Strange Minds

By tawind yu

Published on Nov 29, 2023


Strange Minds (A Saga of Older Male Taming) 4

Authoritarian/ Scifi/ Fantasy/

Chapter Title:


Strange Minds (A Saga of Older Male Taming)

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All characters involved in the story are of legal age.

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All Rights Reserved © 2020, Ty Su

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Chapter 4

Dan felt better now, even with his hands tied above him and his elbow tied together, he still thought it was better than what happened to him 3 hours ago. For some reason, he started to picture how he looked right now in his head according to how he felt; There must be a piece of ropes that carefully tied around his chest to accentuate his nipples, which is a better treatment than being crumbled into a bondage ball and squeezed into a box that is only the size of his torso.

He couldn't help but swinging his chest; there was something biting into his nipples and giving him constant dull pain," Clothespins" he wondered and he couldn't make a bigger move; there was something, a thin rope or some sort of string connected his nipples with his balls, every time he tried to straighten his spine to ease the pressure on his back he would feel his ball being ripped away from his body. He was kneeling on the floor and he felt his ankles have been tied to his thigh. A spreader bar has been installed between his legs to keep his legs open, his dicks and his plugged ass is vulnerable to any attacks as if someone did this to him to admire his humiliation. The pressure on his knee is insurmountable, sending spasms that made the abs on his stomach trembles. Sweating and in pain, He had never felt so humiliated in his life. And when the picture slowly came together in his mind, his dick twitched. It is hard for him to admit, but He loves every second of this.

Just hours ago, He was hogtied, gagged, and tapped, He was trapped in his ball of bondage being transported like an animal to a slaughterhouse. The heat in the box made him sweat profusely and now he could smell himself-something mixed with cum and body odor. His dick and legs covered layers of dry cum as a result of him being forced to cum multiple times before being loaded into a box.

He did not see who did this to him, but he remembered the messages on Grindr. The Chinese guy who came to him to suck his dick must have slipped something into his drink. But wait, "I never touched the drink" He couldn't get his head around. He also remembered after being forced to cum the 4th time in his own living room, a coil of ropes appeared under the couch and started slithering on his body. He couldn't make a sound the entire time but to watch him losing his freedom and being tied up like a pig. The invisible hands on his mouth have never left. He saw some black tapes being peeled and circling his legs to turn it into a cocoon. As he lay there trying his best to struggle but couldn't barge an inch, something blocked his vision, he had been blindfolded. In the dark, a sphere-like object has replaced the invisible hands and been put in his mouth, making him not only utter unintelligent sounds but also drooling all over his living room carpet.


He still thought as long as he continued making these sounds, someone would eventually come and rescue him. And that's when he heard the door opened.


It's the Chinese guy

"Mmmmmmmmmmwuwuwuuwmmmmmmmmmmmm, meeeeeeeeeeeeee"

"Daddy, here you are!!! Are you ready?"

He couldn't hear any step, but he could tell he was standing right by him like he was being watched by a predator.

"Let me put you in my toy box. We need to wait for a couple of guests and then we can hit the road." The voice sounds ever so patronizing.

"What the fuck is he talking about" Dan panicked "Am I going to be kidnapped?"

"Yes you are daddy" he answered like he could hear everything going on in Dan's head "You are going to be kidnapped and smuggled, like a bad bad animal. I am going to have so much with that fat dick of yours that you will lose your mind when I finish with you hahaha"

"Ahhhhhh" Dan tried to curse in his gag, but all he could make was a muffle vowel sound that made him sound like prey being choked by a lion.

Then he heard the guys whistling and he felt he had been lifted up and his ass was put on top of something hard and cold. He heard some quiet but scary rattling sound. Then he has been left to darkness and complete silence. He screamed and screamed but he felt hopeless.

As if a life long has passed, he heard there are people in his house talking, he tried to rock the case and scream again. But still, no one came to him.

Then he felt the box had been lifted and might be loaded into a truck. And He noticed the engine sound. In his head he realized. This is it. The real panic kicked in; Dan did not know what was waiting for him in the future.

He took a deep breath and came back to the present; He couldn't tell where he was; what he could tell was an object had been inserted in his butt, and it was slowly moving and giving out heat that made him twitch his dick, even more, keeping it in a state of raging hard ever since he was taken out of the box. There was no blindfold on his face but he cannot open his eyes. He had to struggle in his bond as the kneeling position has put a lot of stress on his back.

The thing in his butt started moving; Unlike a vibrator, it was moving as if someone is fucking him. Dan's dick got harder and started pulsing as the pace of the fucking gets faster and faster. His moan kept increasing in volume.

"Ooooooo stoooooohhhoohooommmmmmm"

He wished it could stop, but the pumping only increased its speed made him want it more and more. The painful sensation however sent the pleasure signal to his over-driven brain, pushing him dangerously to the edge of cumming. ; He couldn't believe that only a few hours after he had been fucked for the first time, he had been turned into a whore for being fucked in the ass. "Why does it feel so good? and why do I get so hard just thinking about being tied up like this? I am a dom who likes to fuck stupid sissy fag for god sake" He knew he was a pervert, but now he just learned that he is a submissive slut who loses all the control.

