Strange Minds

By tawind yu

Published on Mar 13, 2023


Strange Minds (A Saga of Older Male Taming) 11

Authoritarian/ Scifi/ Fantasy/

Chapter Title:

Men of Pain 11

Strange Minds (A Saga of Older Male Taming)

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Yang is enjoying his three slaves; in the morning, he would release Dan and Jake and Miles from their cages and their bondage; they had moved to a reclusive farm, far far away from any civilization, surrounded by mountains and forests and rivers. He then asked them into a lovely river that runs down the hillside, even in the hottest summer, the water is freezing cold, in there, they will pee, shit, and wash their body inside out while Yang bemused by their hairy body trembling in the coldness. In the beginning, the three of them would complain, especially Jake, and always looking for an opportunity to escape, but for some reason, they couldn't run far enough. As they exhausted all their energy, Yang would saunter towards them, with a huge grin on his face.

It didn't take the three of them too long to realize there is something strange about the place; the forests are always changing their place, no explicit pathway could be found. and the river too. Someday they found the river will run in the opposite direction as if it was yesterday. Someday, they could see a highway of sort close-by, they would run to but never seem to reach it even if they could see cars going back and forth. And no matter how far they went, the small cottage house by the riverside would appear if they decided to go back.

Yang would be there waiting on the porch, with the same grin they have grown to hate so much, and the dinner or lunch would be ready. The food they couldn't put a name to it. Nicely prepared and placed on the dinner table.

And this is the tricky part, they are hungry, tired, and cold or having severe sunburn due to the fact that Yang wanted them to be naked all the time, but they cannot touch the food or get close to them if they are not following Yang's order; sometimes they would be asked to lie on the floor with their arms and legs supporting them, sticking their ass out and parting their cheeks with their own hands; Yang would go around them, inspecting their assholes, stroking their dicks as he likes, slapping them till their ass became gleaming red. He bit them, not very hard but enough to elicit a yelp out of them-- he would ask them to stand around him as he kneels in the center, pinching each other's nipples. Yang played with their dicks like some press release balls, nonchalantly making them come to the edge again and again but never allowing them to cum.

Jake, the most rebellious of them all, tried many times to fight back or escape--one time, he punches Yang in the face but his fist got swallowed after the punch landed--slowly and surely, his body started melted into yang's body, which has become a gooey-meaty-color-gelatin material and consumes Jake before he could make out a sound to ask for help, then the ** skin suit* slowly solidified, encased Jake into a muscular meatball, mummified from head to toe, left him lying on the living room floor; Dan and Miles tried their best to get him out but only got themselves entangled with the meaty mess.


A sneer chilled all of these bear men's spine, Dan turned and discovered Yang was sitting on the couch as if he was there the entire time.-- minutes later, there were three tightly wrapped mummies lying on the floor in a fetus position. All their balls and dicks are exposed at the back between their thighs.

"Mmmmmmhhhhhhhm," crying they were; craving freedom they were; frustrated and confused they were-- they couldn't help the fact that they have become some helpless man-toys that only serve to Yang's delight. Looking at the despair in their--Yang smiled a sun in spring.

These sessions and post-insurrection punishment would continue into the deep evening; Dan is Yang's favorite, so he would be treated as a main course, positioned on the dinner table with the rest of the food. Yang gouge Dan's fat dick and slowly making it to the point of exploding. And then he will take a sip of cold water and do it again. But only to soften dan's dick. He loves and enjoys this game, so it takes him hours to finish dinner.

The three mummified man-toys would later be released in their cages with food left on the floor. Fortunately, they were never treated cruelly, not server torture-- just complete humiliation. And it is also confusing to them-- why they were locked here, and being fed and occasionally played but never harmed?

Sometimes Yang would disappear for days and leave them exploring the surroundings, figuring out how to get out but when he comes back, the routine resumes.

"Why are you doing this to us?"

"I thought I told you when I took you, white beard daddy?"

Miles was tied to a chair today, with both of his legs hoisted to his thigh and tied to his ankle; looks like he has been selected to be the main toy for the evening--Dan and Jake were tied to the posts in the living and watching the Miles going through the torture--Miles's dick is ridging hard now after Yang sucked on it for the past 30 minutes, he got really nervous that Yang is putting his finger inside him; this has happened to him in the past three weeks but he still feels mortified when it happened, especially while his coworker is watching.

"I am trying to find your son, Miles?" Yang reached into his pocket and produced a bright red but plug.

"No, no, no, not this please, " Miles begged," don't put that in me please."

