head, though stopped by the intense warm feeling from his crotch. Slowly moaning and groaning, he found himself couldn't push it away, instead, he had allowed the feeling overflowing his body, feeling the slipperiness of his number made ecstatic waves and washed away his conscience. Could it be the lights, This is not the feeling he had familiar with, an organism that was so intense that every heartbeat raised throbs on his nerve; he felt his eyeballs sink and violently pulled back to his skull. His organism, pleasure and the lust of his genital manifested on his face, reflecting the vibrant cosmetic lights; at some point, the lights start speaking to him in a voice of a motherly hums, breath to him and made him felt like he is no more profound than a grin of stardust that dispersed by the ray of a distanced sunlight. For some reason, knowing how trivial he is compared to the universe, in addition to the feastful pleasure that has been forced on his dick, brought Dan insurmountable comforts.

"What... Wha... what... was that? " against all the overwhelming feeling, Dan asked as a couple of intense moans escaped the corner of his mouth.

"You just cum, in space, en route to Mars, oh and in my mouth."

"I know, but why does it feel like that"

"I have altered the cells in your body, made them function as a concave mirror. When all the universal lights and rays scattered into your cells, it will hyper your brain and made you more sensitive to orgasms''

"That sounds so fucked up ... I liked it." Dan found himself laughing after the intense feeling and completely forgot he is still at the mercy of a sadistic being.

" Imagine I can make you feel like this all the time"

Yang licked his lip off some of the sperm he just extracted from Dan.

"Call me SIR and promise you will be my slave, I will make that happened"

"No!!!" Dan yells at Yang.


He took Dan's arm and started pulling, the view around them changed again.

"Let's keep talking when we landed on Mars"

Dan never thought he will land on Mars, naked, with a semi hardon and a naked Chinese guy standing next to him. The planet looked like the rock-stove in sauna houses. He could see some of the rockets were cracking and soon had broken into small dust and blown away by the hot air wind. A cyan-colored bubble covered them as Dan straightened his back.

"This is Mars?"

"Yes it is, and soon it will be your home."

"What do you mean?"

"You haven't showered and there are so many bacteria on your body, I created a Bio-supporting bubble by changing the atoms in the air and the surface on this planet, like Dr. Manhattan, did in the movie. And if I decided to leave you here, Within time, you will die and your body will decompose; the bacteria will thrive in there. Soon, the soil would start to change and become fertile, there would be living organisms on Mars. And that is all because of you"

"Are you gonna kill me?"

"No" Yang laughed "Not now, but I will leave you here, maybe tie you up and gag you as I did on earth. You know, just for the fun of it. And of course, you will die in a few days."

"So if I call you and agree to be your slave, all these will go away?"


"And you will take me back to earth?"

"Yes, and you will perform as my slave for the rest of your life."

"Forget about it"


Yang waved his hand and a shining gate appeared in the bubble. He moved towards the gate as he heard a yelp from Dan.

"No! no no, please, I mean..."

"Yes, what do you mean Daddy?" Yang looked at Dan, amused by the anxious tone in Dan's voice.

"I don't know... "

"I think you know... "


"You want to be my top slave, you want to give me all the access to your body, treat you like a milking cow, a toy and you will only moan and groan for my attention and you will only get them when I want to. You will be a slave without its mind and only to be controlled by pleasure, a pleasure that only I can give you"

"Please..." Dan couldn't look at Yang.

"Say it"


"Say it"

"I am not...." Dan is on the verge of tearing again

"Say it"

"I will be your slave SIR, treat me however you want SIR"

Below the rock layer, A huge ring of light rose up. Contrasting to the sudden brightness, Yang dimmed to a mere silhouette. He extended his hands and Dan felt a sharp pain on his right collarbone. Right there, Yang marked Dan, gave him a flower-shaped sign. The ring light became bigger and bigger. Eventually overlapped with the bubble they were standing in. He went forward, taking Dan's genitals and starting to stroke, His other hand going up to Dan's chest and pinching one of his nipples. The movement made Dan yapping and gasping in pleasure.

"I can't cum, please, you and whatever your superpower has drained me"

Feeling a sharp pain in his left chest and shocked by the sudden agony, Dan looked into Yang's eyes.

" Call me SIR, Slave"


The pain increased and Dan's other nipple was also involved in the gaming session.

"Sir, " said it sheepishly, "I can't cum in so little time, SIR... "

"You can and you will."

