Straights With Issues

By Male Lover

Published on Feb 11, 2003



Straights With Issues (A sequel to Straight Jake series).

Writer's Note: For those who are familiar with my style, I don't jump into sex plots immediately when I tell my stories. So, if you are one of those who expect hot banging sex from the start, skip this one, or just move to the middle. But if you seek for a gay world story, then welcome and enjoy yourself, only if you approve of gay stories and if you are above 18.

I apologise that I had taken so long to come up with this story. I had written and rewritten a few times. And I had finally found one that suits what I want to tell. My only fear is that a few Straight Jake fans may dislike this. However, one can never tell how my stories will turn out in future.

For those who are interested to read the prequel to this, check Straight Jake out at nifty/bisexual/high school. Or at where the membership is free, and do remember to opt for 'no email' during registration, if you wish not to receive any from this group.

This sequel concentrates only on the male sex. So, whenever there hetero sex activities, I would go through that plot as brief as possible.

As usual, if you like the story, please do let me know at . I would love to hear from anyone, just anyone who has something to say about it.

All characters and events are fictional. Any similarity is purely coincidental.

Straights With Issues 1 - Sequel to Straight Jake

I got up from my bed, leaving behind my quest for the evening - Tanya, who was still asleep on my bed. The blanket was half-covering her naked body, exposing one of her full breasts. She was gorgeous. Guys in my college would kill for a night with her, and yet, here, in my room, I was their envy for the night.

When we had left the party earlier, I did make sure that the guys were aware whom she left with - an action to re-affirm, my ability, and luck - of course. But I was sure too, that the girls in the party were envious of Tanya Corden. I knew some had their eyes on me as well. But only one could be the winner for the night, and Tanya had played well to ensure the medal would be hers for the evening, and she was so rightfully rewarded - with hard-pounding fucks from me.

Tanya loved my eight inches, hard mantool pounding her. (Yeah, I was surprised too, that I was still growing in that department.) She told me, again and again, as I gave it to her, rough. Even if she had not said so, her moans would have given that away.

I liked her. Kinda hoping that she would outlast the previous girls. I liked girls with big boobs. Beauty would be a second criteria. Good in bed would a plus quality.

I rubbed my left eye with the back of my hand, as I stood in front of the bathroom mirror. I got up from the warm bed, because of this. I made the mistake of pressing my face onto Tanya. Her hair irritated my eye. God, I hoped it had not turned red. I applied cold water from the running tab onto my eye, hoping it would sooth the pain. It was getting a little sore, from the rubbing.

What looked back at me in the mirror was an a guy in his late teen - short blonde hair, boyish (make that good-looking boyish), chiseled face and a body that invited attention. With a lot of practice in the pool, plus basketball and a few workouts, I had trained my body well. Developed it to a level that I could look at it and felt proud. Girls loved it. Guys admired it. Broad shoulders, nicely formed pecs and an almost perfectly V-shaped body. I had muscular thighs, girls intentionally placed their hands on. And if I might say so myself - a nice bubble butt.

My friends called me Leo. The full name is Leo Westlund.

I should be at the top of the world.

I had the look. I had the body. I had undivided sex attention. I was in a prestige college. I was loaded with dad's money and credit. I was alright with my studies. You get the picture.

But yet, I was empty.

Perhaps that was the reason I got me some actions night after night, and when the relationship became a little too serious, I would lose the girl's number. I wished not for more than a good fuck when I needed one. I did not want any girl to tie me down. I was reluctant.


I tried to come up with many excuses. After my first ex, Lori, I needed the freedom. I needed to get laid without being tied down.

Perhaps I knew I could get away with more free rides, or cheap fucks, whichever one title was more suitable. Girls loved my dashing look, and hard body. And I loved them, the girls, in return too, for the sex and many nights of multiple orgasm.

Some girls began to spread the words that I was a playboy, although college year had just started for me, but it was okay, because these girls still fucked me. They kinda saw me as a wild lone ranger.

Perhaps I was lazy for any commitment.

Perhaps I wanted to see more, before I could choose.

But deep within, I knew the truth.

There was only one reason that kept me from feeling complete. One reason that kept me feeling empty.


Jake Thompson.

It felt like forever, and it was a little hard to believe that the start was only last year. Jake became an accidentally male sex partner, to my otherwise happy hetero sex life. I was seeing Lori. And screwing Donna, at the same time. Both were my high school's classmates. Just like Jake.

I was horny, just like 70% of the whole teenagers. And I had my first time years ago, with Lori, making me one of the 40% teenagers who had had their first, before or when they were 15. Had sex with Lori, and sometimes on the same day with Donna, whenever the opportunities arose, which made me a part of the healthy 30%.

Jake was opposite. Born to a man, who had lost his wife when Jake was only a kid, Jake's dad had heard the calling and became a priest. Together, they had moved to my small hometown, and had been there ever since. Jake and I became good friends, since the elementary school. Both of us were the only child in our families, and easily, we became the best friends.

Jake was the boy next door that girls knew their parents would approve of. And somehow, the girls themselves would readily approve of him, of any desire he would express. Jake was a jock. Good-looking, good-built and well-mannered (great to parents, but disappointing to the hormones-driven girls). Active in working out, swimming and basketball, just like me.

Jake hardly dated. Maybe due to his family background, or financially inconfidence, or perhaps it was his attitude of responsibility first. Responsibility to his father, to his studies, sports, clubs, church etc. If there was any interest in sex on his side, he probably had kept all to himself. We never talked about sex, nor about the chicks that we would have like to score with. He seemed to be more occupied with other things, to be bothered about this.

But I knew he had the hots for Donna.

And I would think some girls in the school would get her hands on him before the school was over. They would have raped him, if they could. He was irresistible. I knew one would be getting his virginity.

I would never have thought it would be me.

And since then, my world had changed.

I was straight. Damn straight. Or so, I thought.

One night, by accident, a horny me, was left to be fascinated with Jake's monstrous cock. I let my dick ruled the brain. When Jake was asleep, I sucked his huge cock - a solid 9 inches, and later was fucked in my ass for the first time.

It was my first male-to-male sex. But for Jake, it was his first time ever.

When it was over, any self-proclaimed straight guy would push it to the back of his head and lied to himself that it was a one-time thing only. And so I did. Unfortunately, my heart got in the way. Before I knew it, I wanted more of Jake. Not only sexually. I wanted him for myself.

Emotion got in the way, and we screwed up big time.

A guy was not supposed to love a guy. Let alone fell in love.

But that was what I did. I fell in love. I fell hard.

And the agony was I knew Jake could not fall for me. He cared for me, but was not in love with me.

Our families found out, and we were separated. We were told not to see one another. Father Thompson was the one who had found out first. And he wanted it to end. But Jake, for the first time, went against his dad's words, behind his back. He would come over to see me, when he thought his dad was not aware. That much, he did for me.

My father kicked up storm when he found out. My mom kept quiet, cried later and kept blaming herself. Both were so strongly against Jake and I. In the midst of my argument with my parents, I noticed that Father Thompson had softened in his opinion of all this. I would not say that he had approve of Jake and I, but he had told Jake to stop sneaking out to see me. I was invited to come over, but he did express his wish that we did not let our sexual appetites run our heads.

Just when things felt better with Father Thompson's treatment, the heartbreaking reality came.

I lied to myself that what Jake and I had, was strong. Nothing could come between us. Even Father Thompson had eased down, and I believed my parents would too, some day.

If what we had was true, even heaven could never come between Jake and I.

We thought we could cheat life.

Never had I thought that life could cheat us back. Jake and I were accepted into different colleges.

I was devastated. And my parents announced that we were moving. The house would not be sold, but they said they had wanted something new - a new start. That would spell as 'they want Jake and I not to see one another again'.

Based on my result, I should have been accepted into Jake's choice of university too, but I was not.

I spent many days feeling down. And then, I thought of Jake. I knew he was sad too, because he had promised to make up to me in our college years, whatever he could not, back in school days. We were going to explore our feelings more. We were gonna find out if there was anything in the relationship more than just the sex we had. And I was so willingly to believe that Jake was going to tell me that he loved me too, after all this while.

I faked my feelings. Buried all of them inside me, and lied to Jake that I believed it was the better option for the two of us to be separated. Since that Jake could never be gay, and I did not know if I had wanted to, perhaps the distance would do us both more good than bad.

That lie still burnt deep in me.

Life lied to me.

I was bitter.

That was why I did not think I was ready to commit to anyone. And not any girl. Not as long as Jake was still haunting my head.

I was in my third week, but had scored with 4 girls so far, and counting. Tanya was still in my schedule, and I would be meeting her tonight for personal showdown. Tanya loved sex, and I liked her for that. The thought of her firm breasts made me hard.

But being new in the college, I was aware of the many opportunities. Brunettes, blondes, dark hair, red. Slim, slender, tall, legs, breasts were everywhere. I was easily distracted, and I thought that was a good sign. It would keep me from thinking of Jake.

However, no matter how much I wanted to lie to myself that I was only into male sex with Jake, I was aware of the campus jocks too. They were too many to count, and each one seemed to remind me of studly Jake. Only a few looked better than Jake. The rest were just merely nice-looking ones, but still tempting enough. The open shower in the dorm and at the pool were big temptation spots.

Even fully-clothed campus studs seemed to command my eyes to check them out more than once. Those bodies, those asses. Ahhh... At times, I had to puff out my temptation with the deepest sigh, hoping that the temptation would not come back for another test.

I considered myself lucky that I had a good senior, who was a little nerdy, as a roommate. He was hardly in the room, often in his coursemate's place, leaving me to a great privacy. If he were a hunk, I did not dare to think where this would lead to.

However, I might be transferred to the athletics' dorm if I was selected for the swimming team. The selection would be done that week, and new members would be given the available beds that were kept vacant, for the freshmen. I did not want to worry about things that had yet to happen. I just wanted to over with one day at a time.

I kept myself busy. It was always the parties, assignments, games or anything to tire me down. I needed an escapade and it worked so far.

And I found myself, surprisingly, spending more time in the library. Picking up books, for references or just to read something, when I had nowhere else to go to. If I did not have any game on, nor classes, I avoided my room. I did not need to be alone. And library was just fine.

But there was no denying that I chose library too, because that was where I pictured Jake would be in. Was I hoping to see a Jake in the library? I did not know. But there was some kind of comfort to be in a place where I knew Jake would spend a lot time in...

"Here comes the asshole," Jack mumbled to Kelvin, but it was not that soft. I heard them, and obviously I was curious enough to turn my head away from a slightly alarmed Jack (coz he did not know someone else had heard him), to the guy he was talking about.

My reaction could have been a simple 'oh', and went back to focus on the water in the pool. Or just merely a glance and then looked away. But I could not.

Heading our way, was a guy with dirty blonde hair, gorgeous and a killer smile. Not to mention a killer body. And I was saying that, just from the sight of him fully clothed. I would not dare to imagine him in his speedo.

