Strange Minds

By tawind yu

Published on Dec 9, 2023


Strange Minds (A Saga of Older Male Taming)5

Authoritarian/ Scifi/ Fantasy/

Chapter Title:


Strange Minds (A Saga of Older Male Taming)

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All characters involved in the story are of legal age.

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All Rights Reserved © 2020, Ty Su

Chapter 5

When Diego arrived at the parking lot of the only 7-11 in Doxen with Shimo, who became his newly promoted confidant. They did not expect to see crowds of people, local or not, stopped by to visit the site of a modern-day miracle. On the wall of the very store, someone printed a ring of blue characters, and in the center of the ring, a beam of red wine pouring out and splashing on the concrete of the ramp. People who live miles away could smell the aroma. A line of the people taking bucks and bottles, lining up next to the wondrous wine pump, to contain this gift that is bestowed to the locals. Drugs and poverty have plagued Doxen for 40 years and this accidental wine festival, without any warning, hit the town at all the right spots.

Diego and Shimo tried to get closer to the wine pump but were greeted by a handsome face. Syler,who works for a local paper factory where the majority of the Doxen rely on its prosperity. The very few of the decent Doxenian still refer to him as the title hitman behind his back; Everyone knows he does dirty work for the riches. He looked like in his early 40's, wearing two sleeves of arm tattoos. His short height made his big beautiful eyes with long eyelashes glow with an aggressive ring light as if he is in a constant search of violence. The captain American T-shirt accentuates his heavily trained pecs and arms made him stand-out without actually towering anyone in the crowd.

"Mr. Diego. Welcome to Dozen" He said it with forced politeness.

"You are Tony's guy right."

"Yes sir, Mr. Ricci is in his office."

"I don't wanna see that fatfcuk at his office, why is he not here?"

Being yelled at has not been a usual thing for Syler for a long time. He automatically fenced himself by turning his side to Diego. Shimo, as smooth as he has always been, cut into the conversation.

"Mr. Syler, please understand this. We were in Azusville 3 days ago and have been told there is some new development in Doxen following the explosion of Bluex. Mr. Diego here is expecting to talk to Mr. Ricchi in person. I am sure you will let us know why he wouldn't come here in person."

Syler immediately got an uncomfortable feeling by looking at this huge Asian guy who was dressed in a purple velvet suit and speaks with an obvious ** faggot* voice. *Fucking faggot He almost verbalized it. He hates people who parade their femininity in other people's faces. It made him want to punch them senseless then put a bullet in their head. The image he manifested got more vivid when he sensed how confident and eloquent this Asian tall man is.

Albeit his feelings, Syler did take the hint and went on to talk about why Tony is absent. Apparently, someone was targeting the renounced local gangsters; Peter McGuffey was abducted in a place layered with surveillance and bodyguards; A small group of Glory Crusaders lost speech and insanity after a mysterious infight; Chinese Blonde guy has been spotted on all of the occasions who seems to connect with everything that was going on. And that did not sit well with Ricchi; the Mob head decided that it is better for him to stay at his mansion and do business through the phone like any good old Italian mobster.

"Hah" Diego sneered,"I thought he is late because his balls are so small that his whore had to dig them out and put them back on him, apparently he doesn't even own one"

Diego then left Shimo and Syler, went back to his limo, as soon as he sat down, he beckoned at Shimo.

Shimo turned to Syler.

" Come with us, Mr.Martinez would like a briefing en route."

"I got my car..."

"Again, he would like you to brief him on the way to Mr.Ricci"

Shimo smiled at him with a firm look then went straight to the limo. Syler sensed there is no room for discussion in the Asian faggot's tone yet it felt nice and polite. This is the first time Syler felt so angry that his head is pounding with thoughts of hurting people, but he had to hold himself back and follow the big faggot's command.

Tony Ricci's Mansion located 30 minutes away from the 7-11. People wouldn't even notice there is a house hiding in the deep side of the woods. The team went in from the most obscuring road Shimo has ever seen and found its way to the entrance.

The Moment Shimo entered the house, he thought of the Crazy Rich Asian Movie, whereas Aquafina described her parents' house in Singapore as Donald Trump's bathroom combined with Olive Garden Restaurant, which is an accurate depiction of Tony Ricci's mansion; Big and aesthetically clueless. Shimo and Diego have both been to multiple establishments of Donald Trump and the bathroom included. Shimo took a look at Diego but he couldn't read anything of him today; his boss has been serious the minute they have arrived in Doxen. not that Diego Martinez, the Bluex COO is known for being approachable.

