Strange Minds

By tawind yu

Published on Nov 14, 2023


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There will be references to horror movies or pop culture that by no means is an attempt to plagiarize.

Strange Minds (A Saga of Older Male Taming) 2

Surprise, Surprise

All Rights Reserved © 2020, Ty Su

Cargo Delivery Company

What a bizarre late-night Jake and Miles were having. First, the massive power-off lasted for 3 full hours as their phone showed to the second. The night sky had never been clearer. You could see the shape of the Milky Way. Jake thought to himself.

Then they got an email. They never got emails but they did tonight. Someone asked them to deliver a previously stored box to a residential house. Again strange. Their specialty is delivering mechanical parts, going from factory to factory, and Bluex is one of the companies that they often deliver. Now they needed to drive 45mins to a place that, from the google map, a suburb house, Strange.

They couldn't complain. The company policy is to deliver 24/7. None of the fancy factories in the area can afford to miss a part. Factories by the town might cut people off but never a mechanic part, the union is losing their power recently.

Then on the way to deliver, Jake and Milles heard the news; Bluex had exploded and no death has been reported yet.

"Shit!" Miles said he is a big man. huge frame, 6"3.

"Fucking weird ", he said, "you think the power-off has anything to do with the explosion?"

"Probably, " Jake, the tall and muscular build daddy sitting next to Miles, said without moving his tired eyes from the road ahead. Both in their 50's, moving comfortably in their heavy and hairy body, Jake and Miles are bodies who have been working together for a few years. Miles, the senior one of them both, whose skin has a natural golden brown tone. Jake, who never paid any extra mind to his paler skin and sheer black hair, blissfully unaware how beautiful, or vulnerable, they might have been in the eyes of those lusting over large, medium built and hairy bears. Both of them, gorgeous in a way that only gay men and mid-age single women would appreciate, knew this deeply.

"I cannot believe they let the factory run after 2016, I thought Trump eliminated all that clear energy shit." Jake wanted to keep the conversation going so he wouldn't fall into sleep.

"They found a loophole in the local laws, as long as the product is not selling in the US. They are allowed to operate."

"But what do they do?"

"God knows" Miles drew out a cigarette. Surprised as he took a glance, This is not his cigarette, a pink cig box with a lot of Hello Kitty pictures. Last night he met a Chinese fag at the club he bounced. He offered to give Jake a blow job and took him to his place. When Jake left he probably grabbed the wrong cigarette box.

Funny, Jake thought to himself, That faggot is good at giving head, and he ended up fucking him.

Entranced, he lit up the cig, then went on to talk to Miles.

"I used to deliver parts to them. That place is sketchy as hell. Do you know, no men work in that place? Everywhere you go you only see women in those blue security helmets and lab coat" Jake swaggered at Miles.


"Oh yeah, Can you believe it, a factory that is operated only by women, I mean not to say they are less than men, My mom used to work in the factory with her brothers. She works harder than any man I knew, but She did not like it and left as soon as I was born. Factories are just not some workplaces that attract women."

"I know what you meant"

"Anyway, every time I deliver, they would be nice to me but I can see it in their eyes that they want me gone as soon as possible. The creepier thing is they would ask me to walk through a tunnel."

"A tunnel?"

"Yeah, a tunnel painted blue. They asked me to walk through the tunnel every time I was there. I found out when they asked me to park there when there were plenty of parking spots elsewhere. You know, shits cannot be that simple. I noticed the women working there are kind of scared of that place. They only led me there but none of them went with me. Sometimes I have to speak to the managers. They would tell me she is waiting for me on the other side."

"Interesting," Miles said as he scratched under his nose. He took a whiff and notice the smell of the fag he fucked during lunch break still on his finger. It gave him tickles in his pants. The guy said he is Chinese, but bleached his hair blonde. He was really good at giving blow jobs and ate Miles' ass hole real good; so good that Miles cum twice and let him kiss him on the mouth before he left.

Shortly they parked by the house with the help from google map, both of them could die when they saw the fag they fucked came out of the house with a smile on his face. Besides being surprised, Jake could swear he saw a blue light sparkled before the door opened. For a solid 5 seconds, they saw the Chinese fag's feet were not touching the ground.

"Hey guys" He leered.

"Hey, are you Daniel Wiss"

"No, that's my roommate, he is out of town, I am here to help get the delivery, I am Yang"

"Okay then"

Both Miles and Jake decide there and then maybe a temporary memory would serve their best interest.