I began to fear I was right. Joining this swimming team might be more worrying than helping. So far, I had noticed a few freshmen. And I could see that swimming had done good wonders to their bodies, just like what it had done for me. Not all seniors were there. I heard some had pulled out.

But among the seniors, I had found Jack to be really pleasant, in the physical sense. His tall build, plus thigh muscles on the right spots, made him a dreamy one. My eyes caught 4 or 5 others, but I had yet to know their names.

The girls in the tryout were nothing short of mouth-watering dreams too. Sometimes, one could approve the idea that swimming suits were made to match these hourglass-shaped bodies. But they were the least of my problems.

Trouble was approaching. I did not know his name yet, but he was by far the best looking one in the team. I knew I had better watched my steps with him. I feared the unwanted invitation. No matter how strong I determined to be, it would be a guy like this to made me crumble.

The blonde guy looked like a model just ripped off some Calvin Klein's posters. The slow stride he was taking, the eyes admiring blushing girls, and the cheeky smiles he was flashing his potential conquers - he made all those moves so naturally. He was so dashingly handsome, and suddenly I was ashamed to realise that I wanted to know more than just the beauty of his facial feature.

I quickly turned my head away, just to met with Jack's still stunned face expression. I did not think he knew I was checking out that blonde god. Besides, it seemed that I was not the only one 'enchanted' with the blonde god's arrival. A few other heads had turned too. Jack's stunned look was out of fear that I snitched on him. I wondered this blonde hunk would inflict that kind of worry on Jack.

Anyway, I gave Jack a faint smile to let him know I thought his remark was funny. It actually worked. Jack smiled back. He stepped forward and extended his hand.

"Jack O'Neal."

Anyone would have thought I was watching his hand, as mine reached out to shake his, but my eyes were focusing on his groin. His manhood looked big. Still soft, positioned to the right and was already looking like a 4 inches soft. Jack was smooth - the way I liked a guy.

I forced my eyes up, and met his. His eyes, smile and his handgrip made me at ease with this tall stud. Something warm was offered in this friendship. It was like immediately I felt like I could trust him.

"Leo. Westlund," I managed to utter out before the coach raised his voice for all to gather around him.

The coach was in his late 40's, and seemed to add in a little fat above his hips. I made a mental note not to be that lazy to neglect my form in future.

With a whistle hanging around his neck, and a hard file in his hand, the coach called out our names. We were the second group for the tryout. My ears paid a little more attention to certain names. There was that nice chick, names Tiara Jonitt. Another one who caught my attention was Jane something something. There was a dark-haired freshman named Michael, or Mike as he told the coach he preferred to be called. The coach mumbled something about he would worry about that only if Mike was selected. And that there was this cute, slightly short guy named Terence. And Jack's name was called, to which some of the senior girls made some wolf-calling. So, it seemed that Jack had established himself there. Quite a number of admirers. I would not blame them. I met Jack only a few minutes ago, I could feel a strong attraction to his tanned, handsome jock.

My attention on Jack was cut short. My name was called, and I saw some girls were whispering among themselves. I knew it then, that it would be relatively easier than I thought to get my hand on these girls. A few more names were called up.

And then, came the name I was waiting for. The last in the list.

"Jeff? Where are you?" the coach yelled.

"Here.." a voice answered.

The crowd turned to that voice. Some took a step back, to allow the coach to see Jeff, who was sitting on a bench, still dressed up. Jeff was too slow in taking off his shoes. Way too slow. As he knew the attention was on him, he rewarded the girls by casually glancing at them. His attention paused awhile at Kathy Smiths, who looked away when her eyes met his. Kathy was the most senior among the girls. I sensed some tension between them.

I stepped back a bit, and bumped into Jack's chests. I muttered my sorry, but his attention was on Kathy, not noticing my awkwardness that my naked skin was brushing his.

"Well, hurry up and change, will you? We don't have the whole day to wait for you!" the coach snapped.

That broke up the stares at Jeff, and the coach stole back the attention. All listened to his instruction, except for me. I was half-listening to the instructions, and also peeking between the bodies to see Jeff stripping off his clothes.

At the same time when we were told to swim freestyle, where we would be timed for our speed, my cock was beginning to react to Jeff's display. With his back to us, I could see his ass, covered only by the thin blue speedo he was wearing. When he bent forward to pull his jeans off, I was getting excited.

Enough was enough. I forced my attention fully back to the coach. He went on to tell us how the selection would be based on, and that the result would be known the following week. And the selected players were made compulsory to stay in the same dorm together - a new regulation. Some seniors grumbled.

We were all ushered to the side of the pools, where 8 guys took their places. At the sound of the whistle, they dove into the pool, and swam.

I should have paid attention to them, but I was distracted by approaching Jeff. He stood by the coach, where the coach mumbled some instruction to him. The voices of cheering crowd, although small, were loud enough to drown the coach's voice. The coach was pointing to a few swimmers, whom I assumed were a sure-in, and Jeff kept nodding. When the coach pointed to the girl swimmers, I noticed Jeff paid longer attention to them.

Jeff was simply gorgeous. He had the bluest eyes. Standing there, beside the coach, with his hands on his hips, Jeff was displaying a body that ancient Rome craftsmanship would worship. His pecs were shaped perfect, with his nipples round and big. Even without flexing, one could trail the lines of his 6 pecks on his stomach. His arms were thick and muscular.

I did a quick glance at the swimmers who were heading their way back, and then casually turned my eyes to Jeff's crotch. Oh god! Jeff was a biggie. Even when it was soft, it looked like a thick snake was lying asleep in his speedo. I wondered how any girl would concentrate with Jeff in the room. Jack was good enough to get me distracted, and now this Jeff?

I could only scrolled my eyes down to his muscular thighs, before I was distracted by the cheers for the completing swimmers. Jack, Kathy and another girl were busy clocking and writing down their time.

The girls were up next, and this time I was forced myself to watch the whole race.

I was up next. Putting my goggle on, I took my place in the middle. My heart was beating fast.

I felt like I did not want to be in the team. I could not be near a guy like Jeff. What if I would get hard in the shower with Jeff, and the rest of the team? But then again, I did not want to lose out either. And it was a little too late now, as I was standing in line with the others. At the whistle, I dove and swam hard. I felt my energy was pushed to a limit I had hardly reached for the past few months. Suddenly I was really determined to see how far I could go.

I could hear the cheer. I could hear the scream. As I gasped for air, I could tell I was in front. I had beaten the team members, even the seniors. I was reaching the end, and made a quick turn to swim back to the finishing line.

The cheer became louder. Every stroke seemed to drive me to swing my arms faster, and I could feel myself sailing through the water smoothly.

I thought it was gonna be longer, but the next thing I knew, my fingers had touched the tiles. I pushed my head above the water, just to see some of the cheering crowd were giving me the thumbs-up, and the girls were skipping with joy for me. I turned my head, just in time to see some were just about to reach. I was THAT fast. I was overjoyed. I wanted to scream happy, but did not. I had to control myself. The test was not over yet. Anything could happen.

I turned and saw the coach was giving me that surprise but approving look. Jeff was paying attention elsewhere. I was a little disappointed. I knew I should not, but I was kinda hoping that he would notice me.

I felt silly. A little.

But the joy of being ahead, even ahead of some seniors, was great.

When I got up from the pool, I was stunned that even Jack came by to give me a pat on the back, telling me that I was good. Kathy, the lovely, came over to tell me that she admired my ability. It was then I caught the look between Kathy and Jack. Oh.. they were a couple. And they looked good together, I was happy for them.

I peered at Jack's paper. He had written down my time. It was 2:00:59 - my personal best. The next best one on the paper was 2:06:33. So, I was kinda good to go. Suddenly I was more willing to be selected into the team. The cheering just now made me feel that I was good at this, and I wanted to hear more of that.

The coach called me. Jeff was no longer by his side. I approached the coach, all wet, just to hear him telling I did good. I smiled a thank you to him, and headed to my beg, taking my towel. I sat down on the bench and watched the second ladies group going for their round.

A few swim mates came over to give me a high-five. Some of them faired poorly but they were good enough not be sore loser over it.

The girls did okay. Some were really good, but most of them were seniors.

We did a few more of other styles, and the tryout ended.

The coach gathered us again, and gave a few comments and told us to watch out for the list. Selected ones would be called up. Those who failed could still try out the following year. Some nodded their heads, and then we were sent packing.

I was asked to stay back.

When the crowd dispersed, leaving behind Jack, Kathy, Jeff, Eliza (the other timer) and I, I felt a little tension. I knew all eyes were on me.

"Guys, what do you think of him?" the coach asked, scanning the 4 seniors for the responds. His hand rested on my shoulder, turning me to face the others, a little too much like I was offered for grabs.

"A plus to our group," Eliza said, with much enthusiasm.

"Yup," Jack readily agreed.

"Persistent. No lack in stamina," Kathy said.

That was modest, considering that I was in the top 3 in all 4.

I felt like wanting to say something nice about Kathy too, with her boobs in the swimming suit making an impression on me, but how could I?

"Jeff?" the coach asked.

"Good, good." That was his only reply, as his eyes were focusing elsewhere. I bet they were on the last few girls making their exit to the shower.

Jack and Kathy's eyes immediately gave a reproving shot at Jeff, but he was too distracted to be interested. They, as well as I, knew that Jeff was not paying attention earlier, and he was not now too. But Kathy was quick enough to turn her head back to me, and told me that I should definitely be in the list.

"I assume you know them?" the coach asked.

I shook my head. "Not all," I said, just to be greeted with Jack's smile. He looked damn gorgeous, smiling, and he was half-naked in front of me for my hidden pleasure. "I know Jack."

"Okay..," the coach said. "He is the assistant captain for the men's team. Kathy - she's in charge of the women's team. Eliza, her assistant. And that's your captain, Jeff."

Kathy and Eliza said hi, while Jeff just mumbled, as he stretched his hands up, yawning. He was tired, and wanted to get out of the place as soon as possible.

I was surprise to know that Jeff was the head. Surely there was a mistake. That guy could not even care for anyone, other than himself. I eyed Jack, and saw that forced smile from him. So, Jack had to do the dirty work, while Jeff got the title.

"What's your name, boy?" the coach asked, as he looked at the list once again.

"Leo Westlund," I said, suddenly felt cold from the suddenly seem empty pool area.

"Westlund, huh? Westlund.. Westlund.. oh, there it is!" the coach said and made a Jeff on the paper. I was watching him, but was interrupted by a voice sounding curious.

I was half-wishing that Jeff would learn my name. As my eyes glanced his way, I saw him looking at me. So, he did pay attention.

"Westlund? Did you say Westlund?" Jeff asked.

I nodded my head.

"Hmmm... where have I heard that name before?"

"Why? Another life-long nemesis, Jeff?" Jack sneered, where Kathy tried not to, but could not, giggle.

"Yeah, why, Jeff?" Eliza asked. She seemed so untouched by the tension I could sense from Jack, Kathy and Jeff.