Unbeknownst to him, there were two Elm made Chinese grandmaster chairs placed next to him. Two giant naked men tied to the chair. They are gagged with tape and tied with white nylon ropes in an identical fashion. It made them look like two helpless-bondage-twin-brothers. Their dicks were hard and pointed to the ceiling. The invisible but intelligent force was moving them up and down; Making sure these men stayed on the edge of bursting so they could feel the complete cum-deny time and time again.

These moaning in the room were carefully orchestrated by the sinister force; While these men breath pleasure and pain in their predicament, they could hear each other's moaning and groan, which made their dick harden even more;

The smell Dan detected moments ago was not only his but also came from Jake and Miles; The room now filled with their natural aroma. They have been left here, bonded, and constantly molested. None of them are allowed to cum. The simple and artful Kinbaku tie that normally would get loose if the boundees struggled hard enough, and now, apart from dispensing their hardest strength, none of the knots would barge.

Dan started to think that the ropes seemed to have a mind of its own; the grip of these ropes strain their body more every time they struggle.

Suddenly, he felt his lower abdomen muscle tensed up. " not again!!!" Just before he approached the point he has been denied for the last few hours, the plug that was raping his hole stopped. He screamed in his gag as the frustration and a hot rush kicked in one more time.

There was still a string of clearing thinking in Dan's brain despite his body having been completely controlled by all the sensations. As he tried to figure out what had happened to him.

"I am just an accountant, " He thought to himself; a real accountant that works for a small firm. Nobody knows him. "Why am I here? What does the guy want? "He was arrested one time for getting a blow job in public parks. Other than that he is a decent human but extremely normal and boring. His sex life is great and messy, but that is just the common denominator of all the singled older gay men. His bank has a sizable amount of cash but the most valuable possession is his house. It is strange that the people would abduct him for any reason at all.

The entire situation is horrifying yet kind of funny; "I should have a massive anxiety attack by now" he thought, yet all he wanted to do is to cum. As Dan's need for orgasm subsided, the plug started moving again by itself. The fucking began.

"Why would he do this to me ?" He finds himself back to his thoughts apart from the constant torment on his genitals. He was sure if it was the Chinese guy who did this to him; From the beginning, he did not see him or talked to him, but this felt like it was his doing.

They met on Grindr of course. He likes to be worshiped; The pride that has developed after growing a body of lean muscle made him enjoy all the attention that he could receive from younger guys. That big Chinese guy is one of them. He called himself Yang; Dan made a joke about it when they first met; repeating the name like it was something funny "Ching Chang Chong Yang yang yang". Yang laughed but later explained to him that in Chinese it means The Sun. "The Sun? As the name of a Chinese fagot? Haha" he laughed when he heard it. Yang texted him every once a while; He would come by and sit with him to catch up. During such times, Yang would look at him in a way that irked him. Now think of it, Dan realized that was the look of a hungry predator who tried to trap him in his claw.

When Yang came over, he would look into his eyes and then went on kissing the outer layer of his nipples under his shirt. He would go under his armpit and stay there for a long time and move back to his nipples as if he wanted to savor every single inch of his body. He would do all kinds of motions and tricks with his tongue on Dan's skin and caress his ass in all the right ways that push him to the edge as if he is oiling a train's engine. Dan always responded to the attention with his moaning and "Yes, that's it boy" "suck harder boy" etc.

Finally, Yang, the Chinese guy, would slide his finger into his home shorts, operating with surgical diligence, pulling it down and teasing him with the tip of his tongue. His balls would be wet and sloppy till the time Yang got to his Dick. He would engulf Dan's dick the first time he latched on to it, sucking it to the deep end of his throat, enfolding every inch of it with the tissue in his oral cavity.

The butt plug is moving faster as Dan revisited his memory.

Yang did a thing on him once: he took everything in his mouth: the shaft, the balls, and the scrotums, completely unexpected, made Yang gasped. "No!! You did not just do that" Dan amazed and laughed when that happened. "What a good-cock-sucking fagot"

The butt plug is making Dan sweat now. He could feel another orgasm was coming and knew it would be denied again made him make some more unintelligent sound inside his gag.

He remembered that there was one time that Yang tried to take control; He took Dan's arms and bend them to his back with one hand and told him he was going to rape him. Of course, that did not happen, all he did was keep sucking his dick. Dan didn't like to be dominated like that. He liked to be the one in control. They talked about the idea of having Yang tying him up and giving him an edge session, but Dan decided he is a dom and that should never be challenged, especially not by Yang. Yang did not persist but only kept looking at him like Dan was just some prey locked its fate to be devoured.

Then, Yang disappeared and hadn't texted him for a few months. But Dan couldn't care less. There were so many options, young, muscular, and white options with a chiseled jawline and submissive demeanor, gilded with beauty and attributes that prevail this big Chinese guy in any given occasion, why should he care if he would ever text him again. But now, in his inescapable bondage, Dan mused at the fact that Yang had made him bend to his will.