"Where should we put the box."

They opened the truck. The smallest cargo container they had was there. They took it down with a bump and wheel it into the park yard where the gate has been unlocked.

"Thanks, guys."

"No problem."

He slipped a 50 dollar bill to each of the delivery men and scratched their hands as he passed the bill.

"Also, I know you guys take out-going to deliver too"

"We do, " Jaked said.

"There is a box in my kitchen, I would need you to deliver to South Doxen. Two hours from here."

"Sure, no problem"

They came into Dan's house. The floor has a small pile of scattered letters. A cup of Rum coke left on the kitchen counter with a water ring around it. A phone is left on the floor. Other than that the house looks neat. Smells nice too. Yang cleaned the Kitchen counter and brought out two cups of peach tea, handing them to the delivery men.

"Sorry I don't have soda"

"No worry this is nice."

"So, there is the box I am sending out. " Yang waved his hand.

Yang pointed at a box that is as tall as half of the refrigerator.

"You can fill out the form here, What are you sending out?"

Jake handed him the form.

"Clothes and props. Harrow Meade Theater Company. I worked at the back of the stage. Just something we need for our show. I am sending them to Doxen to put them on the tour truck."

"Got it." Miles

Suddenly Miles noticed the logo on the box.

"Bluex? Didn't they just have an explosion there? "

"Oh This is Dan's box, He worked there. I asked him to get me one of these"

Yang hit the box hard, shaking it a bit.

"Strong build. I need a container like this. Those props are super delicate."

Both delivery Men nodded but still puzzled. Little did they know that Dan was loaded into the box about an hour ago, gagged and tied with rope while he is still awake. His dick has been teased the entire time as the rope going up and down on him. Layers and layers of tapes circulate his bound body, mummifying him. He was making a moaning sound before a small piece of the plastic film completely sealed his lips with a cum rag inside, soaked with the cum from several individuals including Jake and Miles. A working vibrator inserted into his anus. Throughout the loading time, being blindfolded and gagged, Dan couldn't see his captor as he slowly contemplated his situation, but none of the questions were answered, why would anyone go through a length to kidnap him. A blue sparks, as if a lighter misfire, beamed in the middle of the darkness. And that was the last thing he saw.

"So, do you know what happened?"Jake asked

"No, not really," Yang said, not looking at them.

"I used to work for BlueX.To be honest this is kind of weird. I am surprised your roommate worked there. I thought they only hire women"

"You are right, all the staff is female, But Dan's accounting firm is not part of the factory building block."

"Understand, It's just we heard so many rumors about that place. People saw blue light come out of it at night. Some kid said they saw people who can fly go in and out of that place."

"Well like you said, those are rumors. I know someone who works there. The place cannot be more normal. The owner wanted a woman because of a clause they signed with the local employment committee."

"Gotcha" Jake was going to prepare to load the box, unrealizing Yang wants to keep talking.

"The company was founded by a man called Taixing, his wife Ming is the top scientist in China. They studied molecular AI for years, in another word, they tried to build a robot that is so small that only the size of a molecule. The technology has been attempted by many scientists in many countries and China has been left behind for so many years, but they caught up and exceeded."

"Ming and Taixin came to the United States to build the company because Azusville has the one and only environmental condition for them to run the test on their theories. They discovered in order to build a molecular robot they needed to make the robots build themselves and evolve. Instead, creating a micro-robot. She invented..., no, she gave birth to a plethora of species, later, a name was given to their invention--- MAI with a purpose to do everything that the nowaday technology has failed to do. Clarifying the air, water, and solving global warming. Then 2016 happened, Local government is trying to shut them down because they are categorized as clean energy. There are white supremacists attacking them every day. Until one day, a gang called Glory Crusade broke in as they were having a board meeting and killed most of the board member and employees including Taixing, and left Ming paralyzed for the rest of her life "

"I think we are just gonna get the box the go," Miles said

Yang waved his hand and both of the delivery men sat back to their seats. Not able to move a muscle, their mouths were muffled by two invisible huge man hands.

"Do you know what is the most interesting thing? After Taixing died, the company was bought by a company called Sol. And it miraculously got permission from the local government and continues to run. It turned out Sole is a sub-company of Trump Corporation. And someone from that company plotted the massacre and killed Taixing. Taixing's son dug all the dirt out!! Do you know he is also a fag who likes to suck old men's dick and eat their cum, lick their asshole, and all sorts of things? But there is one thing he liked the most. He likes to abduct them and turn them into sex slaves. "

Yang waved his hand.