"Why not Daddy?" Yang disingenuously asked "I thought you start to grow to like it, "

He put a thick layer of lube on the buttplug and slowly put it inside Miles' contracting asshole.

"I tried the normal way to find your son, " he pushed steadily, "hired a detective and all, but that leads to nowhere... "

Miles let out a wimp but didn't seem too stressed. Dan is watching them in awe-- he knows too well of how Miles feels now-- an absolute pleasure, which he secretly hoped that happen to him.

Yang continued "So it started to make sense, you see, when all the earthly way is exhausted, there is one possible option left, in your son's case... is magic."

"Yooooooooou aaaaaare craaaaaazy," Miles lost his breath as the sensation heightens and hits him in waves. "My son knows nothing of magic, yoooooou got the wrong person"

"No, no, no Daddy, " Yangs fastened the speed in his hand. " He knows magic, or associated with someone who knows magic, and they are hiding him from me now. I couldn't find him anywhere in the world, I used your hair to ask for the most powerful witch I could find, I gave your cum to an oracle who could procure me anything under the sun, I even use the most advanced technology available to a human at this point to find him, but I failed--that's why I need you"

Miles felt like he was on verge of cumming, again, for the 3rd time today.

"I have to milk you and keep you horny all the time when the cum inside your ball is churning, boiling, and at its most desirable state. Some guests will come and trade it with the information on your son"

"I... wwwwwwon't leeeeeeeeet youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu dooooo it." Miles tilted his head, rolling his eyes, dying from Yang's manipulation.

"Of course you won't, " Yang smirked and stood up, he wiped his hands with a towel and slammed it on top of Miles ' bounded body.

" This has been a sore, looking for your son, but just so you know, he probably has involved with some dangerous magic,"

Miles stared at Yang, not a single response.

"And that is dumb, he should have just come back and let me kill him, whoever is covering him is probably owning his soul."

Yang walked to Miles and lowered down to level with his eyes. Miles angrily turned his head away.

"I am sorry, the hunters are going to come over tomorrow, I was going to keep you or release you after I killed your son, but I guess now I have to sell you to a couple of fairies. I heard sometimes they don't treat humans so well... Sorry white beard daddy."

Yang giggled and started his trick on Miles' gland, elicited a groan from Miles' mouth.

"Please, don't... "

Dan spoke up, as his hands were tied to the pillar in the living room. Yang played with him before focusing on Miles. He is very comfortable other than having his hands loosely tied above his head.

" You are not treating us badly... I guess you don't mean to hurt us, but if you sell him to someone else..." Dan continued.

"Awww, I am so touched daddy. " Yang turned to Miles. "You are lucky I really enjoy this daddy over there, you know. I guess... I have to figure out a way to trick the fairy to tell the information and still find a way to keep you."

He used his hand dipped on Miles' glans and wet his finger with his cum, lowered himself to draw a circle on the floor; a weird-looking rod appeared in the middle of the circle. He took the rod up and the rod stayed where it was, but he is holding one in his hand. He repeated the same thing 3 more times--5 dark wooden rods aligning on the floor; each one has a face engraved with gold and feels like a smooth and oversized paperweight.

" Buddhism has an interesting concept; the source of your Karma came from 5 poisonous sins; greed, anger, obsessiveness, pride and doubts. All the bad Karma that you will eventually suffer in the present life and the next life came from your failure to seize control of your sins,"

He arranged the rods into a perfect circle on the floor.

"I will keep thinking about finding your son without making you a slave to some low-life white fairies, "

He looked over to Miles

"However, I would need you to help me find a Dharma first,

" If you fail or don't want to participate, your buyer will be arriving soon and I am gonna have to sell you to them for your son's information... and he will die as soon as I find him

Yang walked to Miles and took his shaft in his hand.

"So what do you think white beard daddy?"

"What do I do... " His anger made his body bulge inside all the bondage he was in.

"Easy, you sit down on one of them of your choice, If you can manage not to cum before I pull you up and help me to get a powerful Dharma, I will keep my promise.

"And you guys," Yang looked over to Dan and Jake, " If he failed you guys can help him by filling in his position. "

The word made Dan's dick flinch, he hoped Yang wouldn't notice, but Yang gave him a side-eye.

After Yang united Miles' legs and helped him stand up, stretching his limbs to get the blood circulating around his body, Miles walked to the rod's arrangement and lowered himself down.

"How do I do this?"

"You need to try to get yourself on top of the rod and make sure it goes into your asshole."


