Straight Submission

By ed.xmg@4831198

Published on Dec 7, 2019


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Straight Submission, Part 1

"Is anyone sitting here?"

"Doesn't look like it."

David set his tray down on the table and sat down opposite Andrew, who was finishing off his meal and, aside his answer, had barely even registered David's presence. He looked up briefly, wondering why David had chosen to sit opposite him when there were clearly other places to sit in the university refectory. The refectory was busy, but by no means full. Andrew was quite sure that he didn't know the boy who had just sat down. He was just about to go back to finishing his meal when a girl's hand was laid softly on his shoulder.

"Andrew! Just who I was looking for," the girl exclaimed.

Andrew put another fork of food in his mouth and looked up, blushing slightly when he saw the girl looking down at him, her hand still on his shoulder. He stopped chewing and just looked up at her with his mouth half full.

"I wish I could catch that on film," she laughed, lifting her hand to stroke his cheek, which caused Andrew's face to redden even more. He turned to look at David with a sheepish expression on his face, embarrassed that another male was witnessing the effect this girl was having on him. He longed to show the bravado that some of his male friends displayed in situations like these. He quickly finished chewing what was in his mouth and swallowed, before looking back up at the girl.

"What can I do for you, Heather?" he asked, hoping that she would take the opportunity to sit down next to him.

"I need the notes for yesterday's lecture. I missed it. Did you go?"

Andrew nodded, pulled a folder out of his rucksack and started leafing through its contents. David was watching Andrew carefully. He was surprised at the effect the girl was having on Andrew. He knew the reason for his surprise and felt a sudden need to get to the bottom of it. He knew that it was none of his business, and he didn't really know Andrew. But for some unexplainable reason, his curiosity was getting the better of him.

"Here you are," Andrew said, laying a sheet of A4 on the table.

"No one takes notes like you do," Heather declared, pulling out her smartphone. "It's true what they say," she went on as she activated the camera on the device and took a few shots of the notes, "you're so much more than just a stunningly handsome face."

While she took the photo David watched Andrew swallow, clearly battling with himself. The girl hadn't even noticed David sitting there, despite the fact that they had seen each other before. She only had eyes for Andrew, and this was quite clearly mutual.

"Er... well... that's good to know, thanks," he stumbled.

"How much more?" David asked suddenly, causing Andrew and Heather to turn to look at him, neither of them looking as though they welcomed the interruption.

"Er... look..." Andrew began, before Heather interrupted him.

"Stand up!" she said.

"What...?!" Andrew said, his face reddening again. He had no idea what Heather was planning and wasn't sure whether he wanted to find out with the other boy watching his every reaction.

"Come on, get up!" she said, tugging at the shoulder of his t-shirt. "Do as you're told."

Andrew slowly got up. Heather took him by the arm, her hand caressing his muscular bicep, and led him to the side of the table, providing David with a full-body view of him.

"Have you ever seen legs like that?" she asked David, gesturing towards Andrew's legs, which were now fully on display. He was wearing what looked like rugby shorts. They were so short that they displayed Andrew's muscular, hairy legs in their entirety, from his ankles right up to his upper thighs.

"OK, that's enough," Andrew started, trying to free himself so that he could sit back down. Heather would hear nothing of it. Her hand continued to grip his bulging bicep, and she quickly lifted her other to pinch Andrew's nipple through his t-shirt, holding on to it for a moment and squeezing it between her fingers. Andrew immediately grunted with a startled expression on his face, doubling up as though he had just taken a punch to the stomach. His hands went straight to his crotch to cover up any sign of the reaction that Heather's treatment was having on him. Heather used the opportunity to swing him around to face away from David.

Andrew stayed in his half doubled-up position, both hands gripping his crotch, trying desperately to cover the erection that was now stretching the fabric of his rugby shorts. He stared across the room at the clock on the wall, trying to think of something that would make his erection subside.

David watched in fascination. Heather clearly had all of the confidence that Andrew lacked. David wasn't yet sure whether he liked it, but there was something about the way she was dominating and manipulating this masculine young man that, for the time being, had him captivated.

"The thing is," Heather went on, none of us can decide which view is the best - from the front or the... rear," she said, landing a firm slap on his right upper thigh as she emphasised the last word.