"Are you from New York?" Jeff asked, but more like interrogating. His hands were on his hips again, which naturally made me more conscious of his awesome, smooth body.

I shook my head.

"Had a brother or sister here before?" His eyebrows were lowered.

"Nope. The only son," I answered.

Jeff mumbled another errr.. , but Kathy teased him politely to think about it later, as they wanted to swim.

"And when you remember, kill him later. We don't want to be stuck here," she teased, as the 3 went to the platforms, leaving Jeff trailing behind, but this time, I guessed I had his attention. He still had his puzzle look, wondering where he could link my name to. But he gave me a smile, so I guessed he was not going to be hostile with me. Or was he? Did I step on his area in my three weeks there, without realising it?

I should have joined the rest for shower, but as they positioned themselves, ready to jump into the water, I was curious to see their speed.

The whistle was blown, and they dove in. Jeff was naturally the lead. It began to make sense why he was the chosen. That blonde god seemed to swim without much effort, and still be in the lead. Jack and Kathy looked almost tied for the 2nd place, while Eliza was not far behind.

They made a turn and swam back. By the time they reached the ending line, the coach showed me the clock-time for Jeff. It was a cool 1:53:99. Jack and Kathy were behind by 6 and 8 seconds respectively. Eliza made it at 2:12:02.

They sprang up and laughed. Well, almost all of them. Kathy and Jack congratulated one another and then Eliza. None seemed to be impressed by Jeff. Perhaps Jeff was used to the lack of attention by these 3. Jeff just got up and picked up his towel, ready to move.

Coach uttered something about next week same time for the seniors, and they moved towards the shower. I joined them.

"Any plan for dinner?" Kathy asked me, as she wrapped herself with the towel, as we walked together.

I thought of Tanya and the wild night before. I wondered if Tanya would want another session tonight, but perhaps not. I could not afford her being too attached to me.


"Join us for dinner?" Kathy asked. Eliza and Jack smiled. Jeff was way behind us. I doubted that he would be in. I looked behind and saw that he was still looking at me. Although his towel was covering partially his hair, I could see his right eye, staring back at me. I was waiting for his reaction, but he did not offer any. I wondered if it was cool for him to have a freshman hanging out with him. But then again, I was also bothered with the fact that my back was to him, and what he thought of my bubble butt.... I had to stop myself before I would act anything silly. Somehow, I was more conscious of my butt, with Jeff at the back of me.

"Oh.. don't care about him. If he doesn't like it, you're in, he's out," Kathy said. She knew I was waiting for the captain to invite me too. And then, she looked back and yelled a little, "Right, Jeff?" To which Jeff just smirked, and I caught his eyes checking out Kathy's back.

"Yeah sure," I told them.

"Joining us, Jeff?" Kathy asked again. Not so sincere, I felt.

"Not sure," Jeff answered, breaking off his stare.

I knew one day soon, I would be tested with the fire again, which was to indulge in my urge to have male sex. I just did not know that I would be tested so soon. Just as Jack, Jeff and I reached the male shower room, the others were set to go off. Some were rushing to see their friends, some for dinner appointments and some, their girlfriends. I was stuck with the two major hunks, and I was so eager to show them a boner. I sighed my regret. I would need a miracle to go through this again and again.

I took my stuff and quickly headed to shower. The faster, the better. I left Jack and Jeff to chat a while with some guys.

There was something wrong. The open shower was narrow. The locker room was big enough to hold many cabinets, but the shower room could only squeeze in 10 at a time. There were 5 shower heads on the left hand side, and another 5 on the left.

I took my place at the far right. Off came my speedo, exposing me in my whole nakedness to anyone who walked past, or standing in front of the doorless shower room.

My cock was still soft, so perhaps I did not have to bear any embarrassment. I wished hard not to get any boner in front of Jack or Jeff. Especially Jeff. I did not want to think of any excuses to explain to them, if the awkward situation were to happen.

The whole gay issue with Jake was a past. It had brought more difficulty than pleasantness, and I was not sure if I would want to continue that lifestyle. Not as long as Jake was still in my head. Nor when I was far from ready. I was happy with the girls I could score with now. I needed no more problems.

The cold water was a welcome. I let the water ran down my body, and the chill it carried, shook my body up good. I let the water splashed my face, as I placed both my palms on the tiles. The water felt good on my skin, and it was tingling my groin, when I let the shower washed my crotch. But I was mindful not to make myself hard. I shook my head, splashing water from my hair everywhere.

I was about to reach for my body shampoo, when I heard steps approaching.

It was Jack.

When he saw me, he gave me a smile. I smiled back.

I watched his eyes, as they checked me out totally, including my soft, but thick cock. I felt really conscious of my body then, but I guessed that was normal for guys who just met and showered together for the first time.

Jack hardly looked long enough like he was interested. As soon as this stud saw enough, he looked casually away, and it was like as if there was no need for any explanation. He still smiled, not a teasing smile, but merely a hey-friend smile.

"Hungry?" he asked, as he took the two spots away from me.

"No. Why?" I asked. My eyes turned from admiring his hard body to the water spraying from the shower head. In my head, I kept reminding myself to look anywhere but to the left.

"You seem to be in rush."

Jack was taking off his speedo, and hanging it on the knob in front of him. My eyes had the chance to see this hunk bent down, showing his naked hard ass. And when he straightened up, I saw Jack's mantool. It was soft, but still long and thick. It was easily 4 inches.

Something in my head had wished to see it hard.

Oh god!!! I could not afford that now... I turned my head away. Seeing Jack naked was good enough to keep my jacking off interesting. It was a miracle that my cock was still soft, dangling low between my balls. Maybe it was the fear of being caught.

"So, you were in the swimming team, back in high school?" Jack asked.

I turned to him, and once again, confronting this beautiful guy. I wondered if Jack knew the effect he had on gays who showered with him. He looked too casual to be bothered about my eyes giving him an overall glance. But then again, I had done that back in high school too.

I nodded my head.

We continued our casual chat for a while, and then, in walked the gorgeous Jeff.

He was already naked, walking into the shower room, without anything else. He smiled to Jack, and then looked at me. There was that look again. But he nodded his head, and then a faint smile, before he turned to the shower head on the other side.

His cock was soft too, but it was already a giant. Could be easily be 9 or more when hard. 8 minimum. And as he walked, his soft cock swung to the left and right, easily distracting me.

His body was so fair, anyone could have mistaken that blonde god for a golden boy. It was like his body was covered with faint gold. It was strikingly different from Jack, who was tanned, except around the ass area, which I enjoyed by another quick few seconds of admiring stare. Jack had long and hard buns, due to his height. Jack should be around 5 feet 11.

Jeff, on the other hand, should be around 5 feet 9. And his bum looked fleshy enough to bite.

I quickly turned my head away again, before Jeff turned himself around to let the water washed his back. I knew he would do the same routine. He was checking out my body, just like Jack did earlier. I felt like a junior being examined physically by the seniors.

Jeff borrowed both Jack's body and hair shampoos. He made it too convenient for himself not to be troubled with all the carrying. Jack, I guessed being the nice guy, did not complain. I guessed again, that I would have to lend Jeff mine too, in future.

I took my shampoos, and quickly showered. I was more convinced that neither of them were gays, because none checked me out when I bent down. I was sure of that. I was half-relieved, but half-disappointed too. I soaped myself fast, not eager for anymore conversation with them, that would force me to look their way. I was nervous.

By the time I was done, they were still rinsing themselves. I took my stuff, and headed out.

My heart could have stopped when I walked in between two naked hunks. I should walk quickly, but somehow, my legs were talking slow steps. My eyes quickly gazed at Jack's muscular back. My hand ached to touch his buns. Before my eyes could switch attention to Jeff, Jeff had lifted his right thigh to wash his ankle. His back bumped into me, and in shock, I retrieved to the other side. Luck had it that the back of my hand brushed against Jack's naked skin. I touched his bum. I was too excited to remember that I was supposed to be shocked.

Jack turned around, and instead of upset, he just laughed about the incident. I was thankful that he did not freak out.

Jeff turned too, and if he was apologetic about it, he did not say. Neither was his face expression said anything. But he was close enough for me to gawk at him in his full monty. His dick had stretched a bit, although soft. I quickly diverted my eyes.

"Sorry about that," I said to Jack.

"Happened before. Don't fret about it."

I quickly made my exit, but my mind had tasted what I wished for - the naked skin of Jeff and Jack. I knew this would be a hard semester. I would not lie about it. I knew because as I walked to my locker, my cock was getting hard.

The dinner was good. I really enjoyed their company.

Kathy was in her third year, studying Chemistry. She wanted to be a Chemist Engineer. Eliza was in her final year, taking up Applied Mathematics. Jack was in for a degree in Economics, planning for a graduate study too. But that might change, coz he still had two years to go.

Jeff did not leave with us. He said he would catch up with us later. Although Jack muttered - 'as if he would', under his breath, Jeff did show up, but only to be seated in another table. I watched him in no time, flirting with a girl at the chosen table.

Jack shook his head, and I saw a peculiar look on Kathy's face. I could tell Eliza had a crush on Jeff too, just like some others in the cafe.

I was admiring his conquest, the blonde girl. She was my type. Another girl joined Jeff at his table. While Jeff's attention was turned to the second one, the first one was playing with his hair. Jeff loved the attention. The second one placed her hand on his thigh. Jeff reached out and whispered something in her ear, and got a playful smack from the giggling girl. He repeated it to the first girl and she too giggled at his supposingly invitation.

I looked at Kathy. She was looking at Jack. I got this feeling that Kathy was trying to avoid looking at what Jeff was doing. Both were silent, but there seemed much was communicated in the silence. Then, as if defeated, Kathy took another bite of her spaghetti. She looked so down. Jack seemed anger, but when he realised I was looking, he tried to smile. Trying to be nice, I smiled back. I could be easily melted by the smile of this hunk.

"What's with him?" I asked.

"You mean, apart from his good-look, his money, and although I'm no gay," Jack emphasised, "...good body?"

I smiled at his witty remark.

"Yeah, apart from those..."

"Don't you know who he is?" Eliza asked.

"Should I?"

"Try the name Jeffrey Folsey."

"Oh, so, that's his full name? And I am supposed to be afraid of people with full name?" I teased.

They were not answering me, but instead were just looking at me.

My head searched for the answer. Folsey? Folsey? Suddenly the name became familiar.

I looked at Jack for a hint. But he just smiled.

"The Vice Chancellor!" Eliza said.

"Oh yeah..." I remembered now. Andrew Folsey signed his name, as the VC in charge of academic programmes, on this college's offer letter to me to study Info Tech. I recognised that name now, and I was surprised, but in awe as well.

"That's his son," Jack said, without bothering to look at Jeff. No wonder Jack was afraid I would snitch to Jeff of Jack's earlier remark.

"And hence the captainship," Kathy inserted. It sounded bitchy.