Miles started maneuvering himself onto the rod he found smaller, lowered himself down, he tried to detect the rod with his ass. Watching one of his slave mates trying to fuck himself on a wooden rod made Dan's dick harden, involuntarily. Yang walked over and started gently stroking his dick and listened to Miles' breath deepening.

After brief 15 minutes which to miles felt like a lifetime, he mounted himself onto the rod, then, panting as a fish rushed onto the shore; the rod does not feel too big but not too small either; he had some difficulty when first pushing himself down, but, after that, it was just some mild discomfort-- then he felt the rod is getting warmer and warmer.

"It is so interesting to see you pick the Anger Rod, Miles daddy,"

Yang sauntered to the side of Miles; two yellow strings of thin topes dropped from his palm as if have a mind of their own, circling them onto Yang's body, tying his arms behind his back-- his legs are also tightened to his thigh separately--Miles once again trapped in bondage.

"Now what?" Miles' voice shows volatility. Yang smiles again, puts their index finger onto his lip to sush Miles, and gestured to him to look down.

A string of flame raised by Yang's side, rising like a curtain, slowly engulfed both of them.----Miles realize they have now stood on top of a mountain coated with an inferno of wildfire. The wailing, screaming, and crying filled the smoky air as Miles marveled at the dreadness of where he stands.

"Where are we?"

"Some people call it Tapana, some people call it the Hell of fire, anyway, we are here."

"I can't believe it, " Milles felt panic kicked in."Why am I in hell... I ... is it because I had laid with men? "

"Hahaha, no, hells are not for things like that--though your anger did transport us here, "

"What do you mean?" Miles was terrified of what he was looking at and showed a defeated look at Yang.

"Hells are for people who are normal and undeserving. Most of the religion believe it is an assessment on people's characters when they were alive, which can't be more untrue. No, everyone in the world is equally deserving to go to hell and heaven and both. Therefore hell is for people who can't see through their limitations and stay in the shell of their present self willingly. Once they impeding their understanding of the world, they go to hell, and hell is the only place that will keep them," Yang ran his fingers through Miles' hair as if he is a little kid " No, you won't be going to hell, I won't allowing it, but I don't think you will enjoy heaven either daddy."

Yang suddenly became alerted--as if just heard something, he put his hand on Miles' shoulder.

"Okay daddy, this is what you're gonna do, " his voice somehow turned stoic. "There will be two personnel approaching you shortly. If they asked, You're going to tell them that you are a Man of Pain from Kunlun, wondering in your dream when your master will punish you. Remember Man of pain from Kunlun

" They, then, will ask you to share some Yangyuan with them, you will say your Yangyuan is to serve Chi'lin and they can't have it. Most likely, they will show you a red feather quill to exchange your Yangyuan, you will decline. They will show you a blue quill, you will politely decline again. Only when they show you a yellow one, you will say yes, but only if they can help you stand up. Remember, they need to put the feather under the rope around your chest before helping you stand up. Or both of us will be in trouble.

Miles was scared, but he could only nod; Yang stood to the side, put one finger on his lip as he was shushing people.

Slowly, two beautiful men appeared out of the fire and briskly exchanging talks as they approached. Miles noticed one of them has a snake-skin tattoo all over his exposed arms and the other one has small tree branches extended from his shoulders, covered with cherry blooms.

"Look what do we have here?"

"Indeed, this almost felt like a trap"

"It may as well just be one "

"Let's find out"

"Who are you," The tree branch guy asked.

"I ...," Miles was intimidated by their appearance and could only utter a complete sentence "I am a Man of Pain in Kunlun, I stumbled upon this place by accident. "

"Man of Pain she said?"

"It's a he... hahaha, he speaks White words hahaha"

" That's interesting, White words...," the Tree guy peered at Miles and swam his eyesight all over his body. "And I thought they don't speak white words in Kunlun"

"Apparently they do now, we haven't been to the mortal world for a while, these humans change their language every few years. "

"Aren't you a good-heart-devil, knows so much about humans. Be careful one day they put you on hunting duty."

"I don't mind, I heard the ones do the hunting sometimes taking Yangyuan without reporting to ... to *you know who and some of them had an *ascending already. We are in living hell can do whatever we want with the dead ones, but only can have so much Yangyuan from that stupid `donkey'. "

"Shush sweetheart, too early for this... " The snake-skin guy looks really nervous from what he just heard.

"I don't give a two dam" the flower branches guy "I am in pain to understand why these holy animals control the mortals and the immortals. You know there are gods above them right? why don't they do anything?"