Jake and Miles took a gasp of breath as they felt the immense pressure lifted from their mouth.

"Let us go, we have nothing to do with the Glory Crusader. We are just two delivery men"

"Of course you aren't a Glory Crusader, But you are the brother of Johnny Moore. And Miles is the birth father of Daug Treen. Both involved in the Bluex massacre. I couldn't find them. They did what they did and fled the country with Trump's protection, but with both of your genes, I could locate them very soon. What do you say, guys? Let's go on a road trip to Mexico?"

Yang's body lit up with blue fire. He floats up 3 inches above the ground. His eyes are spinning like a crazy clock. Something in his throat is glowing. Then slowly, he disappeared in the air.

Jake and Miles are being lifted up by something. So does the box. They felt as if there were hands touching them, groping them, stimulating them at the place made them yapping and moaning. The sensations are everywhere. Something was rubbing their biceps and there was a tongue-like thingy stick into their butthole and giving them a rim job. Their dicks are milked by these invisible hands and mouths, kissing them, trying to stick into their mouth. They both felt the edge to cum before the force opened the trunk and dumped a box in there. They were lifted like string dummies and directed to their seats in the front.

In a blink of an eye. Both of their clothes were torn and thrown to the back seat. Butt naked, Miles and Jake both felt something was being inserted into their butt. They couldn't see but they could feel it growing and probing inside. Their nipples were being licked and sucked, ears were covered. Not being able to scream, the force covering their mouth made sure not a bleep leaked out from the poor duo. Jake can move his neck. He took a glimpse at Miles, his fat dick was jerking up and down as if the force was relentless trying to make him cum and made it leak a copious amount of precum. Getting turned on by what they saw, both of the men lost their thoughts in all the stimuli.

A voice behind them uttered "I will not let your boys cum until we are in Dexon. That is a 3 hours drive. Buckle up and here we go."

Seatbelts fastened on them, car keys flew out from the torn down cloth and inserted to the keyhole, the car started and got out of Dan's driveway. No one was touching the wheel yet the car was steadily accelerated as it approached the highway to Doxen.

Secretly hopes this moment will never end, Miles prayed in some dark corner of his mind.

"It won't, daddy. It won't." the voice behind them breathing to Their' ears.

Bluex's CEO, Diego, is in a huge panic. The explosion just happened like that. Someone messed up, He thought. He just got out of the phone with Donal Trump, and he called him the worst slur possible. Diego refused to recognize it but in fact, he messed up.

There are tons of meetings happening in the different sites of the explosion. He doesn't know where to look.

A nice Asian looking intern came by and bought him a cup of coffee. He is tall and on the heavy side Wearing eye make-up and lip gloss. Diego wanted to fire him right there but the intern spoke up before he even uttered a word.

"Mr. Diego, I think there is a surveillance tape you will be interested in taking a look at."

Before he got an answer, he opened his laptop and pressed space.

In the video. Yang was running by the reaction pool that now is a site of explosion ruin. He stopped and took out a small vial of liquid. He poured the liquid into the pool. The reaction pool turned to a blue steams pool. A cyan glow fills the room like fairy dust. He then opened his flyer, looked up at the CCTV, smiling, and taking out his middle finger. Just like that, he started peeing into the reaction pool. A blue flame rose up from the pool, in a brim of seconds, devoured Yang. The fire then started spreading and engulfed everything at sight. Then the image turned to white noise.

"Do we know who he is?" Diego asked

"Not yet"

"You are fired"

"But I have a guess"

"Tell me"

"I just got fired"

" You are now employed"

"And a raise"

"Okay, spit or I will beat you and throw you out."

"He is holding the MAI and he is Asian. I think he might be related to..."

The intern looked around and lowered his voice.


Diego pushed him away and made him fall, then walked away.

"Give me everything I need in 45 mins. Meet me at Situation room 4. If you are late, never let me see your face again."

"Got it, I will be ready in 30"

The intern replied. He looked at Diego's back as he walked away with a huge grin of a smile. A flare of bright blue speckled in his eyes.

____________________________________________________It's not good but I really would like to hear form your guys, If you have any comment or advice. Email me at

Next: Chapter 3

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