"Kathy!" Eliza expressed her surprise.

Jack was too, but he did not say anything. Instead he laughed. Eliza was puzzled, but eventually gave out a giggle too. I looked at Kathy. A smile came out from her at last.

We continued our conversation, and that evening I felt at home, with my new friends, especially with Jack and Kathy.

I occasionally looked at Jeff, and before I finished my meal, I caught him looking back at us. Our eyes met. I managed a smile, but he did not respond. Instead of concentrating on the girls which had increased to 3, he was giving me that look like he was trying to figure out the familiarity of my name. I was uneasy. I knew it was only about my family name, but I was still uneasy with his curiosity.

Then, as I was about to push my plate away, my last look at him told me that he had it figured out. He had that smirk, like he had dug out my family's deep dark secret. If there was any, the way he was smirking, I would believe he would know more that me or my parents. Jeff was smiling now, like he had just won something big. I was uneasy, puzzled but smiled still at him.

I was only able to breathe easier when we left the cafe. Jeff did not leave with us. From the scenario, most likely one of the girls would be leaving with him. I thought of his cock, hard, fucking the blonde one. I needed to jerk off.

My accomplishment in the pool became a popular topic in the campus among those who knew me. I got pats on the back, and more stares from admiring girls, even from senior ladies. I was on a roll.

One thing was holding me back - Tanya. I had started to avoid her. She was getting too close for comfort. I wanted the fuck, not the bond.

Another was Jeff Folsey. I bumped into him a few times, in campus, with him on either his car, or his motorbike, almost definitely with girls accompanying him. I was not jealous or anything, but the look he was giving me, worried me. Even his grin warned insincerity.

Exactly one week later, the list told us that I was one of the selected swimmer for the college. The practice schedule was given to me, and so were the rules, regulations and expectation. Jack personally handed the news to me. He was thrilled for me, and could not wait to see my reaction. I was jumping with joy. Although with fear, I did want to be part of the team, especially with the chance to see Kathy again, and to be truthful with myself - Jack and Jeff as well.

I asked Jack about Jeff, and that obsession with my family name. Jack had no answer, but he did give me the rest of the info on that blonde god who had been terrorising my jack-off fantasies. Quite a number of my morning hardness was caused by my dreams of him, and also the guy who was talking to me at that moment - Jack.

Jeff, as I knew, was in his final year of Business Administration. He barely passed through his papers each semester, and for those who graded him properly, they seemed to get certain generous rewards all of a sudden. No direct accusation was made, but some could see the link. Jeff had no problem with the arrangement made for him. In fact, he was more than willing to welcome the shortcuts. His life was not meant for studying. It was meant for parties, booze, joints, fast cars and fast girls.

He made his move on his targets quickly, and dumped them even quicker. But that was not without special favours in return for the girls, if they should request for one.

Jack looked a little disturb when he talked about Jeff and his girls, but he quickly looked up and told me that above anything, Jeff loved to destroy.

Jack saw that puzzled look on my face.

"Don't repeat this to anyone, but I personally feel like Jeff loves to break things apart. He has that desire to make people fuck up, fail. The higher the stake is, in fucking up a person's life, the better he loves the challenge. But don't you worry a thing. I doubt you've anything that would interest him that far..." Jack said.

I wanted to believe Jack, but the worry in me got stronger.

The room arrangement was supposed to be me and another freshman swimmer named Danny. But when I showed up for my new room, with a heavy box in my hands, I was pleased enough to see Jack in my room.

"Hey roomie!" Jack said, as he threw a small box of his, onto a bed. He quickly came over to help me with mine.

"What's going on? I thought my roommate is Danny..." I asked, not that I was complaining. I got Jack for a roommate. That would beat my many hot fantasies of him. Jack was shirtless, exposing his tanned and lean body. He was wearing a boxer, with his jeans hanging low around his hips.

"Coach's idea. He wanted us to team up. He said this arrangement might help. Unless you have a problem..." Jack said, as he flashed his white teeth to me in his smile. He took the box away from me, as I still stood dumbfounded at the door.

"Still have more to carry?" Jack asked.

"Yeah.. a few more."

"Then, let me help you," Jack said. "You looked pale. You have enough sleep?"

The room arrangement was simple. Window opposite the door. Right bed, mine. Left bed, Jack's. Although our desks were placed at the end of our beds, Jack had moved his to the window. He said we could share. Our cupboards were placed by the door.

The lowest and the third floors were occupied by the female athletics. The guys would take up the 2nd and the 4th floors. Rules were made to make sure the guys, and girls, would behave themselves, but from what I had heard, the rules were flexible too, unless someone complained.

Since that this was the first year all athletics were made compulsory to stay in the selected dorms, even Jeff Folsey, son of the VC, could not escape from the rule. I heard he moved into the same block as mine (there were 8 blocks). But none had expected him to be there often.

I wondered how Jack would be like as a roommate. I knew he was a nice guy. But as roommate? Would I have problems with him? I prayed not.

There was still that subtle desire in me, no matter how much I tried to suppress it, that wanted to see him naked as often as possible. Would he be walking around in his towel? Would he be changing in front of me often? Would he be sleeping in his boxer? Or almost fully clothed? Would I get the chance to see him hard?

I did not have to wait long for the answer. After our hard work of taking out things from our boxes, and re-arranging our stuff around the room, Jack took his jeans off. I could see his soft dick pressed against the fabric of his boxer. Although soft, Jack was a hung.

Jack took off his boxer in front of me, and searched around for a fresh towel. I was still busy clearing my stuff from the boxes. With me squatting in front of my box, and with him walking naked and bending down to search the lower drawer of his cupboard, I felt my cock stirring. I was reacting, and reacting hard.

I could only sigh a relief when Jack left the room.

He repeated the same act when he came back, half wet. Standing in front of the window, admiring the view of the lake (yeah, we were that lucky to get this room), Jack toweled himself again, before putting on clean clothing. His cock had lengthened a little, and when he dried his hair, his dangling cock was moving, much to my delight.

'See-ya' was all he said, before he left for dinner, with Kathy - I assumed, leaving me with images of him naked in my head, and an idea of what more to expect in days to come.

I was raged hard, and had to stop my cleaning. My cock was already 8 inches hard and needed tending. When I cummed, I came hard. Hard, because I knew I would in for more joy rides.

I slept early that night. Did not even wake up when Jack came back.

The following morning, I woke up to the sound of Jack's alarm clock buzzing. Lazily I turned, and could see that Jack was still asleep, hardly moving nor disturbed by the irritating alarm.

I got up, and it was like dragging my whole energy up. I was in my boxer, and my morning hardwood was denting the front.

Shit - I said to myself...

I wrapped my blanket around my waist, got up and dragged my feet over to his bed.

"Hey, Jack! Jack! Wake up!"

He did not move.

I reached out with one hand and shook him.

Jack startled. "Whaaat?! What?!" he mumbled, as he turned around to face me. "Oh.... morning, Leo. Ummmmmm....." Jack groaned as he stretched his body.

He was lazy to get up. I was too, but both of us had classes starting at the same time.

"Ahhhh.. is it morning already?" he asked. He raised his hands to his face, and gave it a rough rub. His blanket was pushed aside.

Jack was stark naked. And not only was I rewarded with a view of his frontal nudity, I was treated to his morning hard-on. Jack was hard. And it really confirmed Jack was hung. Let me correct that - Damn hung!

I retracted my steps back, and fell onto my bed, still staring. My eyes were still admiring Jack's equipment. I mean, hard equipment.

Jack sat up and reached out to stop the buzzer. Sitting on the bed, Jack was still sleepy. He shook his head slightly violently, as if the sleepiness could be made to go away. His hard dick had flopped onto his thigh, lying there as if tempting me.

Jack looked up at me, and saw me eyeing his dick.

"Oh this..." he said with a blush, as he pulled his blanket to cover his cock. "Had a mind of his own, you know. Hope you don't mind. I sleep without clothes. It's way too hot here." His hand was rubbing the back of his head, as he tilted his head down, mumbling. He was embarrassed a little.

"No prob. I was planning to, last night, but did not know how you will think," I told Jack.

Jack gave his crotch a little rub. "Kinda hard to keep this one down in the morning. Didn't freak you out, I hope."

"Nah.. it was nothing, really. Look," I told Jack, as I removed my blanket. The dent on my boxer was still obvious.

Jack let out a laugh. "Well, at least we know we are both 'healthy' in the morning."

As if that convinced him, Jack dropped his blanket, and got up from his bed. He walked to his cupboard, with his cock stiff hard, casually. His cock was pointing straight, and Jack made no effort to hide his cock, but neither was he parading it for me. He grabbed his towel to take his shower.

My mind was thinking of a fast jerk-off, but I did not want to be late for my class. I got up too, stripped my boxer off, and picked up my towel and stuff for shower. I did not want to miss the chance of being in the open shower with Jack, when he was still hard. Now, I knew I could make excuses when I was hard. Jack looked so willing to believe it was alright, to be 'hard', with me around.

It was in the shower later, when he looked at my half-hard cock, and asked how long. I said 8. He said good enough. I asked of his. Proudly, he said "8 1/2".

Of course a senior would influence a junior, and I began to copy Jack's routine. I was comfortable to change in front of him. Or walked around naked. We did not stay naked (although I did wish he would start, so that I could as well). But most of the time, Jack slept in the nude. And so would I. When I got hard, I would lie that I was thinking of the chicks I was banging. Jack would just choke out a laugh. He believed me.

I hung out with his friends when they came over. If they were to go out, Jack would ask me to join them. Jack had no problem with my friends, but he would decline often, invitation to join my friends and I to hang out.

But one thing I did more than Jack was that I would bring girls back to our place. In the one week plus I stayed with him, I would have thought Kathy would come over more often, although she was in a different block.

When I brought a girl back, Jack would sleep overnight in his friend's place. The key was to tie a red ribbon on the door knob. He would know, and would not disturb. If he was in earlier than me, and if he was sleeping, he asked that I would cover him with blanket first, before bringing the girl in. He said it was alright, coz he slept like a log.

Jack was caring, but I was careful enough not to mistaken him for Jake, or another one like Jake. It would be hard, because Jack was gorgeous. It would be a tough battle. Somewhere inside me, I wanted to suck his long cock, and be fucked by him.

Jeff was the problem for me. I still did not get it with him.

Once, when I was alone walking, I bumped into him. Instead of ignoring me, like he would usually do with the rest of the gang, Jeff walked with me. Not only that, he was asking me how I was, my chicks, who I scored with, parties I went to etc. But not that he was paying any attention to what I was answering.

And he even placed his arm around my shoulder, which really made me even more curious. Still I loved the touch of his skin at the back of my neck, and also felt good that the back of my arm was pressing against his solid chest.

I told Jack about this (about Jeff approaching me, and not about my crush on Jeff), and Jack was curious too. Jack told me that at first the coach had wanted me to be Jeff's roommate, but Kathy and Jack were worried Jeff would have bad influence on me. So, I ended up with Jack. So, was I lucky? Or unlucky?