"Quiet... Sister" The snake guy's face turned a shade paler than a moment ago as he tried to calm the flower guy. "Ears and eyes are everywhere-- you don't want a low-life demon to tattle on you... I think this man of pain did not have enough control over his breath, lost consciousness when being milked by their masters. He will be on his way soon, if not, his master will come here and pick him up soon. We could get in trouble with those people... You know what," a sly smile appeared on the snake man's face. "I bet we can ask him for some Yangyuan before his master comes--He looks like he hasn't cum for days. Hahaha" (And they were right, Miles can't remember the last time he cum.)

"I misread you sister, " the tree guy looked at the snake with a brooding squint "you are the smarter one between us, and that makes me sad"

"Stop." He walked over to Miles

"Tell me, white beard Man of Pain," the snake guy said to Miles but staring at his dick "We would like to have some of your Yangyuan before you master summon you back if you agree we can scratch your back and plant a seed in there. A money tree will grow out of your back; when your master milked you and you can pay your debt sooner. What would you say? "

Miles was completely lost; he didn't understand anything these two were talking about, but there is one word that caught his attention, which is the word Yangyuan. Yang mentioned this thing many times and now these two weird-looking men are asking it from him too... It must have been something very important.

"I ... I mean sure... but, " He remembered what Yang told him

"My Yangyuan is to serve Chi.... Chi'lin and I can't share it with you."

The two men step back, stunned by what they have just heard.

"This man is a slave to one of the Chi'lin?" the tree guy looked over to the snake guy.

"That's why the fire in hell can't bother him, must be some powerful magic"

"Whitebeard daddy, " the snake guy's voice changed to a much more respectful tone " please forgive us, we didn't know you are the Man of Pain that serve Chi'lin... we didn't mean to offend... "

He waved his hand in the air and when he showed his palm to Miles, a red feather appeared in his hand.

"This red feather-plume was blessed by the daughter of fire. If you bear this one when you are released from your service. You can command fire, waging wars, and be an owner of hundred arcs... live up to 300 years old.``

Miles is now very intrigued by the offer, even though he still thinks the guys are talking nonsense--he remembered Yang asked him to not accept, so he shook his head.

"Are you seriously trying to trick him to give out Yangyuan for this?" the tree guy spoke up and pushed the tree guy away. He waved in the air and a blue feather quill appeared in his hand.

"This blue quill blessed by the maid of the dragon, you can command roads and resources, own thousands of arcs of lands, be a wise man that even the king or president would fear; 500 years of life will add to your lifespan, only if you take it from my hand.

In Miles' head, he started to think these weird-looking men/monsters are truly crazy, or is he? He had never heard anything like it. This time, even though he didn't think Yang's warning shook his head, he would really like to know how much this monster will pay for his Yangyuan... so he shook his head.

Both of the demons elongated their faces--Miles for a second thought they were going to kill him, but instead, they looked at each other.

"Someone has told him about us " the snake guy nervously looked over to the tree guy.

"Who it could be?"

"Could it be the nine tails" The snaked guy lowered his voice.

"Nine tail hate Chi'lin."

"Man of Pain," the Tree guys raised his voice "Who is you master"

Miles kept being quiet.

"They vowed not to say anything about their master, you know that"

"Whatever," the tree guy continued, "This is our last offer," he waved his hand again, a golden quill appeared.

"This could be the most valuable possession you could ever possess and you will ever possess-- you hold on to this feather, anything you want as long as the thing you want is known to a being that lives in the universe, will come true. "

"Why are you explaining to him?" the snake guy asked

"I wanted to, earthlings don't know how valuable this thing is,"

The Tree guy waved the quell and looked forward.

"You humans only live in a world where you know what you know and you don't know what you don't know,

" A monkey was born, if the monkey were never sawed any other monkey have sex, the monkey wouldn't know how to have sex,

" So the secret is knowing and knowing is the one and only true power.

" imagination is a form of knowing-- you imagine therefore you know and it could be real or not real, but the form and existence in the hypothetical world are valid, therefore you know. And this plume can do just that, everything in the world, as long as you know or someone you know knows, it will make it happen, make it come true. "

"What about the things that I don't know, can I make it happen? " Miles surprisingly understood everything the snake guy was talking about. Being invested in the theory, he asked the snake guy a question.

" That's the tricky part, you now know I existed--I am a supernatural being, a demon, live in hell, you are a man of pain, the son of a human. Once you have the quill you can summon me, prison me and interrogate me, demanding all my knowledge and have access to the things you don't understand. With my knowledge, you can make all the things that I know come true."