"Come on, David," she said, gesturing towards Andrew's arse which was stuck out in David's direction, due to the position Andrew was in, "he obviously wants us to spank him. Do you want to spank him first or shall I?"

The thought of being spanked by Heather wasn't an entirely unwelcome scenario for Andrew, but there was no way he wanted this to happen in the middle of the refectory, where he could see people watching in amusement. On top of that, she now seemed to be offering his firm behind up to another male for a spanking.

"No, get off..." Andrew said, pulling himself from Heather's grip and rushing back to his chair with his hands still covering his crotch. Heather was clearly enjoying herself, and David just couldn't help smiling at the display. It was only when Andrew was properly seated with his crotch safely hidden from view below the table that he removed his hands.

"The five of us over there," she said, gesturing towards another table where four other girls were sitting and watching the spectacle, clearly enjoying it, "had a vote on who has the best legs. The result was unanimous, a bit like election results in North Korea. But MUCH nicer." She gave Andrew a wink.

"See you later, Heather..." Andrew mumbled, still blushing while he put the sheet of paper with lecture notes back into its folder before returning the folder to his rucksack.

"Ah, come on... you're not cross with me, are you...?" Heather said, looking at Andrew with puppy-dog eyes.

"No, you're OK," he said shyly, pulling the zip shut on his rucksack and looking back up at Heather, still blushing and making a feeble attempt at a smile.

"See you around," she said, leaning down and planting a kiss on his cheek. His blushing had just started to subside and now returned.

Andrew looked down at his plate in confusion as he heard Heather return to her friends. He could hear them jeering and congratulating Heather, and he wondered whether this had all been a bet. He actually liked Heather. He liked her a lot, which was the reason he behaved the way he did in her presence. He doubted whether many girls were into boys who reacted the way he did, Heather included. He felt a sense of anger over the fact that another boy had witnessed the humiliating scene.

He looked up at the boy and was surprised to see him watching Andrew, still smiling at what had just occurred and with a questioning look on his face.

"Sorry... just... er... pretend you didn't see any of that..." Andrew mumbled.

"She likes you!" David answered. "And you seem to like her, surprisingly..."

He was interrupted by Andrew, who instantaneously turned into the man he'd clearly wanted to be in Heather's presence.

"What the hell do you mean?" Andrew snapped. "Just what is so 'surprising' about that?"

Now it was David's turn to blush. The last word had just slipped out unintentionally.

"Sorry... I just..."

"Just what?" Andrew asked with a slightly aggressive undertone, looking straight at him. David noted the sudden appearance of a confident, outgoing and determined male, you could almost say alpha male, if it weren't for the scene he had just witnessed with Heather. .

"It's not what I..." David's voice trailed off. He was lost for words. There was no way that he would have let on what his suspicions had been about Andrew. It was unbelievable how just one word could slip out and open up a can of worms.

Andrew studied David for the first time since he had sat down. In just the same way Andrew had gone from a shy boy to an alpha male within seconds, David had now gone from the alpha who Andrew had feared may take the chance to spank him to a deer caught in the headlights.

"Look... sorry," Andrew said. "Just tell me. Be honest. I think I know what you'd been thinking, but just come out with it. Spill the beans. I won't give you any hassle. Maybe I can just put you right on a few things.

David wondered for a moment whether to come clean. It was true that he had been curious to know what was behind what he'd heard about Andrew. It wasn't anything he minded; after all, this was the twenty-first century. It was just that none of it seemed to fit together, and it had become a riddle that kept nagging at him. The scene he had just witnessed now felt like the straw that broke the camel's back, so why not seize the moment and ask him. He swallowed. He took a breath and looked up at Andrew, who was now looking less threatening.

"Okay... I heard something... about you and Bruno." He stopped talking when he saw Andrew subconsciously roll his eyes on hearing that name and wondered whether these may be nothing more than idle rumours.

"Go on..." Andrew said.

"Yeah... and so now I wondered... well, it's none of my business actually, but I couldn't understand..."

"Understand what?" Andrew pressed him.

"Well, not that it matters, but what I saw just now made me wonder if you swing both ways." That's it, now it was out.