Jeff even whispered into my ear, asking me when I was free to join him for a tour of his dad's mansion. That was when I stepped away from Jeff. Horny I was, but I was strong enough that moment not to be led by my dick. And there was no clear sign with Jeff. He was playing a game, and I was dead curious what it was.

But what disturbed me was his words - "My dad's the Vice Chancellor. I can get anyone into this college."

I stared blankly at him. What was that supposed to mean?

"Help me , and I will get you... what you want."

Jeff did what he wanted to do - got me even more curious. He turned and walked away. He did, however, turned to give me that look, like he had an ace up his sleeve. But I still did not get it. What was he talking about?

That night, halfway through kissing Tina, I broke away from her lips. It suddenly occurred to me.

Was Jeff referring about Jake?

As I crawled into my bed with Tina, I kept shooshing her to keep it down. However, I fucked her hard although my eyes kept looking over to Jack's bed. Our room was not dark enough to hide my sex romp from Jack, or Jack from me. Jack was asleep, with his back towards us. I pounded Tina hard, while my hand kept her moaning down. She was screaming for more. I was a little worried that her soft groaning would wake Jack up. At times, I felt like Jack was not asleep. But Jack did not move a bit at all. So, I continued treating Tina my hard cock.

After Tina had left, I did not immediately sleep that night.

I was lying awake, on my bed, thinking of Jeff's words. I was disturbed. Did Jeff know about Jake? And if he did, how? Could Jake still be accepted into my college? I knew the appealing process for some students was still going on, but I did not realise that Jake and I would still have the chance.

But something stopped my thoughts. Jack moved. I shut my eyes. If he was awake, I was too lazy for conversation. I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts. I heard Jack shifting, and then a few seconds later, the sound of his blanket being pushed away.

I waited to hear his footsteps. Maybe he was going to the bathroom. But there wasn't any. It was quiet. I had to admit it was quite hot, and perhaps Jack just needed some cool air for his body. I could use some for myself.

I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. I was still too excited to sleep. Tomorrow, I would face Jeff. I would get to the bottom of all this silly game of his. That brought some kind of fear to me, as I wondered what his respond would be. But the thought of meeting Jeff, able to see him and his hard body again, delighted me. But that was for the next day. At the meantime, Jack's body was free for viewing. I grinned at my cheekiness.

I turned my body to the right, facing Jack's bed. I was half-expecting Jack to be lying there, with nothing to cover his naked body. But what I noticed, or thought I had noticed was a fast movement at that bed. It was like my movement had caused some cover-up. One corner of Jack's blanket covering his hips. I watched Jack. His naked chests were rising and falling. When his chests expanded as he breathed in, my eyes focused on his nipples. I wanted to run my tongues over them. My eyes trailed down to his leaned stomach. And I saw where his right hand was placed. Jack's hand was at his crotch.

I became curious. Just lie still, I told myself. Pretend to be sleeping.

I did, and moments later, I watched through the gap between my almost shut eyelids, Jack's head tilted up slightly, as if he was trying to see if I was sleeping. It took him awhile to be convinced, but he bought it.

His head rested back on his pillow, and soon enough, I could see motion underneath the blanket. Jack was masturbating!

At first, it was a slow motion. After a while, Jack pushed the blanket away, and what I saw was just simply breathless for me to indulge.

My roommate, the hunky Jack, was holding up his 8 1/2 inches thick tool in his right hand, and he was stroking it up and down, slowly. His hand slid its way up to the tip and then pulling together with the skin, all the way down to the base, leaving his cockhead looking so pumped up with blood. Jack held his shaft with his left hand for a while, and spat onto his right palm. He covered his cockhead with his spit, and played with his mushroom cockhead for awhile. His left hand steadied his prick, standing straight up. His right palm covered his large cockhead and there was a motion of his palm gently twirling around. Each twirl seemed to make Jack's body tensed. His abs was raised a bit, each time he tensed up. I was quite sure that he would come soon, but Jack released his cock. His palm gathered more spit before returning to his shaft for more wet, long strokes.

His cock looked moistured enough, that he began to stroke his shaft faster. His right hand was furiously pumping his cock away.

I was already hard again. I bet he was thinking of my girl. But if that worked for him, I gotta bring more back...

His stroke now became shorter, but harder. Jack kept pulling his shaft, up and down, and I could see his muscles rippling up on his abs. His body tensed. And in one last hard pull, Jack cummed. A few huge loads seemed like exploding from his body, and Jack groaned. Jack collapsed back onto the bed. He breathed hard.

He was worried that his groan woke me. I saw him turning to see me, and was satisfied to see that I was still asleep. His hand reached for his shirt on the floor, and he quickly cleaned himself up, before he covered himself with his blanket again, and turned his back to me.

I was still trying to absorb in and accept what I had just witnessed. I could not believe my fucking lucky stars. I still could not believe my eyes that had just saw Jack stroking his 8 1/2 inches hard meat and cummed. I could not wait for the next free show from Jack.

I called up Jeff, and when he recognised who I was, his voice tone changed, to a more friendly level.

"I need to ask you something," I told him.

"Sure," he answered. The cockiness was still in his voice.

"Let's meet up," I suggested.


"Tomorrow?" I asked.

There was a pause. "Today. Car park, in front of the dorm." And the phone went dead. That was fucking rude, but Jeff had answers to the questions in my head, and I was not about to piss him off. My head was asking if I was doing the right thing.

And then I thought of Jake.

I missed him so much. I really missed him being around. I missed his attention. His patience with my nonsense. His smile. His charm. His body - his hot body. His lips. Everything, just everything.

I clicked the 'check mail' button on my computer screen.

There were mails, from my mom, dad's personal secretary, Donna and of course, from Jake.

Jake talked about his campus, and the difficulty to adapt to the new lifestyle there. He mentioned of his classes, and a new friend or two. I could not help but to wonder if they would replace me as his best friend. There was not a single line talking about a new girl he was interested in. A part of me let out a sigh of relief. Another part made belief that perhaps a girl would be good for him. He had joined the swimming team in his U, and wondered if I had for mine. He did ask how I was getting along, and that he missed our hanging out. I wondered again if he was referring to the sex too.

The thought of our hard sex together began to make me hard again. I was so hungry for Jake, that my head began to replay images of me sucking on Jake's 9 inches cock. I had to make a decision.

If Jeff could help, so be it.

Jeff showed me his dad's mansion. There were a few workers in the house, hurrying whenever Jeff walked past. But Jeff acted like they hardly existed. His attention was not on them, but on showing off his place.

There was the pool, the huge dining room, living room, second floor and more. I kept my patience, and walked with him. I was impressed with his house, but there was other matter that I was more interested in.

And then, he showed me his room, which was big enough. There was the large bed in the middle, which I knew he fucked his girls on. My imagination of him being naked and all, screwing the girls with his hung dick, made me a little excited. I quickly turned my attention to his hi-fi system, computer table and others in the room.

Jeff took me out of his room, and brought me back down to the first floor, where instead of hopping onto the couch in the living room, he brought me to the lounge. There was a huge blue sofa in the middle of the carpeted room, and my guess would be that this was where the VC, Jeff's father, would usually bring his guests to.

Jeff ordered a thin maid for a can of beer, before remembering his manners to ask me if I wanted any. I asked for one too.

"So, what do you think?" he asked, proudly.

"Okay. Big house."

"That's all?" he asked back, as if offended I said nothing more. But then, he broke into a grin. "Ahhh... I forgot who I was talking to. Bet your place is fucking bigger than this, huh?"

I looked at him. Again, my family?

It was of course true that we had a few houses. My grandpa left a fortune to my dad, but it was my mom's wish to settle down and stay in her inherited house from her mom, in that small hometown of mine. Too much memory to let go, my mom would say. So, technically, my house was nothing near this mansion, expensive living.

I did not have to answer him. The maid brought his beer on a tray. She did not even bother to offer any glass to him. She looked hostile to me too, but I guessed she would have been in that manner to any of Jeff's friends.

Jeff gestured her to go away, and told her to close the sliding door.

When Jeff was sure the maid had gone away, far enough, he spoke. "Aren't you curious where I had heard of your name before? I mean, your family's name."

I nodded. Let him talk, I told myself. Tolerate his arrogance.

"You had no fucking idea how much trouble your family had gotten mine into..."

I was a little stunned with what he had said, but I continued to listen.

"It seems that our families have some business together, and yours is about to wipe my family out. I mean, my family's money out. Do you know that?"

I shook my head. "What does that gotta do with me?"

"Well, I have no fucking idea, but thought maybe you can figure out a way out," Jeff said, as he slouched even lower on his sofa. Was he actually asking for help? And if he was, he was not asking it nicely. But hell, the bulge on his jeans was having effect on me.

"How much? A big one?" I asked. I had to buy time, to keep him in that position. I was loving the sight of his bulge.

"Not a huge amount, but one that was threatening my SUV and my holiday in Paris. And some other cutbacks on my parents' side. Fuck, I was told that we may lose this place"

His SUV? No wonder it was a big issue to him. I still had no idea how a small fish like me could fit into the picture.

"A business debt? Loan?" I asked.

Jeff shrugged his head. He had no fucking idea, other than him losing his small fortune.

"Why are you panic? This is your dad's deal," I reminded him.

"Listen. My dad had lost some shit like this before, okay? It happened, but dad was a lousy business guy, and fucking dragging us down with him. I ain't going down because of him. I figured you could talk to your dad. Help us out here," he asked.

Jeff looked a little panic.

Before I said anything, he sat up, looked around and suggested some joints for us.

I shook my head. "Did that. Ended up in hospital. Never touch that shit again."

Jeff looked dejected that I was up for the idea. "Wasted.." he mumbled.

"Then let your dad deal with mine," I said. That was the only logical thing to do. "There's no reason for you to worry about his problem."

"Hey, look here," Jeff snapped. "His problem is my problem. I don't want to be losing any fucking sleep because he was a loser. I mean, the house. The money. The cars. Chicks dig all these, man..."

Oh.. so this was what it was all about. Jeff was scared to be a regular guy. There was more. Jeff hesitated to tell me. "Don't tell anyone..." he said, as he looked at the door, to double-check it was shut properly. "I er..." he said, hesitating again. ".. owe this friend of mine." He cleared his throat. I saw it. "Need to pay back, and my lousy dad said no money."

We looked at one another. I was still not convinced why this was a big issue. But I did not mind being entertained for another minute by this guy. His blues were captivating. And not to mention too, his hard body covered by his tight shirt. I could see his nipples pressed against the material.

"Look.. I ain't bullshitting here, but I'm talking big money here. Dad can't give me, if your dad's on his back. Help me here.. er..."

"Leo..." I said.

"Yeah, right. Leo." That asshole could actually forget my name.

"Anyway, dad all screwed up now. Can't think straight."

I felt awkward about this. "Look, this is out of my league. I'm not getting involved."