"As if I am a god... " Miles keeps surprising the Tree guy and Yang who has been hiding on the side.

"No, " the tree guy answered, " the gods are all-knowing and all-mighty, they know what you know and they know what you don't know, Therefore, you won't be able to find them because they know what I don't know, and I only know what I know, I can't ever truly know gods and you won't ever find god with the quill I gave you. That's why you can summon anyone in the world except gods, which makes you extremely powerful, but only a little less than a god,"

"Aren't you afraid if I have this quell I can prison you and hurt you? "

"Yes, that's why I am going to curse you when you receive the quill-- you will never remember me and my friend or this place as long as we exist once you take the quill out of my hand. "

"So I can never hurt you?"

"Yes, but anyway, I guess you will probably use it to make yourself insanely rich or start a war or something, to your human, it is a magic wand that will make everything come true to you-- it can't be anything more powerful than that. And you don't have to worry about Gods, demons, or anything else as long as you are a mere mortal-- Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?"

"Give us your Yangyuan!!!"

"Or okay, but I am tied up here" Miles kind of hopes this strange being can help him escape by untying him.

"Huh, you are smart..." the snake guy laughed, which made Miles confused, "Your master cursed the ropes, you can't get out, don't you know that? I am not going to risk offending your master to release you from your bound--you are a milking slave after all.... Hahaha "

The words angered Miles.

"So I guess you can help me get up then, by the way, can you put the quill under the rope? Just close to my chest."

"I guess" the snake guy replied, "I shall curse you now... "

The Tree Guy circled his index finger and touched on Miles's head, immediately Miles felt a rush to his head-- things started losing color. There is something leaving his body, he is well-aware, but He doesn't know what it is.

The tree guy and snake guy are laughing at Miles-- their body started to disperse and morphed into a lucid- human-shape with branches sticking out from its back and a huge black snake-- slowly, the tree branches and the snake wrapped Miles body--he felt his nipples and dicks are being touched-- and it feels sticky-- as if someone is sucking him, making him horny and breathless.

"Nooooooooo...," Miles' objection was swallowed by the chaos.

The tree branches and the snake lifts Miles up, he feels the rod, which is just a butt plug to him, has disengaged from his body.

A different kind of flame rushed out, alighting the mountain surrounding Miles and Yang, unlike the flame on the mountain, the flame disperse has millions of eyes and faces-- all the faces are so angry as if they are trying to swallow everything around them, however, for some reason, Miles felt absolutely safe being embraced by the pyre of fire.

But the fire scared the snake guy and the tree guy to turn back to their human form and jumped away from Miles.

"Who are you?" The tree guy cried.

"Sorry Qishe and Huazhi, I just have to borrow your golden quill"

Yang is now floating above them and holding Miles`s rope, suspending him in the air with him.


The tree guy tried to break out the fire by waving his finger but nothing happened.

"You can't hurt me, I have nine-tails power, you know that. Sorry things have to come to this,"

"Why would you need the quill, you have the power of God already, "

"Yes, but I still can use the true power of this quill."

"For hundreds of years, the quill is in my possession and I know what it can do; War was waged in the world and plague spread and killed millions. How dare you telling us we don't know the true power of the Knowing Quill"

"This Quill is the truth, you said so yourself, one can only know what they know, therefore, things can only be done within the scope of one's understanding of the world. But the only thing we know, the real power of what we know, is we don't know everything-- You don't know everything, therefore, if you claimed that you don't know everything but you know someone knowing everything, which is a god, therefore, in your mind, you have decided to put yourself in the same position of a god, but you are fundamentally not a god because you don't know everything--a paradox you see, then, is a paradox, lays the truth, which is *God doesn't exist and with that truth, I would be able to kill gods "

"That's a lie, no one can kill gods, one can seal their power and soul, or even steal their power, but no one, not human, not fairies, not a demon or even gods themselves can kill gods." The tree guys yelled and desperately waved his hands to try to break out the flame and get closer to Yang and Miles.

"Well, we shall see then... " Yang kicked the rod on the floor down as he broke the flame in half and almost reached over to them with his long tree branch of arms. Although everything disappeared, miles found himself now lying on the same floor before he was dragged into hell. The living room looks the same. Dan and Jake were tied up in the same position and place, completely shocked by what they have seen. Miles noticed he smells like Sulfur and burns; the things he saw were real-- he is glad he is now back to a safe harbor, so he turned around and saw Yang toying the quill in his hand. The golden color fluidly running up and down between his fingers.