"And why are you so interested in who I'm sexually attracted to?" Andrew enquired, looking across the table at David with narrowed eyes.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not into men at all, that's not it," David said quickly. "Not that it matters."

"You're right, it doesn't," Andrew answered. "But even if you were, there would be nothing wrong in that."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I honestly don't have a problem with that. A cousin of mine is 100% gay and I've never been bothered by it."

"So you're not coming onto me?" Andrew asked with a grin, before continuing: "Because I can't take more than one scene a day in the middle of the refectory. We'd have to take this elsewhere."

David looked at Andrew carefully and saw that he was trying not to smile.

"So you are..."

"No I'm not," Andrew said indignantly. "I'm just arsing around with you, no pun intended."

This made David laugh and he started to relax.

"So... can I still ask you?"

"I'm still waiting for you to pop whatever question it is you have," Andrew replied with a final glance towards his plate to check he'd finished his meal.

"Are you saying you're 100% straight?"

"Yep. So what is it you heard? Just come out with it. Again, no pun intended..."

"Well, someone said that stuff goes on between you and Bruno."

"What stuff?"

"Sexual stuff."


"Well... is it true, then? I mean, if you're 100%..."

"Yes, I'm 100%. But Bruno has... look, can you just keep this to yourself? Not everyone is as open as you."

"Yeah, my lips are sealed," David assured him.

"I'm 100%, that's true. And Bruno is 100% not straight, and he has certain... how can I put it... privileges."

David stared at Andrew for a moment, checking to see that he was being serious.

"You're not taking the piss, are you?" he asked.

"No, but I get why it's hard to get your head around it. But he's my best friend, and our friendship goes back a long way. As far as I'm concerned, we both would have ended up being best friends whatever our sexuality. But he's someone who means a lot to me, and who I also admire and respect more than anyone else."

"So you let him..." David started, looking towards Andrew to let him finish the sentence. But Andrew just looked at him with raised eyebrows, waiting for David to finish. "So you let him have his way with you?"

Andrew laughed, before thinking for a moment and replying: "I suppose you could put it like that."

David wondered just what Andrew let Bruno do with him. Or to him. But he wasn't sure whether he was ready to ask that yet.

"But isn't it weird having sex with someone you're not attracted to?"

"No," Andrew said decisively. "I am attracted to him, but not sexually. We're such good friends that I can even say that I love him. I'd hate life without his friendship; that's how much he means to me. He accepts that I'm straight, but he's always loved me in the same way I love him. And more. He's always felt a physical attraction towards me, and when he first realised he was attracted to boys, I kind of let him use me in order to find out. I suppose the habit just stuck."

"So you must have enjoyed it?"

"Er... I can't say that I minded it. It's a bit like having kids and watching a Disney film with them. It's stuff you wouldn't normally do as an adult but it's not about the stuff, it's about the kid involved. You know it's important to them, so it's important to you, because of them."

David stared at Andrew, impressed by how the analogy helped him understand exactly what Andrew was getting at.

"Come on, er... what was your name?"

"David," he replied, noting that he'd known who Andrew was, but Andrew didn't seem to have been aware of his existence.

"OK, David. Has there never been a situation where you might have ended up doing something with another man, despite him being a man?"

"Oh," David began before looking away.

"So the answer to that is clearly affirmative," Andrew laughed.

"Well, until just now it would have been negative," David said, looking back at Andrew. "But what Heather did to you just now..."

"Which bit?"

"Well, when she did so little to get complete control over your body and had you standing right here, bent over as if you were waiting for a spanking."

"OK, so we're both the type that would enjoy getting spanked by Heather," Andrew began.

"No!" David interrupted him. "I admit I was turned on by the way she had full control over you, and for a moment you let her have that control. Then she offered me the chance to spank you."

"Aha. So now you've realised you want to spank me?" Andrew said, with a knowing grin.

"No." David struggled with his words. He hadn't been sure whether he would ever end up asking Andrew the things that had been plaguing his curiosity. Now, here he was having a conversation with Andrew, but he never would have envisaged it going down this path. Still, in light of Andrew's honesty so far, as well as the fact that he seemed perfectly comfortable sharing stuff that would probably shock others, the least David could do was return the honesty. "It was the control she had over you. She wanted to offer you up for a spanking. And she offered you to me, for me to spank you. That seemed to mean that she was pegging me as the alpha and determining that I could put you, the non-alpha, over my knee and give you a spanking under her watch..." He stopped in mid-sentence, surprised by what he now found himself saying, and realising that he was starting to feel aroused. He shifted around on his chair uncomfortably. He wondered if he'd gone too far and looked up at Andrew, who was sitting there grinning at him.