"Mr. Diego, please forgive me, the plan was to greet you at that shithole turned vineyard, I guess Syler told you about what happened"

"The little white monkey there did say something about witchcraft and magic, but I want to hear it from you"

Ricchi looked at Syler with an impassive look, then turned to Diego.

"I should have known this, you are from New York. You New Yorkers always pride yourself for having seen-them-all but have expectations when you come to a lesser place like ours, looking for spectacles. Haha, This is no Broadway, but I hope we wouldn't disappoint you"

He went to his liquor tray and poured himself an overflowed glass whisky, necked up, and chucked it all down.

"The Glorious Cruceder boys were on their way back to a barbecue, they stopped at Joe's place, that 7-11, and tried to get some drink or whatnot, Joe, the owner, said there was a Chinese blonde guy approached them in the parking lot and said something to them and they left with him. The next thing we knew was some of them had died of heartache and dehydration. The rest of them had a mental breakdown and had to be hospitalized. The police told us that they were having sex, for many hours before they were found, and all of them were on some powerful hallucinogenic. These people were working as my security team and now I am fucked. If some crazy people decided to come in and shoot the place I might as well just walk up to him and unbutton my shirt. It's like slaughterhouse this place "

The chubby Italian Mobster looked truly upset but continued,

"Syler told me It's the same Chinese faggot who bombed your factory"

"Oh," Diego said: "I thought there were only 3 people who knew about this? "

He peered at Shimo.

"Yes, I told Mr. Syler about the bombing"

Diego quietly glared over at Shimo, brooding rages in his eyes while awaiting Shimo to clarify. Instead of responding to Diego's countenance, He slithered towards Ricchi and smirked.

"Mr. Ricchi, it is my understanding that there was another incident that made you in desperate need of a security team. "

Ricchi looked stunned and then turned to Syler, perplexed.

"They knew," Syler looked defeated, "I don't know why but they knew, I swear I did not say anything."

"He didn't say anything" Shimo gleeds "This young muscle daddy right here cares about your well-being, Mr. Ricchi. And I suppose you are gonna keep telling your story, right?" Shimo's words made Syler blushed and looked away. At the same time, Diego changed his focus to Ricchi. Ricchi realized they did an act together to get him talking.

"Your fucking people bugged my place, is that it? I should've known, Zeus doesn't like me too much, does he? "

Ricchi trotted and poured him another one and continued

" I was having one of those parties you know, lots of girls, I paid for them. Some rich folks and the Crusader boys are there too, we do this every year. One of the girls came to me, you know, one of those mixed-race bitches. She looked weird that day, talking as if she is an fucking oracle. She has been reading people's palms and telling people's fortunes. Most of the guests were too high to not entertain her. Finally, she proposed to place a game. Ricchi's party never had games so I allowed it and that was a huge mistake"

He nipped on the whisky as if trying to punish himself.

" She picked up a leaf and said `in ancient China, There were fox spirits, who absorb the divines of nature and learn to change to human form, speak human language, seduce humans. They sometimes would give the human they prey on a mirror. If the human flipped the mirror while looking into it, the mirror will take them to places where they will have sex for as long as they want. The human always ends up dying after the foxes drained their life force, they called it Yangyuan, with sex. However, sometimes the fox would fall in love with humans. They would use magic to chastise them so the humans wouldn't die. But the human also has to restrain themselves from having sex with other people."

"She then took out an Antique Chinese Mirror and asked if we would like to take a chance with the spirit. If the spirit falls in love with one of us, That person will be chastised immediately and dragged away."

"She passed the mirror around. Indeed, the mirror didn't reflect anything by the pool, in fact, the mirror was reflecting something from a different place. We thought this was an activity that the party organizer came up with and did not take it seriously. "

"We churn every man to go look into the mirror and pose for the mirror. Some of them even take off their clothes like they tried to seduce the monster. For a moment, the goofiness of the boys turned this activity into a talent show; They took off their clothes and pants to taunt each other and impress girls. But Nothing happened, people started ragging the girl who was holding the mirror. She walked towards me against all the scathing. I did not want to be part of it but she waved the mirror on my face. At that moment, I saw a person in the mirror smirking and extended his hand as if he was trying to touch me. I stumbled backward but tripped by the chair. A gust of wind conjured the leaves in my backyard and it flipped onto me. I felt the leaves were attacking me at my groin as the people around me started screaming.