"Do you know what you could have done with this daddy?"

"Kill a god," Miles said with a dismissive tone.

"Exactly," Yang now pointed the feather at Miles, "but first we need to trick the fairies," he paced back and forth in the room as he stroking the feather "You shall see daddies, I will get what I want from the fairies,"

Yang put away the golden feather in his pocket and looked over to Dan and Jake.

"Selling you guys will make me really sad, " He pouted his mouth like a kid " But these fairies won't be happy just showing up for nothing, and I need them to give out the information. So this is what I am gonna do and you guys have to help me. You don't want to be sold to some fairies holes to be milked and drilled for the eternity. I heard they can travel you into your own dream, and there, they will break you with the things you fear, or horny for the most, once they are done with you, there are only going to be pieces and crumbs left."

Yang took hold of Miles' rope and lifted him up as if he was a small rag of the sweater and walked towards Dan and Jake. He gently put him down on the floor, took down Jake and Dan from the ropes hang their arms; the three older men are now lying on the floor, belly down and face up, hands and feet are tied together, with their bits vulnerable to touch and stoke--Yang briskly walking around them, lying down, putting his hand behind his head as if he is lounging under the sun.

"One of you is going to be fucked in the ass, we need to figure who before tomorrow comes. "

Miller is now staring at the man he would like to kill to avenge his family--

Blindfolded, Ricchi, however, recognized Miller's voice, Gagged as he was, and as the panic kicked in, he started wiggling, worrying what Millie would do to him next.

Instead, Miller dragged his mask away, stood up, and stared at Ricchi from a terrifying angle.

"We don't have too much time left," Baihu's voice took Miller back to reality, "leave before the incense ran out."

Miller gave Baihu a nod--with a light flashed into his eyes. q

*** The clock pointed to 2 and half hours ago***

Miller now stands in the house where he first was attacked.

Again he hurried to the garage, the Miller from this timeline could walk in anytime, so he did not waste time and went straight to the crate.

"As long as I cum in that box, mission accomplished." He thought to himself.

Although one thing was left out-- apart from the invisible stroke he felt on his dick, it surprised Miller that his dick won't get hard.

Knowing Ricchi was in the truck with Baihu the entire time distracted him, Miller now couldn't concentrate on cumming into the crate.

"Baihu, we have a problem" Miller called Baihu's name

"What?" the voice appeared as if Baihu was speaking above him.

"This" Miller pointed to his semi-hard dick

"I need you to get hard Miller!!"

Baihu's voice now is ringing inside his hood and made his eardrum hurt.

"I can't Miller" Miller is frustrated, "Did you know about this? The man in that truck, the gimp--he basically killed my wife and kids. If I was not helping you, I could have killed him."

"Maybe this is a coincidence, if not, then you need to hurry up. We might have fallen into a trap, someone put him there to interrupt our plan"

The door burst open as Miller tried to ask Baihu what he meant, The other Miller, the Miller in another timeline, is now standing in front of the naked one.

"Put your hand where I can see them," The other Miller yelled "And turn around slowly"

Miller did what he was told. Shortly the two Millers; one is buck-naked with a hood on and the other wearing a long blazer, looking at each other. They are both waiting for the other one to speak up.

"Look man," The naked Miller went first "I know this looked weird, but I need you to listen, this place is going to blow up and you need to get out *now"

"Take off your hood" The other Miller commended, he didn't know if the naked Miller took his hood off, both of them will be pulled into a time-turbo and torn into pieces.

"I can't"


"I can't, listen, you need to get out, right now!!!"

BANG, the bomb landed on the house, the naked Miller took his dick out from the crate and pulled the other Miller's collar, taking them both to the far end of the garage.

With the ringing in their ear, both of them survived the bombing this time. The naked Miller took a blanket by the garage and put out the fire on his way to the crate that contained Baihu's body. Without thinking twice, he put his dick inside the hole on the crate, he felt the movement and vibration on his dick and Baihu's tail goading him from behind. His dick started sprouting into life, "M..m..m...ah..m" Letting out a few moans, Miller focused on how to cum and completely forgot the other Miller was watching him...

"Oh mine, what do we have here?"

Miller turned around and saw an Asian guy with slick black hair standing behind him smirking.

" Who are you ?" Miller did not pull out his dick but was shocked by the person who dared to come through the ruin of a bombed house.

"Don't talk to him, " Baihu's voice suddenly amplified in Miller's ear. "Just focus, make yourself cum... "

Miller star

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