"This is turning you on," Andrew laughed.

"Well..." David began.

"It's okay, it's turning me on as well," Andrew replied, moving around in an attempt to relieve his discomfort. "And that's a lot more uncomfortable in these rugby shorts than it is in those trousers you're wearing. But I get what you're saying."

"Get what exactly?" David asked.

"Her pegging us as alpha and beta, you being the alpha and me being the beta, as decided by her, and her using her authority to hand me over to you so that you can give me a spanking."

"And that doesn't bother you at all?"

"Not in the slightest," Andrew laughed. "I'm perfectly comfortable with who I am, so I'm more than happy to be pegged as the beta and to submit to you, if you're the designated alpha. I just wouldn't want her to do it here in front of everyone."

"Yeah, I get that. That's the only bit that would have bothered me," David admitted.

"You see?" Andrew said, looking at David with a told-you-so expression."

"See what?"

"Well... are you 100% straight?"

David nodded his head vigorously before Andrew went on.

"So you have zero attraction to men, but now you're sitting here telling me that you like the idea of having power over me, of putting me over your lap and giving me a spanking. And the problem you have with the idea of spanking me and making me submit to you has nothing to do with the fact that you're 100% straight, or with either of us being straight; your only problem is that you want to spank me in private. You want to have me to yourself."

David actually felt a little intimidated by this revelation. There was more than a bit of truth in what Andrew was saying, and Andrew was now leaning across the table looking straight at him.

"You know what...?" David began.

"What?" Andrew laughed. "Are you about to ask me to your room so you can spank me? Or did you want to arrange to spank me on a regular basis? You don't need to tell me, you want me to wear rugby shorts... They're all I'm allowed to wear anyway..."

"Is that what you want?" David blurted out, annoyed that Andrew was side-tracking him from what he'd wanted to say.

"Not particularly," Andrew stated, "although I suppose I'd go along with it if you insisted, if it helped you discover something about yourself. But that wasn't my point. Do you now see what I mean about situations that may lead to physical or sexual interaction with other males, despite you not being physically attracted to them? Heather made you want to get me over your lap, and you presumably wanted to pull my rugby shorts down and spank my bare arse. And you would have enjoyed planting red handprints on my bare arse and watching them accumulate and leaving me with a crimson-red arse. The spanking you administered to my tender bottom, the ripe fruit of your manual labour, your very own powerful signature, which I'd have no choice but to feel over the next few days every time I sit down. And you would have enjoyed the feeling of owning my arse, and of continuing to own it for as long as I can still feel the spanking you gave me. I just wanted to get that point across.

"Yeah, I get it," David replied uneasily, continuing to shift around on his chair, still unable to comprehend why he was feeling quite so aroused. Andrew's brief interrogation had made David aware of things he was yet, if ever, to understand.

"I just enjoyed turning the spotlight around to face you," Andrew went on. "And I don't think you'd been expecting that. So what was it you'd been about to say?"

"Ah, right..." David looked back at the confident, outgoing boy Heather had so cruelly humiliated. It was like observing two entirely different people. "You know... I think she gets off on humiliating you."

"Tell me something I don't know," Andrew laughed wryly.

"Do you wish you could be more open with her? I mean... more confident and less reserved, like you are with me now?"

Andrew pondered for a moment before replying.

"I'd love to," he admitted. "But I don't seem to have that much control over it. I'm incredibly attracted to her. You're just another bloke. I can be myself with you. That's why I can talk so openly about how much you seem to want to spank me."

"I never said..." David began, a bit more aggressively than he'd intended. He paused for a moment, gradually giving in to the fact that Andrew was right. If Heather handed Andrew over to David for a spanking, he would fulfil Heather's request, putting Andrew over his knee and spanking him for as long as he deemed necessary. He imagined having removed and confiscated Andrew's shorts, requiring Andrew to be naked until David was prepared to give Andrew his shorts back and allow him to get dressed. Andrew had been chosen by Heather to be the beta, David's beta, because she made David the alpha. David forgot how angry he had been at Andrew's statement and altered his position again on his chair, wishing his state of arousal would subside. When he looked back at Andrew, he saw him grinning across the table at him again, and David couldn't help but laugh.