I got up. I was not interested to pursue this any further. Jeff was gorgeous, but I could not stand his arrogance for another minute. "Wait," Jeff said. There was a desperate tone in his voice. I looked at him, and saw panic in his eyes. He looked around, as if there would be something else he could try to ask me for help.

"I'm leaving. Don't bother to get up. I know the way out," I told Jeff, as I stepped away, turning my back to Jeff, as I was leaving.

"What about Jake?" he asked, a last attempt.

THAT stopped me. I turned and looked at him. He was still worried at first, but seeing that he had said the magic words, he broke into a grin. He got me now.

"What did you know about Jake?"

I was seated in my place again. Jeff was grinning like he had the upper card in his hand this time.

"I overheard at dinner. They thought I was elsewhere, but I heard your name mentioned, and then Jake. About how you should be here, in this college - to be separated from that guy. Leo.. What's the story?"

I tried to see if Jeff knew of my sexual interest. But he was too relax with me. Too comfortable to say that I was into guys too. If he had known, he would not be casually grabbing his crotch at times, nor sitting there comfortably if he knew I was gawking at his hard body or at his, at times, obvious cock outline.

I was silent. My head was spinning. Perhaps it was the girls who were keeping me company that made Jeff blind to the obvious. I was still safe.

"Just some high school friend who showed me stuff. You know, party, girls, moves. Party guy. College's dull without him. Dad thinks he was wasting me." I lied. Jake was nothing like that. But I doubted Jake would want to be involved. I lied to protect my Jake.

"At first I could not place your name in the picture. It happened a few months ago. But at the end, I remembered. Nice touch, huh?"

There was that grin again. It should have irritated me, but Jeff looked too darn good. I was still a little obsessed by that hunk, who was about to blackmail me into losing my dad's money.

"So.. if I could help you.. what do I get?" I asked. I was curious. Damn curious.

"Well, anything you want. But I should remind you that the appealing process is still carried out. I could, you know, persuade my dad a little. You know what I mean?"

If Jeff was not that this hot sexy dude, who happened to have my future in his hand, I would have dare to jump and kick his ass. It did not matter that he was older than I was. He was too cocky. I knew now why Jack had called him an asshole. And moreover, I believed I could match him in strength.

"And you are not afraid of offending my dad, if you were to help me?" I asked him. Maybe he had not thought of this. Helping me to get Jake in, would mean that he was going against my dad's wish.

"I heard that you can be persuasive in the house," Jeff said, as if he had figured it all. Obviously he was not updated on the fact that I could not persuade dad to accept my sexual preference. "I mean, your dad gives you anything." True, except I did not get Jake.

"Give me a minute," I told him. I got up, and walked out of the room. I needed to make calls.

I called my mom first. She would tell me whatever the deal was. I doubted that I could do anything, but I just wanted to find out first.

She did not answer the call.

I called my dad's personal secretary - Susan. She was the most reliable. Dad usually was too busy to entertain my calls. And moreover, I was not really in good talking term with dad eversince this college issue.

Susan had been working for my dad for the past 10 years, and although being a mother herself, she pampered me more than her own childen. And that was because her boss, my dad, paid her well.

"Susan, Leo here."

"Hi, dear. How's the new college?"

"Um, fine. Susan, I need some info."

"What info, dear?" I could hear her busy typing on her keyboard.

"Ever heard of Folsey? Andrew Folsey? Dad's client?"

"Your dad's client, yup. He's that Vice.. vice something in your college, right?

"Chancellor, yeah."

"So, what do you want to know, Leo?"

"He owes dad money, doesn't he?"

"Ummm... yeah... what's this all about?"

"I heard he's short of cash. Could this be?"

"Really? I did not know that." The keyboard typing stopped.

Susan's answer startled me. Usually, she would know the info first hand.

"So, he did not," I asked to confirm.

"Well... business money, no. But... er.. personal money...," she said, hesitating. "Keep this between us, okay, Leo. Andrew owed your dad money."

"How much?"

"Let's just say a lot"

Susan told me that every year, Andrew, my dad and a few other good buddies would meet up. Last year, they happened to have a private card game with some other hot shots. One thing led to another, and Andrew lost big. My dad bailed him out, but that was not good enough. Andrew had an old record of gambling habit, and if this news leaked, it would affect his chance of getting the upcoming promotion. Andrew had been eyeing the promotion for quite some time.

So, right now, Andrew had to pay back to my dad, plus interest. Andrew never complaint about the interest, and my dad was not really eager to claim that reward. It was just some extra cash, made from the extra money my family had. Andrew was getting my dad some business in this college, and the personal loan was to make the contact (Andrew) happy.

"So, why was his son fretting about losing house, car and stuff?" I asked.

Susan paused, as if she was trying to recollect the info from her head.

"That must be his youngest.. what's the name... er.. er...," she mumbled.

"Jeff. Jeffrey."

"Ah yes, Jeffrey. The spoilt brat, right? You'd met him?" Susan asked.

"Yes. Not a pleasant encounter. He kept saying his dad didn't have the money to pay back."

"Oh.. that! Hehehe.. Andrew had talked to your dad about this. That reminds me. I better get the lawyer to draft the new agreement. Longer period of payment, lower repayment. Sigh... paper work, paper work..." she grumbled. "Andrew just wanna scare his son. Said that the son waste money too fast. Nothing serious really, dear."

"I see. And his dad will see the paper... when?"

"I don't know. Maybe next month."

"Thanks, Susan. Don't tell dad, okay? It's no big thing." I stopped short of asking her to convey my regards to my dad.

"Okay, dear. Bye."

I got the ball now in my court. If I played it right... my thought went to Jake. Could it be possible?

Instead of going back to Jeff, I left.

In the next few hours, Jeff called, but I ignored his calls. I was still troubled by the whole deal. How could I make it work for me?

I scribbled on the blank paper the possibilities. Jake moved here. Got the program he would want - he was not offered his choice subject there. Jake and I teamed up again. Jake and I - close again. So, many 'Jake and I's.

But then, I realised there was still the issue of scholarship. Jake would never be able to get through without scholarship. Could Jeff persuade his dad to offer scholarship? And then again, would Jeff be able to persuade the dad at all? Or was this a hoax?

And would Jake wanna make the transfer here? I did not think about that before. What if he would not want to? What if he was happy there? What if I troubled him with all this request? What if his future was altered because of me? If, if and if. The more I thought of the situation, I was getting sicker by the countless possibilities.

Even Jack was worried about me. I had been isolating myself.

My head kept drafting out the possibilities.

But what if this was the best for Jake and I? I loved Jake. Very much. And to expect him to be what he was not, I felt guilty. Perhaps Jake was better off without anymore gay sex with me... It could be true. And that was good enough to make me feel down. I crumbled the paper in my hand, and threw it away. I was fed up.

My eyes stared far, and my mind went back to those moments when Jake's and my naked bodies were pressed up against one another. And to those moments when he plunged his 9 inches hard cock into me, and I never wanted him to leave. I needed Jake so bad.

There was no way out.

I took my cell phone and called Jeff. I had come to my decision.

I arrived late at Jeff's mansion. His parents had decided last minute to come back only the week after. So much easier to deal with Jeff.

I purposely arrived late, to show to Jeff that I was not desperate. I needed to play it cool. I was almost a nervous wreck, but I acted well, in being calm.

The same thin maid let me in. She was still looking hostile. Perhaps she was up to her neck, and abused too often by Jeff's friends. She pointed up, indicating that Jeff was in his room. I uttered a thanks and rushed up to Jeff's room.

I opened his door, and there he was, toweling himself. He had just come out from his bathroom.

"Heyyyy..." he greeted me, when he turned and saw it was me.

I walked in, and shut the door.

I tried to control myself. I was watching this hunk in front of me naked. My heart was racing, but I tried to calm myself down by controlling my breathing. I could not let him think that he was in control. I must be the one in control. But with his hung cock dangling in front of me, I might screw up the negotiation.

"So, deal?" he asked, with his grin, like he was winning. His hand was holding up his towel, drying his hair. He was not so conscious of my eyes were gawking at his naked flesh. His pecs were defined well, with those nipples.. I imagined me licking them.. And that slender stomach, and of course, the huge family jewel.

"Leo?" he called.

I broke away my stare. Jeff was aware now. His towel came down to cover his limp cock.

"If I get the deal that, not only it saves your dad, but your sorry ass too. AND you will give me what I want??" I demanded to know.

"Deal!" Jeff said, a little bit too hasty. He was grinning ear to ear. I could imagine his desperation. I found out from Jack a rumour that in the previous year, Jeff owed as much as 8 grand, for the dopes, parties etc. His dad had threatened to exercise some kind of punishment, and his mother and elder brothers had pledged full support. With his family members betraying him, I knew he thought he could count on me.

I lust for Jeff. For his rippled abs. For his huge cock. For his well-defined torso. For his ass. For his pretty face. For his eyes. But I disliked him, and his manipulating self. I doubted that he would offer his friendship if I was not this rich kid from this wealthy family. Too cunning for a friend.

"Okay.." I said.

"You need to give me details about your this friend, Jake," Jeff said, with a little tone like he was doing me a great deal. He wanted me to think that I owed him.

"What for?" I asked. I was still acting cool with him.

"Well, I need to give to my dad," he said.

"Again, what for?" I asked. I tried to sound stern. It should confuse him.

"Don't fuck with me. You want to get him in, right?" he asked, a little irritated.

"No." Yup, you guys read it right. It was a no. I had screwed up my life, and I did not wish to drag Jake any further. It was a tough decision, and I was determined to stand on this on. "Not anymore." And that was the truth. I had to move on.

"No?" Jeff asked. He looked lost. He had lost his stake. "Now what?" he asked.

It was going to be easy.

"I've changed my mind," I said, making it clear to him. My eyes were still staring at my opponent.

"So, tell me, and I will get it for you. Dope.. no wait.. you don't do that..."

As he was speaking, I moved closer to him.

" about Linda.. you know Linda, that blonde I was with..."

I was not listening to him anymore. Whatever he suggested, I kept shaking my head.

"... no? So, what do you want?"

I was near him. Only one and a half feet away from this gorgeous jock.

I took his towel off his hand. He looked down, at his towel in my hand, and then at me. He still did not get it. I grinned.

My other hand reached out and felt his dick.

It was like all of a sudden Jeff knew what I was asking for. His shock face turned confused, and then angry, and as expected he pushed me back. But I was prepared. My body tiled back a bit, but I did not bulge. He raised his right fist. I had expected this. Before his fist could reach my face, my hand blocked and pushed it away, while the other was raised up. The towel dropped to the floor. Instead of punching him, my palm covered his face, and I shoved him hard backward. Jeff fell onto his bed.

I knew I was up against a senior, but when if I had to put a fight, I knew my strength. It often went out in full energy for a jackass like Jeff. I knew I could beat him. If not, I would not have tried. I would not dare.