"But I am old when you are old... "

"That's what makes it fun, I torment you to show how incompetent you are. You are old, useless, and sexually inadequate. You are probably ashamed of who you are. Are you ashamed? I wouldn't want to be you. Pathetic. I should just tie you up and tape you into a ball and leave you in here, whenever I feel like it, I come here and take your dick, jerk and extract your cum to flavor my drinks. If you stopped producing cum, I will take you to a public supermarket, tie your wrist, and walk you like a fucking dog. Show people how small and pathetic your dick is, how old and nasty your body is. If you still can not produce anything from those old balls of yours, I would just cut it off and burn it. You want me to do that? Yeah?? You want me to milk you so much that you cannot even stand straight, not even able to use your brain? What a brainless milk bitch you are!! "

As Yang lashed onto Dan and gave him a taste of his first humiliating session, his hands didn't stop. He could feel the pulsation on Dan's dick and recognized his newly submitted slave had come close.

Dan's dick erupted its second load, after endured the humiliation and the torture on his body, he imbued himself in his space organism once again.

The cum dripped on the ground, and then, as if someone stirring the soap water in the sink, some bubbles started popping up on the infertile land. Exponentially growing, the bubble started getting denser and denser and spread around the radius.

Without letting go of Dan's dick, Yang floated up in the air and so did Dan.

"Thanks to you, there are lives on Mars now, these bubbles will form some simple organisms and these organisms will grow and evolve at the speed of sound, soon we will have a Mars full of life."

"Why you want to bring life to Mars"

As silences rang through the air, Yang turned and spectated. Slowly, he aimed his finger to one corner of the sky where the earth was beaming crystal blue; It's incandescent outlay made Dan heaved as he followed Yang's finger.

"Soon, the earth will become a biblical paradise." Yang said to the now stunned Dan, "There won't be any disease, war, hunger, and crime. People will live their days instead of fighting through it. Prejudices and deceptions among people will cease to exist. "

Dan puzzled as he noticed Yang's hand lightly stroking his dick once again. His nipples are pulled and pinched. The pain made him yelp; he hated being abducted and transported to places, the man in front of him is crazy but with superpowers that can anhillate him in a second, but he doesn't want him to stop even though his dick is extremely sensitive, sending spasms to his stomach. When Yang asked him to call him `Sir' and be his milk slave, he had never felt so horny in this life, maybe, at his heart, he wanted to be a dumb milk cow to this Chinese guy who played him between his finger. Why and why? Feeling frustrated and horny, Dan let out a moan.

Yang turned and looked into Dan's eye again, simpering at him as he continued milking the old stud.

"But there also won't be any opposite voice; Those who object will be weighed down in the name of freedom of speech, those who are different colored and different sexed will be oppressed in the name of bringing down the power, they will brand us as evil and insidiousness, they will eliminate not only the existence but the notion of us. When that happened, this is the place where those people could go, so one day they can fight their way back to earth "

"You think that will ... really... happened" Hyperventilating from the stroking and the pain from his nipple. Dan tried his best to catch up with Yang's words.

"It will, daddy, and I want you to remember that you are the reason for what is going to happen to this planet"

" What... will... happen .... on earth?" On the brink of cumming again, Dan tried his best to hold it and mumble out his question.

"Something bad, I'm trying to stop it, but I'm afraid it's too late."

Yang masterfully fastened his stroking and pulled the older stud's nipple harder in order to make him gasped. The operation brought Dan into a frenzy; his lung filled with warm air and that warmth rushed to his brain in the forms of waves, as he opened his eyes, he saw black spots flying around. His distinct abs spasming as his mouth wide-open and making unintelligent sounds from the ecstasy he is experiencing. All he could think is he is so close and had never been this close to cum.

As if Dan's mind is an opened book, he smirked like he was playing a helpless prey, stopped moving his hands, leaned in and kissed Dan on his lips, and groped him on his ass. Surprised and frustrated, Dan pleaded in his eyes as he tried to read Yang's convenience.

"No more cumming for you today, daddy." Laughed Yang, tilting his head back and gloating as if this is the funniest thing he had ever said to a cum-denied milk slave.

A blue lightning bolt struck the crystal clear bubble; Dan and Yang disappeared, leaving a circular piece of Martial land slowly growing to a patch of a green spot.

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Next: Chapter 7

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