They were suddenly interrupted by Heather's renewed presence.

"Andrew, darling," she cooed.

David watched as Andrew's face froze on hearing Heather's arrival. Andrew then turned in her direction, holding up his hands as if to keep her at a safe distance.

"Now now, Andrew," she scolded him with a mock domina voice, "You know that when you resist it just makes it so much more fun for me."

David had to laugh. He couldn't help it. Within seconds the intimidated, blushing Andrew was back. Heather heard David laugh and turned to him.

"Didn't I ask you to give him a spanking when I was last over here? You know he needs it. He knows he needs it."

"Yeah, I know that and he knows that perfectly well," David answered with a laugh, causing Andrew to look at him with alarm.

"Okay then, well why don't you go and get over his knee, Andrew..." she began, before scarlet-faced Andrew interrupted her.

"Stop it, Heather. What is it you want?"

"It's not me, it's the girls," she replied, gesturing over to her table, where the four girls were sitting and watching the encore, laughing and nudging each other.

"What... they want to spank him too?" David asked, looking at Heather.

Heather looked back at David, raising her eyebrows in surprise.

"I think they'd like that, but I'm sure they'd enjoy it much more to watch you spanking him," she laughed, allowing her gaze to roam over David's powerful physique.

Andrew wanted to get up and leave, but the erection that continued to rage in his rugby shorts prevented him from doing so. Furthermore, he wouldn't have put it past Heather to seize the opportunity to start spanking his upper thighs again or even pull his shorts down. On top of that, the prospect of her getting David to spank him felt much more plausible than it had been during her last visit to the boys' table.

"Well, it's a tough task, but I suppose someone's going to have to do it," David began, winking at Andrew.

"That's enough!" Andrew said, looking around to see if people were watching the scene. He was surprised to see that, with the exception of Heather's friends, who were just out of earshot anyway, the people at the surrounding tables had turned their attention back to each other and were oblivious to the scene Heather was creating.

Heather enjoyed humiliating Andrew and suspected that he enjoyed being humiliated by her, but she didn't want to overdo it and anger him, at least not yet, so she turned the conversation back to her initial question.

"Can the girls have a photo of your..." Heather couldn't resist pausing and waiting for Andrew's embarrassment to return before going on, "...of your lecture notes?"

"Just give them..." Andrew began, before David interrupted him.

"That's a lot to ask," David said, the confidence he easily displayed in Heather's presence filling Andrew with envy.

"Is it, now?" Heather asked, looking at David with the beginning of a smile on her face. "Are you saying they're all going to have to spank it out of him?"

David laughed and replied: "If they want to spank Andrew, we all know he's powerless to stop that, which would seem to leave that up to them." He looked over to Andrew, who was looking down at the table, clearly at a loss, while shifting around once again on his chair. "But for the moment I reckon a coffee should do it," David finished.

"A coffee?" Heather asked, surprised.

"Yeah, an espresso, right Andrew?"

"Er... yeah, ta'..." Andrew mumbled without looking up from the table.

"Better make it a double one," David added, looking towards Heather.

"Double espresso it is," Heather replied, looking first at the boy she had once again humiliated, then looking to David. "Can I get one for the punisher as well?"

"That would be nice," David replied.

"Wouldn't a double for the punisher and a single for the spankee be more fitting?" Heather asked David, with a mischievous look on her face. "We don't want him to forget his place."

"I like the idea, but I think he needs the double one right now. If we're not going to spank him here and now, at least the espresso will give him a good kick up the arse."

"Deal," Heather said with enthusiasm. "Be a good boy while I'm away, and do as you're told," she said to Andrew with a nod in David's direction, before going off to get the coffee.

"You bastard," Andrew said quietly, only now looking up from the table.

"You're hard, aren't you?" David grinned.

Andrew paused for a second before shaking his head in resignation and replying: "Yeah."

Next: Chapter 2

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