"One of the green leaves finds its way inside my pants and I felt a sharp pain as if it bitted into my flesh. The woman was holding the mirror now enthralled somehow with a deadly glaring. A hand hanging out of that mirror she was holding, beckoning in my direction. In the corner of my eye, I dazed to see those palms and fingers multiplying to many and dispersing in the air. They roared in the wind, sieging me and dragging me to the nexus where the mirror was. Thank god this young man was not too far away from me,"

Looking over to Syler, Ricchi's face is laced with appreciation.

"He rushed to that bitch and took the mirror. Smashed on the floor, it broke into pieces. All the hands disappeared as the girl waved hers in the air. A broom flew over, she then grabbed it and hoisted herself off the ground. Before Syler could reach her, she took off and disappeared into the sky. Later that day, someone told me that she was the same bitch who helped to trick and kidnapped Peter McGuffey. Apparently, ever since the day Pete disappeared, she has been missing too. Some of the Glorious Crusaders even raided her place. They caught the pimp who owns her and interrogated him, but it seems like she has been left town ever since."

"Wait for a second, Mr. Ricchi " Shimo cut him off "You said leaves attacked you and bit you? What do you mean?"

An observed shame creeping upon Ricchi's face. He turned and faced Diego and Shimo, starting to take off his pants.

Diego peered at Shimo and mused in his head that he now understood why Shimo gave them time to Ricchi to finish his boring story; Shimo had told him that he likes older guys, older guys with protruding stomachs, and well-carried posture, etc. Working hard to prove himself to Diego not only gave Shimo a rare accelerated promotion but also the privilege to provide oral service to his boss. Diego knew Shimo liked this Italian Bear and tried to humiliate him on purpose. Once in the office, Diego saw Shimo coerced a Venezuela repairman and threatened him with a phone recording. He tied and gagged the Venezuela bear in their hotel room, edged him with a plethora of objects until the poor old man broke down like a cheap whore. Diego likes to watch how this humiliation is going to unfold but hasn't decided if he wants to be a part of his employee's domination.

A smirk raised to the corner of Diego's mouth.

Tony Ricchi is now naked from the waist down standing in front of Shimo and Diego. Where it was his dick and balls are now covered by a piece of green leaf. A heavy layer of gray fur coated his muscular thigh. Drooling over the sight of Ricchi's dark olive skin tone and his muscular calves, Shimo made his scorching attention noticeable by Ricchi. It brought Ricchi waves of discomfort. Feeling helpless, Ricchi looked over to Syler, the hot ginger head. The handsome bulldog, as Shimo secretly dubbed him, took a blanket on the couch and walked toward Ricchi, only to be snarled by Shimo.

"Leave him alone."


"I will help him but leave him alone for now"

Strolling with a trace of a sneer in his eyes, Shimo came close to Ricchi and cupped his leaf-wrapped dick in his hand. A moan came out of Ricchi's gaping mouth. Keeping his eyes locked with the now vulnerable prey, Shimo started to caress the penumbra of the Italian bear's dick and felt a tingle in his own crotch.

"How long have you been like this"

"Ever since the party, and there are the heated dreams...''

No intention of stopping caressing his prey, Shimo glanced up and down on the now embarrassed and visually erected Italian bear, muttering though his lips "Tell me about those dreams"

First the silence, and then Ricchi's raspy voice ripple through the thick wall of insulation "This thing... this thing stuck on me, and there are some strangest nightmares, no, terror, manifested themself at night, making me look at the most perverted things, forcing me to be my most deprived self, penetrating me, bound me and gagged me, in the past few days, I can't tell where am I or who I am speaking to at night, I ... "

Without understanding the danger of confessing in front of a predator, this juicy block of a man, sexually frustrated, gave out the most intimate details of his tortures to Shimo, and from the look of his face, enjoying the touch of this dominating Asian guy, who he had just met.

Suddenly stopped his fondling, Shimo walked away towards the French window connected to the swimming pool

"This is where you had the party right?",

Not looking at anyone in the house, He drew out his phone and started dialing.

"Yes," Ricchi looked at him and was disappointed that the touch had stopped.

"I need to talk to Muma" Shimo is now talking on the phone.

The people on the other side of the French door heard Shimo start speaking Japanese rapidly to the phone.

Shortly, hanging-up the phone, Shimo came back and looked over to Syler.

"You broke the mirror right. "


"Where are the pieces?"

"...I ... mean, maybe the cleaning lady took them..."

Without responding to Syler, he went away and took a small mirror from the desk next to the french door.

"That was a Shaman witch, she said you have been marked."

"Marked?" Ricchi scratched his head "Like being targeted?"