The butt plug goaded Dan one last time before stopping. His orgasm has been denied again. The frustration made his back buckle inward, his face twitching, mouth gasping for air as excitement subsided.

The air filled with defeated moans and the sound of hip thrusting; all the sexually frustrated men in this room were craving to bust a load, but they only to be denied again and again.

Like a lightning bolt, an idea came to Dan's mind; there must be something in this room that is monitoring or reading his body and behavior; it knows when he is close or when he is ready to be milked. He didn't know how but that thing probably has been installed on him and manipulated him like it has intelligence.

His first thought was Yang using a remote control and looking at him in the distance, But he quickly discards the thought; Yang would like him to know and he would inflict more pain and pleasure if he is with him. This doesn't feel like him.; it is too repetitive. It has to be that force; the force that is acting as if it has hundreds of tentacles and a sexual dominance mastermind, the same force molested, bound, and abducted him.

He then had an idea. There aren't many things he can control. But taking a breath is one of them. If he could breathe faster and raise his heart rate, it could cheat the reader and provide him some relief from the constant fucking and milking.

With both of his hands bonded above his head. Dan tried his best to open his ribcage and started to take short and fast breaths in the hope it can increase his heart rate.

The first 2 minutes passed by, nothing happened. The pace of the action on his dick remains steady. He started to think that this is not gonna work. Then the motion stopped. He didn't understand why but it happened. Slowly the Piston movement reduced and the pain getting duller and duller till it completely stopped.

He heard something dropped and his butt. He felt empty but now he is able to straighten his back a little bit. He tried to move but something zapped him. He circled around and got zapped again. Every time he tried to move, there was an invisible shell that prevented him from going further. He kept trying until he touched something that made a scraping sound. He pushed it and felt it roll further.

Using every bit of strength in his body, he tried to move toward where the object rolled and found no resistance this time. Finally, he stepped outside the shield and freed himself to move around in his bound. He sat down and tried to pull his bound wrist down. He did it after a series of struggles. He tried to take the blindfold off his eyes but failed-There was no blindfold, he just couldn't open his eyes. Sweats rolled down from his chest and moistened his fingers, he touched his eye one more time. This time, he accidentally smudged the writing on his eye. One of his eyes opened. He finally was able to see where he is.

It looks like a motel room from the look of it. There are two bound guys with characters written over their faces. They seemed to be edged by the same invisible force that had put him through that sexual hell. Dan wanted to help them but he hadn't gotten out of bondage himself yet.

He maneuvered to the bathroom with his feet still tied to his thigh. Looking up into the mirror, he noticed he also had writing on his face, took water, and started to wash them away. His eyes sights suddenly came back and every fiber of his body was released as if it was controlled by something all this time. It took him 30 minutes before he got himself out of the rope on his legs. As he tried to untie his wrists, He jolted when he noticed these ropes turned into white snakes with blue written words on their body. They were hissing at him and trying to attack his face.

He returned to the living room while the snakes sucked on his nipples and tried to help the bound twins with their rope only to see the ropes tuned into snakes again. Every time he came closer, these rope-snakes would attack him.

He decided to leave the room and called for help. He bumped open the door and heard something flapping above him as if a huge pair of wings. He looked up.

It was Yang. He floated in the air with many arms extended from his back, they formed into a pair of wings that kept his feet above the ground.

"Daddy, I see you got out." He sounded sweet but a beastly growling to Dan's ears.

Dan turned and started running. He would scream but everything drowned out by his gag. The snake lose their entanglement and slithered down to his leg. He tripped. As he turned over, Yang stood in front of him. All the hands that composed as his wings started breaking off and slowly flying towards Dan. Dan felt his body had been lifted off the ground. He was terrified as he looked into Yang's eyes.

"Did you like it?" Yang accosted.

Still gagged, Dan could only shake his head and snarled at Yang, Protest with his groaning and drooling that how awful he has been treated in these past hours

"Let me ask you again, did you like to be tied up and fucked and milked like an animal?"

Dan's dick twitched and slowly came to life. They look at each other's eyes in silence.

"Did you like it?" Yang raised his voice again.

In Dan's head, the image of the bounded twin in the room; his gagged face in the mirror; the ropes on his dick and his chest flashed by, and every single feeling and memory of him being tortured and sexually diminished rushed to his mind in waves. He looked down and found his dick was raging hard and glistening with precum. He couldn't respond, not because he was gagged; In his head, his mind, the sane and insane part of his deepest consciousness. He couldn't find an answer to reply to that question except....


He said it. He tried to say it in the lowest voice even in his head but he said it. And he knew...

"Perfect," Yang said with a sunny-day-smile.

Dan knew he heard him...

"Then You're gonna be punished."

Even though he did not say it out loud, He heard him. The hands around him start folding together into a cocoon and trap Dan into a ball.

"Ahh, look at you," Yang patronized "delicious"

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Next: Chapter 5

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