Strange Minds

By tawind yu

Published on Nov 21, 2023


Strange Minds (A Saga of Older Male Taming) 3

Authoritarian/ Scifi/ Fantasy/

Chapter Title


Strange Minds (A Saga of Older Male Taming)

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All characters involved in the story are of legal age in the US.

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drive to continue.

There will be references to horror movies or pop culture that by no

means is an attempt to plagiarise.

All Rights Reserved © 2020, Ty Su

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Chapter 3


The news in the year 2020 was all about the galiteratoring of the truth and the government. No one was paying attention to the local news anymore. Every single report was so big, breaking and exclusive that people didn't know there were other terrible things. For example, Two delivery men disappeared after going on a delivery trip. The family was worried. Some flyers were distributed during a town hall function and a wedding but that was it. The local news station didn't even want to put the story in their prime time slot. "Let me know if they were blonde, female, under 16, or it is out of my hands" Jon the senior editor said to Miles and Jake's family.

At the same time, Doxen, a place that is 3 hours away from where Dan Willis, Jake, and Miles were currently located, was having strange phenomenons that gave Detective Miller, a 68-year-old towering ex-marine, huge headache; calls came in that there was Militia infighting by the local 7-11 store; 5 dead,6 gone blind, none of them were able to speak one cohesive sentence. Miller went around to ask some possible witnesses and got stunted by their answers.

Maggie, the waitress from the grocery shop down the street said she left her boyfriend's house last night to go to 7-11 when she saw what happened; a group of naked guys was running in the alley close-by. They were screaming as if they were escaping beasts-charges, but all of their eyes were closed and they were all running in circles. A Chinese guy with blonde hair stood in the middle of that circle yelling at them in some strange language. " a Chinese guy with blonde hair in Doxen?". Miller thought, "And no one saw him again? " Having doubts about the girl's sobriety and intelligence, Miller gave the young girl a glare before he walked away.

A group of Dozen Elementary students told him it had to be the witch, a blue witch in fact, who was flying above them last night and left a trail of blue dust. They heard her screaming and it made them sick so they did not go to school the next day. One of the kids said so to Miller while he was drinking Coke from a 2-liters bottle and looking at him with his dilated red eyes. "If you don't want me to search your pocket, go back to school" Miller snarled at them as they all walked away with their heads down and scared. "These fucking kids were so high that you can't catch them with a hot air balloon," He felt that he was mocked "and there is a witch now? "

Candy, a transgender call girl in a red dress, ran into a strange guy on Dexon Art Deco, an old entertainment street full of strip clubs and casinos. He paid her $1500 dollars for the rest of the night. She was worried; there was something about his bright green coat and floral print shirt that just did not sit right with her.

"Man looks loaded but not here for the girls"- She knew it from her guts.

They went to a private party where the guy pointed to a bald and buff old guy with tattoos-covered-muscular arms. His stomach was wrapped in a white tank top and an anthurium printed Hawaiian shirt.

"Go say hi and talk to him, would you honey?" that strange man said to Candy, "and give him a smile" He also told her if the guy is not interested, she can just leave for the day. Before she went, the strange man asked her to stick her tongue out. Candy thought he was going to drug her but the guy only wanted to tap it.

"Why did I let this fucking guy tap my tongue?" feeling grossed out, Candy gave the guy a weird look and flounced away to the bald guy.

A big and beautiful smile was all she gave to the bald man, and immediately she was asked to sit next to him and be treated like a princess. Champaigns were opened and exotic fruits and seafood were served as the man enthralled by Candy's presence.

And then all Candy can remember is that she closed her eyes for a second. When she opened them, she was already lying on a bed in a hotel suite.

At first, she was scared, the motherfucker-Chinese-blonde-faggot drugged her!!! What was she thinking? Then she noticed she had all her clothes on and seemed like she was okay.

Being confused by the reality, she looked over and saw something stunting; the bald man, who she said hi to, was now naked and lying on the bed next to her. He was gagged and hogtied; Every string of his muscle was bulging out of his anger and frustration. A black butt plug was inserted in his meaty bubble ass, and Candy once again, as prudish as she while working as a professional sex worker, grossed out what she saw. "Did I fucking do this to him? But how?" As Candy looked down, she noticed, despite all the discomfort, the old man's dick was raging hard. "Shit, this man is a fucking pervert." Feeling mischievous, Candy started teasing this bound man; She stroked his head and tickled the man's underarm. Her tease angered the bound man even more. He groaned and moaned in his gag and burst into a burst of muffled laughter as he tried to dodge Candy's attack. Candy looked into the bald man's eye and noticed something strange; Having dealt with some perverted clients before, Candy knew the difference between a person who enjoys some sexual misadventure and the people who don't. She somehow thinks this man was not put into his bound voluntarily.

Still, juggling whether to help him or not, Candy felt a hand landed on her shoulder and made her screaming murder.

The strange guy, the Chinese blonde faggot, who hired her was now in the suite with her.

"Hurry up," he said to her in a haste then handed her her shoes. " Camera is everywhere in this room and the help is on their way. You need to leave right now."