"Yes, The spirit likes to mark people for different purposes. When human children are marked,they will gain abilities and insight into the future, as they use their abilities to help people or ... destroy people, they will give out their life force for the spirit to consume. When adults are marked... "

"What will happen"

" The ones who marked adults are some powerful spirits. They love adult men's Yangyuan, they like drugs for them. They will find the right person and suck the force out of them until there is a dry-up corpse left. When they had enough, they would ascend to heaven. "

"You mean... the gods in China will hurt people to become more powerful?"

"They sometimes would" Shimo continued "Fox spirits especially, they like to hide their possession in the most revealing places, tricking people and parading their magic, you, Mr. Ricchi did not know this, but you have been kidnapped, just like Peter McGuffey, This being had already gotten you. But I believe there is something hiding in this room that is giving this entity the power to control you, I need the pieces of the mirror"

2 hours later, a huge crowd assembled in the room by Syler, every one of them worked in Ricchi's mansion for the past month. All of them were questioned by Syler and Shimos. It did not take too long for the interrogators to learn the mirror pieces were actually never discovered- Nicole, an adorable Mexican young woman, who did the sweeping in the yard, in her tears, swore in god's name that she did not find anything on the floor,she was told that the people made a mess out there and, normally, she would take a special tool to collect the sharp objects, `Mr. Ricchi likes to walk barefoot in the garden' She never for once neglected her job. "I was wondering why there were no glasses, especially when someone told me that there was ...," didn't finish her words, Nicole drew a cross and covered her mouth.

" Do you believe it was the fox spirits? Mr. Syler" Shimo shoots a question with a dubious amount of politeness.

"I think it's bullshit, Here in Doxen we believe in god-like all American should"

"That's nice, Mr. Syler, a faith in God, in the Christian god I presume."

"You bet" uttered with a fascinating accent, Syler rolled his eyes away, showing deep contempt for Shimo.

"Well, I guess I am in luck. In China and Japan, legend has it, foxes like to find people who don't believe in them so they can hide in their shadow. Each thousand years of their life, they must pass a test of ordeal; a test to their juggernaut if you will, or all their power will be drained, abolishing them to their original form as unintelligent animals even death, but the foxes believe that a non-believer, a man who doesn't believe in the existence of magic, could shell them from this kind of punishment"

"You, Mr.Syler, are going to help me find the broken pieces."

Miller, the Doxen Policeman, drowning in paper works connecting to Doxen's recent mob in-fight, wanting to take a break from all the tediousness, took a drive to the places close to the crime scene where he saw a group of little kids gathering at the back of the ally; They didn't seem like trying to get into trouble. Some glowing objects moving at the back of the alley seemed to make them zombie-like and unable to move. Without thinking much about the nature of what the objects were, Miller came closer and pushed all the kids away only to be cut on the ankle. He could swear he heard a giggle as the objects flew away.

Ricchi doesn't remember there have been more humiliating experience than what he is experiencing now--In his 60s, being required to take off all his clothes, buck naked, standing in the middle of the room, where Shimo bossed him to pose like a dog, supporting himself, hands and knees straightened, kneeling on the floor. This giant Italian bear is visually bothered and mad, yet desperately wants Shimo to help him to take off his chastities, magical or not, it has not been an enjoyable experience for him. His dick had been hurting every time he laid his eye on Nicole; the Mexican little girl he secretly wanted to get her to bed, yes he was, since the moment he saw those hips swaying themselves through the door, Imagining himself putting dick between those thighs. Now, like a bitch in heat, he, the famous mafioso who busted the local white supremacists like no one else, felt like he is the one waiting for someone, or something, to fuck him so that he can get rid of the leaf that entrapped his dick and his freedom to sex.

The setting of the sun illuminates the living room with orange hues. Shimo stood by the now very degrading Ricchi with his hand folded; he had asked Syler to stand in front of Ricchi and not to look back no matter what he heard or saw.

A shocking wave was delivered through Ricchi's spine; feeling Shimo touch his dick from behind, it only took mere seconds before Ricchi sprouted a hard-on in his predicament, and the strolling and fondling brought Richhi waves of pain in his groin area. When Shimo saw Ricchi's sphincter open and close, he inserts a finger and made Ricchi scream murder. Just before Ricchi tried to stand up and punch Shimo in the face, He saw Syler's shadow start glowing a ghostly green light.

First came a piece of glowing glass, then 2 and more pieces, as if they all came from the center of an ocean in the dark, more and more pieces of glasses, drawn by some illuminating-magnetic-force, appeared on the floor where Syler's shadow lays. Stunned by what he was seeing, Ricchi temporarily forgot the pain and humiliation,---a mirror polymerize in front of his eye; the very mirror that sprouted multiple arms that tried to catch him; the mirror that mysteriously connected to the magical chastity he was forced to wear in the past weeks; the mirror sourced his nightmares and the desperate edge of cumming he has never experienced in his life.