Before he could jump back at me, I warned him not to make it any uglier.

"Think about it," I told him. "Just this one small thing, and you can keep your SUV."

That was a lie. Susan had said that his dad was just frightening him. But Jeff did not have to know.

Jeff looked at me, still stunned.

"By the way, if the college hears anything about your dad's debt, imagine your whole family losing all this," I said, as I emphasised by looking at his nice room. That line was to increase my chance.

I wanted his ass, and I wanted it bad.

"Call me, if you change your mind," I told him, before I stepped away.

When I walked out of Jeff's room, I had to puffed out a huge relief. I was a bit scared. It was my first time. I was playing dirty. I was desperate, and I prayed it would work. Even if Jeff did not call, I still felt like a winner. I turned the table on him.

The call did not come. I was not expecting it to.

At practice a few days later, Jeff avoided me. He did not come anywhere near me, which probably meant he could not accept a guy like me. But he did not cause any scene with me, which could also mean that he was divided. When our eyes met together once, he quickly looked away. Kathy asked if Jeff was sick. Jeff just said no, and walked away, looking troubled.

"Well, perhaps he should be sick more often. That really keep him on the ground," Jack commented.

That evening, after shower in the dorm, I was drying myself when my cell phone rang once. And then, it stopped. I thought it might be a prank from Tanya.

The screen told me it was Jeff.

Something told me that he was hesitating. That would explain why the call had suddenly ended. The thought of me having Jeff by his balls, and may I add that they were huge too, got me excited.

I decided to wait for a while.

After my dinner - an hour later, I called. No one picked up the phone. It was alright. No need to panic. I called the second time 5 minutes later, and the ring went on for 5 times before it was answered.

"Listen here, you sick bastard. I don't do this shit!" he shouted at me. His voice was trembling.

"Your shit, not mine," I said coolly. That should remind him of his problems. "But if you change your mind, hang up now."

I waited.

"Look, Leo.." So, he had learnt my name. "There can be something else we work on, right? You're not fucking serious, right?" There was that tremble in his voice again.

"Yes or no. No - just hang up. Cut the bull!" I said. I prayed hard that he won't.

I could hear breathing, and some nervous sighs. I waited for a few more seconds, and then I said to Jeff, "Okay, deal then. Tonight, 10. At your place."

Click. I hung up.

I was late again. When I reached his house, I purposely made some noise with the engine, and then I waited.

5 minutes later, when I was about to give up hope, and return, the front gate was open.

My heart beat even faster.

I drove in.

Jeff was at the door to greet me. He was nervous.

"He's in the living room. Just ignore him," Jeff said. I assumed he was talking about his father. He looked like at that moment, he loathed being his father's son. Typical asshole! Blaming others for their screw-ups.

I was planning to take my time walking in, but Jeff kept gesturing me to walk faster. I was laughing inside. He was panic. And didn't he know that the more unnatural he acted, the more obvious it was? To avoid suspicion, he should stop looking like that.

I saw a glimpse of Andrew's figure, who was watching TV. He did not even turn his head around. I did not see his mother, so I assumed she must had retired to bed.

Once I reached his room, Jeff grabbed my arm and pulled me inside. He double-checked to see that no one was outside his room, before he closed the door.

"Now, I don't know what shitty game you're trying to play here, but.. but.." Jeff said, but could not finish the sentence. Even when he was nervous and angry, he looked devilishly handsome. And this devil was going to be mine tonight.

"Relax.. No one else will know..." I assured him.

That worked a little magic. Jeff stopped fidgeting, and sat down at the edge of his bed. I raised his hands, and covered his face. He was still nervous about the whole deal.

I still stood there, looking around.

"Okay, look the fuck here. No touching my ass. No fucking kissing. Just suck it and then leave, okay?" Jeff said.

"Hmmmm?" I acted puzzle. "What makes you think that I'm the one who's going down on my knees?" I asked, showing him my amazed face that he should suggest that.

"What??!! Oh man... I was afraid you would say that!" Jeff yelped, covering his face again, and fell back onto his bed.

His shirt exposed his washboard stomach. I eyed that body hungrily. I could see the outline of his cock denting his shorts. His thighs were muscular. I bet he worked out too. There was not one ounce of extra fat on his body. Meaty, lean and gorgeous. I was going to nail this college jock tonight. I wanted his ass. I wanted to fuck him good.

"So, should I leave?" I asked.

"Huh?" Jeff said, as he got up the instance he heard me said 'leave'.

He was speechless, with his eyes looking down, at my shoes.

I had to make the move, before I lose this one.

I walked over. Jeff was still on his bed. I sat down beside him, to his left.

"It's not so bad," I said, as I placed my right hand on his thigh. Jeff jumped a little, but realised it was only my hand on his thigh. So, he stayed put.

"Why don't you close your eyes, and think it is a girl's mouth?" I suggested.

That brought relief to Jeff, thinking that he did not have to blow me.

"Lie back.." I told him.

I was about to push him gently down, when he jumped up.

"Wait.. the door..." he said, as he hurried and lock his bedroom. As if he knew there would be no turning back the next time, Jeff turned and obediently walked back, more like dragging himself, to the bed, where I was waiting. He took off his shirt, and threw it to the floor. He slumped his ass onto the bed.

"You've done this before?" he asked.

I just nodded, like it was a normal thing. "And with girls too." That should calm him better.

Jeff lied back, with his eyes closed.

His beautiful chests heaved even stronger now. I longed to place my palms on his chest and played with his gorgeous nipples, but I needed to control myself. I was not planning to scare him. It was too early. His chests raised up and down more rapidly now. So was mine. My cock was hard in my jeans, anticipating the excitement.

I rested my hand back on his thigh. I could see Jeff shivered a little. Slowly, I moved my hand up.

"Wait!" Jeff yelped, softly. His body tilted up a bit. He was backing out.

"Just relax..." I told him.

As if contemplating for a while, Jeff lied back on the bed.

His hands were forming into fists, tensed and then released, repetitively. When he stopped doing that, I took it as he was ready again.

I did not remove my hand away just now. It was still there on his thigh. I could feel his muscular thigh even through his jeans.

I touched the outline of his cock. It was still soft. Jeff tensed up a little.

I rubbed it a little. I moved my hand over his shaft, gently feeling the giant underneath my palm. Jeff seemed to like it. I could feel his cock stretching. It was working. I continued with this foreplay. At the end, when it came to sex, Jeff was still like any other horny guy. It really beat having to use own hand to rock off. I was helping him to get hard. Really hard.

When I thought he was ready, I moved my fingers to his buttons. Jeff could feel it. I was going to expose him for my delight.

I got up a bit, and using both hands, I ripped the buttons apart. The trail of his pubic hair from his navel, could be seen going down to his trimmed bush. Jeff was still closing his eyes.

With both hands, I tried to pull his jeans down. Jeff shifted his ass around, so that his jeans would come off. I threw to the floor as well.

I looked at my prize on the bed. Jeff was naked. Totally naked for my pleasure. With his eyes closed, or pretended to be close, he looked so vulnerable in front of me. One hell of a studly college hunk in front of a freshman to devour.

My cock was hard. I adjusted it through my jeans. My clothes were not ready to be stripped off yet. It would freak Jeff out, if another naked male skin were to touch his. It was too early. I had to take it slow.

I kneeled on the bed, careful enough to touch Jeff, at any part of the body, except for his legs, or hips. He even shuddered at the latter.

Ready or not, my palm cupped his shaft, which had softened a little since. Jeff's body tensed up. I gave him a handjob. Nothing fancy, just a normal stroke. That slowed down whatever left over resistance of his. His chests were still rising and falling fast. Jeff was not hundred percent relax yet.

I lied on my side, with one hand still stroking the kingly thick meat. I could see it responding. Jeff was more receptive now. I paced up the stroke...

His thighs tensed up, telling me that I had touched his sensitive spots around the head. Now, to get down to business.

As I held the base, feeling his pubic hair on my fingers, his cock was standing semi-hard at 7 inches. I knew it could grow longer. I ran the tip of my tongue, along Jeff's thick shaft. A soft moan escaped his lips.

I continued to lick his shaft a few times, from the base to the tip of his cockhead. Jeff shuddered a few times, but never once he asked me to stop. I played my tongue around his mushroom cockhead - just twirling around my tongue, wetting the private spot.

Jeff's cock seemed to respond well to that, and it was hard enough to stand straight. The cock looked like it had gained another inch.

And now, for the task. I opened my lips and took his cock into my mouth. Jeff's hips thrust forward, tensed. But I was not letting go. I engulfed his shaft with my mouth, wetting his cock with warm saliva in my mouth. I felt Jeff's cockhead expanded in my mouth. Jeff liked it. His palms turned into fists, grabbing his bed sheet. He was suppressing his groan.

I sucked Jeff, hard. Even with my mouth covering as much as I could, I still had enough of his base to hold on to. I let Jeff's cock go with a soft pop sound.

"Wow! How big?" I asked, staring at the giant in front of me. Damn! Jeff was really big!! Bigger than Jake?

"9 1/2. I don't know..." Jeff answered. His eyes were still closed, but his body was shivering.

I placed my mouth back on his cock, sliding down his thick shaft with my lips. Jeff shuddered. I pulled back up, not letting go of his shaft, until my lips felt the sides of his mushroom cockhead. Jeff shook. He was sensitive there. I worked my lips around the edge of his cockhead. Jeff became more tense. He was holding his moan.

I twirled my lips around that area more rapidly. It was too much for him. His lips parted and let out restrained groans.

"Ahhh... ahh.. Leo, I can't..." Jeff moaned, but I was not about to let him cum yet. I pulled his cock out of my mouth, and watched him.

His eyes were open, and he was staring at me, amazed. His breathing were fast.

"I.. I.." he tried to say.

"Didn't know I was that good?" I completed his sentence for him cheekily, with a grin.

I was right. He did not deny my words.

"Watch this," I told him, as I positioned myself on my knees and put his cock back into my mouth. Jeff was getting a thrill of this. This time, he was not shutting his eyes. He watched as part of his cock was engulfed in my mouth. And neither was he shy of his groan anymore. I heard one when my tongue touched his shaft.

But I did not plan to stop there. I had done it with Jake, and I knew I could do it again. I was ready.

I took more of Jeff into my mouth. Inch by inch, I gagged myself with that college hunk's meat. I swallowed more of that thick cock into me, and I knew Jeff could feel his big cockhead pressed against the opening of my throat. And I was not stopping there. I relaxed myself, and slid Jeff's 9 inches into my throat.

"Woh.. woh.. I don't believe. Oh fuck..." Jeff yelped, obviously with joy.

I deep-throated Jeff, the way I had done to then a surprise Jake.

I pulled Jeff's cock, feeling his shaft sliding out against my throat, and then all the way out of my mouth. I held that giant prize in my hand, giving it a few strokes.

Jeff was amazed. I had to lick my lips. Jeff's hard cock did taste good.