Candy for some reason again started doing what the guy was telling her, only now she's yelling at him,

"Who the fuck are you. What did you do to me?"

"Nothing honey, he did not touch you and me either. Nothing happened to you but you need to do what I said or we are in trouble"

Candy finished putting on her shoes and started walking toward the door, only to be stopped by the Chinese guy.

"What the fuck?"

"You can't leave from the door, they are gonna catch you"

" What did you take last night and why are you spitting nonsense right now"

"Follow me," The Chinese blonde guy said to her.

Once more, Candy did what the guy told her but did not stop complaining. She stopped, took a glimpse at the bald guy, and realized she knew him.

"Is that Peter McGuffey?"

As a black transgender woman from West Dozen, She saw the Irish mob head on TV before: Peter McGuffey, a corrupt cop and a hitman for the local paper factory owner, who killed dozens of West Doxen black men but was never prosecuted.

"Yes Honey, and I am gonna teach this fucker a lesson, well many lessons, hahahaha, now let's GO"

Candy was surprised as the Blonde Chinese guy drew a broom out of a cleaning cart and passed it to her.

"What the fuck is this?" Candy contested with her forehead all squished together.

Someone was banging on the door. Many moving feet can be seen through the gap under.

"I am so sorry, this is another $1500 and I need you to take this broom and jump out of that window," said the Chinese blonde guy passed Candy a stack of cash and the broom.

A 29 stories window was what he was referring to.

"You are fucking crazy and this is bullshit, I am not doing that"


Then he took out a marker and went to the hogtied and gagged Pete on the bed, started writing a string of characters around Pete.

" What the fuck is he doing" thinking to himself, Pete tried to pump the guy off with his bound body but only able to make the "mmmmmmmmmmhhhhmmmm" muffled outcry while all his tacks in defense have gone in vain.

"This is bullshit, this was supposed to be a fun night," Pete thought to himself. He saw Candy at his party and for some reason, her smile rang in the back of his head and made him want to look at her for the rest of the night. They talked and talked. He did feel something was strange, the lady he was talking to changed her personality somehow. She became more aggressive and flirty. She made him book a suite in a closed-by hotel and asked him to come with her alone. As soon as they were in the room, the lady undressed him and suggested that they do some bondage play. She went out and took back a cleaning cart. Somehow she found ropes in there (She told him all the hotel cleaning carts have them and he just believed her) When she finished tying him up, she somehow found a ballgag and buttplug in the cleaning cart, again. And that moment, Peterson knew he had been set-up. The lady broke his virginity by pushing the butt plug into him, then turned around and used the ball gag to shut out his protests. Then she just passed out and when she woke up she acted as if she didn't remember anything. The entire time, Peterson's mind was occupied by the fact that he has never been this horny in his life and his dick streamed so much precum left a big mark on the bed.

He felt the Chinese guy was feeling up his ass and dick. The butt plug was pushed deeper into his anus and made him shake his body in agony. Letting out a few moans, Pete got hornier and hornier as he was experiencing the humiliation. "Why my dick won't go down" He could feel the Chinese guy stroking his dick as he pinched his nipples."Fuck, this guy is gonna make me cum"

Hearing their boss is in trouble, the people outside the suite's door stopped their knocking and started to pump the door with their bodies.

"Jump Candy!! you are gonna be fine!!! Just hold the broom and don't let go"

Chinese guy yelled at Candy without slowing down his assault on the poor Peterson.

"How the fuck am I going to be fine if I jumped? Are you stupid? "

"Because we are gonna see each other very soon!!!"

The Chinese guy looked at Candy with a confident smile as if he knew her somehow.

As he listened to them yelling at each other, Peterson felt the urge to cum got stronger. He started thrusting his hips into his tormenter's grip. Recognizing the groan and the pulsation on his victim's dick, the Chinese guy let go of his grip and spat on Pete's surprised face.

"Not yet pig, the fun has yet to started"

He burst out laughing as he snapped his finger; a blue flame came out of the written characters, devouring them and In a blink of an eye, they disappeared into the flame.

Just when the door got broken, a riot of uniformed white men rushed in.

Facing the dilemma of death by falling and risking her chance with the crazy-eyed white men.

"Un-huh, not today" Candy took the broom and jumped out the window.

As if having a mind of its own, the broom went between her legs and lifted her up as she was falling. She was scared but the slowing down and having something to grab on made her stop her screaming. She felt the broom was connecting with her mind and telling her that it will take her to anywhere she wants to go. They flew through the landscape of the city and left a trail of blue glittering dust.

A group of kids hanging by the Doxen 711 saw her and started screaming. Candy didn't mind; Feeling free and ecstatic, she let out a relieved roaring as the broom elevated her into the night sky. The marvelous view made her teared up.

A few moments later, they landed in the woods by her apartment and no one saw her.

"What a Fucking day." She laughed as she picked up the broom and wished she was in her bed already.

If you have any comments or advice. Email me at I appreciate it.

Next: Chapter 4

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