Continuing finger fucking Ricchi from behind, stimulating his prostate, Shimo masterfully controlled his victim's body, pulling back every time he felt Ricchi is going to cum hand-free, making him screaming and moaning, panting and paining. Once again pulled out his finger before giving the old man an organism, Shimo crumpled a piece of Ricchi's sock, balled it in Ricchi's mouth, muffled the frustration plea from his mouth.

"Don't you look back" Hearing all the sexual rowdiness behind him, Syler wanted to look back to check in his boss but got chided by Shimo.

"I need you to take off your pants, boy"


"Do you want to save your boss or not?"

"I ..."

"Take it off, for god sake..."

In a panic, Syler took off his pants while Shimo worked hard on Ricchi's ass behind him. Not wanting to be scolded again and tried to show his legion to his boss, Syler took off his pants and underwear, stood buck-naked.

All the motion that had been inflicted on him made Ricchi cum, exploded, and ejected all his juices; he felt a burden had been lifted off his shoulder, He started crying in pain, squirting uncontrollably. Ricchi lowered his gagged face to check his crotch. The leaf is gone.

A thudding on the floor startled the organism-imbued old man and drew his attention to his young prodigy. Syler lying on the floor. A piece of the leaf has prisoned Ricchi's dick and parasitized on Syler's groin with Ricchi's sperm dripping down his thigh. Syler screamed in pain but soon muffled by the hands that sprouted out the mirror.

The hands dragged Syler to the mirror, ripped his shirt off, and fondled every part of his body, webbing him, cuddling him, as if he is a balled prey on a tarantula's web. In a blink of an eye, Syler, the muscular young skinhead, disappeared into the small hand-held mirror and disappeared.

Lightning speed, Shimo stood up and throw Ricchi's cloth on the mirror. He took out a piece of rope and tied Ricchi's hands behind his back and flipped him over. He put his knee on top of the old man's chest, Ricchi was too drained to fight back, and then he took his own dick out of his pants and started stroking.2 mins later, he cum on Ricchi's gagged face and hairy chest.

Sweating and panting, Shimo stood up, put away his dick, went over and picked up the mirror wrapped in cloth. He gave a smirk to Ricchi and made him realize he just collected his gratitude when he absolutely didn't have to.

"I can't believe you gave out one of your most trusted men like that" Shimo had a sneer on his face as he taunted Ricchi. "I told you instead of surrendering yourself, you need to find a substitute and let that person take your place and be chastised and be taken away, you did not even think twice just tell me Syler is going to do it./"

Exhausted and out of breath, Ricchi gave Shimo a glare "Fuck off, he was working for me and he knew about the deal."

"Did he?" Shimo looked "You really told him?"

Ricchi did not respond but tried to stand up and clean himself up. But Shimo yelled at him "What are you doing"

"What do you mean? " Ricchi looked at Shimo nervously.

"Zeus has told Mr. Diego to contain whoever is involved in BlueX explosion until further notice"

"But I have nothing to do with the BlueX explosion."

"Then why you are the primary target of the series attack in Doxen"

"How the fuck do I know"

"Then I guess for your own safety, we just have to contain you" Shimo took out his phone and started scrolling.

"Mr. Ricchi, do you have Alexa?"

"I ... do... I mean, why do you need...."

Ricchi didn't know what to do and was confused.

"Not this...not this one... shit...I couldn't find it... Mr.Ricchi, do you know about the song that Elvis Presley got really emotional... you know it's called in the .... In the... "

"In the Ghetto"

"Yeah that one, Alexa, Play in the Ghetto"

A quiet acoustic guitar blasting from the stereo inside the room. A group of men, as if they had just received a signal, rushed in with white lab coats. Two huge frame men went over to the bound and gagged Ricchi, held him down, and put more ropes on him, bound him with layers upon layers of duct tape. Before he could protest, his mouth was gagged again, only this time with a ballgag.

Shortly, the staff of the mansion saw a group of people carrying a mummified figure out of the house and put it into a white van that has been waiting outside ever since Shimo and Diego arrived. Shimo held the wrapped mirror and walked into a separated Van with Diego.

" What are you going to do with him? " Diego asked with an indifferent tone.

"Fun, a lot of fun" Shimo giggled, he went on unwrapping the mirror, a muffled scream came out. Shimo put it on the inner pocket of his purple velvet suit.

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Next: Chapter 6

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