I smiled at Jeff. I knew guys like him. Sex was sex, and this was like a new discovery for him. I knew he had liked this tryout.

I kissed his cock, and then his hips. My hand pushed Jeff's torso down, telling him to enjoy himself. And before he could react, I pulled my shirt off. He had gone far enough to accept this next level.

Jeff would want me back to sucking his cock badly, that surely me, without my shirt was no threat to his 'no-gay' bullshit. I placed my lips back onto his hips, and kissed a few spots. My hand was still pressed on his chests, but this time, it was moving around, feeling Jeff's pecs with my palm. Jeff made no protest.

I moved up a bit, and kissed his navel. I licked it teasingly, and at the same time, I stroked his cock gently with my other hand, to remind him of the reward, if he would co-operate. He got the message.

I moved my lips up, kissing the lines of his 6 pecks, tracing a bit here and there, with the tip of my tongue. Jeff's body was trembling again. But he liked it. His cock pulsed in my grip.

And when my tongue reached his right pec, I bit his nipple gently. Jeff shook his body again. Catching his nipple between my teeth, I pulled it playfully, before letting it go. The tip of my tongue made no wait, and began to play with the nipple. I brushed my tongue against his pinkish nipple, until I heard a soft groan from him. It was then I sucked the nipple hard, to which Jeff let out a little yelp of joy.

I moved to his other chest, his other nipple, but this time, it meant I had to press my chests against his torso. Jeff did not object. I licked and kissed the other nipple too.

But I did not stop there. My lips continued to kiss Jeff's body, from his nipple upward, where I reached his neck. I paused, to see Jeff's reaction, but Jeff just stared at the ceiling. He knew what I wanted. And I knew he wanted me to finish my job of sucking him, so he had to obey.

The tip of my tongue touched his skin, and made a trace all the way, slowly. I kissed his Adam's apple, before I came to his chin, and sucked that jaw lightly. I moved up. I was on top of him. My naked chests against his, and Jeff's eyes were looking back into mine.

God! He had such lovely blue eyes.

I planted a kiss on Jeff. His eyes were still open, willingly to let me have my way.

His lips were dry, but to me, it was like tasting a desirable forbidden fruit. I smiled. Jeff just kept silent.

That was enough for me, for now.

I got up, and went back to his awaiting cock. Time to finish up the job.

I took Jeff's dick into my mouth. Jeff groaned, approvingly. I began to pump his hard shaft with my mouth, moving my lips up and down that thick meat. Jeff was overjoyed. His hips began to thrust towards me, trying to keep up with my rhythm.

Bit by bit I pushed him into my mouth, until my lips were near the base. His cock had entered my throat. My left hand was pressed on his pubic hair, while my right was separating his thighs. Jeff was willingly to part his thighs. He could not care. He was moaning.

My right hand caressed his thigh, as my wet finger inched closer to his buns. As I pulled more of Jeff into my throat, my naughty fingers found his asscrack, and my middle finger began to play with his asshole. It was merely touching the ring.

Jeff was too obsessed with his cock, plunged deep into my throat, to be bothered with my further exploration of his body. I had made him my slave. He had trusted me.

My throat was tight for his cock pumping. Jeff loved it. Everytime when he shoved his cock forward, there was a moan of approval. He was mumbling yeah to himself.

Jeff was about to cum. He sped up his fucking, assaulting my throat.

"Leo, I am cumming... I am cumming.."

With that warning, instead of pulling his cock out, as he had expected, I shoved my middle finger into his ass. Jeff screamed. His cock stiffened even harder. My throat was forced to expand bigger. Gushes of his load were felt pumped inside my throat.

"Take it out! Ahh... Take it out! Ahhhhhh..." Jeff yelped again and again. But his shaft never lost a second of hardness. In fact, it felt more like a solid wood, pumping endless stream of cum inside me.

I did pull my finger out, at the same when I pulled my mouth away from his groin. His hard cock flopped onto his stomach, as he pulled away from me.

Jeff sat up, taking one pillow to cover his groin.

"Shit, man! Why didn't you warn me?!" he asked, still in disbelief.

"Like it?" I asked him.

Jeff looked at my fingers, as if he was wondering which one entered him just now. He moved his pillow a bit, to look at his cock, which I knew was still hard.

"Well.. it's still hard," he told me.

"Best one you ever had?" I asked again. I was surprise I sounded cocky myself.

Jeff refused to answer that question. He looked away, trying to look angry, but I was still waiting for his answer. One more look at his cock, he turned that piss-off expression to a smirk. I knew he liked it. It was the best orgasm for me too when I first tried it.

"Want another round?" I asked him. I knew it was redundant to ask, but I wanted to hear him answering.

Jeff looked at his still hard cock, and then at me. He grinned. It was a yes.

I knelt on all four, lowering my lips to his groin. Jeff pushed the pillow aside, and welcomed my mouth. His long cock was lying mightily, awaiting my service.

I licked him. My tongue played his shaft, but instead of going up, my tongue slid down, lower and lower, until the tip of my tongue tasted his nuts. My eyes looked up. Jeff was supporting his body up with his elbows. He was waiting, to see how far I would go.

I was not about to disappoint him. I licked his ball, and then the other. His body let out a little tremble.

"Wohhhh..." I heard him sighed.

I pressed my nose against his balls, and my lips were nibbled them at the same time. I opened my mouth, and took one ball into it. Jeff must had loved the warm and wet feeling. Another soft groan was heard. I treated the other one too, before moving back to his thick, hard shaft.

Jeff was harder, from my attention on his balls. I placed his cock into my mouth, and sucked him hard, tasting his cum, which had not completely dried. It was salty, but I loved it, coz it was Jeff's. I had this stud's cum in my mouth.

My hands were feeling his naked body. But I ran one down, pressing and feeling his fleshy ass. I squeezed it, causing Jeff to yelp. My fingers worked their ways back to his asscrack, and found their place again, at his asshole.

Jeff did not fight away. He knew where my fingers were, and he knew what I was going to do.

"Turn around," I told him.


"Trust me..." I told him again.

Reluctant to break away from the blowjob I was giving him, and hesitating too, Jeff turned. He lied down on his front, displaying his absolutely beautiful ass to me.

I wet my middle finger, and played his ass ring again. Just wetting it. Jeff was lying still, still unsure. I repeated. He was showing some respond. He had pushed his ass slightly up, opening him more for me.

With both hands, I pressed his buns outwards. Slowly, I went down. My tongue licked his ass, right at the opening of his anus. Jeff's body thrust forward a bit, shocked of my wet tongue.

"Woh..." he repeated.

But he moved back to his position again, when he realised it was only my tongue.

"You like that?" I asked, but even without him answering, I had gone back to eating his ass. My tongue kept attacking his crack, leaving it as wet as possible. One hand reached down, and found Jeff's giant dick. I pumped him, while my tongue tried to fuck him.

Jeff pushed his hips up, to give me more space to stroke his cock. I was still pushing my face onto his ass. I was breathing him. My tongue just loved his buns, and his balls too. The next thing I knew, Jeff was on all four, and I was still eating him.

While one hand was pumping him, my other hand fumbled to unbutton my jeans. My hard cock sprang free as soon as the third button was released. I struggled and got the jeans off. I was bare naked, sitting on Jeff's bed, eating Jeff's ass.

Jeff was hard. I licked my finger, before playing with Jeff's crack. My other hand was still pumping Jeff's cock. Slowly, I slid my finger in. Jeff's cock stiffened. His body jerked forward, before it returned to took more of my finger in. I kissed his bum, as my finger began to work Jeff's ass. I was finger-fucking Jeff. His cock throbbed even more. I could feel his shaft thickening each time my finger was jabbed in.

I slid a second finger in.

"Ahhh..." Jeff yelped out in ecstasy. I could feel his cockhead bloating. His abs raised up, and then down, wriggling his body, at the mercy of my fucking fingers.

He wanted them. It made him hard. I knew he would shoot far this time. His cock kept straining hard when I poked my fingers in deeper.

But I did not want it to end that way. I got up and knelt behind him.

I held my cock and positioned its purple mushroom head at Jeff's crack. Before Jeff knew what I had intended to do next, I plunged my cock into Jeff.

Jeff was shocked. He trembled, and this time he tried to escape. I held his hips close to my groin, refusing to let go. My thick cock was raping his ass. I pushed more of myself into him. I had him. I had fucked him.

"No..." he groaned, and I did not thrust any further. I kept my cock buried inside this straight college jock. I knew his groan would stop. Cock, or fingers, Jeff was fucked, and he liked things up his ass. His orgasm would be higher.

I bent forward, leaning on his sweaty back, which was still heaving up and down. He turned his head, when he felt my chests on his back.

"I'm gonna go slowly..." I whispered to his ear.

"But..." he tried to protest.

"Try it..." I answered back.

Slowly, I pushed a little by little, my hard cock into him.

I felt his anal opening more. It was tight, alright, the way I loved to fuck anyone. My cock inched slowly, invading more of his virgin ass. But before he would fight back, my hand reached down, and held his hard cock in my palm. Slowly, matching my rhythm of thrusting my cock forward, and back a bit, I pumped his cock. I laid my weight on his back, crushing him slightly.

Jeff was getting a hang of this. His cock did not lie. It was still throbbing hard.

I began to pump his ass faster. My breath was getting harder, and I was breathing in the smell of Jeff's sweat. I bit his ear, which caused him to groan even more.

As my dick slid in and parted his anus, Jeff groaned. He, too, was getting more excited.

I fucked him harder. His groans became louder, and before I knew, his body tensed up, and his shaft thickened, as he pumped out loads and loads of cum.

"Ahhhh.. ahhhh.. Fuck! Arghhhhh!" Jeff groaned one last time, before he buried in head onto his pillow.

I could not hold back any longer. I let go off Jeff's cock, and wrapped my arms around his hard body, as I shot my cum inside Jeff's ass. My body was trembling too, and the climax was too great.. I bit Jeff's shoulder, as my cock buried itself as deep as it could into Jeff's ass, for the last time that night.

The next morning, I woke up drowsy, Jeff was still asleep on his side, bare naked. His beautiful ass was inviting me to intrude again, but I just wanted to get out of there. I came to do what I had wanted. Jeff was an asshole, and it was a pleasure for me to nail his sorry ass.

But what was even sweeter was that I nailed my dad's friend's son. Separating Jake and me was not going to stop me from having male sex. I was not sorry I had gone back again to gay sex. In fact, Jeff was a good fuck. I loved his ass.

I had played dirty to get sex. And the reality was I liked it. I liked the feel of having power over another. I love to manipulate Jeff. Jeff's tight ass was mine, and if I played the game carefully, I could have it again. Quietly, after wearing back my clothes, I left my sweet prey on his bed. I knew he would come back for more. It was only a matter of when.

THE END. Date completed: 9 Feb 2003

Well, I hope you all like it. If you do, talk to me at

I will be glad to hear from anyone, even short comments. Please ask for permission if you want to use my story.

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